wonderland. sam kerr

By caitlinfoordsgf

12K 536 169

Come here as I whisper in your ear. More



1.6K 72 41
By caitlinfoordsgf

Aurelia Keene, Caitlin Foord and Steph Catley were the last three Matildas to arrive back in Australia for pre-training before the FIFA World Cup was to begin, taking place on their own home soil. Australia.

The Arsenal trio walked through the doors of the training ground, they had landed early in the morning, and when they arrived at the hotel rooms, everyone was already at the Wednesdays training session. Leaving the three to find their rooms, where, as per usual, they would be sharing with someone throughout the entire camp, and as Aurelia walked into her room, saying her goodbyes to her two teammates. She immediately noticed the bright pink football boots sitting on the bed. In all the nine years the pair had played together for Australia, Sam Kerr and Aurelia Keene had only shared a hotel room once before. Aurelia was happy knowing she was rooming with her captain, she quite liked the presence of the Chelsea player.

When she changed out of her airport outfit and into her Matildas training wear, she heard the loud knocks of her arsenal teammates at the door. Caitlin and Steph telling her to hurry up. Aurelia laughed quietly at their inpatience, digging through her suitcase for her shoes. She huffed, not being able to find them in time for Caitlin and Stephs next yells.

Aurelia walked over to the door. Opening it up, the two looked at her. "You've got to wear shoes babe" Steph raises her eyebrows.

Aurelia rolled her eyes "I would love to, and I would really appreciate if you guys gave me a moment to find them."

"We have to go!" Caitlin cried out "Tony says if we're any later than we're gonna be in the ice bath! I don't wanna be in the ice bath Rory!"

"And you think i do?" Aurelia laughed "Please help me find my shoes"

"No time — are those Sam's?" Steph questioned, pointing at the pink football boots sitting on one of the beds. Aurelia nodded. Steph smiled "great. Wear them, you're the same height, should be the same shoe size, and let's fucking go suprise these bitches that we're back three days earlier."

Aurelia sighed. Quickly grabbing Sam's shoes, and her training bag. She locked her hotel door "if Sam ends up murdering me for wearing her extra pair, I'm going to haunt you for the rest of your life, and I'll ruin your representation. Imagine your trying to kick a goal and a ghost kicks it out of the way."

Steph rolls her eyes, wrapping a arm around the youngest. She pulled her down the hallway, Caitlin to the side of her. "Oh no! Please don't haunt us Rory boo. We didn't mean for Sam to kill you!" Steph sarcastically pleads.

Aurelia pushed her away "You're a bitch."

"Love you Rory boo"


Caitlin's hand grasped the doors to the outside field of the training centre. The three shot one last look at each other before making themselves known to the rest of the team. "Guess who's back bitches!" Steph yells, throwing her arms up in the air "You're favourite!"

"Oh Steph! You shouldn't have" Aurelia places a hand on her heart "I knew I was your favourite"

Steph sends her a playful glare, pushing her back. "I hope Sam kills you"

"Rory!" Kyra screams. Jumping up and down in the air before running at the older girl. Tackling her in a massive bear hug "oh my god, I missed you so much kiddo. It's been so boring with the rest of these old people."

"I'm older than you" Aurelia reminds her.

"You don't look a day over eighteen" Kyra smiles. Pulling away from their hug, she snaps her head towards Steph "you touch my child ever again, and I'll end your life."

Steph raised her arms in the air "Jesus dude. Don't send the entire team after me — she was the one who started it! She told me she would haunt me if she died!"

"You're such a liar Steph!" Hayley walks over with Ellie, Charli and Sam with her hands on her hips "the little Angel would never do such a thing. She's a precious princess." She wraps her arms around Rory, greeting her with a warm hug.

Stephs face drops "are you serious!" She turns to their coach, Tony. "Can you kick Aurelia off the team? I'm sick of this bullshit, everyone thinks she's so innocent."

"Cause she is" Charli hums. Hugging Aurelia next before hugging Caitlin.

Steph turns to Sam as a last resort "come on Sammy, captain to captain, you see past this innocent facade she puts on.   .   . Right?"

Caitlin slaps Steph's chest "of course she doesn't." She says, Sam nods her head silently. Stephs eyes glancing between the other captain and Aurelia with a knowing smile. Knowing all too well about the major crush Sam had on the youngest Arsenal player. Everyone knew of it — expect for Aurelia herself.

Steph crosses her arms "this is so unfair." Her eyes trail back down to the boots Aurelia wore "hey, Rory aren't those Sam's shoes?" She questions with a smirk.

Rorys eyes widen. She quickly turns to face Sam "I was trying to find my own shoes earlier and these two—" she pointed at Caitlin and Steph "were being inpatient bitches and forced me to take your shoes."

Caitlin and Steph raised their eyebrows. Caitlin wrapping an arm around Stephs shoulders. "What? Us? We would never."

Sam chuckled "if you wanted to wear my shoes, you could've just done so, no need to make up an excuse"

Aurelia's jaw dropped. "I hate you all. Like I actually do. Tony I want to go back home — Kyra everyone's being mean to me — again"

Kyra crossed her arms "who do you need me to fight?"

Aurelia pointed at Steph, Caitlin and Sam.

Kyra jumped up and down a few times, getting herself prepared. She took off, running towards Sam. Sam screamed, running away. The others began to grow with loud laughter. Watching as the twenty nine year old scattered away from the twenty year old.

Sam ran behind Rory. Using the girl as shield "Ror, get your weird fucking friend away from me — it's like a dog — fucking tell it to sit down or something" she yelled

"It?" Kyra repeated "do I look like a fucking it to you Samanatha?"

Sam shrugged "you do have feautures that look like pennywise"

A loud 'oh' ran through the girls. Kyra glared "you're so fucking dead Kerr."

Sam shook her head. Placing her hands on Aurelia's shoulders "you have to get through Rory to get to me — and you don't want to hurt me, that will hurt Rory, because she loves me — right Stella? — you love me too much to let this weird thing hurt me?"

Sam liked to call Rory by her middle name, she was the only one that ever did it. Everyone knew not to, it would ruin the small connection that Sam had built but between the pair. It was Sams thing for her.

"Why are you bringing me into this?" Aurelia cried out "I don't partake in violent activities such as this one."

"You started it" Sam huffed, clearly out of breath from running. 

Aurelia laughed, the motion causing her shoulders to move slightly. Sam's heart began to speed up quickly, she was crazy when it came to the girl.

Aurelia turned her head, her face coming in close distance of Sams. Causing Sam to draw in a sharp breath. Aurelia smiled "sorry Sammy" she says, Sam furrowed her eyebrows.

Liquid began to pour down from Sam's head. Aurelia quickly stepped away, not wanting to get wet. Sam squealed as cold water was poured on her. Kyra giggled mischievously behind her, holding the water bottle.

Sam looked back at Rory "you traitor!"


Aurelia pulled her black long sleeve shirt over her chest. Placing the end of the shirt over her parachute pants. She jumped onto her bed, turning on her side, she laid on her pillow, looking at Sam, who laid on her own bed, playing on her phone.

Aurelia sighed, making her vocie go down a pitch into a deeper one, mimicking an old man "Your generation and those godamn electronic boxes." She giggles at the end in her normal voice.

"Electronic boxes?" Sam laughed. Turning off her phone, she turned to face her roommate "I was trying to order us some mcflurries but I guess I won't anymore, cause grandpa hates when I'm on my phone —"

"Grandpa would love a McFlurry" Aurelia dropped her voice again "he would really appreciate if you got back on the electronic box and got him a McFlurry"

"Nope" Sam shook her head "you had your chance. It's over now. You've ruined it. No McFlurrys"

Aurelia glared "I hate you."

"You betrayed me earlier."

Aurelia giggle at the memory "it was funny, it's not my fault you were distracted — which reminds me to ask, what did distract you to the point you couldn't even see Kyra sneaking up on you?"

Sam's face dropped. Your lips. Your eyes. Your touch. You. She shook her head "nothing. Guess I just zoned out for a moment."

"Oh.   .   . Okay" Aurelia softly replied.

"Yeah." Sam trailed off awkwardly. "Do you — do you wanna watch a movie."

"If you suggest the fucking conjuring —"

"Dude the conjuring is awesome!" Sam exclaimed

"For someone who gets scared easily, your love for horror movies are odd" Rory pointed out "I think we should watch the —"

"We're not watching the titantic" Sam cuts her off "because if we do, you're just gonna take a hundred more pictures of me crying and giggle as you show Caitlin and Kyra."

Rory frowned "okay then. What do we watch — let's watch Cars!"

Sam raises her eyebrows "how old are you again?"

"Disney should never have an age limit" Aurelia said. "Now turn on cars, order those McFlurrys and let's have an amazing nights sleep before Toby throws us in the ice bath tomorrow."


Maisie speaks!!

After watching todays game. I've fallen more in love with my wife Sam Kerr. So I had to start writing immediately. Also Aurelia and Caitlin are gonna be the best bestfriends ever like Odessa and Helen. I love Caitlin aswell. She's so gf. Like I actually want to write a Caitlin Foord fic cause I just love that woman so much.

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