The Cursed Hero of Jujutsu

By PresidentThanos

7.4K 246 48

After thousands upon thousands of years, the world of sorcerers and curses was dieing out due to the hope ins... More

Discovery Pt. 1
Discovery Pt. 2
First Mission
Entrance Exam
First Day
Inconvenient Mission Pt. 1
Inconvenient Mission Pt. 2
USJ Pt. 1
USJ Pt. 2


799 24 4
By PresidentThanos

Izuku: "Huh?"

All Might: "You hard me! Inherit my quirk and become my successor!"

Izuku looked at him confused.

Izuku: "But I thought you used this cursed energy stuff."

All Might sighed.

All Might: "I do, but that's just for my technique."

Izuku: "Technique?"

Nezu: "Allow me."

Izuku looked back towards Nezu.

Nezu: "What All Might is talking about is his cursed technique. It's an ability that's fueled by cursed energy, like the ability you displayed in the fight earlier."

Izuku: "Oh, then what's All Might's?"

All Might: "Mine's called Muscle, it let's me use my cursed energy to inflate my body into a more muscular form. Though it doesn't actually make me much stronger, which is where my quirk comes in."

Izuku: "So it IS super strength! Why do you always dodge the question then?"

All Might sighed again.

All Might: "Because it's not that simple. I wasn't born with my quirk."

Izuku: "What?"

All Might: "As you may have gathered, it was given to me. See this quirk is special, it's passed on through generations of heros like a torch. I want you to be it's next wielder. Do you accept?"

It was then he noticed Izuku had begun to mutter up a storm of theories on how it was possible to pass on a quirk. All Might put his hand.on the boy's shoulder, getting hus attention once more.

All Might: "Kid, stop stressing so hard. Even if you say no, I believe you can be a great hero."

Izuku: "Are- are you sure?"

All Might smiled and nodded.

All Might: "Yes I am."

Izuku began to tear up and hug All Might.

Izuku: "Thank you!"

He let go and looked up at his idol.

Izuku: "And, I accept. I'll take on this responsibility."

All Might: "Good, because I wasn't sure who else to give it to."

Izuku: "Well, when do I get it?"

All Might: "After a lot of training. Your body as is isn't anywhere near being able to handle the power of One For All."

Izuku: "I see."

Nezu: "Don't you worry Midoriya. We'll take care of your training."

Izuku: "How?"

Nezu got up from his seat.

Nezu: "You'll see tomorrow. But know we will also be training you in your cursed energy use as well."

Izuku: "But where do I go?"

Nezu: "Nowhere. I'll come get you. Now, we must go. See you tomorrow Midoriya."

All Might: "Good luck."

The two heros then walked away, leaving Izuku to head home.


It was the next morning, which was thankfully not a school day. Izuku was sitting at the table eating breakfast when his mother sat down with her own and spoke up.

Inko: "Hey, Izuku?"

Izuku: "Hm? Yeah mom?"

Inko: "I just wanted to ask, what exactly you and your friend did yesterday."

As she said this, Izuku noticed her look over his shoulder.

Izuku: "Nothing much. We got smoothies from that smoothie place a block away and really just hung out the rest of the time."

She raised her eyebrow.

Inko: "And nothing else? No, strange activities I should know of?"

Izuku shook his head.

Izuku: "Nope, nothing at all."

She then smiled.

Inko: "Good, I wouldn't want you getting hurt or anything. Who knows what's out there."

Izuku smiled and nodded, though now it was clear she knew much more than she let on. He quickly finished his food and put the plate in the sink. His phone vibrated so he checked it to find a message from a unknown number, though the person claimed to be Nezu.

Nezu: -Hello Young Midoriya, it is me, Nezu. Me and All Might will be there shortly, if you could meet us outside, that would be appreciated.-

Izuku: "Mom, I'm gonna be gone for a bit today. I don't really know when I'll be back."

Inko: "Hm? What are you doing today?"

As he began explaining, he put his shoes on.

Izuku: "I agreed to help tutor a classmate's younger brother. All I know is that I'll be back for dinner."

He wanted to tell her, but he couldn't, not until she told him about what she knew herself. He began to walk towards the door.

Inko: "Well look at you! Making more friends! Have fun then!"

Izuku: "I will mom! Love you!"

Inko: "Love you too!"

With that said he left and made his way down to the parking lot of the building. There he found a black car waiting for him. The driver rolled down the window, revealing All Might to be behind the wheel.

All Might: "Get in. Your training starts today."

Izuku merely nodded and got in the back where Nezu was waiting for him.

Nezu: "Alright, take us to UA High."

All Might: "Yes sir."

The window rolled back up and the car began to move. As they left the parking lot, Nezu spoke up.

Nezu: "Young Midoriya, you must know that this training will be harsh, especially because of how late in your life you're learning of curses."

Izuku nodded.

Izuku: "I expected as much, but why?"

Nezu: "You see, sorcerers are usually born from sorcerers. There are times where a non-sorcerer family produces a sorcerer, but that is extremely rare. Even then they often know of their abilities from a young age just from experimenting with their cursed energy. You, however, have not done that and are completely unaware of how to properly use it."

Izuku: "Do you know why?"

Nezu: "I suspect your mother may have played a part in that. Has she ever seemed, distracted? Maybe quick to quiet you when you mentioned seeing something?"

Izuku: "Yeah, why?"

Nezu brought his hand, or paw, to his chin.

Nezu: "I believe it's better if she tells you herself. Just don't let her find out about your training, especially mine and All Might's involvement with it."

Izuku: "Right."


After an hour, the car stopped and both Izuku and Nezu stepped out of the car, though All Might stayed inside.

All Might: "You two go on ahead. I need to go make some final arrangements for Young Midoriya's physical training to handle One For All."

Nezu: "Good luck."

The skeletal man nodded and drove off. It was then Izuku realized that they were in a wooded area.

Izuku: "Wait, this isn't UA."

Nezu: "It may not be the building, but I assure you, this is part of the campus. Follow me."

Izuku did as he was told and followed the small rodent deeper into the woods.

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