
By KarmaisMitch321

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Toxic More

Chapter 1 The Start of A Bad Thing
Chapter 2 Say No To This
Chapter 3 When is this over?
Chapter 5 Going! Going! Gone!
Chapter 6 No Escape
Chapter 7 Hidden Figures
Chapter 8 The Show Begins
Chapter 9 A Little Kindness
Chapter 10 A Change of fate
Chapter 11 A Chance Encounter
Chapter 12 A Doormat Volcano

Chapter 4 The Evil Next Door

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By KarmaisMitch321

Abbygail P.O.V
After the shoot Max picked me up to take me to the Shangri La hotel. I was excited to finally get some rest I haven't slept once since we got here.Max grabs my bags out of the car and he carries them and his own into the hotel.We walk up to the front desk.

"Hello Abbygail and Max. Welcome we've been waiting for our important esteemed guest." The receptionist says cheerfully while staring at us.I'm still not used to people knowing who I am, I get shocked everytime it happens.I bow towards him and smile.

"Hello its to meet you.We're here to check into our suites." Max decided to get intertwining rooms with the door in the middle connecting mine to his.He claims it's for my own safety and protection but I know he's just nosy.

"Absolutely Abbygail, your suites are ready. Oh Max sir you don't need to carry those bags they look heavy. BELLHOP." A scrawny looking man around his 20s comes and takes all the bags from Max and takes us to our rooms.We all step into the elevator.

"Do you need help with those bags their really heavy." I ask the bell hop worried about his arms because he was really small.

"What about me? You didn't help me when I was carrying those weights in your suitcase?"

"Max you should be used to carrying my suitcases by now.And plus when I do offer to help.You never let me." I grab a few bags from the bell hop and carry them in my arms only for Max and the bell hop to take them out of my hands.

"No Miss Abby, I may not look it but im very strong.Its an honor to be able to be of service to you." Max nods in agreement

"It sure is." I elbow Max in his stomach and like the over dramatic person he is he gasp for air like he was dieing.

"Don't be rude.We appreciate you helping us to our room." The bellhop sets the bags in our rooms and nods his head.

"No problem i'm always here if you need me.Have a great stay!" He bows and then walks off. I open my door, sit on my really comfortable bed and began unpacking my suitcases.Max follows me into the room and sits next to me on my bed.Instead of going to his room.

"Today was so cool, I cant wait until that magazine comes out.We've already been getting so many jobs since we came.And now we're going to be getting so much that I might need to buy a separate phone just for work calls." He says happily practically bubbling with excitement.

"What do you mean we've been getting so many jobs isn't this our only one in Thailand." Max comes closer and pats my back while shaking his head.

"Oh no sweetheart this is only the first one we're already booked solid for this month."

"What??? Why didn't you tell me that we had bookings for this entire month? I just wanted to relax here I dont want to be overwhelmed with shoots."

"Dont worry I didn't overbook you. You have days off within the month its not like it was in Paris." Paris was the worst place to shoot not because its bad.But because at the time Max was still learning how to be a manger and he didn't realize that booking shoots for everyday of the month without any breaks wasn't a good idea.

"It better not be. What kind of jobs did you accept?"

"Well you have an acting role that starts rehearsing friday morning."

"An acting role here??? Already?"

"Yep as soon as they saw that video saying you might potentially visit here they called me and told me they wanted you apart of their show."

"And I wasn't notified of this because?"

"Come on I knew of I told you about being booked the entire month that you wouldn't come." He gently pats my back to prevent me from blowing up on him.

"Okay fine is that show the only thing we have this month."

"Almost so we'll be shooting the show and doing a few photos shoots and interviews in between. It won't be to much work."

"Easy for you to say.."

"Of course it is but i'm here supporting you. We will get through everything.Now tell me what happened with Apo?" He raises and eyebrow at me.

"Apo was just another arrogant prick with too much money. We've seen many of his type in the industry before its nothing new Max." Max expression turns serious

"He didn't try to hurt you did he?"

"No he was just a prick."

"We won't be doing anymore shoots with him in Thailand.I don't like the way he talked to you."

"Good, hopefully that will be the last I see of him here."

"Thailand is a big place we shouldn't see him again anywhere."

"Okay, i'm about to go eat get out."

"Where? Don't leave this hotel its to dangerous.People will definitely recognize you."

" They will not!" I say with my arms crossed and a determined look on my face.Max raises his eyebrow and looks at me up and down.

"Girl you are a black woman they will definitely know that you're not from here."

"That feels a bit racist not gonna lie. But you do make a good point I would definitely stand out."

" Just get something from the hotel or let me pick up whatever you want."

"I'll get something from downstairs, you go rest I know we both haven't gotten any sleep."

"Are you sure you don't want me to pick up anything? I know you don't like room service" He looks at me a bit worriedly.

"I'm positive plus this is a whole new country.I'm sure it will be better than America." Max nods and hugs me before leaving out through my door.I take a quick shower and put on some clothes and a mask before heading downstairs.

As the elevator opens I see a tall man in sunglass wearing a mask like mine.I get into the elevator and the doors close.

"What floor?" The man utters in a familiar sounding voice.

"Lobby please." I respond back. I open my phone,take my mask off and take a few pictures and then I hear a groan next to me.I turn around to face the weird groaning man in the elevator.

"Why are you here?"

"Excuse me?" The man takes his mask off to reveal the arrogant grandpa himself.I roll my eyes and look away.

"Don't roll your eyes at me answer my question." Apo turns my head aroun to face him.I swat his hand away.

"This hotel has been booked months in advance.If I had known you were staying here I would have booked elsewhere." The elevator doors open on the lobby floor.I walk out of the elevator quickly and head to the front desk to order food.Unfortunately me and Apo had the same idea in mind.

"What are you copying me now kid?"

"Grandpa i'm just here to pick up food.Unfortunately your not that important for me to want to be around you more than I have to." I go to the kiosk and order food for me and Max.While ordering I feel shadow hover above me.

"You're gonna eat all of that piggy ."

"Not that its any of your business donkey but i'm ordering for two."

"Oh so you have a boyfriend? I'm suprised that even pigs can date now."

"I don't feel insulted at all pigs are really cute.And my personal life is none of your business." As I hit the done button Apo comes closer to me I can feel his breathe on my neck.

"Who are you ordering for?" I turn around and he traps me in his arms against the kiosk.
" None of your damn business nosy grandpa." I push him away and walk to the counter to get my receipt and then I sit down in the waiting area.Apo walks up and sits down next to me.

"You know I do have ways to find out if you don't tell me."

"Why go to all that trouble for little ole me grandpa? Shouldn't you be somewhere bathing in your money."

"I did my bathing in money already this morning.Now tell me who it's for and i'll leave you alone." I roll my eyes

"Its for my manager,I dont have a boyfriend. Now leave me the hell alone." Apo nods looking a bit relieved.

"I knew you didn't have one,they probably run away at the sight of you."

"Yea they do just like your doing now."

"Shut up.Whats your schedule look like?"

"Why should I tell you that? And why do you care about my schedule?"

"I care because I don't want to run into you and see you again."

"Then leave."

"No i'll just set mouse traps until you do." I roll my eyes and ignore him.

"Stop rolling your eyes." I roll my eyes even harder to irrate him.Apo glares at me and I shiver a bit feeling a little scared.Apo can be really scary and intimidating.Apo leans towards me.

"Kid when I tell people to do things they do it."

"Well i'm not people, your word means nothing to me."

"ORDER FOR ABBY!" Saved by the bell because I was a bit scared to see the results of what I said.I get up and grab me and Maxes food.And before I walk away from Apo.I stick my tongue out at him like a child.He glares at me before I walk into to the elevator.Oh that was scary.Apo can be really intimidating usually I can be a bit opinionated.But when I saw his glare all of the rebuttal was gone.I walk into my room and set my food down. Before knocking on the door to Maxes room.Max opens the door in his pajamas.

"Hey i'm sorry I woke you up I just wanted to give you food." I hand Max his food and drink.Max hugs me.

"Thank you you didn't have to bring me anything."

"Yes I did I know you didn't eat today." Ever since we first met we've always been close.We've become almost like siblings. Max does almost everything for me and I like to do things for him to.I even forced him to start acting and singing along side of me.We've become the dynamic duo.

"Now get some sleep." I close our door and sit on the couch and watch TV and start eating.Until I hear a noise outside it sounds like people arguing.I go to the door and look through the peephole and I see Apo,Sun and Mile.And I completely freak out but i'm to nosy to step away from the door.

"Why didn't you tell me that she was coming here?" Apo said angrily

"I didn't know that you had a shoot with her.You usually don't care about celebrities staying here." Mile says confused

"She's not a celebrity."

'By definition she is. Plus this is your hotel not mine." Mile says and as soon as he said that my heart sank.If Apo owns this hotel then I might as well start packing now.He has to much authority in this situation. He must be filthy rich to be able to afford this hotel.

"Just show me her bookings." Mile gives Apo a clipboard and I see Apo began to read it thoroughly.

"Oh so her room is on this floor next to mine." Apo looks up and his eyes land right on my door.And I fall to the floor in fear that he can see me looking through my tiny peephole.

"Mile." Apo says mischievously

"Yes." Mile turns to look at him.Apo looks up with a sinister look on his face giving me chills.

"I think its time to set some rat traps." Apo goes into his room with Mile and his manager and close the door behind him.

"America here I come" I sit down on the floor and put my face into my hands.Wondering what the hell I got myself into?

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