The Ministry Child: Phantomime

By IStoleTime

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After the death of her Father Albany is struggling with her grief, she had lost every single member family in... More

Take Your Time
Lockdown At The Ministry
Romantic Gestures Never Go To Plan
That Ghoul!
Ghostly Encounters
Mystery Solved
Halloween With The Ghouls
Cluedo At The Ministry
A New Year, A New Routine
A Change Of Scene
Copia, What Did You Do?!
Times Of Change
Back To Business
He's Back
Revisiting The Past
Our Old Getaway
I Missed You
Breakfast At The Ministry
The European Tour
Another City, Another Country
An Outing With Two Papas.
Near The End
Los Angeles
Returning From Hellfest
Let's Play Ball!
A Day At The Beach
Training At The Beach
A Nightmare Revisited.
Jesus Is Coming
Glass Caskets
Father Jim DeFroque
Rude Awakening
Calling From A Land Down Under
Frater Imperator
A Big Change
Family Time!
Kite Flying With The Frater

Papa Nihil

108 9 8
By IStoleTime

Chapter Sixteen!

Papa Nihil

1st of Januaury 2022- The Los Angeles Ministry  

After the spooky events that had happened in the kitchen Sister Imperator had informed Copia and Albany about the Clergy's decision to bring the former elderly Papa back from beyond the grave. Papa Nihil had been summoned back from the dead, but it was still unclear why he had really returned. The Clergy had decided that the deceased Papa still had unfinished business within the Ministry, they had ideas for the future tours with the newest Papa Emeritus.

Albany was sitting at the kitchen table, she was still trying to figure out what had happened not long ago. She was confused and upset, the months of grieving for her Father had resurfaced. It was a shock to her system, she couldn't understand why the Clergy had summoned him back to the unholy church without even discussing it with her first. Her thoughts were disturbed by someone placing a hot cup of coffee down in front of her, the scent of mini pasties filled her nostrils. Albany's gaze was met by a loving pair of mismatched eyes, her lover had been told to look after her by Sister while she spoke with the former Papa in private. She slightly smiled when Copia sat down on the chair beside her, he glanced around the room before he caressed her shoulder. Copia was trying his best to comfort his lover, he understood that she wasn't coping too well with Papa Nihil's recent resurrection. Copia himself was uncomfortable with the new arrival, he had concerns about his future at the Ministry. His voice was soon heard, his speaking tone was soothing and soft.

" Are you okay, baby?" He asked.

" I'm still a little shook up." She replied while her hands curled around her cup. " I did just see my Father's spirit, right?" 

" You did, sadly..." He replied.

" What's going on?" She asked.

" I don't know, this is the first time I've heard about the old guy coming back from the dead." He said, his gaze was sincere. " If I knew about what the Clergy were planning I would have told you about it, this is surprising news for me too!"

" What's going to happen next?" She asked, her gaze lowered towards her coffee cup. " Do the Clergy plan to bring my Brothers back next? I don't think I could cope if they did that, it would be dreadful!"

" I don't know, but try and eat something." He said.

" I don't know if I can stomach breakfast right now..." She said.

" Just eat one, they're very good." He said before he caressed her cheek. " You'll feel better, do it for me. Just a little bite, one tiny nibble for my rats."

" Okay, just a little nibble." She said.

Copia softly kissed her forehead before he sat up straight in his seat, he was nervous in case they were being watched. Albany's gaze focused on the plate of mini pasteries, she took one of the breakfast treats and tore it apart with her fingers. The scent of strawberry and doughy goodness filled her nostrils, she popped a piece of it into her mouth. The mini pasteries were delicious and warm, but it didn't stop her pondering about her Father's return. Footsteps entering the kitchen caught their attention, their superior's voice was soon heard.

" Alright, let's get down to business." Sister said.

Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil soon joined them at the kitchen table, the silence of the room was deafing. Albany looked over at her Father while she popped the last piece of pastry into her mouth, she was surprised to learn that spirits could sit on chairs without falling through them. Their gaze met for a few seconds, his features were grumpy. He made no effort to acknowledge his child, his gaze was focused on his prodigy. Her gaze wandered between Sister and Copia, the atmosphere was awkward. Papa Nihil was eyeing up the newsest Papa Emeritus, he had a puzzled expression on his face. His voice disturbed the silence of the room, their was curiosity in his words.

" What happened to your face?" Papa asked.

" I had a little work done, it was a two for one offer." Copia replied, he motioned his hand towards his motherly figure. " Sister got some work done too, she's a new woman."

" Sister looks good, but it looks like you've been stung by a Bee." Papa said.

" Albany said that too, but the swelling went down." Copia said, he glanced at his lover. " But it looks good now, better than a few months ago."

" I think you look rather peculiar." Papa said, his speaking tone was harsh while his eyes narrowed. " You remind me of that dough boy from the television adverts. The Pillsbury Doughboy."

" That's a little rude..." Copia said.

" Oh Papa!" Sister sighed.

" It's not my fault if he looks like a puffed pastry!" Papa said.

" Don't be mean, Papa!" Albany said.

" I didn't ask for your opinion, Albany." Papa said.

" Now that was uncalled for Pops!" Copia said.

" And another thing, don't you ever touch my Daughter again!" Papa said, he scowled at his prodigy while his see-through fist bannged against the tabletop. " I saw you in the hallway, your grubby hands all over her! Stay away from her, she's too good for the likes of you!"

" Enough,  Papa!" Sister said.

Sister Imperator slammed her hands down on the tabletop while she got to her feet, her little outburst had startled everyone around the table. Her gaze wondered between the old and the newest Papa, she didn't look too pleased with their little ongoing argument. Albany glanced at Copia and then at her Father, she hadn't released that he had seen her lover comforting her in the hallway after her little scare. Sister's voice was soon heard again, her gaze fell upon her little Cardi.

" I think it's time we left Papa Nihil with Albany, they need to discuss a couple of things." Sister said, her gaze wandered between the people around the table. " We also have things to discuss, the North American tour begins this month."

" Okay, cool." Copia said.

Copia glanced at his lover before he got to his feet, he seemed hesitant to leave her alone with the elderly phantasm. But he had no other choice, his company was needed elsewhere. Abany watched Sister and Copia leave, she didn't want them to leave her alone with her ghostly Father. The room became silent, her gaze fell upon her coffee cup. She didn't know what to say or do, but the clearing of her Father's throat caught her attention. Their gaze met, his features had changed. He looked more sincere and approachable, his voice was calm.

" Are you going to speak with me?" He asked.

" Of course, Papa." She said, her hands wrapped around her coffee cup. " How have you been? Wait, no! I didn't mean it like that..."

" It's fine, little one." He said while he waved his hand in dismissal. " I understand, this isn't a normal situation. I'm still trying to get use to being back myself."

" I'm not dreaming am I?" She asked.

" No." He replied.

" Why are you back, Papa?" She asked, her words were filled with curiosity. " Did the Clergy always plan this? I mean bringing you back after your death, did they ever saying anything to you about it when you were alive? What have they said to you exactly?"

" Apparently I have unfinished business at this Ministry, but I'm unaware what that is right now." He replied.

" I see." She said.

" And you, my child..." He paused for a moment before he continued to speak again. " What do you think of me being back at this Ministry?"

" I don't know what to think..." She replied before she took a sip of her hot beverage. " I'm still trying to figure out what's happening, this is an unregular occurrence. I remember hearing stories from Phil about the dead coming back to haunt the Italian Ministry when I was young, but they were just Halloween stories he told me and my Brothers at the All Hallows' Eve parties when we lived in Italy."

" The same for me too,  little one." He said.

" Papa, did you want to come back?" She asked, she eyed him up curiously and leaned against her hand. " Were you at peace on the other side?"

" I'm unsure." He replied while his hand reached for the plate of pasteries. " But I can tell you one thing, I'm starving!"

" You're hungry?" She asked.

" Extremely hungry!" He said.

" Can you even eat food?" She asked.

" We'll soon find out." He replied.

Albany watched her Father's hand trying to take one of the mini pasteries from the plate, but his ghostly hand kept going through the plate. He ghostly form denied him touching and physically picking things up, he couldn't feed his endless hunger. Papa Nihil's features soon became frustrated, his hand swiping at the plate he cursed to himself. Albany gave him a pitiful look, but when the plate flew a cross the room she almost split her coffee. Her eyes grew wide while her gaze met with her Father's surprised features, it seemed like Papa Nihil  had some undiscovered supernatural abilities that his ghostly form had yet to reveal to the Clergy.


1st Of February 2023 - The Los Angeles Ministry

The Los Angeles Ministry was silent, there was someone of importance missing from this unholy place. Copia was away on his opening tour in North America, it was the first time in two years that he had been on the road with his ghouls again. But this time round there was three new additions to the band, the bandmates had been joined by ghoulettes. The Clergy had decided that the band needed something new, the ghoulettes were going to bring a new groove to the unholy church.

Albany had remained at the Ministry, her Father had requested for her assistance while Copia was away on the tour. She had no other choice but to stay with Papa Nihil, he wouldn't have been too pleased if she had gone on tour with the newest Papa Emeritus. Nihil was in charge of Copia's workload while he was away, but the only problem he had was that he couldnt sign or turned the pages in the files. This is where Albany had her uses, she was her Father's right hand woman. She would be signing and reading the files on his behalf, the Clergy had approved that it would remain this way until Copia returned from his tour.

The clock in Papa Nihil's office chimed when it's hands turned to twelve o'clock, it was just after midday. Albany was busy in her Father office, he had reclaimed his old office for his duties. She had been reading and signing contracts in his name, the filing cabinets had been rearranged to the way Nihil liked them. Her Father had scolded her more than once when she had accidentally signed her signature instead of his own, he was treating her like a child. His grumpy behaviour was getting overbearing, she was still trying to get use to him being back at the Ministry. 

A cool breeze brushing against Albany's cheek caught her attention, she shivered and placed her pen down on the desk. Her gaze was met by her Father's ghostly features, she disliked when he got her attention by wavering his hand near her face. Since he couldn't get her attention by touch he kept giving her a chill instead, he didn't seem to understand that it made her feel uneasy. His voice was soon heard, he had another request for his only living child.

" Albany, can you proof read and sign these documents on my behalf?" He asked.

" Certainly, Papa." She said.

" Remember to write my name, it's meant to be my signature." He said.

" I know, I know..." She sighed.

Albany pulled the file towards her and read through it's pages, they were Copia's costume expenses. She discussed some parts of the documents with him, he wasn't too impressed with the cost of the newest Papa's wardrobe. He agreed for her to sign them, there was no point of arguing about it since Sister Imperator had prepared the file. Albany signed on the dotted line for her Father and closed the file, this had become a regular occurrence. His new ghostly Papa duties included reading and signing documents to ensure that Copia was on the right track with his tours. Placing the file into the outbox tray Albany checked the time, it was almost 12:30pm. She was due a coffee break, but her Father's voice caught her attention yet again.

" Where is the boy right now?" He asked.

" He should be in Denver." She replied, their gaze met. " Why do you ask? Do you miss him?"

" Absolutely not!" He frowned.

" Then what's with your curiosity?" She asked.

" Well, I maybe joining him on stage very soon." He replied.

" Are you having one of your fantasies again?" She asked.

" Sister has arranged for me to play my saxophone solo at the boy's ritual on Easter Sunday." He said, his features were graced with excitement. " I'll be coming back from the dead, but with far more style than Jesus Christ."

" How will you play your saxophone if you can't hold objects?" She asked.

" That's the interesting part, but it's no concern of yours my child." He said, he motioned his hand towards another file. " Will you read this file to me next? I believe I need to make sure that the chapel is insured in case the boy starts riding his tricycle around the Ministry again."

" The chain on Copia's tricycle snapped in lockdown, he never got it repaired." She said.

" I guess that's a blessing in disguise." He said while he sat down on the chair at his desk. " Albany, my child. Can I ask you something?"

" Of course, Papa." She replied.

" Why do you call him by his name?" He asked, his gaze was upon her. " It's very formal."

" That's how I address him, he doesn't mind." She said before she took another folder from the pile. " I can't call him Cardinal anymore since he's the new Papa Emeritus, but I can't call him Papa since that's what I call you. It would get confusing..."

" I see, but it sounds too friendly." He said.

" Would you like me to call him Papa then?" She asked, her speaking tone was filled with amusement. " It would be an inconvenience, he may get confused and think I'm speaking to you instead of him."

" Don't call him Papa!" He said with a frown. " It's bad enough that you're his clerk, he better be keeping his hands to himself in his office!"

" His hands are always on his desk at all times, he's a perfect gentleman." She smiled and turned her gaze towards him. " Now then, let's go through this contract. It's almost time for my coffee break."

" I wish I could drink coffee..." He sighed.

" I know, I know." She said in a sincere tone. " I'll make you a cup of coffee too. You can still smell things, right?"

" I could smell something when the boy was in the chapel before he went on his North American Tour..." He said.

" I think we all smelt that peculiar oder that day, Papa." She said before she leaned on her hand. " Mr Saltarian had to leave the chapel, but it's not Copia's fault if he's got Irritable bowels."

" I don't know how you managed to tolerate being around him through this lockdown Sister informed me about for the last two years." He said, he leaned closer towards his child. " His childish antics and annoying ways, he must have driven you mad with his board games and the Netflix shows."

" Copia was actually good company throughout lockdown, he kept me entertained." She said with a smile. " He and the ghouls were fun to be around at Halloween and Krampus. We had a little All Hallows' Eve party in one of the executive suites  on the third floor last year, it was fun. Me and Copia had Krampus lunch together, then the ghouls joined us for dinner and a game of Cluedo."

" You did?" He asked.

" We had a lot of fun together, but it would have been better if you were there with us." She said.

" Well of course, little one." He said, his expression was smug. " I've always been the life and soul of every party I've attended in the past!"

" You're more soul now than ever if you excuse the pun." She said.

" Oh, very good joke Albany!" He smiled.

" Thank you, Papa." She said.

An amused expression crept across Albany's features when she heard her Father's laughter, he had found her little joke quite amusing. Her gaze returned to the file in front of her, they still had many things to do before their work day ended. She was still getting use to Papa Nihil being back at the unholy church, but she had missed his laughter and company on the odd occasion.

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