Both Of Our Hearts Beli...

Bởi orchideebianche

14.9K 432 77

Beca Mitchell, the rebellious girl who joins and all girls ACapella singing group. Jesse Swanson, a movie ne... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: Can't Forget About Him
Chapter 2: Forcing To Go
Chapter 3: Saw Her Again
Chapter 4: A Midnight To Remember
Chapter 5: Asking and Stubborness
Chapter 6: What plan?
Chapter 7: Failed
Chapter 8: An Amazing Afternoon at the Radio Station
Chapter 9: Stressful Night
Chapter 10: The Agreement
Chapter 11: A Crazy Car Ride with a Weirdo
Chapter 12: Bump and Screwed
Chapter 13: The Annoying Father and Tacos
Chapter 14: Ice Creams and Lies
Chapter 16: Hiding

Chapter 15: A Nightmare?

508 22 8
Bởi orchideebianche

Chloe's POV

I groaned as I heard my alarm beeping.

*beep beep*

*beep beep*

"Crap." I groaned again and put the pillow on my face.

*beep beep*

*beep beep*

"Chloe, could you get your ass up from bed and turn off that irritating alarm of yours?!" I heard Aubrey said angrily.

"No." I whimper, half asleep.

"Chloe!" She exclaimed irritated.

I just ignored her and try to get back to sleep. Seriously, why did I even set an alarm I'm so tired!

*beep beep*

*beep beep*

"Chlo!" She said, this time more irritated. "It's 5:30 am for God's sake!"

"Do it yourself." I mumbled, not moving from my position.

Crap she's so annoying. I wonder why I even agreed to be roommates with her.

"Dammit." She cursed and after five seconds, I heard the alarm went off and I mumbled, "oh thank God." And continue sleeping.

But before I knew it, I felt something soft and fluffy spanking on my head.

"Go away." I whined, shoving the soft thing off my head.

"Wake up!" Aubrey screamed.

"Why?!" I groaned again.

"Just wake the hell up!" She yelled at me strictly.
I know she'll be a volcano erupting at any minute now so I sigh and opened my eyes and there reveals my blonde best friend, with her pink PJ's on. She's standing angrily and irritated at the same time. I swear I could see some smoke burning on her head.

I stood up from my bed and sit. I look at her and she's glaring at me.
"What?" I yawned.

"Why did you set your alarm on?" She say, calmly.

"I don't know.." I yawned again. "Bella's rehearsal?"

"There's no rehearsals today." She rolled her eyes.

"What? Really?!" I exclaimed sleepily.

"Yeah." She said sarcastically.

I stared at her weirdly and say, "as if you've told me that before."

She scoffed and say, "I did."

"When?" I said sleepily.

"Uh, yesterday when you were doing something that involves with your journal?" She scoffed sarcastically.

Yesterday.. Journal.. Crap! I was writing in my journal last night when Aubrey said something but I ignored her because I was writing in my journal.. I was writing about how I love helping Jesse to get Beca but at the same time I have a crush on Beca. What the hell is wrong with me?

My eyes suddenly became wide and I almost snap at Aubrey. "Did you read my journal?!"

"What?" She said innocently. "I'm not that kind of person, Chloe."

"Did you read it?!" I screamed. I'm completely panicking.

"You don't trust me?"

"Did you read it?!" I repeated my question.

"Chloe Dianne Beale, you're my best friend for what, since we're 13 and you know I know every single detail about you. We always have each other's back for every incident, heart break, dramas and happiness. Remember when we were little and we're at the Zoo and your favorite animal are crocodiles and you said you wanna hug them to death?" She explained. But that doesn't stopped me from panicking though.

Oh my God, I know she'll create a whole lecture or a speech about me blaming her about my journal. But what if she really read it?

"Yes and what is that got to do with my-" I said, angrily and panicking, seriously, why did Aubrey brought that topic?

"Then when we arrived at the crocodile farm and you were screaming excitedly to death and you want to hug them but there were chicken wires blocked from it, separating us from them. And that's when you almost cried because you want it so bad to touch them and I was calming you down but you didn't. You immediately ran to the nearest zoo keeper and sneaked to his pocket to take his keys." She stared and me, her hands on her hips.

I just nodded and rolled my eyes. I don't know where this is going.

"Luckily, he didn't noticed because he would've screamed at you, you were a great thief, though. And I was stopping you from getting the keys but I couldn't. You're too damn stubborn. That's when you ran towards the wires and reached for the padlock to unlock it. And I was almost yelling at you, telling you it's dangerous but you didn't listen. When you unlocked it, you literally ran to the crocodiles and you hugged and started kissing them. What you didn't know was the crocodiles we're hungry and they bit your arm and there's blood everywhere. Your arm was stuck on the crocodiles mouth and that's when you started screaming and crying for dear life. And I was away from the wires, terrified of what happened. I was crying too, because I don't know what to do."
Her voice is cold and I'm doing forever to stop myself from panicking and screaming at her. What is the purpose of her telling me that damn flashback?

"That's when I ran to our moms and told them you've been eaten by a crocodile. They immediately panicked and ran towards where you were. They were shocked when they saw blood everywhere. They took 15 minutes to remove your arms out of the crocodiles mouth and when it's over, you were rushed to the hospital quickly and I was at the waiting area, sitting and crying because it was my fault that I didn't stopped you. That's when a doctor came and they said your arm might be removed. Then-"

"You ran towards the room I'm in and you started screaming and crying saying that you want to remove your arm too because you love me so much and it's not the same without my other arm and said that it's all your fault why all of that happened." I finished Aubrey's story, pissed.

"Exactly." She smiled at me.

"And what is the purpose of you telling me that flashback?" I crossed my arms.

"The purpose is to let you remember that I love you and you're my best friend for infinity and that I wouldn't read your journal for some senseless reason." She said, calmly.

I stared at her and shook my head, "you're right, I'm sorry. I just panicked."

"C'mon." She said, extending her arms wide for me to dive in them.

I hugged her and smiled.

"So.." She said, breaking the hug.

"What's the purpose of you setting that alarm?" She said, back in a strict mode.

"I-I don't really remembered." I scratched my head.

"Really?" She looked at me suspiciously.

"Yeah I swear." I raised both of my hands in surrender.

"Okay, why don't we both go back to sleep and maybe it'll help you remember about it." She said, annoyed.

"Okay." I yawned, collapsing in my bed and closed my eyes.

I heard Aubrey went back to her bed and it all became silent.

Damn, I'm not in the mood to go back to sleep. I wonder what's Beca doing right now? I mean, maybe she's doing her mixes and- wait, shit.

I set my alarm to go to Beca's dorm to practice for something this morning.

"Shit!" I shrieked, getting off my bed and bursting to the bathroom because well, I really need to hurry up.

"Now what?" I heard Aubrey groans.

"I have to go somewhere!" I yelled, closing the bathroom door.

"Oh so now you remembered." She sighed.

"Yeah." I responded.

"You're going to Beca, aren't you?"

How the hell did she knew?


Beca's POV

"Are you sure you want to ride it? I mean, it's pretty high and insanely extreme." Jesse looked at me, with his concerned eyes.

It's like once in a lifetime, right? If I don't ride it, I'll definitely miss my chance and probably regret it.

"Uh, I guess?"

"You sure?" He asks me again.

I have second thoughts. What if I fall on the ground on over a 200 feet high? What if I vomit from the dizziness? What if I faint because I'm afraid of heights? It makes me sick.

"I-I don't know.." I face palmed.

"Becs, this is just once in a lifetime opportunity and I swear you have to ride it. It's the most fun thing ever. But if you don't want to and you're scared, I won't force you. I'll just be here by your side whether you ride on it or not." He said, his dark blue eyes staring deep at me.

Damn, I'm so nervous. I know he'll be here by my side but.. I'm just scared. I never been this scared in my entire life.

"Well shit." I said, looking horrifically at the roller coaster in front of me. The way it turns around and the speed. God, this is scary.

"You already made up your mind?" He asked.

"I'm riding it." I croaked. The words just came out of my mouth without even thinking about it. I swallowed the lump on my throat as I just realized that I agreed to ride that damn of a roller coaster.

"Let's go then." He smiled, taking my hand.

We got in line and thankfully, after 10 minutes, it was our turn and as I was about to hop in the seats, I snapped. "Okay, I changed my mind, I'm not going to ride it. I will die and the worse is that I would-" Jesse cut me off.

Before I knew it, his lips are pressed against mine and I was about to pull him away and beat the shit out of him but suddenly I felt something. Something I never felt for a while. That it feels so right to kiss him and that I would do everything not to ruin this moment.
I didn't kissed back because my mind tells me to get off him and it's not right of what he did.
But my heart tells me that this is the moment to kiss back and enjoy this.
So I just stayed frozen and shocked.

But wait.. we're just friends! What the hell?! Okay what has gotten into me and let him kiss me?!

I suddenly pulled away and said, "what the actual fuck did you just-"

"I'm sorry!" He raised his hands in surrender.

I get off my feet and i was about to get off the roller coaster but a hand suddenly gripped on me and i snapped again. "I swear to God I will kick your ass and I will punch your gut to death if you won't-"

He cut me off again and said, "I swear you will regret it if you get off this roller coaster right now. All I'm saying is that I'm right here and be by your side just please forget about that I kissed you and just enjoy the ride?"

I glared at him at went to sit beside him and didn't said a word.

"Becs?" He said and I feel him looking at me.

"Shut up or I'll kill you."


I forgot all the nervousness that the roller coaster put into me and all I could feel right now is anger towards this boy beside me.

We put our seat belts and buckle up. That's when the coaster started moving and I could feel my palms sweating.

We're rolling up like, a hundred feet high and I know where this will go.
We'll drop or slide down a hundred feet down when we reach the top.

Why did I even agreed to do this?

"Are you okay, Beca?" He suddenly asked.

"Y-yeah." I said, gripping the bars beside me tighter.

"You sure 'cause you're shaking and sweating." He asked, concerned.

"I'm fine." I mumbled.

We reached to the top and I swear I want to die right now.

We're about to go down in 5..

"Beca?" He asks again and I saw that we're already at the top and about to fall down.


"What?!" I asked, annoyed and scared at the same time.

"Beca! Wake up!" He said, looking at me and his voice was replaced by a woman's voice.


"What?" I looked at him weirdly.

"Wake up!" He repeated but his voice sounded like a woman.


"What the hell are you-" I said and I felt like the roller coaster's shaking like an earthquake.


It was like the world's ending and there's an earthquake occurring.

Everything went suddenly black and I feel like falling.

"Becaaa!" I heard a woman's voice.

I opened my eyes and there reveals a red head, bouncing up and down on my bed with her skinny jeans and a blue sweater.

I looked at her shocked and I suddenly feel a headache occurring on my head.

"Hey sleepy head!" Chloe cheered bubbly and I swear her voice was like an ear piercing scream and it just made my head hurt even more.

I groaned and say, "w-what are you doing here?"

"We still have to decide- the choreography for- our performance." She said stuttering because she's still obviously bouncing on my bed.

"W-what?" I asked, rubbing my eyes well because I'm really sleepy and I swear I could kill this ginger in any second.

"I said, we have to-" she said but I cut her off.

"God, Chloe can you just please stop bouncing and get the hell off my bed?" I said, losing my temper a little bit because of my head. Seriously, I feel like I have a hungover.

"Well someone has a temper." I heard Chloe mumbled and jumped off my bed.

"I heard that." I muttered and put the blanket over my head because it's really cold and I still want to sleep.

"Hey!" I heard Chloe hissed followed by a pillow spanking on me.

"Shut up.." I groaned.

"We have to practice!" She said and and followed by another spank on my head.

"What for?!" I whined, putting the blanket off my face and looking at Chloe and there's this frown written on her face.

"For the Freshmen Orientation duh!" Chloe said as it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Dude, that's like 3 months from now. Can't we do it like, the next 1 month because I desperately need a break." I mumbled.

"But-" Chloe said I cut her off.

"Ugh.." I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"Fine." She gave up and I smiled. She crossed her arms and stared at me and after a while, she jumped on my bed beside me and I scooted and she grabbed a pillow and lay there.

"Freshmen Orientation?" I asked her.

"Yeah, we have to perform. The Dean asked me and I said yes-" she mumbled but I cut her off.

"You agreed?! What the-"

"Look, we have to at least perform this year. Besides, maybe we'll find some new Bella members." She smiled, her eyes sparkling.

"I don't think we need some." I scoffed. "I mean, aren't we enough? This just-"

"The more the members, the better." Chloe glared at me horrifically.

"Yeah right." I mumbled sarcastically and I just saw Chloe roll her eyes.
"By the way, how did you get in here?"


"How did you get in my dorm?"

"Oh, I decided to go here and planned on breaking the door if it's locked. But it wasn't so I invited myself in." She smirked.

"Fuck" I mumbled not enough for Chloe to hear because of the fact to me knowing when Kimmy Jin leaves, she often leaves the door unlocked.

"What?" She asked.


"By the way, I saw you moving hysterically and thrashing around while sleeping Did you have nightmare?" She looks at me with her curious eyes.

I was? Wait, is that dream a good one or a bad one? Of course it's a bad one! Jesse fucking kissed me!

"Yep." I simply said.

"What is it about?"

"I forgot." I mumbled.

"You did?" She raised her eyebrow.


She changed the subject and said, "So, what are you planning to do today?" She turned her head and faced me.

"I don't know, just lay in bed and eat pizza or something." I mumbled, staring at the ceiling.

She laughed and say, "so how are you and Jesse?"

"Fine, I guess?" I said, remembering my dream about us in the roller coaster.

"Are you and him are a thing now?" Chloe says excitedly, staring into my eyes.

"What? Hell no." I'm honestly shocked. Why would she ask me that?

"I thought you guys went on a date yesterday?" She asked.

"We just ate lunch." I said, simply.

That's when she raised an eyebrow at me, with a frown written all over her face, knowing "lunch" isn't what me and Jesse just did.

"Okay, we played on an arcade and ate ice creams, happy?" I say.

"Whatever you say.." She grins sarcastically.

"I'm telling the truth!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah right.." She said and it was cut off by the door getting opened and someone bursting in my dorm.

"Woah, what do we have here?" The brunette girl with white shorts and a violet hoodie came in.
"Are you guys making out?" She laughs.

Me and Chloe stared at her ridiculously.

"WHAT?!" We exclaimed.

"Looks like you guys are. I mean, when you're standing here in my place, plus Chloe was like facing you and you guys were like French kissing." She smirked and laughed.

I looked at Chloe and she has a disgusted face and I supposed mine have too because what Stacie just said made my head hurt even more.

"Anyways.." Stacie laughed. "Chloe, Aubrey wants to see you today. She said you have to cancel whatever you're doing with Beca right now and get your bubbly butt on you and Bree's dorm."

I giggled at Chloe's reaction.
She's like about to kill someone and I could see some smoke burning on her head.

Then her face began to calm down. She sighed and said, "be right back." she smiled at me.

"Sure." I smirked.

Chloe stood up and went to Stacie. I saw her whispered something in Stacie's ear but I couldn't hear it.

Stacie whispered back something and Chloe rolled her eyes at her.

What are they talking about?

Chloe went out of the door and Stacie turned at me and said, "are you guys seriously making out a while ago? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if you two become a couple or something."

"What the hell?" I almost screamed. What the fuck is Stacie talking about.

I heard Chloe screamed, "shut it and get your flirty butt here and hurry up."
I think she heard what Stacie just said.

I saw Chloe's hand grabbed Stacie's arm and pulled Stacie with her, along with the door shutting close.

Seriously, this is like almost the worst day ever.

But that dream isn't really a nightmare, is it? I mean, when he kissed me and I saw fireworks! It felt right but.. Fuck, I don't know. But there's like an earthquake occurring when we're about to slide down.

Nightmare it is.


Hey guys! Boring chapter? I know, sorry. I updated this too damn late and I'm sorry! 😭 btw, I read all of your comments and I'm glad you guys liked it! I'll try to write the next chapter more exciting? Lol idk 😂 bye guys!😄🎉🎊

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