Cruel Summer - Johnny Lawren...

By vampire_pete

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I've always found life to be quite serendipitous, but this isn't exactly what I expected. Life was simple wo... More

Bette Davis Eyes
Private Eyes
Don't You (Forget About Me)
Eye of the Tiger
Hungry Eyes
Just What I Needed
Hit me with your best shot
Got My Mind Set On You
Dirty Work
I Think We're Alone Now
Call Me!
Everybody Have Fun Tonight

State of Attraction

229 7 12
By vampire_pete

Several weeks had passed since I started this karate journey of mine. Things seemed to find their rhythm. Once a week I'd train with Daniel.
Sam was very happy with Miguel and they began to spend more time together. Anytime I mentioned Cobra Kai or Miguel was over talking about Johnny, Daniel seemed to be especially quiet, very stiff.

I tried not to think too deeply into it, and I was keeping my two worlds separate. It was hard though, being in training and trying to prevent one style from bleeding into the other.

I was hopeful nonetheless, again my idealistic nature being my tragic flaw. I took comfort in the new October breeze, feeling the freshness wash over me in this new season of my life.

I'm scheduled to work today, and I'm glad, my savings could really use some tender love and care.

I was working with my work bestie, Nicole.

She was hanging around the bar waiting for me as I approached the counter. Her long blonde hair came into view, her hair was in perfect curls as they are every shift.

"Ugh, finally you're here, Aaron is so boring to talk to during my shifts." she said to me

I looked to our curly-headed coworker Aaron, who awkwardly looked at us and got back to his tasks.

"Slow today?" I asked, taking off my jacket and setting down my bag behind the bar.

"Yes. plus that guy is being so annoying. He's totally gonna skimp out on the tip."

I looked over to where she was looking. At the end of the bar sat an old man who I estimate to be in his 70s or so. He didn't look too happy but of course, not many people are coming into Vinny's with a cheerful smile, they're coming in to feel better about their day.

Nicole and I were talking until Terry came up to us.
"I can't have y'all congregatin' here. Get to work!"

"Okay grandpa.." Nicole said under her breath. She always made work fun, and the time would fly by when we worked together. Bothering Terry was a small bonus.

I was wiping down the bar when Nicole came back from serving some tables. She set her tray on the bar and leaned over to me.

"So, what're you going to be for halloween?" She grinned, resting her chin on her hand.

"Oh, I'm not sure actually." I had been so preoccupied with karate that I didn't prepare anything for halloween.

"Well, it's tomorrow. You are still working right? Please don't flake on this shift, I already know its going to get crazy here."

I started to dry the washed glasses as I answered.

"Yeah I'll still be working tomorrow night. I feel like the real party animals won't come down here though. Last year was a fluke."

"You're telling me. I wish I had the Men in Black here to erase my memory of that night."

"As do I." I grinned setting a glass in the cabinet.

"Girls." Terry had come up to us.

"I know, no congregating." Nicole said getting up from leaning on the bar and grabbing her tray to leave.

"Don't go yet Nicole. Y'all know tomorrow's halloween. Well we're gonna be doin' a costume contest this year, so show up in something good. Costume is mandatory for all employees."

"Why are costumes mandatory?"

"Gets people in the spirit. And, it makes for a memorable experience for our guests. Don't forget, theres a contest for best costume."

"Whats the prize?" Nicole inquired

"A hundred bucks." Terry tossed the stack of paper ads for this event on the bar.

"Now quit congregatin!" Terry said and walked away.

"Looks like you'll need a costume." Nicole smirked.

I got back to doing the dishes, sighing to myself. I guess I do need a costume.

When I was clocking out, Nicole invited me to go to her place and put together some costumes for tomorrow. I decided to take her up on her offer since I had nothing prepared.

"You're here. Punctual." Nicole said opening her door.

She led me into her room which looked like a tornado had passed through, tossing clothes and accessories everywhere they might land.

"Love what you've done with the place." I smiled at her.

She plopped down on her bed.
"Yeah yeah. Go ahead and pick whatever you want."

"Did you already pick something out?"

"All I know is I'm going to be a sexy something. Maybe a sexy cat or a sexy pirate. Or a sexy cat pirate."

"Thats hot."

I started going through Nicole's clothes when I came upon a bralette top with studs.

"Woah where did you get this?"

"Some rando vintage store in Santa Monica a few years ago. You can have it."

"I can?"

"Yeah. I need to get my costume together and get rid of a few things anyways."

It was such a cute top. Very Paula Abdul with a rock influence. Then a lightbulb turned on in my head.

"Do you have some shorts? Ooh and I need boots!"

"Yeah." Nicole gave me a knowing look, smirking. She opened her closet and rummaged for shorts and boots.

"You've got this look on your face. Kinda mischievous. Like you've got some brilliant idea." she looked at me raising an eyebrow.

"I just came up with my costume, a really good one, a truly brilliant idea."

"Mhm." She pulled out a pair of black leather short shorts and went back to looking for shoes.

"Who's the guy?"

"What?" I started to blush, and I was really caught off guard.

She turned to face me, one hand on her hip and one on hand the closet door.
"This guy who's gonna go wild when he sees you in this. And trust me, I know that look. The look that says 'wow he's gonna go wild when he sees this."

I tried to come up with a rebuttal, only a soft scoff and laugh came out "I.. well... how? How do you do that?" I gave in.

"I'm Nicole. All-knowing." she shrugged and pulled out a pair of amazing black leather stiletto heel ankle boots.

"Now try it all on!" she said turning me to go to the bathroom before adding
"Wait! Just got these." She opened a drawer and pulled out charcoal stockings in the package and placed it atop the pile of clothes I held.

"Now try it."

I put on the outfit. It looked amazing. I felt like Paula Abdul or maybe one of her backup dancers.

I came out to show Nicole.

"Ow ow ow!" Nicole howled and whistled as soon as I walked into the room.

"Now turn, strut...Amazing."

"I've never felt so..."

"Powerful? Hot?" she asked

"Yeah." I admired how I looked in the mirror. This 80s outfit was giving me a newfound confidence. I've dressed very 80s before but nothing to this extent. When I lived with the Larusso's, I was treated like one of their own, so theres no way Daniel would let me leave the house like this.

But now, I'm older and in control of what I do. And I look hot. I remembered how I felt close to Johnny, and how he told me to strike first, and what he said at my apartment echoed in my mind while looking at myself "any guy would be lucky to have you strike first."

Maybe I would do something.

"So, y'know how you figured there's a guy.." I started

"Mhm. And by the way, I'm always right."

"That you are. Anyways, I want to know if he feels the same about me and I want him to see me this way. Like a woman. One that he wants."

"Invite him to the bar." she suggested


"Yeah. You'll look hot, he'll sit at the bar drooling all over himself, and Halloween is a classic get-together time of the year."

I felt my face get hot, blushing "I don't know that he'd want to get together..."

"Why not? He's a guy isn't he?"

"Yes, but not just any guy..." I sat on the edge of her bed. Nicole was intrigued, and inched closer to me to hear more.

"He's my sensei."

"Sensei? What the hell is that?"

"He teaches me Karate."

"Oh, you got a hot for teacher thing going on." Nicole smirked.


"What's his name?"

"Johnny." I felt a smile start to form on my face.

"How old is he?"

"He's a little...older than me."

"How old are we talking?"

"I mean, he mentioned going to school in the 80s. Well, he actually went to school with Daniel funnily enough."

"He went to school with Daniel? As in your-"

"Yeah. They weren't exactly friends. But anyways, I'd assume they're about the same age so maybe he's 50 something?"

"Okay Anna Nicole Smith."

"Stop!" I said playfully pushing her

"He's not that old. And he certainly doesn't look it. I mean, he looks really good. I don't even mean he looks good for his age, he just looks good."

"In that case, I say go for it. And wear this." she motioned to my outfit.

"Oh I will. I think he'd like it."

"How could he not? Plus maybe we could do your hair, like really voluminous 80s hair."

"That would be perfect." Memories of Amanda teasing my hair for me came back. When I was in highschool I discovered all of the 80s stuff I love now. I went through a phase where I needed Kelly Kapowski's hair from Saved By The Bell (late eighties I know, but still, how could you not love her?).

"My turn." Nicole rummaged through the excess of clothes and found a black bodysuit. She ran to her vanity grabbing a black headband that she usually wears to work.

"I'll make ears and be catwoman. I don't have time to think about this." She rolled her eyes plopping down on her bed. One thing about Nicole, she was honest and always 'so over it."

I changed into my clothes and put my new costume in my bag. I was about to leave when I took a last look in Nicole's closet. Underneath a patterned dress was a black hat, similar to the one Paula wore in the Cold Hearted music video. It was perfect.

"Do you mind if I borrow this too?"

"Go ahead." She said as she was scrolling on her phone.

"Well, thanks for all of this, I've got to head home, early training tomorrow." I tell her

"Oh yeah, and see your boyfriend?"

"Ah funny."

"I'm not judging. Get some!"

"Nicole!" I covered my cheeks with my palms, hiding the blushing forming on my face.

"I'm just kidding around." she slid to the foot of her bed "But seriously, invite him to the bar tomorrow. If not for yourself, invite him so I can see what he looks like. My curiosity is killing me."

"Y'know, I will." I sighed. "I just don't know why he hasn't made a move or anything, and he's all about striking first."

"Well he's your karate instructor right?"

"Yeah." I sat beside her.

"Have you thought that maybe he doesn't wanna make a move because he doesn't want it to come off as creepy? He's older than you, he's teaching you, he doesn't want there to be a power imbalance. And you said he went to school with Daniel, I mean if he knew how close you guys are, that would probably make him hesitate too."

I could always count on Nicole to give me some perspective, she is wise beyond her years.

Though the memory of Daniel and Johnny at the bar came back to me, as well as that dinner at the Larusso household.

"Johnny knows. And Daniel knows I train at Cobra Kai. When I said they went to school together, I guess I should've said they had a rivalry."

"Oh my God, what?"

"Yeah, but it was thirty years ago, and they seem fine now. I don't expect them to be besties of course, but Daniel hasn't said anything more about me training at Cobra Kai. He was kind of upset at first, but we don't talk about it now. And Johnny, well he just seemed so surprised. But again, they're fine."

"Y'know it'd be kinda cute to be in a forbidden relationship...Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone," Nicole started singing Love Story by Taylor Swift.

"Oh to have my life written by Taylor Swift. I just don't want an All Too Well situation."

"Or Dear John..."

"Oh God no!" I laughed. "I think if he were to be a Taylor song, he'd definitely be Gorgeous." I said.

"Wow. You really do like this guy."

"I guess so." I smiled

"Well don't get all lovey dovey on me now. You'll make me sick." she joked.

"Alright, alright." I stood up, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

"And I'll see you and your husband tomorrow." Nicole grinned.

I laughed and headed out.

The next morning I woke up to my alarm blaring, and felt around for Johnny's shirt.

I can't believe I still have it. Is it weird? No, he left it here and I just happen to feel the material. And smell his scent on it. And sometimes wear it. Okay, so maybe it might seem a little odd, but I'm never interested in anyone, so cut me some slack. Plus, he has yet to ask for it back, and I am an avid follower of the finder's keeper's rule in this case.

I've decided that today after training, I'd invite him to the bar.

I put on a really cute workout set. Tight red leggings and a black sports bra.

I put on a sweater to seem a little more modest, and like I care about the weather.

I walked into the dojo where Johnny and Miguel were warming up.

"Hey." I nodded

"H-hey." Miguel stuttered, looking at my leggings and upwards towards my face. A tint of pink started to spread across his face.

"Let's get right to training guys. I couldn't make Miguel's last session so I figured I'd combine yours."

"That's fine." I said putting down my bag and sweater.

I could see out of my peripheral Johnny notice my attire, but not having as much of a reaction as Miguel.

We started warming up and as much as today was tough, I was seeing how much better I'd gotten.

By the end I was pretty tired but I still was on a mission.

Miguel was getting his bag while I walked into Johnny's office. He was talking to someone on the phone and looked up at me, holding up the "one minute" gesture.

I leaned against the wall waiting for him to hang up.

"Okay thanks, bye." He said to the other line. He looked up at me from the desk.

"What's up?"

"I just wanted to let you know, that my work, the bar, is having this costume contest thing tonight and it'll be fun, everyone will be in costumes, even the staff." A smile grew on Johnny's face, he was probably enjoying how awkward I was being too.  "Anyways, customers can win free drinks and I think best costume gets $100. So, if you wanna come, that'd be cool." I placed my hand behind my neck, another nervous habit that occasionally comes out.

"Sure." He smirked. I felt myself getting flustered.

"Okay, cool."

"Anything else?" He leaned forward.

"No. Just bring yourself and a really good costume. Why miss out on a few free beers."

"I'll be there."


I left his office feeling hopeful.

I said goodbye to Miguel and headed out. I'll need as much time as I can have to get ready for tonight.

I put the final touches on my costume, even having my hair teased a bit, and thought to myself "This ought to get his attention."

When I arrived at work, I got a few looks from costumers, but not too lingering because it was Halloween - the one day a year a girl gets to dress like a slut and no one can say anything about it.

"Meow! You look good." Nicole was wearing the black bodysuit and a cat headband to signify that she's not wearing tight clothes just to wear tight clothes (or get a bigger tip).

"Well thanks, back at you."

Terry walked up to us from his office in the back. He was dressed like a cowboy, a true southerner. "Alright, you two ready for the rush tonight? It's Halloween and people can get crazy.. 'specially 'round these parts" he looked around suspiciously, and had looked like he remembered something "Oh yeah, and don't forget about the costume contest. Tell the customers, and upsell, upsell, and do some more upselling! Use Halloween as your excuse to upsell the hell out of 'em." He chuckled lightly.

"Terry!" One of our regulars Tim and Pam (who were also from Alabama) called for Terry.

"Alright I wanna see upsellin." he left us to talk down his usuals, taming them at the end with a "Role tide."

A few hours rolled by and while upselling everything on the menu possible, my mind wandered, and I started to wonder if Johnny would show up at all.

Its reasonable to think he might just be busy and this isn't anything exciting.

Terry came up to me. "Can you work the music from now on? My damn phone ain't lettin me do it."


I always loved an opportunity to show off my music taste.
I plugged my phone into the speaker, and played Cold Hearted by Paula Abdul.

I was getting into the rhythm of things, lightly singing along. He's a cold hearted snake, look into his eyes. Oh oh, he's been tellin' lies.

I looked up and felt a wave of excitement.

There he was. I spotted him across the crowded room, walking towards the bar. He was looking around and then saw me. Struck by his blue eyes, I smiled, feeling a sense of relief and excitement at the same time, butterflies rushing to my stomach, and my heart racing. He walked over, to what felt like a magnetic pull.

His face lit up, making me feel everything I've been feeling right then all at once.

"Woah." he smiled  "This whole Paula Abdul get up is..." he looked me up and down "working for you."

"Thanks. The Top Gun thing is working for you."


"Its workin' for me too."
I dont know where I got the rush of confidence to flirt with Johnny this way, but this was my chance. No more 'kid' talk.

He looked a little surprised by my comment, but not at all put off.

"Can I get you a beer?" I offered.

"Yeah." He grinned.

I grabbed him a Coors Banquet, and Nicole happened to be passing by to grab some drinks for her table. She eyed Johnny and when she was leaving and she was behind him, she gave me a grin and her nod of approval.

"So how's your night going?" I asked

"Good. Better now that I got a beer."

"Only up from here then."

"Amen to that." He said before taking a swig of his holy grail, a Coors Banquet.

Later, Terry came around with his booming southern voice that I imagine was useful on a football field "Alright everybody! Its time for the costume contest!"

There was a small cheer in the crowd.

"Winner gets a hundred bucks!" Terry yelled

The cheering got louder, until Terry shushed them, rearing them like sheep.

"Now, now. We've been takin' polls around throughout the night, askin' who y'all think has the best costume. We've got a top 5."

The crowd let out oohs of intrigue.

"We got, a fairy cyborg, mummy pig, top gun, baywatch, and Paula Abdul!"

Nicole and I looked at each other confused.

"So I show up like a sexy cat, and they vote for mummy pig over there? ugh."

"Alright now we're gonna decide based on crowd applause. Cheer for the one y'all think should win."

Terry told the contestants to stand in a line, calling out for each one at a time and then, he got to me.

"For Paula Abdul..." the crowd cheered. Far more than I expected but than again, what kind of crowd doesn't cheer for a girl in these kinds of clothes, regardless if they've seen the music video.

"..And for mummy pig.." The crowd roared and outdid the previous applause.

"Looks like we have a winner! Come see me for your prize!" Terry said.

Johnny and I looked at each other, laughing at the ridiculous costume.

The crowd went back to its usual level of noise and action.

"I think it should've been you."

"Pardon?" my eyes met Johnny's, and the look on his face looked like admiration of some sort.

"You should've won that. You knock the other losers out of the water."

"Thanks." I smiled. I tended to more customers but kept a bit of a conversation going with Johnny.

I was surprised by how late he stayed, I figured he'd have better things to do, but I won't complain.

Most of the loud Halloween crowd was dying down and it was mostly usuals.

Nicole came up to the bar. "Can you help me grab some lemons from the back real quick? Would totally help out my side work."

Nicole grabbed my hand, quickly leading me to the back, as we made our way to the walk in fridge.

She closed the door and looked at me.

"Oh my gosh, you need to ask this man out." she said

"What?" I asked, reaching for some lemons

"Forget the lemons, it was just an excuse." she took the lemon out of my hand and put it back.

"Now, have you seen the way he looks at you? I really think he's into you." she finally smiled, making this less serious.

"Are you sure? Don't say this to just boost my confidence."

"Oh honey, you know I'm always brutally honest. He looked at you the way Tom Hanks looks at Meg Ryan towards the end of You've Got Mail."

"Really? Like that?"

"Yes. Go for it."

"I want to, but I can't ruin what I've got going so far. I'm a slow burn kind of girl, you know that." I grabbed some lemons and held the door.

"You can't have a slow burn without getting near the spark." Nicole said

"I hope you're right about this." I said and went back to the bar.

My walk back to the bar felt longer than usual, but I pondered on Nicole's words. I mean, I have been trying to subtly flirt with him, and he seemed like maybe he might not be bothered by that tonight, even complimenting me. The very fact he showed up after I invited him says a lot now that I think of it. Maybe I'll make it clear now. Let him know that I am in-fact very attracted to him, and the whole sensei thing doesn't have to get in the way.

I was half worried that Johnny might not be at the bar anymore. Or, that he might chat up a hot girl, my plan then ceasing to exist.

Relieved, I saw that he wasn't talking to a pretty girl. Though he wasn't exactly alone anymore. There goes the few dirty things I came up with to say to him. I set down my lemons and began to focus on making drinks.

Johnny was talking to an older gentleman, and from their body language and bits of conversation I could catch among the chatter, they seemed more familiar than strangers.

I had made a margarita for a girl in a mouse costume, and was waved over by the man sitting with Johnny at the bar.

"Hey sweetheart, I'll take a scotch neat, and another beer for my friend over here." He patted Johnny's back, like an old buddy. Ugh. I hope Johnny isn't actually close with this guy. 'Sweetheart'? Really? How condescending can he be? I can't stand this type of customer, not to mention, they usually don't tip well.

I swallowed my pride and disgust with a fake smile. "I'll get right on that." I clenched my jaw, looking around to see if Terry was close. The farther the manager the more I could get away with telling off a rude customer, or 'guest' as Terry might call them.

"A scotch neat, and a Coors."

"Thanks dollface." the man said, taking the whiskey. Johnny mouthed 'thanks', to which I simply nodded and returned to keeping myself occupied.

I turned around to put some glasses in the washer and I heard a flicking sound. The sound of a lighter?

I turn around to find the same old man at the bar lighting up a cigar.

"Sir, you can't smoke in here."

"What, a veteran can't enjoy a cigar?"

I look at Johnny who is taking a swig of his beer, seemingly embarrassed to be associated with this man.

"While I thank you for your service, it is illegal to smoke indoors in California, so unfortunately it'll have to go outside."

"Really? I thought you'd be a lot more lenient doll." He said getting up off the barstool. He looked me up and down with such condescension and disregard.

Johnny sat quietly. It was unlike him to be so quiet, and absent from a conversation like this.

Nicole came up to the bar, looking back at the man leaving, shocked.

"Was that guy smoking in here?"

"Yeah." I scoffed

"Did he say something to you? He seemed pissed he got kicked out."

"I'm no stranger to customers like that. Its fine." I shook my head and grabbed a rag to start cleaning the bar.

"He's an asshole."

Nicole and I looked up to see Johnny finally say something. He put down his coors and continued on.

"He's an ass. He was an ass back when I knew him thirty years ago, seems like he hasn't changed." he took another swig of his beer to finish it off.

"Damn." Nicole said to Johnny. Her eyes shifted to the tables where she was needed.
"Gotta go." She nodded to me and sped off to her section.

There was an awkward silence, but my curiosity cut that short.

"So, you knew him, thirty years ago?"

"Yeah. My old sensei." He rested his hand on the back of his neck. He looked uncomfortable talking about it.

"Oh shit."

"Yeah. He reached out. He heard about me opening the new Cobra Kai, so."

I nodded.

"I'd better get going." He said, getting up from his seat.



I put my hand on the bar, inadvertently placing my hand atop his.

"Thanks for coming."

I smiled and pulled away my hand.

He smirked. "No problem. It was.. fun."

Johnny flicked the bottle cap, and his eyes grew wide with surprise when he saw me catch it with the same quickness.

I raised an eyebrow, taunting him "All that trainings been paying off I guess."

"I guess so. Better show me more of that next session."

"Oh I will."

"See ya."


I didn't want him to go, but he looked so good leaving I can't help but enjoy the view.

Nicole had a way of miraculously appearing in what felt like no time at all.

"Is it getting hot in here?" She joked, fanning herself.

"Oh please."

"Did you tell him?"

"Tell him that you should be studied, yes."

"Y/n. Did you make a move? Make it very clear that you're interested? He looked so into you. I thought we should all clear out and give you two some privacy." She said making a vulgar gesture.


"Oh come on, like you wouldn't jump at the opportunity."

I gave her a look, and I could never beat her at a stare down, so I broke.

"Okay but its more like a speedwalk with a hop or two, not a jump." I say putting glasses away.


"Yeah so who's the guy?" Aaron inserted himself into the conversation.

"Get out of here Aaron!" Nicole said

While she may not hold the title of boss, most people listen to her if they know what's good for them.

"It was cute. The flirting, before he left I mean." she said.

"Yeah?" I couldn't help but smile "Honestly if that other guy hadn't been here..."

"What're you guys doin'? Congregatin' and runnin' up my labour cost? C'mon, lets start gettin' ready to close now!" I can always count on Terry to be up our asses about congregatin'.

Nicole mouths 'tell me later' as she goes to help her last few customers of the night.

I left, not completely defeated. I had spent time with Johnny (provided I was bartending, and he was drinking), and I felt I was a step closer to making a move. Like maybe he didn't see me as some 'kid', but a real woman thanks to the Paula Abdul getup.

I flopped onto my bed, groaning at the night I've had.

"If only I could know what he's thinking. If only I had another minute to tell him."

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