7 Hybrids Moved in With Me

By Lillsisamarshmallow

69.3K 2.9K 337

When the dog hybrid who visits her bakery starts taking extra food Y/N follows it through the alley's to find... More

Teaser (0)
Bake, Eat, Run (1)
Trespassing (2)
Bunny boy (3)
Nurse Y/n (4)
Roommates? (5)
Living Arrangements (6)
Water Fountain in the Kitchen! (7)
Rainy days, mysterious notes, and wet apologies (8)
Working boys (10)
The plan (11)
Fair day (12)
The betrayal (13)
House guests (14)
Jealous! Jealous! Jealous (15)
Hickeys, Houses, and Heated gazes (16)
Moving day! (17)
Getting back to Normal (18)
Finally at Peace (19)

It's over...?(9)

4K 163 13
By Lillsisamarshmallow

Summary: Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, with the rain stopping and Y/n going back to work, she struggles to tell the boys about how she's feeling. With the café slow on staff and high ion customers the girls struggle to get all the work done, what happens when Y/n works herself too hard? Will the boys be there for her? Or have they already left...

Word count: 7.3k (Wow)

Warnings: Over exhaustion, Passing out, Let me know if I missed any!

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I groaned at the yelling from somewhere in the house, hoping I was just dreaming I rolled over to face Hoseok, he seemed to stir slightly, but stayed asleep, I started drifting back to sleep as well, my eyes closing as I was losing the battle, until I heard a loud scream.

I quickly sat up as did Hoseok, we both threw off the blankets and rushed towards the door, him being in front due to his faster reflexes, he threw opened the door and walked out until he was standing near the kitchen, and I quickly followed behind him. Standing across from us was Seoyeon, she had her hair down and her sunglasses pushed up, she was wearing some black pants and a white top which was covered by her long beige coat, she was looking over towards the couch.

Looking at the couch I saw Namjoon and Seokjin who had clearly just woken up staring back at her startled, the spare room door was also open, and Taehyung was peering out, I could see Jungkook's feet hanging off the bed, letting me know that he was still asleep, I glanced at Hoseok who was standing in front of me before looking back at Seoyeon as she started speaking.

"Uhm, Y/n?" She nervously yelled out, looking around a bit more before she spotted me, she came running towards me before grabbing me and pulling me away from Hoseok, she held on to me protectively as she tried to back up a bit more, her eyes wide with concern, but Hoseok wasted no time in grabbing me from her arms and pulling me back over to him and slightly pushing me behind his body.

Seoyeon reached out from my arm and grabbed a hold of it and tried pulling me away from Hoseok, in the corner of my eye I could see Jungkook and Jimin slowly poke their heads out from the room as well. I felt like a piece of meat being fought over by two wild animals, as the two kept pulling me back and forth I took advantage of their lack of focus on me and more on each other to pull myself away from both of them.

They both looked at me before Seoyeon took a step forward making Hoseok flinch before she started speaking. "Y/n, who are these guys? Are you okay?" She whispered, trying to stop them from hearing, but their hybrids ears would have picked up what she said anyway. Hoseok reaches for Seoyeon's arm that's she using to hold me and pulls it away making her turn to face him, he steps closer to me putting a bit of space between myself and Seoyeon.

"Who are we? Who are you?" He sneered, slightly growling at her. She stepped back seeming a bit nervous and offended, Hoseok was staring at her as she moved slightly away from him, he looked like he could tear her throat out at any second, it was different from his usually bubbly and friendly self and it kind of worried me, so I decided to step in.

"Hoseok, this is Seoyeon, my friend who works at the café with me." I said, trying to diffuse the tension. "Seoyeon, this is Hoseok, he is my friend who's been staying with me, remember? Along with the rest of the pack." I said gesturing to everyone else who was watching, Seoyeon looked around at them all, she must have spotted Jimin and Jungkook as she gave them a smile and a small wave.

She looked over to the couch as confusion spread on her face at the unfamiliar faces, she seemed to grow awkward again, realizing three other people were watching. I started to introduce the boys.

"Seoyeon, this is Taehyung, Namjoon, and Seokjin." I pointed accordingly to each person as I said their name, Seoyeon gave them all a polite smile which they seemed to awkwardly return. "And you already know Jimin and Jungkook, Yoongi's in the room right now, sleeping." I smiled at her as I point behind me into my room, you could see the pile of blankets that was hiding his body at the end of the bed.

Seoyeon's eyes widened. "Wait, he's sleeping in your bed?" She asked me, slightly astounded.

"Yeah, I'm sharing my bed with Yoongi and Hoseok since there isn't enough room on the couch." I said sheepishly.

Seoyeon smirked at me before raising her eyebrows up and down in a knowing manner, I playfully smacked her on the arm, telling her it wasn't like that, she laughed a bit before reminding me of how she was 'Just joking.'

Something must have clicked in Seoyeon's head at that moment as her demeanour completely changed, her eyebrows furrowed, and she had a scowl on her face. "Are you the one who hit her?" She asked, jabbing a finger towards Hoseok chest, making him stumble back slightly, my eyes widen at her accusation.

"W-what? N-no, Seoyeon it wasn't him, can we not talk about it, please?" I pleaded with her to drop the subject. "Why are you here anyway?" I asked trying to change the subject.

She glared and Hoseok before she turned to me and sighed, letting me know that this wouldn't be the end of her quest to find the culprit of those hand marks.

"Haven't you noticed?" She asked as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, she took my silence as a no and made her way over to one of the windows that had a curtain covering it. "It stopped raining!"

She pulled back the curtain and a flush of natural light flooded into the apartment, I squinted my eyes, not used to the bright light that came in lighting everything up in a glow that I haven't seen for a while making a smile spread on my face, I walked over to Seoyeon and looked out the window with her, the sun was shining down and there wasn't a cloud in sight, I could see all the people in their cars driving and walking on the street down below us, tiny little blobs of colour.

I could hear the other curtains and windows being opened too by the others, but as the sun lit up the room an expected tension came with it.

If the sun was out, that means the boys will be going home...

My demeanour changed as the realization came over me, I didn't want them to leave, it would be so lonely without them, and I couldn't let them go back to that dump of an alley. What am I going to do? I thought to myself, but before I could come up with a solution Seoyeon grabbed me and started dragging me in to my room, telling me that I need to get ready for work, we had a lot of clean up to do and there would most likely be a lot of hungry customers.

The room was dark and cold with just small streaks of light coming through the curtains, yoongi was twisted up in the blankets at the end of the bed in his usual spot, Seoyeon paid no mind to him and started chatting quite loudly and opened up the windows letting the light in. Due to Seoyeon's chirpy mood and loud voice Yoongi had uncurled himself from the bed and made his way outside with the other boys, not saying a thing, Seoyeon kept rushing me while telling me about all that's been going on and bombarding me with questions about the boys.

"So, are you like, interested in them or something?" She asked with all her other questions making me stop and poke my head around the corner from where I was standing in my closet.

"What? No, of course not. They're just friends who I'm helping out..." I trailed off trying to deflect the question, and I poked my head back into the closet to hide the embarrassment on my face, I could hear Seoyeon walking around my room and 'inspecting' things.

"Mhm, yeah, sure, just 'friends of yours', nothing more." She said sarcastically, I rolled my eyes and began searching for a top in my drawers, I was starting to run out of clean clothes. I plucked one out after wrestling with the drawer to let it out of its grip and began to slide it over my head.

"Do you have any tissues? I just smudge my makeup." Seoyeon said.

"Yeah, there should be some in my top drawer." I yelled back attempting to point one hand in the right direction, although I'm sure I just looked like a wind man with my arm stuck in the shirt, as I adjusted the shirt and pulled it down it registered what I had just said, "Wait, Seoyeon."

"Y/n, what are these?"

Too late, Seoyeon was shuffling through the notes, I could see her eyes widen at someone them, most likely the more recent ones which had started becoming more threatening and aimed towards me, her mouth hung open and she raised her hand to cover it.

"W-whose been sending these?" She asked, still in shock.

I made my way over to her to try and grab them back, but due to her height advantage she was easily able to hold them out of my reach. "I don't know, it's fine, just put them back, or give them here." I whined as I tried to reach for her hand.

"No, Y/n. This is serious, these things...these notes. Someone is threatening you, you need to tell them to stop. This is not okay!" She almost yelled back at me in her stern voice, shaking the notes around in the air, I sighed and gave up trying to reach the notes, I plopped myself down in front of her on the bed.

"I don't know who is sending them. They just started appearing a few days ago, everyday there's another one, except for Fridays. But it doesn't matter-"

"Do they know? Do all your seven boyfriends know?" She asked me.

"No, they don't- wait, no! They're not my boyfriends!"

"Yeah-yeah, whatever, but y/n, you can't keep letting this happen, it's harassment. Let's figure out who did it, put a stop to it. I can bring my brothers baseball bat." She joked towards the end trying to lighten the mood, but I could see the excitement in her eyes about being able to use the bat on someone, again. "We could even get Jiyoon to come too, she lives here so maybe she can help and bring some of her weird art stuff, I'm sure some of it would be useful. We'll do it on one of the days that they usually leave you a note, that way when they knock on the door I'll come running out with my bat." She laughed before sliding the notes back into the drawer and sitting down next to me, the room fell silent, I could hear the boy outside talking amongst themselves then Seoyeon hit me in the arm before giving me the look, telling me she was getting impatient, and we need to go.

With Seoyeon rushing me it didn't take long to get ready, I was walking through the kitchen and grabbed my water bottle out the fridge before turning to the boys, some of whom were sitting on the couch. "I'm off to work guys, wait around until I get back, okay? See you later!" I yelled the last part as I stepped out the door, me and Seoyeon made our way to the elevator, Chaeryeong was inside with her cart along with Jangho from downstairs, as we stepped in Jangho gave me a bit of a glare before stepping away from me.

What his problem?

I told Chaeryeong which level to press and the elevator started moving, I waved goodbye to her as me and Seoyeon left the building through the front entrance as we decided to take her car so she can just drop me off after work. We headed into town and quickly arrived at the café, we unlocked everything and as Seoyeon was setting up the stuff, I was in the kitchen going through anything expired and starting on a batch of pastries. The morning was incredibly busy as we were franticly running around, and it only stayed that way.


I slowly turned the key to unlock the door, I was so exhausted from work, I pushed the door open and slid inside, closing it behind me, I dragged my feet through the foyer and past the kitchen before dropping myself onto the couch, Namjoon and Taehyung sat across from me. The house was quiet, it felt strangely empty despite the eight human beings inside of it, only 3 of which I could spot including the oddly large body shaped mound laying on my bed.

"Tough day at work?" Namjoon asked me, my lidded eyes met his as I started mumbling in my tired state.

"You have no idea. More customers than I could even count, we must have sold at least 300 cupcakes."

"Should we go now you're home?" Taehyung spoke, sadness lacing his deep voice., his eyes met mine and for a split second, they seemed worried.

I hadn't thought of that, I tried to buy myself some time to come up with a reason for them to stay by telling them to wait until I got home, I got so caught up with the café that I completely forgot.

"O-oh, uhm, well-It's wet! Yes, the rain has stopped, but everything is still wet, so you could still get sick. You can stay for another day or two, just until things start to dry up, heh." I fumbled out making an excuse on the spot. The boys seemed relieved, but also a bit sad, it was hard to tell since my eyes kept closing. I grabbed a folded blanket from the end of the couch and laid down, trying to rest my sore body.

I didn't mean to sleep, I just wanted to rest and relax for a bit, but due to just how exhausted I was, it didn't take long for my body to betray me and take a nap. If I was awake I would have noticed how all the blankets and pillows from the couch had been folded up nicely, and I would have seen how spotless the kitchen was, if I had gone into my room I would have seen how the bed was fully made and the floor and been tidied up.

I would have seen the bags, lined up, packed, and sitting towards to door, ready to go out.


I woke up sometime in the evening, I could smell the food along with hearing Jin and Jungkook talking, I rubbed my eyes before slowly sitting up and stretching my arms, I swung my legs over and stood up, I made my way over the table and sat down next to Jungkook.

"Did you sleep well, Y/n?" He asked me, smiling.

"It was okay, I feel bad that Jin and Namjoon have been sleeping on that for the past week, I can feel the back pain already." I croaked out due to my dry throat and half joking towards the end. Jin laughed before placing a plate in front of me and Jungkook.

"Trust me, I've had worse places to sleep." He smiled before turning back and plated up more food, I wasn't sure if I should have laughed or been worried about what Jin had said, Namjoon told me some things about when they were all together in the alleyway, but I didn't know anything about before that.

I didn't have much more time to think as the other boys all came out to eat too, and just like everything else he had cooked, this came out amazing. "Jin, you have to teach me how to make this." I exclaimed.

Jin laughed and spoke. "Another time, I promise."

We all sat around and continued to eat the food occasionally asking me how work was which I exchanged with asking them how their day went, I took me a while to notice at first but, Jin was the only one standing, which meant someone was sitting down because there was a spare seat.

Where's Yoongi?

"Is Yoongi not hungry?" I asked them, figuring they would know where he'd be.

"Probably, I haven't seen him since lunch time. He's probably sleeping somewhere." Hoseok said looking at me.

I nodded my head before finishing my food, when everyone finished, they seemed to go back to what they were doing before while Seokjin started cleaning, I asked him if he wanted any help, but he told me to just rest.

I looked around at the other boys doing their things, but still no Yoongi. I decide to have a look around since my anxiety was getting the best of me now, I checked my bed first of all, but he wasn't there, then I checked the spare room, the bathroom, the balcony's, I triple checked the couch, but I still couldn't find him.

Where is he?

I walked into my room to double check again, definitely not in the bed, I went into my closet, not likely that he'd be in here, but I had to check. The lights were off, but there was just enough light for me to see, I was moving clothes across on the racks when a slight movement caught my eye, I pulled the clothes apart making a large space between my jumpers, as I looked down between them, I saw a black blob.


Suddenly two glowing dots appeared on the blob and a long tail stuck out from one side, I jumped back in shock at the weird thing in my closet, I put my hand to my chest trying to catch my breath, I crouched down on the floor and slowly moved the two jumpers apart again.

It wasn't some weird blob with eyes and a tail, it was a cat, a small black cat, fluffy, but not too much, it was staring right back at me, I reached my hand out to pet it and it nuzzled into my hand.

"How did you even get here?" I asked, chuckling, as I kept petting it, what caught my attention was its paw as it raised one up to me, it had these small scars on its right paw, looking down I saw that it also had some on the other paw. I looked back at the cat, now curious as to what happened.

Its ears, they were smaller, but so similar, they looked just like Yoongi' s.

"Yoongi?" I asked it, it nuzzled its head harder into my hand before moving closer to me. "Wait, you're a cat? You can turn into a cat?" I asked him, before realising that, although he can understand me, I can't understand him, so he can't really tell me.

I moved closer to him, I was covered by the hanging clothes now as we both sat in the closet, Yoongi curled up in my lap as I kept petting him, it was nice and quiet in the closet, alone time, well apart from Yoongi, but that was okay. I kept petting him as he fell asleep on my lap, and I too followed his lead as I fell asleep in the bottom of my closet.


The whining was getting louder and the constant shifting in the bed was stirring me in my sleep, I slowly cracked my eyes open to see my dark room, I don't know how I got here, but someone must have found me, it was the middle of the night now. I blinked a few times trying to adjust my eyesight, I lazily flopped my hand on the nightstand before moving it around like a fish out of water trying to find the switch for the lamp, I hit the switch and a dim, warm light slightly illuminated the room. I slowly brought myself to roll over under the blankets to face the man who kept mumbling, whining, and almost yelling in his sleep, as well as the constant kicking and tossing.

His face was scrunched up and his eyes were closed, he was sweating, and his hair was sticking to his forehead. "Stop... stop, stop!" He kept mumbling. "No more... I can't do it."

He's having a nightmare.

I reached towards him putting one hand on his shoulder and the other on his forehead checking his temperature, I slowly starting to shake him trying to wake him up. "Hoseok? Hoseok, you need to wake up. It's just a dream, c'mon, you need to wake up." I slurred in my tired state.

He slowly started to calm down and I stopped shaking him and just run my hand up and down his shoulder, his face started to relax as he finally opened his eyes, the moonlight from the window was reflecting into his dark brown eyes as he stared at me and looked around checking his surroundings, he seemed confused which was understandable, so I moved closer to him.

"It's okay, it was just a dream. It wasn't real." I said as I moved his head close to me so he could lay his head on my chest. "I'm right here, and I'm not leaving." I whispered to him as I kept moving my hand up and down his back, he moved his arm to tightly wrap around my waist and pulling me closer to him, I could feel his heartbeat against my side, the constant thump, thump, thump, was almost soothing, and it was gradually getting slower and his breathing was returning to normal as I could feel it fanning across my neck.

I sighed What could he have been dreaming about? I thought to myself, some movement in the bed caught my attention and I looked down towards the end, a black mass slowly made its way towards us before squeezing in between me and Hoseok, Yoongi purred as I moved one of my hands to pet him too. I waited until I knew Hoseok was asleep and everything was back to normal before I allowed myself to drift off again, Hoseok soft breathing and Yoongi's purring lulled me back to sleep.


It had been two days since the rain had stopped and the café hasn't slowed down one bit, it was still busy as ever and with the lack of staff it was really taking a toll on me and Seoyeon, early mornings and late nights trying to find time to get everything done, there was never enough time. It was late at night now, well past dinner time, the boys are going to be worried, and I had no way of contacting them to let them know that I was okay and just running late, speaking of whom, they were going to find out soon, there was no way I could just keep telling them that it was still wet outside, I have to hurry up and ask them to stay, I had been stalling about them leaving for too long, I don't want them to leave, but I don't want to be selfish.

What if I just-

"Hey! Y/n, are you even paying attention?" Seoyeon snapped her fingers in my face, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Sorry, I just had something on my mind..." I said, trailing off.

"Yeah, well, this is really important, Y/n. What are we going to do? We can't keep this up, I've already asked Nali and Haewon about their hours and they both said they couldn't put anymore in, in fact, Nali said that they might have to cut back because it's exam season for them."

I groaned as I sank my head into my palms rubbing them on my face, probably smudging my already ruined makeup. "I don't know, I could try and hand out some posters. No, when would I even have time for something like that. Maybe some more online ads?"

"Either way, we need to figure something out. I'll see you tomorrow." Seoyeon said sadly, patting my back and giving me a sad smile as she walked out the front door to go home. I started packing up my stuff and turning everything off so I could start heading home also.

Following my usual routine, I pried open the door and fell inside, closing it behind me before making my way further into the house, as I came around the corner, I could see all the boys that were sitting at the table suddenly stand at my presence.

"Y/n, where have you been? Do you know how late it is? We were worried something bad-"

Before Jin could finish his sentence, my legs collapsed under me causing me to fall straight to the ground, my body colliding with the floor made a loud boom followed by some clanking as my bag also hit the ground, I didn't try to get up, my body once again betrayed me as I felt like I couldn't move, it was like everything was in slow motion. I could hear yelling from the boys, but my ears were ringing and my vision slightly blurry, I could hear someone saying my name as I was lifted from the floor by someone, and my body hung loose from the uncomfortable position in their arms.

I felt my back collide with a soft surface, the couch, but then my head was lifted back up again and paced higher up so I was slightly sitting up, I could see blurs moving around the area in front of me before one got really close, it was a face, but I couldn't tell who.

"Here, Y/n, drink this." The face said before another blurry object obstructed my vision of the face, I forced my mouth open slightly before feeling the cool sensation of water, I did my best to drink as much as I could before they moved again.

I groaned a bit and weakly tried to move myself and closed my eyes for a second before opening them and repeating like I was slowly blinking, slowly the blurry object became more formed and eventually I was able to make them out. My ears were still ringing slightly so when someone called my name, I didn't realize.

"Y/n, are you okay? Aish, silly girl, you're over working yourself." Someone said, I think it was Jin. "Have you eaten?" With the strength I had left I slowly move my head letting him know that I hadn't eaten.

I heard someone hum before I saw the Jin blob make his way into the kitchen and begin making something. Being so exhausted like this made me very emotional and I was so overcome by the stress that now both my body and mind had succumbed to the pressure.

"You need to look after yourself." Hoseok said from the other end of the couch, looking in his eyes he seemed tired, he's been having trouble sleeping the past few nights because of some nightmares, but behind that he seemed scared, worried, I felt bad for making him worry.

"I'm sorry, guys." I said, sighing defeatedly.

"Y/n? What are you sorry for?" Jimin said as he crouched down in front of me and held onto one of my hands, rubbing circling on the back, the movement slightly calms my nerves and remined me to breath, I moved my other hand to cover my face to avoid embarrassment.

"I lied, I lied to all of you." Jimin seemed to grow confused at my words but let me finish, his hand movements not stopping and instead slightly slowing down. "I told you that you couldn't got home because it was still wet from all the rain, and it was wet, for a while, but then it dried. I kept telling you it was wet because I didn't want you to leave." I explained myself, feeling a bit guilty, I had their best interests in mind, but I didn't ask them. Jimin's mouth opened slightly, like he didn't know what to say and his thumb that was circling the back of my hand came to a stop, I moved my arm and turned to look at him, his big brown eyes met mine and we just stared at each other for a bit before I decided to just sit up, my head started spinning from the movement and I brought my hand other up to hold against it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you guys stay here if you didn't want to, it's just- I really didn't want you all to leave, I love having you guys here, this apartment has never felt so alive, I've never felt so alive, but still, I shouldn't have lied to you all." I said, looking around the group, Jin had turned away from his cooking to listen too. "I thought you guys were better off here than in that alleyway, I know that there isn't quite enough room, and we have to share sleeping areas, but surely that's worth it though, right? You guys have proper places to sleep, clean clothes, food, a-a bathroom! And I don't have to worry anymore because your safe and-" I got cut off mid ramble, making me follow the arm that belong to the hand that was covering my mouth, reaching the end I looked up and Jimin was staring at me.

"You worried about us back when we were staying in the alley?" He asked me, quirking his head to the side, his eyes were filling with curiosity and need, a need to know the answer.

"Yes, of course I did! I was always worried about what might happen to you guys, and after that... 'incident' I became really scared that it might happen again, and what if I wasn't there to help? or what if they did something worse than that?" I said, pausing around the mention of the 'incident'. Did they really think I didn't care back then? "I just wanted you guys to be safe, and when you all agreed to come stay with me, I was so happy that I would have to worry anymore... If you guys want to go, it's okay, I can drive you now." I began patting my pockets to search for my car keys, I shouldn't be driving like this, but if that wanted to leave I couldn't keep them, realising that I didn't have my keys on me I looked over to were my bag was and went to go stand up.

As I swung my feet over the couch and pushed my body up it didn't take long for me to feel the repercussions of my actions, the room started spinning, objects blurring together, and I was losing my balance, again, it felt like the world around me had slowed down as I fell back to the couch, but the impact felt like real time. I groaned at the impact and how my head felt like someone was shaking me like some glowsticks before slightly leaning to the side and my body slumping, trying to lay down. I could feel someone's hands on my shoulder trying to softly lay me down, at last, I was lying down, my head was still hurting, but things were slowly starting to shape again, and I could just make out Jimin's ear on top of his head.

"Yeah, you're not going anywhere like that." I heard someone say.

They were right, and I was in no position to argue, my body was aching and my head pounding. "B-But what about-"

"We'll talk about that tomorrow, get some rest." Someone closer to me spoke before I felt a blanket being placed over me. "Goodnight, Y/n."

I heard some shuffling and mumbling before the lights dimmed, just a small glow coming from the kitchen area, I tried shifting to get more comfortable, this couch was worse than I remembered. I pulled the blanket up further and pulled my arms in close, due to my aching limps and drained body, it didn't take long for me to fall asleep and for the world to turn black.

The soft movements lulled me to sleep, although, I swear the couch didn't breathe last time. I was too tired and exhausted to care, so I pushed the thought aside.


I slowly cracked my eyes open, my head was pounding, and my face was tacky from last night, the sun was shining through the curtains is slightly lighting up the room, all my muscle ached, but I had to wake up. I slowly brought myself to sit up slightly perch on my elbow, I yawned and stretched my other arm that felt like it was going to fall off, I glanced around the room, but I didn't spot anyone else.

Where are they?

I tried to wiggle myself backwards on the couch before rubbing my eyes and taking another look, still not there. I dropped myself back down and sighed, thinking the worst and just wanting to go back to sleep. I moved my feet around and tried to readjust the blankets to keep me warm even though I was already cozy, in my attempts to move the blanket up I had pulled it off my feet.

I started kicking around, growing frustrated because all I wanted to do was go to sleep and avoid the reality of today.

"Would you stop kicking? You're almost as bad as Hoseok." A very close, tired voice grumbled, fear ran up my spine, but before I could pull myself away a sly arm found its way around my waist and gripped on before pulling me backwards. My throat was too tired to scream so all I could do was gasp at the sudden movements, I tried to pry away at the wrist on my stomach, but it was no use.

"Relax, you're fine...here." The voice that was right next to my ear mumbled. The arm started pulling me until I was fully facing the other way, facing this person.

He seemed to open his eyes and give me a quick once over before he closed them again, black hair flung around his face and pillow, a small scar under his eye, his cat ears sitting up on his head, the soft rumble of his chest was soothing against my own, his hand still draped over my side and holding me close to him.

"Yoongi? W-why are we on the couch together?" I mumbled, trying not to be too loud during to our close proximity.

"You fell asleep on me last night, and we didn't want to move you." He replied without even opening his eyes. My face blushed red at that as I looked down slightly to hide my face, not that he would have seen it.

How do I not remember that? Think y/n, think.

Last night... I came home and I was so tired that I just collapsed, I remember Jin asking me if I ate anything, and then...oh, I remember now. I told them, I told them about what I did. Do they hate me?


"O-oh, I'm sorry-"

"Don't, don't apologise. You were exhausted and if it was a problem, I would have pushed you off the couch." He interrupted, I glanced back up to look at him, I saw his face move slightly and his eyes lids twitched, but they were closed, a small smile on his lips.

I looked up behind him, the small parts of the apartment that I could see from this new position, with the sun rays glowing against the wall, I small shudder of panic went through my body as I realised that I had woken up late and need to be at the cafe. I tried to pry his arm off me and push myself away so I could get up, but he kept a strong hold on me that only seemed to tighten the more I moved.

"Yoongi, c'mon I have to get up, I'm going to be late." I whispered hastily yet he refused to let go, so I had to use my only option. "Help me! Someone, help me!"

Almost immediately heard a door being slammed open and footsteps.

"Y/n? What's going on?" Someone yelled.

"Yoongi won't let me go!" I whined, hoping for some sympathy, but I didn't get any. After a short silence I heard some giggles erupting even though they tried to hold them back. "Please, I'm going to be late for work." I pouted, this whole time I could see the slight smirk Yoongi had on his face.

I felt Yoongi start shifting and his arm got looser, thinking that he was letting me go I tried to sit up, but he quickly pushed me back onto the couch and he himself got up first, I tried to stand up again, but he pushed me back down to sitting, I rolled myself over so I could finally face everyone else, the older boys were near the bathroom door and the younger boys were near the spare room.

"I have to get up for work." I said half laughing, thinking that would make him show mercy, I went to hull myself up again and this time I actually made it, before the room started spinning and I fell back down again, I groaned at the pounding pain that had suddenly appeared in my head. I looked up at the boys, one eye squinted due to the pain, Yoongi looked at me smugly as if saying 'told you so' before he crossed paths with Seokjin and made his way into the bathroom. I grumbled out a good morning even though my morning wasn't going good at the moment, but quicker than I could process Jimin lunged forwards and half onto me, gripping around my shoulders in a hug.

I groaned at the contact but raised my arms to wrap around him and return the hug.

"I'm so happy you're okay, I was so worried." Jimin said in a hushed voice as he kept holding on to me and squeezing me slightly tighter.

"It's okay, Jimin, I'm okay-" Suddenly two arms squeezed their way between me and Jimin before prying us apart and pushing Jimin away a bit which let me take in a deep breath now I wasn't being hugged so tightly by the concerned Hybrid.

"Okay-Okay, give her some space, don't squeeze her, she's still sore." Taehyung said as he was now standing up next to Jimin.

Jimin looked at me, he didn't have to say anything because I could see it in his eyes, I smiled and nodded, letting him know I was okay, he smiled before turning himself away and heading for the bathroom after he picked up some clothes that he must have dropped in his surprise.

I looked over everyone else, something was different, it wasn't the surprise in their eyes, or the concern in their posture, their clothes, it was their clothes. I studied the boys a bit closer, they were wearing casual clothes, but not 'relaxing at home' clothes like the last few days, more put together, they looked like they were going somewhere.

I turned to look at Taehyung, who had taken a seat next to me, he was dressed up too, and his hair, it was still wet from styling, I could see where it was starting to curl a bit from drying towards the ends.

"W-where are you guys going?" I asked as my eyes moved slower than my head and I had to drag them away from Taehyung. I tried to politely smile at them and seem more put together, I didn't want them to leave, but I didn't want to force them to stay just because of me.

"We're coming to work with you!" Hoseok exclaimed, I could see behind him that Jin had gone to say something, but Hoseok beat him to it.

"You guys really don't have to, I'm sure I'll be fine, just take some painkillers and I'll be okay. "I tried to reassure them before attempting to stand again and make my way to the kitchen, but my ankle buckled slightly making me lose my balance and I landed back on the couch, I tried to force myself back up again, but Taehyung stuck his arm out preventing me from doing so, I turned to him and he just shook his head, I threw myself back and let out a long sigh.

"See, you need help. There's seven of us so I'm sure we can do your job for a day, didn't you say you were low of staff anyways? Now there's seven new staff members." Namjoon said from the kitchen, they all looked at me, and I could tell that they weren't backing down from this no matter what I did.

"We do need the help...but only if you're sure." I said to them. "A-are you guys going...back...after?" I said unsurely and slightly nervous.

"Well, we thought about it...and" All the boys seemed to share a look at each other, before they all turned back to me. "If you want us to stay, we would be more than happy to, and we can help out at the café, but only if you want us too of course."

My heart stopped, and I stilled, They wanted to stay? They said yes? Realising that they actually said yes, I was so happy, my chest hurt, and I was about to stand up before I remembered that that probably wasn't the best idea. "Well okay then!" I said with the biggest smile on my face. "It's settled, you guys are staying with me! Okay-okay, oh! We have to get ready to go, the café opens soon."

The rest of the morning was a bit of a blur as we all rushed to get ready and to the café, although, the boys wouldn't leave me alone, granted, they were probably right for doing that as I could barely keep my balance and I would have most likely crashed the car if they had allowed me to drive in this state, so Hoseok drove and I sat in the back with Taehyung who I guess was appoint to 'look after' me, it's not like I'm sick or anything.

Maybe I didn't realise it at first, the exhaustion and the adrenaline were too much, but on the way to the café it hit me.

I just got 7 hybrids to run my café.

Hopefully they don't burn the building down.


A/n: Chapter 9 if finally, here! (I ran out of time to proof read this to my typical standards because I wanted to get it out for you guys.) Sorry if this chapter feels a bit flat, I rewrote the whole thing multiple times trying to fix it, I wanted to include a cute laundry scene with Kookie (Inspired by 'Seven'), as well as the scene where Y/n and Seoyeon try and catch the person, but that'll have to wait until next chapter since I didn't want the chapter to be too long. Also, the boys working at the café? I've been waiting for this moment, I have some ideas of the shenanigans that will go on, but if you have an idea or something you like to see, let me know, I love reading the ideas you all have and they inspire the future chapters, so I might just add it into the story! I'm currently moving house so I'm not sure when the next chapter will be out, but I'm trying to find more inspiration for this series so I can make it better, OH, WE HAVE 40,001 WORDS NOW, but thank you all for the support! I hope you all have a lovely day or night and thankyou all for the support! 💜

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