Chapter 5

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After everything was done there, Lizz felt a relief. Everything was done. Only the dinner was still to do. The bus was a mess in the back again.

And every two minutes or so someone from the back thanked her or asked where they were going. Lizz wanted to keep it a secret until they were there, so she only said something in the line of »You'll see when we're there«

During the ride, Chan congratulated her by saying: »well done! Your first interview-manage:)« he said to her. »Haha thank you! I you helped me so much and you knew so much, I should call you my senpai« she said jokingly, hoping this was not a cringe answer.

But he just said teasingly »Well, if you insist, you should« Lizz scoffed and hit him lightly in his shoulder. »Ok, senpai, what are your kids doing in the back then?« She asked.

Bang Chan looked in the back. »What are you doing!?« he asked his members. »Were tryna figure out, where Lizz is taking us.« Hyunjin said with a innocent smile.

They created a whole fat mindmap with a plan of the city, restaurants being circled in red and possible routes.

This thing was so big that everyone in the front seats had to hold it and one in the second row writing on it. While Bang Chan was still in shock and three people explaining to him why this was necessary, Lizz spotted the restaurant and held in a parking lot.

Now no one was paying attention to the plan anymore. A small cafe was infront of them. Inside, it looked like a normal, comfy living room with a few tables. The members were so excited, that they quickly opened the doors and looked curious to the cafe.

The name that stood on a cute, white and blue sign over the entrance was "ferret cafe". »Hey, what is that?« Hyunjin asked after reading the sign.

»This is a ferret cafe. It's just like a cat or puppy cafe, just with ferrets!« Lizz looked to the other members. She really hoped everyone is ok with what she choose.

Hyunjin just said »Cool« and ran inside like a little kid seeing a cat on the sidewalk. »Do they have coffee?« Han asked. »yes« She could only answer before Han followed Hyunjin the same way.

Lizz knew the cashier, because she came here often in the last few weeks and they became friends really quickly. The cashiers name was Jennifer. »Hi Lizz!« She said as she spotted Lizz in the doorframe.

»are these guys here with you?« Jennifer asked, pointing at Han and Hyunjin who sat at a table, Hyunjin already having a ferret on his lap. Han smiled innocently at her and waved.

Lizz heard a »Hello« from behind her. Chan was trying hard to look over Lizz's shoulder at the cashier. Lizz gave a confused look to Chan behind her, watching his strange/stupid behavior. Chan gave up and just walked beside Lizz.

Finally she got the chance to greet her friend. »Hi Jen. Yeah those belong to me. Can we get a table for 9? We can just move two tables beside each other.« She said.

»Yes. But please tell them to not just grab a ferret, let them come to them at their own will? He wanted to grab one as he came in.« Jennifer said, pointing at Hyunjin, who was busy playing with an energetic ferret.

»I'm so sorry, he just loves them very much.« Lizz apologized. Now she turned to the rest of the members, who all stood behind her, only looking at the ferrets.

Except for Jeongin, he just got attacked from a white ferret and now he held that one in his arms and played with it while standing. »you can go sit down.« she said.

Jeongin nodded and they all sat down at a table for 4. »You intelligent people. Instead of squeezing 8 people at one small table, you can take another table and attach it to the other one!« Lizz scolded them. Now they all stood up, and tried to coordinate themselves to take the table Lizz just pointed at.

Except for Hyunjin. He stayed where he was and petted the ferret in his arms. While Lizz told Jennifer her current living situation, the members got distracted by the ferrets.

Chan was the only one still standing next to her and occasionally also telling something. After a little while, Chan sat down at the table with the very loud members, telling them to be quiet, because ferrets have good ears and it could hurt their ears.

Lizz also sat down. The only free place was at the head of the table. She was kinda uncomfortable with her seat, but didn't say anything, so the members weren't concerned. The menus were brought and it took a while for everyone to choose, the most were attacked from ferrets.

The members had a great time, and that was what counted for Lizz, even though she didn't talk that much. The food was vegan, so the ferrets don't steal the food too much and Lizz had a burger with fries, she is kinda a picky eater and didn't know what else to get.

After the meal, the members were allowed to stay and play with the ferrets a little longer. At one point, Seungmin came up to her with a ferret, while Lizz was sitting in a corner.

»Hi, how are you?« He asked in English. Lizz was a little stunned. »I'm good. You?« she answered in English. »Good. You looked a little sad and lonely, so I brought you a friend.« He said, putting the ferret in his arms on her lap.

»Oh, thank you, that's so sweet of you.« she said smiling at him. He petted the ferret. »His name is Barny. He is really, uh, nice behaved.« he said, clearly struggling to speak in English. »Yes, he is very cute.« She said in Korean.

»Great! You can have him.« Seungmin said clearly embarrassed. He stood up and walked to Hyunjin, stealing one of his three ferrets. »Heyy, she's mine!« Hyunjin protested. »You have three. And I just gave mine to Lizz. You can do the same to me and be nice to your little brother.« Seungmin answered and sat down next to him.

'He is so cute. Such a nice gesture.' Lizz thought and petted Barny, who ran around her, jumped on her lap, let her pet him for a little and than ran around again. Now Lizz was smiling brightly.

Ahhh no progress with Bang Chan but be patient, the time will come. Do you think Seungmin would act like this?? Tell me I really need to know before I finish this story 💕🤌

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