𝑹𝒆𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒓�...

By krissa_0622

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Cover Art & Written: krissa_0622 Started: February 22, 2023 Finished: ONGOING [Currently in Hiatus] Mono and... More

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Author's Note
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Author Note's
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Author's Note

𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 08

295 13 1
By krissa_0622

Silence has filled the bathroom as Mono stared directly down the halls. Looking around the bathroom once more, as he think rather than staying here longer and waiting for a group of porcelain dolls to come and kill both of them they need to leave then he spoke. "Hey..."

She doesn't say anything which Mono for some reason he started to feel bad, but quickly shakes off the feeling.

"We need to get out of here. before the other porcelain dolls came here." He said.

Six slowly rubbing her face with her sleeves, she looks back from her behind and nodded before standing up and help him up to his feet.

Mono started to climb through the window, along with Six was behind of him.

Mono sees again the bridge of planks before he turned to look back at her. "I will go first before you" she just nodding on him. before he turn face forward and start to walked on a bridge. when he reach on the other side. He wait Six, he sees her starting to walk on it. suddenly he heard a cracking sound. it's confused him. until the the bridge of plank suddenly broke into two.

To his quick reflex, he grab her wrist to catch her from falling. In the other hand Six is surprised on what happened since they know that this bridge didn't break last time when they both walked passed into it. She trying to process everything as she look down seeing how high they are. she felt how her heart was beating so fast, looking up seeing that Mono grabbed her wrist. as she felt herself being pulled up and when she get in.

'Six are you okay?' Shade ask her.

'Yeah I am... Somehow. That surprised me...' Six said.

When Mono let go of he wrist, he suddenly pulled her into a tight hug, this cause Six to startled and out from her thoughts. She once again surprised on this. she trying to look in the side to sees his face but she felt being hug even tighter.

Six slowly let out a cough, trying to catch some air. "M-Mono...?" she slowly said as she groan a little.

Mono didn't know why he hugged her, he felt his heart was pounding so fast. He got panic and scared when she's gonna fall. "I'm glad...that I catch you right in time..." He muttered but Six can hear it as well. but that's not a problem for her. a real problem when Mono gripping so tightly causing her to can't breath.

''M-Mo....no..." Six trying to speak. as Mono hummed on her.

"C-can you let me go....? I... can't b-breath..." She finally said it.

"OH GOD! SORRY!!" Mono quickly pulled away. He saw her gasping some air while her one hand on her chest.

"Seriously, you have a tight grip there aren't you?" Six said jokingly as her breath came back in normal. she can't mad on that because she's glad that he save her, if not then she will be down there in dead.

Mono scratch the back of his head, he felt his cheeks getting warmer in embarrassment.

'You gonna kill her from just a hug' Shroud finally spoke.

'Shut up, don't start this again' Mono secretly rolled his eyes behind his back.

'Okay~okay~' Shroud just said letting out a chuckled.

Six stand up from her spot "Let's go" as she went over to the window in front of them that leads into the next part of the school.

'Aww~ he hug you' Shade said in tease.

Six felt her face are getting warmer. 'Stop' as she heard Shade to laugh.

'Your blushing!' Shade pointed it.

Six twitching her eyebrows on her. closing her eyes to calm her annoyance for her shadow who's started to tease her. "Shut up..." she muttered with a grumble. she turn a bit of her head to look back Mono behind her. as she saw a glimpse of his face that has a tint red on his cheeks. maybe he is embarrassing again she thinks.

they both stare at the piano sitting in the middle of the room as Mono was about to go crank the lever Six was quick enough to go to it first. "I'll do it this time."

Mono watched her crank the lever that slowly lifted up the piano until it was high enough for the rope to snap which leads the piano to almost crash completely into the floor. They both get on the piano and soon enough, they started jumping on the piano. Mono lets out a sudden giggle, feeling the nostalgia caught him up in the moment as the piano falls completely through the floor and onto the ground.

"I missed when we jumped on the piano..." Mono muttered before having a smile on his face, remembering the fun moments he had with her.

Six heard that as she had a smile as well, trying not to laugh when she remembers how horrible he is to try make a music from stepping it.

They both got down from the piano and walked over to the door. Mono glances at the lock on the door, letting out a sigh.

"We needed a key for this door..." he said as they looked at each other before shifting their attention towards the passageway that leads to the key.

"I get it. You stay here." Six suddenly said.

"Are you sure?" Mono looks at her with surprise. as she nodded on him.

"Okay, I'll give you a boost then." He said.

They walks over to the passageway and Six stopped right in front of him. He cup his hand, as she put her one feet into it as he pushed up her and get in to the other side.

He then walks over to the piano and slams his fingers on a few keys, creating a loud noise from the piano as it was enough to attract the porcelain doll that was outside, trying to get inside through the gate.

Six sneaks around to grab the metal pipe on the ground and without any hesitation, she walks over to the now distracted doll and swings the pipe across its head, bashing it and it falls on the ground. Dropping the pipe while Mono stops playing the piano and both walking over to the gate from the opposite side, they both pull it up with all their strength as the gate was lifted up.

Six walks over and picks up the key that was inside a dead frog and went back to him before they both walked back over to the door and she unlocked it. walking inside they both glanced at another porcelain doll whose back was turned to them. Six was so annoyed seeing again another porcelain doll. she is getting sick seeing them all around in this building. she was about to walk there when suddenly Mono on his way before she does.

Mono walk over there as he started tackling the doll to the ground grabbing its head, as he bashes its head many times on the floor as it completely shatters. he let go of it as slowly standing properly while glaring down directly on the shattered porcelain doll that already on the floor and not moving anymore. before walking away to pull open the drawer.

In the other hand, Six was surprised on this. as she walk over to him to catching up. she look back at him as they went on the other side.

"I was about to do that, I'm getting sick of them" Six said while groaning. if she sees another porcelain doll. she's gonna lose her mind. He just chuckled on that when she said it.

They started to walked the hall as they heard the sound of a piano being played in the distance.

"Oh no don't tell me that's gonna be the teacher again?! She is everywhere!" Six groaned as they walked up the stairs.

'COME ON!! Is there a way that we could already cut her neck?!' Shade exclaim in frustration.

Mono held back a giggle before giving Six a boast up the drawers.

Six climbs on top of the filling cabinets to push off a box of books. after that Mono started to climb up while Six waiting for him on the top. before pulling the gate to the vent.

Once the gate was opened, they both crawled into the next room as the music was louder when they entered the room. then they spot the Teacher playing the piano.

Mono look at Six who's like had seen a ghost because her face has a pale and all of the blood drained down from her face. "You want me to do this one?" He whispered. Even he wants to make fun on her, he know that she is scared so he think that might be he's the one gonna do this again.

"No... I got this..." she whispering back, Six took a deep breath as she get down to the books build like a tower when she reached on the floor she tip-toed and went to the lever on the other side of the room, carefully cranking it to where the bridge was slowly lowering it.

She move her gaze between on the bridge and the teacher who was stopping and playing the piano again repeatedly. When the bridge already lowered, Mono jump on there as he quickly look down it's seem like the teacher didn't hear it as he let out a sigh of relief. as he walked to the other side of the bridge to wait Six.

Six let go of the lever and tip-toed way back, the teacher suddenly stopped from playing the piano but luckily for Six that she's get into the wheeled box. she wait again for the teacher to play again the piano, she doesn't want to take this risk. when she heard again the piano been played once again. She grab the wheeled box pulling it to the other side of the room where she get down, the Teacher was still distracted with the piano. as she climbed on the box and went to the towered books to climb again and went to the bridge walking to the other side when she saw Mono waiting for her.

"You know what's gonna happen here right?." Mono whispered to her.

Six nodded on him. as she took a long deep breath. readying herself for this one.

The both of them position on the vent grabbing onto the handle. then pulled on the handle which the vent opens. This time. Mono quickly enters the vent before Six could do., she heard the sound of the piano keys being slammed and a loud screech coming from below as she quickly went inside.

Mono and Six push the next gate and they both heard the gate behind them made a loud bang. The Teacher was trying to get in. When they open the gate.

Mono immediately started crawling while Six followed behind, as they crawled through the ventilation passage. Six could hear now in the distant of screeching from behind her.

Mono started running as fast as he can while he jumps towards the exit passage as he turns around to lend out a hand for Six who was running and jumping to him. Mono catch her hand. He was about to pulled her up when suddenly the teacher was right behind on Six.

The teacher grabbed Six in her blue sweater by using her mouth. this cause Six to let out a scream when she was been pulled backwards but Mono grip tightly on her hand as could as he can. gritted his teeth tightly. Now they were like a tug war.


"Mono!!" Six said. as he saw that Six started to swelled up more tears.

"Six. hold on tight!!" Mono said to her. as he pulled her harder.

Suddenly the blue sweater that Six's been wearing at. it riffed off. causing The teacher to let go of her while Six blue sweater still in her mouth. Six tossed forward to Mono and fell backwards but quickly they stand up and went out to the roof as slid down into the dumpster bin. Mono quickly put a hand to cover her mouth. as Six nodding slowly to understand what he's doing. before they hear the Teacher screeching above them as they keep quiet until she starts to sound very distant before they no longer hear her. They get up and out of the dumpster then start to walk in the cold rain. they saw a large cut of the ground that's making the streets split it into two, it's just only a long bridge of plank can could be connected onto it to get passed throughout on the other side.

Six slowly walk to the edge of it to look down, as she gulp seeing how deep it is. she can't manage to see it because of how foggy from below.

'How can this be happen to cut the ground into two in this deep' Six thought.

'I don't know and I don't want to know either' Shade replied on that.

"Come on, stop looking over there or else you might gonna fall over there" Mono said to her as he started to walk on the bridge of plank.

Six look over him as she quickly went over there to catching up with him. as she was already behind of him trying herself to not look down. she carefully walking on the plank because it's raining and it's a bit slippery, she scared that might be just one slip she gonna fall into the abyss from below her.

When they get on the other side of the streets, Six wrapped her arm around on her, rubbing because of the cold, now her blue sweater is gone. she just now wearing a white shirt and pants. this cause her to feel the cold breeze of wind adding the rain.

Mono suddenly hear a teeth chattering as he turn around he saw Six rubbing her arm and shaking a bit. as he sighed and turn around to find a place to stay for a meanwhile. in his side he saw a house that blocked some stock of sand in the sack. before he turn around and walk over to her, he grab her hand pulling her towards on the house as they sat down to take shelter from the rain. as he take off his coat and put it around on Six.

"Here wear this for a while until we get your raincoat." He said before he face forward and hugged his knees watching the rain.

Six is a bit confused but she didn't mind it as she wear his coat, slowly she could feel that her body is getting warm. as she look at Mono and facing back to watch the rain. she is still wonder why the rain didn't stop. it's like non-stop even now you don't know if there still a sun raising up from this city.

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