
By kaialovexo

3.6K 112 14

"What are you hiding, Jacob?" "Emily's pregnant," he blurted. "He told me not to tell you but I thought you d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 4

209 5 0
By kaialovexo

Since it was nearly impossible for us to leave La Push after we all phased, a bunch of the boys opened a garage to keep their hands busy and the cash flowing. Being wolf pays jack shit. Jacob, Quil, Embry, and Paul had become thick as thieves once they realized that they could actually run a successful business. And then Wolf Motors was born.

I walked up to the shop in a pair of short shorts, a black tank top, and some old, ratty, black combat boots. My hair...was a wreck. I had literally rolled out of bed and ran my hands through it before leaving the house. As I approached the shop, I heard Travis Scott blaring through the Bluetooth speakers.

Was off the Remy, had a Papoose
Had to hit my old town to duck the news
Two four hour lockdown, we made no moves
Now it's 4 AM and I'm back up poppin' with the crew

I heard their loud laughter and tools clinking against some kind of metal. I spotted Jake just as he was bending over an old pick up. His dirty jeans were tight on his ass and, man, did it look good.

"Yo, I'm telling you, her tits were fake. There's no way they were sat up like that!" I heard Embry say over the music. I looked around the shop at the guys, all of their heads under hoods, and made my way for Jacob. I grazed his behind with my hand before hopping on the metal table a few feet behind him. I watched him jump at the contact and whip around. When he saw me, his face lit up. I cocked an eyebrow at him with a small smirk on my face.

"Leah!" he exclaimed. He placed his torque wrench in a red toolbox and stood between my legs. Ever since that night, he had been more open with affection with me. The guys had tons of questions but didn't quite know how to ask them yet, so they usually just watched, confused. Jake gave me a small kiss on the cheek before grabbing a rag close to me to wipe his hands. We weren't together. We had boundaries. We hadn't had sex since that night, but things were changing, and I was kind of ok with it.

Paul came around with a smug look on his face. "Well, aren't you kids cute?"

"Yeah, what's going on with you guys?" Quil asked, shutting the hood of a '67 VW Bug. Jacob smirked before getting back under the hood of the pickup.

"It's top secret." I said, putting my index finger to my lips. We were getting to a point where we would have to tell people what was going on with the Bond and Jacob taking over as Alpha and me becoming Alpha Female. But today is not that day. We were still working on controlling our mind walls and projections. So far, we've learned to project into each other's minds, but never tried to project into the others. Mostly because none of them knew. How pissed would Paul be if I just placed a little thought in his head? I thought to Jacob.

He chuckled and shook his head, only I could see it. Behave, was all he said back. "No, seriously though, what's going on with you two? Attached at the hip, sneaking off to secret meetings with the Elders, all the..." Paul waved his hand around with a disgusted look on his face. "affection." He concluded.

Jacob asked me to hand him a pair of pliers, holding out his hand. He was ignoring Paul. Somehow, that was the best way to interact with Paul. After he imprinted on one of Jacob's older sisters, Jacob and Paul became like law and in pack and...whatever. They quickly became best friends. I handed Jake the pliers before hopping back on the table and crossing my legs. I usually only came when he was working by himself. To say the sexual tension has been strong would be an understatement. There have been countless moments in the last few weeks where I was pinned again someone's car, begging him to fuck me as he ground his hard on against me.

Our wolves' craving for each other grew stronger every day. I wanted him so badly, but we had decided to wait until we absolutely were ready. So, for now, we were learning control ourselves, sexually and otherwise.

Kendrick Lamar's voice replaced Travis Scott's as the boys continued to work. Embry went back to talking about this girl he wanted to hook up with in Port Angeles. His philosophy was that the further out he sought out girls, the less likely he would be to imprint. It was a stupid philosophy, but he came up with it all on his own and that was big for Embry.

I'm a savage, I'm an asshole, I'm a king
Shimmy ya, shimmy ya, shimmy ya, rah
You can tell your man he can meet me outside
You can babysit him when I leave him outside

"Where do you even meet these girls, Embry?" I asked, curiously. I had been working on being looser around the boys than before. I started skipping pack meetings, so I could control my anger. More and more, they started including me in their plans for after patrols and, after a while, I even accepted their invitations sometimes.

"There's a club in Port Angeles called Heat. Best spot in town. And, man, the hotties come out to play." Embry wiggled his eyebrows at me. Jake snorted and shook his head. "I was gonna ask Jake to come out with me, Colin, Brady, and Quil tonight, but..." he trailed off, looking up at me.

I furrowed my brow. "But what? He's free." I gave a small kick to Jacob's behind and watched as his head hit the hood of the rusty, old pickup. His thoughts started to swirl in my head. I couldn't quite catch what he was thinking cohesively. It was all such a scramble. Something about not wanting to be free and how he couldn't even think about fucking another girl. And then it went quiet again. His wall was back up. "Or maybe not..." I mumbled under my breath.

Jake closed the hood of the pickup and walked around to the driver's side. He started the engine with ease, whooping as it purred, obviously pleased with himself. Job well done. Turning off the engine, he hopped back out of the car and walked towards me. "Nah, I think I'll sit this one out, Em," he said, packing his tools.

"I think you should go!" I chimed. He looked at me funny before continuing to pack his toolbox. Embry pumped his fists in the air at my declaration. Cool Leah wanted for Jake to have fun. He was still young, just turned 21. He had the spirit of an old man, but every once and a while, it was good to not be cooped up in my bedroom for days at a time, watching movies and not fucking. It was Friday night and he hadn't hung out with his friends in three weeks because he spent weekends with me.

"Yeah, you're not tied down, so why don't you want to go?" Paul baited. "Hot plans with a she-wolf?"

Jacob closed his toolbox with a hard slam and sighed. "Alright, fine, I'll go." Embry and Quil were excited to see their friend not flake on a plan. They began to talk over each other about how fucked up they were going to get. Quil, of course, wouldn't get too drunk because he had an imprint playdate in the morning, as he did every Saturday. "Only if Leah comes too."

The boys got quiet. I scoffed. "Uh, no. I'm not going out tonight, guys. Y'all have fun though."

"Why won't you come, Lee? Get all dressed up, grind up on some rando in the corner." Quil simulated a grinding-slash-pelvic thrusting motion with his hips. Paul and Embry laughed at him while Jake shook his head with a smirk on his face. He's taking himself way too seriously right now.

"I don't know, guys..." I ran a hand through my hair. I hadn't been out to a club in so long. I couldn't even remember the last time.

"Well," Jake picked up his wallet and started walking back to the pickup. "Think about it. I have to drop this back off to Bells."

"Bells...? Bella Swan?" I asked, suddenly feeling jealous.

"Yup," he popped the 'p'.

I hate that bitch. I hate her mostly because she hurt Jacob. When the Cullens left the first time, she clung to him so hard that he was starting to lose the sunshine in him. Her energy was making him more angry, more anxious. He gave every part of himself to make her happy and it wasn't enough. It took a couple years for them to come back to her and her little face lit up as if nothing was ever wrong. She was back with her chosen 'family.' Last I heard, she was still living with them. Her and Edward had been planning on getting married but kept pushing off the wedding for some reason. When Jacob found out they were engaged, he disappeared for two weeks.

When he came back, he was bigger, stronger, and angrier. He had lived off the land in some part of Canada and did nothing but run and hunt. The problem was that Bella still felt entitled enough to stick around as if she wasn't the reason why he was hurting. God, I hated her. And my...I mean, Jacob was going to see her. It bugged the fuck out of me.

"On second thought, maybe I will go." I called as he climbed into Bella Swan's pickup truck. He winked at me as he pulled off. Wear something sexy, he projected.


"What the fuck are you doing, Leah?" I mumbled to myself as I finger combed my freshly curled hair to make it looser. When was the last time I got dressed up? I was currently hogging the only bathroom in the house and both Seth and Sue had plenty to say about it. I looked at my face; it was the first time I'd done my makeup since my first phase. My hazel eyes popped against the dark, smoky eyeshadow. I couldn't decide between a nude lipstick that expired forever ago or a deep red lipstick that expired even more forever ago. I tossed them both in the trash and picked up a blush pink lip gloss.

The night had turned into a wolf family affair. The whole pack was coming out, except for Sam, of course. In the back of my closet, I found the one black bodycon dress that still had tags on it. Since phasing, my body had filled out a lot more than I'd ever been before. My breasts went from a small B to a full C, my hips were wider, and my legs were more toned. I pulled the dress up, so my breasts weren't as...busty, and then pulled it down at the bottom hem so that my vagina wasn't visible.

"Aila! The boys are here!" My mom called from downstairs. It was about 11:30 and I could tell she was starting to get cranky. Sue was a nurse and was used to being asleep by 10:00 every night so she could work the early shift. I grabbed my shoes from the bathroom counter and sat on the toilet to put them on. They were just a pair of black pumps, nothing special.

I made my way downstairs, slowly but surely. The boys were getting rowdy downstairs, I could hear all of them laughing and talking over one another. I made it to the bottom of the stairs, pulling my dress down one more time. As I pulled down my dress, I was hit with an image of Jacob ripping it off of me. Fuck, sorry, he projected. I looked up to see him standing next to Paul and Jared who were feeling themselves a little too much. Jake, however, was looking right at me. He was dressed in dark jeans and a black v neck t shirt with a black leather jacket over it. His hands were jammed in his front pockets. The boys one by one turned towards the staircase and then they were all staring at me. I felt so self-conscious. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"What? Do I not look ok?" I asked.

"Damn...Clearwater's actually a girl!" Jared exclaimed, all of their eyes raking up and down my body. "Did anyone else know she had tits?"

Jacob let out a low growl. "Alright, that's enough."

"Guys, c'mon. It's my sister." Seth groaned, standing there in his jeans and t shirt. This was one of his first time's going out. He was only 18, but he looked about 23 years old. Usually when the guys rolled as a pack, there were slim to no questions.

We arrived at the club a little after midnight. Drunken girls hung out on the sidewalk smoking cigarettes and the bouncers looked large and in charge. We all got in without a hitch and soon shots were flowing, and we were actually having a good time. All of the boys with imprints were leaning against the wall with drinks in their hands and nodding to the music. Everyone else was on the dance floor, except for me. I was sitting at the bar watching some belligerently drunk dude try to hit on me.

"Where've you been all my life?" he slurred before leaning on the bar. As 'Nick' reached out to touch my hair, I swatted his hand away. I was sitting at the bar mostly because my feet were killing me, and I wasn't quite ready to be barefoot in this weird ass club. Heat was in full swing; drunk bachelorette party girls were in the center of the dance floor, screaming, "This is my song!" at every song, white dudes in their old college letterman jackets were grinding against their dates. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if some of them were actually fucking on the dance floor. There were a couple of promoters on the stage, popping bottles and entertaining thirsty girls who just wanted free alcohol. And then there was us, tall, tan, and sticking out like sore thumbs.

I glanced over just as Jake and Paul were walking over to me. Jacob glared at Nick before softly shoving him away from me. Nick tripped over the metal stool and shot a look at Jacob. Once he saw how huge the boys were, he backed off. "Why are you over here all by yourself?" Paul asked, grabbing the drink out of my hand.

Snatching it back before he could drink any, I replied, "I just need to give my feet a break."

"Come on, Lee. Dance with me." Jacob held out his hand. I groaned and shook my head. "I'll hold you up," he chuckled.

"Hold up! Shots first! Bartender!" Paul called the bartender and ordered 6 shots, two for each of us. Tequila. "Can I just say..." Paul yelled over the music. "I'm glad to see you out, Clearwater." He clapped Jake on the back before making his way back to the wall with Jared and Quil.

Paul was an anomaly; he was a pig with a soft heart. If you didn't have tough skin, he would definitely hurt your feelings, but he really cared about his family. And after imprinting on Rachel, his soft side was out more than ever.

"Dance with me?" Jake asked again.

Hip hop music blared over the speakers and we made our way over to the dance floor. We began to dance, his hands roaming over my swinging hips. I ran my hands through my hair as I moved my body with his. He grabbed my hand and spun me around, so my back was pressed to his front. His dick was hard. He lowered his head, so his face was in the crook of my neck.

Every time we were together, it was like everything fell away and it was just the two of us. When his hands are on me, I don't think about who's around us or where we are. All I can feel, hear, smell, and see is Jacob. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to be intoxicated with him. I ground my ass into his hard on more and felt him place little kisses on my neck. His hands glided over my bare thighs and my torso.

This is how I'm supposed to be living my life. I'm 22 years old and never had the chance to really be young. Being a wolf, working under my ex, and everything else that's happened to me in the past few years, I felt like I deserved this. I deserved to feel hot and wanted by someone who I wanted. My feelings for Jacob were becoming more complicated and, right now, it didn't matter.

All of a sudden, we were both hit with an unforgettable sickeningly sweet smell. Vampires. Before I knew it, I was standing behind the whole pack as they tried to identify where the smell was coming from. I looked around, in a defensive stance. My senses had been heightened, even more than when we normally interact with vampires. My eyes locked on a couple walking towards the backdoor; the man looked back at the rest of the club with frightening red eyes. I grabbed Jacob by his jacket and pointed towards the door. There's a whole bunch of them, Lee. Not just that one, he projected. I peeked over his shoulder to see 5 pale face vampires lingering around a table with some drunk party girls.

It was very rare for them to come out like this. Usually, they pass through on their way to bigger cities where they wouldn't feel like they're as noticeable. But here they were in Port Angeles and they were hungry.

We have to figure out how to lure them outside, I said. We can't make a scene in front of all of these people.

I know, I'm on it. Get to the one outside. I think that girl was mortal. Jacob told Embry and Paul to go with me. I slipped off my heels and jogged over to the backdoor that led to an alleyway. I could hear the sobs of a woman and strange hissing noises from two vampires. One was blond with his hair slicked back; his slacks and button-down shirt clearly made him stick out against the crowd, but I guess that didn't really matter if this girl still went into a dark alley with him. The other one had long black hair pulled into a ponytail and jeans on. He had a smirk on his face as he watched the girl cower next to a dumpster.

"Please don't hurt me!" the girl cried.

"Hey!" Paul yelled. "You leeches came to the wrong city."

I kept my eyes on the girl, in case they tried to grab her and run. Get them to the wooded area. We'll be there soon, I heard Jacob in my head. I nodded as if he could see me. How do I get Paul and Embry in on the plan? Since it was an emergency, I took a risk to project into them.

Guys? I said. Both of their heads snapped towards me.

"What the fuck?" Paul exclaimed.


Paul and Embry got back into their defensive positions as the vamps slowly made their way towards us. "I knew I smelled a bunch of mutts when we walked in." the blonde one sneered.

I need you guys to get them to the woods. I'll explain later. I said.

Embry sighed and aggressively yanked off his jacket. "Leave the girl alone," he growled. Not having enough time to strip fully, Embry phased just as the vampires launched themselves at him. The dark-haired leech jumped on Embry's back. Paul phased and wrapped his jaws around the vamp's leg and threw him against a brick building. They took off towards the woods, avoiding the streets, the vamps right behind them. I ran to the girl to help her. She was crouched beside the dumpster, pressing herself against the brick wall as much as she could. I bent down to meet her green eyes.

"Hi sweetie, what's your name?" I said softly. I held out my hand and flinched when she cowered away from me. "I'm here to help...what's your name?" I asked again.

"Bianca," she managed to squeak out between sobs. She hesitantly took my hand and allowed me to pull her up. She started sobbing again as she remembered what just happened to her. "What the hell was that?! What were those...things?!"

Just as she asked, Jake and the other burst out of the backdoor with the other vampires close behind. The vampires were throwing punches and launching themselves at the pack. I grabbed her and ran to the front of the building. "I need you to listen to me." I said, hurriedly. "I understand that this is all too much, but I need you to go home. Go home and lock your doors. Do you live nearby?"

She nodded her head and pointed in some direction while her face contorted. She was obviously still drunk, but this was enough to sober her up. "W-who are you?"

"I'm Leah," I smiled, slightly.

"What's going on?" she asked, wiping the tears from her face.

I sighed. I was missing the action. Leah, we need you! Hurry up! Jake commanded. "I wish I could explain. Remember what I said. Go home and lock your doors!" I started to run back into the alley. They all had made their way into the woods. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me..." I mumbled, pulling my dress over my head and tying it to my leg. I felt my body ripple as I phased. My four paws hit the ground and I ran as fast as I could.

It's about fucking time! Paul growled at me.

I couldn't just leave her in the alley! I yelled.

It doesn't matter! Jacob roared. Leah, get here now! Start the fire so we can burn the pieces.

As I made it into the clearing, I watched as Jacob ripped the arm off of the blond vampire. I watched as one grabbed Seth's ankle and ran to help him. He yelped in pain. I hurled myself on top of the vampire and immediately went for the neck. I heard the sick crack of dismemberment between my jaws as I ripped the vamp's head from its body.

Everything was a blur. It was just body parts and fur flying around. I had started the fire as instructed and managed to start burning the pieces of the seven vampires that were attacking us. Once it was all done, I looked at Jacob's russet colored wolf; he was limping, and he was pissed. He glared at me before phasing. Seth and the others started to disperse behind the trees so they could phase back and put their clothes back on. Jacob was standing in front of me, ass naked and shaking with fury. "Phase back, now." Jake Alpha commanded me.

I phased back into my human form. We stood facing each other, my hair covering my nipples. His dark eyes bore into mine. Something was different. His energy had changed. He looked...bigger. His face was hard. I finally broke our eye contact and looked to the trees for the boys. No one was coming out. They knew a big blowout was about to happen.

"Where the fuck were you, Clearwater? I was counting on you to have it under control!" he yelled.

My eyes flew up, immediately furious. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"I needed you to handle that leech and I look over and you're playing besties with that mortal girl." We started to circle each other.

"I was tying up a loose end! What was I supposed to do? Leave her there?"

"Paul or Embry could have gotten hurt! Seth is hurt right now! We needed you!"

"Seth will be fine! I got there in time to help him!"

"You should have been there, Leah!" he roared. I was stunned to silence. He lowered his voice into a growl, "You're supposed to be an Alpha. What you did was careless. You're supposed to protect your tribe."

"Jacob, listen to me." I said, lowering my guard so he could potentially calm down. "That girl could have lost her life. More important than that, she could potentially expose us. You're supposed to trust me. Paul and Embry had it handled."

He threw his hands up in frustration. "Yes, until there were five more that needed to be handled, Leah."

"We still outnumbered them, Jacob!"

"That's not the point, Aileah!" Jacob bellowed. His eyes flashed a gold color that left as fast as it came.

I could hear the boys start to emerge from behind the trees. They had questions and loads of them. I could hear as each one of them wonder what was happening. I crossed my arms in front of my chest. Jacob was still glowering at me as if I had committed the ultimate betrayal.

"She's right, Jake. She couldn't have just left that girl there." Paul said, for once being a voice of reason. "Our job isn't only to protect our tribe; we have to protect people, man."

Jacob growled under his breath and turned to the pack. "Is everyone alright?"

They all mumbled yes's.

"Who was the girl?" Embry asked, standing in a pair of most likely borrowed boxers.

"It doesn't matter now..." I said, still looking at Jacob. "She's safe."

There was a deafening silence that fell upon us. No one knew what to say. I didn't quite understand why Jacob was so upset. Did I behave like a true Alpha? Not really, but I behaved like a human. I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I just let that girl—Bianca—sit in that alleyway, drunk and afraid. He was being unreasonable.

"I am not being unreasonable," he countered, whipping his head in my direction.

"Stay the fuck out of my head." I scowled.

"Yeah, can we actually talk about that?" Paul interrupted. "Why could I hear Leah in my head, not phased?"

Jacob laughed without humor. He looked at me again. "What did you do, Aileah?"

"First of all, stop calling me that. Second, I did what I had to do in the case of an emergency. What is with you? You begged me to do this thing with you; now, all of a sudden, you don't like the way I make decisions?!" I stepped closer to him, challenging him.

"Because you're making decisions on what you think is best in the moment, not what's good for the pack! They're not ready to know yet and we're not ready to tell them!"

"Well, someone better tell us something because we need to know what's going on!" Jared stepped between us, pushing us in opposite directions. "Because, Jake, man, you were in our heads too. Whether it was intentional or not, or if it's time or not, we need to know what the fuck is happening here."

With that said, Jacob moved until there was at least 20 feet between us. I sighed, untying my dress from my leg and throwing it back on my body. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and took a seat on the soft grass. "Do you want to start or should I?" I asked, leaning back on my hands.

"This better be good." Paul said, plopping on a tree stump.

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