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This is a story of a cop and his team investigating a crime and..... More

The Murderer Of The Elite Society


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May 8th, Protector Street, last bungalow, 3:07 am,

Raj was sitting outside of the last bungalow, Vikas grabbed Raj's shoulder and gave Raj a bottle of water, Commissioner and the Chief Commissioner came to the crime scene, Raj got up and salute, Vikas also salute, Chief Commissioner nodded, Raj and Vikas lower their hands,
The Chief Commissioner came near Raj, his expression were grim,
"This is not the work of a single guy, head officer Raj Acharya," the Chief Commissioner said to Raj,
"I figured that sir but our camera, security and sensor department all were down, they have a very powerful mage or sorcerer with them, sir," Raj replied,
"Raj, they have attacked our home, I want them dead," the Chief Commissioner gave command to Raj,

The Chief Commissioner looked at Raj, directly into Raj's eyes and leave,

The Commissioner came near Raj, put his hand on Raj's head,
"Relax son, you got this," The Commissioner said Calmly,
Raj shook his head and got a bit emotional, Raj looked at the sky and then the Commissioner and continuously shook his head,
The Commissioner pat on Raj's shoulders and leave,

Raj shook his head,"did you call Neha?", Raj asked to Vikas,
"Yes, she is on her way here," Vikas replied,
"Vikas, go to the sensor department and tell Shakti to go to the surveillance team, I want a full detail report," Raj ordered to Vikas,
Vikas shook his head in acceptance and leave,
Raj goes inside the last bungalow to the guest room and sees Shivam Rao analyzing the crime scene,
"Shivam Rao, anything?", Raj asked Shivam Rao,
"More than anything, I found a few magical particles in the above burned room and those are a hundred percent match with the magical particles we found at G.K. building," Shivam Rao replied and handed over the magical particles test results to Raj,
Raj take a look at the test results,
"What about surveillance team?,"
Raj asked Shivam Rao,
Shivam Rao shook his head in denial,
"Nothing", Shivam Rao replied,
"Not even a single particle?," Raj asked in shock,
Shivam Rao moved his head in denial,
Raj goes out of the bungalow,
"Officer Raj", Neha said,
Raj looked at Neha,
"The whole family is dead", Raj said to Neha, took out a cigarette and light it up and started smoking,
"Can I take a look?," Neha asked Raj,
Raj said yes and goes back inside the bungalow with Neha,
Raj and Neha goes to the upper room,
Neha opened the room's door and felt something strange,
Neha goes inside that room, she moves her hands upwards, to her chest level like a hugging pose, her hands turned into blood red color, Raj looked at Neha with awe, Neha made a star in the air with her hands, and saw a demonic person, covered in fire, laughing maniacally,
"What is this?," Raj asked in wonder,
"Black magic and this demonic person is our killer," Neha replied,
Raj took out his phone and take an image and send it to all the police stations and special forces,
Raj pat on Neha's back,"good work," Raj said,
"A married man should not touch a single lady without permission, Head officer", Neha said sarcastically and goes out of building,
Few of Shivam Rao colleague laughed from behind at Raj,
"Work!," Raj said and shook his head in disappointment,
Raj looked at the star,"i will catch you," Raj said determination,
The star started to disappear and Raj goes to the bungalow,
Raj came out of the bungalow,
"What in hell is this Raj, are you trying to provoke us Ravens," Neha shouted at Raj,
"Oi, how dare you talk to an Head officer like that, Raj give me order to show this black crap her place," Shakti said in anger,
"O yea, you white piece of dirt mixed shit  wanna fight, huh," Neha said in anger,
"My god, you both are black and white piece of shit," Raj said,
"That's racist", Neha and Shakti said together to Raj,
Raj got confused,
"Brother, we got a few sorcerers from sorcerer's castle," Vikas said,
The Sorcerers came in front and showed their respect to Raj by bowing,
Raj also bowed his head,
"Sir, it is an honor to meet you in person", the Sorcerers said,
"Thank you," Raj replied humbly,
"Shouldn't he say, honor is mine," Neha said slowly,
"Shut up," Shakti immediately replied to Neha,
Neha looked at Shakti and narrowed her eyes,

"Sir, i think the killer or the killer's acquaintance have placed an alchemy circle on the top of the sensor department building and then imbued it with magic hence creating a disturbance in magical frequency," the Sorcerer said,
"So, they must have use disturbance or frequency manipulation alchemy circle," Raj said,
"I think, it's the disturbance alchemy circle because the officers in sensor department were found unconscious and disturbance alchemy circle if imbued with magic can disturb the flow of magic of living creatures, disturbance in magic flow in body can make a human being weak," Vikas replied,
"True, surveillance team were found asleep under a spell and sensor  department officer were unconscious," Raj said,
The Sorcerers hesitantly smiled,"we are not sure yet sir but few alchemist from the alchemist unit will be helping us, sir", the Sorcerer said and leave,

Neha looked at Raj and Vikas with surprise"both of you know alchemy?", Neha asked,
"Ahh, yes, alchemy is the second language of vampires," Vikas said with pride,
"I choose alchemy as my optional subject," Raj replied,
"Optional?! and Vampire?!! " Neha asked in shock,
Raj smiled,"she is from land of fire," Raj whispered in Vikas's ear,
"Vampires there are really ugly," Vikas whispered Raj's ear,
Vikas and Raj laughed,
"What?," Neha asked,
"Nothing", Raj replied,

Raj invite Neha to his bungalow, Neha saw Raj's bungalow and felt a strong magical wind coming from the bungalow,

Shreya opened the bungalow's door,
Raj, Vikas, Neha and Shakti get inside the bungalow and goes to the living room and sat on the sofa,

Raj gave Sneha's medical report and crime scene analysis report to Vikas, Neha and Shakti, they started reading the report and after sometime everyone slept except Raj,
Raj removed his phone from his pocket and unlocked it then Raj dialed a number and pressed call button,
The phone call was received by the jailer of a high security prison,
"Head officer Raj Acharya," Raj said to the jailer,
"You want a meeting with him?," jailer asked,
Raj pause for a second,
"Yes," Raj said (forcefully),
"I have to take permission from the higher ups," Jailer replied,
"Okay," Raj said,
Jailer hung up the call,

Half an hour later, the jailer called Raj and said that Raj have got permission to visit the jail, Raj hung up the call and exhaled forcefully,

Raj got up from the sofa and walk towards the bungalow's main door,
"You are not going there, are you?", Shreya said with concern,
"There is no other way," Raj replied in regret,
Shreya hugged Raj, Raj put his hand on Shreya's head and goes out of the bungalow, Raj took out his badge from his pocket and from that badge Raj summoned a special type teleportation magical Circle and teleported to the jail.

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