A Certain Misfortunate Spider

By Komigakuo

32.6K 970 619

(THIS BOOK IS PUBLISHED ONLY ON FANFICTION AND WATTPAD) A bite from a peculiar spider sends Touma Kamijou's s... More

That Fateful Day
First Signs
Alley Fight
A Sticky Situation
3 Days Later
Shopping Trip
Spinning an Identity
First Night
Second Day
Third Day
The Red Man
A Little Break
A Little Break 2
Twists and Turns
Concerned Citizen
The Dealers
Highway Battle
AIM Burst Part 1
AIM Burst Part 2
Vigilante's Holiday
Moment of Truth
Certain Revelations
The Prowler
In Memoriam
*Marvel Universe & Stuff
*found this on Reddit
*I made a mistake.
*Ki (and Symbiotes)
Night Robbery
The Beetle

Tough Luck

418 16 7
By Komigakuo

"Hmmm, tonight seems to be quieter than before. Must be because of AntiSkill and Judgement going around nowadays," Touma Kamijou mused to himself, sitting down on his kotatsu. In his hand was a handheld radio, and he was fiddling around with it.
Figuring he might as well continue his daily excursions Kamijou bought this at a thrift store for only 30 yen. For some reason it came with a manual that allowed the user to tune the radio frequency with enough precision. The function was most likely done so that the person using the radio can turn on its AM/FM function.

Ever since the incident a couple weeks back Kamijou thought more about what he could do for the district. Vigilantism was definitely outlawed, sure, but a couple acts of good service didn't hurt anyone, much as they cry about it.

He had had a couple close calls regarding several people in the past.
The most recent one was that busty beauty in glasses.
Before her was Yomikawa's partner (he had seen her a couple times whenever the older woman would stop by).
Before her, was this poor girl who passed out in her arms, in despair.

And before her...

'I'm becoming too sentimental for my own good. I'm only doing this because I got nothing better to do anyway.


Kamijou doubted it.

He rarely went out of his way to do stuff like this, because the last time he did someone had died despite his solving the problem. Hence his own reservation with going beyond what he can do in any moment.
He didn't want to make the same mistake as he did back then, with Mitsuari, but if he didn't do something the moment with that certain chill down his neck, and the blaring in his head, he'd never go and forgive himself.
He knew it was a slippery slope. He knew that if he went through with this, he would go and fall down the same rabbit hole as a certain henshin rider in TV and perhaps suffer the same misery as he had.
Kamijou didn't want that, and it wasn't something he'd go and try to fix. His life was too messy to fix properly, anyway.

Kamijou stopped, suddenly. The radio in his hand was in his hands, about to be tuned.

"...What the fuck am I doing?"

Kamijou didn't even know how to tune this even with the manual, so why was he doing this?

Then he realized it. "...You idiot. You couldn't do anything at that point. You did the best you could."

But was that enough? At what point, will "the best he can do" be enough? Until he can save a million people? That was completely unrealistic for Kamijou. Until someone got hurt? Well, it always seems that he'd go and step in whenever that happens thanks to his Instinct, which currently was still silent.

But still.

He should have done a lot better.

There he was. Climbing back from the pit, only to fall back down into it all the same. Like those heroes in the comics, and cartoons.

No matter how many people they try to save, the guilt never goes away.

"...Rotten luck," Kamijou rubbed his eyes.

He took his phone by the table. Opening it, the time read as 10:45pm.

"Off to bed then. No trouble around, so let's go call it a night then," Kamijou said to no one. The radio can wait until tomorrow. Besides, it was a weekend tomorrow. Plenty of time to fix the radio up.

"...But the homework.... fuck it I'll complete it all in time." Kamijou said confidently, as if he was sure his misfortune wouldn't go and mess up his schoolwork even at home.

As he laid his head down on his pillow as he prepared for slumber the familiar blaring in his head aired out.

"About time."

If anything to blot out the gnawing sense of guilt... a couple hours of patrol won't hurt much he supposed.


The sound of cut glass can be heard within a certain building in District 7. As the gadget used in the process finished, its user, a masked figure with a feminine shape, pulled the glass panel off the hatch before dropping it down to the ground next to her.

The burglar placed the gadget back into a secret compartment within her form-fitting suit, and took out a gun-like device with a hook at the other end. She pointed the gun at a wall opposite to her, and pulled the trigger. With a loud hiss the hook ejected out of the barrel at high speeds before it embedded itself in the wall.

Attached to the rope was carbon fiber rope. More than enough to take the weight of a full-grown man without snapping. She dropped it down to the ground, seeing as no one in there was around.

She grabbed ahold of the rope and pulled it taut.

The office was large, even larger than most other offices she's been to. The desk was at the far end of the large room, with a big chair behind it.

The burglar took out a small ball from her many pockets, and lightly tossed it down. The ball shattered into numerous, tiny pieces as a silvery mist quickly spread across the room.

In an instant, in front of the burglar's eyes revealed several dozens upon dozens of laser beams across the seemingly empty space.

"Hmm. Tacky," the burglar said.
These lasers were nothing than security systems, designed to activate whenever anyone walked through them. If activated, a silent alarm will go off, notifying Judgement and AntiSkill of a break-in, and activate the emergency shutters within the room to trap any would-be thrives in the room.

At this point, like in many stories the burglar would perform outstanding feats of acrobatics and athleticism evading and weaving through each single laser beam to prevent the alarms from going off.
However, this was Academy City.

The burglars took out a small remote from another pocket in her suit. It resembled a dog clicker.

With a click the lasers disappeared.

"One minute," she suddenly said as she jumped down to the ground, the suit cushioning her fall, and ran towards the desk, digging into its cabinets. After a few seconds of searching she found what she was searching for.

A folder made out of manila paper was taken out from the main cabinet and placed into the desk. She produced a camera from her hands and started taking pictures of the files within said folder, flashes of light briefly illuminating the dim room.

After she was done she stashed the camera into herself and grabbed the folder. She made sure to remove any traces of possible unwanted access, removing any creases and putting the files back into the correct order before she placed it back into the cabinet.

She stopped.

She could just take this folder and disappear, go off the grid. Sure, they might go and create a manhunt, or "cathunt" in her case, to search for the missing files.

Whoever this Mr. Fisk was, he must be reallt important by the Board of Directors to be designated as a surveillance subject.

Something this classified could be worth millions within the black market.

Illegal weapons, mass production of experimental drugs, and...


The temptation was too much, so she decided to put it back to its original place.

25 seconds passed. At any moment the security systems will come back online.

The mist produced a weak electric charge which, by itself wouldn't do anything even as the mist quickly spread throughout the room. The clicker, however, issued a "request" sent across the billions of nano-machines contained in the "ball" to create an electromagnetic pulse which deactivated the laser security system. The electric charge, as weak as it was, would provide extra juice to the nanobots, as these were rudimentary, not unlike Under_Line.

'Assuming such a system exists,' the burglar mused as she ran up to the rope. She started to climb up.

10 seconds have passed.

She had to get up quickly.
Fear was settling in her mind. She used it to power her ascent up to the roof.

Dark Legacy. A project supposedly created by the doctor who would be known as Heaven Canceller.
Nothing much was known about it, apart from its creator. Its functions, methods, materials, history, and status were left unknown.


At any second ths system would reactivate by now. And she was at a significant height. But she didn't wish to push her luck.


Almost there.



A mistake in grabbing the rope caused her to slip, and she descended down quickly.


In a split-second she grabbed the rope in the nick of time, preventing her from crashing on the floor.

Adrenaline coursed through her veins, her heartbeat quickly drumming through her chest.

Yet, her poker face hadn't broken an inch.

"Well, that was lucky."

Despite the pain in her arms she slowly but surely climbed her way back up, climbing out of the hatch before sitting on the edge.

She breathed a sigh of relief, before she got up and went over to pull the hook off the wall, placing the rest of the rope onto the ground.

"Ain't it a bit late to go partying with clothing like that?"

She jumped. Turning around, she came face-to-face with a pair of white, buglike eyes.


SynCorp. The place where everything changed for Touma Kamijou's life.
It was only a month ago the spider bit him, but it felt like a lot had passed at that time. He could barely remember the stuff he did at that tour, only what had happened which brought him to this moment.

He porched on a nearby roof door cabin, watching as a... interesting person had climbed out of the hatch. She was out of breath, and possibly afraid, but she looked fine.

She stood up, allowing Kamijou to get a better look of her outfit.

It was jet-black, with a slight gloss out of the edges which emphasized their curves quite well, as the jumpsuit clung closely to the skin. Patches of white fur adorned the calves; Kamijou figured the fur might be fake. Her long hair was tied up in a ponytail.
The outfit really clung to their body, showing off their legs, chest, and the rear-

"Okay Kamijou. Stay focused." He whispered. "Cat burglar then. Easy to deal with, I guess."

Kamijou stopped despite himself. "Then again that purple caped ninja dude nearly killed me so, can't be too careless."

He flexed his hands, shook them, and twisted his neck before lightly clearing his throat.

"Ain't it a bit late to go partying with an outfit like that?"

The woman turned to him instantly. Both were locked in a bit of a stareoff.

Then without warning, the burglar ran towards the edge of the building.

Kamijou leaped after her, sending a couple web blasts towards her to restrain the criminal. But to his surprise, he twisted her body, avoiding the web globs before she delivered a side kick to his stomach, knocking the wind out of him.

"Uughhhh, not again," Kamijou groaned.

He watched as she turned back to him, and after a moment of silence, smirked as she leapt off the building.

"Shi-" Kamijou got up, looking on where she was.

Luckily, she was safe, apparently. She looked up and, noticing Kamijou, snidely took a bow before running away.

"Okay," Kamijou only said as he fired another webline, swung after her.


So the urban legend about the Spider-Man were true, after all, mused the burglar.

She didn't know what to make of him at first; a vigilante going around beating up street punks and helping students out wasn't the most unique rumor within the urban legend community, in fact theu were a dime a dozen. Every so often they proved to be nothing more than the result of a bored teen's overactive imagination.

But the stories surrounding the Spider-Man, they were different. Not more so with their content, and more so with the frequency of these stories. Add to near-frequent sightings of the mysterious figure, and a picture was painted of the Spider-Man.
She would've laughed them off, consider them meaningless drivel like the rest of the rumors, but there was something about these stories that bothered the young woman.

There was something... uncomfortably familiar with how these stories went.

People in danger (more specifically women), hero swoops in, saves the day, and runs off without a word.

Sounds like someone she knows. Unless...

"Look lady, just stop running. Whatever you stole from that company, I promise I will put it back in piece. So just hand over the stolen goods and all will be well."

There was that voice. It was closer than before.

The thief peered over the corner, looking out to see the Spider-Man looking around for her.

With his body language and nasal pitch, she figured him to be an amateur in being a vigilante.

She had a chance to leave at that point. He would be looking for air around here by the time she's gone.

"If you're on the chase with someone, better make sure you don't look like an easy target."

"Huh? Is... is that you, Miss Burglar Lady?"

But his naivety was too precious not to exploit for her amusement. "I've heard about you. You're a very popular topic to talk about in the forums," she said, still hiding behind the roof door where this Spider-Man was. She made sure not to show her hiding place away to him.

"I'm popular? Huh, I didn't know that," he said. "But it doesn't really matter because I have to take you in now."

"Take me in? That's funny, coming from a vigilante like you. I doubt you got permission from both of them to continue your vigilantism, because let's be honest I doubt they'd go and accept you," the burglar said, slowly moving to the opposite side where the edge was. "I mean, what is it that drives a man like you, with your strength, your power, your talent? There must be something, deeper as to why you do the things you do."

"Lady I don't need a psycho-analysis session tonight, let's just get this over with." He sound agitated.

"'Right, as you wish. But do answer me."

She's near at the edge.

"You got some lingering doubts in your mind? Some guilt eating you up?"

"I am so over this," the boy, as she realized by his tone, finally said. And in a move which shocked her, he landed in front of her, behind the roof door.

"I don't know what kind of tech or power you have, but it wasn't hard to find you once I get a single decibel out from here."

"Shit!" She cursed, and she began to pivot her foot to side kick.

He only stepped back before firing what looked to be a white glob of slime which stuck her foot on the roof door cabin, keeping her in a weird karate pose.

"It's over maam. Stand down quietly."

"OK, but could you cut my foot down? It'd be rude to keep a lady up like this, you know."

"Really now? You go with a cliched line like that?"

"I got a few," the burglar smiled despite her predicament.

The sound of small glass shattered later, and a bright flash of light erupted.


"Shit-!" Kamijou saw white, firthermore his ears ringed. His Instinct should've been able to account for that.

Actually his Instinct did go off, but he wasn't careful enough apparently.

He felt an impact on the left temple, then to his solar plexus. He was airborne for a couple seconds before he struck the ground with a thud.

Bad news, concussion and wind knocked out of him.

Good news, the pain actually helped him out with regaining his senses.

Within his obscured vision, he barely ducked under a roundhouse kick, then parried another one before jumping over a sliding kick.

Vision now returning he moved his head to avoid a straight kick before ducking over a following kick, blocked another attack towards his torso, and so on.

A hurricane of kicks peppered Kamijou, and despite her lithe figure were incredibly powerful, similar to the purple ninja from a week back.

Maybe a sort of strength-enhancing tech under her outfit perhaps? But it doesn't look as if it's anything that would look technological in that skintight suit.

Instinct blared once more, and he threw his head back, stretching his head backwards. The momentum kept him towards to the ground, forcing him to place his hands back and flip backwards.
In the process however, he managed to strike the thief by the head as he completed his flip.

As he landed on his feet, he saw the female thief, clutching her face.

"How could you? I'm a woman!"

"Don't play that card lady, this isn't the first time I fought women like you."

"So I'm not the first? Shame, this usually works for other people," she casually said before running away from Kamijou. "But a few seconds is all I need from you so toodaloos!"
With her last words she leapt off the building. Kamijou heard the sound of something ejected out of something.

"Fuck!" Kamijou leapt after her, and swung away. As he pursued her he saw how she was able to traverse along the city skyline; a grappling hook within her hands.

Kamijou took no second to waste as he fired a couple web blasts towards her, which she responded with by twisting in the air, avoiding all of them. She fired her grapple gun again, and flew away as she waved goodbye.

Kamijou couldn't stop now. Much as he wanted to go home, he could not stop the chase.

Kamijou fired another webline, swinging after the woman. He saw her land on the side of a skyscraper. He decided to land above her.

"Can't you give a girl a break? It's not as if I'm hurting anyone."

"I would appreciate if you took them back though. It'd really help your case instead of hearing your excuses."

The woman sighed. She took out something from her cleav-...

Kamijou turned his head quickly.

"You want it? You can have it!" Kamijou turned back, and saw... something thrown off the building.

"ROTTEN LUCK!" Kamijou cursed as he leapt off the building, leaving the woman alone.
He was slower than the stolen item, so he brought his arms and legs in, reducing the drag of his descent.
If he fucks this up, he'd be a bloody spot on the ground.

The thing was near him. He twisted his body, fired a line, and swung towards the falling object. He caught it in the nick of time.

"Yes! Got it! Shit, I hope I didn't break it when I had caught it but..." Kamijou said as he opened his hand.

It was a gold Gekota finger puppet.

Kamijou stuck there, stunned in silence. He looked up to where the woman was sticking on.

She was gone, as well.

"...Rotten fucking luck."

He decided to call it a night, but not before throwing the fucking toy away in anger.

Somewhere in the city, a certain electromaster felt her stomach drop in unexplainable terror.


A single window was opened in a high-rise penthouse within District 3. It would normally take her a couple hours to go from District 7 to 3, but with her gadgets it took only 40 minutes.

She opened the window, and the room immediately brightened, the lights within illuminating in response to her entering.

The motion sensors of the light system made it that anyone who lived wouldn't need to use light switches to turn the lights on. She was thankful for the ease.

She felt incredibly sticky underneath her outfit. She wanted to take the whole thing off, and take a shower immediately, but she had a job to do.

She sat down on the dining table, opening the laptop left here, and connected the camera to it through a wireless function. Within a few seconds she sent the pictures she took from SynCorp's main office into the laptop, where an app in the computer automatically scanned the files before encrypting the files.

A prompt popped up asking for permission to send the files, to which she pressed "Yes" to, and after a few seconds the files she sent from the camera were erased.

Within the app, a message popped in.

(And here I thought something had happened to you. What took you?)

She sighed. And typed back, (I was preoccupied with someone.)

(That is odd. I've known you for a while, and I know you never let yourself get preoccupied.)

(This is different. He was involved.)

A beat passed, and later, (I assume our new friend went and nearly blew this whole operation apart, yes?)


(Oh dear. Well, knowing his modus operandi he wouldn't know much about our operations. I suggest you lay low for a month, apart from that you did good.)


(Is something the matter? You don't usually take more than 3 seconds to reply.)

(Nothing, just thinking about the past.)

(I see. Get some rest. I don't wish for my brain to fatigue herself.)

She only smiled at this, and typed a quick good night.

The woman took her mask off, and let go of her ponytail, letting her white hair go. Then, in an instant her hair went from silver-white to a dark brown.

'It can't be...'

"What the hell happened to my dear junior?"
With her mask on the floor, still wearing her stealth suit Seria Kumokawa leaned on her chair, left with many questions regarding tonight.


"Hmm. It seems the Board has taken an interest in your secret dealings Mr. Fisk. What should we do?"

"Absolutely nothing. It'll take them a while to realize the true contents in that folder I left in my office was incomplete."

"All of it?"


"Even this... Dark Legacy?"

"...How is she?"

"Still sound asleep, as you say. A month, they said, but we don't really know how long she'll... wake up."


"We could've just bring her to that doctor on District 7."

"I am well-aware of it."


"My decision is final, Mr. Murdock. I will not hear about this a second time."

"...Very well. So, back on track, what should we do now?"

"For now, we continue as planned.

Academy City's darkness will tremble before me, I'll make sure of it."


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And if you enjoyed yourself, it means all the world to me!


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