Misfortune |Villian deku reha...

By BiggestCl0wn

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What is deku Took bakugos advice in another world? But this time it didn't go as planned. Warnings: Abuse Sel... More

The quirk
Reality hits different
This woman is a monster
Phantom, the dead villian
Nezus offer
Living Nightmares
First day troubles
Falling in love
True discomfort
Cinnamon roll protection squad
Hellish training
Worthless being
"Useless. Absolutely useless from the start."
Ouch! Poor Kiri

Thoughts of mortality

143 4 15
By BiggestCl0wn

Get ready this is probably going to be the longest chapter I will ever write for this story (it took me like 5 hours to write this bc I had motivation for once in my life, normally I'd give up and come back to it like a week later💀 (hope you enjoy tho)

Warning: some things mentioned may be an au so do not assume all of this is true bc it's most likely false

Shinso POV

"Well look who showed up early! I didn't think you'd be here before us!" Uraraka bursted with excitement. "I didn't want to make any of you wait for us..." Phantom whispered. "No worries! Jiro said she would be a little late as well so don't pressure yourself." Phantom only nodded before fiddling with his fingers slightly. "And aren't you going to Bakugos after this? I wouldn't be surprised if you left a little early, so do you want me to tell the girls?" I nodded for Phantom.

Less than 10 minutes later

"So it's just Jiro we're waiting for?" Yaomomo asked. "Appears s-"
"Sorry I'm so late!" Jiro yelled as she ran up to us. "I got stuck in my guitar class..." She fiddled with her earphone jacks and Tsuyu laughed a little. "It's fine, and I didn't know you played the guitar! Kero." Jiro blushed slightly before tilting her head in the opposite direction. "Hehe... so do we wanna go get some Boba..?" Toru tried to get rid of the awkward atmosphere.

Jiro and Tsu nodded their heads profusely before making eye contact. Tsu turned away and Jiro kept blushing.

I'm a multi shipper sue me

"I know a really good place that's nearby... it'll be my treat since they know me!" Momo said as she dragged us along. They did know her, seriously well to. The guy behind the counter kept glaring at me whenever she spoke to me.

When the girls weren't paying attention he leaned down to talk to me. "Listen you cunt, Momo is like a little sister to me, if you do anything to her, then I. Will. Kill. You." I felt the malicious intent in his voice. He wasn't joking, not in the slightest. "Don't worry, I don't really like her like that..." I nervously rubbed the back of my head. The man froze then jumped away from my face. "M-my apologies..!" He just stared at the notepad below him and wrote something down.

Nobody's POV

"So can I get you anything?" He glanced to the side out of embarrassment. "Can I just get the Ube..?" He nodded and ran away from the counter to get the girls and Phantoms orders. "Sorry about him... ever since I've started coming here he acted like I was his little sister... I don't judge him though, he says I looked just like her." Momo giggled before smiling.  There was a strangely uncomfortable silence before Momo spoke again. "So the Ube? It's really good, have you had it before? Personally it's my favorite here, no other place makes it the same."

"I haven't had it before... but I wanted to try something new..." Momo smiled again. "Well that's good, maybe we can come here again and I'll recommend some stuff!" She jumped up with excitement from the thought. Most kids didn't want to be friends with a girl so fortunate with finance's. They always assumed she would be a snobby brat, but she was kind and sweet. She was excited to share her favorite places with new friends. "Maybe next week? We can invite some more people from our class, and we can have a picnic! This place has really good pastries and slushies, coffee, milkshakes, etcetera." She beamed with excitement, she seemed to love everything about this café.

Shinso POV again

"Sorry, I must have rambled for quite a bit... but I love it here, it's like a second home, I especially like the fact that you can come in just to relax. You could read, or just sit in a corner and sleep. It's like a haven from all your worries, my mom proposed to my dad here, actually... and every time I come here with them I request for the song they played at their wedding... I've always wanted to bring a really special girl or boy here and ask them to marry me, but when I told my father, he instantly shut it down... saying that his marriage to my mother was..." She entered a dreadful silence, so sorrowful it looked like she was about to cry.

"The worst mistake of his life...?" I asked, the melancholy words escaped my mouth before I could rethink them. She nodded.

"I almost wished I wasn't born, so my father didn't feel the need to say yes to my mothers proposal in front of his daughter and son..." She stared at the ground, willing herself not to cry, but she failed doing so. A few small tears escaped. "I'm sorry... my tears have ruined such a beautiful afternoon..." She wiped the tears away with the back of her hand.

"Hey Yaomomo! We ordered so do you want to pick a... table..? Momo, what's wrong? Did something happen..?" Uraraka ran up to Momo to cradle her in her arms. "Nothing, nothing, it's fine! Just some nostalgic memories!" Momo hushed her as Uraraka felt worry fill her stomach. "If they made you cry they can't be good... do you just want to take the stuff and go?" Uraraka asked in a hushed voice. "No, no! Besides it's pretty hot out, why would we want to roast out there when it's nicer in here!" Momo had already stopped crying but Uraraka still worried for her friend.

"Hey we're back, kero!Where do you wanna sit? Oh here Yaomomo!" Tsu handed Momo her credit card that she lended them.

"I know a good spot, c'mon!" Momo led us to a spot on the floor near the window. There were some darkly colored bean bags along with cushions and a soft carpet. Decorations made to look like the sky and such. It was a nice atmosphere at the most but it made me feel tired just thinking about the dark night sky.

"So cozy!" Mina said as she sat in a bean bag, pulling Phantom down with her. There were six seats so two of us had to sit with other people, and Mina took not of that quickly.

Tsu sat down with Jiro in her lap. Toru and me sat in separate cushions and Uraraka and Momo sat in bean bags. "Woah, you fit perfectly in between Mina's legs, Phantom!" Uraraka stated. He did, he was just small enough to fit snugly between her legs and keep both of them comfortable.

It's not like that you perverts (I can't be talking tho-)

"So what do you wanna talk about, Kero?" Tsu asked, her hand gently laying over Jiro's waste.

"I have an idea... we should talk about topics like our trauma so we avoid accidentally triggering someone when talking..." Mina nodded at Momo's idea. I wanted to protest though. Sure this place had a calming atmosphere and a nice aroma but it won't be enough to stop full blown panic attacks or mental breakdowns.

"If you could go back to a time where something horrible happened to you, would you?" Mina blatantly asked. We all stared at her until she realized what she had just said. "W-wait! I-I mean like yo-u thought you des-deserved it or-or something like th-at! N-not that you e-njoyed it!" She flailed her arms around in the air.

"That's... actually a pretty good idea!" Toru said. "Y-yeah! And we can try to help each other with our problems!" Mina backed herself up again with the help of Toru.

"Alright, fine." Momo sighed with defeat. Almost everyone agreed to share other than her and Phantom. "Please phantom! We won't judge as long as you don't judge us!"
"Yeah! And we don't want to hurt your feelings with a sensitive topic!" Jiro and Mina tried to persuade him. "My feelings don't matter..." he whispered. I hardly heard it and the only other person who did was Mina. "Well your feeling matter to me, Hmpf!" She puffed her chest up.

"... fine." Tsu jumped up in victory, knocking Jiro off her lap and onto the rug. "Eep! Sorry!" Tsu bent down to help her up back onto her lap.

"So who wants to go first?" Toru asked. Nobody answered until Uraraka piped up. "I guess I'll go, and we can go in a circle starting from the left." She pointed to her right but Momo correct her finger.

"......" There was a dreadful silence before she smoothed out her pinkish-grey hoodie and mustered the courage to speak. "Last year, during middle school, every day for almost 2 weeks I would... starve myself... at first it was just so my parents didn't have to waste money on food for me, but then.... I started to hate it... the thought of food, eating it, looking at it, even smelling or hearing something mention it made me want to vomit... I still haven't recovered, and my parents started saying that I was getting to thin or I should eat more than small slices of fruit... I'm only eating more because at a point while getting changed I could count my ribs..."

Momo covered her mouth in shock and I saw Phantom flinch slightly, as if his first instinct was to try and comfort her. But he quickly shut that down. Instead Momo ran up to her and gave her a bear hug. Tsu, Jiro, and Mina joined, dragging me and Phantom up with them. Toru made sure nothing fell over in their haste.

"Ochako! We'll help you overcome this, and you have to promise never to do that again!" Momo let go and shook her shoulders. Uraraka let out a solemn smile and nodded.

"I guess Toru is next..." Momo sniffled as she and the other girls went back to the comfortable seats. She didn't care what people looked at us through the window, all that mattered right now was us. I honestly like this, comforting others, I mean. It's nice to make others feel good inside.

"Well... as most of you can see I'm invisible... but people in my family, especially my sister, mocked me for it." We were all silent as she said this.

Idk if Hagakure had siblings but she does in my au!

"She would always pretend like she couldn't see me when I was obviously right in front of her, fully clothed. She said that if I wanted to be a hero I couldn't be a whore, jabbing at the fact I'm only fully invisible when my clothes are off. So whenever she asked where I was or why cups moved by themselves whenever I lifted something, I'd cut myself and smear the blood on my arm. I showed it to her but she always thought it was fake, until one day I took it to far. She was mocking me as usual until she said this, and I quote, 'A real hero wouldn't put fake blood on their arms to scare their older sister, and they definitely wouldn't get naked on the battlefield just to defeat a villain.' I was sick of hearing her so I screamed at her and began stabbing my arm. I think its wrong of me to say this but I think I deserved those scars..."

"No, you didn't."
"You didn't deserve that. So don't convince yourself you did. Your sister is horrible for doing that but that doesn't mean you should harm yourself. And Uraraka you shouldn't have starved yourself to save money, there's always a better option when your in a situation like those." I stared it him. It was the first time he spoke aside from when he agreed to share. "Wahh!!" Toru whined as she cried. "Your such a calm and understanding person! Your to sweet and innocent to be a villain, I refuse to believe you were ever evil!"

He didn't respond. He just froze, unsure how to react to such a praise. "I'm nothing special... it's just logical advice-"
"Still! People would rather go tell you to see a therapist who can't do anything to help you than try to lift your spirits! You at least deserve some thanks!" Toru pushed her arms out in front of her, though invisible, clear she wanted a hug from the gesture. "I understand if you don't want to hug me back, but I still want you to smile when someone praises you like that!" She beamed, but was met with the gloom from him. "I'll try..." He managed to mutter out before sinking himself more into the bean bag and Mina.

Not like that, he just cuddled into her

"Well, I guess it's my turn next?" I asked. They nodded and let me speak. I was used to talking about this with Mic and Aizawa, along with the occasional social worker on why I was returned so many times.

"Well my last foster parents didn't really like the fact my quirk was so villainous... they would scream whenever I got close to them, but never tried to return me because they were scared I would hurt them. At a point they taught me to think nobody wanted to hear my voice or any of my problems. So I just stopped talking, I spent most of my time with them, but never once made a sound. It makes me think right now actually, that I'm just wasting your time talking and you'd rather listen to someone you actually cared about talk. Hehe..." Tsu clasped her had over her chest and presumably tried not to cry.

I was met with the warm arms of her. I welcomed the hug with open arms. It was Minas turn next.

"Well, who would want to be friends with the alien girl, right? Ha, that's what I was taught the moment I entered middle school. In elementary kids thought my skin, hair, and eyes were cool but when they matured they said I looked hideous or creepy. I started to hate the way I looked, the way I spoke, the way I wrote, everything about myself. It got to the point where I stopped responding during class because of how annoying everyone said my voice was. Only a few people actually did like me but whenever they tried to help it didn't work. At a point I contemplating just killing myself and ridding my classmates of the ugly creature they saw almost everyday."

Phantom clutched Mina's hand. Something she didn't expect to happen. "If you ask me look beautiful." He whispered. She only smiled before messing his hair up. "Not really but thanks! You to!"
"You don't know what I look like tho-"
"Looks shouldn't matter! If you call a person ugly then your ugly yourself, that's just how it works. If they're personality is ugly it's different though!" She stated.

"Anyways, I think it's your turn, right?" She looked at Momo for confirmation. She stuck a thumbs up and smiled. It wasn't a joyous one though, it was full of melancholy.

"Your ready?" I looked at them, their head shook slightly along with their entire body. "Well we want to know what sensitive topics to avoid around you, so we need you to talk." Uraraka was fidgeting with the strings of hee hood as she tried to persuade him.

He sighed. "While at school I had various bullies because I looked dead and had a villainous quirk. But one day was different, they took it to far when they wanted a quirk tester. When I got home ma'am screamed at me for getting injured. Saying this wouldn't have happened if I was never born in the first place. She ended up throwing a glass bottle and my head and... repeatedly hit me with a wooden bat until I blacked out. She injured my left eye and I can hardly see out of it. She told me it was my fault for being so pathetic and villainous. She said if she had a real daughter than maybe this wouldn't have happened, and.... Maybe she wouldn't feel the need to be disgusted whenever she looked at me, saying I looked like the man who caused every problem in her life... the reason I'm such a mistake..."

He spoke so quiet I hardly heard him, Mina was most likely the only person who heard what he said completely, considering she hugged him while crying. "Tell me who that bitch is... I'll make her pay I swear, you didn't deserve that..." She said between sobs. She noted the confusion on our faces and life's her head. "I-I'll tell you *sniff* later..." she rubbed her eyes and looked at Jiro and Tsu who were next to share.

"I guess I'll go..." Jiro said, with little to no confidence.

"When I was younger my childhood best friend died due to heart failure, after that I isolated myself, only coming out to eat. When summer ended I refused to come out, even for school. My father had to drag me away from my bed just so I would get some fresh air. But I refused to make any type of contact when he took me outside. I just laid in the grass and cried. When I look back on it now it seems pretty childish, but I don't really think I should have done something like that to my parents. I just wish I could ho back and fix my mistake..!"

Again this is probably not true

Tsu hugged her from behind in an attempt to comfort her.

"I understand, kero. It can be tough losing someone so close to you, you just feel like all is lost and there's no point in socializing or doing anything for that matter, but it's not the correct path, kero." Tsu comforted her, rubbing her hand through her hair. Jiro cried slightly at the memory of the friend.

When Jiro calmed down Tsu started. "Mine is a placing similar to Mina's. People didn't like me. The fact I said ribbit as a function, my huge eyes, the long tongue. The week before I got accepted into UA there was a letter for me. I don't know who sent it, but it was absolutely disgusting. They said not to lay and frog spawn while I was at UA, I wanted to vomit when I saw the insults casted about how I would lay eggs like all the other frogs and I should cut of my long tongue so I wouldn't get them to slimy. At that point I wanted to cut my tongue off. And I wish I did-"

"No! Tsu this were horrible people who didn't deserve the grace of your presence!" Jiro yelled while blushing.

"No buts! You are amazing, and they shouldn't have done that!" Tsu piped down and hugged Jiro, who was blushing profusely.

"Sorry Yaomomo! Your free to speak!" Tsu said.

"Well, we all strive to be perfect right?" No one nodded, only a slight one from Phantom, as he tried to make it unnoticeable. "Well that's what I wanted to be for my parents. The perfect daughter. It got to a point where I would ignore being sick and go to school. I would stay up late to study and skip breakfast because I was about to be late. It got especially bad when my grades fell slightly. It was from an A to a B and that for some reason ticked them off. They didn't want a daughter who couldn't have perfect grades. So I worked so hard I ended up getting sick enough to be sent to the hospital for an entire week."

"You don't need to be perfect, MoMo... Toru tried to comfort her but couldn't find the right words. How do you tell someone who want to be absolutely perfect that the don't need to? You can't. It's not possible. All you can do is make them think they are perfect at the moment. But their parents always tarnish that.

This is already at 3331 words so I need to stop💀

Izuku when he got the shit beaten out of him>

My art online may be shit, but it's better on paper

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