
By JasmynTailor

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When all hope was lost, He began to make all things new. - This is the story of Anastasia and Austin. Very u... More

Introducing Anastasia
Final Author's Note
Bonus Chapter


737 67 50
By JasmynTailor

Today was the day.

And in just a few moments, Anastasia would see Austin.

They would hold each other for but a moment before separating.

And then, oh, the sweetest of things would happen.

A ceremony that bound the pair as one.


Never to be separated again.

By the strength of the Lord alone, they would be one, withstanding all the trials, pain, heartache, and insurmountable joys that marriage brought to those who dared to try.

Her heart was at peace.

A true surprise, though she prayed for God to ease her mind.

He was faithful to ease.

Oh, she was excited.

More than excited.

She was felicitous.

She was extremely glad to be marrying the man who made her roll her eyes.

The one who loved her.

Her heart was full and she hadn't even seen him yet.

She couldn't get much sleep the night before, as her mind was racing with possibilities and prayers for her future with Austin.

It was finally her turn.

It was their turn.

God had given them both something they didn't ask for.


Love in the form of laughter, eye rolls, sucking teeth, poking cheeks, glares, teasing, heartfelt conversations, simple activities that were swoon-worthy, friendship, and butterflies that annoyed them both.

Sweet love between Chère and her Wicked.

Oh, how delightful her life had turned out to be.

She braved the hardest times with God only for Him to surprise her with the one thing she would've fought to avoid forever.


And Austin.

Her most handsome, annoying, sweet, charming, kind, pure-hearted love and friend.

She couldn't imagine her life without him now.

He was indeed sunshine.

Sunshine who swished gargled water in his mouth and swallowed it.

She couldn't help but grimace at the thought.

Still, as she'd said before, she wouldn't change a thing about Austin.

She fell in love with all of him.

And she was intrigued by him.

She simply adored the man, and yet it wasn't simple.

It was profound, and complex, like a mathematical equation.

There were arrows and squared points that all led to the explanation of Anastasia's adoration of Austin.

"My Austin," She whispered, giddy as one would expect a bride to be.

Everything was ready.

Only, her sweet friend hadn't called on her just yet.

It was fine.

This gave her time to remember and blush over every little thing that made her love him.

It would take far too long for her to do so, but she didn't mind.

She was so different now.

She would've never given thought to something so swoony before Austin.

He brought something special out of her.

Another reason to love him.

He was just as excited as her when she told him their plans for Arizona.

A visit to the excavation sight she was supposed to visit before.

He mentioned wearing a Luigi costume to get in character for the excavation.

And he was serious.

He sent an order confirmation of his costume to her.

She adored the silly man.

He was such a special star in her sky.

He even made her slightly poetic.

She giggled while shaking her head.

Anastasia three years ago would be appalled at who she'd become. But deep down, she would be grateful.

Benjamin didn't bring out the joy and youthful enthusiasm as Austin did.

Austin was, "My wicked," She whispered dreamily.

"Ma chère," He whispered in the same tone, making her jump.

She turned to face the man and suddenly, she didn't even remember his name.

Oh, wow.

He was handsome.

Handsome wasn't a proper word to describe the man she loved.

He was like Saturn.

Out of this world.

So far out.

She giggled as butterflies filled her from head to toe.

This man was going to be her husband.

God did something phenomenal.

Austin's mind was mush.

Entirely mush.

He felt like Donnie from The Wild Thornberry's.

Gibberish were the only words he could put together.

His chère was a princess.

The most beautiful princess in the world.

All dressed in white.


She was glittering.

She wore a beautiful tiara and a veil just above covering her perfect locs.

This, the most beautiful woman in ever, was marrying him in just a few minutes.

"Hasha, basha, golly," He licked his lips, they were dry.

Why? He wasn't sure.

What did he even say?

"Me too," Anastasia murmured with the most precious smile.


She was perfect.

"I-i love the blue, you look handsome, handsome," She added while admiring him.

Austin felt those words in his heart.

Chère thought he was handsome, handsome.

Ooh wee.

"I know it's your favorite color, chère. You always wear that soft blue, I figured I'd let you go gaga over me in your favorite color," He teased and slid on the bench beside her, taking her hand. "I love you,"

Her heart burned delightfully at his words.

Even the teasing.

She didn't mind.

He knew her well enough to know that if she rolled her eyes, she was only blushing.

There was no need to disguise the way his teasing and sweet words made her feel.

"What was it? Hasha, basha, golly?" She asked, bumping him with her shoulder.

Austin chuckled and eyed his teasing bride. "Oh, chère, you got jokes. Hush up," He threatened playfully, making her giggle.

She stuck her tongue out and he pinched it.

Her nose scrunched up and he began to chuckle.

"I told you, chère. Just hush up,"

Anastasia plucked him. "You are gross, Austin. You're not supposed to pinch someone's tongue, especially mine. I don't know where your hands have been," She crossed her arms and huffed.

"Chère," He whispered. "Don't be all pouty and huffy. You were askin for it," He teased, making her roll her eyes. "Aha! There it is!" He smiled and pulled her into his arms. "You ain't mad, ma chère."

She sighed, melting in his stupidly annoyingly perfect arms. "Oh, hush, you wicked. It's still gross, but I love you too much to be mad, silly man."

He kissed her temple and hummed. "Opposites attract, chère. Plus, you looked real cute, like a posh lizard," He chuckled, making her pluck him again.

He loved her little plucks.

They were obviously love hits.

She was like a kid in elementary school trying to profess her love any way she knew how.

He'd keep that to himself for now...

After a few moments of silence, Austin spoke.

"I, uh, just want you to know, loving you has been the most amazing thing I've done. Bein your friend, and fallin in love with you, it was actually scary, but I'm grateful for you. If your eyes hadn't sparkled the way they did, or your smile hadn't sent my mind to mush and clarity, I would've bowed out."


Anastasia lifted her head from his warm chest and smiled.

The mush was definitely present.

"I'm so glad you didn't. I was afraid that you would hate me after what my parents did. So, I believe we were both scared of this, but it worked so wonderfully. And," She paused with a soft laugh. "When you called me Anastasia, that day at the restaurant, I thought you were done with me. And, I shouldn't have, since we didn't even have anything to be done with, but I confess now, I would've been devastated had you not spoken to me after I apologized."

It was time for confession before, "I Do."

It was right.

Austin hummed, surprised by the news. "So, you liked me? Ain't that somethin," He chuckled softly and kissed her cheek. "God wanted us together, chère. I wanted you, but it didn't make sense to me. God made it make sense by tuggin your precious little heart strings and the rest is history,"

Beautiful history.

He'd get an A in this history class.

"I did like you, but I don't think I knew yet. And I agree, 100%. I'm entirely glad that He did what He did. I'm the happiest I've ever been," She stood up and looked in the mirror, leaving him cold and pouty-faced. "My mother won't be happy if we're late to our own wedding. Go on, Bubba," She winked at the beaming man and shooed him away.

"Chère, you and that name. It's somethin special. Call me that in them vows you wrote, kay?" He stole a kiss and hurried out.

Anastasia sighed dreamily at the man she was about to marry.

Only a few more moments until.


Trisha waved as Austin tried not to throw up.

This was the moment.

The moment before seeing Anastasia and becoming her husband.

His stomach was gurgling with butterflies and anxiety.

"When is she comin?" He grumbled and loosened his nonexistent tie.

The room was filled to the brim with his family members and plenty of people he didn't know.

It was good.

He was marrying the woman he loved in front of God and literally everybody.

"Lord, this is it," Now he was giddy.

It was time.

He was about to marry Anastasia.

Did his hair look right?

Did he have something in his teeth?

That could be quickly handled with a quick suck, but today and only today, he was choosing to be classy.

He had toothpicks in his dressing room.

His teeth were fine.

But were his lips?

His tongue passed over them and he sighed.

They were fine.

Everything was okay.

He couldn't wait for he-

His heart dropped to his toenails.

Anastasia Carys was breathtakingly beautiful.

Diana and Amadeus escorted her down the aisle and slowly up the stairs to meet him.

Something was different about her.

Her dress had sleeves now and it was shaped like a ball gown.

"Aw man," His lips trembled as he spoke.

He was a sucker for the woman walking toward him with the most precious timid smile on her perfectly sculpted face.

Though he'd seen her only fifteen minutes before, it was like he was seeing her for the first time.

She sparkled.

Oh, did she sparkle.

Like a shooting star aimed directly at his heart.

He swiped at his eyes quickly and cleared his throat.

Why was he such a sucker?

"Hi," He whispered to the beautiful princess before him.

Diana and Amadeus nodded at him before walking back down to their seats beside Trisha.

The jewels in her tiara were dimmed by the softness in her eyes and the darling smile she adorned.

"Oh, my," He was choked up.

He couldn't get himself together.

Not when she was standing before him.

"Hi," She whispered back and held his hand. "Are you ready?"

He nodded and pressed a kiss onto her hand. "You are my princess, chère. So beautiful," He praised in a whisper, not to interrupt the officiant.

He didn't know what the man was saying, Anastasia neither, they were lost and found in love, so excited to finally be here.

"Oh, thank you, Austin. I-i didn't want you to see it all. Do you like it?" She smiled nervously, her stomach was upside down, but it was okay.

He nodded. "Without a doubt, chère. You look like an angel. But, when I say you're beautiful, I never mean cause of what you got on, your beauty's like a volcano. Inside and then it overflows," He stroked her precious hand as the murmurs of the officiant flew over his head.

Her heart fluttered and twirled.

This was the man she was vowing the rest of her life to.

"A volcano," She laughed softly. "I love you,"

"Austin has chosen to handwrite his vows which he will be sharing with his lovely bride," The officiant finally said the words.

Austin squeezed Anastasia's hand gently and shook his shoulders to keep his cool, which was long gone.

"Anastasia, ma chère, Lord knows I never thought I'd end up here with you," He started, he was doing good. "But, uh, He knew that we would be here. I'll say that you were the first person outside of my mother who didn't see me as my past or just some white trash," He admitted, earning gasps at the word he chose.

It was true.

"You saw me as God said I was. And I think that, outside of your infatuation with dinosaurs, is what really hooked me. I never had to pretend. I never had to hide parts of myself with you. Even after you threatened me with a knife, out of fear," He added, making the people laugh and Anastasia roll her eyes. "You accepted me. Yeah, you thought I was weird, gross, and comfortable, but you never asked me to be someone else."

He cleared his throat as a rock formed.



"You," He sighed and shook his head. "You made it easy to love you. I ain't had a chance, but then I did. I love you, Anastasia. I don't got all the words together, but I know when you look at me with those beautiful eyes, all soft and kind, I know that there is no other woman for me. I know that I would do anything for you. A-and it was hard for me to take it all in, thinkin you wouldn't want me back, but a wise lady told me that maybe God meant for this to happen, and to trust that He'd bring it together."

His vision blurred as he recalled the conversation he had with his mother.

Everything felt hopeless and then it wasn't.

"You got me cryin, but it's from my heart. I just got to say in front of God and everyone, I will do anything for you, Anastasia, ma chère. And if you ever feel like there's a question in your heart about me and my love for you, you tell me and I'll remind you why you said I do." He bit his lip and swiped at his tears. "I, I love you. Thank you," His voice cracked and it was over.

He shook his head and kissed her hand.

It was all he could say.

Anastasia wasn't sure if she'd be able to speak.

Austin took her heart and did the waltz with it as he spoke purely.

His tears scorched her heart and her tears fell the same.

She was here with him.

He was here with her.

That alone brought more tears to her eyes.

But, it was time to say her vows.

"I," She closed her eyes as tears fell.

She was going to do this.

"I wasn't supposed to fall in love again, but here I am, so in love, so happy, with a whole heart," Her voice was thick with emotion, tugging at the hearts of everyone in the room. "Austin, I love you. You're my best friend, I-i never really had friends, true ones, and then you came along, I-i knew the risks of having a friend as good as you are, but I hoped that God would protect my heart," She breathed out shakily.

"I prayed a lot that I wouldn't love you, but it was hard not to. You were my friend, and I was so used to you. You taught me a lot, um, Uno. I didn't know what that was until you showed me. And I saw something in you that night that melted barriers around my heart," She laughed softly, tears steadily falling. "It was small, some would say silly, but you taught me to play, and I had a draw four or something, and I didn't want to use it on you, but you encouraged me,"

It wasn't small or silly.

"You were selfless," She whispered. "I could tell more stories, but I'll only tell one more. The day you bought me this necklace," She lifted the necklace, one she would never remove. "You cherished our time together, you understood why time was so important to me. I felt so loved," She covered her mouth to silence her sob.

Happy tears.

Overwhelmingly happy tears.

Austin took her in his arms and held her.

His eyes were sealed shut to keep from wetting her dress.

"I love you," He whispered and kissed her cheek.

She nodded with a smile and pulled away from him.

Her soft eyes shone with precious tears.

"Austin, my wicked, my Bubba, you have brought so much joy into my life. You have given me comfort and peace. The purity of your heart makes me the most blessed woman in the world. Thank you for being my sweet friend. I vow to always see you as you are and to love you. I adore you, Austin Landry,"

It was so.

"Not a dry eye in sight," The officiant said and dabbed his eye. "Austin Kent Landry, do you take Anastasia Carys Randolph to be your God-given wife, vowing to protect, profess, and provide for her as long as you both shall live?"

Austin nodded. "I do,"

He could've jumped out of his skin.

This was the most exhilarating thing he'd ever done.

"Anastasia Carys Randolph, do you take Austin Kent Landry to be your God-given husband, vowing to respect, submit, and love him as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Her smile only reflected a portion of the joy she felt in her heart.

"Wonderful," The officiant boomed. "This is the best part." He winked at the pair. "And now, by the power vested in me, the State of California, and the Lord Almighty, I pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Austin Landry. You may now kiss your bride,"


Austin took Anastasia Landry by the hand and gently pulled her into him.

"Hello, Mrs. Landry," He beamed, she giggled, ugh. "Can I kiss you?"

She nodded and it was so.

The sweetest kiss ever served.

Flutters and butters.

Swoons and moons.

Oh, how delightful it was to be kissed by the one you loved!

By the one you married!

Austin pulled away and rested his head on hers. "I knew you liked me enough to be stuck like hot marshmallows forever, ma chère,"

Oh, did she!


"Austin," He heard Amadeus call him.

The moment he allowed Anastasia to mingle with her guests, he was called away from observing his perfect wife.





It was real.

He walked over to Amadeus and found Diana eyeing him.

"Austin, we'd like to thank you,"

He raised a brow at the couple. "Ain't no need, sir. Marryin your daughter without a murmur is all the thank you can give me." He said sincerely.

"No, Austin. It isn't." Diana told him.

"You've made our little girl the happiest we've ever seen her. And you didn't allow our callous ways to push you away from her. You are a good man, Austin. We are proud to call you our Son-in-Law," Amadeus shook his hand and then handed him an envelope. "This will never be enough to show our gratitude, but it's a start,"

Austin took the envelope and placed it in his jacket pocket. "It was nothin but the Lord, sir. I will appreciate whatever this is," He nodded at him and Diana took him entirely by surprise by hugging him.

He awkwardly patted her back before she let go.

"You gave her what she never thought she could have. Not after what happened," Diana whispered, her eyes dim. "Thank you, Austin."

A cordial smile grew on her face.

"Austin!" Anastasia called as their song began to play.

He gave her parents a quick nod before hurrying to find his wife.

He had a wife!

Anastasia was looking around and he took this as a chance to surprise his beautiful unsuspecting wife.



He snuck behind her and grabbed her by the waist and twirled her, making her giant gown flow, and earning a sweet shriek.

"Now, now, Mr. Landry. We wouldn't want anyone getting any ideas about the kind of man you are," She giggled as he kissed her cheek. "Shoo, you wicked,"

"And what kinda man would I be, ma chère? Beautiful wife,"

At his words, she melted in his arms.

"The best kind," She whispered and turned to face him. "I love you, Austin. You are everything. So good, kind, faithful, pure, and truly, truly, the best friend, love, and now husband," She held his cheek and pressed a kiss onto her husband's lips.

Her husband.

"It really happened for me," She whispered, suddenly overcome with emotion. "It finally happened," She sobbed happily and Austin embraced her. "I love you. I love you. I love you,"


Fear couldn't taunt her.

God walked with her, never pushing, never pressing, only guiding.

Now, she was here.

With the man she loved more than anything.

This was the new beginning.

This was God making all things new.

Nothing was wasted.

Every step led her closer to this point of redemption, love, faith, and hope.

She could hope again

And she could love without fear.

Nothing was promised to remain.

Time was fleeting.

It waited for no man.

Still, God showed Himself as the One above all else.

He remained when her hope failed.

He remained as it seemed like her life fell apart and couldn't be put back together.

He showed Himself as the One greater than fleeting time.

He healed her heart, restored her hope, taught her the beauty of friendship, and led her to the sweetest man.

Every moment, every hour, every day, God was working to bring things together, things she never dared to imagine.

She knew now that when she walked through the valley, it was part of the journey, and God never left.

And now, here she was.

In the arms of the man she loved.

She pressed a kiss onto his neck and allowed him to sway her.

This was it.

The beginning of forever.

"Thank You, Lord."

And it was so.

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