Chapter 21

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I had agreed to attend another summit meeting on Angdar by the request of the chancellors. Lonnie, Lt. Erickson, Sgt. Carlsbad and Sgt. Kilmer had agreed to go with me as a ragtag group of escorts. I was looking forward to going off-world with Lonnie, he and I had been having a lot of tension as of lately, and I hoped that this would allow for quality time to rebuild the friendship I felt I had let slacken.

The morning before the jump I had rolled over in my bed to see Daniel asleep, work undershirt still on and face smashed against the pillow. He hadn't come home from his off-world jump until about 2 in the morning, and as much as I appreciated him choosing my house to crash instead of his apartment, I knew he would wake up alone either way. I was counting down the days until December when we had planned on moving in together. He had asked me to just cut my lease short by a couple months, but I had a garden in the back I still felt responsible for. My broccoli was almost ready to be harvested and I had worked so hard on it. I did however put most of my belongings already into his apartment. I agreed on his place, there was something that felt so right there, like it was our home instead of just mine or his.

My lips planted a kiss on Daniel's temple before leaving for the office. He stirred and I lulled him back to sleep, I'd be Earthside from the jump by that afternoon, and he had promised we would go antiquing to pick out a hutch for my books and hobbies to rest. It felt so absurd to have my IKEA bookcases cohabiting with the scrolls and special edition prints of books in languages I couldn't decipher. Like a large white particle board beacon among all the natural woods and fibers. It would have been somewhat fitting though, a manifestation of how I often felt walking around the SGC. These halls had been filled with so many accomplishments and here I was, a doctorate program drop out with crippling daddy issues in a fling with the archeologist who cracked the Stargate himself.

I scribbled a love note on the side table for him and walked out, work bag in hand and hiking boots in a satchel slung over my shoulder. When I dropped off my work bag in my office Lonnie was waiting by the door for me.

"Early morning eh?" He chuckled as I yawned back.

"I was up past bedtime reading, that's on me. I'm not used to 4am jumps." I weakly smiled back and went to tug off my loafers and slip on my hiking boots. This was just a public relations meeting, no need for me to be in gear like the rest of the SG team. I had an easy stretchy pair of ankle cut black pants, a gray and tan slouchy argyle sweater and my hair was tucked neatly into a chignon. I had my black knee length wool pea coat draped over my shoulders in preparation for the temperate spring weather their planet was facing. 

"You have to wear those boots? Because they're a real boner killer." He pointed out my clunky soil encrusted boots and I pulled the strings tighter.

"I've read enough reports of men and women both twisting their ankles due to improper footwear when going off site." I shrugged, "I'll bring the nicer shoes once we're out of the woods."

"I feel like a twisted ankle might be worth not seeing those."

"Suck my dick," I muttered standing to my feet.

"Wow Elly, Jackson kisses you with that mouth?" He blew out a puff of air in mock astonishment.

"Much more than that," I walked out of the room giving him a rude gesture in return, and his laugh filled the hallway. It was warming to have him back in our sibling adjacent banter. I had thought of Lonnie like a surrogate brother here. He had reminded me so much of my own.

We walked down to the gate room and saw the gate tech, I gave a quick wave and he reciprocated as he announced the locked chevrons.  I continued to the ramp making a mental checklist of everything in hand. Binders of information to swap with each union, my office shoes to change into, easy enough. It was just a morning out, and I'd be back by lunch Colorado time. The gate kawooshed and I stepped through in between the SG team with Lonnie in the back.

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