Chapter 5

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Three hours later I had a warm dutch apple cake in my hands as I was standing in front of the large brownstone apartment building downtown. I was 10 minutes late, on purpose of course. Actually I was 20 minutes early, but I sat in my car around the corner where I found parking and waited, not wanting to seem desperate. It felt like an hour alone was dedicated to just making sure I had the perfect not so casual, casual look so I didn't come across as too easy to catch, but I clearly was still at my personal best. After a long debate in front of the mirror I had decided on a pair of jeans and a too casual for the office but clearly still putting effort into my appearance shirt. I still stood there fidgeting with the button of my cardigan working up the courage just to plunge right in and ring the buzzer of his door.    

My previously curled work hair had gone frizzy in the shower, so I brushed it out and clipped half of it back up. I knew the lipstick was more than casual for just putting boxes in my car and dinner with a friend, but it drew attention to my mouth, and that was always good right? Plus the boxes had to be a cover, it couldn't have just been a friendly coworker invitation to do work things outside of work. Not with the smile and the eyes he gave me. But I was terrible at reading people, what if this whole time he really was just being nice, he really was just a work friend? It was now or never, and I stood there arguing with myself as my hand betrayed me and pushed the buzzer.

"Come on in! Third floor!" I heard back as the front door clicked.

Third floor. That's nice. A pretty view of the city. He'll probably see the fireworks for the Fourth of July soon in the park across the road. I knew I was trying to keep my mind busy. Take breaths, you're overreacting, it's just two friends. You're an idiot for shaving. I got to a glossy black shaker door and knocked twice, gripping the apple cake to the point of warping the throw away tin. I took one more deep breath and attempted a coquettish smile when the door opened.

"Eleanor Owens."

"Teal'c?" I couldn't help but hide the confusion in my voice.

"Yes." He raised a brow and I felt that pit in my stomach go from butterflies to rocks tumbling around. The idiocy of my inner voice thinking this would be more. He did in fact, quite literally, want help moving manuscripts.

"I made apple cake."

"I acquired beer."

"Let her in Teal'c," I heard Sam shout and he nodded as I followed him in.

"I made apple cake." I repeated like an idiot. "Should I put it in the kitchen or?" I slipped my shoes off and nudged them by the door.

"Oh! Yes! Thank you, um let me give you a quick tour." Daniel popped out from behind a brick wall and it was the first time I had truly seen him out of uniform. Simple jeans and a navy t-shirt. That was it, the sight of him, and the lump in my throat bobbed. He guided me through the worn brick hallway into the open kitchen and living space. His home smelled like bergamot and old leather books, carvings and tapestries were artfully arranged on every space of wall plaster that could possibly be covered. The floors were weathered and aged with rugs flung every which way in no specific arrangement. There was an entire wall of towering bookshelves that collected tomes in stacks and piles all packed in together as tightly as possible housing stories in dozens of languages I'd never begin to understand. Large multi square paneled windows framed the back wall leading out to a small patio, and cast the watercolor splashes of light from the sunset onto the tall beamed ceilings. In the center of the living space he had a brown leather sofa and two different sitting chairs where Sam was lounging and poking at a carton of take-away dumplings.

"You have a very uniquely you apartment," I blurted out and he cracked a grin in return.

"What do you mean by that?"

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