Calamity of Date a Live

By NaiveStargazer

36.4K 823 1.4K

Meet our boi, Kuro Itsuka. 17 years old and adopted by the Itsuka's with his (not-so) twin brother Shido. He... More

Kuro Itsuka (Bio, pre - Kurumi)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt.1)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt.2)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt. 3)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt. 4) (Edited.)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Finale pt. 1)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Finale pt.2)
Celine, Until our next Communion
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 1
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 3
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 4
Not the Worst nor Misunderstood, Rather-
Your a Monster
But I'm the Devil

Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 2

1K 33 180
By NaiveStargazer

Intercom: "Battle practice has ended. The winner is Second Lieutenant Takamiya Mana"

Upon the intercom announcing this, the AST members and Origami herself dispersed from the training room.

Origami who returned to the hangar inside the base, was rearranging her thoughts while staring at the ground.

As though wanting to recall that feeling she felt several minutes ago, tightly gripping her right hand.

Origami: "......"

The feeling of being outclassed in every possible way.

Due to deactivation of the Personal Territory, the body feels extremely heavy. Just the act of raising the arm and clenching the fist brings about the abnormal feeling that one is swimming in an extremely viscous mud.

But it was also due to this phenomenon that hinted at her own uselessness, Origami unconsciously added strength to that tightly held fist.

Origami: "Takamiya--Mana.."

As though she were showing off, she flaunted the ability to make use of her Personal Territory and special suit to an absurd extent. Truly, she was without doubt a legendary genius.

This should be something to celebrate. Mana is a human, an AST member. Meaning, she has the same goal to take down Spirits like Origami. If there are more people that are just like her, the success rate for combat should greatly increase. But, even though this fact had been understood, an unexplainable sense of frustration grew stronger and stronger within Origami's heart.

Origami: ".... She's strong"

Origami stared at her clenched fist and said. At the same time, a voice came from overhead.

Mana: "-You're amazing too, Master Sergeant Tobiichi."

Hastily raising her head, not knowing when she came close, Mana who was still wearing the combat wiring suit, was standing there with sports drinks in both hands.

Origami: "Don't mention it."

Origami, took the drink Mana offered and took a sip, before raising her head as a thought came to mind.

Origami: "I've heard you have killed a Spirit before. I'd like to hear the details."

Regarding Origami's words, Mana lightly shrugged her shoulders.

Mana: "Killed a Spirit you say? Well, what you've said isn't wrong-"

Origami: "What's the matter?"

Faced with that uncertain reply, Origami slightly slanted her head.

Mana: "Mm... the thing is, [that], is a little different from the rest of the Spirits-even so do you still want to listen?"

Origami nodded, causing Mana to sigh and sit next to her.

Mana: "Hm, it doesn't matter.... Although this can't be widely said in public, but I think in the near future you will have the chance to see it for yourself.-I was posted here for this reason after all."

Towards that declaration that did not reveal much, Origami tilted her head.

Origami: "I've heard that you had been posted here to boost our combat ability."

Mana: "What you said isn't totally wrong. But to be accurate, I was posted here to confirm the signs of a certain Spirit."

Origami: "A certain Spirit?"

Mana: "Yes. All this time, I have been chasing after the most brutal Spirit. Its codename is-"


Kuro Pov

Yoshinon: "Kuro! Come on, come on! Get this one, it costs more sure but do you really want to make a pretty face like this cry?"

The puppet began to make strangely lifelike facial movements.

Kuro: "I understand. I shouldn't make Yoshino cry."

Yoshinon: "Exac- OI!"

I began to snicker as Yoshinon spluttered in disbelief.

I was currently walking with Yoshino and Yoshinon through the mall.

Due to the.... incident this morning, Reine suggested I take Yoshino out for a treat to help her calm down.

From what one would ask? Well Yoshinon, Yoshino's hand friend, nearly met her demise due to a bathtub.

As a result, Yoshino proceeded to Freeze Shock the entire apartment she lived in and as a result, I was called over to melt the ice before anyone noticed.

With the stuff happening it's a miracle no one has filed a noise complaint...

Anywho, as a result, after I left school, I stopped by Fraxinus and picked her up.

Before dropping to a nearby mall.

And I don't mean that as a joke. I jumped out of the ship cackling, while Yoshino clung to my shoulders, and Yoshinon cackled with me.


Ehem. After buying Yoshino, and Yoshinon Ice Cream we were walking back home.

Kuro: "I'm still impressed on how your able to eat Yoshinon, considering your circumstances and all."

Yoshinon: "What do you mean?"

The puppet looked up from the ice cream cone it was devouring with a curious expression.

Shaking my head, I said nothing for the rest of the walk home.

Upon making it back, I dropped off Yoshino with Hua, who I was sure would tell more embarrassing stories, before heading out again for an evening stroll.

Nah who am I kidding, I was going by the cat cafe.

I can't go with Yoshino, due to prior events of mass emotional damage, and verbal assault.

Kuro: "She's a child my ass, she taught me swear words I didn't even know myself."

Eh whatever, time to drown in fluffy adorableness!

Onward to Fluff Heaven!

I'll simply ignore the smug look on Hua's face that promises nothing good.


The next Morning

Tonomachi: "Cur... Curse youuuuuuu!"

This was the sound to greet me as I walked into the classroom.

Shido: "..."

Shido sat in stunned silence. Before shaking his head.

Shido: "Well, forget it, don't mind him. He'll come back after a while."

Saying that Shido, went towards his seat at the second row.

Looking at the seat on his left. As usual, a beautiful girl was sitting there.

Pale skin with an expression like a doll, the girl seem to create an atmosphere that did not seem that she belongs to this world.

Shido: "Good, good morning.... Tobiichi."

Origami: "Morning."

Kuro: "Morning Toe bitc- er Origami."

Almost slipped up there.

Origami: "..."

Upon my greeting, all I got was a sharp stare. Or rather Tohka who sat across from me got a shar stare.

Origami: "You two came to school together."

The way she phrased that sounded like a statement instead of a question. Regardless there's only one thing to do.

Kuro: "Nah. Shido and Tohka walked here first. I came in after."

Throw Shido under the bus, and if anything, the look of betrayal on his face gave away his feelings on the matter.

Origami simply nodded and resumed her impromptu glaring match with Tohka.

Who was half asleep and thus looked like she was pouting instead of glaring.

Well at first, and then she seemed to gain idea as her face became smug and she mouthed two words.

Upon hearing the words Flat chested, Origami made to get up, leaving Shido to play damage control, as I watched while leaning back.

Kuro: "Chest size, it truly is a woman's Kryptonite."

Oddly enough, normally Tohka would not treat any one with hostility, after all she was like an innocent child unwilling to be mean. But this girl, Origami, was special.

Well, it really can't be helped sadly.

Origami belongs to the JGSDF's AST-Meaning to say, humans that plan to use military might to destroy Spirits like Tohka.

Hua: 'Which is a practice in futility.'

Indeed, they'd have higher odds of convincing a dog to not bark at every stranger than truly harming a Spirit.

And truthfully speaking, before Shidou sealed Tohka's power, they did have an all- out battle with each other.

Furthermore, Origami had her parents killed by Spirits, possessing abnormal hostility and hate towards the Spirits. It can't be helped that they are not getting along very well.

Hua: 'If that girl only knew.'

You say something Hua?

Hua: '...'

Or not, eh whatever.

At this moment in time, the bell sounded from the PA system.

And Shido frantically began trying to push Tohka into her seat.

Shido: "Alright alright already, homeroom's starting! Tohka, sit properly, okay!?"

Tohka: "Nu? Uu, umu.... "

With seemingly great reluctance, Tohka hurriedly sat down in her seat.

Shidou did the same, thanking the heavens in his heart as he did so.

The scattered students gradually returned to their seats. On a side note, Tonomachi had also crept back into the classroom through the rear entrance. He's surprisingly a man who sticks to rules. Color me impressed.

Not long after, the classroom door opened. A short curly haired female wearing glasses walked into the classroom.

Resembling a student no matter how you looked at her, but this was really a homeroom teacher in the flesh. Okamine Tamae, twenty nine years old.

Nickname: Tama-chan

Seriously, we all call her Tama-chan.

You'd think it would be considered offensive, but she surprisingly liked it.

Tama: "Great, good morning everybody!"

After making the usual greeting, Tama-chan was taking out the attendance book. And suddenly stopped.

Tama: "Aaa, that's right. There's something I have to tell you all."

After that, she surveyed the chattering classroom with eyes that seem to hint at something else.

Tama: "Heh, well, this class, is going to have a transfer student!"

After a short pause, Tama-chan said this with a delighted smile. Instantly, the classroom erupted with a resounding "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH".

Hua: 'Horndogs. The lot of you.'

Well it's understandable.

After all speaking of transfer students, they are one of the biggest events of campus life. Truthfully speaking, when Tohka first came to this class, everyone was just as excited.

Well I say excited, but more like down catastrophic.

Although now I'm curious. Last time you were relaxing on a boat. What are you doing now?

Hua said nothing as she sent an image.

Not gonna lie, I'm kinda jealous. Actually, is this stuff actually forming in my mind, or an illusion.

And she's gone quiet.


Regardless, concerning the Transfer students, the number of classmates shouldn't be less than that of other classes. With another student, we're near exceeding the maximum.

Wait. Unless that student happened to be-

Tama: "Well, please come in-"

My train of thought was cut short by Tama-chan's easygoing voice. The door slowly opened and the transfer student entered the classroom.

Instantly, the classroom fell into complete silence.

Appearing was a young girl. Even though it was such a hot day, she still wore her winter uniform's jacket and black stockings. Just like a shadow, that description is very fitting. No, that doesn't quite fit...

Pitch black hair, with a long fringe covering the left side of her face, aside from the right crimson eye nothing else could be glimpsed.

But, not just that, that girl was the same as Tohka-a Spirit possessing otherworldly beauty-having a coquettish attractiveness that did not lose out to her.

The typical big sister like figure of most male dreams.

"*Gulp* "

The sound of everyone swallowing reached my ears.

Tama: "Now then, please introduce yourself to everyone."

Under Tama-chan's encouragement, the girl nodded her head with a graceful movement, picking up the chalk with her hand, and writing two words.

That girl, her name was:

Kurumi: "My name is Tokisaki Kurumi."

Then, using a larger volume, the girl, Tokisaki Kurumi continued to speak.

Kurumi: "I, am a Spirit."

There it is. That, noun.

Shido had a uncanny feeling and looked as though his heart was being squeezed tightly.

In the midst of the rowdy students, only Tohka and Origami, made similar reactions as Shidou.

While me, I facepalmed at her complete lack of tact.

Perhaps Kurumi had noticed this fact, for a moment later, she turned towards Shido and smiled.

Before turning towards me and smiling.

Kurumi: "Nice to see you again Kuro."

Kuro: "Morning to you as well, still devoid of tact as ever aren't we my lady?"

Her only response was to giggle.

Kuro: ".... Sss."

A hissing noise left my throat as I sighed.

Tama: "Eheheh, um.. How.. great! That was quite an introduction with impact there!"

Perhaps noticing that Kurumi did not wish to continue, Tama-chan clapped her hands to indicate that it was the end of the introduction and made to direct Kurumi to a seat.

Kurumi: "Well, before that, I have a favor to ask first."

Tama: "Hm? What is that?"

As Tama-chan said that, Kurumi raised a single finger.

Kurumi: "Due to the recent transfer I'm still not used to the school. It's fine even if it is after school but I wish that someone can take me around the campus."

Tama: "Aa, right. That's true..... Then can the class representative--"

However, Kurumi started to walk in the middle of the teacher's words, stopping right in front of Shidou's desk for a brief moment, before instead coming to my desk.

Kurumi: "Hey can I ask you to help? Kuro."

I nodded.

Kuro: "Sure. I promised to do so anyway."

That was another reason I went to the cat cafe again. One for cats, and two to talk with Kurumi and see if she'd like for me to guide her around the school when she came.

Although I didn't think she'd accept my request, so I am a bit surprised.

Kurumi: "It's a promise then. I'm in your care, Kuro."

Kurumi gave a sweet smile, and under the eyes of our stunned classmates, started to walk towards her designated seat with light footsteps.


The moment Tama-chan left the classroom after morning homeroom, Shido immediately fished out his handphone from his pocket and called Kotori.

Moments later, a sound indicating that the connection was successful rang out, with Kotori's voice came out from the handphone a while later.

Kotori: "Hello hello, Onii-chan?"

An easygoing voice that was totally different from that sarcastic tone earlier. It was the normal Kotori, not in commander mode. I miss the little sister Kotori, it's nice when she's not being a bossy Control Queen.

Shido: "Hey, Kotori."

Kotori: "Really now, why are you calling at such a time? If the phone had rang ten seconds earlier, it would have been confiscated by the teacher you know-"

Shido: "You should have properly set it to silent mode first." was his fast rebuttal.

Kotori: "I kinda forgot to do that today-"

Was her unhappy yet equally fast response.

Kotori: "Well, is anything the matter?"

Shido: "Ah, that's right. The truth is..... "

As Shido continued to speak, he glanced towards Kurumi.

Even though she said something shocking like "I am a Spirit" during her introduction, Kurumi was currently subjected to a situation where she was being surrounded by a sea of people and questions. It was not just the students from our class either, in order to sneak a peek at the rumored beautiful transfer girl, even students from other classes have gathered. It was just like the first day Tohka arrived.

At this point, he accidentally made eye contact with Kurumi. Kurumi faced his direction and slightly smiled, Shidou instantly blushed and held his breath.

Kotori: "Onii-chan?"

Kotori's questioning voice snapped Shido from his lewd daydream.

Shido: "Aa, aaah...Today my class had, well you see, a transfer student.... but that person, said. She said uh, um-"

Kotori: "What."

It seems she's growing impatient.

Shido: "She said uh, that she uh-"

For the love of-

I snatched the phone myself.

Kuro: "She said she was a Spirit."

Boom! Simple as that dumbass.

Kotori: "......"

Upon hearing my answer, Kotori did not answer or speak for a while.

In response to what was the sound of rustling clothes, I can assume that's the sound of Kotori changing the ribbons in her hair.

Kotori: "Tell me the details."

Kotori continued speaking with a tone that was different from just now. Her commanding tone. Shame, little sis mode you will be missed dearly.

Shido: "Even if you want me to tell you in detail..... It's just like how I told you. When the transfer student made her introduction, she said 'I am a Spirit'.... Although there is no basis to it, but it felt as if she was saying it to me."

Kotori: "Isn't that just your imagination?"

Shido: "No. I have a strong feeling she was either talking to me or Kuro. And,"

He glanced my direction.

Shido: "Judging from the way Kuro isn't showing any surprise from her statement earlier and the fact they seem to know each other, I think I'm right."

In response to that I shrugged. He's not wrong, Kurumi and I talked alot over the weeks leading to her enrollment. Weird topics about what we were are bound to come up when a mech falls from the sky and you just as easily throw it right back up.

Or when a certain someone informs you of their late night activities involving bullets and clones, after you stumble upon them in the act with groceries. And then wait for them to become presentable.

Y'know, the average conversation. Still though, I'm impressed he was observing my reaction, leave it to Shibro to multitask.

Kotori: "Well, forget it. A person that knows such terms like Spirits is already very abnormal. I'll investigate more."

Just as Kotori ended the phone call, the bell indicating the start of the first lesson rang.

Well back to classroom drama we go...


At a corner of Tengu Base, Inside the observation room that compiles data on Spirit wavelength throughout the cities of Southern Kanto region. 3rd Person Pov

Ryoko: ".... Impossible."

The AST team leader Kusakabe Ryoko, frowned as she let out a groan.

Ryoko: "Is there a mistake? This can't be right."

The man currently operating the central control tower-- Sergeant First Class Ashimura turned to face her, shaking his sweating face at the same time.

Ashy Mora: "I'm extremely sorry. But the precision of the observation machines, even if within the country it is still considered to be the best."

Ryoko: ".... Is that so."

Rechecking the numbers shown on the screen, and making sure that there was no mistake, Ryoko forcefully let out a sigh as though she was trying to discard her frustrations.

Shown on the screen was the numerical results of a certain human. No, using the word human would be lying. After all, those numbers, insinuates at a.. a.. a calamity that kills off the world.

Ryoko: "...Spirit, transferring into high school? That joke is not even amusing."

Ashy More of: "Good thing it's not a joke? Hahah...ha..."

Ryoko ignored the poor attempt at humor. focusing instead on the news she received today at 9 am in the morning.

She received a message from Origami to the base.

'Requesting to investigate, because there is a transfer student who self proclaimed that she was a Spirit in my class--'

Even though she was doubtful, she still ran the scanner on the girl, but kinda wished she didn't.

Ryoko wiped her forehead. Sweat damped her sleeve. Despite the air conditioning being turned on, her skin had become slightly moist.

This of course had a reason. To transfer into high school, a family register and residential addresses is a must, but there are other documents required for the process as well.

A dangerous creature able to eradicate an entire street with just a single finger, yet she was able to escape this field of observation, and possessing the knowledge of how human society works and knowing how to use it effectively. Or worse, she actually had experience with families.

It was impossible not to shudder thinking about that.

Mana: "Leader? What are you doing?"

At this point, a weird greeting came from behind her.

Only one member would use these kind of words. Turning her head, Ryoko saw Mana was standing there as expected.

Mana: ".... Oh?"

Mana showed a serious expression, furrowing her brows in displeasure.

Mana: "This is............ so you finally showed up huh, <Nightmare>."

Ryoko: "<Nightmare>?"

Ryoko asked in surprise. Mana forcefully let out a sigh with her brows locked together.

Mana: "Codename: <Nightmare>. She's the one that I'm hunting, the most brutal Spirit."

Ryoko: "Most brutal........ Spirit?"

Ryoko shivered as she repeated that solemn phrase.

Mana: "Is there an echo chamber in here?"

Despite her sarcastic response, Mana nodded her head.

Mana: "The Spirit that caused the deaths of at least ten thousand at present. If we take those victims who haven't been identified into account, the numbers should be a few times larger."

Those words made Ryoko pale.

Ryoko: "Ten, ten thousand... !? Unbelievable, why wasn't there an evacuation call? And also, a spacequake of that scale would surely-"

Mana: "You're wrong."

As though trying to interrupt Ryoko, Mana voiced out melancholically.

Mana: "The spacequake that <Nightmare> causes is merely that of the usual Spirits. Even though we can't say that there were no victims, the numbers did not reach a hundred."

That's not possible unless.

Mana saw the realization form in Ryoko's eyes as she confirmed the thought.

Mana: "The reason is very simple. Murder. She directly killed them all with her own hands. Those ten thousand humans. Killed in cold blood."

And with those words, Ryoko gradually understood the gravity of the situation.

The <Princess> and <Hermit> that had appeared in Tenguu City in the past, even though they did cause severe spacequakes, they did not actively attack humans. Instead causing severe damage upon arrival, and running for most of their staying period.

However, if a monster capable of rending the earth, were to start killing people by its own will... How horrifying would that be? As an AST member, such a scene could be easily pictured. After all they were always there, so if a Spirit decided to start attacking back with intent to harm... the casualties would be immense.

Ryoko: "Then, what preparations should we make?"

Mana: "Eh?"

Mana made a noncommittal noise as she stretched her arms.

Mana: "If a Spirit appears. There's no other thing to consider other than killing it."

Ryoko: "That's true...But, don't we need to evacuate the citizens? After all this situation is-"

Mana: "There's no need to worry. Please leave it to me.--Dealing with [that], is what I'm best at."

Mana turned to leave.

Ryoko: "Aa, wait, hold on!"

Ryoko grabbed Mana's arm as she was trying to quickly leave.

Mana: "What? Is there a problem? Isn't it better to deal with it earlier?"

Ryoko: "...I'll say this first, the team leader here is me. You are not to take action by yourself."

Mana: "Your not wrong..."

Mana pondered for a while as though she was considering something, then slightly raised her hand in a mock salute.

Mana: "Understood. I'll follow your orders."

However, she then gave Ryoko a look as though she was judging something.

Mana: "But, please do not forget. I am posted here by the [Association], having permission from the General to take independent action."

Ryoko: "..... I understand."

Ryoko twisted her face in distaste, releasing Mana's hand.

Watching Mana walk off, Ryoko couldn't shake the feeling of trepidation she had.



Done with that part.

So uh. Hi.

As you can see this book is back after uh......

4 months. My apologies, I was waiting for the announcement of Date a Live V.

It's set to release in 2024, so that's news.

But yeah, my apologies, the book is back now and thankfully off hiatus.

I'd be impressed if anyone actually remembered this lil ol thing.

Regardless, I will be posting more of it, so look forward to that.

As an apology have some art of Seele, Seele, and Bronya.

Poor Bronya...

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