Izuku Yagi: Hades Ring

By Ricks999

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Four months have passed since the war between Japan and Outcast of Hell. Izuku Yagi is being locked in an unk... More

Chapter 1 Inmate 1796
Chapter 2 Snapped
Chapter 3 Second Chance
Chapter 4 Masamori Ito
Chapter 5 Homura Jin
Chapter 6 Busted
Chapter 7 Quirkless Combat
Chapter 8 Inception
Chapter 9 Uehara Choice
Chapter 11 The Demons
Chapter 12 Hole in The Head
Chapter 13 Class B Battle Royal
Chapter 14 I Spy With My Floating Eye
Chapter 15 An Invitation to Everlasting Summer
Chapter 16 Class B Horror Getaway
Chapter 17 Survival
Chapter 18 Knock Knock
Chapter 18.5 Asano Ozora
Chapter 19 Guns N Head
Chapter 20 Delirium
Chapter 21 Public Execution
Chapter 22 Second Ghost
Chapter 23 A Good Day to Die
Chapter 24 Leaving the Past
Chapter 25 Izuku Midoriya: Origin
Chapter 26 Confessional Booth
Chapter 27 The Name is Izuku
Chapter 28 Bloody Family Dinner
Chapter 29 State vs The Demon
Chapter 30 Present
Chapter 31 No's
Chapter 32 Pet Snake
Chapter 33 Trial of Yagi
Chapter 34 Bullet In The Head
Chapter 35 Invasion at Home
Chapter 36 An Eye for An Eye
Chapter 37 Death Poker
Chapter 38 No Money No Life
Chapter 39 Chess Piece
Chapter 40 Secrets
Chapter 41 Outcast vs MLA
Chapter 42 Hades Ring

Chapter 10 Callous Act

1.8K 56 23
By Ricks999

Izuku sits near the cafe shop just two blocks away from UA. He sits calmly while listening to the jazz music being played on the speaker. A cup of latte and a wooden panel floor accompany him while he enjoys the afternoon listening to the news of what's happened yesterday.

Uehara Yasushi who is known as the land baron admits to his crime and surrenders himself to the police station where he confesses everything he did over the last twenty years. The news has spread almost like wildfire, hitting every news platform and becoming the trending news for today in less than an hour.

He read over the news report in the newspaper about Uehara's tremendous donation to the victim he sued and surrendered himself to the police after the attack.

CEO Landlord of Yasushi Corp is admitting to a series of fraud, embezzlement, corruption, and multiple allegations. He's being led to the authority to face his charge and facing multiple lawsuits. Yasushi Corp is being raided by the police and multiple pro heroes and all of the staff including the executive is being charged with falsifying evidence.

During the night where he went to confront him face to face, he wanted to go straight up killing him or making him an example to those who won't follow. It was easy for him to do it, whether to burn him alive or snap his neck or drop him off from the glass window, any of those options would be fine to him.

But something in the back of his mind is blocking him from all of that intention. It's almost like someone just hit the brakes on his brain telling him to drop the idea before it's too late. Plus, he gave his word to Nezu that all they need is a straight-up confession from his mouth.

So he decided to let him go and told him to admit everything he did to the authorities. To make sure he truly did do it, he watches him from afar as he comes running to the police station and listens to what he has to say before leaving.

Right after he finished the job, Masamori came to call him through the phone he gave to him asking about his involvement with Uehara Yasushi's sudden confession. Izuku simply replied that they got the result for it and questioned why they asking about the how part. Masamori is stopped with his own words as he states the fact that with Uehara's confession, almost a hundred people's lives have changed for the better. They can finally have the closure that they always desired and the peace of mind that Uehara has finally paid for his crime.

Knowing that he lost the argument, Masamori simply let him off with a warning and asked him to try to work together with Aizawa instead of going solo on his own. Izuku replied in understanding before shutting the call not giving him any confirmation that he'll do it or not.

So he stood by on the wooden chair taking a sip of his coffee while enjoying the day. He had the day off for today in the school. No class, no training, and no lecture to bother him.

While he slurped down his latte, someone came to sit right in front of him wearing an office suit and carrying a briefcase. He strolls down casually almost like he knows the person who's sitting there. Izuku took a look at the person and recognized him straight away. Masamori sits right in front of him in his usual office attire and looks at Izuku as he puts down the cup.

"Great. The morning is wasted." Izuku grumbles in annoyance knowing that he didn't just come here to pay for his coffee.

"Morning, Homura sensei. How's your coffee?" Masamori asked smiling towards him.

Izuku grunted and wiped his mouth with a pair of tissues, "Bitter. So what's wrong? I know you didn't come here for some social event."

Masamori opens the briefcase and pulls out a brown envelope with the Musutafu police department logo in the middle of it. Izuku grabs the envelope and tears its top taking out its contents. A sketch of Izuku in his hoodie and mask was drawn on the paper.

"Musutafu Police Department got your sketch from Uehara's testimony. Tsukauchi managed to pull one of the copies and handed it to me. The whole police is looking for the vigilante that is responsible for his confession, and I don't think that they could hand you a gift basket." Masamori explains pointing over to the picture.

Izuku placed the sketch on the table and read over the confession transcript, "So why they haven't announced it on the news?"

"Because the police are understaffed to be handling a case like this. Tsukauchi himself is trying to steer the heat away from the brass of your involvement. But once the media got the wind of it or the heroes can handle their own, you're gonna be looking at the whole Japan heroes hunting you down." Masamori went on to explain knowing that Izuku's window was starting to get small because they were sighting him.

If Masamori had to be honest, he didn't expect that the police would catch wind of Izuku this early on. He thought that they would start to suspect him after a few weeks or months but to be this early is gonna be dangerous for him.

"Anyway, you got your next assignment for today." Masamori handed him another file with a middle-aged man with short brown hair, "Hoga Ryota. A corrupt businessman who is responsible for drug trafficking. Owns a couple of ports in Kawasaki and is rumored that he's been taking bribes from the Mexican Cartel."

"Drugs?" Izuku perked.

"Methamphetamine. Or commonly known as meth. It began to hit the street in the last couple of weeks." a picture of the blue crystal meth is placed on the small plastic bag from the evidence locker.

"The police had built a case ready to arrest this man. But the key witness, Aika Okano had been killed two nights ago. She's the key witness that ties the whole case together. Without her, the case is as good as lost." a picture of a young woman with the name of Aika Okano shows with a red label of deceased on it.

Izuku examined the picture and swapped it with the autopsy report made by the forensic. A single gunshot was made at the temple of her head. The entry wound is coming from the back of her head.

"You think the cartel is responsible for her death?" Izuku asked.

"I think the cartel pulled the trigger, but the order must come from Ryota himself. He's the only one who wanted her dead more than anyone else in this case. The problem is there's no connection between the cartel and Ryota." Masamori went to explain.

"Smuggling a drug that size using a company such as Ryota scale would require a great amount of transaction. No shell corporation? Wire transfer? Or even an offshore account?" Izuku looked at his profile and found zero information relating him to the cartel.

"Nada. He doesn't even have any known associates from Mexico or even North America. The guy itself doesn't ever enter or taste Mexican food for his life." Masamori groans in exhaustion.

Izuku then looked over to the paper scattered on the coffee table. He had to admit that the upside of having NSC members is that they could pull personal files easily within thirty minutes top. From surveillance to known associates or even the side business and its money trail. All of them are written in a detailed manner.

He checked over the document and spotted a tattoo on one of the guards that guarded his car. The photo shows a man standing with his arms crossed behind his back wearing sunglasses in broad daylight.

"Found our guy." Izuku points to a photo of the bodyguard.

"You sure?" Masamori asked.

"Absolutely. See the Roman number tattoo on his neck side?" he points his index finger to the guard's head indicating on his neck, "One of the cartel members used that same tattoo as an insignia to their member."

Masamori pulled out his laptop checked the digital photo of the picture and enhanced the picture of it. There's the guy with a Roman number twenty-one on his tattoo. He took out his phone from his suit pocket and made a call.

"Yeah, Masamori here. Listen I need you to pull out every information you could find on one of the guards of Hoga Ryota. I'm sending you the image right away. Run it with every known database and find this guy." he hangs up the phone and returns the document to his briefcase.

"Alright, I'm gonna try to find any info on this guy. Now you just stay put and don't do anything stupid, is that clear?" Masamori hurried back and headed to his car parked a block away from the cafe.

Izuku waved his hand giving him the confirmation and watched as he hurried back to his office. He took a sip of his last remaining coffee before heading back to his warehouse to get dressed.

Flashback Start

Izuku returns to the bar where he would get the information he needed to find Henrique. It's been two days and no words ever since that he's ever resurfaced or not. Unable to wait any longer, he decided to come back to the bar and asked the bartender straight away.

He walks straight down towards the bar and finds the same atmosphere and vibes from before he came. Other than the smell of alcohol and cigarettes, the smell of drugs is hitting straight through his nostrils. A variant of white powder is poured on the table with a couple of men and women came to snorting it through their noses. It's almost like the place itself is turning into a cocaine factory.

The loud hip-hop song burst through from the speaker blocking any sounds towards him. He spotted the bartender standing behind the counter wiping the glass clean and remained there watching the customer. Izuku walks passed the servers dressed in skimpy dresses makes his way over to the bar booth and calls out to the bartender.

"Hey, I've been waiting for almost two days. You said you would give me info and I haven't heard you called me since." Izuku calls out but his voice is muffled by the loud music.

The bartender writes down something on the notepad and shows it to Izuku.

"You never gave me your number."

Izuku reads the note and finds himself looking dumb. The bartender held a curious look over to Izuku knowing that he never did give him any contact info for him to call. Not to mention that he doesn't have a cellphone in this place. Of course, he's gonna have to come to the place to pick up the info.

Izuku writes down the other side of the paper on the notepad and passes it down to the bartender.

"My bad. Just tell me what you know."

The bartender passes the notepad again after he writes down on the notepad and rips the paper for him. Izuku took the paper and found an address written on it. He didn't know where is the place, but he was willing to bet that Jack knew about it. He pays the bartender for his service places the note back in his pocket and heads back to Jack's location to give him the information they needed to find Henrique. While in the crowd full of drunk women and men, Izuku bumped into a couple of people before heading out to the door and making his way out.

Flashback End





In a shipping dock at night, containers are being moved using the crane by the workers. Two container ships are parked right next to the dock unloading its content.

On the office inside the dock, Hoga Ryota sits in a temporary office between the containers surrounding him. Two sets of bodyguard stood behind him with their arms crossed behind their back. Ryota sits with his teeth gritting over the case that's hanging on his neck right now.

Somehow the media managed to find out about his drug operation with the cartel. He tried to keep himself as far away from their business as possible and only allowed them to use his dock to smuggle their drug and he took their payment. But somehow, the authority managed to find out about his business.

And to make it worse, they tried to drag him to a trial in front of the media. He didn't know just how much evidence they gathered on him, but he couldn't take the chance even if he wanted to. If this keeps up, there's no longer a business left for him to run, whether it's the drug or the dock.

"You, listen up. The longer this goes on, the more likely the media is gonna crucify me. You shut this trial down, do you understand me?" he points to one of the henchmen as he nods and makes a call heading outside.

After the henchmen walk out, the electricity around the dock starts to crackle and the lights are turning on and off. In between the lights turning and shutting, a sound of grunting and blows landing is surrounding the empty office. Ryota looks around as the light comes back on. The two men in the warehouse are lying on the ground, face down.

Then suddenly, a hand comes from his behind and Ryota is pulled away by a quick rope around the neck. He starts gasping and choking for air before blacking out.

He slowly opens his eyes after suffocating for air. But somehow, he felt things were out of order. The docks full of container is placed in the air and the night sky is right below him. His clothes are also hanging in the air along with his hair rising. That's when he realizes that everything isn't upside down, but he is.

In front of him, someone stood in the middle wearing a black hoodie with a black mask and his hoodie covered his hair leaving only his eyes visible. Izuku stood looking at him hanging with his leg like a fish captured by a monger.

"Hoga Ryota!!!" Izuku yelled out his name

"Who the hell are you?" Ryota asked while hanging left and right. Izuku lodges a knife from his wrist and aims at Ryota.

"No! No, no, no, no, no!" he screams in panic trying to get himself out. Izuku throws the knife next to Ryota and misses just an inch from his stomach.

Izuku pulls out another set of knives and points it at him, "You're gonna testify in that trial. You're gonna confess to having Aika Okano killed."

Ryota is hanging upside-down looking at the hooded figure while hanging left and right like a pendulum.

"There won't be a second warning." Izuku throws a knife that grazes Ryota's right cheek as he hissed in pain holding his cheek as blood starts to spill.

He looked over to his front and saw no one standing in front of him, leaving him hanging upside down alone in the dock with nothing but a graze on his right cheek.





"I'm only going to say this one more time, lady," the mugger said menacingly, his knife brandished as he spoke, "Hand over whatever you got and we can both walk away."

"Look, I swear, I don't have anything!" the terrified woman said, her voice lost in the echoes of the alleyway they were in.

"Wrong answer, lady!" he holds the knife and is ready to gore her in the alley only to find his hand holding the knife being held with a white scarf, and the knife is dropped on the floor.

"Honestly," a gruff, tired-sounding voice drawled from nearby. "Stop causing me some problem would you?"

His head turned to see none other than Aizawa, his eyes glowing red, his hair floating around him as he stared down the mugger, disabling his Quirk.

The mugger quickly tried to make his escape and got away but Aizawa yanked his scarf and pulled him on the floor. Aizawa tied the mugger with a quirk-canceling cuff and left him on the ground chained to a steel pole. He then checked to make sure the woman was all right, then phoned the police department that there was someone on his way over.

With that, he left the alleyway and was about to continue on his normal patrol route when a familiar presence approached.

"I saw your handiwork back there. Pretty impressive I'd say." Aizawa turned and there was Izuku, in all his lack of attire. The Underground Hero frowned as he met the eyes of his nephew.

"Thanks," Aizawa replied. "I heard about what you did to Uehara's case too. It's the talk of the police these days."

Izuku nodded, and the two walked down the dimly lit road, not standing out much alongside the odd drunkard.

"So I heard that you taking over with the Ryota case is that correct? Something about a drug smuggler." Aizawa heard from Masamori that he had asked Izuku to find some intel on him.

"Yeah, just coming out from his dock yesterday. Gave him a bit of warning." Izuku replied walking down the alley.

Aizawa quickly stopped with his track and looked towards Izuku, "Not a life-threatening one. If he decided to testify on the court then it's a win-win situation."

He continued to walk on the alley while resuming their conversation and changed their topic, "So how was it? You know enjoying your freedom and all?"

"It's better than being stuck inside a prison cell. It's quiet out here. Inside, there was always noise, you know? Someone is yelling, guards, making rounds... I got used to it." Izuku admitted to his time in prison.

Aizawa listens to his story while walking down the alley, "The cell where they lock me... It's cold in there... which sometimes gets annoying for me. No lights except the blue dim light on the ceiling, no yard time till last week, and the weather itself is a bitch. Sometimes wish things could get warmer instead."

"You meant like here?" Aizawa asked.

"Don't joke around. Hell and prison might be worse but this place is second best. From how I see it in such a short time, things have changed here also, whether it's for the better or not who knows. And this job of me now turns out it was just another gig anyway." he replied.

"This place isn't the only thing that changed." Izuku stops on his track and turns in Aizawa's direction.

"At first, I thought that the first thing that you'll do is gonna look over to your sister and finish the job you did four months ago. You're different now." Aizawa simply said locking eyes with each other.

"Better or worse?" he asked and Aizawa glanced over to him before replying, "Don't know yet."

Izuku looked towards him with a hint of fondness in his eyes almost feeling grateful that Aizawa could understand what he felt right now. Not out of pity but respect and understanding.

A ringing voice is coming from Aizawa's phone as he answers it and finds the caller to be from Masamori. He took a moment before answering it.

"Masamori, what's wrong?" Aizawa asked over the phone.

'We just got a hit from our intel. It seems Ryota decided to skip town after he ordered the Cartel to put a hit on Okano's sister. The pros managed to protect her but she's in protective custody." Masamori said.

Aizawa grunts knowing that if he's escaped the town then there's no way for them to track him or his member, "Do you know where he is?"

"We managed to ID one of his guards and found a name, Alonso Rivera. A high-ranking lieutenant in the cartel. Seems they placed their member as their guard dog for Ryota."

Izuku's eyebrow twitched after hearing the name took his phone and put it on speaker, "Send us the address. We'll be right there."

Aizawa and Izuku hang up the call and start making their way to the dock climbing up to the rooftop to leap around. The Underground hero watches from behind carefully after seeing his expression filled with seriousness and a tiny bit of anger.





At night in the dock, Ryota could be seen putting a bundle of yen into a large duffel bag along with stacks of files filled with any paper transaction that leads him to the Cartel. He looked nervous and scared over what's gonna happen to him and hurriedly placed the files with a guard accompanying him in the room.

After he orders the Cartel to kill the witness's sister, he plans to scare her into testifying against him and tell the jury and judge that she made false claims about him. But to his luck, the heroes were there to foil his plan.

Now that the authority is gonna be there after hearing about his attempted assassination of his key witness, they're not gonna give him any chances to let him skip town. Luckily, he got a friend at the airport who would fly him off to China. Maybe he'll stay there for about a year and wait till things cool down before returning home.

"That Cartel scumbag screwed up the hit on that Okano bitch. Now, the Cartel is gonna erase every ounce of evidence of their smuggling operation, including me. Except that's not going to happen." he zips the duffel bag and wears the straps on his shoulder, "Tell Busujima to get the car ready. I'm leaving tonight."

The guard went to call his associate from his radio, "Busujima? Busujima, you copy? Busujima?

"Busujima isn't here. But I am." Izuku said over to the radio.

Ryota's face is suddenly drained of any color and white almost like a sheet. He recognized the voice as the man that came to attack him last night and scarred his cheek.

"We need to move, now. Move!" he came running grabbing the duffel bag to his right hand and carrying it.

"Sir, we've got six men up there." the guard walks with him on the side

"It's not enough. Move it!" Ryota yelled out.

Ryota and the guard came running from the office and heading to the car, but the first sight he saw when they got out was that all of his guards were lying on the ground. He looked in shock and almost couldn't believe all of his guards were taken out this easily.

On the top of the container to his right, he saw someone dressed in black fighting with his two guards. The black figure man grabbed the bodyguard with his scarf tied him up on the top and attacked them.

Ryota looked and came running to the garage with his car ready. He knows full well that if he stays any longer then the chance of him walking out alive is slim to none. With the duffel bag full of cash and files that can be used against him, he storms out to the back heading to his car.

Izuku who stood near Aizawa saw Ryota come running to the garage. He called out to Aizawa using his hero's name and told him that he was going after Ryota himself. He descended from one container after another to come down and went after him.

The sound of a booth hitting the pavement is echoing on the empty warehouse with a black sedan parked in the end. But before Ryota could head there, Izuku threw a knife and hit the wooden crate and he stumbled to the crate with his back hitting on it. He stood shaken with the blade against his neck right side.

"Oh, God, no, no, no." he shook in fear trying to keep himself together.

"He can't help you," Izuku told him and pulled a revolver out from his holster and aimed it towards Ryota's direction.

He looked terrified seeing a gun being pulled right towards him. Izuku pulls the hammer off the gun and shoots a bullet into the other side of Ryota's head. He shook in fear seeing the bullet pierce the wooden crate creating a small bullet hole on it.

"I want the truth about Aika Okano" he aims the gun towards Ryota's head asking him a question.

"I can't. The Cartel will kill me," he spoke in a stuttered manner raising his hand and surrendering himself.

Izuku cocks the hammer once again and aims it at Ryota's, "The Cartel's not your concern right now.

He shot another bullet between Ryota's legs. He whimpers loudly while in fear shaking his feet watching the bullet just an inch away from his genital.

"All right, all right, all right." he raised his hand shakily, "It wasn't me that killed him. It was the Cartel."

"Acting on whose instructions?" Izuku asked out loud trying to get the confession out of his mouth.

He didn't know whether it was out of rage or not, but when he heard that Ryota came to Okano's sister to kill her, something snapped inside Izuku's. All he had in mind at that time was trying to get his hand on this waste of man and trying to deliver the punishment that he deserved. Whether it's death or not, it all depends on him.

Izuku looked towards him as he was trying to withhold the information about the kidnapping. Having enough waiting, Izuku shot another bullet but this time it was above Ryota's head. He screams seeing the bullet pierce right through his hairline knowing that his patience is running thin.

"WHOSE?" Izuku screams out in rage.

"All right, all right. It was mine. It was mine, all right? Okano said she was gonna testify against me." Ryota admitted with tears flowing right out of his eyelid. His head turned to the right looking at Izuku behind.

He turned around and saw someone standing behind him, it was a man Mexican - American. His buzz-cut hairstyle gave him a menacing outlook with his cold dead eyes staring right at him. If he had to guess, he's probably Alonso Rivera.

"Aléjate de él," Alonzo said pointing his gun at Izuku's back head and speaking.

"Hágame," Izuku replied in a perfect Spanish as well.

The first one to fire off their gun is Izuku and he aims it at Alonzo's chest. Two shots blow loudly in the warehouse only to find it blocked by Alonso whose hand turned into a metal with the shape of a shield. He charged forward using his shield as a cover and fired a few shots at Izuku.

Izuku leaps and take cover behind the wall waiting for Alonzo to run out of bullet first. Alonzo fired off several rounds to where he was hiding. Bullets began to dart around the warehouse as a loud sound of fired-off guns echoed around.

Hearing the sounds of clicking from Alonzo's gun, Izuku returned the shots with his bullet and tried to put a dent on Alonzo's shield. Izuku grits trying to penetrate his shield with only a revolver. This would be a lot easier for him to just scorch the entire place and leave it, but the last he needs is to raise more suspicion and for the media to find out about his employment.

He knows that breaking the shield would take time and even if he kicked the shield with his Dwichagi, it won't have any effect since the shield is joined together with Alonzo's arm. In the worst-case scenario, he might accidentally break someone's arm.

Izuku looked towards Alonzo's direction as they both traded a few shots of their own. It's only a matter of time whether one of them is running out of bullets or their shots somehow hit the other.

"Drop your guns," Izuku warned him thinking that he might comply.

However, Alonzo didn't show any intention that he'd be lowering his first, "I admire your work, chico. Guess you won't be extending me any professional courtesy."

"We're not in the same line of work. Your profession is murder and drugs!!" Izuku yelled back

Alonzo points his gun at where Izuku is hidden, "You've taken lives. I recognized those eyes. Their not someone who went through a couple of hardships. Someone who's seen the abyss."

He fires off a barrel full of gasoline and explodes right in the middle of it. Izuku managed to ward off the explosion from behind the wall. He glances to the side after watching the explosion is clear and there's no sign of Alonzo anywhere in the warehouse.

Aizawa came towards Izuku's direction with Ryota tied up with Aizawa's scarf while being dragged down. He came towards the warehouse after watching the huge explosion in the building thinking that something bad had just happened, only to find the floor covered in soot and Izuku hiding behind the steel wall.

"You okay?" Aizawa checked on his condition.

"I'm fine. Alonzo got away though." Izuku told Aizawa after seeing there was no sign of him anywhere.

"Yeah don't worry about it. The point is that we got the evidence we needed to put Ryota away for good." Izuku however ignored it and merely stared at where the soot location is.

Aizawa grabs Izuku's shoulder trying to calm him down, "Hey, it's not your fault for letting that guy run away. Happens to everyone even pros. And besides the man is acting all irrational, blowing up a barrel full of gasoline."

"It's not my first time dealing with their family," Izuku mentioned under his breath remembering where he heard that name from before.

Flashback Start

Izuku walks on an empty street passing down the winding cobbled street on an empty cold night. He starts to get used to the area around him and finds the resemblance to where he lives with slight adjustment and more depressing.

The colorful, glittering window displays of spellbooks, potion ingredients, and cauldrons were lost to view, hidden behind the large graffiti posters that had been pasted over them. Most of these are black-and-white photographs of a couple of people known to be on the loose.

Someone with the name Matthew Davis was sneering from the front of the nearest apothecary. A few windows were boarded up with a painted letter of closed. On the other hand, several shabby-looking stalls had sprung up along the street.

In the middle of the road, Izuku stops on his track and watches two men walking by from his front blocking off his path with their hands up on front. Somehow, he could sense the deja vu situation from the first time he got here. Of how he got beaten and made his escape and was saved by Claire.

Izuku tries to pull a gun kept on his back hip but the two men walk towards him pin him on the wall and mercilessly beat him on the ground. A series of kicks and punches are thrown towards him. Izuku's grunting sound is the only thing that comes out of his mouth other than the acidic sensation of vomit.

After a few roughhousing, a man came walking slowly towards him while crouching on the floor. Izuku raised his head and recognized the man from the Red Liquor when he accidentally bumped into him in a crowd. His grin is spreading around his face. The smug in his face makes Izuku bristle.

"Next time you bump into someone. Don't forget to apologize chico." he sneered as he left with the other two guys to follow.

A few minutes later, Jack enters the alley and slowly runs towards Izuku lying with his face bleeding. He came and checked on his condition.

"Izuku, are you okay?" he put his hand over to Izuku's shoulder trying to check on him but Izuku brushed him off,

"Yeah, I'm fine." Izuku waved him off, "Some dude just came by and beat me up for no reason."

"Yeah, you might just cross paths with the Jorge Rivera. The guy is nuts. Died in a massive shootout from what I heard." Jack came holding Izuku's arms around his shoulder and started to walk out from the alley and tried to leave before encountering the Rivera member once again.

Flashback End





At the warehouse in the middle of the night, Izuku sits on the couch in the middle. Aizawa stands beside him watching over him waiting for Masamori and Tsukauchi to come. Both of them knew that the two of them didn't come here just to congratulate them on their mission.

Izuku remains in his seat playing with his matches focusing on the flames flickering on them. The door of the warehouse is opened and slammed loudly as Izuku glances and saw the pissed look on Masamori's face. His face is reddened and breaths coming out from his ears, almost like a whistle on a factory.

"What the hell happened back there?" Masamori walks over to their desk storming out.

"What do you mean? The mission went well. Other than the cartel enforcer managed to get away-" However Aizawa's word is being halted by Masamori slamming the desk with an envelope with the NSC logo up on the front.

He pulled the content and showed the transcript of his interview with Ryota in the interrogation room.

"Ryota admitted that a man with a black hoodie came yesterday and hanged him upside down on his dock. The same man that came to him tonight with a black-haired man." Masamori tossed the transcript for Aizawa to read and he held a shocked expression just like Masamori did a couple hours ago.

Izuku however remains in his seat glancing over in Masamori's direction with an annoyed look, "You know I'm a killer. That's why you put me in your little group."

"I didn't witness just a killer at work, Izuku. What I saw was an animal. A callous act. Torturing the man over a confession is not what heroes do." Masamori said in a loud tone turning his head in Izuku's direction.

Izuku returned his gaze as they both locked eyes, "You are the last person in this goddamn place to judge anyone!"

He couldn't believe what he just said lecturing him about what a hero should or not where he's being pulled here against his own will. They dragged him out of prison to make him partner with Aizawa, and after one bad mission he berates him over how he got the result

"This is not judgment, Izuku. It is a concern. Ryota himself looked traumatized back there. You fired off a gun only two inches away from his neck. He could have bleed out if you miss the shots." Tsukauchi said trying to calm the situation lifting his hands.

"But it didn't. And you got the confession you needed to put him behind bars for good. Okano family finally got a closure and you came to berate me over what I did to get it?"

"You interrogating both of the victims almost like you're ready to let fate decide its course. What happened when they didn't comply with your demand to admit the truth? What's next? A bullet to the brain?" he asked ranting about his destructive behavior.

Izuku rises from his seat inches away from Masamori looking at the upper part of his nose. "So the villains and these corrupt businessmen are allowed to hit us where it hurts and we aren't allowed to do that?"

"How you got the info is the main problem on this matter!! Intimidating a CEO in their office, shooting people near their head, and hanging them upside down. You're acting like you're still in Hell!!" Masamori yelled out the last part pointing his index finger down to Izuku's chest.

Izuku's expression changed turning it into a scowl after hearing how Masamori pointed out his attitude problem. Flashes of memories began to surface in Izuku's mind bout his time in Hell. How he suffers every day from those horrible times. How he lost everything he cared about. How that place turned him into who he is right now.

"Well, if that's the case maybe I should go back there." Izuku said over to Masamori face.

Not wanting to stay there any longer than he has to, he makes his way towards the door slamming it down leaving all three of them as they watch his back turned and walk away.

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