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This is a story of a cop and his team investigating a crime and..... More

The Murderer Of The Elite Society


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6:00 pm, pay and park, parking lot,

Jake's mobile rang, Jake woke up and saw his mobile, there were 2 missed calls from Riya and time was 6 pm, Jake was shocked and called Riya, Riya picked up the call,
"Hi, you called me?", Raj asked,
"Yes, I just wanted to check whether you are awake or not", Riya replied,
"Of course, i am not gonna sleep over on our dinner plans", Jake replied,
"Ok, mom's calling, see you at dinner," Riya said,
"Okay, bye," Jake said and hung up the call,
Jake goes out of the car,
Jake used a water spell and made it rain on himself, after that he used an Air magic circle to dry himself and his clothes, Jake took out a suit from dimensional space and he wore the suit and threw his casual clothes inside the dimensional space,
"Are you a water mage?," A beggar asked Jake,
"Yes, I am," Jake replied (hurriedly),
"Can you summon some water for me?", Beggar asked,
Jake filled his Bowl with water, the beggar thanked Jake ,
Jake smiled and sat in his car and left,
Beggar drank the water from the bowl and the water was saltier, saltier than sea water, beggar cursed at Jake and threw his bowl,

3 hours later,

Jake stopped his car outside of Protector Street and Riya was waiting for him there, Jake came out of the car and kissed Riya,
"Now hold my hand and we will go inside, ok", Riya said,
Jake held Riya's hand and got inside Protector Street, Jake smiled and they walked towards the last bungalow,
After a few minutes,
Jake and Riya reached the last bungalow (Riya's bungalow), Riya put her hand on the door and the door rang like a bell,
"Coming!", Riya's mother (Sheetal)said from inside the bungalow,
Sheetal opened the door and welcomed Jake with aarthi plate, after that Jake met with Riya's father (Abhimanu),
Abhimanu put his hands on Jake's shoulder, "you look better than i thought, come on get in," Abhimanu said and invited Jake inside,

The dinner table was decorated with flowers, dishes and alcohol,
"You drink, right," Abhimanu asked, while pointing an alcohol bottle towards Jake,
Jake hesitated a little, looked at Riya,
Riya raised her shoulder,"say no," Riya whispered in Jake's ear,
"I have a thing for Gin to be honest, sir but I am not addicted to it, i just have a sip or two in a long while, sir," Jake said and smiled nervously,
Riya slapped Jake's hand and glanced at him,
"Gin, huh," Abhimanu said in a heavy tone,
Jake summoned a magic circle of fire to burn the whole house down,
"That's great my boy, I got some really old and expensive Gin, i really didn't want to drink this shit wine, haha," Abhimanu said and laughed,
Jake canceled the magic circle,
"What kind of magic circle you just summoned", Riya asked and narrowed her eyes,
"Yea, I was going to burn this house down, haha," Jake replied and smiled,
Riya smiled,"you got this," Riya said,
Jake sat for dinner with Riya's family,

9:10 pm, Outside of Protector Street,

Two police vans with a dozen officers in it were on surveillance,
The lady officer on the driving seat was playing a multiplayer game on her phone, she won a game and looked up and saw a 15 or 16 years old boy wearing a silver cloak, the boy's face was not visible, the lady officer was about to turn on the Siren which is on the van and then she falls asleep and all the other officers fall asleep too,

The boy teleported himself above the sensor department's building and put his hand on the floor and cut off all the signals and put a magic circle on the floor to disturb the signals and magical energy,

All the sorcerers in the sensor department were confused and trying to find the cause of the magic,
"Report the situation to the Sorcerer's Castle, NOW!!!," The head of the sensor department yelled and slowly fell unconscious, all the other staff fell unconscious too,

The boy in the silver cloak used a disabling spell on the camera of the Protector Street,

Inside the Protector Street, Riya's bungalow, 11:00 pm,

Jack was sitting in the lawn with Abhimanu, they were drinking Gin,
"I think i should leave now, sir," Jack said (drunk),
"Hmmm," Abhimanu tried to reply,
Jake summoned a communication magic circle and placed it in his ear,
"Apateón should I do the honours?," Jake asked Apateón through the communication magic circle,
"Just wait for a few more seconds", Apateón replied,

Jake goes inside the bungalow and calls Riya, Riya comes and asks for her dad, Jake tells her Abhimanu is drunk and slept outside, Jake asks her about her mother, Riya makes a sleepy gesture,
"Come with me," Riya said and grabbed Jake's hand,
Jake followed her, Riya took Jake to her room on the upper level,
Jake saw another room,
"My cousins are here to stay with us," Riya said,
"Why didn't they come for dinner?," Jake asked,
"They eat and sleep early", Riya replied,

Riya took Jack to her room, closed the door and kissed Jake,

"Everything is ready here, now do the honours," Apateón said and activated the Devil's magic circle,


Jake looked down at his stomach and blood started to come out of it, Riya stabbed him with a knife and went to stab Jake again, Jake grabbed her hand and slammed her on the floor,
Riya's room's door opened and Abhimanu saw Riya on the floor and Abhimanu used chain magic circle, chains came out of the magic circle and bind Jake, Jake was not able to move, Riya's mother (Sheetal) came upstairs and saw Jake chained tied up with chains,
"Why is he still conscious?," Sheetal asked and summoned fire in her hands through a spell and Riya summoned a magic circle of fire,

"WTF IS HAPPENING," Apateón yelled in pain,

Riya and Sheetal used their magical abilities and put Jake on fire,
Jake was burning and he laughed loudly then he transformed,

Jake extinguished the fire around him and freed himself from the chains,

Riya and her family were shocked, tears came out of their eyes, they kneel before Jake,
"The Devil, we did it, we summoned the DEVIL!!," Abhimanu shouted in joy,
Jake looked at them with pity,

"Jake what are you doing," Apateón said to Jake,

"Yes, you have summoned me now as a reward i will take you to my palace and you will like a King there," Jake said to Riya and her family,

Riya's father got up and ran towards the cousins room and brought two children chained in front of Jake,
"I kidnapped them to offer them to you", Abhimanu said and lowered his head,
Jake shook his head in disappointment and then cut off Riya's, Abhimanu's, Sheetal's and those kids's heads,
"It's done Apateón," Jake said,
"I know," Apateón replied relaxed,
"Now, you got two extra offerings and that's great for us, cut their body parts and rearrange them in different order except for one child, hang that child okay," Apateón said,
"Ok," Jake replied,
"BTW how am I getting out of here?," Jake asked,
"Don't worry we got it," Apateón reassured Jake,

Jake unsummoned the communication magic circle and looked at the burned and destroyed room, Jake moved the bodies to the living room and checked the other room, he found a guest room and moved the bodies to the guest room,
Jake cut off all the body parts from all the bodies except for one, Jake rearranged the body parts of all bodies except one and hung that one body by the ceiling, Jake was done with everything and then he remembered the summer camp case of Raj Acharya, Jake wrote 'too late', on the wall of the room to make Raj angry and more frustrated.

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