Toto and the Boys III: Dannie

By greenwriter

651K 37.2K 3.7K

Dannie comes back to spend a month with her best friends for vacation and an upcoming wedding. Little does sh... More

He's Back with a Trunk Full of Stories!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 19

15.6K 1K 61
By greenwriter

A piece of the past...

Tessa got worse last night.

Dannie could only do so much as she sat beside her sister's bed.

Her mother came in with a plastic bag. "This is for you."

She raised her eyebrows at her mother in question.

The woman looked at her sister and then back at her with a glare. "Go get ready," she said, throwing the plastic bag at Dannie.

Dannie took the dress out of the bag and tear fell from her eye.


I watched Troy stride toward her with purposeful steps. Gone was the anxious look on his face. It was replaced with anger now. "Why do you keep coming here? We made it clear to you that Danica doesn't want to see you again. Ever," Troy hissed the moment he reached the woman.

"I just want a chance to talk to her and tell her—"

"Haven't you realized what you have done yet?" Troy cut in, his eyes narrowing down at the woman. Thank to my manufacturer, I didn't have any hairs because if I did, they would have erected to full height at seeing Troy's fury. It was intense—frighteningly so. "You have wrecked her in more ways than one," he hissed down at Dannie's mother when she did not answer.

The lady started to tear up but Troy was not having it.

"I don't know a lot about what you have done to her, but I know enough to make sure that she never gets to see your face again. Go before I call the cops," Troy ordered, pointing his finger away from the apartment. "Danica doesn't want to see you. We don't want to see you. Go now."

"I just want to ask for—"

"Forgiveness? For what? For turning a blind eye while your husband molested your daughter? No parent who loves their child could ever stomach that. You were never a mother to Danica and you never will be. Go now. I'm serious. Stay fuck away from her life."

My bumpers almost fell off and for a little moment there I felt bad for the woman. But Troy Brady did the right thing. I know I had volunteered to take Jackie's stalker's dead body in my trunk before, but I would not even dare wish for a single dead skin cell from that lady inside me. Not one!

The lady took a step back and turned around to leave.

Good. And never come back!

Tata was horrified witnessing Troy's fury while I was cheering for him.

Tata told me that he should not have done it but I disagreed.

My friend, he was just doing what's right. That lady is not worth a single second of Dannie's attention.

She asked me what else the lady did.

I hate to tell you and I think I'll have to think about it if I really want to tell you because, my friend, what she did was worse than what Troy thought she did.


Just as when everything was okay, Troy decided to drop by unannounced once again.

The three of them was about to get out of bed after sleep had given up on them. Jackie and Dannie volunteered to do the breakfast while George was to fix the coffee.

The moment they walked out of Dannie's room, a knock came from the front door.

The three of them looked at each other in question, their eyes still puffy and red from all the crying and lack of sleep.

"Don't ask me. Dean isn't coming by today," Jackie told George.

Another knock came.

"Jordan didn't say he's coming," George said.

And then their faces lit up in realization and worry registered on their faces. Dannie was certain they were thinking about her mother.

She walked to the door before Jackie caught her arm. "I'll bet you a hundred it's going to be Troy."

"Dannie, it could be that woman again and—" Jackie started but Dannie was already swinging the door open. "Oh, yeah, you're right. It's him," her friend said with a roll of her eyes. "I can't deal with him right now. I'll go make breakfast."

"What are you doing here?" Dannie asked while mentally hoping that she was acting normal. Her brows furrowed when she saw the look on his face. "What happened?"

Her question must have snapped him back to the present from whatever was occupying his thoughts because he blinked and his face suddenly changed with it, and a smile crept up his face. He took a deep breath and entered the apartment in a manner he always did any other normal day. "Hello, boys, did you, by any chance, have decided on a verdict? Am I forgiven?"

George threw him a stinging look.

"And, did anyone, by any chance, tell you that I have been contacted by a close acquaintance of Rock this morning?"

"Rock who?" asked Jackie with a yawn as she opened the fridge.

"Rock the caterer, of course."

At that, both Jackie and George snapped their heads at him. "Is it set then? She's not backing out again, is she?" asked Jackie.

Troy just smiled at them without a response.

"Troy," George's voice demanded.

Troy turned his head toward her and continued to smile. "Verdict for me?"

"Okay, fine! You're forgiven!" Jackie cried with frustration.

"Well?" Dannie asked him.

"The food tasting is at eleven this morning," Troy announced with a proud grin. "See what miracles came out of the trip? You guys would not have a caterer today if I did not do what I did." He turned to Dannie and winked with his boyish smile, one she hadn't seen for quite a while. But at the back of her mind, she wondered until when they had to continue to act like everything was okay. A part of her wanted this—Troy being his old self and the other for them to start sorting things out so they knew where they stood.

She had thought hard about it last night, as she was driving back home. Yes, she didn't know what she wanted. Her mind she wanted to go back to the convent and pursue what she believed was her calling but something inside her wanted something else whenever she thought of Troy moving on with his life without her in it. It was only now that she realized she was being selfish. She liked the peacefulness she felt inside the convent, the feeling of safety and calmness—yet she also liked the feeling of being Troy's subject of affection. Dannie didn't want to let go of what the convent had offered her for the past year. But she didn't think she could also let go of Troy's love. Both offered things she had never experienced before in her life and she wanted to grab both at the same time.

Was it wrong to want completely opposite things at the same time? Was she really being selfish to want Troy to not forget about his feelings for her? But Dannie knew that she only had to choose one and let go of the other. Choosing the convent would mean she had to let Troy's love go so he could live his life without her in it. And if she chose Troy, she had to face her fears because there would no longer be a convent for her to run to.

And then it struck her.

George's questions earlier were spot on.

Do you really want to be a nun because it is your choice or because you have no other choice?

Or maybe it is also your way of punishing yourself. Was I right?

As she watched her two friends and Troy banter in the kitchen about the day's schedule for gown fitting and food tasting, Dannie became even more confused. Right at that very moment, she felt she was in the right place—that this was where she belonged.

But soon one of her friends would have to leave. And it would not be long before the other would follow. Where would that leave her?

Troy? She didn't want to choose Troy just because she had no one else. If she had to make a choice, she had to find more reasons.


"I don't think it fits you well." Troy's statement made everyone's head turn. He looked at them defensively and added, "What?" He motioned his hand toward Dannie. "Just look at her. She looks like a nun. And she's not even one yet."

George was about to give him a kick but Jordan stopped her. Dean had to suppress his laughter because Jackie elbowed his side.

"No offense, Danica, but that dress doesn't become you. There's something wrong with it that I can't really point out," Troy voiced out, walking toward her.

Dannie turned around and looked at herself in the mirror. The black gown fitted her well and she couldn't see anything wrong with the design. She, Jackie and George had carefully picked the design themselves and it was a big disappointment to hear Troy say it didn't look good. Her brows knitted together. "I think it is okay," she murmured, tugging the gown down for a better fit.

"It is great. Don't believe him," Jackie said from behind.

"I don't know, something's just wrong with it," Troy said, now right beside her and studying her through the mirror.

She suddenly grew conscious and pushed him away. "Get out of the way, you're suffocating my space," she said the words she used to say years ago.

"It's probably the color," he continued, stepping right back beside her, his hands on his hips. His eyes were serious as he looked her up and down through the full-length mirror.

"We already decided for the black and white motif," George said dryly.

"Yep. Classic and simple," Jackie said dreamily.

A week ago, they were excited about the dresses. But now, seeing Troy's reaction, Dannie couldn't help but feel down.

"Well, it doesn't really matter if I look good in it or not. It's not going to be my wedding," she said with a sigh.

"No! It is great!" George and Jackie chorused.

"Why did you tag along with us, anyway?!" Jackie threw at Troy with frustration.

But he did not hear her for he continued to look at Dannie like it was his responsibility to fix the problem. "You know, I think it will look good if you lose the sleeves."

"The sleeves?" she asked with doubt, fingering the right sleeve.

He nodded. "Just have the one that goes like this," he explained, sliding his hand from his left shoulder down to his right armpit.

"Yeah, I guess that will suit you better, Dannie. That kind of cut," Jordan spoke beside George.

"It's called a Venus cut, guys," Jackie announced with a roll of her eyes.

"Well, it will definitely change the whole look but that will depend on Dannie," George uttered, standing up. "I like the bottom cut though," she added, eyeing the floor-length wavy fabric.

"You'll look good with that..." Troy said, pointing at Jackie for the right term, "whatever cut, Danica."

Dannie looked at herself in the mirror again before she turned to Troy, asking, "You think?"

He shrugged. "Yeah, I definitely think so."

"Well?" George asked.

She squared her shoulders and said, "Okay. I'll go with that cut and lose the sleeves."

Troy triumphantly turned around and faced Jackie, "See why I had to tag along?"


"I wonder why he has to tag along," Georgie asked no one in particular. We were on our way to Rock's restaurant for the food tasting. Jordan had to ditch Vicky aka Victor because Georgie insisted on driving me. I knew she missed playing with my gears! Ha!

Jordan looked through my rearview mirror to check on Troy and Dannie baby inside Tata as they followed close behind us. Beatle, Jackie and Dean were right behind them somewhere.

"Is he still trying to win her over?" Jordan asked.

"You tell me. You guys talk more often."

"He doesn't talk more often than he used to."

"And what do you think about it?"

Jordan sighed and shrugged. He slumped back against my passenger seat. "I don't know. He's been kind of distant lately."

"Ever since Dannie came back. Since that day he confessed, he had been vocal about wanting to win her over but when she came right out the convent, he's just...I don't know...weird."

"Maybe because Dannie is making it hard for him."

"Don't even go there," Georgie warned him. "She has issues and she's having a hard time."

A long silence reigned inside as the two of them were deep in thought. Jordan spoke first. "You know, I believe that she has feelings for the poor guy."

"What made you think so?"

"If she's having a hard time right now, that only means she's confused right?"

A corner of Georgie's mouth lifted in a smile. "I always thought you were smart."

Jordan beamed while looking ahead. "Just watch the road. I am not smart where your driving is concerned."

"Shut up."

Jordan had a point. Dannie baby wouldn't be in such a complete mess if she didn't have feelings for Troy in the first place, right? Now I wonder...


Dannie was surprised to see Stephanie and Erik at the restaurant when they arrived. The lady jumped to her feet upon seeing her and greeted her with a hug.

"It is so nice to meet you again. Rock told us you were coming so we waited," she said, pointing at her husband.

Troy was already greeting Erik and introduced the couple to the bride and groom.

"They are the ones who actually made sure that no one is going to go hungry on the wedding day," Troy added after all the handshakes and small talks.

"It's nothing," Stephanie dismissed with a wave of her hand.

"Well, I quite agree," Erik said with a laugh. "We had to move our son's party five hours ahead so Rock could accommodate the wedding reception."

"What?!" Dannie, Jackie and George cried out.

"Ga! You didn't have to tell them that!" Stephanie said, giving Erik a slap. "Really, guys, it's nothing. It's a kid's party and the time doesn't really matter for these children as long as they can play and go crazy. So don't look like you've committed a crime."

Erik laughed and said, "Yeah, no worries. Our party is quite flexible compared to the wedding."

And before anyone could say anything about being sorry for ruining other people's party, Rock came out from the kitchen followed by three people carrying trays. The beautiful lady was smiling at them from ear to ear and said, "Let the food tasting begin..."

Dannie watched as the bride and groom fought over the food. Troy decided to butt in and enjoy the food as well as give his own honest comments.

While they were busy, Erik disappeared into the kitchen of the restaurant like it was his own and Stephanie was left alone. Dannie decided to stay with her.

"It seems that your husband and Rock are pretty close. He's invading the kitchen."

"Would you believe that I once thought they were like dating or something? They are that close," Stephanie said. "But as I had said, things fell into place. Which reminds me," she leaned conspiratorially closer to Dannie and whispered, "what's the status between you and Troy?"

Dannie laughed awkwardly. "Still friends?"

Stephanie was fondly looking at the two couples and Troy as they talked with Rock about the food. "You have a good bunch of friends, I tell you."

"Yeah, I do."

"As a matter of fact, you have enough to think about taking Troy out of the friend zone. Just my opinion, of course."

Dannie just decided to laugh it off. Stephanie was obviously someone who said whatever crossed her mind without any filter. "I'm on the process."

That gave the lady pause. "Process of what?"

"Of trying to decide what I really want."

Stephanie leaned away to give her a good look, her face full of mischief. "I hope you make a decision soon. It doesn't matter if it's a good one or a bad one. What matters is that it's your choice."

Dannie smiled at her and answered, "You know, that's exactly what my friend said."

"Well, it's true. Just don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"And they told me that too."

"Then I conclude that your friends are great." Stephanie said, looking over at George and Jackie. "Good thing you have them. I didn't have many in the past and I had to do it all alone on my own—the decision-making, I mean. It would have been better if there were people around me who understood what I've been going through in the past, you know. And I am glad that you have such people around you. Don't lose them."

Dannie smiled at her warmly. "I pray every single day that I don't lose them."

"So, about Troy..."

"Still on Troy?" she asked with amusement.

"Yes, of course. What are you planning to do?"

"As I've said, I'm still trying to decide."

"How will you do it?"

"By trying to fix myself first."

Stephanie frowned at her.

"I have a lot of issues. And I have to deal with them first before I can deal with other people. I need to know what I really want for myself."

Stephanie straightened her back and sighed. "That's right. Deal with yourself first before you go and face the world. Take it from someone who did a lot of soul searching."

"Hey, Danica, help us out here," Troy called out for her from the table.

"Go. I'll go get my husband and save Rock's kitchen," Stephanie said, standing up as well.

"Thank you for everything you did for my friend's wedding," Dannie told her. "And thank you for the wise words."

Stephanie just laughed. "I'm not wise. I've been just through some stuff."


"Finally, the day is over. The guys are planning to go to Art District later tonight. Want to tag along?" Troy's question brought Dannie back to the present. They were driving out of Rock's restaurant, the catering all set—thanks to the Luzuriaga couple—and their stomachs full.

"Sure," she said, surprising Troy.

"You're going?"

"You asked, didn't you? Why are you so shocked?"

Something crossed his features but he immediately washed it off with his usual grin. "Nothing. It's set then. I'll let Miguel and Lee know."

"Can you drop me off somewhere first?"

"What? Now? Where?"

Dannie thought about her answer for a moment. "The convent."

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