Water Bearer (Naruto Shippude...

By T1nonly

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Enter Y/n. A kid from the cloud village who was blessed with abilities that allow him to simultaneously use w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chaper 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 6

722 23 0
By T1nonly

Y/n had just waved off Ay, Darui, Bee and Cee as he sets out in result of power.

Y/n: Hmmm I wonder how I would be able to get more stronger..

Y/n jumps from tree to tree as he looks down at his arms to see the black markings that appear on his arms

Y/n: I do need to understand the mystery of these markings on my arms.

Y/n had never seen those markings before in his life. It all begun when he was younger as they were on his body from birth. When he was old enough, he started to question about the markings on his arms but to no avail as his parents told him absolutely nothing about it. The only thing that he was told was that it has been in his family tree for generations and generations.

Y/n: <Sighs> I hope no one will worry too much about me. And I hope no one dies...

Y/n realises the situation that is going on right now. There is a war going on because of Madara and the Akatsuki, and he has to get stronger in order to help and protect the ones he loves

He eventually makes it to the ocean as he looks out to the vastness of the ocean

Y/n: <Breathes in and out> This just feels like my natural element..

Y/n notices that the markings on his arms are going a blue colour as he puts his hands out and realises that he is controlling the water.

Y/n: I was always able to do this..?

Y/n starts to move his arms around as he starts to just meditate. He realises that he is complete control and mastery over the water.

Y/n: This is so cool!!

Y/n jumps into the water as he realises that he is able to breathe normally and is able to swim quite quickly and easily.

Y/n: I think it must be because of the markings on my arms. I knew I was the water bearer but this strong!!

Y/n still realises that it's not really enough. Even though he has some control over water, he wants full mastery over it.

Y/n: I want to become the Strongest Raikage ever. I have to have the power to obtain that position from Ay.

Y/n continues to swim underwater as he looks at all of the aquatic creatures, plants and life and just stares at them in beauty

Y/n: I never knew that it was so...beautiful-

Y/n realises that he is being sucked into a torpedo as he tries to escape from it but it is way too powerful for him

Y/n: W-what the? Where did this even come from!?

Y/n continues to get sucked and dragged into the tsunami torpedo until he is not seen anymore....


Ay, Darui, Bee and Cee make it back to the Hidden Cloud

Bee: Yo! We are back Fool, You fool!

Karui: Master!!

Omoi: We are so pleased to see that you are alive Master! It's good to see you!

Bee: It's good to be back!

Mabui: It's good to see you Lord Raikage

Mabui bows

Ay: We have a lot to talk about. We first off need to speak to the Feudal Lord about the alliance

Karui: What alliance?

Ay: Don't worry, more will be told once it all gets published and told.

Samui: Um..Lord Raikage.

They were about to walk off but Ay turns around as he sees Samui looking a bit worried

Samui: Where is Y/n? I though he was with you guys and went to the Kage Summit

Darui: Don't worry Samui, he is fine.

Cee: He has just gone out for a bit

Bee: Fool, he know you were going to ask about him!

Ay: Don't worry Samui, he is fine and he told us to tell you not to worry. He is trying to get stronger so that he can be worthy of the title of Raikage and be able to protect everyone

Samui: That Idiot....

She smiles as she wipes the tears away from her face as the rest of them smile

Samui: He better come back alive..


Y/n coughs up water as he looks around at his surroundings. Everywhere is just dark and there was no light at all

Y/n: Where am I?

Y/n touches the floor as he realises that it's not wet.

Y/n: Am I in a underground cave or something?

Y/n slowly stands up as he walks through the cave as he sees markings and over things. He turns as he sees some light as he starts to drift towards the light until he makes it to a open area.

Y/n: Woahh...

?: Who are you?

Y/n gets spooked by the voice as he starts to look around the area

Y/n: Who said that!? Come out! I know fighting!

?: <Laughs> You seem to be a feisty one! I am in the water

Y/n looks down as he sees a shark in the water

Y/n: Who even are you?

Suiken: My name is Suiken.

Y/n: Where is this place? And what have I even stumbled into?

Suiken: Welcome to The Abyssal Grotto. A land where a bunch of sharks are. The shark Sages

Y/n: So this is a sage area?

Suiken: Indeed! And you...I guess you have accidentally stumbled into this place

Y/n: I got caught in a whirlwind. And somehow landed here

Suiken: I guess I'll just show you to the elder. Can you swim fast?

Y/n: Nope. I can just breathe in the water

Suiken: He can breathe underwater? Could he be...

Suiken smiles

Suiken: I guess you should just grab onto my fin so I can take you quicker to the elder

Y/n: Okay then

Y/n grabs Suiken's fin as he dives down into the water as he sees a bunch of sharks swimming around in harmony

Y/n: Woahhh....this is so cool!

Y/n looks around in amazement as Suiken smiles

Suiken: You haven't seen nothing yet!

He speeds up as Y/n screams in the water as they start to do loops in the water until they make it to a large temple.

Y/n: Is this where the village elder is?

Suiken: Yeah!

They swim towards the elder as Y/n sees the elder

Y/n: That's the elder?

Suiken: Yeah.

They swim closer and closer to the Shark who's eyes are closed

Suiken: Elder! I have brought you someone!

The elder wakes up to see Y/n swimming

Elder: You..! You were the one that was in the prophecy

Y/n: What prophecy?

Elder: Of a boy with markings stumbling here by accident. This is no accident..this is a sign!

Y/n: A sign for what?

Elder: For you to be the one to learn Shark Sage Mode

Y/n: Shark..sage...mode..?

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