MHA reacts to Paranormal Libe...

By Greyninja27

64.4K 1.7K 843

Paranormal Liberation War! The event that shook the world of My Hero Academia and turned the entire country o... More

Impending Calamity
A Quiet Beginning
Mirko, the No. 5 Hero!
One's Justice
The Thrill of Destruction
Encounter, Part 2
Disaster Walker
League of Villains vs. U.A. Students
Katsuki Bakugo Rising
The Ones Within Us
Dabi's Dance
Threads of Hope
Final Performance
Aftermath of the War
The Ninth, Izuku Midoriya
Dialogues and Discourse pt.1
Dialogues and Discourse pt.2


2.1K 49 20
By Greyninja27

"So it's over..." Izuku muttered to himself, gazing at the setting sun in the distance.

"Yeah, kid, I believe it is... you are free now," Nana said in a gentle voice, her vestige materializing beside Izuku—a neat trick that she and other vestiges had just learned recently. Then she gently placed a hand on his head. "We all are."

"Yeah..." Izuku responded, offering her a smile. "I still can't believe how quickly it all happened," he added, reflecting on the events of the past few months.

That's right, it has been a month since the operation PLP (Paranormal Liberation Purge) took place, during which heroes successfully dismantled and eradicated the Paranormal Liberation Front, resulting in widespread arrests across the nation that

However, despite the magnitude of this event for the nation, the execution of the operation might be considered underwhelming from a certain perspective due to the extensive knowledge heroes had on the villains, making the actual mission execution surprisingly easy and without any complications.

The first step of the mission was bringing La Brava in on this mission to hack into the PLF's networks and extract information about their agents and spies scattered across the nation. The suggestion actually came from Izuku himself as he was aware that she was planning to hack into U.A.'s servers during the Cultural Festival. So, he wondered if she was really that good and suggested her name to Nezu, who surprisingly found her quite talented in the department of hacking when Brava actively shut the Principal of U.A. out of her computer systems in under five minutes of infiltration.

After judging her capabilities, Nezu extended an offer to Brava to work with the heroes, which she fortunately accepted. However, in return, she demanded her associate Gentle Criminal's sentence to be reduced to as minimum as they could. Of course, Nezu countered her demands with his own terms, and in the end, it was decided that La Brava would assist in the mission in exchange for a reduced sentence for Gentle Criminal and a permanent position for her at U.A.

Once the agreements were finalized, La Brava wasted no time and delved into her work. Within an hour, she successfully infiltrated the PLF's network, extracting valuable information on all active members of the villain group, as well as uncovering sleeper cells that had infiltrated society.

While Nezu and Brava were executing a cyber attack on PLF, the heroes were carrying out their own missions which were divided into three parts: Raiding Gunga Mountain Villa, Raiding Jaku Hospital, and arresting the sleeper cells all over the nation. 

However, raiding Gunga Mountain Villa was going to be a tricky thing due to some unpredictable factors that needed to be eliminated before executing the raid. The process of elimination started with none other than Dabi, who was the easiest of the bunch to lure out due to his connection with the Hawks.

So it began with Hawks texting Dabi that the job was done and he had proof of his loyalty, that's why he called him to the usual place where they had previously always met. And Dabi, in his overconfidence, thought that Hawks was still dancing on the tips of his fingers, arrived at the warehouse. However, once he arrived there, to his shock and horror, he was greeted by No. 1 Pro Hero, Endeavor, and No. 2 Pro Hero, Hawks, who confronted him. Taking advantage of Dabi's surprise, Hawks quickly immobilized him by knocking him out as fast as he could, something Hawks learned to prioritize based on his previous experience.

Thus, Toya Todoroki, aka Dabi, was subdued and arrested.

The heroes then employed a tool known as 'Artificial Vocal Cords,' a non-electric device designed to allow its users to mimic other people's voices. Originally created for Hitoshi Shinso to aid him with his quirk but that day it was repurposed to aid heroes in luring out the remaining League members. The plan involved using these artificial vocal cords to emulate Dabi's voice and to lure out villains to various locations by presenting various incentives.

The first one was Toga, who was lured into a large and empty warehouse, brightly lit with various floodlights and devoid of any dark spots so she wouldn't be able to utilize her stealth abilities. The heroes that confronted her were the No. 5 Pro Hero, Mirko, and her intern, Provisional Hero Deku.

Now, you must be wondering how Izuku got himself an internship with Mirko, who famously preferred to work alone. The answer to that question is that even Izuku himself doesn't know how this happened. One day, Mirko approached and told him that from that day forward, he was interning under her.

Perplexed by this unexpected turn of events, Izuku inquired why she chose him as an intern, especially considering her history of working alone. Mirko chuckled in response, saying, "You look like someone who can take my kicks and kick me back." She then walked away, leaving a bewildered Izuku behind.

Anyway, let's return to the empty warehouse where Deku and Mirko confronted Toga. At first, Toga was shocked to see Mirko and Deku there; however, her shock soon turned into a scowl as she realized what was going on. Drawing her knives, she prepared to attack the heroes. Despite her aggressive stance, Izuku attempted to reason with her, urging her to surrender with the promise that they could help her.

Toga, however, shouted back that no one could help her, expressing her disdain for society's desire for her to be 'normal.' Feeling betrayed, she accused Izuku of trying to deceive her, vowing never to forgive him. She yelled that the only way she would feel better was if she could live however she wanted. Their shouting match continued as Izuku kept dodging Toga's mindless knife attacks which were becoming increasingly frenzied with each word she said.

Mirko, who was standing on the sidelines, grew tired of this and quickly knocked Toga out with a swift kick to the back of her head. Izuku let out a tired sigh, feeling disappointed that he couldn't resolve the situation peacefully.

Thus, Himiko Toga was subdued and arrested.

Next were, Mr. Compress and Spinner, who found themselves facing No. 3 Pro Hero, Best Jeanist, and No. 4 Pro Hero, Edgeshot. 

Subduing Spinner proved relatively straightforward, given his lack of offensive power compared to the rest of the league. A single attack from Edgeshot was enough to knock Spinner out.

Mr. Compress, however, was a tricky opponent due to the nature of his quirk. To counter him, Jeanist effectively used his own quirk, swiftly ensnaring Mr. Compress in binding wires the moment he entered striking range. This surprise move caught Mr. Compress off guard. Jeanist also took special care while binding Mr. Compress to ensure he wouldn't be able to use his hands to utilize his quirk on the bindings.

Thus, Atsuhiro Sako, aka Mr. Compress, and Shuichi Iguchi, aka Spinner, were subdued and arrested.

Lastly, Twice. He was the easiest one to subdue, as he surrendered upon learning the fate of the rest of his comrades. Of course, he resisted at first, but Hawks successfully managed to convince him that if he surrendered peacefully, the sentences for him and his friends could be reduced, to which he agreed and surrendered himself.

Thus, Jin Bubaigawara, aka Twice, was subdued and arrested.

Apart from the former League members, there was one more person who needed to be taken care of before executing the raid on Gunga Mountain Villa. That person was Re-Destro, the former leader of the Meta Liberation Army and CEO of the Detnerat Company, also the wielder of one of the most powerful and destructive quirks.

As Re-Destro was on his way to his office, heroes ambushed his car in the middle of the highway. Once Re-Destro realized what was going on, he tried to unleash his quirk on the heroes but found himself baffled when he realized he couldn't use his quirk thanks to Eraserhead and his quirk, Erasure. Taking advantage of Re-Destro's baffled state, the rest of the heroes quickly rushed him and subdued him.

Thus, Rikiya Yotsubashi, aka Re-Destro, was subdued and arrested.

With these individuals out of the picture, the raids on Gunga Mountain Villa and Jaku Hospital were a cakewalk. The combination of La Brava's hacking skills, the surprise element of the attack, and the right mix of heroes made raiding these two locations quite easy.

The Gunga Mountain Villa raid started with Midnight and her team arriving near the vents of the mansion, where they released Midnight's quirk, Somnambulist, into the vents to knock out any and all villains inside the mansion. The effects of the smoke emitted by Midnight's quirk were enhanced by one of Power Loader's inventions, making her sleep-inducing aroma even more potent. In mere moments, anyone who inhaled her quirk was out cold including the key members of the PLF like Geten, Skeptic, Gigantomachia, and many more.

While this was going on inside the mansion, some of the heroes had already stationed themselves outside to catch anyone trying to flee, which they successfully did. In the end, the heroes not only seized control of Gunga Mountain Villa but also captured a substantial number of villains in the process.

Simultaneously, Endeavor and other heroes with formidable combat skills executed a raid on Jaku Hospital. Their mission proved successful as they apprehended Dr. Garaki and secured Shigaraki, who was still in the early stages of his nomufication. However, near the end of the raid, the lab mysteriously lit on fire, reducing all the accumulated data on Nomus, quirks, and Garaki's research over the years to ashes.

This turn of events left the Hero Commission far from pleased, given their keen interest in Garaki's research. Unfortunately, with the destruction of the valuable data, there was little they could do to salvage the situation.

Speaking of the Hero Commission, they played a crucial role in this nationwide mission. They coordinated the rest of the heroes, acted on the information that Brava had extracted from PLF's systems, and made mass arrests all over the nation, capturing all of PLF's sleeper agents.

Hence, Operation Paranormal Liberation Purge was successfully executed, and in a single day, one of the biggest threats to society, the villain group called Paranormal Liberation Front, was eradicated from the face of this nation.

However, the aftermath of this operation could be considered quite bittersweet for the villains involved.

Firstly, Tomura Shigaraki, the leader of the Paranormal Liberation Front, remained in a vegetative state as the process of Nomufication was halted. The information, as well as the medicines to complete that process, was lost in the fire in the lab. For now, Shigaraki remained hanging between life and death in one of the rooms of Tartarus, as the justice system had no choice but to wait for him to naturally wake up or die.

As for the rest of the League of Villains, after their psychological evaluation, their fates were divided into two categories.

In the first group, Spinner and Mr. Compress were deemed mentally stable enough to face legal consequences. They received jail sentences for their actions, a fate that some might consider comparatively fortunate since they were spared from the confines of Tartarus, unlike their leader. Their somewhat lenient judgment was influenced by the fact that major crimes were predominantly attributed to Shigaraki, leaving Spinner and Mr. Compress with a less extensive criminal record.

In contrast, the second group comprised Himiko Toga, Jin Bubaigawara (Twice), and Toya Todoroki (Dabi), all identified with diverse mental health issues. As a result, they were directed to a mental asylum for professional treatment. According to doctors who evaluated them, Jin had much better chances of being cured of his problems and rehabilitated into society compared to Toya, who refused to entertain any other thought than revenge. Toga, however, hung in between, as doctors believe she has a chance to rehabilitate, but her mind and heart are unwilling to show any kind of acceptance towards their efforts.

Re-Destro and the former members of the Meta Liberation Army, on the other hand, were in some deep trouble. When Brava hacked into PLF's systems, she not only found the list of sleeper agents but also discovered the list of crimes that Re-Destro and his men had committed in the past. These included indoctrination camps disguised as schools, supplying support gadgets to black markets, funding criminals and villainous organizations, and much more. These crimes were enough to land them in the cells of Tartarus.

Then there was Dr. Kyudai Garaki, the creator of Nomus and one of All for One's most important associates. His fate was sealed as soon as heroes caught onto his true identity, and a glance at all the horrible deeds he had committed would make anyone believe that this man is a monster in everything but appearance. That's why the only fitting punishment the courts could think of for him was the deepest prison cells of Tartarus. Not that it mattered, since Dr. Garaki had already lost his mind upon seeing his years of work burn down in his lab, and now he was nothing more than a shell of his former self—a hunk of flesh without any will left to move or speak.

In a surprising turn of events, the infamous All for One met his demise a month after the conclusion of Operation Paranormal Liberation Purge. The circumstances surrounding his execution remained shrouded in secrecy, with only a select few privy to the details. Initially, the Hero Commission had aimed to keep the supervillain alive, hoping to extract valuable information. However, a sudden and unexplained shift occurred, leading to a decisive push for All for One's execution.

With swift and determined action, the Hero Commission carried out the execution, bringing an end to the reign of the two-hundred-year-old supervillain. 

Of course, the news of All for One's execution reached Izuku's ears, bringing us to the present where he stands on the roof of the dorms, feeling a profound sense of freedom and relief, knowing that the man who was after his life and quirk is now finally gone. Standing on the roof, Izuku could embrace a newfound peace, unburdened by the looming shadow of All for One.


As Izuku and Nana gazed at the setting sun, the presence of the other vestiges materialized behind them. Yoichi, the first wielder of One for All, addressed Izuku, prompting him to turn around.

"Izuku," Yoichi began, "there is something we need to talk to you about."

"Yeah, sure, what is it?" Izuku asked, looking slightly confused, seeing all the vestiges manifesting at the same time, unlike before when they preferred to manifest one at a time.

Yoichi stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Now that my brother is dead, the purpose of One for All is fulfilled, and so is ours."

Suddenly, Izuku tensed, realizing where this conversation was going. "I guess it is time, huh?" he remarked, wearing a sad smile. "So that's it, I guess... for me and One for All..."

"Oh no, that's not what I am talking about," Yoichi chuckled. "When we told you that One for All dies with you, we meant it. You are not going to lose One for All before achieving your glorious purpose," he declared, spreading his hands wide. Second rolled his eyes, muttering, 'This idiot and his references.'

"Anyway, as I was saying, even if One for All itself has some purpose left with you, I think it's time for us old folks to go," Yoichi explained.

"But why?" Izuku asked. "There is still so much I can still learn from all of you."

"Yeah, there is a lot," Second chimed in, "but I don't think it's our place to teach you that. We have already taught you the basics of how to use our quirks. Now it's up to you to master them and use them however it suits you."

"Besides, there are people waiting for us on the other side, you know?" Banjo added, wearing a sad smile.

"I... understand," Izuku said, slowly nodding his head. "I will miss you guys."

"We know," Yoichi said as he and the other six vestiges began fading away. He then turned towards Nana and added, "Take care of the kid."

"Don't worry, I will..." Nana smiled back at him.

"Wait a minute! That means, Nana, you..." Izuku stared at Nana with wide eyes, realization dawning on him.

"Yeah, I don't think I am ready to face my husband and kids yet," Nana said, looking at the ground.

"Nana..." Izuku said, a worried look flashing across his face.

"Besides..." Nana shook her head, hiding her sad smile behind a kind one. "I want to see you grow into the person that Toshi believes you will become one day. Or maybe I am just a sad excuse for a human who wants to experience a form of motherhood while watching you grow."

"Okay, stop. We are still in the process of curing my self-depreciation fever, so we don't need another patient in the mix," Izuku interjected, halting Nana from further self-deprecation. "Nana, I am more than happy to have you watching over me, and I am sure All Might would be thrilled too."

"Thank you, Izuku..." Nana smiled at him, tears glistening at the edge of her eyes. Then, she turned toward Yoichi and the other wielders, nodding at them.

"Well then, Nana, Izuku, see you on the other side..." Yoichi said as his vestige vanished from the mortal realm.

"Don't use Gearshift irresponsibly. I don't want your death on my conscience."

"You managed to mellow down the leader; color me impressed."

"Take care of yourself, Izuku, and remember to live a fulfilling life."

"Live by your heart, kid, let that thing go wild every once in a while."

"Goodbye, kid. And remember to visit the places I recommended with your girlfriend."

"""""See you on the other side..."""""

Slowly, all the vestiges, aside from Nana, faded into the air, leaving Izuku and Nana behind, standing there in silence under the orange sky.

"Wow! It's surprisingly quiet..." Izuku said, breaking the silence, which made Nana chuckle a little.

"Yeah, they were quite chatty, weren't they?" Nana replied, and once again, silence settled between them until Izuku broke it once again.

"So, what now?" Izuku glanced at Nana.

Nana didn't answer; instead, her gaze fixed on the fading sun, and a wistful smile played on her lips. "You know, my husband loved sunsets. He always used to say that sunsets bring out the colors of our memories," Nana continued with a soft smile, reminiscing about her late husband. "He believed that each hue in the sky held a different moment from our past, a story painted in the evening canvas."

"That's truly beautiful. Your husband sounds like he was a fascinating person," Izuku remarked, a soft smile playing on his lips.

"He was," Nana replied, her eyes reflecting both joy and sadness as well as the setting sun.

Turning towards Izuku, Nana smiled and responded, "As for your question, All for One was just one chapter of your life, Izuku. Now that he is gone, we can look forward to many more new adventures."

"New adventures... sounds fun," Izuku smirked at Nana but then suddenly his phone beeped as he saw Momo's message inviting him to the hotpot that class 1A and 1B were hosting together. "But those adventures can wait for a while, hotpot sounds much more appetizing right now," he said, walking back towards the dorms with Nana following behind, a smile adorning her face.


Story by :- Kohei Horikoshi

Reaction by:- @Greyninja27 


*Post-credits scene*

Izuku Midoriya, aka Pro Hero Deku, was sitting in his office, working on some paperwork. A large full moon hung in the sky behind him, visible from a large window of his office, when suddenly, he heard a knock on his door, making him raise his brow. 'Who could it be at this hour?' he pondered to himself.

"Come in," he welcomed, prompting the door to swing open. Stepping into the room was a woman with brunette pin curls and expressive blue eyes. What caught his attention even more was her distinctive choice of attire—she wore a white long-sleeved blouse paired with a black knee-length, tight-fitted skirt adorned with a red belt. Completing the ensemble were fishnet stockings and black heels with an ankle strap. It was an outfit that diverged from current fashion trends, a fact he was well aware of, thanks to a lovely and beautiful girlfriend who always kept him in the loop, and always exasperated by his meme T-shirts.

The woman strode forward and took a seat in front of him. "Hello, hero. I hope you can help me."

"Depends on what your problem is, miss," Izuku replied, studying her body language in an attempt to gauge her intentions. "What can I do for you?"

"Well, you must be aware that recently, little girls have been abducted from beaches and seashores," the woman said. Izuku immediately tensed, narrowing his eyes at her. "Oh, don't look at me like that. I'm not involved with the people who are doing that, but I might have an idea where those girls are. I can take you there right now."

Izuku took a deep breath, scrutinizing her with his eyes, weighing the pros and cons of her offer. In the end, he decided that the lives of those abducted little girls were more important than any risk of following this unknown woman who could possibly lead him to them. 

"Fine, let's go," Izuku got up from his seat and grabbed his jacket. "You got a name, miss?"

"Elizabeth," she replied, standing up from her seat as well. "Ready?" she asked.

"Yeah, sure. But where are we going?" Izuku asked. She told him that they were headed to a lighthouse, once again making Izuku raise his brow. "Why a lighthouse?"

"Because..." she glanced at him over her shoulder and smiled, "It always starts with a lighthouse," she said. In the next moment, she tore the space in front of her in half and opened a rift, revealing a huge lighthouse in the middle of the ocean. "Let's go," Elizabeth said, pleasantly smiling at Izuku's shocked and awestruck expression.

"What the fuc-"

The End.


And that's a wrap! Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and I hope you enjoyed the journey.

I know that the final chapter might have felt a bit underwhelming, I believe I've already said everything I had to say in the last two chapters so instead of a traditional finale, I opted for an epilogue, and I hope it was a good read.

Anyway, please check out my other original works and follow this series for more reaction fics.

Good Bye! See you in the next one. 

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