°•Manager of Straykids•° | Ba...

By chrizztopherstan

58.6K 1.6K 428

»I feel like the mom here!« »You are« Seungmin said quietly »Who's the dad then?« Hyunjin asked »Chan obvious... More

Manager of Straykids - Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 12

1.5K 47 9
By chrizztopherstan

After a while, Lizz excused herself to go to work again. She had so much to clear up, she didn't even know where to start.

Ok, she did. The Fotoshoot for the new comeback scheduled tomorrow had the biggest priority right now. But before going to work, she wanted to give something to eat to the boys.

She baked cookies last night, when she couldn't sleep.

They were in a alu-box(like metal) in the kitchen right above the annoying fridge.

She grabbed the box and practically ran back into the training room. »Short break time!« she yelled, stopping everyone's movements and gathering all eyes on her.

Jeongins eyes immediately lit up, as he noticed the box with cookies in her hands.
He ran up to her, screaming: »Cookiiieeesss!!!!« but he stopped right before he could crash into her and changed his Korean to formal.

»May I take one, noona?« he asked politely. Lizz cringed again because of the 'noona'.

»Please feel free to take one or more, but don't call me noona, I am not used to it at all and I would appreciate if you don't call me that.« she said, struggling with her Korean.

Jeongin just said »Ok!« took three big cookies and immediately sat down next to Lizz's feet.

Now the others scooched over to her too to take one or two (except for Jisung, he took the whole box), thanked her and sat or stood while eating their cookies.

Because no cookie was left, Lizz excused herself again, she really had to work now.

~Chan's POV~

Woah these Cookies were amazing! The others looked like they'd say the same. But we have to get to training again.
»Come on guys, back to training, we have to reach something today!« I said while clapping my hands. »But Oim schtill eating« Jisung said with a full mouth.
He looked more like a squirrel than ever, if this is even possible.
I patted him on the head and smiled. »I see, you'll like Lizz here. Then chew up and eat the rest later«
I helped him up and looked to the door, where Lizz disappeared a minute ago...

~•°No one's POV°•~

In the evening they were still in this room. Lizz made some dinner for the guys, she couldn't understand how they can go so long without eating.

She knocked shyly at the training room door. Chan opened the door and looked at Lizz confused.
»This is your house, you don't have to knock!« he said. »Sorry, Uh, dinner is ready, you can come if you want..« She said before being run over from several hungry guys.

She just heard a »FOOD!!« from Hyunjin. Lizz saved herself quickly by stepping out of the doorframe.
»Thank you, I'm sorry, I think they had no food for a little too long« Chan said after the storm was over, apologizing for their behavior. He smiled and came out of the training room aswell.
He tapped on the back of Lizz's hand, causing her to tense up and look to her hand, shocked. »Come on, if we don't go now, we won't get something!« he said.

The dinner was a whole, funny mess. Straykids seemed like they hadn't eaten in weeks. Everyone was really happy and talked even louder.

Lizz just sat on he place, listened to the conversations and ate in peace. Straykids didn't really bother to talk with her, they still have to adjust to her presence.

But Lizz enjoyed being there and just listening.

It was like meeting the family of a boyfriend and they don't really know how to talk to you but have a good mood(who is the boyfriend here? I'll let you imagine🤭♥️).

After the dinner, Lizz cleared the table and and kitchen, while I.N. started to move his stuff to his new home.
The whole house helped him, so it was ready in only 10 minutes and a few broken things later.

The others were staying tonight. Lizz decided this was the time to do her project. The boys layed everywhere in Jeongins, Seungmins and Felix's room. The last thing they carried was the big fat closet Jeongin wanted to bring from his old home.

»Guys, I know you are totally done for today, but I wanted to do one last thing with you.« Lizz said. Chan sat up straight. »Fine, what last thing?« He groaned, but looking at her interested.

»Well I had this project in mind...« she explained her thoughts to everyone, while they listened like brave (Stray)children. Hyunjin clapped his hands. »Well then, let's do it« he jumped onto his feet and stretched his back in this (famous) pregnant pose of his.

»Help meee« Jisung whined to Minho, who already got up from Seungmins bed. Jeongin and Seungmin had a little clash about who takes wich bed, while Felix already got in his upper side of the bunk bed.

Minho took the youngers hand and 'helped' him by pulling too strong, so Jisung flew from Seungmins bed to the other side of the room.

»Hey!« Jisung shouted before jumping onto Lee Knows back to fight him, suddenly wide awake. »I'm gonna draw on your bedsheet, I swear!« He threatened. Lee Know broke down under Jisungs sudden attack. »If you do that, I'm gonna switch our bed sheets!« Minho threatened back. Chan groaned before activating his dad-mode.

Lizz already left the room, so she didn't hear any further threats. She quickly opened the paint cans in the training room, while one after another Straykid entered the room.

This project was a complete mess, but fun. Everyone ran through the room, smearing paint everywhere on the walls. Lizz heard Jeongin giggling while smearing his purple hand on the wall, next to Changbin doing the same, before attacking Jeongin with his white hand.
While the two chased each other, Hyunjin tought Felix how to draw a butterfly with a brush.

Seungmin just splashed his pink paint everywhere while trying to save his bucked from Minho who wanted the pink aswell.

Jisung did not only use his hand to spread his lavender paint but also some other body parts. And Chan quietly sat before a wall, doodleing his heart out, while Lizz ran from here to there to draw and also clean after most of the members.

Everyone had fun and after every paint bucket was empty(mpty, mty, mt, :D[sorry]), sat or layed down, because Lizz pulled out another box with cookies, before getting ready to go to bed.

Damn so much typing😭😭 but I had fun with this chapter, but I don't really like Lizz's personality rn, I think she's way to grown up to fit into Straykids, if you have ideas how to change that, write a comment please🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️ anyways, hope you liked this chapter and hope you had a fun day today (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤

See you in the next chapter♥️♥️

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