Game on! (Edser One Shots or...

By lisa_dec

398K 12.4K 7.9K

This will be a series of one shots based on reader suggestions. I'll try to tag all the readers who have made... More

A Forever Kind of Love
London Calling
To Italy with Love
Conception Deception
Hide and Seek
Class Dismissed
The Trouble with Babies
Planting the Seeds
The Italian Job
Silence is Golden
Hypnotize My Love
My Fairy Girl and a Sprite
To Ferit out the Truth
Tell Me No Lies
Movie Night - Intermission
That Can be Arranged
What Happens in London
The Graduate
Behind Closed Doors
Lose Something?
Mustang Sally
Pirouettes and Pencils
An Eye for an Eye
Ghosts of the Past, Present and Future
The Bridesmaid
The Birthday Wish
The Devil Doesn't Always Wear Red
Music for the Soul
Fashion Isn't Just for Show
The Way We Were
This is How the Story Ends
Sorry Wrong Number
It Started With a Weekend
Man's Best Friend
The Day the Earth Moved
Reading Between the Lines
Baby You Can Drive my Car
Broken Vows
Knock Out
The Firecracker and The Match
Drive Me Insane
Something Worth Fighting For
Upstairs Downstairs
Crash Into Me
Til Death Do Us Part
Mine by Design
One Kiss is All it Takes
Once is All it Takes
She Wore Blue Velvet
She Wore Blue Velvet - Part 2
Under Contract
Tattoo on My Heart
Chef's Kiss
Erdem's Angels
The Birthday Gift
Dance With Me
The Red Rose
It's Raining Men
The Pregnant Pause
The Christmas Market
All I Want For Christmas is You
What Happens in Antalya . . . . .
Auld Anxiety or Ringing in the New Year
Carved into the Heart
The Girl Next Door
The Sacrifice
Cabin Fever
I Think I Wanna Marry You
Who Do You Love?
Getting Schooled
Truth or Dare
Take a Chance on Me
To Catch a Thief
In the Shadows
I Object
Grandmother Knows Best
Trading Places
Best Kept Secrets
The Power of Love
The Waiting Room
Catch Me, I'll Wait
Take a Hike
Forget Me Not
Stood Up by Mr. Upstanding

Queen of the Castle

3.4K 124 81
By lisa_dec

So when Ayla @hkrmiyy sends you a picture of the inside of a beautiful castle that she is leading a tour on and says "What if Semiha owned a castle . . . . . ." and that is how this story begins


Semiha Yildrim was many things to many people but to her granddaughter Eda Yildiz she was family. Not that the two women didn't butt heads, they did, regularly, but Eda knew that Semiha loved her like no one else and would always do her best for her. Semiha may have been seen by her Board of Directors as cold and calculating, and she was, but she was also a brilliant businesswoman. To her many employees she was feared and beloved. Feared because one look from Semiha was enough to wither the hardiest man or woman and beloved because she cared for every employee.

What Semiha was not, was immortal. When the doctor told her that her cancer was back again Semiha approached it like a business transaction. She asked for a solid estimate of how much time she had left. Semiha knew that certain things had to happen before she was ready to leave this world and join her husband, daughter and son-in-law on the other side.

When Eda was five, her mother Ayfer and father Evrim decided to take a summer drive, leaving their child at home. Eda had cried that she wanted to go for a drive in the fun car, it was what she called her father's convertible, but her parent's wanted some alone time and they knew the little girl would be bored. Their decision saved Eda's life. The head on collision with a truck that was trying to pass another vehicle coming over a hill happened so fast. Evrim didn't see the truck until the last minute, it was on them before he could do anything. Semiha comforted herself with the thought that they were taken together and that they had been doing something they loved but her poor sweet Eda was left alone. Submerged in grief, Semiha was thankful for the little girl. Eda saved her and kept the darkness of depression at bay. Together they navigated their new life.

When she had received her initial diagnosis three years earlier Semiha knew that she wanted her legacy to continue. She was under no illusion that Eda would want to be a part of the business empire that Semiha built and managed. Eda had carved a different path for herself and Semiha was determined to see that she was successful in her chosen career. Long before the second cancer diagnosis Semiha had begun researching architectural firms. She wanted to pick the one that Eda would fit in with. Semiha was looking for something else too. She was looking for a potential husband for Eda. Not that Eda had asked for her help or that she had expressed an interest in getting married but Semiha needed to know that her beloved granddaughter wouldn't be alone.

She had a lure that few architects would be able to pass up. The renovation of their historic family estate Poyraz Castle. Semiha had conditions. All renovations had to be completed within a year, they needed to restore modern elegance, something the castle was desperately lacking, while retaining the history of the Castle, and the most important, they needed to hire Eda for their project. Semiha knew Eda's worth. The young woman was a talented architect in her own right and had been practicing in Italy for three years while she worked on an additional degree. Semiha wanted Eda to come home, the castle renovation was a lure for her too.

"Gigi are you really doing it? Are you really going to have Poyraz redone?" Eda was breathless in her excitement. She had been after her grandmother for years to work on the castle.

"Yes dear. It's time to get the place back to its former glory. Modernize the drafty old place. Keep the good and get rid of the bad," Semiha explained.

"Where will you live? Are you moving to the apartment in the city? And most important, what firm is going to do the work?" Eda had a million questions for her grandmother.

One at a time the older woman answered them, "I'll live in the apartment in Maslak since it's near the office, though I will ask that they renovate the on-site living quarters first. As far as what firm? I've got interviews with four different ones. Do you have a favorite?"

Eda had to think, "I'm not as familiar with the firms in Istanbul. I can do some research on them. I know that there's one that's pretty well known, ArtLife? The lead architect is supposed to be one of the top in the world. I've never met him though."

Semiha had ArtLife as her top contender because of Serkan Bolat. She thought that the young man would do very well for Eda of course neither of them had any idea of her plans.

Engin Sezgin was reading the trade magazine when he came across the article on Poyraz Castle and Semiha Yildrim's intent to have it renovated. It was one of the premiere estates in Türkiye, if not the premiere estate, and it had never been touched. Ever. He took his feet off of his desk and jogged upstairs to Serkan Bolat's office, knocking before he let himself in. Serkan was reading the same article, "Did you see this Engin?"

Another knock sounded on the door and the third partner, Pyril Baytekin, entered, "Did you guys see about Poyraz? There's going to be a bidding war I think."

There was a short silence before they all started to laugh, Serkan broke it off first, "So we're all reading the trades and have come to the same conclusion? We want the Poyraz Castle job if we can get it. The job would be like nothing we've done before but I think the prestige of managing a project like this would be worth the risk. Does anyone know Semiha Yildrim?"

Engin crossed his legs, "I think my grandparents know her I can ask but from what I've read she's a tough old bird."

Serkan continued to read the article, "There isn't going to be a bidding war. It says in the article that she will invite select firms to bid on the project. The invitations will be issued this week. I guess it remains to be seen if we receive an invitation to bid."

Serkan Bolat was the youngest of the three partners, at twenty-eight he was something of a phenomenon, unusual to be considered one of the top architects in the world at such a young age, but his win of the Aga Khan Award for Innovation in Architecture the previous year put ArtLife squarely on the international map and highlighted the talents of both of his partners. It didn't hurt that Serkan Bolat was also a very good looking young man from one of the wealthiest families in Türkiye and was considered the most eligible bachelor in the country.

A third knock sounded on the door and before any of them could call 'enter' the door was opened by their Public Relations Director, Selin Atakan. Selin had grown up with Serkan and Engin and had met Pyril at University. She had a proprietary air over Serkan which none of the three appreciated, especially Serkan, her presence in the company was forced on Serkan by his father. The three of them didn't feel the need to have their own PR Director but Aptekin insisted that they could share the role with the holding company. Now five years later they were still trying to get her to spend her time at the holding company and not at ArtLife. They were all counting the days until her contract ran out.

Selin burst into the office, "I'm going to put out a press release as soon as ArtLife is selected to bid on this project."

Serkan, Engin and Pyril stared at her with varying degrees of irritation until Serkan spoke up, "No you will not. We will see if we are invited to bid and then we will follow the directions in the bid process. . . . And for the last time Selin do not open the door until you are invited in."

She scoffed at his rebuke, "The three of you were already in here. There's no reason why I shouldn't be in here as well. We're all talking about the same thing, we all have the same goal."

Engin could barely keep his temper under control. He had always hated Selin and was angry that she was still working with ArtLife, "The reason Selin is that this is a partner meeting. You are not a partner."

"I should be a partner. I've offered to buy into the firm on any number of occasions," she countered.

Pyril rolled her eyes, "Selin this is an architectural firm. The three of us are architects and you are not. Only architects will ever be partners, I don't think that we can explain that to you in any simpler terms. Please don't make us repeat this and please heed Serkan when he says that IF we receive a request to bid we WILL be following the specifications in the bid process."

This time Selin rolled her eyes, "I don't understand how you ever expect to be internationally famous if you never let me promote you."

Serkan didn't have time for this repetitive nonsense, "We already have an international presence Selin and are quite happy with how the firm is operating. If you are looking for world domination might we suggest that you focus on the holding? That is an international company and just happens to be where your offices are located. Your presence at ArtLife was only intended to be part-time at the most. We agreed to one day a week and yet we find you here every day."

She shrugged, "I have more friends here and I like the energy better. Besides you have more to promote than the holding does."

Engin and Serkan couldn't look at Pyril because she looked like she was short-circuiting with the rapid blinking of her eyes when Selin mentioned that she had more friends at ArtLife. Selin had no friends at ArtLife, people tolerated her, barely. None of the three could deny that there was good energy at ArtLife but Selin had a tendency to bring negative energy with her.

"If that was all you had Selin, Engin, Pyril and I still have business to discuss, so if you could close the door on your way out I would appreciate it," said Serkan.

She moved towards the door with stiff legs, "I'll see you this evening at dinner Serkan," and closed the door.

He had no plans of seeing her at dinner or anywhere else. Serkan was thankful that she gave him a warning of her plans to invade his parent's home again. He knew that Selin saw herself as his future spouse, even his mother had dropped that hint a time or two but he always responded the same way, 'No, not interested. Never happening.' Selin had been chasing him since secondary school and through University.

Even if Serkan was interested in a woman she would make sure that the person was chased off. It didn't matter if the woman was someone that he was working on a project with or considering asking on a date. He didn't even date that much, the occasional first date but nothing beyond that. If Selin caught wind of Serkan being interested in someone she managed to get rid of them. He had repeatedly told her to stay out of his life but she claimed she didn't know what he was talking about. Selin was lying and he knew it. 

When she was out of the office Serkan looked at Pyril and Engin, "We need to review her contract. When it expires I don't want to renew it. Agreed?"

Pyril plopped down on the sofa, "But won't all her friends miss her?" and then burst out laughing followed by Engin and Serkan. Pyril knew she was being catty but she had been dealing with Selin for years. She had been used by Selin for years and was tired of the woman.

Engin was still chuckling, "Enough of her, when do we find out if we are getting a bid?"

Serkan had been scrolling through his emails, "Now. I just got the email. Let me read it to you. You have been selected to bid on the Poyraz Castle renovation project. You will be given access to the Castle on May first from eight a.m. to five p.m. Your proposal will be due one week after that on May ninth at five p.m. The proposal should include your renovation schedule, to begin with the living quarters. Each area of the Castle should be addressed in your timeline. There will be no advertisement allowed by any competitor prior to awarding the contract, this is a sealed bid process, none of the firms are being publicized. If you break this rule you will be disqualified from the bidding process. Once the contract is awarded the parties will meet to finalize the project details. So according to this there should be no advertisement. We will need to make sure we don't tell Selin that we are going to Poyraz. Keep this to ourselves."

Pyril and Engin agreed with Serkan they would keep it quiet and only discuss it among themselves. They needed two more architects to work on the project with them at a minimum so they went through their team. Pyril was reading through the list of specifications, "We're in a tough spot on the exteriors Serkan, you're going to have to do them or hire someone fast."

"We don't have time Pyril. I'll do them. It won't be the best but hopefully it will be enough to get by. I don't even know that I feel comfortable bringing in others from our team yet. Pyril, you can do all the interior work, Engin and I can do some late nights to do all the exteriors. If I focus on the design Engin can you do the calculations?"

Engin rubbed his hands together, "It will be just like school. Why don't we get dinner together and start working tonight? I know that there are aerial shots of the Castle and we can start with those. Let's do some research first."

They agreed to meet at Pyril's house and begin doing some preliminary drawings as well as research. They wouldn't get to go into the Castle for four more days. There was no mention of the other firms that were in the running and the ArtLife team didn't really care. They were only concerned with their work and no one else's.

Eda Yildiz walked into her grandmother's office, "Gigi, have you missed me?"

The older woman got up from her chair to greet the young woman pulling her into a long hug, "Oh I've missed you so very much. I'm glad that you came home."

Returning the hug Eda felt how much more frail her grandmother had become over the past six months. She knew why she was home, the cancer was back. Eda wouldn't push, she would let Gigi tell her when she was ready.

Semiha took Eda's hands, "Let me look at you. How is it possible that you get more beautiful every time I see you?"

"Gigi you are biased. I'm just average," insisted Eda. Gigi gave a soft chuckle, Eda was anything but average, she was stunning with chestnut hair that fell in waves down her back, a beautifully proportioned face with deep amber colored eyes. Eda was tall with long shapely legs and a slender body that had curves in all the right places. Semiha was biased but she wasn't blind. She had no idea why Eda didn't have a young man in her life, she wondered if all the men in Italy were idiots.

She updated Eda on the progress to find an architectural firm, "I should have all the renderings back within ten days. You and I will review them all and select the winning firm."

Eda smiled at her grandmother, "That should be fun. In the meantime I'd like to go out to the Castle myself and take a look around if you don't mind. I haven't been there in a few years and I want to see how overgrown it's gotten."

"Be my guest. The grounds need work that is for certain. I've asked all of the firms to submit their designs but I would be interested in your designs too dear," Semiha said almost absentmindedly. She knew exactly what she was doing. One of the stipulations for the winner was that Eda would join their team. If necessary Semiha would buy into the firm but she would hope that it wouldn't come to that. She knew Eda was very talented, her designs had been featured in magazines in Italy over the past several years and the winning firm would be lucky to have her. Semiha just hoped that they were smart enough to realize it.

She could hardly wait to get to the Castle grounds to start exploring and sketching but first things first. Tonight she would have dinner with Gigi and hopefully she would open up to her about why she was doing everything now.

"Did you have your condo prepared for your visit or are you staying with me tonight?" asked Semiha.

Eda hugged her grandmother again, "Tonight I'd like to stay with you but yes my condo is ready. I'll go there tomorrow. Beykoz is much closer to the Castle and I want to do some exploring. It's been a while since I've been home."

As many leading questions as Eda asked over dinner that night Gigi wasn't giving her any information on her health. Eda watched as she ate tiny amounts of everything, "Gigi? Won't you tell me why you decided to do this now? You've had the resources for years."

Semiha smiled at Eda, "I was missing one key piece of the puzzle dear and that was you. I wanted you to have the experience needed to be a part of this project. It is the family legacy."

Eda sighed, "So you lured me back to Istanbul because you knew I always wanted to work on the Castle? You are a crafty old woman and you are very lucky that I love you so much. Is the intent to still make it open to the public after the renovations?"

"Yes. Poyraz is part of Türkiye's history as well and I want our people to be able to understand the role of the Yildrim family. Parts of the Castle date back to the middle ages, they aren't safe but the architects all have instructions about those areas." Eda and Semiha discussed the Castle and the plans for it for another hour before she noticed that her Gigi was ready to fall asleep. It was early yet and this was another sign to Eda that something was wrong.

The ArtLife team had spent the last three nights researching the Castle and putting together preliminary drawings for the site so that when the first arrived they were ready. The biggest problem that they had was Selin, she would always be a problem. Serkan even reached out to his father to ask that he keep her at the holding more and out of their way but Selin didn't listen and showed up at ArtLife every day.

Selin heard from some gossip about two of the firms that had been selected to bid on Poyraz, "Did ArtLife get a bid?"

Serkan and Engin were reviewing the plans on a high rise currently under construction, the plans for Poyraz were underneath the blueprints. Once again Selin barged into Serkan's office without knocking. Both men looked up irritated at the disturbance, "Does it look like we have an invitation to work on the Castle Selin? For the last time, do not enter this office without being asked. We are in the middle of working on a project. Do it again and you will be fired."

She laughed, "Please, like I interrupted anything important. Why didn't you get an invitation? ArtLife is the top firm in Türkiye, we should have gotten an invite. I think that I'll reach out to Semiha Yildrim personally and ask why she didn't consider us."

Engin's left eye was twitching, Serkan knew how he felt, "You will contact no one and ask nothing. You are not ArtLife. There is no we or us as far as you are concerned. ArtLife focuses on new build commercial properties not restoration Selin that is why we didn't get an invitation to bid. I'll repeat myself because you seem to be hard of hearing. You will not contact anyone about the bid if you do I will fire you on the spot. Understand?"

"Fine. You don't have to get all pissy about it. I'm only concerned about our business. I'll let you know who wins the contract since it won't be us," she walked out of the office without closing the door.

Serkan followed behind and locked the door, "What do we need to do to get it through her head that she is not a partner at ArtLife and never will be? I cannot stand that woman. I never could."

Engin shook his head, "It's getting worse Serkan. I thought you were going to talk to Aptekin about keeping her at the holding."

"I did. She's working on the holding campaign here. I told him that he needed her to work on it in their offices and she just ignores him. I'm going to have to resort to drastic measures soon," Engin had no idea what those drastic measures were but whatever it took to get rid of Selin he was on board with.

On May first they headed to Poyraz. With as much research as they had done the size of the Castle was still overwhelming. It was a magnificent place. The three spread out to start photographing and continuing with their measurements. The initial bid package had contained all the specifications but ArtLife rarely trusted them and chose to do their own.

Eda pulled up to the Castle living quarters, she hadn't been here in years. Not since she went off to University. This was her home, where she grew up. Pushing the door open she walked through the rooms and was swamped by memories, some good, some bad. If it were up to her she would knock down this entire space and bring new life into it. Make it modern and fresh, totally different from the Castle. Gigi intended for the family quarters to be separate from the Castle, an obvious difference, something modern with large windows to see the beautiful grounds and Poyraz beyond. She headed out and began to take pictures and sketch.

Serkan finished measuring the main building of the Castle when he saw a lone figure taking photos before dropping out of sight. Was this someone from one of the other firms spying on them? He hopped down off the wall to follow in the direction that they were headed but by the time he got there they had disappeared. Serkan kept his eye out as he worked but he didn't see the person again.

When he got near the family quarters Serkan saw the small sports car parked in front of the building, maybe it was one of the family that he saw? He didn't know the Yildrim family so he spent no more time thinking about it. The residential part was a relic of the twenties and well past its prime. According to the instructions they were to provide an update to the structure and then their own vision for the space. Serkan sat down to sketch, he knew exactly what he envisioned and it wasn't the building in front of him.

It was almost five and the team felt like the day had flown by. They agreed to work at Engin's home that evening. They were avoiding working at Serkan's apartment since Selin felt entitled to drop in at his apartment attached to his parent's farm unannounced. Selin would never step foot anywhere near Engin's house but might come to Pyril's. The only stipulation was that Engin's house cleaner needed to come more frequently.

They were finishing up for the night when Serkan thought to ask, "Did anyone else see someone on site while we were there?"

Both said no, then Engin snickered, "Maybe you saw a ghost. Isn't the place supposed to be haunted?"

Serkan slapped Engin in the head, "Only if the ghost wears a ballcap. They were too far away for me to get a good look to see if it was a man or a woman. I was afraid that it was the competition spying on us."

Pyril acted as the voice of reason, "I saw a car at the family residence. Maybe it was just one of the family members. Do we know anything about them? Engin?"

"I didn't have a chance to ask my grandparents but I will. Let's not worry about it and focus on our work. We just need to keep this under wraps. Make sure to keep all designs locked up in the office, we don't need anyone snooping."

The following morning Selin ran into Pyril in the break room, "Did you hear? The Karadag team got disqualified from the competition for the Poyraz Castle project because one of the architects talked about it in an interview."

Pyril hadn't heard but then she wasn't aware of any of the other teams competing, "I hadn't heard. It's too bad for them. Karadag has a good team of architects. Why were they disqualified?" Pyril played dumb.

Selin loved gossip, "One of the stipulations is that you can't talk about the project at all until you win it."

"Interesting that you know all of this Selin. Obviously someone has been talking about it and then went out talked about the project. Isn't that what you wanted to do? Broadcast it to the world if ArtLife was included in the bid process? Seems that people like you are part of the problem," Pyril took her coffee and skirted around Selin, but the woman wasn't done.

"When it's my company I can keep my mouth shut," sassed Selin.

Pyril turned to her, "But is isn't your company," and left.

Selin watched her walk away and said softly, "Not yet Pyril but when Serkan and I marry it will be. It's just a matter of time." Selin had been spending a lot of time with Serkan's mother paving the way for the woman to approve of a marriage, even an arranged marriage between the two of them. Her parents were agreeable to it but Serkan's parents were not yet on board. She just needed them to agree.

Grumbling all the way to her office Pyril nearly spilled her coffee on Serkan, "Why are you so cheerful?"

"Ran into Selin in the breakroom. Karadag's firm was in the competition and apparently got disqualified because someone talked about it in an interview. From the way that Selin talks about it I wouldn't put it past her to have something to do with it," Pyril lowered her voice, "Of course she doesn't know about us but she said she would never damage her company. Serkan, we have to do something about her."

"Agreed, but until she violates her contract we need to avoid getting sued. Her contract is up in two months. I just hope I don't strangle her before then. That would definitely get us sued," they were both chuckling as they went their separate ways.

Eda had been spending her days roaming the Castle grounds and her evenings drawing up the landscape designs. She didn't limit her work to just the softscape, she had ideas for the family living quarters and some of the Castle space as well that could facilitate tourism. Eda used some ideas that had worked well in Italy on other spaces that were once private and turned public.

She also spent as much time as possible with Gigi. It took a week before her grandmother finally admitted that her cancer had returned. Her therapy was weakening her but she was determined to see the end of her project. Eda had thought it odd at first that Gigi referred to the renovations as 'her project' but let it go. Little did she know that she was included as part of the project.

When all of the rendering were submitted from the remaining firms they were displayed on a series of numbered easels in Semiha's office for her and Eda to review. Semiha was disappointed that one of the teams had gotten disqualified but rules were rules. The two women walked between the easels and discussed the designs and plans on each one. Eda kept coming back to easel number two.

"Why this one Eda?" asked Semiha.

Eda reached in her portfolio and pulled out her sketchpad, flipping to her design for the living quarters, "It's like the architect was inside my head. They are different but the same. Even the overall grounds are similar. The landscaping is nowhere near the quality that it needs to be but if I had to pick I would say number two is far and away my favorite. They put the most effort into their design and it shows. What is your favorite?"

Semiha walked by them all again, "I would have to agree with you dear. It seems like they spent a good amount of time researching the Castle to understand the history of it so that they could highlight the historical importance. I also like how they made the family quarters different from the Castle and have allowed the view from the living quarters to encompass the site seamlessly but not make the family space seem like an afterthought."

Hugging her grandmother, "My thoughts exactly. See on the first one? They only did a remodel on the living quarters. Same with number four. The second company is the only one that gave them any thought. Honestly they did justice to the entire space. I would have liked to have seen what the third company came up with too."

Her grandmother nodded to her assistant, "I thought you might. I asked that they send what they had done prior to disqualification."

Eda wrinkled her nose at the rendering, "Well they went for it with the living quarters didn't they? Recreating a castle for the family. I don't think we're missing out here Gigi," Eda flipped the paper over and laid the renderings down, "When will you notify the firm that won?"

"Tomorrow. I'll invite them to my offices. They will start immediately. I would like for you to meet them on site the day after that if you don't mind," if Eda thought this was odd she didn't mention it. Semiha had a plan.

Serkan opened his email and called Engin and Pyril to his office, "I guess Semiha Yildrim wants to meet with the remaining firms in her offices tomorrow at one. The winner has to be ready to begin the following day. If we win are we ready?"

"We are. Are you?" Serkan nodded, "I told Leyla that we're interviewing a potential new client tomorrow but to keep quiet and put it in the books as lunch with an old client because we didn't want to jinx anything and we didn't want anyone being nosey. Leyla knew just what I meant."

ArtLife waited in the reception room of Yildrim Enterprises until they were called back. They assumed that the other firms were already in or were meeting at different times with Semiha Yildrim. Her personal assistant ushered them into the office and closed the door behind her, the regal woman at the conference table was not what they expected, "Come, please sit. I'm Semiha Yildrim, CEO of Yildrim Enterprises and owner of Poyraz Castle. Thank you for coming here today."

After introductions Semiha got to the point, "I have selected ArtLife to be the firm that takes on the renovation of the Castle. Your attention to detail and care with the design captured my interest from the first minute that I set eyes on the display. I am particularly impressed with your take on the family quarters and request that you begin with those immediately. To prepare for work on the Castle over the past week I have had a team emptying out all of the buildings and storing the artwork and furniture until renovations are completed. Since we are redoing the family quarters we began demolition already. They will receive all new furnishings and fixtures. Ms. Baytekin, that is your area I believe?"

"Yes ma'am. I will work with you to put together your likes and dislikes as well as any color schemes within the week."

Semiha shuddered, "Ma'am you make me feel old, please. We will all be working closely together as equals, first names only please."

"I come to one of my stipulations. If there is one area that you are weak it is in your landscape design. Tomorrow you will meet my granddaughter, she will join your team and take on that portion of the design component. She has recently graduated from school and transferred back to Istanbul on my request."

Serkan bristled at the idea of being saddled with a green student, "Semiha, if I may be so bold, we are a full service firm. If you find our landscape design subpar we will contract with one of Türkiye's more experienced designer's, Idil. You may be familiar with her work."

The old woman smiled serenely at Serkan, "I am very familiar with her and her work but you will notice that I did not ask her to bid on this process. If you do not want the project I understand. My apologies for wasting your time today," Semiha moved to stand and dismiss them.

Pyril shot Serkan a look, "You misunderstand me Semiha. We do want this project it's just that working with an unknown is always difficult, especially one that was recently a student."

"I suggest that you meet her before you pass judgement. She will meet you on site early tomorrow, by eight I believe. I won't keep you any longer as I am sure that you have plans to make. As far as publicizing the win? My PR team will handle this."

That was the first thing that brought a genuine smile to Serkan's face, "It would be our pleasure to have you manage that for us."

Selin sat with Aydan Bolat, "What do you think Aydan? Would you be amenable to an arranged marriage between Serkan and I?"

Aydan looked nervously between Selin and her mother before answering, "Selin, you know that I am fond of you but Serkan has been clear that he wants to take his own path in life so no, I would never condone an arranged marriage nor would his father. I'm sorry if that isn't that answer that you were looking for."

How could she be so dense Selin wondered to her mother? With that avenue closed Selin was running out of options, maybe she should be at ArtLife less and allow Serkan to miss her? She would try that for a week or two and see if there was a positive movement there.

Serkan was irritated that he was going to be saddled with some green child freshly graduated from school as a partner in this very complicated process. He tried to reign in his temper when he pulled up and saw the Range Rover already in the construction lot. The woman lounging against it was at an angle so he only saw work boots, at least she had decent footwear on he thought. Serkan parked and grabbed the drawings from his trunk as well as his hard hat. As Semiha indicated the structure was almost completed demolished. Serkan was further irritated, who had the authority to manage this. On a construction site demolition was a specific process and needed to be managed appropriately.

Eda heard the car pull up but was watching the demolition, she had been working with the construction crew all week on the process and wanted to make sure that it was managed properly. Some of the stonework was going to be reused during the project and she was having that stored in an area to the side.

"Who the hell started to tear this all down?" Serkan cursed not even looking at the woman standing in front of the SUV.

Her eyebrows nearly reaching her hairline Eda turned at him and blinked, "I did, several days ago. I have full authority I assure you."

The whiskey tinged voice reached his ears and Serkan turned his head and took in the stunning brunette next to him. She looked like no student he had ever seen, "You are?"

"Eda Yildiz and you are?" other than rude as hell she wanted to add.

"Serkan Bolat with ArtLife. I didn't authorize razing the family quarters."

Eda smirked at him, "Maybe I should introduce myself, Eda Yildiz, I might be Semiha's granddaughter but I'm formerly of Girabaldi and Associates of Milan where I practiced for the last three years. Mind you I did go back and get my master's in landscape design last year while I was working with Girabaldi. I'm not some snot-nosed novice student if that's what you're thinking," she left off the you arrogant asshole, albeit a handsome one.

He blinked at her. Semiha had suggested that Serkan meet her before passing judgement and he had not done that and now he was more irritated with himself that he had looked like a fool in front of her. "Well Eda Yildiz, granddaughter of Semiha Yildrim, formerly of Girabaldi and Associates of Milan, how about you fill me in on what you instructed them to do?"

She drew a deep breath before turning back to him and letting it out and then addressed him as though he was four. Serkan knew he had been a jerk and now he was reaping the rewards of his arrogance as Eda Yildiz put him in his place by outlining everything that she had instructed the demolition firm to do so far. He would have done the same thing with one exception. Eda finished her description, "Does that meet with your requirements your highness?"

Serkan gave a slight cough between amusement and irritation, "I would change one thing. Your salvaged stone over there," Serkan nodded to the pile of reclaimed stone, "is about to be buried in materials. It will all have to be moved behind where the cars are. In Türkiye the code for material storage states that it needs to be within one hundred meters of the facility that is being erected."

Eda looked at him like he had grown another head, "You have to be joking?" Serkan slowly shook his head no and silently laughed as Eda stalked away from him and gave an ear splitting whistle to the excavator operator. The man stopped his vehicle and Serkan watched as she climbed up, her very long legs and shapely bottom on display as she gestured to the driver what she needed done. The man watched and nodded as Eda climbed down, jumping the last part. Serkan appreciated her athleticism as she made her way back to him, "Anything else King Bolat?"

He was smart enough to stay silent. Not inclined to irritate her further Serkan suggested that they walk the property and go through the blueprints for the living quarters. They unrolled them on the hood of his car and got to work. Eda brought out her original drawing and Serkan had to admit that he was impressed and surprised at how similar their tastes were, "You drew this before you saw our design?"

"Yes, I came out on the first and took some photos and drew this as well as the landscapes. Do you want to see them or are you still thinking that I'm some incompetent idiot?" Eda threw at him.

Serkan held up his hands in apology, "I made a mistake and I apologize for it. Your grandmother told me not to prejudge you and I did. Could we start over?" he led out his hand, "Serkan Bolat, kind of an idiot but pleased to make your acquaintance and looking forward to working with you."

She gave a small smile and chuckled, her dimples showing as she took his hand, "Eda Yildiz, a bit of a hot head when people jump down my throat for no reason but I look forward to working with you too."

With their bad tempers done for the morning Eda and Serkan were able to make a few modifications to the design that Serkan had originally drawn that incorporated Eda's vision. He liked what she had done and could appreciate that his design would be improved. When she brought out her landscape design Serkan had a hard time keeping his mouth shut, "These are yours?"

"No Serkan, I bought them on the internet. Yes, they are mine. Why?"

He flipped from one page to the next. Idil was going to lose business if this woman stayed in Istanbul, "They are simply phenomenal. Elegant and timeless."

Eda smiled a real smile at Serkan, it lit her eyes from within and made his heart beat faster, "You like them?" she didn't know why it mattered but it did. This rather serious man actually liked her work.

Serkan nodded, "I like it very much. Do you have office space while you're here in Istanbul? Would you consider working at ArtLife since we'll be partnering on this project?"

"I hadn't thought about it but it might not be a bad idea. Do you have room in your offices?"

He had a thought, "We have a large conference room on the first floor that I sometimes use as an office when we're working on a large project. If you wouldn't mind sharing with me I think that we could make something work," he also had an ulterior motive. Well two, he could get Eda to work on some ArtLife projects but more important, he could spend time with her.

It was almost seven when they were ready to leave the site, both of them were tired and dirty but they had accomplished quite a bit. Engin would be on site the next day to arrange for the delivery of materials and excavation of the footers for the living quarters. Working together they managed to stay on schedule and even get slightly ahead. Eda was heading to her car when Serkan called to her, "Do you want to grab a bite to eat?"

Eda looked at herself, "I'm rather filthy and so are you."

Serkan laughed, "Not a problem, I know a place that won't care how we look. Follow me." he didn't have to ask her twice. Eda got in her car and followed Serkan's lead. He wound through the streets down to the coast pulling up to a small seafood shack. Serkan walked over to Eda's SUV and opened the door for her.

She looked at the place and smiled, it wasn't fancy but she loved places like this. Serkan held out his hand and she placed hers in his and he walked with her over to the window to order. He paid for their dinners and even got Eda a small plate of the local baklava then led her to a table to eat. They sat next to each other watching the sea and got to know each other. Eda was only three years younger than Serkan and had practiced strictly in Italy. They had similar tastes in books, movies and music. Both loved to work out and neither had been in a serious relationship, "Is this a date Serkan Bolat?" Eda asked when the dinner was consumed and only the baklava and coffee remained.

"I would like for it to be a date. The day may have started out rough but I think that it ended very well. What do you think Eda Yildiz, would you like to date me?" Serkan asked almost shyly.

Eda took a bite of the baklava, closed her eyes and savored the taste, then held it to Serkan to take the rest of it. His mouth closed around the bite, taking her fingers almost in a kiss. The corners of Eda's mouth kicked up in a smile as she chewed the sweet treat then swallowed, "I would like to date you Serkan Bolat, very much," she leaned to him, Serkan met her in the middle for a sweet and sticky first kiss.

Serkan pulled back a tiny way, "I think that you are sweeter than the baklava Eda," he met her lips for a second longer kiss.

Eda pulled back with a small hum of delight, "You are a very addictive man Serkan Bolat. I'm going to have to be careful in the office around you. We might have to make rules."

With another kiss Serkan agreed, "We can make our own rules Eda. Whatever we want to do in private whether at home, a restaurant or in the office we can do. Those are the rules," Eda stifled a small yawn. It had been a long day in the fresh air and she was tired.

He walked her to her SUV and opened the door pulling her into a close hug before she got in, they shared one more kiss, deeper than the first ones. Eda slowly opened her eyes to see Serkan's beautiful ones staring back at her, she stroked his beard, "Very addictive. I'll see you tomorrow morning around eight."

Serkan caught her fingers and kissed the tips, "I'll see you tomorrow. Drive carefully going home," he waited until Eda had pulled out of the parking lot and waved at him one more time before getting in his car and following behind her. After all this time he had found someone who appealed to him on every level. The only problem that he would have in the office was Selin. He would fire her before the witch could interfere with Eda, that was a promise he made to himself.

Eda called Semiha from the car on the way home. "Gigi, I'm just driving home and thought I would update you."

"How was your first day dear?"

"Woof, it started out pretty rough I won't lie. Serkan Bolat is a bit arrogant but he is very talented. We managed to set differences aside and get a lot done. He offered me office space at ArtLife for the duration of the project so I'll head there tomorrow. Today we finished the demolition and grading of the family quarters and marked all the barrier sites. Knock on wood we are a tiny bit ahead. Engin Sezgin is on site tomorrow and I'm meeting with Pyril Baytekin tomorrow. How are you today? How was treatment?"

Semiha groaned, "What was that you said at the beginning? It started out pretty rough? It stayed that way. I'm fine though. Enough about me. What do you think of the project? What do you think of Serkan Bolat?"

"The project is good Gigi. Like I said we got a lot done today. Serkan Bolat is interesting, arrogant, but he is talented enough where he can afford to be arrogant. He wasn't mean just rude. What he threw out he got back in spades. You know me I am not going to let someone walk on me."

Her grandmother gave a weak chuckle, "No, you have never been a pushover. Will you be able to work with him?"

Eda smiled to herself thinking about it, "We established ground rules," she wouldn't tell her grandmother what those were.

"Make sure he respects you dear," warned Semiha.

"Oh he does Gigi, he even apologized," they talked a little while longer but Eda could tell her grandmother was getting tired, "I'll come visit soon. I love you Gigi."

Semiha smiled, "I love you too Eda dear," her plan was beginning to work. Eda wasn't fuming in anger which meant that Serkan Bolat had done more than apologize to her. Time would tell. Unfortunately time was something that Semiha didn't have too much of left. She was hoping for a year but her doctor had cut that amount of time in half. Semiha had a good life but she still wanted Eda settled before she left this earth.

Serkan was excited for Eda to come into the office the next morning. He let Betul know that Eda Yildiz would be joining the firm temporarily and she should call him as soon as she got there. Eda walked up behind Serkan as he was giving the instructions, "Were you looking for me Serkan?" she asked with a laugh in her voice.

He spun around, "I didn't expect you so early," he had to stop himself from reaching for her. Serkan turned back to Betul, "This is Eda Yildiz. You'll be seeing quite a bit of her. Eda if you want to follow me I'll show you to the conference room that we're going to use."

Eda smiled at Betul, "It's a pleasure to meet you Betul. I'll just follow him now."

Betul watched the woman following Serkan Bolat and wanted to laugh. Selin Atakan was going to have a coronary because Serkan Bolat was officially off the market if she had to guess. She was keeping that to herself though. Betul might gossip with Leyla but only if Leyla mentioned it first. No one wanted to incur the wrath of Mr. Bolat by gossiping about him.

Serkan led Eda through the drafting room to the conference room at the end. All the panels were currently closed but Serkan explained how they could be opened to the drafting room during large project work, "Why are they closed now Serkan? This will be a big project," Eda asked as she set her things on the table.

He pulled her into his arms, "They're closed right now so I can do this," Serkan proceeded to give Eda a good morning kiss. Longer than any of last night's, his tongue begged for entrance and Eda allowed him in. They kissed good morning until Serkan finally returned to his senses and with softer kisses drew back.

"Who is addictive Eda? Hmmm?" his lips against her forehead as he tried to calm his racing heart. Eda finger combed his hair that she had messed up and Serkan straightened her jacket. Eda wiped her lipstick from Serkan's mouth, glad that she had chosen a soft mauve rather than red. They were sitting working by the time Engin came in ten minutes later to review the schedule for the day.

His introduction to Eda was comical, "You're Semiha's granddaughter? For some reason I thought that you would be younger and maybe a bit greener. It's a pleasure though."

Serkan stopped Engin, "Calm down Engin, she already has a boyfriend," Eda kicked him under the table.

Engin blushed, "Can I go over the schedule? I have to head out. The foreman is on site and the digging began about an hour ago. I want to be there before any of the footers are poured."

The three of them focused on work for the next thirty minutes until Eda got a call from her grandmother. She held up a finger to Engin and Serkan and then hung up with her grandmother, "The article about ArtLife being awarded the contract is appearing in the journals today. I didn't know if you wanted to prepare a statement for Betul to read in case anyone called," they put a quick statement together that Engin dropped off with Betul on his way out of the office.

Eda looked at Serkan, "So I already have a boyfriend?"

He smiled at her, "You do. I could remind you again if you like. Remember you agreed to date me just last night. That makes you my girlfriend Eda."

"You are too much but I shall let it slide since I like the idea."

They continued working on the project until Pyril came down to meet Eda. The two women liked each other immediately and left for Pyril's office to work on the color schemes and styles for the living quarters. Eda hadn't been out of the conference room for ten minutes when Selin stormed into the office, "Why am I the last to know?"

Serkan didn't bother to look up and continued to work, "Last to know what Selin?"

"That ArtLife was not only in the running for Poyraz Castle but that we got the contract. I'm your PR Director, I should have been told. I need to know everything that goes on within my company so that I can manage the business effectively."

He kept his head down, "No you don't. You work at our convenience. I have told you this before. If you recall when the announcement about Poyraz came out you wanted to broadcast it to the world which was the exact opposite of what the client wanted. It lost a company their position in the bid process. The client wanted to make the announcement. We work for the client and were happy with their decision."

Selin went to sit and noticed a very expensive Italian purse on the chair, "Whose is this?"

"Selin, I am busy do you have a purpose in bothering me?"

"I want to know what the advertising campaign on Poyraz Castle will be. I'm assuming that I should begin working on it immediately."

He took another deep breath, "No, the client will handle all aspects of PR. It is their project. If they need anything from us they will contact me."

She was speechless that Serkan would give up the advertising of ArtLife's work to someone else. Selin thought that she would reach out to the PR team at Yildrim Enterprises to set them straight.

Serkan knew the way that Selin thought, "Don't even think of contacting anyone at Yildrim. They have made it clear that this is their show. Do you understand?"

"But. . . . ."

"A simple yes or no Selin."

She got up and left still wondering about the purse. Selin was supposed to be at the holding today so she headed back to the offices. On the way out she stopped by Betul, "What client is Serkan meeting with right now?"

"No one. He doesn't have any clients in the office today," she said. Selin left thinking that Pyril had finally upgraded from the cheap handbags that she usually carried to something of quality. She was irritated that he wouldn't let her contact the PR department at Yildrim but maybe if she met them in a casual setting she could talk to them. That might work. Selin set about to plot how to make that happen on her way to the holding company. Her second task was to put some space in between her and Serkan to allow him to miss her.

Eda and Pyril came down from the office to find Serkan busily working away on another ArtLife project. He looked up when they came in, "Eda, if you have time while you're here could you maybe take a look at a few of our projects? Normally we contract out the landscaping portion but we could just contract them to you. What do you think?"

"Oh, that's a terrific idea Serkan. Yes Eda, please say yes!" enthused Pyril.

"I don't have a problem with that. I would prefer to stay busy but I don't just do landscape design you know that. I am an actual architect so I can take on some of that if you need me too," she clarified.

Serkan's head was down and Eda was looking at Pyril so neither woman saw the small smile on his face, "That would work Eda. Were you going for lunch?"

"We were. Do you want to come with?" he did. The three headed out to lunch to talk about how to incorporate Eda into more of the ArtLife projects. Pyril wasn't stupid, she knew exactly what Serkan was doing. He had staked a claim on Eda and was working on making her permanent. From where she sat Eda wasn't fighting at all. Pyril couldn't be happier.

Eda and Serkan were spending their non-working hours together too. Eda was cooking for Serkan tonight but he insisted on helping. It was technically their ninth date but they were spending nearly all their waking hours together so Serkan calculated that, had they been dating like a normal couple, they would have been together for at least three months. Eda thought that he was a bit out of control but she knew that he wasn't the only one, she felt the same way. Instead of going to lunch with Pyril the day before she went to her gynecologist and got the birth control shot. She knew that it was only a matter of time before they had sex and she didn't disagree with his three month calculation.

She was stirring the sauce when Serkan came up behind her. He had turned on some music from his playlist and wrapped his arms around her as he nibbled on her neck, "Turn the sauce off Eda and dance with me," he said into her neck, his soft breath tickling. Eda could feel him getting hard against her and pressed back into him. Serkan dropped a hand lower to her hips to anchor her to him, "Dance with me baby."

He reached over and turned off all the burners and moved the pans off the heat and turned Eda to him gently. Her arms were around his waist, "Am I your baby now?"

He kissed her with each word, "Baby, honey, sweetheart, love," deepening the kiss as he called her love.

Eda's fingers tightened on his back as she purred, "Am I your love?"

Serkan dropped his forehead against hers, "Yes. I know it's been fast but yes. I've never been in love before Eda, never met anyone like you."

"Good. I didn't want to be the only one in love," Eda drew his lips back to hers because she couldn't get enough of them. Her tongue licked his top lip and Serkan's came out to meet hers and love hers. Eda's head tipped to the side as he kissed his way down her neck and back to her lips. His hands were restless, Eda's were too. They found their way inside the back of his pants to palm his firm buttocks, her nails lightly scoring them as he ground into her softness. Serkan's hands bunched up the back of her skirt and he did the same for her, his large hands palming her bottom.

Panting into his mouth, "Bed honey, we need a bed."

"Are you sure baby?" he groaned but didn't stop the assault on her body.

"With you? Yes, I've waited for you," Serkan pulled back a fraction, "Truly?"

"Truly," Eda said withdrawing one hand to curve around his erection.

Serkan moaned, "I waited too baby. I wanted it to mean something," he took her hand from him and led her down the hall to her bedroom. Eda had a bedside lamp on from earlier, it was the perfect amount of light for them as they slowly undressed each other.

Eda couldn't believe how perfect Serkan was, his body was a sculpted work of art. Her fingers stroked over every inch that she would reach. When they curled around his cock he hissed in pleasure, letting out a slow steady breath.

"You are the most stunning woman ever created Eda. Perfection," as he traced her breasts and rubbed her distended nipples. He loved the little noises that she made as she reveled in his touch just like he did with hers. They would only have one first time with each other and they wanted it to last but they had been playing and teasing too long. Serkan followed Eda down to the bed fitting between her thighs, she loved his weight on her, his chest hair as it tickled across her nipples.

Serkan bent his head to taste her breasts, licking first before sucking in and nipping at her. Eda was squirming at the sensation, her hips rocking. He dipped his free hand to her sex, drawing his fingers through her excitement, "Baby you are so wet for me."

"Mmhmm, all the time, even in the office," Serkan stored that away for the future. They would definitely be using his old office to love in. He tested her readiness first with one then two fingers, Eda was tight but eager for him, "Condom honey?"

"No, I'm good. I got the shot the other day," Serkan looked at Eda and knew then that she would be the only woman ever for him just like he would be the only man for her. She had planned for him and he had waited for her. He fit the head of his cock to her opening and pushed partway in allowing Eda to adjust to him. "All of you love, I won't break," Eda promised but Serkan felt too good working his way deeper to rush. He felt her hymen and gave a hard push imbedding himself deep and holding while Eda throbbed around him.

"I'm still okay," she whispered, "Just a pinch, I love you."

He leaned down to kiss her as he began to move with slow, deep strokes. Eda slid her knees up to cradle his hips as she rocked hers against his. Serkan's mouth slid to her ear to whisper, "I love you my Eda," as he began to move with more force. His words and the feeling of his hairs on her nipples were her undoing, Eda climaxed around Serkan's cock spasming hard on him as he continued to drive into her. He gave one last push and held deep to release his seed within her, "Oh Eda. I wish. . . ."

Eda held him tight to her kissing his cheek and lips, "You wish?"

"I wish I never had to move. I wish. . . . . ."

"You wish?"

He held her tighter, "I'm not giving you up Eda. I know it's only nine days or three months' worth of dates but I'm not giving you up. I want to make my intentions known to your grandmother and my parents. Tomorrow you will come to my parents for dinner okay?"

"Okay baby, maybe we can do lunch with Gigi tomorrow. Get them all done in a day?"

Serkan drove his cock into Eda, this was how it started, "Am I your baby?"

"Until we're ready to have one but even then you'll be my baby, honey, sweetheart and love," he chuckled as she repeated his words and began to make love to Eda again.

They ate dinner much later, Serkan wearing a pair of sweats that Eda found in her closet and she wore an oversized t-shirt. They talked about their plans for the following day and how they would approach both of their families. Serkan thought that he would tell Eda about the nut that was Selin Atakan.

After Serkan told Eda the story she sat in stunned silence, "And you have never gone on one date with her?"

"Not one."

"Is she insane? Or is she just so spoiled that she thinks she should get everything that she wants and she has decided that she wants you?"

"I think a bit of both. Even back to University if there was a woman that I worked on a project with or took on a date Selin somehow got in their ear and told them that we were promised to each other or that I had a girlfriend already and was a serial cheater. She would constantly make up shit. The only reason that she works for ArtLife is my father and hers are business partners. She is only supposed to be part-time but she always seems to be at ArtLife, though I will admit she hasn't been there the past several days."

Eda rolled her eyes, "I can hardly wait to meet her," she got up to take his dish into the kitchen. Serkan followed to help clean up.

"Is this going to be a deal breaker for us?"

"Don't be silly Serkan. She's the one with the problem. I'm sure if I had any doubts about your story I could ask Pyril but I trust you."

Serkan cuddled her to him, "Yeah. How do you know I'm not making it up?"

Eda giggled, "Because you're a terrible liar. And your beautiful eyes give you away. When you try to tell a story they turn colors so just remember that for the future Serkan."

He took the dishes from her hands and laid them in the sink before tossing her over his shoulder and smacking her on the bottom on the way back to the bedroom, "I told you one tiny lie to get you to come to my office so we could make out. Are you going to hold that against me Eda?"

She was still laughing but now she had worked her hands into his sweatpants and had one hand around his cock, "I'm holding something Serkan," she chuckled.

Serkan gave a bark of laughter and carefully removed her hand from him, "You can hold me anytime," he let her down in front of him and placed her hand back on his cock, wrapping her fingers around him, "Anyplace. I'd really like this in the office Eda and notice the color of my eyes, no lies here," as she worked his cock in her hand. They stopped one more time to strip off Eda's shirt and Serkan's sweatpants before falling back into bed to make love again. They may have both been new to sexual activity but their desire, love for, and trust in each other fed the need and allowed them to experiment to find out what they liked.

The following day Serkan came to the office early so he could shower and change. Eda suggested that he leave some clothes at her apartment so that he didn't have to do that in the future. They weren't planning on being secret but then again they also were practical. Both of them worked long hours and sometimes they would need to fit in time to see each other so Serkan having clothes by Eda made sense.

Eda planned lunch with her grandmother. Semiha asked, "Do you mind if we have a private lunch in my office dear?"

"As long as you set the table for three, no."

"Three? Are you bringing a guest along Eda?" asked a very curious Semiha. She wanted to know if she was successful.

"I am. I would like for you to get to know Serkan Bolat better so I am bringing him along. We'll see you at lunch."

Serkan was nervous to meet Semiha again because this time he was going to be meeting the woman as Eda's boyfriend and hopefully future husband. He wanted to have the conversation with Semiha today. They were ushered into her private office, Serkan watched as Eda and her grandmother hugged. This was a different sight of Semiha, that of a loving grandmother, Serkan stood back and allowed them their time before Eda drew him forward.

"I know that you and Serkan have already met but today I'm introducing him differently. He is my partner Gigi," Eda began.

"Partner? Are you going into business with ArtLife?" asked a curious Semiha.

Serkan smiled, he had one arm around Eda's waist and took Semiha's hand in a clasp, "Yes, she will eventually become a partner at ArtLife. She's already started to work on some of the projects that we have but she meant it differently. We've only known each other a very short time but Eda and I knew almost from the beginning. I would like to ask for Eda's hand in marriage. We want to become partners in life, partners in everything."

Semiha's hand tightened on Serkan's, "Sit down, let me get to know you. Eda is old enough to make up her own mind but if she has chosen you then I am happy to give my blessings. Sit, sit."

The sense of satisfaction that washed over Semiha as she watched the young couple throughout lunch was overwhelming. By the time the plates were taken away Semiha realized that in her happiness she had actually eaten almost all of her food and felt better than she had in some time. This was the joy that Eda always brought to her heart.

"I have one demand of both of you. This is non-negotiable. You must have lunch or dinner with me once a week. Serkan I would like to continue to get to know you and none of this Semiha, when we are private I am Gigi to you as well. I also want updates on the project regularly so maybe we can fit in another luncheon with your team? I find that this has brought renewed energy to me," Semiha admitted.

Serkan gladly agreed to bring his team to a weekly luncheon to update Semiha on the progress. He sat next to her and showed her site photos from the date before on the living quarters, there had been tremendous progress on the building and windows were scheduled for installation later in the week. Semiha was interested in all phases of the project and asked if maybe she could see larger pictures the next time. Serkan chuckled at the request and told her they would make sure to bring the laptop so that they could put it on the big screen.

Eda had told Serkan of Semiha's cancer diagnosis, he knew that it was important for the woman to see Eda regularly. If it made her happy to see them together Serkan would do that for both of them. With lunch over Serkan hated to leave but he had a meeting, "Eda I can go back if you would like to stay," but Semiha sent them on their way with plans for another lunch.

The call to his mother to arrange dinner was made earlier in the day by Serkan. He had asked Seyfi, the house manager to set an extra place setting as he would be bringing a guest. Always nosey Seyfi pried, "Just who might this guest be?"

"You'll see this evening Seyfi. Dinner for four tonight. I mean it Seyfi only four," Serkan hung up knowing that Seyfi would practically die of curiosity but he wouldn't tell Aydan because he knew that the woman would bother Serkan all day. He also gave Seyfi the warning to keep Selin away.

In the holding office Aptekin was true to his word to Serkan and had been keeping Selin busy with a campaign to elevate the holding's image within the business community. They already had a decent reputation but it could always be better and Selin hadn't been doing anything for the very hefty salary that she was being paid. Serkan was right, she was the holding company's employee.

Selin walked into Aptekin's office, "Here is what I have so far, what do you think?"

Aptekin was just ending a call as she walked in and blinked at the woman, did she never knock? "Selin, could you please knock when entering? I was on a call. . . . Let me look at these and get back to you later."

"Oh I can come over later, I'll just have dinner with you and Aydan. I haven't seen her and Serkan in a while," Selin suggested.

Seyfi had already told Aptekin that Serkan had requested dinner with his parents alone so he was prepared for this, "I'm sorry Selin, Aydan and I have and old friend coming in from out of town that we haven't seen in years so his company is the only company we will have at dinner tonight. Maybe another day. I'll give you feedback on this in about an hour," he was beginning to understand Serkan's irritation with the woman the more time she spent in the offices.

Selin wandered back to her office. It has been over a week since she had been to ArtLife and she wondered if Serkan was missing her yet. She promised herself that she would give it the full two weeks but it was hard. She might shave a few days off. Maybe tomorrow she would go back to ArtLife and check in.

Engin and Pyril were more than happy to have weekly meetings with Semiha. Serkan asked if they could make sure to film progress as Semiha was unable to come to the site and wanted to see as much as possible. While Eda was working in the drafting room with one of the architects Serkan explained quietly that Semiha was battling cancer and was not well enough. Engin and Pyril were very sympathetic to her plight and came up with ideas of how to include her on a regular basis. When the ArtLife team showed Eda their plans she was brought to tears.

"You are all so very sweet. Just remember that Gigi doesn't want to be treated like she is sick but she does want to be included," Serkan handed her his handkerchief but ended up taking it from Eda to wipe her tears.

His partners watched him in fascination, "You can stop ogling us now. You already know that Eda and I are together so you might as well know that I asked Semiha for Eda's hand in marriage and please be quiet Engin, no shouting."

Pyril leaned in, "Do your parents know?"

Serkan smiled at Eda, "We're having dinner with them tonight. Tomorrow we are both on-site at the Castle so we'll be out of the office if you need us."

The four of them talked business for the next hour before Serkan headed off to another external meeting. Eda and Pyril stayed to work on the Castle project and Engin worked on ArtLife projects. They were all busy doing what they enjoyed. The absence of Selin made their environment that much more pleasant.

Eda knew what Serkan had told her of Selin but she thought that she would ask Pyril, "Is she really that bad? Serkan said that at University she would basically stalk him. If he asked a girl out Selin would tell the girl that he already had a girlfriend and that he was cheating or would make up some story."

Pyril rolled her eyes, "That isn't even the half of it. Some of it even he doesn't know. There were rumors on campus that Serkan was gay. I know that Selin started them because one of the girls that he asked out to a function almost turned him down because of it. Serkan was really driven at University, he had a double major so he didn't have a lot of spare time."

She was stunned, "I have a hard time imagining that someone could be so obsessive."

"Just you wait Eda. She has less than two months left on her contract and then she's out of here unless she violates it. We only hired her part-time as a favor to Aptekin. She is so entitled and really not a nice person. If she ever tries to tell you that she and Serkan were promised in marriage or dated or anything know ahead of time that it is a lie. He has always disliked her and made that very clear to her. Serkan has never had anything to do with her and his parents have said no to her parents on an arranged marriage. Selin thinks that she can bully Serkan into getting what she wants. Ugh, she is a pain on our asses," Eda laughed at Pyril but was also slightly sickened that a woman could be that obsessive.

Serkan and Eda went to dinner at his parents. He showed her his apartment first and packed some clothes, storing them in his car before they headed to the house. Serkan and Eda walked around to the back patio where his parents and Seyfi were sitting and talking, "Mother, father, Seyfi? I would like for you to meet someone. This is Eda Yildiz," the three could see his possessive grip on the young woman and how comfortable she was with him and they understood what Serkan was telling them.

Aydan wanted him to be very clear through, "Eda?"

"Yes, Eda is my future wife. We haven't done a formal engagement yet but I talked with her grandmother earlier today. We wanted to let all the family know before we did that."

Stepping up to Eda, Aydan held out her arms for a hug, "Welcome to the family Eda. It's a pleasure to meet you and we look forward to getting to know you better."

Aptekin came forward to shake Eda's hand and Serkan's congratulating them both as did Seyfi who was brimming with excitement. Over dinner Serkan's parents got to know Eda. They both knew of her grandmother and Aydan wanted to know if she would like to have dinner with them one evening. Eda assured her that Gigi would enjoy dinner with them. Seyfi eavesdropped all night and eventually pulled up a chair when dessert was served so he could share coffee and gossip with them. Eda was charmed by the man and enjoyed both of his parents. Serkan seemed to have a good relationship with them.

With both families aware of their plans Eda and Serkan were committed to moving forward as a couple. Serkan moving clothes into Eda's condo was a step in that direction. He dropped his bags just inside the front door and kicked it closed before grabbing Eda around the waist, "We've told our family our intentions but I haven't actually asked you," dropping to his knee in front of her Serkan took Eda's hands in his, "Eda Yildiz, my incorrigible little fairy, you are everything that I had been looking for in life. Someone who I can laugh with, who shares in my ideas, hopes and dreams, but most importantly someone who I love. I have fallen in love with you Eda, completely and irrevocably. Will you marry me? Be my partner, my everything, but mostly be my love and my wife?"

Eda's tears had started to slowly course down her cheeks when Serkan called her his incorrigible little fairy and started falling faster with all of his heartfelt words. She tried to blink them away but gave up, "I love you Serkan Bolat. When I first met you I thought you were so arrogant and then you opened the door to the real man. You are still arrogant but I find that I love that man who is so confident in his talent and opinions. The man who shares his ideas and values openly and honestly with me. I love the man who is arrogant in his love for me. You give me confidence and arrogance in my love for you. Yes I will marry you and be your partner in love and in life, I will take you as my husband and my love."

Serkan stood to wipe Eda's tears and she brushed the few of his that had fallen. He lifted her in his arms and carried her back to the bedroom so that they could make love for the first time as an engaged couple. When Serkan's alarm went off early the next morning Eda climbed over him to shut it off then sighed as Serkan began his assault on her breast which happened to end up in his face. He tested Eda to see if she was ready for him, playing with her sex as she rubbed on his morning erection. Serkan spread her juices and sat up, lifting Eda so that she could fit the head of his cock to her, never letting go of her breast as he filled her. Eda held her breasts to his mouth as Serkan controlled her hips pulling them hard onto his cock, his shaft deep, hitting her favorite spot that triggered her orgasm and kept her continually spasming as he had her ride him to his release. Eda leaned forward to mark Serkan low on his neck, it matched the one on hers. She could feel him spasming in her again, "So good baby," she groaned as she pressed down harder on him.

They would have liked to stay and play all day but they had to be at the job site in less than an hour. After showering and a quick breakfast they were on the road taking Eda's SUV since it was better suited for the construction zone. Today they would do a walkthrough of the living quarters, they were two weeks into the build and things were moving fast. The windows had been delivered and were being installed today. The building would be closed in and Pyril would begin her work on the interiors.

From the living quarters Eda and Serkan walked over to the oldest part of the Castle, only a walkway was being built here for tourists. The building itself was being reinforced and the crew was on-site today. Serkan wouldn't allow Eda into the areas that were most unsteady even though she protested that she had been in them hundreds of times. Eda didn't want to fight over something so small. Serkan explained to him that her safety was the most important thing to him on the site, he understood that she was capable and would often be required to go on sites that were less than stable.

"Could you give me today?" he asked sweetly, "We just got engaged yesterday. I promise not to make a pest of myself on things like this and I know that you are more than able to handle this."

Serkan knew that Eda was capable but this part of the Castle was best left to the experts. Even he was reluctant to enter into this area with all the scaffolding. He met with the restoration experts and videoed as much as he could while they talked. Serkan was happy to be out of the area once the meeting was over. Eda knew what he meant, the area was small and claustrophobic but would be enclosed with glass so that visitors could see inside and view the living areas and get a feel for the lifestyle during that era.

They split up for the next few hours as Eda worked on the landscaping and Serkan went back to oversee the window installation. It was a large site and workers were all over. Eda and her team of landscapers were working on removing some of the overly mature trees and pruning back those which could be saved. She and the arborist set the schedule for the next two weeks as they walked the property. The timeline was a delicate balance and Eda wanted to make sure that they kept as close to it as possible.

Selin wasn't able to go to ArtLife as soon as she wanted to. Aptekin had been keeping her busy and the team at Yildrim Enterprises was surprisingly hard to find. It was a full two weeks until she was able to make it back to ArtLife and it was only to find that Serkan wasn't in the office. She cornered Leyla, "Well where is he?"

"He's at a job site this morning and won't be back until this afternoon," Leyla had no intention of telling Selin what job site or that he had lunch plans. She watched as Selin rolled her eyes and marched towards Pyril's office. Leyla knew she wouldn't find Pyril either, she and Eda were meeting with Semiha this morning and then the rest of the team would be having lunch with the woman in her offices.

Pacing in her small office for hours Selin was getting more irritated as the moments ticked by, she was excited to see how her plan to have Serkan miss her was working. It wasn't working at all, everyone could have told Selin that. Serkan had told Selin that on any number of occasions. It would never matter to him where she was or what she was doing.

The four had a good lunch with Semiha. She was delighted with the progress and enjoyed the company of the young people. It was invigorating her and making her struggles through chemotherapy that much more bearable. If Engin and Pyril found it odd that Serkan referred to Semiha Yildrim as Gigi they didn't mention it. In a short period of time the older woman had come to appreciate Serkan Bolat. She saw much of herself in him and knew that Eda had truly found her match.

Serkan was driving Eda back to the office after lunch trying to convince her to come up to his old office for dessert, "You know you want to Eda," as he nibbled on her fingertips.

Eda looked around at where they were and saw the parking garage up ahead, "Pull into the garage Serkan and go to one of the top floors."

He looked at her and started to get hotter, "Really Eda?" they were in her Range Rover, Eda was already climbing into the back seat before he could turn in. Any cameras would only pick up him. Serkan punched for a ticket and headed up to the top floors and the back corner where it was darker and there were no other cars. He was focused on finding a spot and hadn't been watching Eda. While Serkan was driving Eda had taken the blanket from the back and reclined the seat then stripped. She had no idea that it would come in handy when she put it in the back. Serkan had just put the car in park and turned it off when Eda reached for him, grabbing his tie and pulling him into the back.

"Oh Eda, I like this game," he growled as he climbed in back and proceeded to struggle out of his clothes with Eda focused on her objective. She was working on his belt and pants only, she wanted his cock. They had dessert in his office the day before where he had sat her in his desk and proceeded to lick her like an ice cream cone making her come hard on his tongue before fucking her. It was fun and raunchy and she had been thinking of returning the favor. She loved the taste of Serkan and the feel of him in her mouth. With his pants down his hips and his cock freed Eda buried her face in him before taking him in her mouth and sucking him to the back of her throat as she worked him with her hand. Serkan struggled with his clothes but finally was naked too. He laid back on the seat and lifted Eda over him so he could taste her. At the first lick of his tongue Eda hummed against his shaft, it sent shivers down Serkan's spine.

They only had so much time in the car and he didn't want to come in her mouth but he wanted Eda's spend again. He lightly bit her clit as he pinched her nipple, Serkan knew he could make her come for him. Her scream as she released on him was what he needed. Serkan quickly switched places with Eda driving into her hard, over and over as his release hit. His face was still shiny with her juices as he bent to kiss her. They were messy in their loving. Serkan spilled his seed in Eda as she spasmed around him, "You cheated baby," Eda pouted.

"No, I had to be in you. Tonight you can do what you want to me, I promise, we'll have more time to explore, I promise," Eda tightened her muscles on Serkan, "Promise? I might just have to tie you up to get you to keep your promise."

She saw his eyes darken with desire, "You like that Idea baby?" Eda purred.

"With you? Yes, could I do it for you too?" she drew his head to hers for a kiss, "I think I would like to be at the mercy of your lips, tongue, teeth and hands very much," Serkan began to pump his hips again as Eda met him.

He panted out, "Baby will we still want each other this much in fifty years?" Eda sighed as she had a smaller climax, and held him tight as he released again, "Probably, I can't imagine ever not wanting to love you." They took a few more minutes to themselves before disengaging and putting themselves back in order. Instead of climbing over the seats Serkan just opened the door and got in the front seat and Eda did the same. They headed back to the office while Eda fixed her makeup.

"Honey we need to get your ring this weekend. Any idea of the style you might want?"

"Not really, why don't we look. You know it has to be a Yildrim ring. Gigi might have some vault designs if you want me to ask."

"No baby, I'll ask her later today. It's my job," Eda just chuckled.

Serkan pulled the SUV up in front of ArtLife and handed Tolga the keys and went around to open the door for Eda. They had been working in the conference room for about twenty minutes when Selin walked in. She ignored that there was someone working in the conference room with Serkan thinking that it was just another architect.

"Serkan? Where have you been? I've been waiting for you all day," he kicked Eda under the table.

"I see that you still haven't learned how to knock Selin. I was at a site visit and then we had a client luncheon. We just got back. I don't report to you Selin."

She still stood in the conference room, "Could you have your assistant leave? I'd like to talk to you alone."

Serkan watched as Eda rolled her eyes, "This isn't my assistant, this is Eda Yildiz who will be joining ArtLife as a partner shortly."

Selin finally focused on the brunette to Serkan's right, "Partner? Why would she be joining as a partner? I've been trying to get you to add me as a partner for years."

"Eda is an architect, you are not. But that isn't the main reason, Eda and I will be getting married soon and it's only natural that she becomes a partner. Engin, Pyril and I have already talked about it," Eda leaned to Serkan, "Really Serkan? You and I didn't talk about it. Are you sure?"

"Very sure Eda we can talk about it at home tonight if you like unless I'm tied up," Eda blushed to the roots of her hair.

"Serkan, what are you talking about getting married? Who is this woman?" Selin was furious.

"This is Eda Yildiz, I believe I mentioned that to you already. Not that I need to explain this to you but Eda is working on the Poyraz Castle project. She is the landscape architect and is partnering on the exteriors."

Selin huffed, "What are her qualifications?"

Eda spun her chair a bit to face Selin, "Not that it is any business of yours, and I can assure you that it is not, but I have me architectural degree from the University of Rome and my master's in landscape design from the College of Milan. I've been with Girabaldi and Associates in Milan for the past three years before transferring back to work on this project."

"You didn't bid on the project. Why should you be included?" Selin spat at her.

"Because my grandmother specifically requested that I return home to work on the project with the winning team. Maybe you have heard of my grandmother, Semiha Yildrim of Yildrim Enterprises? She is the owner of Poyraz Castle and before your narrow little mind tries to think that I only have the job because of nepotism you might want to rethink it. I've been featured in Architectural Digest eight times in the past three years and have won multiple awards using the Yildiz name. No one is aware of my relation to Semiha, even Serkan wasn't when we first met, he was impressed with my talent too. Any other questions? Because I can assure you that we are busy and you are interrupting actual work," Eda swiveled her chair back to its original position and picked up her discarded pencil.

Serkan was staring at Selin, "Was there anything that Eda didn't clarify for you Selin?"

"Could I speak to you privately for five minutes?" she begged.

Eda gave him another eye roll before closing her eyes, Serkan headed out to the patio. Selin followed him and closed the door, walking to the end, away from Eda's prying ears, "You barely know her Serkan. How could you get engaged to her? Your parents will never allow it."

He exhaled loudly, "My parents have given their blessing. They like Eda. They like Eda a lot. They had dinner with Gigi last night. Selin, I have told you for over twenty years that you and I are not friends. I have told you since secondary school that you and I will never date. I have put up with the rumors and lies that you have spread about me but enough is enough. I love Eda, it's as simple as that. Eda loves me, we will make a life together. Go find someone else. ArtLife is never going to be a home for you Selin, we won't be renewing your contract. We will pay out the rest of it. There's no reason for you to return here."

She sputtered, "Are you letting me go?"

"From ArtLife, you still work for the holding. You were only here part-time and only have a few weeks left on your contract. We are paying out the remaining weeks of your contract. Your tenure at ArtLife was on the request of my father, it was never anything that we sought out. We wish you well Selin but today is your last day."

"I only ever wanted to do my best for you Serkan."

"We understand that Selin but ArtLife doesn't need a PR Director," Serkan watched as Eda got up from the conference room and walked out, he knew she had a meeting with some of the other architects. He smiled, it showed her level of trust in him.

Selin followed where Serkan was looking, "See Serkan, she couldn't stand to see the two of us together."

He shook his head, "No Selin. Eda has a meeting, she left because she trusts me implicitly just like I trust her. This conversation is over. I would appreciate if you wouldn't harass my parents."

She didn't know what to do especially when Serkan went over to the door and held it open for her to leave through. Selin held her head high as she swept in front of Serkan and through the door and out of the conference room. She tried to seek out Eda in the drafting room but didn't see her, the woman was hiding from her no doubt. Selin tracked her down in one the smaller conference rooms meeting with Suzan and Murat, "If you two could excuse me I need to speak with Ms. Yildiz for a moment."

Eda looked at a nervous Suzan and Murat, "It's fine. Come back in five minutes."

Suzan hurried to the conference room, "Serkan? Selin is confronting Eda. I didn't know if you wanted to do anything about it."

He smiled at her, "Thank you Suzan, Eda will be just fine. Selin might regret it but Eda will be fine. She's a strong woman who can handle Selin don't worry."

She heaved a sigh of relief, "Okay, I just thought you should know."

"I appreciate your concern. Eda will tell me all about it later I'm sure. Thank you again Suzan," Serkan smiled as the woman left. Selin would come out the loser in a confrontation with Eda he was very sure of it. Eda was a fighter, he loved that about her, Serkan was only sorry that he couldn't watch but he trusted Eda to manage this on her own.

She looked at Selin once they were out of hearing, "What do you want Selin?"

"Serkan has been promised to me since childhood, you can't be engaged to him. You need to break off this engagement nonsense."

Eda gave a slight shake of her head and a silent laugh, "No, anything else?"

Selin started turning red, "You think to stand in the way of a legal document? My family will sue the Bolat's for breach of contract."

Pushing away from the desk Eda stood, "There is no marriage contract. I know this and you know this. You may have been able to frighten girls in secondary school or at University with this lie but it won't work with me. Serkan and I have talked openly about you and your methods of intimidation over the years. Aydan and Aptekin were very happy to accept our engagement. They want what is best for their son. I want what is best for Serkan. I will always want what is best for him and please don't try to intimate that you are what is best for him."

Stepping forward until she was toe to toe with Eda thinking to get her to cower, "Who are you to know what is best for him? I've known him since we were children. I know him, I deserve him not you."

Eda laughed in Selin's face, "You don't know him at all. Please don't insult my intelligence with this nonsense any longer. Serkan isn't an object. You have no idea what a warm and loving man he is, none. You wouldn't play your stupid games behind his back if you did. No Selin, there is nothing between you and Serkan nor has there ever been. Please leave us alone. I have work to do," she mentally dismissed Selin and moved to sit back down.

Selin thought to grab Eda's arm but Eda was much quicker than her and she caught her wrist in a painful grip, "Don't ever touch me Selin. Ever. I won't tell you again. Leave and be my guest, tell Serkan that I grabbed you. He'll know exactly why I did," Eda flung Selin's wrist away from her. The woman backed away from Eda, she knew that she couldn't go back to Serkan and tell on Eda, he would be mad that she was still here. Selin straightened her suit and headed out of the conference room, "This isn't over Eda."

Not even looking up Eda retorted, "It never started," Selin had nowhere left to go and no one to run to. She was done at ArtLife.

Pyril heard of the encounter from Engin because he happened to be walking by the conference room when Murat and Suzan hurried out of it. He stayed in case Eda needed help. Engin should have known she would be fine, his favorite part was the end, "Selin went to slap Eda and fast as a ninja she grabbed Selin's wrist and stopped her. You could tell Eda had a really tight grip on it too because Selin's hand was turning red. Really Pyril, the whole thing was glorious."

"Where was Serkan?"

"Working, Suzan told him what was happening but he let Eda handle it. He trusted her to take care of it and boy did she ever. Selin really picked on the wrong girl. Good thing that she's talked openly about Selin with both you and Serkan. Eda shot down every last argument."

With Selin out at ArtLife the office was a much happier place. On the drive home Eda filled in Serkan on her encounter with Selin and he gave Eda the details on his. It was a chapter that needed to be closed as far as they both were concerned.

To celebrate Serkan let Eda have her way with him. He had promised to keep his hands to himself but broke the promise quickly so Eda did tie him to the headboard. He found that he really didn't mind it very much since Eda was very thorough and inventive, though when she began to tickle his balls with her hair he had to beg for mercy and ask for release. Eda did, she took him in her mouth as far as she could and Serkan came hard. She kept stroking him as she released his hands. Serkan flipped her to her stomach and pulled her hips up entering her from behind. Eda's squeak of surprise as he reached around and pinched her clit as he pounded into her sent her into her own orgasm. Serkan was able to ride her through it before coming again. He lay behind her, with her head on his bicep and his other hand covering her mound playing with her sex where they were still joined. One of Eda's hand joined Serkan's at her sex and the other pulled his mouth to hers whispering, "I'll never give you up Serkan Bolat, a dozen crazy women can ask but I love you and you're mine."

"I would never let you Eda Bolat. We protect each other. I trust no one like I trust you. I love you more than anything. Marry me soon?"

Eda agreed to marry Serkan soon and the date was set for one month out. Semiha and Aydan worked to create a small and elegant wedding that fit what Eda and Serkan wanted. Seven weeks after Eda and Serkan met for the first time they were married and Eda became a partner in ArtLife. Semiha was so pleased because Eda was happy and her future was bright. She wouldn't have to worry about her. Semiha wanted to see the project to the end but if that didn't happen she would know that Eda and Serkan would be good stewards of Poyraz Castle.

The Castle renovations were moving along on schedule, they were six months into the project when Eda received a call from Semiha's doctor, "Eda? This is Dr. Baritz, I had to admit Semiha today, I'm afraid her cancer has spread. She didn't want me to call you but I felt that you should know."

Eda was sitting on a boulder as she took the call, her legs gave out and her vision was distorted by her tears, "I don't understand, we had dinner with her two nights ago and she was feeling good. Her mood was happy. Why now?"

"It can sometimes happen like that Eda. She's resting right now and I'll stabilize her before discharging her to home."

"How long do we have with her? Do you know?" Eda sniffled.

"It's hard to say. I was surprised that she made it this far but Semiha has always been a fighter. Maybe a month or two at the most," he estimated.

"Thank you Dr. Baritz, I'll be there as soon as I can. I'm at the Castle right now and it will take me a bit to get there in traffic but I'm on my way," Eda hung up and indulged in some tears before finding the foreman and letting him know that she had to leave for the day. Serkan was out of town on business and in a meeting so she couldn't disturb him yet but she could send him a text, 'Call me when you get a chance – love you – E' and called Engin to let him know that she had to leave the site.

"Engin, I have to go to Maslak now, can you come to the site to cover for me?"

He looked at his schedule, there was nothing that couldn't be rearranged, "Sure Eda, everything okay?"

"Not really Engin, Gigi was admitted to the hospital, I'm on my way there. I sent Serkan a text asking him to call me. I know he's in meetings right now so I don't want to bother him. If you could do this for me I would appreciate it."

"Awe Eda I'm sorry to hear that, you know that we all really care about Semiha," he heard Eda's sniffles on the other end of the line, "Drive carefully. I'll take care of the job site. Don't worry about anything."

Serkan had a short break between meetings with the client, he wanted to give Eda a call, something told him he needed to talk to her, he hadn't checked his messages yet, "Baby? Are you okay?"

She had just gotten into the car to leave for the hospital when he called and Eda broke into sobs, "Gigi's in the hospital, the doctor said that her cancer is advancing."

"Oh baby, I'm sorry, where are you now?"

"In the car at the Castle getting ready to go to the hospital," Serkan was texting furiously with Seyfi asking him to go get Eda, she was in no condition to drive, he got Seyfi's, 'on the way note.'

"Baby stay where you are and talk to me. Seyfi is on his way to come get you. I'm coming home tonight. I'll wrap up all my meetings and come home."

"N-n-n-n-o-o-o-o-o, we have a b-b-b-business," she sobbed harder.

Eda was breaking his heart, "Baby, Gigi is my family too. Don't worry, I'll finish up all the meetings today and see you at the hospital tonight. Stay there, Seyfi should be with you in about ten minutes okay?"

"Mmhmm," she sniffled, "I love you sweetheart, I'll see you tonight. Give Gigi my love. I hate to hang up baby but I have to go, wait for Seyfi. I love you."

"I love you to," and he was gone. Eda tried to collect herself and was drying her eyes when there was a knock on her window, Seyfi waved at her and her lip pouted again, he opened the door for her and pulled her into a hug, "I'm sorry Eda, Serkan just wants you safe, I'll drive you to see Gigi."

They had all started calling Semiha Gigi months ago, even Seyfi. They had become a connected little family the Yildrim's, Bolat's and ArtLife. Aydan and Semiha could often be found lunching together in her private offices or gossiping at the Bolat farm at the dinner hour. Even Aptekin was charmed by the older woman and she by him. They would tell funny stories about business competitors that would have Aydan and Seyfi laughing their heads off. Semiha never imagined that ArtLife winning the business to renovate the Castle would change her life as much as it had. Yes, she wanted to solidify Eda's future but the whole process had brought so much joy to hers.

Eda silently walked into the hospital room, she had promised Seyfi she would stay until Serkan got to the hospital and thanked him for taking care of her. Eda looked at her grandmother, she looked so small and frail, not the same laughing woman of two days ago, "Come in Eda dear, I'm just resting my eyes. That fool doctor called you and I told him not to."

"Of course he called me. You're in the hospital. Why didn't you tell me Gigi?"

Semiha gave a small shake of her head, "I didn't know Eda, I was feeling good. I was feeling like my old self. The past six months have been some of our happiest and I almost forgot how sick I had been. Today was a nasty surprise."

The two women who had been through so much together talked for hours. Semiha explained about the renovation project and how she hoped that Eda would meet someone and fall in love. Eda thought that her grandmother had exceeded expectations. When Semiha fell asleep, Eda held her hand and rested her head against the back of the chair, eventually falling asleep herself. This was the scene that Serkan came upon late that night. It was well past visiting hours but he was allowed up to the oncology floor by Dr. Baritz.

Serkan bent over and kissed Semiha on the forehead, she stirred, "Ahh Serkan, did you come to take Eda home?"

"No Gigi, I'm going to stay until we can take you home. Dr. Baritz said that you can go home later this morning," Semiha raised the head of the bed so that she could talk to Serkan. He picked Eda up from the chair and settled her in his lap, she slept on but curled herself into his body.

Semiha smiled a very satisfied smile, "You'll always take care of her won't you? Always love her?"

He kissed Eda's temple, "Always, I don't know how to do anything else with Eda. She's my world and I have you to thank for sending her to me."

Serkan and Semiha talked softly until she fell asleep again in the early morning hours. Serkan dozed with Eda in his lap, her warm breath painting his neck. He didn't really remember his grandparents so Semiha had filled that role for the past six months, he didn't have the bond with her that Eda did but he loved the older woman and would miss her tremendously. They were able to take Semiha home that morning after arranging for around the clock nursing care.

The ArtLife team and the Bolat's still maintained their schedules with Semiha as long as she was able to see them. They wanted to keep her as involved as possible on the project. Eda and Serkan had moved into the living quarters on the Castle grounds, that was always Semiha's intention. The design was Eda and Serkan's taste. The construction site was far enough away and the windows well insulated that noise wasn't an issue. It was further from the ArtLife office but it was a small price to pay for living with the history that they were exposed to daily.

They had managed to bring Semiha to the site bundled up in a wheelchair five weeks after she was released from the hospital. It was cold that day but she was determined to see the progress once more before she 'left' as she phrased it. The team, Aydan, Aptekin and Seyfi all made the trip to Poyraz with a couple of Semiha's nurses in tow. All of the pathways that the tourists would take were in place and Semiha was able to take the paths in her wheelchair as they slowly walked outside and talked through the project. She loved the middle ages sections and asked Engin and Serkan to help her look in the glass. Semiha crowed with delight at how wonderful it looked. There was probably another four months' worth of work left on the project but she was delighted with what had been done. They repaired to the family quarters to warm up and have a luncheon before returning home.

Semiha smiled at her assembled family around the table, "Eda and Serkan know that when I selected the company for the project I hoped that Eda would find a home with that team. I succeeded beyond my wildest dreams," she held a frail hand to Eda, "Look at this beautiful family that I got for us Eda. You have your love in Serkan and will give me a greatgrandchild, my heart is full. I never imagined that I would get all of you who have brought me such joy these past months. Serkan, Engin, Pyril and Eda, what you have done here at Poyraz is nothing short of a miracle. It is amazing and I am blessed to have seen it today. Thank you for the care that you are giving this graceful old pile. Today has been a wonderful day, I thank you for this gift."

One by one she accepted her hugs with Eda and Serkan waiting to be the last to give theirs. As much as Semiha though they had given her she had done so much more for them. The family party lasted a little longer but they could all tell that Semiha's depleted energy reserves had been exhausted for the day. Eda and Serkan helped the nurses to get her back into Eda's car for the drive home to Maslak. They decided to stay the night, Eda and Serkan both just had a feeling that they needed to be there.

A light tapping woke Serkan at three in the morning, he got up to answer the door, "Excuse me Mr. Bolat? Semiha has taken a turn for the worse. I'm afraid it won't be much longer."

Serkan woke Eda, "Sweetheart? It's time, we need to be there for Gigi to help her say goodbye."

Eda clung to Serkan a little before getting out of bed and throwing on some clothes, Serkan did the same. They headed into Semiha's bedroom. Eda sat on one side of the bed and Serkan sat on the other each holding a hand. Semiha was in an out of consciousness, she opened her eyes a final time and looked to her precious Eda.

Semiha smiled weakly and said softly, "No tears Eda dear, I'm ready," her eyes shifted to Serkan, "Same for you Serkan dear, I love you both, so proud of you," she closed her eyes and spoke no more. They sat with her until the end two hours later. Both tried to stick to the no tears rule but failed miserably. Serkan made the calls to the family and friends but they all knew, they all expected the call. There were tears from everyone but they were also happy to have been able to make her last day so joyful. That was what kept Eda from falling apart, Semiha's last day had been filled with love. She had seen how her legacy was coming to life and would live on.

Her instructions for the Castle project had always been very clear. It would be finished. Semiha knew that Eda had no interest in Yildrim Enterprises but she still inherited a sizeable amount of money. Not wanting to manage the money Eda asked that Serkan manage it for her. He already had the discussion with Semiha months ago and was expecting it. She never worried that Serkan was with Eda for her money because Serkan was extremely wealthy in his own right, more so than Eda, and he was a good money manager so he took on the management of Eda's funds.

The Castle would be put into a living trust for future generations so that the country and visitors alike could enjoy it and its history. Aydan, Aptekin, Seyfi, Engin, Pyril, Serkan and Eda would sit on the Board and manage the trust. When one wanted off the board they would vote on a new member, none of the original members ever saw that happening, they were family now too. Semiha had willed a significant amount of money into the trust for upkeep. Eda received the house free and clear, the apartment in Maslak was sold and Yildrim Enterprises was managed by the board of directors.

A full year after the project began the ribbon cutting ceremony was scheduled. There would be a party held in the main part of the Castle that had been renovated. All the artwork and furniture had been moved back in and the carpets restored. The main hall was a showpiece in gold and crystal.

There were four hours to go before the party and ceremony was to begin and Eda was wandering around with Serkan, Engin and Pyril, "Can you all believe how stunning this is? The place sparkles. I think Gigi would be so proud of how this turned out. Pyril you did an amazing job finding craftsman to recreate some of the missing crystals on that chandelier. Outstanding."

"Thank you. I'll admit, I even impressed myself. I don't know that we've ever done something this grand before and I don't know that we ever will again. It was an honor to do it with Gigi and I think she is smiling on us today," confessed Pyril.

"Why don't we go back to the house and relax for a while, guests won't be here for a few more hours Eda and you can take a nap if you need one," Serkan was steering Eda towards the exit.

"I yawn once Serkan and now I always need to nap," she sassed. Engin and Pyril both laughed until Engin remarked, "Eda you fell asleep in a meeting last week and on the zoom call we did yesterday."

Eda gave Engin a mean look and then Pyril, "Don't you encourage him Pyril, I'll remind you of this when you're pregnant. I can't help if I get sleepy sometimes," she rubbed her five month pregnant belly. She only wished that Gigi would be here for the baby. They had told her of the pregnancy early to share the joy but not having her around for their daughter's birth still pained Eda to think about it.

Serkan put her arms around Eda from behind and cradled their daughter, "So is that a yes to a nap?"

"Maybe a little one," Eda chuckled.

Eda didn't take an official nap but she did fall asleep with Serkan holding her on the sofa while talking to Engin and Pyril. The other couple was so used to seeing the two of them wrapped up in each other that they thought nothing of it. They were more demonstrative themselves as a result. While Eda was sleeping Serkan rubbed her stomach, soothing their daughter. They walked through the timeline for the afternoon, the order of speakers and who would cut the ribbon. It was always going to be Eda to cut the ribbon no matter how much the Mayor wanted to do it. This was the Yildrim legacy, this was Eda's legacy and her time to give tribute to her grandmother.

Awake and refreshed after her little nap the four made their way back to the Castle venue. The crowd had grown considerably with the number of people eager to see all the renovations and to get their first look at Poyraz Castle. It had never been open to the public before so this would be a chance for them to get some feedback. They made their way to where Aydan, Aptekin and Seyfi were talking with the Mayor and several other politicians. Aydan saw Eda and made her way to her daughter-in-law, not that she didn't love Serkan but Eda and Aydan had formed a very close bond in the months since Semiha's passing and Aydan couldn't wait to become a grandmother herself.

She elbowed Serkan out of the way so she could hug Eda, "How are my girls? Did we have a nap? Are we ready for today?"

"Aydan I swear all everyone thinks I do is sleep and don't mention that I nodded off during shopping or I won't forgive you," she whispered as she returned her hug.

Serkan got a hug from his mother as well before he reclaimed Eda. He knew today was an emotional day for her, pride in what they had accomplished and sadness that Gigi wouldn't be there to see it. Eda wanted him close during her speech, he had already told her that he would be wherever she needed him.

Eda took a deep breath, the time had come to welcome their guests and cut the ribbon, "Welcome to Poyraz Castle. This estate has been in my family since the middle ages, Poyraz has stood through the ages and has been home to rulers and refugees alike. We have seen war and peace within these walls and today you will see all this history reflected within. When my grandmother, Semiha Yildrim, made the decision to have the Castle renovated her concern was that she select a firm that would bring Poyraz back to its former glory but make it better and allow it to be a place that the public would be able to visit and enjoy for many generations to come. She selected ArtLife over a year ago. Little did she know that the team would become her family as they worked tirelessly on this renovation. ArtLife welcomed me on to the team as well in more ways than one," she held her hand out to Serkan and put her hand on her round belly to the chuckles of the crowd, "This has been a project filled with love. The trust that will manage Poyraz Castle is family to me and will remain so for generations to come. Mayor? I think we can cut this ribbon and let you all explore these beautiful grounds. Please enjoy and welcome to our home."

The mayor handed Eda the scissors, she looked at Serkan, silently asking him to cut the ribbon with her. He reached his arms around her and covered her hands with his, they smiled for the press photos as they cut the ribbon. The cheers from the crowd sounded and Serkan took advantage of Eda being in his arms to kiss her sweetly, "You did a wonderful job sweetheart, Gigi would have been proud."

"Do you think so? I always get so nervous but then I know that you are there with me and I steal some of your strength. Shall we wander the paths with everyone else? Answer any questions? I see that Engin and Pyril are already doing that so are your parents and Seyfi."

"I suppose but I don't want you overtired. The minute you want to go back to the house let me know," Serkan linked their hands as they strolled along the pathways. Every time he walked through Eda's clever landscaping he was struck over and over again as to how very talented his wife was. They were stopped many times and asked dozens of questions, Eda's love for the Castle showed in her responses. Serkan's respect for the family and love for Eda and Semiha were reflected in his.

Poyraz Castle was the new attraction once the press had written their glowing reviews of the renovation. The photographs of the Castle and ribbon cutting ceremony were front page news the following morning.

Serkan brought Eda breakfast in bed the morning after the event. He set the tray down on the side table and climbed back into bed with a sleepy Eda.

"Good morning baby, I brought you breakfast," he leaned down to kiss her awake but Eda had other ideas. She didn't care if breakfast got cold.

With their morning loving having taken the edge off Eda leaned against Serkan as he read the paper to her. She sipped her tea and nibbled on a pancake with the plate resting on her baby bump. "It says here that the renovations were done with an eye to detail that only a gifted team of experts could manage. Now we are a gifted team of experts baby," chuckled Serkan.

She rubbed his leg absentmindedly, "Well that much is true, what else does it say?"

"That every member of the team spoke lovingly of Semiha Yildrim, the respect that everyone had for Semiha was clear to the reporter. She writes that Poyraz Castle was not only a gift to the Turkish people but a tribute to Semiha Yildrim."

Eda set her plate and cup on the table before turning in Serkan's arms, "They understood our goal then?"

"I think that they did but it isn't important. The fact that we did it for her and accomplished her goal is what matters. I said it yesterday and I will say it again Eda, she would be very proud of all that you have accomplished."

She gave her love a kiss, "I couldn't have done it without you. The support and love that you gave to me through this journey kept me going during the hardest times. The way you accepted Gigi and made her part of the family without question filled my heart. You made her happier than she had been in a very long time and yesterday was to show everyone our family legacy and Gigi's legacy. Did you see the comments in the guest book?"

"I did. They were pretty amazing. I think that we're going to have to get a whole supply of guest books with Semiha's original letter printed in the front or maybe just have it framed and hung over the book."

"Let's do that. We need to make sure that her gift to the people of Türkiye is remembered."

The Bolat's would make sure that Semiha Yildrim and her legacy was remembered. Eda and Serkan would always honor Semiha, it was because of her that they were together. She wanted Eda to be settled but she wanted someone that would challenge her so Semiha researched and picked ArtLife as one of the four firms to compete because she knew that Eda would be drawn to their style. Semiha also researched Serkan and knew that Eda would be drawn to him as well. She had confessed all of this in a letter to the young couple that they read after her death. Neither of them cared that they had been set up so well because it was done out of love.

One thing Semiha was adamant on was that Eda and Serkan not name their children after her. She wanted their children to have their own identity. They were undecided on a name for their daughter until they were strolling around the Castle grounds and a strong wind blew the autumn cherry blossoms like fragrant snow around them. Kiraz Bolat was born a week later, Eda swore she smelled as sweet as the blossoms.

As successful as Poyraz Castle had been for ArtLife they made the decision to never do another restoration project again. They stayed with commercial and high end residential projects locally and internationally. The Castle was special and a labor of love, something that they couldn't recreate.

Life for Eda and Serkan would never be dull living on the Castle grounds. They often became unofficial tour guides when they were out with Kiraz or any of their other children as the years passed. The Castle was their home. It was where their extended families gathered and where their children's friends had all their parties. It was a place of joy for many.

For the Bolat's the Castle was home. It was the where their hearts were.

Eda and Serkan were walking along the path late on a summer evening enjoying the quiet. Ten years of marriage and four children hadn't taken away from their desire for each other, it only strengthened their bond, "Do you remember that first day Serkan?

He chuckled, "When you wanted to call me an arrogant asshole? I sure do, it's a fond memory."

She squeezed him tighter, "I mean later after we got our heads on straight and gave ourselves a second chance. Do you remember the magic between us?"

Serkan turned Eda so he could kiss her, "An even better memory, I took you to dinner at that hole in the wall fish place and we kissed for the first time. We got married seven weeks later."

"I would have married you sooner, but we were together and that was what mattered. I know I tell you all the time Serkan but you truly are my everything. I love our children to pieces but you are my heart."

He held her closer, "I know baby, just like you're mine. I knew that first day that I didn't want to let you go. You were imbedded in my heart from the beginning. I love you Eda Bolat, body and soul, I always have and always will."

They were together as it was meant to be. They only needed that little push from a very wise, very determined and very loving grandmother.

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