On thin ice

By unluckycharm0_0

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Lumity human au First owl house fanfic so bear with me😭😭 May be some slight mature content but nothing too... More

A second chance (kind of)
The party
First game
Saturdays are for the gays
Someones always watching
Winter break and big mistakes
New information and hesitation
Hard work pays off
The Golden Guard
The plan
Lost and found
A christmas miracle
New years re(solution)
Back to school blues
Little miss perfect
Jealousy, Jealousy
Somewhere over the rainbow
One mess after the other
Later never comes
Everyone has a motive
Where did we go wrong?
A night in nash
Standing at a crossroads pt 1

Going once, going twice

346 17 23
By unluckycharm0_0

3rd person POV:

"Uno out. I win!!", shouted Gus. The gang had been playing card games to pass the time while figuring out their next move. "Come on!", Boscha said frustrated, throwing her cards to the middle. "Nice job Gus", Willow said throwing her hand in too. "What can I say. I'm just that guy", Gus said cockily. "I know what you can never say again. That sentence", Boscha said rolling her eyes. Luz laughed at this. "Boscha, you're definitely more sassier than me ".

There's been a debate in the group It's about who's the sassier masc. If you asked anyone, they both were sassy as hell but they had to make everything competitive. So far Boscha was leading but Luz wasn't far behind. "When can we see Amity?", Gus asked in a bored tone. Luz started to smile at the thought of seeing Amity again. "Soon, I hope", Luz responded. "Are you ready?", Willow asked.

Luz's face expression changed quickly when hearing that question. "Um not really but I think it'll be okay", she said with little to no assurance in her voice. Just cause she was seeing Amity didn't mean that anything good would happen.

The last time she saw her ended on a bad note, who said they could overcome that. They did get through a lot together. Maybe she should have higher expectations for this. I mean come on, she's Luz Noceda after all. She's gotten this far in life with all the unfortunate shit that's happened. Reconnecting with Amity couldn't be that bad.

"Okay I have a plan", she said getting the attention of the group. "Oh no", the three of them said in unison. Luz rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up, my plans aren't that reckless", she started before quickly stopping, seeing the look her friends gave her. "Okay whatever, this one actually will work".
The group gathered around her as she began to lay out her plan.

"So there's a banquet tonight for the skaters. Technically I am invited since I'm supposed to skate with her.", Luz started. Gus raised his hand. "Yes goop", Luz replied. He rolled his eyes before he began speaking. "I thought amity got a new partner". The group fell silent. "Okay well now I have to changed our entrance route", Luz said pulling a notepad out her pocket.

"What the-", Boscha started. "Since she already has a partner, we can pose as waiters", Luz said. "OOOO LIKE IN THE MOVIES???", Gus asked excitedly. "Precisely", Luz said proud of her plan. "So when we get in there, what do we do? Try to lure amity alone with you so you can share a beautiful moment, kiss a couple times while convincing her to dance with you for the competition and making everything all sunshine and rainbows?", Willow said sarcastically. "Wow you took the words right out of my mouth", Luz said wiping a fake tear from her face.

"Wait but won't she recognize that her friends are walking around dressed up as waiters?", Boscha asked unamused. "That's where you three come in", Luz said maliciously rubbing her hands together. "Oh geez", Willow said. "Since all of us being waiters is too obvious, Gus will pose as the MC of the event. You two will be fronting as a rich couple who loves the thrill of auctions. Keep the affect real until I can get amity alone. We'll need a way to communicate though", Luz explained.

"Well we can check to see if the ice rink has a tech closet. We could borrow some earpieces and Gus can connect them to each other so we could hear what's going on", Boscha stated. "Wow this plan might actually work", Willow said. "Ha! Told you my plans aren't that reckless", Luz said high-fiving herself. "Let's head to the ice rink so we can steal....I mean borrow....the earpieces".


Amity POV:

I hate men. Why do they feel the need to be annoying all the damn time? Right now I'm currently waiting for my new dance partner to get out of the restroom so we can go over our speech for this stupid banquet. Since our parents are both well known, we were chosen to say a few words about the competition as if it died or something.

My new partner Trent was an absolute pain in my ass. He was looking into a mirror every 5 seconds, he's lowkey a misogynist, and he only cares about himself. Okay maybe I don't hate men, I just hate Trent. Now I have to skate with the little shit. If only Luz were here then I could actually look into my partners eyes and not want to vomit.

But no, I'm stuck here, with Trent. Why the universe continues to hate me, a question we will never know the answer to. After what seemed like, no, after what was forever, Trent finally came out the bathroom. "Finally, are you ready to go?", I ask him impatiently. "Uh yeah, I've been waiting for you this whole time but you take too long", he said walking past me and towards the banquet hall.

I roll my eyes and follow behind him. We're on our way to practice our speech for this dumb banquet for the competition in a few days. Wow that's crazy. In a few days I'll be skating with my worst nightmare. Maybe I can just imagine it's Luz instead to ease some of the crippling depression I'm gonna get from even looking into those stupid eyes.

"So ammy", Trent starts. "Yeah no, you're not calling me that", I say cutting him off. "Geez, so bitchy", he says. "Anyway, I think upon hearing your part of the speech, we should switch". Could this guy get any more obnoxious? "And why are we switching?", I asked unamused with where this was going. He did that stupid smile and began to explain.

"Well, you're doing the intro and you're supposed to get the crowd ready to enjoy a great night. Your opener isn't really strong. But this is just simple criticism, so you shouldn't be offended. It just needs work. I mean you're trying to please rich people and people of high value. You can't just be in this competition and be regular, or normal? I don't even know what to call them".

Yes, he could get more obnoxious. "You can call them people because that's what they are and that's what you are. If you wanna do the stupid opener go ahead, I'll just do the closing speech. There, happy?", I replied. I turn to face him and he still looks unsatisfied. "What now", I say with more irritation laced in my voice. "It's just that, my closing speech was so well written by yours truly that I don't know if I want to throw it away and write a new opener which would also be amazing", he said comparing his options.

"I'll just read your closing", I offered. "Welll...I kinda already have a flow and I throw it a couple compliments to myself because I'm me so I'm not sure if that speech would fit you that well", Trent said.

If someone doesn't get me away from him in .5 seconds, I will kick him in the balls so hard that they'd get caught in his throat and cause him to suffocate. "You know what Trent, just figure it out and let me know. I'm going to start getting ready, early. Because you know, us girls just take soooo long to prepare for such simple events", I mocked. His face lit up. "See amity you get it! That's what I've been saying too", he replied. "Wow we have so much in common. I'm surprised you haven't fell for me yet", he said shrugging and walking away.

I wish murder was legal. I wish murder was legal. I wish murdering Trent was legal. It's all fine though, I just need to start getting ready. This was gonna be a long night.

Meanwhile with "borrowing" ear pieces...

3rd person POV:

"Gus, what's taking you so long?", Luz said looking out for anyone walking by. The two of them were gathering the ear pieces for their little excursion tonight. "I'm sorry that the short person was given the task to retrieve a box that's on the highest shelf, like what giant could reach this shit and don't you dare say me", Gus responded.

Luz put her hand down and closed her mouth. I mean, she could reach it so. "You said being the lookout was too stressful", she said. Gus huffed. "Well seems like I was wrong now give me a second I almost got it". Luz shrugged and stood by the door. Just then she heard footsteps. "Shit! Gus someone's coming", Luz warned.

Luz saw a person walking up to the door and she stepped out to greet them. "Hey, um, you?", she started. "Do I know you?", they asked confused. "Yeah, we met at um that one spot that I can't remember right now", Luz said smiling awkwardly wishing Gus would hurry. "Maybe my memory is bad", the person replied. "Or we've never met". Luz started to panic a bit.

"Okay look, we need some tech supplies to help a friend who's going to the banquet in half an hour and she really needs this. Please just let us borrow some", Luz pleaded. "Us?", the person questioned. Just then a crash was heard in the closet. The two hurried inside to see Gus on the floor with the box of tech equipment on his stomach. "Uh hi", he said in pain. "Gus we aren't gonna help Amity if you're on the floor playing around", Luz said in annoyance. "Did you say Amity? As in Amity Blight?", the person asked. "Uh yeah, how do you know her?", Luz questioned.

The person smiled. "You must be Luz, I've heard a lot about you. I'm Bowie, amity's friend. I do the tech for the rink and I'm willing to help you". Luz's eyes lit up. "Really?! Thank you". A groan was heard from the floor. "I'm glad we sorted this out now someone help me", Gus said. The two helped him up and Bowie began setting up the earpieces for the gang. They ended up calling Boscha and Willow to meet them at the rink so they could go over their plan again. This could either make or break them and it was a risk they were willing to take.


"Good afternoon everyone. It is my pleasure to welcome you to enjoy yourself at this fine banquet to celebrate all the competitors in this years regional figure skating championship", the announcer spoke, but the announcer wasn't just any person. It was Gus in his element of being the MC. He had this stupid wig on that he got from...well who knows where and a thick accent which sounds like it wants to be Australian. Let's just say, he's trying his best. "Let's get this party started", Gus said.

Everyone went to do their own thing of socializing while waiting for the first course to be served. That's when Luz came in. "Okay Luz, go for the first dish, the appetizer", Bowie said through the ear piece. "Copy", Luz replied, walking out with the other waiters and passing out bowls of soup and salad to each table. She spotted Amity's table and did her best to avoid it for now.

Luz noticed Amity sitting with some weird looking dude. He wasn't ugly but he just gave off an ugly personality. He must be her new partner. That wouldn't last long. She made her way over to Willow and Boscha's table and pointed them in the direction of amity. They gave her a confirming nod and put their focus back on their food. Clearly someone was hungry.

"Okay bow, I'm surprised this is working so far. My plans usually don't make it out the room so what should we do now", Luz spoke. Bow laughed. "Well you could always make a distraction after the main course is served and give amity a reason to have to leave, like spilling a drink on her I don't know". Luz thought about it. "Well that could work but she would definitely kill me afterwards".

Just then Luz heard a familiar voice shouting out random numbers. "50!", Boscha said. "Umm again, there's nothing we're bidding against", said gritting his teeth. Gus's eyes wandered the audience looking for Luz and made eye contact with her. "This just in mates. We have a great thing to auction! A date with this fine waiter", Gus spoke. Luz froze. What the fuck did he just do. "Come on up and tell us your name!", Gus spoke. "I'm going to kill you", Luz whispered to her friend. "That's a nice name", he awkwardly said into the mic. "Let's start the bid at..."

The first voice popped up. "20!!", they said. "Okay 20, do we have 21", Gus asked. "30!", Boscha said. Luz gave her a glare. "35", this girl said. "Gus this wasn't apart of the plan", Luz whispered. "But it's working", he replied. "Do we have 36?" Luz could hear Bowie laughing in her ear and see Willow laughing in front of her.

The last bid was on 50 and Luz was worried she'd be spending her night with some rich girl. "Is there any one else? Oo I've always wanted to say this. Going once! Going twice!", Gus started before being cut off by a pretty scary voice...an angry Amity Blight. "100 dollars, auction over", she said walking up to Luz and grabbing her by her collar. They're eyes went wide while watching Luz being dragged out the room.

Once her and Amity were out, Luz took the earpiece out. "Look amity I-", Luz started, getting cut off by Amity kissing her and then quickly pulling away. They looked deeply into each others eyes. "Just shut up and give me my prize", Amity said pulling Luz back in. "Mhm", Luz hummed into the kiss.

She forgot about the whole plan because nothing else mattered. She was back with her Amity. After they pulled away, Luz was a smiling mess. "Don't think you're off the hook. Come on let's go", Amity said walking towards the elevator. "Where? And aren't you scared of elevators?", Luz asked. "To my room duh, and you're here so I'm okay", amity replied.

Luz hurried behind amity and got into the elevator. "People know better than to bid against me", Amity said. Luz turned to look at her. "Why's that?", she asked. Amity smirked. "Blights always win". The way she said that made Luz blush a bit. When they got to Amity's floor, Luz got a little too excited. "I'll beat you to your room", Luz said running down the hall. Amity started to run after her, laughing. "You don't even know which room is ours".

This is what she missed. The little dumb moments with Luz where she felt complete. She did leave the event and her mom is probably upset but she didn't care. She was with Luz again and thats all that mattered.

~2537 word count~

I have returned!! Chapter 26 might take me a while tho but I'm locking in🫶🏽

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