Highway to Heaven 🔞

By kyukyu_ji

132K 3.7K 1.7K

"We'll take the highway to heaven And I can't wait to love you all alone" -NCT 127 > Zhang Hao x Sung Hanbin... More

1. 만남
2. 입맞춤
3. 첫째
4. 시도
5. 쿠키
6. 성적
8. 겁나
9. 바이올린
10. 영상통화
11. 편안
12. 춤
13. 다른 춤
14. 영화
15. 반전
16. 취한
17. 믿음
18. 샤워
19. 직면
20. 후회
21. 설렘
22. 얘기
23. 노래방
24. 조절
25. 촬영
26. 시작
27. 기회
28. 축하
29. 위아래
30. 바다에
31. 지켜
32. 고통
33. 의심
34. 소중한
35. 냥
36. 푸른색 밤
37. 달빛
38. 더럽게
39. 더럽게 (2)
40. 슬픔
41. 모델
42. 뉴스
43. 행운의 부적
44. 피크닉

7. 쇼핑

3.3K 98 19
By kyukyu_ji

Meeting a popular Chinese senior after uni two days back to back definitely caught attention of some overly nosy students, especially as the escort was also very handsome. Hanbin noticed eyes on him, and shuffles around when Zhang Hao showed up, looking stunning even after a whole tiring day of attending classes. A smile formed on the younger male's face, who immediately welcomed the exotic man, "Hey!"

Zhang Hao waved at him happily, "Hi! You really came?"

"Yeah, I promised." Hanbin answered in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Thanks a bunch!" Hao gave Hanbin a side hug, and immediately heard giggles from around them. He frowend, looking everywhere. There were people around, and their eyes were fixated on them.

"Are we being looked at?" He asked Hanbin who pleasantly smiled in response, "I think they noticed me picking you up for a couple of days." He went close to Hao's ear, "They may think I'm dating Mr. Popular of this uni."

"As if!" Hao chuckled, lightly hitting Hanbin's arm. "Let's go, we have clothes to buy."

"Yup." Hanbin offered him the first seat in his car, holding the door open for him. Zhang Hao got on with a small eyes roll, watching his extra politeness. Hanbin got on later, driving off as directed by Hao.

They reached a popular shopping mall a few kilometers away. After parking the car, they walked inside. Both were in their clothes from the very morning, but neither of them looked bad, in fact, anyone watching them would turn their heads twice cause damn! They were hella attractive. Hanbin paced up, only to find Hao struggling. Looking at him carefully, he realized, Hao was limping lightly.

"Hao hyung, are you in pain?" He asked, gently holding the other male's waist. Although the latter gestured a 'no', Hanbin insisted, "Is it because of last night?"

Hao sighed, "A little."

Hanbin immediately looked disheartened, "I'm sorry, I-"

"Ssh!" Hao placed his index finger on Hanbin's lips, "Don't be sorry, it was a fun night."

"But you're hurt." Hanbin looked upset.

"It was bound to happen." Hao whispered, "But the pleasure's worth this pain."

Hanbin smiled a little, "If you say so... But I'll make sure to ease your pain after we're done from the next time, okay?"

Hao couldn't help smiling back, "Okay, as you wish." He couldn't help feeling giddy inside. He had wild sex with guys before, but Hanbin was.. his entire being was kind and considerate. Hao really tried to generalize it, but his subconscious self thought he was special. Because throughout the entire walk, Hanbin was slow and careful.

Their target was to buy a top. Hao had already checked the online collection of one particular store, and he had made a short list. He wanted to check the clothes physically before settling for one. It doesn't need saying that he's quite weak at decision making, so he asked Hanbin to help him choose one. There were a few, mostly of light colors, Hanbin's eyes got stuck in a particular white one. It was a flowy silk white top, with small hoops at places, and two extensions giving the impression of wearing a necktie. He figured, that on Hao's slim body, it would look great.

"How about you try it on?" Hanbin suggested.

"You like it the most?"

"For now, yeah. But I'll decide after you put it on."

"Okay." Hao agreed, and took the top to the trial room. Once he came out wearing that, Hanbin already liked how it looked.

"Does it look good?" Asked Hao, lifting his hands and giving him a full 360° rotation. Hanbin thought for a while, then said, "Wait..." He helped the elder tuck the ends of the top inside his black skinny jeans. Hao's waist was tiny, Hanbin knew it well, simple cause he had seen the man naked multiple times. But when his fingers brushed against the top as he pushed it in, he felt the skin over the silk fabric, it was so different and holding that tiny waist gave him something so weirdly satisfying. He turned the man, and the nicely shaped bottom was seen perfectly because of the jeans. Hanbin dared himself not to stare, cause how could he not? Zhang Hao's figure was captivatingly perfect. Once the top was tucked in and adjusted, he looked unworldly. Hanbin couldn't but stare, how can a man be so fine??

"Is it looking good?" Asked Hao, once again, lifting his hands up, and checking his own body.

"Absolutely." Hanbin answered, he didn't know why, his hands went to both sides of Hao's waist, startling the man, "You look perfect."

"Oh... Thanks." Hao smiled weirdly. The place Hanbin's hands were on suddenly burned, Hao felt his heart do a tiny somersault. For a while, Hanbin couldn't move, but then he got a reality check as the store lady coughed to get their attention. He took his hands away in a blink, looking away out of embarrassment. Hao was the same, he suddenly felt too interested in his fingernails.

"So... Are you taking that?" Hanbin asked to clear off the awkwardness.

"Yeah, since you liked it." Hao answered, making the younger smile. They took the top for billing, paid and then walked out with the product.

"Aah, now I feel burden free." Hao said, "Thanks, Hanbin."

"Anytime." The other said, "By the way, are you up for a meal? My treat."

"Sure, but why your treat?" Asked the Chinese guy.

"No reason." Hanbin shrugged, "Just to cheer you up for your play."

"Oh really?" Laughed Hao, "Alright, if you want so."

Happy, Hanbin immediately took Hao's hand. It came so naturally. They weren't a thing, heck, they only met for like, two times. And both were for a good fuck, so it was really, really weird. At least to Hao, who thought these little actions take place only if feelings are involved. He couldn't shake off the thought of Hanbin actually having something for him. It was too fast, too stupid, he knew it, but his heart did not listen to his brain. With his hand held strongly in the younger's grip, he kept thinking how it would feel like if they were together, if they were actually on a shopping plus dinner date, if he actually got to play for Hanbin and-

He should stop. For his own good.


Hanbin returned to his room at around 9. His roommate opened up, wearing a comfy, homely hoodie and shorts.

"You're back? I thought you're gone for the night."

"Nah, Hao hyung has violin practice." Said Hanbin, walking inside.

"Now? It's kinda late." Matthew said, checking the time.

"Yeah." Shrugged Hanbin, maybe out of exhaustion, he sounded a little off.

"Aww are you upset, hyung?" Matthew teased his roommate, "That you can't spend the night with Hao hyung? Hm?"

Hanbin shook his head in dismissal. But the younger still went on, "What is it, hyung?? I never thought you're getting serious about someone so fast?"

"I'm not." Hanbin chuckled, "I just like hanging out with him. He's cool."

"Is this a sign?" Matthew wiggled his eyebrows.

"You're thinking too much." Hanbin said, "What about you though?"

"Me? I'm cool." Matthew shortly replied. There was a tiny hint of dimming of his usual brightness. Since Hanbin knew him for so long, he understood.

"Are you sure?" Hanbin frowned.

"Yeah! Why not?" Matthew said smiling, but his smile was half hearted. So his hyung took both of his hands, giving him the confirmation to talk, "What is it, Seokmae? Did something happen? Is everything fine with you and... Jiwoong hyung?"

"Everything's fine." Matthew looked down, "In fact finer than ever, you know, Jiwooie hyung got the role and he's gone to attend a meeting and the shooting would start next week, so-"

Hanbin squeezed his friend's hands, saying, "You're upset cause he won't be able to spend time with you as much as before?"

"No, I'm... I'll be a bad person if I think about it right now." Matthew tried to smile it away, "This is his dream, hyung. How can I-"

"Matthew," Hanbin called him with a tone of sincerity, "If you feel sad because you're going to miss him, it doesn't make you a bad person. It's your emotion, you have every right to feel bad. What's important is to support him despite everything, hm? And I'm sure you're doing that, right?"

"Yeah." Matthew's eyes were glittery, but he looked confident, "I'm not gonna make him feel burdened because of my feelings."

"He'll not feel burdened dummy. He knows you, right?" Hanbin pulled his friend for a hug, "Tell him how you feel once the time is right, okay? If you hide it from him, it's gonna take a bad turn in future."

"Hm..." Matthew spoke, being basked in the warmth of his best friend's embrace.

"How about it, we can watch a movie tonight!" Hanbin said, "That'll cheer you up, right? Then after the meeting's over, Jiwoong hyung will call you for sure."

"You just came home, you must be tired." Matthew said, "Don't worry about me, hyung. I'm not a crybaby."

"Eyy, come on! Watching a movie won't hurt!" Hanbin insisted, "Besides, I can fall asleep if I feel tired." Matthew blinked multiple times, looking at his hyung. Seriously, Hanbin was always kind and considerate towards him. He felt lucky to be living with such a thoughtful and caring man.

"Alright, go take a shower then, I'll see what we have to snack on." Matthew said. Hanbin gave him a warm smile before going in his room. The younger left a sigh. He couldn't help feeling the longing, but that shouldn't affect Jiwoong's career. For that, if he needed to tie his emotions in a tight knot, he would. He would never be able to live with himself, if for his irresponsible, unmasked, uncontrolled emotions, his boyfriend's dream gets ruined. Therefore, he decided not to listen to Hanbin. He would never speak about his heart to Jiwoong, in fear that it would burden him and affect his work.

However, he had plenty of people to help him cope with it, for one, his Hanbin hyung, who came in cozy clothes and sat next to him on the couch, accompanying him throughout a whole movie session with popcorns, chips and cola. He felt a lot less lonely, and his heart felt at ease. Although Hanbin fell asleep at the very end, Matthew appreciated his effort. And also, at the very end of the movie, Jiwoong sent him a text, taking everything off his chest as he immediately facetimed his lover, ready to listen to how his day had been.

Matthew realized, he should learn to accept the distance and aloofness, because clearly, Jiwoong would get busier as days passed. Cons of dating someone dreaming to be famous.


That MATTBIN Tiktok!

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