Beyond the Iris: A Stargate S...

By SG-Fun

2.4K 176 13

With the ever-present threat to Earth, the SGC has finally been granted funding to hire new personnel, a cata... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 11

85 9 1
By SG-Fun


It was the night of the office Christmas party. Most of us didn't have families at home to worry about, didn't have the patience to travel to go see our parents, or made plans with friends at later dates. So we agreed, we would make a holiday potluck feast to give catering a break, bring it in, and do a secret Santa. I got Colonel O'Neill in the draw, who didn't even show up and honestly would hate the idea entirely. I had curated the perfect fishing lure, tucked it into a case of Guinness, and wrapped it in Minnesota lakes wrapping paper with a peridot green bow and a sprig of holly. Every piece was meticulously placed, and he wasn't here to enjoy it.

"It's very cute." Sam grinned as it sat there alone on his desk.

"I'm sure he'll never guess who it's from." I neatly  shifted the bow so it was as perfect as I could possibly make it. "I do hope he enjoys it."

"I think you're worrying too much." Janet laughed, "he's not going to think anything of it. This is a game to see who can get the worst gift. I got a solar powered thermometer." She shook the battery pack "And we work underground."

"Yeah but, I just feel like he hates me. Maybe with this I can buy his affection, or whatever one step above hate is."

"Jack doesn't like anyone, it's not just you." Janet threaded her arm into mine and we all walked into the mess hall. I had on a dark green tartan dress and black tights. Crimson lipstick, and a large satin black bow in the back of my hair completed what I felt was a very festive look, but in a majority of blue and green coveralls it often feels like I had over dressed.
I saw Daniel talking to a few other uniformed members. He had a cream cable knit sweater on, at least I wasn't the only one who found a reason to look festive enough. He was holding a mug of hot cider and laughing at something someone said. I didn't realize I was staring until he glanced over at us and smiled. I smiled back and pretended to be interested in the patterned wrapping paper on the table I had placed on an hour before when I was helping the HR department decorate.

Teal'c spent the time with son visiting Bra'tac. The idea of a winter solstice was always endearing to him apparently. No one had properly sat him down to discuss Santa, and after renting Nightmare Before Christmas he was even more confused. I had dedicated the week before to binge watching old claymation Christmas movies in his quarters, and had him over to make gingerbread houses while I played Bing Crosby and Carpenter holiday albums on my record player. He wasn't as keen on decorating houses as I had hoped, but I think he enjoyed being able to just see humanity for a moment outside of the base. I even had set up a stocking outside his door so when he returned it would be filled with trinkets and snacks. Christmas magic, I had told him. I was pretty sure he still did not fully grasp the idea, and would be very confused by the gesture, but at least he felt included.

Sam and Janet left to go play at an on-going poker game in the next room over. I checked my watch and saw I had already been there for an hour, left a tray of the third macaroni and cheese dish brought, politely said hello to most everyone, and left my secret Santa gift. It was time for me to head out. I walked past my office and saw the light was on. I tucked in to turn it off and saw sitting on my desk, in red wrapping paper with a lace white ribbon, a small box.

It had a post it note name tag, my pen sitting next to it addressed to me. I picked it up and turned it over. My secret Santa's handwriting was not so secret. I gently peeled the paper back, revealing a white cardboard box that had been filled with white tissue paper when I lifted the lid. My fingers traced over a silk handkerchief, the pattern on the navy cloth had golden constellations. I peeled back the fabric and found a worn leather bound book underneath. Gently, I opened the book that was no larger than my hand and saw the most beautiful painted illustrations of castles and kings, of two lovers intertwined on pages so thin I had to gently turn them to make sure I wouldn't rip the binding.

"I thought," his voice came from the doorway and I spun around to see him standing there. "You would want a new book for your personal reading collection." Daniel walked over and tapped the gift. "The story of Ines de Castro and King Pedro." My eyes looked up at his and they were twinkling in amusement. I've seen you at lunch nearly every day reading something new, so this might be worth a shot."

"It's beautiful," I whispered, closing it and pressing it to my chest. "Thank you."

"I saw the box on my desk. I doubt it came from Jack who told me he was my secret Santa and he wouldn't be playing any games. Something about his friendship being the best gift I could ever receive. Doubtful, but who knows with his generosity." I had wrapped it in paper that I thought resembled used parchment with a thin black ribbon and had ever so gently creased the corners so it was crisp and neat. I had placed a rootbeer sucker in the bow and it was probably overkill but my romanticism for the holiday season didn't help.
"Everyone deserves something this time of year." I smiled slyly and rocked on my feet. "You should open it quickly though, I've heard it is in high demand, and a limited print."

"Oh I already have," he laughed in return, causing my nerves to flutter. I had found a collection of his papers that he had published before joining Stargate command. The very papers that he had been ostracized for, like me, and sent them to a private book binder. His papers had helped to found this entire project. The Stargate program would be nothing without those papers, without him. He didn't know, but I had two copies made. I set down my thoughtful gift and walked over to my private collection of books I kept next to my own computer making a show of pretending to look for something.

"Would you do me a favor?" I exaggeratedly pulled my copy out and took a fine point black felt marker from my pen cup as I turned and walked back handing it to him with a terrible attempt at hiding the playful smile on my face. "Would you sign my copy?"

"How could I refuse?" He beamed again and swiped his name on the inside cover,

With all my love,

"No no," I quickly stopped him, "your full title please Doctor. It's for the archives." He scribbled in his full name and snapped the book shut, handing it back to me. "Thank you Daniel, this was lovely." I clutched the book and gathered his gift back in my arms.

"Are you leaving already? You helped set this all up. We don't really do parties here but from my understanding you were relentless about getting this off the ground."

"Well yeah, who doesn't love a good Christmas work  party? Someone gets too drunk on cheap eggnog, someone sings an off key rendition of silent night on karaoke, and if I stay too long I'll be the one doing both." I shrugged, "and besides everyone is having fun, no one will notice I'm gone." I turned and placed the books back on my shelf.

"I'd notice."  He took a step closer and I reflexively placed my hand on the table to steady myself. Feeling my pulse quicken and knowing that this would just end in disappointment again and again I changed the subject.

"I won't see you for what, another two weeks?"
"I am going to Oxford the day after tomorrow for some digging on a key to Atlantis."

"I'm very jealous, you'll have to bring me back a terrible postcard to frame on the wall. Or a chocolate orange, I love a chocolate orange." I'd always wanted to go to England and tour the libraries there. I tried to seem like I genuinely was excited for him and I wouldn't miss him as much as I did, but that's the last thing he needed right now.

"I have to admit something." He paused and we heard a loud collection of laughter booming from down the hall. Warmth filled me knowing that for once the people who rarely took time for themselves and were in a constant state of fight or flight, were finding amusement in something as trivial as a card game. He continued, "I asked to file an amendment to the travel orders and have you come with me. But, it was turned down. I would've liked another pair of eyes helping me sift through the books I have already on hold."

"Well, that was your first mistake. I'm very much needed here." I joked feeling the building tension in me. I wanted to be reckless, I wanted to find something trivial to anyone else and grab hold of it. I wasn't sure if it was the spiked apple cider, or the spirit of the holidays in the air but I could feel my cautions be damned. I leaned into the space between him and kissed his cheek softly.  "Thank you for the gift Daniel," I whispered as I went to grab my bag and felt his hand reflexively pull me back into him. His mouth was on mind, soft and pleading and my body melted into him. When he broke the kiss I felt his breath against my lips scorching my core and aching for more, so I did. My hands tangled in his hair as he lifted me onto the table, mouths parting for one another. He nipped at my bottom lip and trailed along my jawline.
"Come home with me," his voice thrummed in my ears, mouth kissing at the thumping pulse on my neck. I took his face in my hands and a breathy yes escaped me before embracing him again, feeling the hot swipe of his tongue on mine, the syrupy sweet tang of his desires melding along with me.

There was a commotion of footsteps and playful arguments from the hall coming towards us and we parted. A chuckle escaped from me as I wiped the smudged red lipstick from his mouth and he kissed the pad of my thumb.

Someone popped their head into my doorway, "white elephant exchange in ten minutes."

"We'll catch up," I nodded as he turned away and they went on unfazed and unaware of what had just transpired between us. "I'll meet you at your apartment in an hour?" His thumb tipped my chin back up to him as he planted another gentle kiss before nodding and walking out.

I wasn't sure what time it was the next afternoon as I woke in a blissful fog. Sun rays skimmed along bare skin, as he was still sleeping soundly next to me  tangled in his linen sheets. I pressed a kiss to his temple and got out of the bed, finding a white t-shirt on the ground of his to slip on. I draped it over my naked frame and walked into the hallway making my way into the living room where my lips spread into an impish grin recalling what had happened.

After I said goodbye casually to the group I dashed to my car as quickly as I could, worrying that every minute he would regret his decision and cancel the whole thing. After dashing home, changing into something that was neither warm or work appropriate, and throwing together an overnight bag, I drove straight to his apartment while white knuckling the steering wheel through the snow in anticipation that I had made the scenario up entirely. He had been waiting though, smiling with two steaming mugs in hand. My heart was palpitating so quickly I thought it would burst from my chest when I saw him. His beautiful face, hair still messy from when I had run my fingers through it. He had changed into an easy pair of sweatpants and a thermal shirt that had the top three buttons undone, and he knew exactly what he was doing with that little trick, tempting me.

We had tried to play it coy, sitting on the cold covered balcony wrapped in a large woven blanket drinking mulled wine and admiring the Christmas lights across the square. He told me about his favorite holiday memories of his parents taking him on trips abroad during school vacation before their tragic accident, spending time as a family of three learning and exploring Vienna and Salzburg together. I told him about the year my brother ended up being allergic to our Christmas tree and the night we decorated it his face was so swollen we had to take it all down and throw it away.

Then something came over us both as the crystalline snow fluttered down again in beautiful little flakes around us, he kissed me. More passionately than before, and I'd crawled onto his lap, straddling him on the wooden garden bench, blanket wrapped around us both like we were in our own perfect world. He picked me up, and moved us inside, pressing my body against the wall and moving his hands up my sweater and over my head. With each article of clothing that was removed our actions were more frantic and frenzied, like we had been kept from this moment for so long we couldn't get to one another fast enough.

Now, I was wrapped in Daniel's shirt fumbling through his pantry in the search for pancake mix.

In the early hours of dawn he had pressed a kiss to the top of my head as he held me against his chest, both of us facing the sunrise out the large bedroom window that threatened to end our perfect night. "How am I supposed to leave with you waiting here," one hand lazily stroked down my spine. He must have thought I was asleep. I didn't dare let him know I had heard, or let him know that I loved him. I had for some time, but in fear this glorious moment was just a figment of some cruel dream I'd wake up from, I kept quiet and let him pull me into a heavenly slumber.

I flipped the coffee pot on and started the kettle. I hadn't found any pancake mix, but he had enough in his fridge and pantry to make a quick hash and toast. I had started spooning it onto plates when I felt his arms behind me wrap around my waist, head resting in the crook of my neck.

"Hello sleepyhead," I waved a plate under his nose.

"You slept in so late, it's almost like you didn't get any rest and were up tossing and turning all night." A cheeky grin left me.

"You had me tossing and turning all night." He yawned and took our plates, setting them down on the small two seater kitchen table he had in the corner breakfast nook.

I poured two cups of coffee and he scooped me into his arms and set me on the counter so I was eye level with him. His lips a caressing welcome, his hands smoothing over every visible inch.

"Take leave and come with me." His eyes were sparkling with bold intrigue, even making the fresh snow in the sun outside envious.

"Daniel," I swept up his face in my hands, "I can't just request vacation time on Christmas Day and get an airplane ticket to London the day after." His smile fell knowing what he asked was impossible.  "I'll be here enthusiastically pining for your return." I replied playfully. We spent the rest of the day soaking in what we could before his plane left early the next day, diving into the secrets our memories held, sharing moments where I could finally call him my own, because for just the past year I'd known him, I was always his.

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