House of the Dragon: Green Pr...

By Loke123stark

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Daenys Targaryen is the daughter of Queen Alicent Hightower and King Viserys I. Born in 121. More

The Princess and The Queen Sneak Peek
The Lord Of The Tides
The Green Council
The Black Queen
Season 2 Trailer
Queen Daenys Targaryen, Double Queen, Green Dreamer
Team Green Trailer
Season 2 Full Trailer
A Son For A Son

The Princess and The Queen

1.2K 19 0
By Loke123stark

Dragon Pit, King's Landing

No one POV

A 5 year old girl was in there and walked up to Silverwing and she walked up to her and in high Valyrian said "I had to sneak down here, Mother doesn't let me spend a lot of time here, since the last time I."

She stopped and said "How do you say sneak in, well, that's how I got bonded to you, I snuck in here, and."

Aemond said "Daenys? What are you doing here" and Daenys jumped and Silverwring growled at him and Daenys said "No, it's okay, Silverwing."

In High Valyrian said "It's okay, it's okay."

Aemond said "What are you doing here" and Daenys said "Nothing."

Aemond said "Really?" and Daenys said "Oh, this isn't my chambers, I seem to have gotten lost, oops."

Aemond said "Daenys."

Daenys said "Yeah, I know, I have to go back, I just wanted to, Never mind" and Aemond said "It's okay, Daenys."

Daenys said "I'm sorry, I don't want to make you feel bad" and Aemond said "I don't feel bad, just because I don't have a dragon."

Daenys said "I didn't want to say that."

Aemond said "Okay. Mother will be looking for you, go on" and Daenys said "Just a little bit longer."

Aemond looked around and said "Fine."

Daenys said "Thank you" and she hugged him and he hugged her back and Daenys said "Your the best older brother ever. Don't tell Daeron I said that."

Aemond said "Your welcome, what about Aegon" and Daeny said "He's not a good older brother" and Aemond laughed and said "Your right there, wait for me."

Aemond went to walk away and Daenys said "Are you okay? You look a little sad" and Aemond said "Yeah, I'm fine."

Daenys said "Are you sure, Was Aegon mean to you again" and Aemond said "Don't worry about it, Daenys."

Aemond walked away.

Daenys looked at Silverwing and Daenys said "Ready" and Silverwing looked at the lamb and Daenys said "Dracarys."

Silverwing incenirated the lamb and ate it and Daenys smiled.

Aemond looks around at the unclaimed dragons in the caverns and he is startled by Dreamfyre who angrily breathes fire into his direction and Aemond is knocked back.

Daenys stopped as she heard something and Daenys in High Valyrian said "I'm sorry, Silver Wing, I have to go , something's wrong."

Daenys ran up and said "Aemond? Aemond" and she went into the caves.

Daenys ran up and saw Aemond on the ground and Daenys said "Aemond" and Daenys ran up to him.

Daenys said "Are you okay?" and Aemond said "I'm fine, we have to go" and Daeys said "But aemond, you were."

Aemond said "Let's just go."

Aemond walked away with ash on his face and Daenys followed him and were caught by a Kingsguard.

Kingsguard said "What are you two doing here? Let me take you to the Queen."

Haelena's Chamber

Haelena was looking over at a bug and said "This one has 60 rings..and two pairs of legs on each. That's 240."

Alicent said "Yes, it is" and Haelena said "It has eyes..though..I don't believe it can see" and Alicent said "And why is that so, do you think?".

Haelena said "It is beyond our understanding."

Alicent said "I suppose you're right. Some things just are."

She touched Haelana's shoulder and Haelena looked at her and the Kingsguard walked in with Daenys and Aemond and said "Your Grace."

Alicent turned around and said "Aemond, Daeny, what have you two done?" and Daenys said "He did it again. I heard a sound and I just came over."

Alicent walked up to them and Alicent said "After how many times you've been warned , must I have you confined to your chambers. And you, did you sneak off to the dragonpit again, you are too young to do that alone."

Daenys said "Mother, there's no problem with it. I had no issue with the dragon, but I'm sorry I should."

Alicent said "And you helped him with this."

Aemond said "No, Daenys didn't do anything. They made me do it" and Alicent said "As if you needed encouragement."

Aemond said "They gave me a pig" and Daenys looked up confused.

Alicent said "A what?" and Aemond said "They said they found a dragon for me" and Haelena said "The last ring has no legs at all."

Aemond said "But it was a pig."

Alicent said "You will have a dragon one day" and Haelena said "He'll have to close an eye."

Daenys said "What does that mean?".

Alicent said "I know it" and Alicent hugged Aemond.

Daenys looked at Aemond and said "Who did the prank, I'll get them in trouble."

Aemond smiled and Alicent smiled at her and Aemond said "It's okay, Daenys." 

Viserys's Chamber 

Viserys was working on his model of Valyria and was showing it to Daenys and Viserys said "Alright, and what is this?". 

Daenys struggled to say the word in High Valryrian but was able to say it "Tower" and Eddard, the person who was helping Viserys with the model said "Well done, Princess Daenys." 

Daenys smiled and Daenys said "I'm sorry it took a while I had trouble with the letters" and Viserys said "Oh, no no you did a fantastic job, you are quite gifted at it." 

Alicent said "Daenys, be easy on yourself your only five years old" and Daenys said "Well, evry dragon rider should know High Valyrian" and Viserys smiled and said "And you will know many many words as you get older. Your already so good." 

Viserys smiled at Daenys and Viserys said "And you have a new nephew now, his name is Joffrey" and Daenys said "Does this one look like Rhaenrya or Laenor? Or does it look like a Baratheon too?". 

Alicent tried to hide her smile and Eddard looked up and Viserys said "What do you mean?". 

Daenys said "Well, Jace and Luke, they have dark hair, which runs with Baratheons, and Rhaenys their grandmother is half Baratheon." 

Alicent looked proudly at her daughter but smiled at her daughter's innocence and Viserys said "Yes, this one has brown hair as well. Joffrey his name is." 

Daenys said "It's a nice name." 

Alicent smiled and Alicent said "Viserys, They made wings for it, and apparenty, and a tail" and Daenys said "It's very rude, Papa, it's not nice to laugh, just because Aemond doesn't have a dragon, it doesn't mean he's any less cool or awesome. It's not nice." 

Viserys said "Well, your brother shouldn't have been so credulous" and Daenys said "What does that mean?". 

Alicent said "He's a child" and Viserys said "He thought they'd happened upon some wild untamed dragon and lured it into the dragon pit." 

Alicent mentioned "Your grandsons are a menace." 

Viserys said "They're more children than he is" 

Alicent continued on "Th-They're savages. And it's not surprising." 

Viserys said "Are you sure it wasn't our Aegon who put them up to it" and Daenys muttered "Probably. He's a." 

Alicent said "What was that?" and Daenys said "Nothing." 

Alicent muttered "It's a wonder to me their eggs ever hatched" and Viserys said "And why is that?". 

Alicent said "You know why" and Viserys said "I'm afraid I don't" and Alicent annoyed said "Don't." 

She inhaled and softly said "Viserys" and Viserys said "We shall continue this afternoon, Eddard. You too, Daeny, go on, don't stray too far." 

Daenys said "Okay." 

She hugged Viserys and she smiled. 

Daenys went to leave with Eddard and Alicent touched Daenys on the shoulder and Alicent said "Will you wait for me outside." 

Daenys said "Yes, Mama." 

Alicent smiled and Daenys walked away and so did Eddard, Alicent continued once they left " I have raised the matter before and you forbade me to speak of it so I held my tongue. To have one child like that is a mistake, to have three is an insult, to the throne, to you, to House Velaryon and the match you battled so hard to make for her, not to mention decency itself." 

Viserys said "I had a black mare once. Black like a raven. One day she escaped her pasture and the neighboring stallion sired a foal on her. The stallion was as silver as the moon on a winter's night and the foal, when it was born, chestnut. Just the most unremarkable brown horse you ever saw. Nature is a thing of mysterious works, and they have Baratheon blood in them, Baratheon Genes are strong." 

Alicent said "How do you know? The silver stallion. How do you know it was him? Did you witness the act yourself?". 

Viserys bangs the table and said "The consequences of an allegation like the one you at would be dire."

Viserys got up and walked up to her and said"Do not speak of this again." 

Viserys kissed her on the cheek and walked away. 

Alicent walked out. 

Outside, Ser Criston looked at Daenys and Ser Criston said "Did you sneak off to the dragonpit again?". 

Daenys said "Maybe, I might have for a few seconds" and Ser Criston said "What is this, the third or fourth time." 

Daenys said "Sixth" and Ser Criston said "Sixth" and Daenys said "Sometimes I do it good and no one catches me, because I'm small."

Ser Criston laughed and said "Good on you, using all your strengths." 

Daenys said "Hey, it's not a bad thing I sneak off, it's because I sneak off that I managed to claim a dragon, Silverwing." 

Ser Criston said "That's true, not many children can say they have done that at a young age. I'm still not surprised you weren't scared." 

Daenys said "I'm never afraid. I'm a Targaryen" and Ser Criston smiled and said "Well, your a lot braver than me." 

Daenys said "That's okay, I can protect you." 

Ser Criston smiled and said "I'm sure you will." 

Daenys said "Did you know that the last rider to ride Silver Wing was Queen Alyssane, My great grandmother, the Good Queen." 

Ser Criston said "I did not know that." 

Daenys said"It's really cool, and I wish I could rider her again." 

Ser Criston said "I'm sure you will when your older." 

In the hallway 

Alicent was holding Daenys in her arms and Ser Criston was walking alongside them and Alicent said "Have I lost my sanity, Ser Criston? Do my senses lead me astray? Or is everyone else asleep, dreaming the same wooly dream." 

Daenys said "How can everyone have the same dream,I don't think that's possible, unless they are dreamers, but I think that's only our." 

Alicent said "It's a metaphor, sweetling" and Daenys said"Oh." 

Ser Criston said "Sometimes seems so, Your Grace" and Alicent said "She flaunts the privilege of her inheritance without shame. She expects everyone in the Red Keep to deny the truth our eyes can all plainly see. And the King, her father." 

 Ser Criston said "He knows." 

Alicent said "Of course, he knows. Or did once, but has convinced himself otherwise. He'll do naught but make excuses for her." 

Daenys looked up at Alicent and Alicent put her down and grabbed her hand and Ser Criston said "The Princess Rhaenrya is brazen and relentless. A spider who stings and sucks her prey dry. A spoiled cunt." 

Alicent stopped and looked at Ser Criston and Daenys said "What does that mean? I don't think that's a spider name, and not all spiders sting. Some don't. I had a dream, and I saw a lot of things, dragons flying, and they were all green and black, and they were separated. And I saw there were so many people, and I saw there was a dark night, a sea dragon would run, choose another fate other than the bed but by fire." 

Alicent looked at her confused and said "Honey, I told you just a nightmare" and Daenys said "Father thinks it's a dream,  A pophecy like my namesake, Daenys the Dreamer" and Alicent said "Prophecy, Honey, and you know that's not." 

Alicent said "Those are just dreams. Just bad dreams. Go to your chambers, alright go on." 

Daenys said "Yes, Mother" and Alicent kissed her on the cheek. 

Daenys walked up and Ser Criston said "That was beneath me, Your Grace. I apologize." 

Alicent said "I have to believe, that in the end, honor and decency will prevail. We need to hew to that and to each other." 

Aegon's Chambers 

Alicent walked in and Aegon fell back on the bed and Alicent said "Whose idea was it? The pig. Was it your plot?". 

Aegon said "No... it was Jace and... uh... it-it was the two of them. I couldn't be sure" and Alicent said "Aemond is your brother. " 

Aegon said "Well, he's a twat"and Alicent said "We are family. You may cuff him about as you wish at home, but in the world... we must defend our own." 

Aegon said "It was funny." 

Alicent said "Do you think Rhaenrya's sons will be your playthings forever? As things stand..Rhaernya will ascend the throne and Jacaerys Targaryen will be her heir." 

Aegon said "So?" and Alicent said "Ugh! You are nearly a man-grown. How is that you can be so shortsighted?". 

She sat down in front of him and said "If Rhaenrya comes into power, your very life could be forfeit. Aemond and Daeron's as well. She could move to cut off any challenge to her succession. And if at the time, Haelena or Daenys have children, their life will be in danger as well." 

Aegon said "Then I won't challenge..." and Alicent grabbed him by the face and yelled"You are the challenge! You are the challenge, Aegon! Simply by living and breathing." 

He looked at her and she let him go and said "You are the King's firstborn son..and what they know, what everyone in the realm knows, in their bloods and in their that one day, you will be our King. Get dressed." 

Alicent got up and walked away. 

Daeny's Chambers 

Daenys was looking up and she had flashes of blood and a knife and to see dragons and Daenys said "The beast that's hiding, The greens. The blacks." 

Daenys opened her eyes as a Kingsguard walked in and said "The Prince Lucerys is here, Princess Daenys." 

Daenys said "Oh" and Daenys got up and Daenys said "Fine." 

Luke walked in and said "Daenys" and Daenys looked at him with a mad look and Luke said "What are you doing?". 

Daenys said "I was going to draw, what do you want?" and Luke said "I always come to visit you before training." 

Daenys said "Okay, you came, you can go now" and Luke said "Daenys, why are you so mad" and Daenys said "I know what you did, you gave a pig to my brother, and dressed it like a dragon, that's mean and rude." 

Luke said "Look, I'm sorry, it was all Aegon's idea, He thought it was funny" and Daenys said "I know you laughed." 

Luke said "I'm sorry I shouldn't have, I'm" and Daenys said "It's not me you have to apologize too, you know it's hard for him, and you were mean anyway. So I'm not going to talk to you until you apologize to him." 

Luke said "Okay." 

Luke walked out. 

At the Training Yard 

Luke walked up to Aemond and said"Prince Aemond" and Aemond looked at him annoyed and said "What do you want?". 

Luke said "I'm sorry for the prank with the pig, it wasn't nice and it wasn't fair, and I'm sorry it wasn't funny. I shouldn't have laughed, and I shouldn't have done it." 

Aemond said "You apologize now. Why?" and Luke said "Because I'm sorry." 

Aemond said "Maybe a certain someone made you apologize, Daenys did, didn't she, you keep visiting my little sister." 

Luke said "Um..No..that doesn't" and Aemond said "Oh, please, neither of you are good liars. Stay away from her." 

Aemond walked away and Ser Criston said "Let's see if you can touch me. You and your brother." 

Aemond and Aegon practiced with Ser Criston and Ser Criston said "Weapons up, boys. Give your enemies no quarter." 

Harwin said "It seems the younger boys could do better with a bit of your attention... Ser Criston." 

Ser Criston said "You question my method of instruction, ser?" and Harwin said "Oh, I merely suggest that method be applied to all your pupils." 

Ser Criston said "Very well. Jacaerys... come here. You spar with Aegon. Eldest son against eldest son." 

Jace walked up and Harwin said "It's hardly a fair match. " 

Ser Criston said "I know you've never seen true battle, ser, but when steel is drawn, a fair match isn't something anyone should expect. Blades up. Engage." 

Aegon and Jace went against each other and kept going and Aegon knocked Jace down. 

Ser Criston said "Plant your feet. You have a height advantage. Use it.Advance on him" and Aegon kept knocking down Jace and Ser Criston said "Close with him. Press him backward! Close with him! Stay on the attack! Use your feet!". 

Luke walked up and said "Your hurting him, stop" and Luke walked up to him and Aegon pushed him off. 

Ser Criston said "Stay on the attack!" and Aegon looked back at Luke and went to attack him and Harwin said "Enough" and he pushed Aegon off. 

Aegon yells "You dare put hands on me?" and Viserys said "Aegon!" and Luke said "You deservd it." 

Ser Criston said "You forget yourself, Strong. That is the Prince." 

Harwin said "This is what you teach, Cole? Cruelty... to the weaker opponent?" and Harwin picked the wooden swords up and Ser Criston said "Your interest in the princeling's training is quite unusual, Commander. Most men would only have that kind of devotion toward a cousin... or a brother... or a son." 

Harwin attacked Ser Criston and punched him to the ground. 

The King's Guard pulled Harwin off Ser Criston and Harwin said " Say it again! Say it again!" and Ser Criston laughed and said "Thought as much." 

Later, Daeny's chambers 

Daenys was coloring and Haelena was looking at a bug and Daenys said "It was, dragons were flying, and there was fire again, and there was this lady running up to this dragon, Different fate she chose, dragonrider she wanted to be, and by fire she went, and then there was knives, an eye that's lot, an arm that bleeds, the beast that will come when the green crown comes."

Daenys finished her drawing and pulled it up and Daenys said "There was a crown like this one." 

Haelena said "I had a similar dream." 

Daenys said "Mother says they're just my imagination, but do you think it's more, is it in the book" and Haelena said "Not that one exactly."

Daenys said "I know it's real, you believe me right." 

Haelena said "Always, I know it's true, I know it, I always believe in you." 

Small Council Room 

The small council was meeting and Lyonel said "It is Lord Blackwood's contention, therefore, that the Brackens moved the boundary stones in the dead of the night and put their horses to graze in his field." 

Alicent said "Why was this issue not brought before Lord Grover? Has he grown so feeble he cannot settle a quarrel over rocks?". 

Jasper Wylde said "I've heard tale that Lord Grover's son rules Riverrun in all but name" and Alicent said"Well, he is also a Tully and this remains a tully problem." 

Tyland said "I would agree" and Alicent said "If we may move on, my lords.." and Rhaenrya said "And yet, the Brackers and the Blackwoods will use any excuse to spill each other's blood. So this ...dispute bears looking into. There will be countryfolk who knows where the lines have been drawn for generations." 

Lyonel said "That is easy enough." 

Alicent softly scoffed "Of course" 

Viserys said "Ser Tyland." 

Tyland clearing his throat said "Uh, we should address the latest developments in the Step stones, my lords." 

Alicent said"Will we ever be shut of that blasted place?" 

Lord Beesbury said "If you ask me, I think the Black woods have the upper hand." 

Alicent said "No. We've moved on to the stepstones" and Tyland louder said "And the Triarchy's new alliance with Dorne." 

Viserys said "I was hoping our negotiations with Sunspear might persuade them to see reason. To trust a Martell is to be disappointed." 

Jasper said "And where, I wonder, is our Prince Daemon? Or I suppose I should call him King, as he styled himself when he won a battle there...once." 

Alicent said "That was a decade ago and he has since left the region undefended." 

Rhaenrya said "We have left it undefended. There should have been fortifications built, a fleet of ships, a garrison of soldiers sent to hold our ground." 

Alicent said "We cannot afford it. Our coffers are great, but not infinite. We must consider the cost to our subjects." 

Tyland said "I must agree" and Rhaenrya said "The cost of war is greater. But we have been lax and the old monster now lifts it's head." 

Alicent said "Let us be finished" and Viserys said "Yes." 

They got up and Rhaenrya said "Wait. I wish to speak" and Rhaernya got up and Viserys said "Be seated." 

 Everyone sat back down except for Alicent and Rhaenrya said "I have felt the... strife... between our families of late, my Queen. And for any offense given by mine, I apologize. But we are one house. And long before that, we were friends. My son Jacaerys will inherit the Iron Throne after me. I propose we betroth him to your daughter, Helaena. Ally ourselves... once and for all. Let them rule together. " 

Viserys said "A most judcious proposition" and Rhaenrya said "Additionally, if Syrax brings forth another clutch of eggs, you son Aemond will have his choice of them, uh a symbol of our good will. And we should be solely allied, I suppose we also betroth my son Lucerys to your daughter Daenys. She will be Lady of Driftmark alongside him." 

Alicent looked at her and then said "Rhaenrya" and Rhaenrya looked down to see that she was dripping and Rhaenrya said "Oh, Seven Hells, um" and Rhaenrya sat down. 

Viserys said "My dear... a dragon's egg is a handsome gift." 

Alicent said "The King and I thank you for your offer and we will consider it duly. You must rest now, Husband." 

Viserys said "Yes." 

Viserys got up with the help of Alicent and they walked up to their chambers and Alicent said "How sweetly the fox speaks when it's been cornered by the hounds." 

Viserys said "She is sincere" and Alicent said "She is desperate. She feels the earth washing away beneath her feet and now she expects us to ignore her transgressions and for me to marry my only 2 daughters to two of her plain featured sons." 

Viserys said "The proposal is a good one, My Queen. We're a family. Let us put aside these childish quarrels. Join hands and be stronger for it." 

Alicent said "You may do as you wish, Husband, when I am cold in my grave" and Alicent walked up and Viserys said "Alicent, Alicent." 

He coughed and he followed her up and Alicent opened the door to his chambers and got a blanket and Viserys walked in and sat down and Alicent went to put the blanket on and Viserys said "I do not need the blanket." 

Alicent put it anyway and Ser Criston walked in and said "The Hand, Your Grace." 

Alicent said "The King is resting" and Viserys said "I will see him." 

Alicent grabbed a pillow and said "Lean forward" and Viserys did and she put the pillow and Lyonel walked in and Viserys said "I'm being endlessly fussed over, Lyonel. It's a wonder I can visit the privy alone."

Lyonel said "Your Grace" and Alicent said "What might this errand be about, Lord Lyonel?" and Lyonel said "Your Grace. I feel..I have come to resign my position as Hand of the King. The episode in the yard this morning. My son Harwin has disgraced himself and every fishwife in King's Landing will soon be telling the tale." 

Viserys said "Young Harwin's outburst was unfortunate, it's true. But he's been expelled from the City Watch. That seems punishment enough." 

Lyonel said "Forgive me, Your Grace, it is not." 

Viserys got up and said "You have served me faithfully for many years, 10 as Hand. Your advice has been sage, unmarked by self-interest which stands in contrast to all others." 

Lyonel said "You speak kind words..but there is a shadow over my house and it grows.. even darker. I can no longer serve you with integrity." 

Viserys said "What is this shadow? Name if it casts such a gloom" and Alicent said "Yes...we must have your reasoning in plain language." 

Lyonel said "I cannot" and Viserys said "Then I cannot accept this" and Alicent said "My dear husband..." and Viserys said "I said no" and Lyonel said "If you insist, my King." 

Viserys said "I do. You will continue in your service to the crown" and Lyonel said "I would then ask leave to take my son from court and escort him back to the family seat at Harrenhal. He is my heir and will be Lord of Harren's castle one day. It is time he assumed his duties there." 

In the Hallway 

Daenys was walking with Aemond and Daenys said "Since when do you want to play games, only Daeron did, before he went to Old Town." 

Aemond said "Well, it's fun for you" and Aemond looked over at Luke and Aemond making sure Daenys didn't see him said "Go that way, I'll count you hide." 

Daenys said "Okay."

Daenys ran up and walked down the steps and saw Alicent and Larys talking in her chambers and Alicent said "He wouldn't hesitate to speak the truth to the King, If Otto Hightower were still hand." 

Larys said "You cannot say my Queen, that your father would be impartial in this matter" and Alicent said "No, but he would be partial to me, in all of King's Landing is there no one to take my side." 

Aemond was walking up and Daenys hid by a wall and saw Larys walking out and she looked at him suspiciously and went to follow him. 

Aemond said "Found you" and Daenys turned around and said"You scared me." 

Aemond said "Well, you dind't, were you eavaesdropping again" and Daenys said "Do you trust Larys"and Aemond said "Mother does." 

Daenys said "I don't, he scares me. He's just there's something weird about him" and Aemond said "Then merely stay away from him. There are many people you should stay away from." 


Daenys walked around the hall and walked outside, where Luke stood in the Godswood and Daenys sat down next to him. 

Luke said "I thought you weren't talking to me" and Daenys said "I know you apologized" and Luke said "Aemond told you." 

Daenys said "Jace did, He also said you weren't talking to anyone, I'm sorry about Ser Harwin and Ser Lyonel, and your Aunt Laena. But they're at peace now." 

Luke looked at her and said "Thank you, but they're still gone" and Daenys said "I know, I'm sorry. Do you want me to leave?". 

Luke said "No." 

Daenys took out a piece of cake and Daenys said "I couldn't bring the whole thing" and Luke said "Cake?". 

Daenys said "You once said all you wanted was to fly and eat cake, so I thought I don't know it might cheer you up."

Luke said "Thank you, do you still have constant drams" and Daenys said "Yeah" and he grabbed it and grabbed her hand and Daenys hugged him and they held close to each other. 

Luke said "I'm going to Dragonstone"and Daenys said "I know, I'll miss you a lot" and Luke said "You could always sneak off and meet me there." 

Daenys smiled and said "Or you could." 

 (Larys Voiceover: What are children, but a weakness? A folly? A futility?) 

In Alicent's Chambers 

Alicent and Larys were speaking as he told her what happened and Larys said " Through them, you imagine you cheat the great darkness of its victory. You will persist forever, in some form or another. As if they will keep you from the dust. But for them...You surrender what you should not. You may know what is the right thing to be done, but... love stays the hand." 

Alicent crying a bit and Larys said "Love... is a downfall. Best to make your way through life unencumbered... if you ask me." 

Alicent said "They're dead." 

Larys said "You've heard the stories of Harrenhal, Your Grace. It was built in hubris by Harren the Black as a monument to his own greatness. Blood mixed into the mortar. It is said to be a cursed place. That it passes judgment on all who pass beneath its gates." 

Alicent said " passed judgment" and Larys said "The Queen makes a wish. What servant of the realm would not strive to fulfill it? I assume you will write to your father now". 

Alicent said "Larys... I did not wish for this. " 

Larys said "I feel certain you will reward me... when the time is right.

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Daenys Targaryen is the second daughter of Viserys and Aemma Targaryen. After her mother's death, her father remarried and she saw her family larger...
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Before Viserys married Aemma and had Rhaenyra, he married a Stark woman who was different from the ladies of Kings Landing, which is why Viserys fell...