Royal Protector [Narnia]

By JordanMR007

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Enzo Bane, son of a Doctor conscripted to the war, and a nurse enlisted to aid the troops, is sent for his ow... More

Chapter I: The Professor
Chapter II: Rainy Days
Chapter III: The Cricket Ball
Chapter IV: The Prophecy
Chapter V: St Nick
Chapter VI: Melting Point
Chapter VII: Aslan
Chapter VIII: The Witch
Chapter X: Spare Oom
Act Two: Prince Caspian
Chapter XI: Boyfreind
Chapter XII: Cair Paravel
Chapter XIII: DLF
Chapter XIV: Not Lost
Chapter XV: Caspian
Chapter XVI: Broken Promise
Chapter XVII: Alive?
Chalter XVIII: Reunion
Chapter XIX: The Duel
Chapter XX: The Wedding and The End
The End

Chapter IX: Ugly Affairs

365 12 0
By JordanMR007

"I've won battle with far worse odds."

The troops surged foreword, enemies and friends clashing in a bloodied frenzy.
Peter turned to Enzo eyes imploring,
"Are you with me?"

Enzo nodded baring his visor across his face,
"Till the death, my King."

Peter nodded releasing a shuddered breath, raising his sword, "For Narnia, and for Aslan."

Troops ran foreword weapons drawn as they clashed foes and friends falling all the same.

The horn blared loudly, Enzo drawing his steed to the rocks alongside Peter. Arrows flew through the air impaling both Enzo and Peters stallions.

Enzo was thrown from his saddle harshly confronted by the rocks that his back connected with forming an echoing grunt as the boulders decorating the landscape prompted his howl of pain.

He stood slowly, unsteady as the pair throbbed through his body. His fought valiantly, despite the numbers favouring the evil that plagued Narnia.

The battle was against their favour Enzo's cry to Peter begging that he retreat, "Edmund, go there's too many of them, leave find Susan and Lucy and take them home."

He continued his efforts fighting despite the pain and blood decorating his armour.

Edmund disregarded his order, charging at the witch's, his sword breaking the wand she carried into redundant shards, however still impaling his abdomen.

Enzo grunted drowning in the pain as he felt himself endure Edmunds suffrage, he charged at the Witch, seething with fury.

"You can't protect them, Captain, your weak, useless and their going to die because of it." Enzo grunted his sword battling with her own,

"I won't let you touch them." He fought violently attacking her without respite, the sound of Aslan and Kallias' roar distracting her, the sight of the lion vessel hung her with fear.

Enzo capitalised on the opportunity to drive his sword through her abdomen, drawing blood with a smirk, "What was that about being useless?"

A Minotaur tackled him, the pair engaging in a violent frenzy, Enzo emerging victories as he stood above the beast, vision blurry as he saw Susan rushing toward him. "Enzo!"

Her violence lulled him into a serene silence as he lay silently, pain enveloping his body, the adrenaline draining from his figure.

Lucy rushed to administer her healing liquid, the solution sweet against his tongue, the pain relinquishing its hold upon him.

"I hadn't realised how tiring war would prove to be." Susan chuckled her forehead pressing against his own sweaty skin,

"We'll you might just have to get used to it, Captain Enzo." Enzo chuckled mock saluting the young woman and her demanding tone,

"Of course, my Queen." Edmund stumbled in arm with Peter over to the pair, Lucy divulged in healing those wounded from the fierce battle.

"If you two are quiet finished." Enzo chuckled deeply pushing upwards to gaze at the pair with a sly smirk,

"Of course, your Royal Highnesses'," The pair rolled their eyes Aslan facing them all, befallen with pride.

Enzo trailed behind the Pevensie siblings dutifully, his typical armour, stripped from his and replaced with, robes decorating in black slick stitched with golden thread.

He walked slowly applauded by the citizens of Narnia as he assumed his role as their royal protector and Captain of the King and Queens Guard.

Aslan spoke regally, the Pevensie siblings assuming their postions before their thrones.
"To the glistening Eastern sea, I give you Queen Lucy, the valiant."

Mr Tumnus, set a crown atop her head, the young girl smiling brightly,

"To the Great Western Wood, King Edmund, the Just." Edmunds bright smile was infectious prompting Enzo's own small smile.

"To the radiant Southern Sun, Queen Susan the Gentle." Susan smiled blushing quietly at the title as he eyes found Enzo's proud gaze.

"And to the Clear Northern Sky, I give you King Peter the Magnificent." The siblings all sat pridefully atop their thrones, Aslan turning to address them with a wide smile.

"Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen of Narnia, may your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens." He retuned his address to the audience, their voices joining his chant,

"Long live King Peter!" Enzo's gaze found Peters nodding toward the boy,

"Long live King Edmund!" An encouraging smile found Edmund, the boy gifting a wide smile in return,

"Long live Queen Susan!" Susan cheeks flushed with a blush as Enzo smiled at her his eyes flushed with adoration,

"Long live Queen Lucy!" Lucy giggled quietly the celebration coaxing joy from the young girl.

"Shouldn't you be enjoying the festivities, Captain Enzo?" The soldier nodded, smiling inwardly, with a low chuckle,

"I'm afraid not, your Grace, I am a Guard after all." Susan scoffed tugging at his arms,

"Come on Enzo, one dance?" The man sighed his gaze avoiding her pleading stare,

"Does, her Grace command it?" Susan paused a smile becoming of her lips, pulling the soldier to the midst of the dance floor.

"She does." The pair spent hours surrounded by joyous company, enjoying themselves amongst the celebrations.

"Do you ever think this will be normal?" Enzo smiled Susan's body flush against his as he chuckled,

"Perhaps, but there's no joy in normalcy, contentment, maybe, but joy is deprived from the adventure, the unknown. It seems to me, Susan that you don't crave normalcy, but rather stability, and I think you can bring exactly that to these people, to this Kingdom." Susan smiled inwardly swaying with the man,

"Perhaps your right, but your wrong about joy." Enzo quirked a brow curiously, observing his Queen,

"How so?" Susan smiled her hand tracing Enzo's jaw,

"I think joy can be found even in the smallest things. In simple routine, in adventure." Enzo nodded smiling his face mere inches from Susan's own.

"And how is it that you deduced that, your Grace?" Susan smiled softly observing the man that cradled her so confidently yet so delicately.

"Because I've sent a matter of a weeks with you, experiencing the adventure and the mundane, and yet despite all that I still find joy, while around you." The soldier smiled their lips connected gently, a lingering sense of joy made prominent.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."

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