Hi, I'm Harry's Cousin (Ziall)

By ziallstan

385K 17.8K 11.4K

Traumatic incidents happen. This one being Niall's mother passing away. Now he has to go live with his Auntie... More

Chappie 1
Chappie 2
Chappie 3
Chappie 4
Chappie 5
Chappie 6
Chappie 7
Chappie 8
Chappie 9
Chappie 10
Chappie 12
Chappie 13
Chappie 14
Chappie 15
Chappie 16
Chappie 17
Chappie 18
Chappie 19
Chappie 20
Chappie 21
Chappie 22
Chappie 23
Chappie 24
Chapter 25
Chappie 26
Chappie 28
Chappie 29
Gay Marriage
Chappie 30
Chappie 31
Chappie 32
Chappie 33
Character Ask!
Questions Answered
Chappie 34
Chappie 35
Chappie 36
Chappie 37
Bromance Awards
Chappie 38
Bromance awards. Again
Chappie 39
Chappie 40
Chappie 41
Chappie 42
Chappie 43
Chappie 45

Chappie 27

6.3K 324 115
By ziallstan

I swear I will update again in a hour if I have enough comments and votes. I already wrote the next chapter.

*Zayn's POV*

Nothing changed. It's the same. I did kiss Niall and I felt good about it but it's not like he's acting weird around me. He's still himself. And I don't know if he's pretending like it didn't happen or not but I'm going to make sure he never forgets. It's Thursday and I have 3 more days till I tell Calum about us just being friends and not going through this whole 'dating process'. I didn't feel bad yesterday either so hopefully that's good signs.

And I don't know maybe I'll get lucky. Maybe Niall will call Liam and say the need to split. Then possibly I can sweep on over and get him while he's single.

Hopefully everything goes as planned. Even this morning when Niall got in the car I winked at him and bit my lip he blush and flicked me off then didn't look at me the rest of the ride.

I looked at him in art. My sculpture was finished and he was fixing the hair on his. His mom was a very beautiful woman. I smiled as he stuck his tongue out in concentration.

Then I thought about last night again. When we massaged our tongues together. He tasted like cherry slushy and I loved it. I also remember him involuntarily bucking his hips making me hard myself. I didn't want to take it to far. So when he slid his hand up my back I knew I was getting in way over my head. But I loved his whimpers and moans. They were sexy. But of course I saw the tiny love bite I gave him. He didn't bother covering it up and I don't know why but I feel glad about that.

"She was a nice woman you know." He said out of nowhere.

"She was always so generous and positive. Would help out at church events, help the community watch programs and block meetings, always gave the homeless money, donated gifts to children hospitals. She was like my role model. Just so much." He said his voice getting lower and lower.

"Nia-" I said but he cut me off.

"She was doing so well. Had a decent job, well one that kept a roof over our head, food on the table and clothes on our back. A single mother. Doing it all by herself. And it's not like we made it easier for her. If it wasn't for her going up to the school to talk to the principle about Greg bullying people she was up there talking to him about me getting bullied." He said now looking down at his hands in his lap.

"Greg's always been a real ass. He put her through the ringer. Always coming in past curfew having her worried sick, him not even coming home for days at a time and making her file missing person reports only to show up in the next few days. Or the one time he was put in jail. He put so much stress on her. It wasn't good for her." He said.

"Now I'm not the good guy in this. I've always hated going to school. But she was a very family orientated women so if I'd pretend sick she'd know, but take a day off of work to take care of me. She always had to tend to my wounds when I got bullied. Had to switch my school twice. I wasn't liked and maybe sometimes I would seem like the bigger problem. Even if Greg seemed to mess up more in conduct." He said.

"Things could have been so different. She could have lived. But the stress we put her under just shortened the time we had with her. It wasn't fully our fault. I know damn well it wasn't but I was 25% and Greg was the other 25% and well the 50% is from something I don't know. It was probably the stress she put her own self under. The stress to keep busy so she wouldn't have to think about her slowly dying." He said and I saw tears go down his face.

"I miss her. I hate this not being able to communicate with her. I've always been so open to her. I hate that I can't see her, or touch her. That now she's just disintegrated bone and ash at this moment." He said and looked up at the sculpture and touching her cheek.

He had tears in his eyes.

"I really want her back." He said looking down again and dropping his hand from her.

"She didn't deserve that. She was the best. I don't understand why? She did all these good things. She was a Samaritan. She deserved to live longer. It's not fair." He said balling up his face with tears leaking from his face.

He wasn't drawing attention but we didn't have to do this here. I pulled him into me. He tried not to hug me but did anyway. I held up my hand to get the teacher. When she saw me I waved her over. She looked sad when she saw Niall crying hard into my shoulder.

"We need to get a pass." I said and she nodded agreeing.

She came back over and handed me the pass. She smiled sympathetically giving Niall a pat on the shoulder and saying a quiet 'tomorrow will be better.' We got up and I got both our bags as we just made it out of school.

I helped him into the car and got in on the otherwise beginning to drove to my house.

"I can't just leave school every time I have a breakdown." He said continuing to cry.

"Why not? Nobody's going to say you can't." I said.

"People lose people everyday. They don't walk out." He said.

"People heal different Niall. Nobody can tell anybody how another person feels. Those are your feelings. And if you feel like you can not go through with the school day because you're grieving over the lost of your mother. I know Anne will be up here in no less than two seconds flat yelling at the principle at how stupid that is." I said.

He continued to cry and just curled up in a ball in the seat. I wasn't going to exceed the speed limit but god it just look likes he's suffering.

When I got home we walked in. He went straight upstairs to my room and I went to the kitchen to get some water and a aspirin. He had to have gave himself a headache. I went upstairs and he was curled in a ball on my bed. I sighed.

I put the water and aspirin on my bed side table and sat down.

"I got you something to take the headache away." I said and he slowly unrolled himself and sat up.

"Thank you." He said.

His voice was hoarse and I knew the water would help. He gave me back the water and swallowed the pill laying back down on the bed. He then unbuckled his jeans and wiggled out of them. I understand it isn't comfortable to lay in a bed with jeans on. I didn't have to take mines off because I had on joggers.

I pulled him into me and threw the cover over us. He turned to face me. His eyes were still a bit watery and his face was red.

"Niall." I said and he blinked letting the tear fall from his face.

"I don't know why it's taking me so long to grieve." He said and I pulled him into me some more.

"Niall I told you people heal differently." I said and pulled him in closer to me. "And if that was an apology I don't accept. I don't mind being here for you. That's my job. To be here for you. I don't care if helping my friend through a grieving process makes me miss a few days of school. I'm absolutely fine with that, because it's still school but I'll always just be here for you. I love that I can be and if I'm willingly able to do it then you shouldn't be apologizing." I said.

"Thank you Zayn." I said and I held him tighter.

*Harry's POV*

We evacuated the school for a fire drill. We were standing in the football field but Louis nudged me looking at the parking lot.

"Zayn's car is gone." He said and pulled out his phone.

I overheard the art and geography teacher talking.

"Yeah he was working on the sculpture of his mother. She had passed mid summer. And I was at my desk but Zayn called me over and Niall was crying in his shoulder. It was such a sad sight to see." The woman said.

"I know. But Zayn is a sweet kid you know. I think the blonde boy changed him. Remember last year. He isn't even 1% of how he was last year. He's always there for Niall. I'm not sure as to what happened or is happening between the two but whatever Niall did made him do a whole 180. They would be very cute together." I the geography teacher said.

"Hello?" I heard Louis say on the phone.

"Are you guys alright?" I asked Louis asked I'm assuming Zayn.

"Ok do you need us?" Louis asked.

"Alright. But wait are you picking us up from school?" Louis asked and I laughed.

"Ok see you then. Give Nialler a big ole kiss for me." Louis sad and hung up.

He turned to me. "He's fine now. He had a break down today again in class. But like before Zayn is there for him." Louis said sighing and walking in my chest.

"They are literally the cutest and they have no idea yet. I support them 100%" he said.

"I do too. They're just trying to get over their boyfriends or soon to be. I'm not sure but they'd be nice together. I can't help but to think that it's my fault why they weren't together from the beginning." I said and Louis pulled his face out of my chest.

"It is your fault. To be honest babe. They would have been together in the summer. Be all summertime fine. Power couple. You know up their with us. But it's always a reason for everything." He said and put his face in my chest. "And god you smell so good." He said.

I laughed and noticed people going inside the building.

"Drills over babe." I said and he let go.

"I have to go to Spanish." I told him.

"I have to go to dance." Louis said.

"Give me kiss." I said and leaned down and he smiled.

"Let's go boys." The gym teacher yelled at us.

I knew louis was about to yell at her to hold on so I just placed my lips on his for a quick second and pulled back.

"You definitely owe me a better kiss than that." He said before turning and walking away.

I laughed and bit my lip running past him and slapping his ass. He gasped looking ahead of him and blushed when I winked. God I love that boy.

I went in school up into Spanish.


"Louis. Baby." I said as I saw him standing outside.

He turned around and smiled. I walked up to him and he stood on his tip toes I cupped his face and kissed his lips. He wrapped his arms around the back of my neck.

"Hey Louis." I heard the devil speak.

Louis pulled away and turned around. "Oh hey josh." Louis said turning to give him a half hug but Josh kept his hand on Louis' lower back.

"Yeah I was wondering if you'd like to have lunch one of these days." He asked.

"No." I said. "He wouldn't." I said.

"C'mon babe it's just lunch." Louis said pouting.

"Yeah, I don't really care." I said.

"Oh don't mind him. I can go to lunch." Louis said.

"Good." Josh said smiling at him and Louis gave a nice smile back.

Josh dropped his hand touching Louis' bum on the way down. I glared at him walking forward. I was way taller than Josh but he wasn't intimidated, only because he knew Louis was going to pull is apart any second. So he smirked as Louis pushed me away. I was mad and when Zayn pulled up I went and climbed in the car while we waited for Louis to finish talking to Josh.

Niall turned back and looked at me. "Are you okay?" He asked and my expression softened.

"I'm fine. Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yes I'm fine." He said and turned in his seat.

Louis got in the car and I straight up ignored him. "Babe." Louis said and I did nothing.

It's so annoying. He knows that I dislike him talking to Josh. I don't understand why he just won't listen to me. I am his boyfriend for crying out loud. And have been for 7 years. Why is Louis so oblivious Josh already tried to break us up what doesn't he get about that.

The next chapter is going to have you falling out your chair and gasping for air. That rhymed. But I legit have no chill for the next chapter.

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