Akame Ga Kill OC Story: Broth...

By Gamekip99

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When two brothers straight from the afterlife come down to a world of assassination and corruption, with one... More

OCs info
Prologue: Cut the Tension
Chapter 1: This Doesn't Make Cents!
Chapter 2: Shed some Light on the Night-mare
Chapter 3: Sweet Teams
Chapter 4: Past or Future, but Present is Tense.
Chapter 6: I Know Why The Caged Bird Stings.
Chapter 7: Shot Up!
Chapter 8: Hit the Road, not my Friends.
Chapter 9: Quit while you're A-Head
Chapter 10: Morning Story
Chapter 11: Time Heals all Wounds
Chapter 12: Seryu Later
Chapter 13: Don't Leaf Me
Chapter 14: Ferry Impressive
Chapter 15: No I in Scheme
Chapter 16: Things Went A-Rye
Chapter 17: Jaegers just wanna have Fun
Chapter 18: Swept up by the Wave
Chapter 19: Hard Days Knight
Chapter 20: Dis-Manta-Ling
Chapter 21: Hell 9000
Theme Chapter: Thanksgiivng
Chapter 22: Good Mourning
Chapter 23: I Sky with My Little Eye, Newcomers
Chapter 24: Train on your Parade
Chapter 25: He Shoots, He Chores.
Chapter 26: Break a Leg, or a Tongue
Chapter 27: I Land You
You're A Mean One, Jin the Grinch.
Chapter 28: Kill the Time
Chapter 29: No Separate Way
Chapter 30: Rocky Road
Chapter 31: Second Base
Shadow Dagger Bio OCs
Chapter 32: No Exploration without Devastation
Chapter 33: Cruelty
Chapter 34: The Team Up
Chapter 35: Catching Up
Chapter 36: Umatora
Chapter 40: Esdeath x Jin
Chapter 41: Taking back the Town
Chapter 42: Fate can be Cruel
Chapter 43: I'm Sorry
Chapter 44: Fury
I Need to Talk
Chapter 45: Hearing
Chapter 46: The Past never Dies

Chapter 5: Starry Staring Knight

58 0 1
By Gamekip99

In the real world, Najenda and the rest of the squad were shocked at the sudden events and Tatsumi held onto his charm.

Jin: Guess we're nothing to him now. Thanks a lot!

Jun: But if we can save kingdom and hide these stones, we can prove him wrong!

Jin: You better be right.

Najenda: Ok. Now first, before the whole divine intervention, I was going to say we need to complete a mission. Leone? You accepted a mission?

Leone: An assassination of 3 people. Ogre, an Imperial Guard, Gamal the Oil Merchant, and Ogre's partner in crime, Sir Stevens, a high ranking knight with a Teigu known as Wind Cleaver. In spite of Stevens being seen as a shining example of a hero, the client says he's actually been taking in women who sell their bodies and other homeless or unfortunate who've completely disappeared. And Gamal does crimes and pays off Ogre to look the other way and frame someone else. Stevens says he gives the criminals a chance to join the army, and they accept, but no one has found a single person he "redeemed". They all believe him to be extremely influential, but the woman told me everything. When her fiancé was sentenced to death, Stevens tried to "redeem" him, but his crime was too vile. Stevens even tried to "redeem" her, but she escaped.

Tatsumi: Well, anything else?

Leone: She also smelled sickly, like selling her body, but also armor and books. I think she may have been subjected to his "redemption". And I could tell she ain't lying. Didn't need godly skills for that. Speaking of selling, she paid up front.

Najenda: Ok. Night Raid accepts this assignment. Jin, Jun, this is your chance to prove your worth. And get Sayo and Ieyasu in on this as stealth fighters.

Leone: Me, Akame, and the two chef rookies will deal with Gamal. But we don't know what to do with Stevens and Ogre. People love Stevens, so he's everywhere. They're both never seen without a crowd or a group of people. It got to the point where all of Gamal's payments are to Ogre's personal chambers. Not to mention, Stevens is very private, and his "rehabilitation facilities" are where he hangs around a lot, but are also guarded. Luckily him and Ogre are good friends, and drink together on days off. However, Ogre is tough, and Stevens is a high ranking knight for his "kindness" and also his power from his Wind Cleaver, a sword that not only grabs onto the air and creates blades, but also can give extra power from oxygen. We'll give it to Sayo or Ieyasu.

Jin: We'll go after the sons of bitches and kill them.

Najenda: Ok, I know Jin can kill. After all, you don't care for humans that much and can kill without detachment. But are you sure you both can kill? Tatsumi and Jun, I'm talking about you two.

Jun: If shedding blood of evil is what it'll take us to get home and save this kingdom, I have no choice.

Tatsumi: And besides. I nearly lost my friends. I'm lucky they're even alive. I can't just sit around and wait for help to arrive when Ogre and Stevens are forcibly killing and "redeeming" people. It's just not right!

Akame: (So selfless and kind. Even if he's killing.) You do have to be careful though. If you go in with arrogance, you'll die.

Tatsumi was shocked that Akame would say that, but Jin and Jun didn't care.

Akame: You two as well. Just because you've had millennia or centuries or whatever, you don't have it in assassination. So be careful. I don't want those Teigu falling in the wrong hands.

She walks off to prepare to assassinate Gamal while Tatsumi starts to feel a bit nervous.

Tatsumi: (She thinks I can't do it because I've never murdered people. But I can prove it here.)

Jun: Guys! We're headed on a mission. You're going to need to tell me what you're good with in weaponry.

Sayo: Archery. I'd use guns but they're kind of expensive.

Ieyasu: Swords, blades, but I've also had a hidden proficiency in spears.

Jin gives the friends guns and sharp weapons, and Sayo grabs a sniper rifle along with some arrows while Ieyasu grabs a new sword and a dagger.

Sayo: What types of arrows are these?

Jin: Regular, but I have 1 question. Can you make your own?

Sayo: Yeah. I can create poison, fire, bomb-

Jin: No. Nothing too flashy. Bomb and Fire Arrows will attract attention.

Sayo: Oh alright. I'll figure something out.


[Time Skip]

Tatsumi, Leone, Jun, and Jin go over to Main Street and prepare to fight while Akame takes Tatsumi's friends.

Leone: Memorized the map, you three?

Tatsumi: Yep.

Leone: Tatsumi, Jun, Jin, you've gotten close with her, but you should know some things about her past. When she was a kid, she and her sister were sold to the Empire and they were placed in an assassin training camp with other sold or abandoned children. She learned how to survive harsh conditions as well as the art of assassination. Akame blindly followed the orders of the empire and one day, was sent to kill the boss. But she was able to convince Akame to join the Revolutionary Army, to help the people. Unfortunately, by the time she did it, the kids she grew up with were already dead.

Jin: Ugh. This makes me sick to stomach. When I get my hands on Stevens and Ogre, I'll make sure they won't get out alive.

Jun: Whoa. No wonder she's so cold. She had zero people she can trust. But what happened to Akame's sister?

Leone: That, I won't tell you unless you survive.


Gamal: Time to get back to living the dream.

Gamal was quietly walking down the area, when Sayo aimed her sniper rifle from above.

Sayo: Dream about this, Gamal.

She was however, new to the sniper game, so she only managed to aim for his leg and Gamal tripped over.

Gamal: Ow! Medic! Help! Can someone-

Leone held his mouth while Akame aimed for his chest and Ieyasu stabbed him in the heart.

Leone: Killed by two hot babes and a country boy.

Ieyasu: I'm not a country boy.

Once they pull out their weapons, Gamal falls down, and Ieyasu and Sayo meet up with the group.

Ieyasu: We're going off to help Tatsumi and his new fox god friends.

Sayo: We promised to help him. Where are they?

Leone: Main Street. But be careful. You have hoods on, right?

Sayo: We should also take some masks. For them as well. The brothers should hide themselves.


Tatsumi and the two brothers look and find Ogre and Stevens walking back from drinking.


Sir Stevens

Teigu: Roar of Nature: Wind Cleaver (A sword that can manipulate Wind, and even create flying blades with it. It also boosts performance.)

Personality: He's seen as a nice guy, and is known as the Forgiving Knight, but he can be forceful and quick to anger when he doesn't get his way. Stevens is nice to unfortunates and will "redeem" them, but it's just a way to kidnap them.

Japanese VA: Tomokazu Seki
English VA: Kellen Goff


Ogre: Stevens, I really wish you'd stop redeeming people.

Stevens: What can I say? I'm a big believer in 2nd chances.

Ogre: You know why! I'm running out of people to frame-

Tatsumi: Excuse me? Master Ogre?

Jun: Sir Stevens?

Stevens: *quietly* Ok, shut your face.

Both: Yeah?

Tatsumi: We've been wondering about something. It's of the utmost importance. But not here.

Jin: Something about redeeming some people.

Stevens: Tell us more.


Ogre: Make it quick. We'll find them and redeem them.

Stevens: Who are the people in question?

Tatsumi: (Here goes nothing. Thank god for the artifact.) It's me! You've been taking in so many people and they've done so well! Please help me!

Stevens: People who ask that really aren't in need of being redeemed. But, I'm way to much a nice guy. So....come with me kid.

Ogre: Ok. It's all settled. Let's go-

But Jin manifests a naginata and stabs Stevens in the chest, while Tatsumi rushes through and repeatedly slashes Ogre out of adrenaline.

Stevens: Let me guess. You're part of Night Raid. And.....oh my. You're one of those gods from long ago. Before you put Mr. Isaac down.

Jin: Alright, scumbag, you're going down. Humans like you deserve to die, thinking you can treat people like your own personal playthings. It makes me sick. Pisses me off. Tell us where your facility is, and you can live, unlike your friend.

Stevens: Ha! You'd think I'd give you info after you just killed my friend? Listen here. I'm not going to use violence on you since I'm seen as the nice guy. But since we're in private, you will suffer every breath you take!

He rushes in with his sword and swings a wind blade at them which they jump over. Stevens starts to fight the trio but Tatsumi's sword skills were able to hold him off a bit. Jun used his Sword of Heavens and fights the guy, and he sweeps the leg, kicks him down, and slices his neck.

Jun: And just so you know, we know where your "rehabilitation" facility is.

They walked away but Jin looks over the body and the neck slash he got turned into a scar.

Stevens: Like hell I'm gonna let 3 nameless brats do what they want and believe they can be more! You're nothing but trash! Dregs of society! Worthless fools!

But he was shot in the chest by Sayo, and Ieyasu ran to slice the knight while giving the brothers masks. Wolf mask for Jin, and a fox mask for Jun. They put them on and face the man.

Stevens: You....you're werewolves! Or foxes? Whatever!

He rushes in and immediately slashes at the 4 while Ieyasu and Tatsumi hold him off with their swords and Sayo prepares another sniper round. But Stevens knocks back the two boys and they were about to get beaten by Stevens. But luckily the darkness power Jin had could make sure he faded into the darkness. He tries to plunge his naginata into the corrupt knight's chest, Stevens sensed it and used his sword to guard.

Stevens: You've got balls for a masked werewolf or fox man. In addition to my wind abilities and breathing for regeneration, k also have super senses. One wind that feels off, I can dodge perfectly.

Jun then pulled out a chain flail weapon and it latched onto Stevens's foot, and tripped him up while Jin used a blast of darkness onto him, which left him on his knees.

Tatsumi: The power of darkness's main effect is fear or paralysis, but how is he not in a fetal position?

Jin: He's really that strong willed? Well, let's see about this! Nightmare Stare!

Stevens tries to look away, but he hears the sounds of an angry werewolf behind him, who then roars.

Jin: Now!

Jun: Righteous Blessing!

Jun uses his hands and sends a lot of energy towards the gang to boost their skill, but he starts feeling woozy. As Stevens sends a wind cleaver, Jin sends some fireballs and the flames made the wind blade rise. Jun extracts the light from the fire and uses it on himself to regain control.

Jun: Man! Not a pleasant experience. But, let's take him down.

Sayo then shoots for his head, but he senses it and uses his wind to send it back. She gets down before she gets shot, but Stevens notices her.

Stevens: A sniper? How pathetic. You really think a sneak attack can beat me? I guess that little bitch didn't know who she hired. Don't worry though, they'll be redeemed soon enough.

Jin then throws his spear at Stevens but he guards immediately.

Stevens: Wow, you're that stupid enough to throw your-

But Jin attacks with a flurry of claw slashes and attempts to transform.

Jin: Obscuro!

Obscuro then starts to shine and Jin turns into a werewolf.

He attacks with flaming claws and starts to overpower Stevens, and then, he kicks him into a wall. Then, the werewolf grabs Stevens's head, and rips his head off, shocking Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: (I'm so glad we're friends.)

He obtains the Wind Cleaver and hands it to Ieyasu and turns back.

Jun: Wow.

Ieyasu: That will give me nightmares.

Jin: He's a rotten human. Stevens got what he deserved.

Jun: Come on. Let's just go to the facility and free these people.

The boys ran back to get Sayo who was still on the roof, as they headed to the rehab center.


Once the group of 5 arrive in the center, Jun activates his Teigu and looks through the area and Sayo, Ieyasu, and Tatsumi follow through.

Jun: Where'd you get the masks?

Sayo: Killing Gamal. We needed to hide you since you're like secret weapons.

Ieyasu: Yeah. And since we're nobodies like Jin says, no one will care about us.

Jin: Actually, you're all not that worthless for humans. You don't have a use like Tatsumi, but you're his friends, so I might as well be nice and also, thanks for the masks.

Jun: Yeah, thanks guys.

Ieyasu and Sayo: Welcome.

Tatsumi: What is my use? The relic?

Jin: I'm not telling. Let's just find the unfortunates and leave.

They look around every nook and cranny and soon Jun gets a vision, runs to a specific area, and comes across an imprisoned girl.

Jun: You alright?

Girl: Thank goodness, help has arrived!

Jun: Shhh! There might be people around here. Anyone else?

Girl: Well, there's a lot.

Jun sees a ton of cages and he tells Jin to unlock them. Jin breaks the locks with his claws and has Tatsumi's friends run off with them. But Jin was left behind because he sensed something that didn't seem right.

???: I got to hand it to Stevens. He sure knows how to get me some human Guinea pigs not just for the army, but also for my experiments. This cure will work. And Isaac shall walk again.

Jin throws a beam of darkness at the scientist and then kicks him into the wall while destroying everything, including his books and research by burning it up and puts it out. As he tries to kill the scientist, he thinks about what his brother did and shows mercy to him. He then jumps out and sees his friends as they all ran back to the hideout to complete their mission.

Jun: First, you all get a healing beam of light.

He blasts a beam of light at the gang which cures them and also the unfortunates, but a small part of it flies off into the distance.

Jin: Are you sure it won't be a problem?

Jun: Relax. All it can do is just wake a person up and give them energy. Let's go. Come on.


Back at the hideout, Najenda was busy talking with Jun about the situation.

Najenda: I'm glad you're willing to save others, Jun, but what will we do? We're not the ones to take in people.

Jin: You're not the boss of the entire army, right?

Najenda: I guess not.

Jin: Your Revolution Army still accepts other recruits of any experience?

Najenda: Yes, we do but-

Jin: Can't they be soldiers of the army?

Najenda: Well, I guess they can. But you just wrecked the research of one of the biggest scientists of the Empire. Christian Shepherd. He runs a secret group that is dedicated to grabbing power for the empire, and the main force in nabbing those stones.

Jin: But we have them.

Najenda: Exactly. Luckily, he isn't quite taken seriously. Shepherd's a mad scientist, so they all believe he's crazy. But anyway. Good job on defeating Ogre with little problem. And also, great job on defeating Stevens. Did you get his Imperial Arm?

Ieyasu: Here.

Najenda: You keep it.

Sayo and Tatsumi: What?! Why?!

Jin: You have that relic already, Tatsu. It'll be more valuable than you think. And Sayo, there's probably a Teigu for shooting, like Mine's.

Najenda: Everyone, are you sure you want to join us? It's hard work and you might die.

Iris: Hi. I think I can speak for everyone. My name's Iris. And after your brown haired and fox friend saved us, we'd rather die free than live confined.

Najenda: Splendid. I'll call up my friend and see if they're willing to help you with training. Jun, keep them out of trouble.

Jun: Yes ma'am.

The girl Jun saved then comes up to him with awe in her eyes.

Iris: Thanks for saving us! What's your name?

Jun: Jun.

Iris: You saved all of us, Jun! You're my hero!

She kisses his cheek and Leone tried to call Jun over, but she sees Iris kissing Jun which shocks her.

Leone: (WHAT?!)

Jin: Better hurry. Jun's also able to attract girls naturally in heaven.

Leone: Not helping, Jin!

Jin: Not trying to. But he's only close to people he's been with for a while. So you still have a chance.

Jun: Ok, Iris. I need to do my work. You and all the others stay and we'll cover this.

Akame: Uh, Tatsumi? Do you mind if you uh, take your clothes off? I need to see if you have any scars.

Tatsumi: Oh, uh, ok. Just nothing too weird, ok?

Leone: Everyone! Clear the area unless you aren't a member of our team!

The prisoners look away, Iris lets go and looks away as well, and Akame inspects Tatsumi's body for scars as the boy was still embarrassed that his crush was looking at him almost naked.

Akame: Thank you for coming back alive, Tatsumi.

She then hugs her crush and he hugs her back as Jun looked with glee that his friends were getting together and Jin looks with a smile on his face.

Najenda: Ok. My friend is here and you all, you can leave.

Iris: Bye, cutie.

Leone: (So glad that harlot is leaving.)

As Najenda's friend comes to pick up the new recruits, she makes a plan for finally giving them a training period.

Najenda: Now, we'll have a training period. 2 teachers. Akame-

Tatsumi, Sayo, Ieyasu: YES!

Najenda: (They're gonna hate me for this.) and Mine.

Tatsumi, Sayo, Ieyasu: NOOOOOOO-

Jin: (Oh come on! The most selfish human of the bunch!)

Jun: Ma'am, why do we have to have Mine "teach" us?

Najenda: Despite her, uh, personality, she knows a lot about the capital and assassination. I'm really sorry, but she is the best option.

Tatsumi, Sayo, Ieyasu: -OOOOOOO-

They continued to scream into the night as Mine comes back feeling weird.

Mine: I could have sworn I heard someone yelling no.


Chapter 5: End


Currently, Jun's light beam was flying in the air, and it bounced off multiple areas. A window, a gun, a sword, a house, until it went through a window and hit a man in the bed.

???: Ugh. So many years in a coma. And I'm cured. My name is Isaac, and I shall have my revenge against those gods.

He uses his Teigu and transforms his body and it feels like brand new. Isaac walks to the building where a friend of his with bruises comes out to greet him.

Isaac: Hello, Christian.

Christian: Mr. Isaac.

Isaac: Thanks for taking care of everything. Assemble the team. The capital will be shocked to see one of their leaders waking up from years in a comatose state.


Isaac (Last Name coming soon.)VAs
Japanese VA: Toshihiko Seki
English VA: Jason Liebriecht

Christian Shepherd VAs
Japanese VA: Hiro Shimono
English VA: William Salyers

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