Made to Lie

By hotreadingwitch

1.1K 49 24

Y/n is an honest person at heart despite having grown up in her father's world of crime where secrets and lie... More

introduction + playlist
the mission
the tape
the news
the party
the drive
the date
the gallery
the aftermath
the confession
the epilogue

the city

88 4 1
By hotreadingwitch


Y/n yawned loudly as she woke from a deep slumber that was surely prompted by last night's bottle of wine. She tried to roll but found she was secured within a cage of sleeping super soldier limbs. Using literally all the strength she had in her, she managed to lift his bulky arm up and shimmy out, trying her best not to wake him. With a chuckle, she brushed her teeth before heading out of the suite and down to the hotel's adjoined café.

"Two lattes to go please" she ordered when she finally reached the front of the line.

The barista was a young person, maybe five or so years younger than her, with a short, purple quiff of curly hair. They blushed as their eyes widened, no doubt realizing who Y/n was, before breaking into a lop-sided smile.

"Right away miss, I mean ma'am, I mean—"

"Y/n is fine" she whispered conspiratorially, leaning in, making the barista blush even more.

They nodded sharply before heading back over to the machines to make Y/n's order. When they were finally finished, their pale skin was redder than a firetruck.

"Thanks," Y/n said with a wink.

As she left the cafe and made her way back up in the elevator she couldn't help but smile. The drinks were a small gesture, she and Bucky hadn't talked very much when they'd gotten back to the hotel after their first "date" and of course, their first real kiss. She felt flushed and warm as she used the hotel key card to open the door.

"Where were you!" An angry voice quickly brought her from her reverie.

"What?" Y/n's nose scrunched in confusion.

Bucky's massive pyjama-clad form suddenly surrounded her in a tight and desperate hug. He was soft against her somehow despite the hard ridges of his muscles. He pulled away his hands cupping her face as he searched her eyes for something, what she didn't know.

"You—you" he fumbled with his words before continuing, his voice gruff, "I thought something had happened to you, I woke up and you were gone"

"You do have a phone you know?"

He seemed to deflate at this realization.

"Right—I'm sorry I completely overreacted" he huffed out a small laugh as if he couldn't believe his own behaviour.

"Don't worry" she smiled at his sincerity, squeezing his hand, "It's sweet and uh I appreciate it...Coffee?"

"Thanks" he grumbled, reverting back to his usual grumpy self as he grabbed the cup.

Luckily they were saved any more awkwardness as Tony's contact appeared on her phone, her ringtone filling the large space.

"You two ready for your next date?" Tony asked with a wink.

Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Listen, I don't want you two worried about tonight, it's just going to be another teaser for them to see you together before we organize a third date where we'll all actually be there to catch them. Tonight you'll barely have to lift a finger to convince them, if anything, I'm pretty sure they got the message seeing your little kiss last night"

"Stark..." Bucky glared as Y/n flushed.

Tony raised his hands in mock surrender, feigning innocence despite his jabs.

"I'll let you two go now to do whatever you two want to get up to now but please remember not to fuck it up unnecessarily tonight, I'd hate to lose either of you"

Tony's expressions of concern only ever came with a healthy dose of sass and sarcasm but that was just his way. Y/n loved him, truly, he was like a father to her, or definitely like a father figure, one she'd never had. Obviously, knowing the team's history, she knew that things between Bucky and Tony had previously been say the least. But now, it seemed that they'd warmed up to each other a bit. Tony respected Steve, cared for him even, and Steve didn't come without Bucky, therefore, peace. She knew it wasn't truly that simple, that they had struggled to work together for a long time but seeing their bond, no matter how shaky, present-day was enough for her to think, anything can happen.

Bucky hung up the call with a press of his finger, leaning across her to do so, as she was still lost in thought...

"Y/n?" his soft voice still gravelly from the morning.

"Yes?" she looked at him then, her eyes refocusing before forcing a laugh, "Must've zoned out for a bit, sorry"

"No need to apologize" he huffed with a small smile, "Now go get dressed, I've got somewhere I want to take you"

"Is that so?" her eyes lit up immediately at the mysterious offer, "And I'm assuming you won't tell me where we're going?"


"Brooklyn" she confirmed with a quick nod that she was hoping came off as nonchalant as she bit down on her lip, realizing the significance, "Sounds good..."

"You don't have to come if you don't want" he hesitated, seeming slightly bashful.

"No, I want" she blushed, "I want to come I mean, to go with you"

He huffed out a breath in that gruff manner of his that she couldn't help but love. He was taking her home.


Y/n had never seen Bucky so animated before. As they walked through the streets of Greenpoint, he kept pointing out local businesses, his and Steve's old school, and alleyways he used to pull him out of when he'd let his big mouth get him into trouble, effectively giving her a history lesson, not just of the area but of his young life. The neighbourhood was made up of a mix of buildings, some tall and some short, almost all made of old, worn brick. They passed discount bookstores, colourful fruit stands, and amazing-smelling restaurants. But each time Y/n thought they might finally stop for lunch, Bucky pulled her one street further toward some unknown destination.

Finally, they reached a little grey restaurant with a red sign that displayed a name in a language Y/n couldn't read.

"Dzień dobry" Bucky greeted as they stepped into the small space, lined with red, curve-backed chairs and metal tables.

There was a crash of a pan in the back that caused Bucky to start forward toward the sound until a much older woman came out and his posture visibly relaxed.

"Ahhh James" she greeted, opening her arms wide.

He hugged her for what seemed like a long time.

"What were you doing back there Beatka?" he questioned, looking at her with found eyes, "Raising the dead?"

"I would if I could," she smiled back playfully, their encounter showing just how familiar they were with each other.

Her eyes flitted up to Y/n as if suddenly noticing her. She immediately grabbed both her hands, smiling somehow even brighter than before, practically beaming.

"James, please tell me this is your girlfriend, yes?"

He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "No Beatka she's not, she's—she's one of my colleagues"

"Nonsense," Beatka swatted at him, ignoring him completely as he began to protest, "What's your name moja aniołku?"

"My angel" Bucky whispered to her, making her eyes widen before she realized that's what the old woman was calling her.

"Y/n" she smiled politely, "It's lovely to meet you!"

Beatka's smile was wider than any Y/n had ever seen in all her time on Earth, excluding maybe Wanda's when she inevitably won on game night at the compound.

"Beautiful name, beautiful name, perfect for a beautiful girl ahh"

Y/n blushed just as Beatka turned abruptly, heading over towards the cash register and counter that separated the restaurant's seating from the kitchen. She glanced up to look at Bucky but he seemed to be sheepishly avoiding her gaze. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her along, following Beatka through to the kitchen where there was a small table pushed just far enough from the steaming ovens.

"Sit, sit" Beatka ordered, suddenly stern, "I've been making—"

"Cabbage rolls" Bucky interrupted with a sniff of the air, earning a glare from Beatka that was, of course, followed by a cheeky smile, like she couldn't resist doting on him.

He leaned over her, planting a sweet kiss on the top of her white-haired head. She preened after that, preparing the plates with a satisfied air about her. As if knowing that Bucky recognized her infamous cabbage rolls was her biggest achievement to date.

When she finally set the food down, presenting it with a sweet "ta-da," Y/n's stomach growled, literally growled.

"Ohh, that's the best compliment" Beatka grinned at Y/n, before planting a kiss on her cheek then Bucky's.

Realizing there were only two plates set Y/n reached out, "You're not eating with us?"

"No, moja kochana" she flicked a significant look at Bucky.

He translated again, his cheekbones turning slightly red as he softly said, "My Love"

"I'll leave you two to it"

"Okay" Y/n smiled again, her neck also flushing, "Thank you"

"Of course, of course"

And with that she was gone, leaving Bucky and her to sit in silence for a while, the steaming food not the only thing heated between them.

"So how did you two meet?" Y/n asked casually as she took a first bite of her food, blushing at the strained look that passed across Bucky's face as she literally moaned out loud in response to the taste.

"I have property around here," he said vaguely, "So I've been coming to see Beatka for a couple of years now and uhh—I've also known her since she was born"

Y/n practically choked on her cabbage roll, earning another look from Bucky.

"When was she born?"

"1923, the first year the Yankees won the World Series, she's 4 years younger than me"

Y/n reeled in her shock, remembering everything she already knew about Bucky and his old age, instead choosing to focus on the other detail, "You like baseball?"

"As much as the next man, sure" he shrugged noncommittally, "Used to take my younger brothers, Jacob and Henry, to practice just around the corner from here"

"For some reason" she smiled playfully, "I can't imagine you being anyone's babysitter"

"Rebecca and the twins were all younger than me, I'm a big brother at heart Y/n so you better start believing" his eyes flickered with humour as he used her words from the drive down. It felt surreal to her that it was only a couple of days ago that they were talking at the diner. Just another day, another restaurant, and yet there was something drastically different. Y/n could feel it, whatever it was, quickly growing between them.

"What were they like?" she asked softly.

"Trouble all three of them" he laughed, nostalgia filling the cracks beside his eyes, "I loved them a lot." He looked down, avoiding her gaze again in embarrassment. But his eyes flicked up when he felt her hand resting on top of his.

"Thank you for telling me," she said and meant it.

"Thank you for listening" Y/n could tell he tried not to let his tear fall but it did anyway. A sole representation of the mound of grief she knew he must burdened with. She had lost her family too, and though it was her choice to leave her father, she'd always grieved the loss regardless.

"I had a sister" Y/n admitted, earning a look of surprise from Bucky, "She was a lot younger than me, an accident. I loved her dearly, right until the day she died"

"What happened?" concern lined his face.

"My father got caught up in a web of lies so thick it almost killed us all. He wasn't being honest with his henchmen, even those higher up he was lying to. Because of that, miscommunication was his downfall. If he had just been honest he wouldn't have got them killed. My mother was younger than my dad by quite a bit, thirty-two when she died. I was eighteen...Elena was just six."

Bucky's eyes hardened but he said nothing, simply squeezing her hand, allowing her to continue.

"I hate my father, for everything he is and for everything he's done but I still love him, even as he's serving life in prison because of me," she laughed bitterly, "he's all I have left "

"Do you visit him, on the Raft?" Bucky questioned.

"No" her voice broke.

The small circles Bucky was tracing with his thumb on her hand kept her grounded.

"I don't usually even talk about him, let alone talk to him"

"Maybe one day" his eyes crinkled.

"Somehow I doubt it" she admitted solemnly, "sometimes there's just too much to get past, you know? And even then I don't know if I'd want to''

She knew that he understood, grateful when he changed the subject, "Let's get going doll, there's one more place I want to show you"

Bucky helped her up from the chair before leading her out to the front where Beatka was gossiping no doubt with another older customer who was picking up take-out.

"Beatka" he interrupted softly, "We've got to get going"

"Ohhh! You'd better come back sooner next time James" she practically shrieked, swatting him sweetly, then turning to smile sincerely at Y/n, "And you too, anyone who makes my James this happy is always welcome here"

"And that's our cue to leave..." Bucky mumbled under his breath.


The crisp autumn air made Y/n shake as she and Bucky wound their way through the more residential streets of Brooklyn. Or maybe, her little shivers were because Bucky was holding her hand, gently tugging her in the right direction, his rough palm warm and big compared to hers. He seemed to have a lot on his mind as they walked so she allowed for a comfortable silence to sit between them.

Eventually, they came to a stop in front of an old-fashioned pizza place. The restaurant had a white-trimmed storefront on the bottom and, by the looks of it, a large apartment on top.

"We just had lunch Bucky" Y/n smiled easily, joking, "I don't know how much more I can eat after Beatka's cabbage ro—"

"My mother would've loved you" he interrupted.

The words lingered between them and for a second even Bucky seemed surprised by what he'd said. But then his eyes softened,

"I mean it"

"What was she like?"

"Amazing, truly, I couldn't have asked for a better mom," he let out a wet laugh, "She always made sure everyone was cared for but never did one thing for herself, of course. As the oldest, I always tried to do little things for her, you know? To show her that at least someone cared. My dad, George, was good to her but he could've been there more, been more affectionate or attentive, I suppose."

"She sounds nice Bucky, really nice" She cringed at her own awkwardness.

"This is my old house, the one I grew up in...Steve kept it all these years, even when he thought I was dead, preserving it like some kind of time capsule"

"Do you ever go in?" She questioned.

"Sometimes...but not today doll" he hesitated before admitting, "I think I'd like to move back here though, one day"

"You will" she affirmed, making a look of surprise pass his face. "What?"

"Nothing, nothing..." his words tapered off awkwardly before he held her hand again, "You're just so sure of it"

"Mm," she considered that for a second, "If you want to move back, you'll move back, simple as that, at least that's what I think"

"Well, I might just have to believe you then" his smile was knowing.

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