Spider-Man Stories And One-Sh...

De Totallyme15

426 10 9

These are mostly PS4 Spider-Man. But there's Tobey's Spider-Man, Andrew's Spider-Man, and Tom's Spider-Man as... Mais

NOT A STORY PART (Please Read Though. Thanks)
(Tom's Peter) The Basement | 1
Thanksgiving Special!
The Basement | 2
The Basement | 3
New Girl in New York | 2
I was thinking...
(Miles Morales) We're Here For You Pete | 1
We're Here For You Pete | 2

(PS4 Peter) New Girl in New York | 1

53 1 0
De Totallyme15

Summary >>>> Peter is struggling heavily to pay his bills and keep his dream job. There's this new girl he's supposed to train but she's cold and hates Spider-Man more than Jonah. Can Peter balance his personal life and his superhero life? And can he form a friendship with the new girl?

Warnings >>>> Good ole' Spider-Man stuff. And one crappy landlord. PS4 Peter and Mary Jane are just friends. (Is that a warning?)


     Five more days. That's all the time Peter had left to pay his rent. And if he was being honest, he forgot about it. In his defense he was busy with Spider-Man stuff. Which, by the way, was much more important than his rent. Or was it?

      It was early in the morning, still dark out, when Peter decided to head home to get some rest so he could work better the next day. Peter sighed, in one of those ways to let some weight off your shoulders, as he climbed through his open apartment window. Peter slipped the suit off, staying shirtless and only caring enough to slip on a pair of blue and green plaid pajama pants. He then threw his suit into a random corner and plopped himself down on his not so comfy bed. At the moment though, that bed felt like pure paradise. Just as he closed his eyes, there were ten rapid, heavy knocks on his door. "Who is it?" Peter groggily asked, leaving the bed to check the door. "It's Mr. Hankins." A man on the other side informed him calmly. A little too calmly. Peter's eyes widened as he quickly rushed to open the door. "Mr. Hankins? Is there something wrong?" Peter looked into his landlord's unreadable face. Slowly, Mr. Hankins handed him an envelope with big red letters on the front. "You have four days Mr. Parker. Before I evict you. And believe me, I'm going to enjoy the look on your face when you have nowhere else to go." Mr. Hankins grinned maliciously. Then he stopped and frowned. He cleared his throat and held his head up higher. "My apologies, I get caught up in the moment sometimes. It would be sad to see you go, so please try to make the deadline." Peter sighed as he looked at the envelope.

"Can I have a little more time? I get paid at the end of this week."

"No. Four days. Four days." The man held up his hand to show four fingers the he dropped it and walked away. Peter sighed again as he shut the door. Peter flicked on his lamp and opened the envelope to read the letter. He sat down on the edge of his bed with the letter in hand.

'Notice of Eviction:

Date: Oct. 24/2018
Tenant: Peter B. Parker
Address: 410 Chelsea St. Apt. 4
New York, NY 10020

'You are hereby notified that you currently owe $4575 in past due rent and late charges.

'This is a demand for pavement. You must pay the full amount owed that is stated in this notice within the next 4 days. If you fail to make full payment of the amount due, eviction proceedings will begin immediately. Only full payment will prevent termination of your lease. No partial payments will be accepted without written consent of the landlord.'

Peter sighed and wondered how he even let it get that far. Peter put the paper off to the side, there was no way he could come up with $5000 in four days. Peter shrugged and laid back down on his bed, falling asleep to the sound of the police radio.

      The next morning Peter was startled awake by the custom ringtone he had set for MJ. He shot out of bed and answered it swiftly. As if letting it continue to ring had some kind of negative outcome. "Hey Pete. I got info on that girl." MJ spoke. Peter mentally face palmed himself as he stretched. He had forgotten about that.


"Uh, yeah. Totally. Whatcha got?" He yawned and tried to awake fully.

"Meet me at 'The Coffee Bean' for lunch, I'll tell you there." With that MJ hung up. Pter sat there on his bed unsure of what to do next. Then he heard a sound next to him. He knew he shouldn't of had, but he put his ear to the wall behind his bed to listen. "ARGH! I can't believe this! I'm supposed to take pictures of SPIDER-MAN?! What happened to Parker? He's moved on to bigger and better things. What do you mean he's moved on to bigger and better things? I don't know! I just know he got promoted. UGH!" The next door neighbor screamed at the top of her lungs.

Peter knew she didn't have any friends so she had conversations with herself to calm down. Peter enjoyed listening to them. Though he would never admit it, they calmed him as well. Specifically the more quiet and interesting ones. Then there was a knock on his door. "Who is it?" He called, changing into a flannel green and black shirt and blue jeans as quick as he could in his tiny apartment. "It's Charlie from next door!" Oh... Her.

Peter quickly finished putting his clothes on and made his hair somewhat presentable then he opened the door. "Hey Charlie." He smiled warmly at her.

"Yeah hi. Well, I know you're in charge of photographing... Whatever it is, but can we switch?" She gave him a cold gaze.

"Is there any reason why?" Peter smirked.

"Don't be like that, I know you heard me." She scoffed, folding her arms.

"I know I know I know. Can you just try to get along with him?"

"UGH! You self-entitled loser!" He was self-entitled?

"See you at work." Peter waved as she walked away.

"I hope not! Make sure to get hit by a train on your way!" Man, was she mean. And that, is why she didn't have any friends.

Peter shrugged and locked his door. Just then the police radio came on and he focused his attention on what was being broadcasted. "All available Midtown units needed at Midtown High. Hostage situation active. I repeat, all available Midtown units needed at Midtown High." Peter quickly changed out of his clothes and into his Spider-Man suit. "Work can wait." He told himself, diving out of the window.

Swinging as quickly as he could to Midtown High, he felt his stomach growl. He sighed. "And I forgot to eat breakfast. Okay, Midtown, breakfast, work, Spider-Man. Wait, no. Spider-Man then lunch with MJ. Then work...? Okay, try again Parker." He continued to run through the possibilities to complete his to-do list. "Skip breakfast? No, I have to eat." He stopped behind the school and switched out his web-cartridges. "Okay, let's do this!"

Word Count: 1,165

(Brought to you by: Tom Holland's Quakson meme. Available for those who believe it will NEVER die.)

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