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By animefanficstories

5.5K 120 14

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1) - Falling in love at our first meeting
2) - Finding the Map
3) - Meeting Zoro
4) - A huge mansion
5) - Don't try to make me fall in love with you ;)
6) - Tragic and kisses <3
7) - Can we stay together forever? <3 (lemon)
8) - A new ship
9) - At the Baratie
10) - Betrayed
11) - Arlong Park
12) - 100 million berries for saving the Coco Village
14) - The gift that Nami is giving to Y/n~ (lemon)
15) - Let's head up to the Grand Line!

13) - Y/n and Luffy VS Arlong

215 6 0
By animefanficstories

Y/n's POV:
It's the next morning,we got reunited with Sanji,Zoro and Usopp and I'm ready to fight Arlong with my friend Luffy. And I'm so excited to see what the 'gift' that Nami wants to give me is~ ;)
We entered the Coco Village with the others, watching as how the arson made the village almost to ashes. Nami had such a sad look and even a tear of pain got out of her eye.
I recommended to her that I'm gonna kill Arlong with Luffy and everything was going to be okay and that the village will finally be free without Arlong disturbing and destroying their life again.
Sanji: "Did Arlong did this? Why...?"
Nami: "He did this to punish the village, and to punish me."
Usopp tried to stop the fire, that was still going on inside the village,while the villagers of Coco were coming towards us,like they were trying to communicate something to us.
Nami: "What's going on?"
The defenser of the village answered to Nami saying:
Genzo: "Nojiko told us about your sacrifice."
Nami stayed silent. Nojiko smiled.
Genzo: "We didn't know,can you ever forgive us?"
Nami: "There's nothing to forgive...Coco Village is my home."
Genzo: "Then it's our turn to sacrifice,we're done living in fear. We're gonna march on Arlong Park, if those fishmen want a fight."
Nami responded with a concerned voice:
Nami: "That's not a fight. That's a massacre! You will be all killed!"
Genzo: "If there's no hope for us to buy freedom,then I say we die trying to fight for it!"
Everyone was screaming in honor for sacrifice theirselves and raising weapons and swords towards the sky.
Nami: "No, everyone, please! No...I won't let you do that!"
Everyone started screaming and stayed silent.
Nami: "This is my fight."
I interrupted Nami saying:
Y/n: "No, this is our fight, right guys?"
Zoro: "Finally, I get to cut something."
Usopp: "But how are we going to fight Arlong? We saw what he did at the Baratie."
Zoro: "Every creature has it weakness."
Usopp: "Even the bulletproof ones?"
Luffy: "I'll know it when I see it. And when I do...I won't hesitate."
We entered Arlong Park where everything is Arlong's property, that was once the other part of the Coco Village.
There was a fishman right in front of us screaming for calling his 'brothers' and making them notice that we were there.
Fishman: "Fishmen! Stand by to repel boarders!"
Zoro,Sanji,Luffy,Usopp,me... We were ready to fight them.
Y/n: "Where's Arlong?"
I said while cracking my hands and full of anger.
Nami replies:
Nami: "He's probably in the map room."
Luffy turns to me and her and he says:
Luffy: "Then that's where we're going."
We ran over the palace while all the fishmen from Arlong's crew were trying to fight Zoro, Sanji and Usopp.
A fishmen popped out from the water and jumped in front of me trying to kill me,I fought him and dodging the hits while Nami and Luffy turned around, with a shocked face.
Nami: "Y/n!"
But Zoro appeared and hit him with his white sword, making the fish man fall to the ground.
Y/n: "Thanks Zoro."
Zoro: "No problem Y/n, be careful while you guys make your way into the map room!"
Y/n: "Sure!"
Zoro continued to fight with the others, I hope them all will be okay.
We continued to run and the three of us made our way inside Arlong's palace and entering the map room where Nami told us that he was going to be.
Me and Luffy looked around to see how Arlong's palace looked like:
Luffy: "What place is this?"
Nami: "Come on guys, let's just take the map and leave, Arlong might be here in minutes."
Nami said while searching in boxes the map of the Grand Line.
I saw the chains where Nami was remained for drawing maps of the World for Arlong.
Nami: "He gave me the allow to stay there until I turned 12, it was a 'birthday gift'."
I looked at the chains disgustingly thinking about how that bitch was using my girl.
Luffy had my same gaze.
Nami: "Let's go, come on."
But Arlong appeared from the door frame saying:
Arlong: "But you just arrived." He said while holding a giga-sword with many sharp angels on it. Laughing like a maniac.
He placed the enormous sword on the ground with great violence and continued with:
Arlong: "Welcome to Along Park." And laughing with an evil-smile again.
I was trying to protect Nami, staying in front of her, letting her know that she has to stay aware of Arlong and that me and Luffy could fight him without letting her injured.
Arlong: "Humans have ruled the seas for too long,they watched us from their ivory towers built on the backs of fish men. Your government feared my people, thus, you forced us into slavery."
Luffy: "No one is forced to do anything...We should be free as we live."
Arlong interrupted him while saying:
Arlong: "Save your pity boy, all the abuse and persecution ends here NOW."
Arlong: "I will lead the fishmen, we will organize the greatest revolution... NOW IT'S YOUR TURN KNOWING HUMILIATION AND SUFFERING!"
He pointed at us and Nami responded at him, with a bad tone:
Nami: "Don't you think you've done enough?!"
I turned at her with a sad gaze.
Arlong: "I'm actually just getting started honey...But Nami,you could have been spared...You had a place right by my side and instead, like the rest of your kind...you betrayed me...AND FOR WHAT?! FOR THIS?!"
Nami: "You never intended to spare me, you told Nezumi about my money!"
We both, me and Luffy, looked at her with a shocked face.
Y/n: "Wait what-"
I got cut out by Arlong.
Arlong started laughing and said:
Arlong: "I'm playing by the rules of humans...With these maps I will create a world where the fishmen will have their supremacy,knowing every Navy base and every pirate stronghold and nothing will stop me from conquering the eastern sea and all the other seas after it!"
He said while taking his giant sword on his shoulders.
Arlong: "Oh yeah...And you Nami, it's all thanks to you! If this happened!"
Nami looked down with a sad face and a tear left from her eye.
I was clenching my fist,gritting my teeth, my soul was raging.
Arlong,to mock her, he made a noise like he was looking at a baby crying.
Me and Luffy had enough for him to insult our navigator.
Arlong: "King of the pirates..."
He placed his giant sword into Luffy's neck.
Me and Nami gasped of fear together for Luffy.
Along: "...Would you have been able to use her so effectively?"
Luffy: "Use her?!"
Luffy put his fist right on Along's toothed sword with all his energy and all his anger that he broke it. Arlong had a concerned gaze, that's what he gets for mocking Luffy,one of my closest friends.
Luffy knocked the sword away causing Arlong to almost fall from the force Luffy had put into his hands.
Arlong: "NO!" He shouted.
I couldn't do it anymore, I shouted with all my anger, going right in front of Luffy:
Y/n: "Nami is not a tool to use! She's a person! With her will and her dreams! And you ripped them away from her."
Luffy got next to me and he said to Arlong:
Luffy: "You're no better than that axehand or that fake butler or anyone who enjoys hurting other people,so I will kick  you off like I did with the others."
Arlong laughed evilly.
Luffy: "Because no one makes fun of my friends."
Arlong: "I'll be nice and kill you all at once."
Luffy: "Get out of here Nami"
Nami: "But Y/n, Luffy wait-"
Nami said with a tearing eyes.
I looked at her with a confident smile:
Y/n: "Leave the building,it's for your good, we'll take care of Arlong."
Nami nodded and she started to run but Arlong was trying to catch her while he shouted:
Before he could chase Nami I punched him with my fist full of electricity thanks to my light fruit and Luffy punched at him on his stomach with his gum gum fruit.
Arlong was gritting his teeth tightly for the fact that we stopped him for trying to catch Nami up.
Nami managed to escape the building and I warned him while saying:
Y/n: "Second round Arlong."
Luffy grinned at me:
Luffy: "That's the Y/n I know."
I smirked a little for a second but then my face turned out serious,staring at Arlong with all my anger, Luffy did the same.
I could say that even Arlong was full of anger there, well, I don't fear him though.
We started to fight Arlong really hard with our devil fruits, but Luffy fell on the ground because Arlong got him and threw him away.
Y/n: "LUFFY!"
Luffy: "I'm fine don't worry Y/n! Keep on fighting!"
I jumped and I was ready to punch him on his STUPID-ASS fishman face but he got me and threw me on the ground beside Luffy.
Arlong: "Get your asses up, come on."
Arlong laughed at us.
We tried to get on our feet but it was hard for us all because for the pain we felt,banging our backs on the heavy ground.
Arlong: "Even if you two have the powers of the devil fruits, you are nothing compared to me, stupid kids."
Luffy helped me to get up taking me by my shoulders.
Y/n: "It might be like what you said, but you let our navigator cry!"
We continued trying to punch him on his face:
We gave Arlong a really strong attack that he had blood in his mouth.
Luffy laughed at Arlong for the fact that he lost his teeth. I laughed too, even though I had the doubt that he might regenerate his teeth because he is a fish-man.
And like I said, he regenereted his teeth.
Arlong laughed like a psychopath at us,I knew that it was going to happen, he is a fishman after all! But Luffy is dumb so, he didn't even think twice about it, Luffy looked concerned at Arlong while his teeth regenerated.
We continued to fight but Luffy got threw against the floor by Arlong, again.
I fought Arlong and I made him fall to the ground, but he got up and threw a punch on my face making me get banged on the wall of the column of the building. I groaned in pain while I got up, Luffy did the same.
Arlong: "You guys are just fools if you think you could save Nami."
Arlong laughed and then he continued while walking towards us:
Arlong: "There's a reason why she keeps coming back to me, Arlong Park it's her home."
Luffy: "You mean her prison."
Arlong: "Whether she likes it or not I brought out the best in her, she would be NOTHING without me."
I broke the silence:
Y/n: "No..." I said while looking at the maps that Nami drew for Arlong when she was a kid:
Y/n: "You would be nothing without her."
I threw a punch toward him:
But he dodged it and by that he made my strong punch break a little bit the wall behind him.
Arlong turns around again and looks at me straight in the eyes:
Arlong: "Typical of humans, how can you win if you can't even hit straight."
Y/n: "Maybe I can't beat you."
Arlong laughed, I continued:
Y/n: "But I can destroy everything you've built." I smirked while saying that, Luffy did the same like me.
I cut out Arlong's smile and laugh and he became serious and angry all of sudden.
I continued to smile while I looked another way, I pointed at Arlong the left side of the building and looked where I pointed at, and with a punch I destroyed the column of the part we were all looking at.
Arlong: "NOO!" Arlong screamed while looking at the column concerned.
The breaking of the column made a part of the building shake, Arlong was fury with me and he turned around to me and Luffy and threw the table in the center of the room, me and Luffy were running Through the room in different directions for making Arlong confuse.
But he was catching me and jumped over his head making him look at the roof and when I got to the ground ready to fight, he turned around at me, but Luffy did a secret attack from behind making Arlong fly and get himself banged to another column of the building. The both of us continued to fight and Luffy destroyed another column, only the last one was left.
I trolled Arlong, leaning on the last column, Arlong tried to punch me towards the face but every time he did it I ducked, dodging the blow and make him take the column and break it in half.
Arlong screamed again:
Arlong: "NOO!" While touching the column and trying to fix it with his hands.
While I was destracting Arlong,Luffy was trying to destroy the other columns directly Arlong got him and threw him for the third time and got to the wall.
Luffy punched the ground, while it was full of ashes and of rubbles.
I looked at Luffy again but while I was going to help him get up the two of us saw that the roof of the building was about to collapse.
Nami's POV:
I made it back outside from the building seeing Zoro,Usopp and Sanji:
Sanji: "Nami!" He said while holding his arms up trying to hug me but I hugged Usopp and Zoro:
Nami: "Luckily you guys are good!"
I didn't hug Sanji and he was sad for it, well I don't care by the way.
Zoro: "Where are Y/n and Luffy?"
My smile turned out to a concerned face, looking at Arlong's palace that was about to collapse.
I answered to Zoro's question:
Nami: "They're still inside the building...they're fighting against Arlong..."
I said while we were all looking at the palace's parts were falling to the ground.
Usopp: "I'm sure that they'll be fine...R-Right?"
Y/n's POV:
Arlong screamed:
Arlong: "AHHH!"
Luffy was preparing to give one of his strong attacks to Arlong:
He gave lots of punches to Arlong's chest and stomach and I did my other attack too, the Yata no Kagami, our powers were to strong that we made Arlong fall on the ground, while everything was falling apart from the roof.
Arlong got up on his knees and looking at us, full of fury, I could see it in his eyes.
Luffy and I stayed still, Arlong got up and screamed at us, in sign of warning:
The rubbles fell even faster on the ground.
Arlong runner towards us but I wanted to make the final attack this time:
Y/n: "Luffy...let me deal with Arlong this time."
Luffy nodded and I was prepared to kick Arlong with my special attack:
Y/n: "AMA NO MURAKUMO!" A yellow-light color sword appeared in my hand and with the speed of light,I flew, breaking the last piece of the building, the part above.
Luffy tried to take Arlong down while they could see the light of the sky because the building was falling apart from the last pieces remaining. Arlong tried to ran into Luffy but with his stretchy leg, the took Arlong by his head and, by his force, he made the floor under his feet broke, and making Arlong fall from different floors 'till the last one.
When Arlong fell, the blow made sure that the building got all destroyed into a million of pieces.
Nami's POV:
Nami: "Y/N! LUFFY!" I screamed,as I saw the building fall and got destroyed into a million of pieces, tears were falling down my eyes while I covered my mouth for the shock and fear of losing the two of them.
The others were shocked too for what they were watching.
Ashes from the rubbles flew towards us,nothing was left from Arlong's palace.
I was crying hard because I thought that they didn't made it out of the building in time.
We were all sad,thinking the same thing for Y/n and Luffy, while a yellow light and a stretchy fist apperied from the rubbles of the building and Y/n and Luffy popped out from them.
I couldn't feel my emotions,I was shocked but at the same time I was full of joy while seeing them safe and sound.
Y/n looked at me with a smile,I smiled at my love too,the two of them were all covered in ashes,but then Luffy shouted:
Y/n & Luffy: "WE ARE YOUR CREW!"
Everyone right next to me laughed with joy,I did the same staring at Y/n's angelic smile and with tears of joy scrolling down my face.
I saw Luffy smile with confidence while looking at me.
Y/n's POV:
After me and Luffy fought and won against Arlong,later at night-time, the villagers and our crew, we celebrated Arlong's defeat and the village's freedom, everyone was so happy for it.
Sanji was cooking for everyone and every meal he gave to a person,he says:
Sanji: "Bon-appetit!"
And everyone greeting him,Nojiko showed up to Sanji with her plate:
Sanji: "Heyy!" Sanji said while smiling:
Nojiko: "Know that I need these recipes too."
Sanji laughed and Nojiko continued:
Nojiko: "You should write a book about cooking."
Sanji: "Well...You know,a true artist never reveals his secrets but...I might be interested in giving private lessons~"
Sanji rizzed up to Nojiko,but it didn't work:
Nojiko: "Good attempt" Nojiko smiled while going away with her food on the plate and Sanji still laughing.
I sat right next to Nami, and she noticed:
Nami: "So...You've won the deal huh~"
Y/n: "Yeah I did~ Oh right! Here's Sanji's delicious food, enjoy it it's really good!"
I leaned her a plate with Sanji's food.
Nami: "Thank you Y/n!"
She gave me a soft kiss on my cheek making me blush like a tomato, Nami warned me saying:
Nami: "You should be blushing so much later in my cabin~" Nami winked at me while saying that.
Y/n: "Hahahaha, sure baby~ but I know I'll make you blush more..." I took a tangerine by my pockets and leaned it to Nami, I whispered on her ear:
Y/n: "I'm gonna eat you like a fucking tangerine later~"
I noticed Nami get excited while she was blushing and looking at me, looking at the bottom part of my body:
Nami: "If you don't stop I'm gonna fuck you right now in front of the others, I can't handle it anymore."
Y/n: "Just wait a bit more baby, I'll come to your cabin in a hour~"
I kissed her neck gently and walked away towards Luffy.
Luffy: "She's still looking at you right now haha"
Luffy said while eating a ton of Sanji's food.
Y/n: "Yeah I know...She's such a naughty girl~"
We smirked together while I was biting my lips thinking about Nami on top of me.
Luffy: "Well then, tell me how it was okay?"
Y/n: "Yeah"
Luffy put his hand on my shoulder while he left off.
I walked towards Sanji's cooking section for taking an encore 'cause the food he makes it's so delicious.

( Y'all finally a new chapter, I'm sorry if it took so long but I was too busy with school, I hope you enjoy the chapter and thank you so much for the support y'all giving to me ❤️ )


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