The School for Good and Evil...

Galing kay SRSInkFeather

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Once upon a time, before Sophie and Agatha, two students changed the school forever. Friends in Gavaldon, the... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: Epilogue

Chapter 14

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Galing kay SRSInkFeather

The setting sun gave everything an eery look on the night of the Trial. Rules were given earlier during classes, though there didn't seem to be much need. There weren't many. Once the sun had set, the two lowest ranking competitors, determined by the past week, would enter. Every fifteen minutes, the next group of Ever and Never would be tossed in, the top ranking competitors entering about three hours after the sun had set.

    Lilac had hoped to use that advantage, but now she was in the second group to enter into the Blue Forest. She would have quality time with the Nevers who would attack her and the School Master's traps. Thankfully, these traps affected both sides, so she had hope. Spells were allowed and the princes got to carry weapons.

Her only other option was dropping an enchanted handkerchief. If she thought she was in danger, she could drop it. Once it hit the ground, she was back with everyone who wasn't going into the forest. The same went for everyone else, Ever and Never. It was their choice if flight or fight.

Once the sun rose, the competition was over. That would be signaled by the howl of the wolves. Whoever was still in the forest at sunrise was the winner and earned five first rankings. One winner was prefered. If there was a tie, which had never happened before, the rankings would be split between the winners.

Lilac glanced in Garth's direction. He wore a blue tunic like everyone else, sleeveless despite the winter air. His navy cloak barely swept the ground, the hood low over his face. The only way she could tell it was Garth was the fact that Kergy stood beside him, talking. His cloak was a little smaller so it looked like a cape with a hood.

Lilac wrapped her own cloak around her shoulders as a winter wind blew through. It gave the night a creepy feeling and left her with chills. She ran through her numerous spells again. If she had to mogrify, she really didn't want to end up naked in the cold. Fox and wolf calls were second nature, bird, deer, and rabbit requiring a few moments.

"Lilac of Woods Beyond," Pollux called. She stepped forward behind Marie, a frightened Ever who had to enter first. She was nodding her head rhythmically, running through calls and spells most likely.

She watched as the lines formed. Right after her group, a prince and a Never with an ominous appearance would enter. Next was Kergy and Richard, and after them was Garth and Stephan. The line continued farther back. A wolf had handed her a white handkerchief earlier, which she now fiddled with. She noticed the Nevers had red ones.

"Are you alright?" She turned to see Stephan, a smile on his face and a sword at his side. She smiled weakly.

"Sure." She stared at the ground, but her focus was more on her peripheral vision, where Garth stood. Stephan took her hands into his.

"Everything will be ok. As soon as I get into the woods, I will find you." She smiled sweetly at Stephan. She stepped toward him and leaned against his shoulder.

"At least I haven't lost you as a friend," she muttered.

Garth watched all of this from the other line. It was for the best. So how come he couldn't convince himself of that? Fergal was right. He had gone soft because of her. Now he had to prove his place in Evil. Princesses were for princes. Solitude was for villains.

"You ready for this?" Kergy asked again. Garth nodded as silver sparks flew from the School Master's tower high above.

"FIRST PAIR READY!" Castor howled as darkness filled the clearing. Wolves tossed the first group into the forest, no return. Until sunrise that is. Evers having a slumber party near the tunnels watched intently, chewing on goodies from Good. Nevers stared off into the woods from the tunnels, ready to escape an embarrassing defeat.

Fifteen minutes felt like an eternity for Lilac. She glanced at the Never who was next to go in. He had pure green eyes and shaggy brown hair. He smiled at her and winked, probably trying to flirt. But it looked more like he was marking her for an evening meal.

She got the urge to run when Castor yelled, "SECOND PAIR READY!" She was tossed in before she could protest. She tumbled in the blue grass as the gates closed. The Never shot up and ran toward her. She was faster though, running in the opposite direction.

As she ran into the trees, she could hear the Never close behind. Her mind plucked a memory from Gavaldon, when Garth had used the trees as a hiding spot. Her eyes darted around the trees until she found one with a strong branch. She ran for it, jumped, and clambered onto it. She held her breath as the Never came into view.

"Here pretty, pretty princess," he cackled, his hand bursting into flames. She didn't move a muscle as he passed by her tree and continued deeper into the forest. Lilac stayed where she was until his footsteps were gone. She dropped to the ground and started to walk away from where he had gone.

She stayed silent, knowing less noise was better for her. She passed through blue ferns and stepped over turquoise hedges. Rather than pitch black, everything had an eerie blue glow. A slight fog near the ground made her feet invisible.

A scream pierced the silence, frightening Lilac. It sounded close, which made her fears much worse. White sparks filled the night air. Marie. She had dropped her handkerchief and was out of the competition. An ominous growl snapped Lilac back to her senses. She ran, not caring how much noise she made. Just caring about how fast she could run.

The snarl neared, giving Lilac more momentum. She was in the pumpkin patch, blue pumpkins all in a row. She ran in between the rows until she noticed a figure in front of her. A giant, hairy beast stood in her path. Its snarl made it very clear what he wanted. Blood.

"I hope you're a nice beast," Lilac shivered. "Like in that one fairy tale with the princess and how she befriends a beast." The air was still, nothing moving. White fangs shimmered in the moonlight as the beast roared, spit flying and hitting the Ever's face. "I guess not!" She ran in the opposite direction, not looking back. The beast's heavy footsteps followed close behind, rocking the ground.

The howl of the wolves announced the arrival of the third group. A prince was in that group. As she ran, she yelled for help, trying to get the prince's attention. He didn't know her, but there was no way he could resist saving a princess.

The monster snarled and sped up. Lilac kept running. She focused on some kind of emotion, trying to get her finger to light. If she could send off a flare, or blind the beast, or-

Someone ran into her and shoved her out of the beast's path. It continued forward until it disappeared into the trees. Lilac sat up and saw her rescuer. The Never with the green eyes. He smiled cheekily.

"I bet you're glad I had my eye on you," he said proudly, winking at her. Lilac stood up immediately and looked around for the beast. "Don't worry, pretty," he continued, standing up. "I'll make sure that thing doesn't get ya. Who needs a prince when you got a Never." Lilac grabbed his handkerchief, holding it away from him.

"You're not my kinda guy," she replied, dropping the fabric. He tried to grab it, but it hit the ground. He disappeared and a shower of red fireworks lit the sky above her. Who needs a prince when you got a Never. The words he had said left her vulnerable. She wanted Garth back. He was a part of her. His story was hers, and her story was his. Stephan was no replacement for Garth. A prince wasn't family.

She walked through the trees, her mind occupied with years worth of memories. She remembered the times when Garth would just scowl at her and wish she would disappear. She reminisced on the meals she brought and shared with him, his lack of manners and desire for food making her laugh every time. She was reminded of the rainy days when she would smuggle Garth into the orphanage so he didn't get sick.

"You are a fool." She looked up, but couldn't see anyone. "If you truly believe he's Good, then you really are living a fairytale." A figure appeared from the mist and Gloria stood there. Her curly hair was almost translucent.

"I'm not wrong," Lilac replied. "Garth is Good." Gloria laughed and disappeared.

"No Evil can be Good. The School Master doesn't make mistakes." Pollux came out of nowhere, standing proudly with Castor beside him.


"The Good protect and save. He saved my life and protected me dozens of times. Including when he killed Marcus." Pollux and Castor disappeared in mist.

"But what about the rest of us?" She whirled around to see Marcus appear from the darkness. "The Good help everyone. If he's so Good, then how come the rest of us take the fall?" Lilac stepped back, unsure how to answer. Marcus smiled maniacally and cackled like a witch as he disappeared.

"You left me for him." Victoria appeared with tearful eyes. Lilac stared at the little girl.

"I had to save him. He would've died." Victoria sniffled.

"And I have no one to have my back at the orphanage." Lilac tried to run to her, but she disappeared.

"You could've discovered who you belong to." The voice wasn't clear. Neither was the figure that stood in the shadows. But it was a woman. A symbol of her mom. Another came beside her, a man. The father she never knew.

"Garth needed me." The man shook his head.

"That isn't an excuse." They disappeared in the smoke. Lilac felt like she was drowning in misery, confusion, and uncertainty. What if she wasn't right about Garth? Did she give up everything for a lie she had told herself?

Lilac fell to her knees, unsure of everything. She had struggled with these very thoughts, but had pushed them aside. Now they were back to haunt her, leave her mind at unrest. She looked around in the fog, the figures who had appeared before back again.

"If Garth is so Good," they said in unison, "then why did he leave you?" Lilac pulled her cloak around her, chilly air sweeping through the scene. The fog became a wall around her, the people gone.

A figure appeared from the mist. It was a teen like her, a boy with a strong build. He wore torn black pants, his chest bare minus a huge scar. His lightning blue eyes were filled with a mixture of unknown feelings. His long black hair swayed in the wind. Garth stood there, multiple wounds along his body.

"Avoiding people is the only way they don't die. Goodbye, Lilac." She stared up at him, a memory she couldn't forget. He turned and walked away, into the mist. The wall fell and everyone was back. Gloria, Pollux and Castor, Marcus, Victoria, her parents. They all stood around her with either a smile or a frown. Lilac sat up straight and stood.

"Garth is Good. He only left me because he didn't want to hurt me. He secluded himself because he didn't want to hurt anyone. His Good is a sacrifice. If it keeps everyone safe, he will do it. No matter the cost." She stared down each figure, waiting for them to counter her. They said nothing, dissipating into pure mist. She breathed a sigh of relief and started to walk away.

Red fireworks shot into the sky. A Never had given up. Lilac realized she had lost track of time with the mist. She didn't know how many groups had gone in or if any others had exited. If Stephan was in here, he would have already found her. She had spent quite a time in one place.

A twig snapped behind her. She stopped, doubting it was an animal. They're much more careful. She turned around slowly, staring into the brush. A bush shook violently. Her heart sped up as the bushes shook more. Definitely not wind. Lilac took a cautious step back.

A little grey rabbit jumped out of the bushes. Lilac held back her scream, replacing it with a deep breath. The little rabbit hopped toward her. She stayed where she was, staring at the little guy. It sneezed in a cute little fashion, rubbing its twitchy nose with a paw.

"Hi," Lilac whispered, taking a step toward it. The bunny shook its whole body, fluffing its fur. Lilac stared into its eyes, something in them vaguely familiar. Her mind went to all the Forest Group challenges. Pick out Evil and Good from these things that look so innocent.

What's your name? she asked in rabbit. The bunny looked confused. It sneezed again, making sure to look super cute. In the process, Lilac saw the swan on its chest. A student. And since it obviously didn't know animal calls, it had to be...

Lilac ran away from the rabbit, as fast as she could go. She reached the river and stopped short. She couldn't be all the way out here. Something grabbed her around the waist and pushed her in. She hit the freezing water and was able to escape the tight grasp. She surfaced and tried to swim to the shore. A hand grabbed her arm. She looked into the eyes of a cruel Never, the one supposed to go in with that prince a while ago.

"Don't worry, princess. It's just water!" He shoved her back under, trying to keep her down. She kicked and thrashed. At some point, her hand made contact with his face, stunning him for moments. She used that time.

"Help! Help! Help!" Lilac screamed while retrieving air. The Never came to and held her under the water. She struggled against his grip.

Near the river was Garth and Kergy, planning to jump an Ever prince. They heard her screams immediately, along with the prince. He started to run toward the sound, but Kergy jumped out and tackled him. He was stunned for a moment, which Kergy used in order to hold his handkerchief to the ground. The prince disappeared and white sparks lit the sky above.

"Wasn't that-" Garth shushed him and started weaving through the trees. He had been paying attention to the sounds around the area. The constant splash of water, the irritated grunt of a student, the rhythmic rustle of the leaves. He couldn't hear anything beyond that, which worried him.

Garth stopped at the edge of the wood, the river flowing before him. Raffuel was holding down someone in the water, struggling to keep them down. They were fighting to get air and escape, but his grip was stronger. Garth knew it was Lilac he was holding under, recognizing the scream immediately. What he couldn't figure out was why Stephan wasn't anywhere near.

"Personally, these challenges are a waste of time," Raffuel said as he stared at the water. The amount of activity under the surface was slowing. He smiled as he continued, "The only real way to know if you're ready for the real deal is to experience it. And it seems a princess really is nothing without her prince." The water grew very still.

"NO!" Garth shouted, jumping out of the woods. He slammed into Raffuel and they fell into the river. He kept his hood low as he resurfaced and punched Raffuel in the face continuously. He tossed the boy onto the opposite shore and stomped on his red handkerchief. The Never disappeared and red sparks flew into the night air.

"Garth!" Kergy called from the other side. The Never jumped into the river and swam over to his friend. Kergy had gotten Lilac out of the water, but she wasn't moving. Garth kneeled beside her. "She isn't breathing," Kergy noted.

"No, no, no," Garth muttered as he started to press against her chest. He wasn't losing her. Not now, not ever. He continued to do CPR, praying it wasn't too late. She still didn't move.


"She's ok," Garth replied, continuing to press against her chest. "She's going to be ok." The corners of his eyes started to water as Lilac's eyes stayed close. "She's alive. I know it." Kergy put a hand on his shoulder. "Kergy, help me. I don't need pity." A tear started to trail down his cheek.

"Garth, she's-" Lilac gasped for air, spitting water into the Nevers' faces. She curled up, coughing and hacking.

"Lilac!" Garth held her face in his hand as she caught her breath. She looked up at him with grateful and overjoyed eyes.

"Garth," she said softly. Garth smiled, glad to have his friend back. She sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Thank you."

"No problem," he replied, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. An arrow shot out of the trees and dug into Garth's right shoulder. He let go of Lilac with a grunt, grabbing the arrow and pulling it out. Kergy was up and in the woods before Garth even got up.

When he charged into the trees, he saw Kergy punching Richard as he lay on the ground. The prince's bow had snapped, most likely Kergy's doing. Richard shoved him and grabbed his flag. He turned toward Garth and his eyes widened.

"Well, no wonder Lilac was hugging you," he breathed. Garth looked away. Kergy grabbed the prince's handkerchief and, before he could say another word, dropped the flag. Richard disappeared into white sparks, Kergy's handkerchief fluttering to the ground.

"Good luck!" Kergy shouted quickly. He vanished in red sparks. Garth turned back around to see Lilac, hood off.

"Stay here," he told her. "I'm sure your prince will be here soon." Garth started to walk away.

"Nothing's changed," she called after him. He stopped. "What I said in the Endless Woods. That hasn't changed." Lilac took a step near him. He didn't move. "I still trust you, Garth. I know you'd never hurt me." She took his hand and he glanced at her. Sincerity illuminated her emerald eyes. He sighed and let go of her hand.

"I know someplace where we can catch our breaths. We'll need to mogrify, so-"

"We don't have to...uh...undress. Just take off your cloak." Garth looked at the long blue material that hung over his shoulders.

"Just the cloak?" he asked suspiciously. Lilac nodded, taking off hers.

"Ever wondered how Cinderella was ever able to go to the Ball?" Garth took off his cloak carefully.

"I better not end up in a dress." Lilac giggled.

"There were spells for trousers too," she replied. The students concentrated on an emotion and their fingers immediately glowed bright black and white. They each pictured an animal and felt themselves shrink and change. Garth opened his eyes, once again a wolf.

Ok, he started, we'll need to get movvv-ing. He turned to look at a pure white fox with kind green eyes. It was obviously a she, just the way she held herself. Her coat shone like the stars overhead. She turned to look at him and blushed.

What are you staring at? Garth felt like slapping himself, realizing the fox was Lilac. He stared off into the trees.

Nothing, he said quickly. You make a nice fox. He turned back around to find their cloaks shrunken considerably, Lilac's right paw a brighter white. Her furry cheeks, however, were still bright pink.

You make a pretty good wolf, she replied. She grabbed a cloak in her mouth and tossed it at Garth. He put it on, the hood covering his ears and the rest hiding his tail. Lilac slid into hers, her own hood hiding her face and cloak covering her white body. Where are we going? Garth pulled up her hood a little since the fabric was covering her eyes.

Follow closely. His eyes darted around the trees before he bolted through them. Lilac followed close behind. They made twists and turns, leaps and climbs. Garth always double-checked their surroundings to make sure they weren't being followed. A hideaway wasn't secret if everyone knew.

He came up to a wall of briars. The ground near the base was much higher than the last time he had been there. Most likely for protection. Garth started to dig, but winced when he started using his right leg. Lilac stepped up beside him.

Let me help, she suggested. She started to dig, but Garth shoved her over gently.

No, I got it. My shoulder is fine, he assured her. Just a little sore, that's all. A slow trickle of blood came from the wound, but his fur was too dark to notice. Lilac knew he wasn't ok, but she also knew he wouldn't let her help. She sat down, waiting as he dug the hole. He popped his head through the hole to the other side of the briars and came face to face with a snarling wolf.

Friend, not foe! Garth shrieked as Scar got ready to dig his fangs into his muzzle. The wolf backed down with calm eyes.

Garth. Tonight is the worst night for a visit. I could have killed you. Garth pulled himself through the hole and sat down in front of him.

You would've killed me?

The Trial has many nasty surprises and some students don't understand territory claims. Garth wasn't going to ask further. Lilac pulled herself through the hole and gasped when she saw Scar.

You made it out of the woods? Scar nodded.

Bruised, but alive. He glanced behind himself as he said, Sadly, I can't say the same for Vicky. Tears filled Lilac's eyes. A groan caught their attention.

Scar, I'm fine. Lilac practically jumped. She darted around Scar to find Vicky, very much alive. She was lying down, her scrapes and scratches still very fresh. Her back leg looked bad, but otherwise, she was ok. Lilac ran to her with overjoyed tears.

Vicky! You're ok! she exclaimed, nuzzling the fox's face. Vicky giggled.

I'm fine, Lilac. Minus my overprotective nanny. The girls laughed while Scar turned away in a fit.

I'm looking out for your well being, thank you, he growled huffily. Garth smiled.

Exactly why I came here. Garth jumped back into the hole and hopped out on the other side. Lilac, Scar, and Vicky were taken by surprise as he started to fill the hole with lightning speed.

Garth! Lilac shrieked as she ran to the non-existent hole. She looked through the briars to see his lightning blue eyes. Garth, what are you doing!

Keeping you safe. Scar will take care of you until your prince charming finally takes a hint. If he doesn't, you'll be safe 'til dawn.


Lilac, you almost drown tonight. You could've died in the woods. Even through the thorns and thick web of branches, Lilac could see the desperate plea in his eyes. I don't want to take a chance with your life with all these Nevers wanting blood. Stay here and stay safe. Garth ran out of her sights, deep into the forest of countless perils. Lilac turned to Scar.

Can't you go after him? He shook his head somberly.

No. I have to stay here and watch Vicky.

You can go though, Vicky replied, standing up shakily. Scar ran up beside her, letting her lean against his chest. I have a way in and out that even this wolf couldn't sniff out. Scar frowned with having been outwitted again by Vicky's talent of escape. He walked close beside her as she made her way to the edge of the briars. She kneeled down and brushed the dirt away to reveal a small indention in the ground near the base of the wall. Easy squeeze, she remarked with a smile. Scar turned to Lilac with a commanding glare.

Good luck and be careful. Lilac nodded and raced toward the small crevice. She crawled under the briars quickly, her fur narrowly missing the thorns. She was out in the open air, Scar quickly filling the hole. Lilac started to walk, sniffing the air for a hint of Garth. That is, she tried. Hard to sniff someone out when you have no idea what they smell like.

* * *

Garth hid in the bushes near a clearing, where a princess was standing alone. She was biting her lip with worry and turning in circles constantly. He might as well end her misery in this eerie place. He slipped out of his cloak and walked slowly out into the open.

The princess yelped, the bushes having moved considerably. Garth tilted his head to one side, giving the impression of confusion. He had to sell the look of an innocent wolf. The princess stayed still, staring at him. He took a careful step toward her, playing the part of a critter wondering what she was. The princess seemed to by it, still not moving. He took a few steps closer, only a few feet away from her skirt. She extended a hand to him carefully, a classic "princess meets irresistibly cute animal" story.

"Hi there," she said sweetly, Garth touching her soft hand with his muzzle. She smoothed down the fur on his face, scratching behind his ears. When she stopped, he pulled out the winning combination. Large, puppy-dog eyes looked up at her, a slight whimper making her heart melt.

"Awe." Garth walked up to her side and rubbed his head against her leg affectionately. "You're such a cutey," she cooed as he pulled out the tongue maneuver, leaping up and giving her a wet kiss. She giggled. "You wouldn't have happened to see any princes, little guy. Have you?" The wolf spotted her handkerchief and made a grab before answering. "Hey!" He stopped near the tree line and turned back to her, tail wagging.                  

"Give that back, Mr. wolf. That doesn't belong to you." Garth had to hold back a snarl. She was babying him like he was a puppy. He kept up the charade though with one final act. Dropping the white flag as he cocked his head. "Wait! N-" She disappeared before finishing, white sparks flying into the air. He smiled. That's how you toy with a princess.

Garth started to walk back toward where he left his cloak when something blasted him in his bad shoulder. He rolled left, stopping when he hit a stump nearby. He groaned, checking his shoulder. More blood was coming from the wound.

"Got ya, wolfy." Garth stared up at a Never, Richele. She had a cruel smile on her sinister face. "Too bad you're not a competitor. Can't find- YEEOOOWWW!" Garth had jumped up during her speech and taken a bite into her arm. Richele screamed and power surged through her body. Her talent had a nasty effect on Garth, the shock running through his body and frying his muscles. He let go and fell to the ground, unconscious.

"I was thinking about sparing you," she hissed, "but now I'm just going to end your miserable life!" Before she could get her finger to light, something jumped out and rammed into her, knocking the Never over. "What was-" She stared at a pure white fox under a blue cloak. Her red handkerchief in its mouth. "Give that-" Richele disappeared as soon as Lilac stomped on the surrender flag, red sparks flying.

Don't come back, she yelled at the spot where the Never had been. A whimper caught her ear and she ran to Garth. His shoulder was bleeding, his chest heaving. Garth, she said, nuzzling his face. Garth, can you hear me? His eyes stayed closed, but she knew he was struggling with the surge of power that had run through his body. She had seen it.

Don't worry, Garth. You're going to be ok, she assured him. Lilac wriggled under his body, getting him onto her back. She had trouble standing. Ok. Should have thought this through more. She pushed up with all her strength and was able to get at least a few inches off the ground. Enough to carry Garth somewhere safe.

She remembered seeing his cloak in the bushes, so that's where she went. It was a struggle, even though the brush was only a few feet away. But she went the distance, dragging Garth all the way. When she made it, she dropped him gently and collected leaves underneath the branches to make a sort of bed. It wasn't much, but it wasn't bad either.

She laid him down on the bed with his right shoulder upward. She started to lick the wound, unsure what else to do. She ended up gagging after a while, but the bleeding slowed. Sort of. Lilac grabbed his cloak, unfolded it, and laid it over him.

I'll be right back, she whispered to him before running toward the river. She took a cool drink to wash out the awful taste of blood. Then she went to work. Lilac took off her cloak and used a spell to make the fabric bigger. She tore a piece off the bottom and reshaped the rest back into a cloak. After soaking the torn piece of fabric, she made a dash for the bush where she had left Garth. He was still there, his breath heavy and labored.

She removed his cloak and placed the wet material on his wound. He groaned, squirming a little. At least he was alive. Lilac washed the wound carefully, putting her paw on Garth's muzzle once or twice to keep him quiet.

It was difficult, but the Ever was able to wrap the wound with the fabric. The black wolf grew still, his breath slowing. The fox tossed the blanket over his body, making sure he was covered. Lilac took off her cloak and put it over him also, his body shivering slightly as a cold breeze went by. She shimmied underneath his arm gently and curled up beside him, laying her head against his neck. It wasn't long before she fell asleep.

The Trial continued around them, the occasional scream or battle cry echoing through the forest. The night sky would light up with colorful fireworks, a sign of the decline of competitors. But it all meant nothing during the calm in Garth and Lilac's hideaway. They slept for a time, neither knowing how long.

Garth opened his eyes drowsily, barely remembering anything. Mostly sounds and pain, a sweet voice and a gentle touch. He lifted his head only to put it back down again. He swiveled his head around carefully to find Lilac, whom he had sworn he had left with Scar, lying against his neck. She was breathing softly, warm and comfortable under a layer of cloaks. Which were also over his body.

Garth gently lifted his leg and flinched. He pulled it out from under the blankets and saw a piece of fabric wrapped delicately around his shoulder. He smiled at peaceful Lilac. Terrible at listening to instructions, but a perfect companion in any situation.

Garth pulled her closer with his leg, ignoring the little pain he felt. He stretched his head over her neck, keeping her close to his chest. She opened her eyes, sensing his shift, and nuzzled his face.

Are you feeling better? she asked sweetly. Garth stayed still, smiling with closed eyes.

Definitely, thanks to you. Lilac blushed while she untangled herself from his grasp. He stood up, but fell back down with a groan. Lilac was beside him immediately as he tried again.

Maybe you should-

Nah, he interjected. I'm good. Every...everything's fine. Pain had run up his shoulder while he was trying to convince her he was ok, not helping his case. He leaned against her a little, resting his leg on her back. Garth's attention, however, darted toward the sound of battle.

What's that? Lilac asked. Garth listened a little longer in silence. The sound got clearer as it came closer.

Prince is here, he announced, getting down on the ground and crawling toward the edge of the bushes. Lilac followed his lead and they watched as Stephan appeared in the clearing, sword unsheathed and battling a Never with a hook for a hand.

Cabby, Garth whispered as the boys fought. Nephew of Smee, Captain Hook's right hand man. Twice removed, but has pirate blood in him. Cabby grabbed the prince's sword with his hook and flung it out of his hand. He cackled like a true pirate, collecting his gold and jewels. Stephan didn't wait to let him finish, grabbing the Never's red flag and dropping it to the ground. Cabby disappeared in red sparks, transported back to the gates.

That's your cue, Garth noted, getting up and hobbling away from the prince. Lilac turned to him.

What about you? Garth shifted his gaze to look into her eyes.

I'll be fine. Go run around with your prince for a few more hours. Sun should be up soon. He turned back around and continued walking, keeping his right front paw off the ground. Lilac stared at Stephan from the bushes, his face expressing exhaustion from the night. She turned back to Garth, grabbing his cloak and trying to wrap it over his shoulders. The Ever girl looked back and forth between the two boys, unsure what to do.

Garth was able to get a corner of the cloak and tried to grab the other with his back teeth. He lost it, groaning with frustration. Lilac snagged it in her teeth and brought it around. Garth stared at her, half astonished that she was still there. He had doubted she would listen, and where was she now?

I'd rather stay with you, she said in between her teeth. Garth nodded, a little grateful and excited she had chosen him over hottie pants Stephan. There was still hope she wasn't completely dazzled by him like every other girl. She helped him tie the cloak, their noses touching for a moment.

Sorry, Garth apologized, turning away immediately. She rubbed her head against his neck, untensing his nerves. Lilac put her own cloak on and slid underneath Garth's bad arm. They walked out of the bushes quietly, slowly making their way toward a cluster of trees. Garth lay down in the grass shaded by the trees.

I think it'll be morning soon, he noted, staring at the moon. Wonder how many are still in here.

At least three, Lilac replied, pulling off his cloak. It'll be faster to get around if we're human. Garth quickly covered his eyes with his paws.

I'm not watching. He heard Lilac giggle and smiled. She transformed and did a quick spell with her cloak simultaneously, so she appeared in a dress rather than bare.

"Your turn," she whispered in English. Garth still kept his eyes closed.

You're not looking, right? he double-checked. Lilac prepared to do the spell, turning away.

"Nope." Garth's paw glowed black and he morphed back into a boy. Lilac performed the spell and Garth's wolf cloak became a pair of navy trousers like the princes'. He stood up and checked himself, making sure everything was still there. He winced when he realized he still had a bad shoulder.

"You're good, Lilac," Garth whispered. The girl opened her eyes and turned to look at him. Her dress had no sleeves or straps, exposing her shoulders to the chill of the night. The skirt wasn't very long, a few inches above her knees. "Looks like Cinderella wore a cocktail dress to the Ball," he joked. Lilac rolled her eyes.

"She had a fairy godmother and a lot more fabric to work off of," she replied, walking over to his side. She untied the makeshift bandage on his arm. Sure enough, the wound had increased in size when Garth had mogrified back into a human. "Let's head down to the river and-"

"Worst idea ever," Garth interrupted. "It's too open over there. My arm's fine for now. Let's just get through the rest of the night." They had a silent staring contest, Garth finally winning out.

"Ok," Lilac agreed. Garth offered his hand and she took it. His eyes darted around the area before he stepped out and ran through the forest, Lilac a stride behind him. Their pace was much faster, though they had to get used to the fact that everything was a little smaller compared to a fox or a wolf's vantage point.

Garth heard voices just ahead when they came near the pumpkin patch. He grabbed Lilac by the waist and pulled her behind a tree. He put his finger to his lips before peeking around the tree. Two Nevers stood there, conversing. Their hoods were too far down for Garth to see their faces, but he knew they were Nevers.

"You're sure you counted right," one hissed. The other nodded.

"There's three Nevers, including us, and two Evers left in here." Garth worked it out in his head. Lilac and Stephan were the Evers while he was the other Never.

"Who's the other Never? I only see you." The second Never scoffed.

"I don't know! Do you think they would announce who's still in and who's not?" The first grabbed the second's throat, the Never's hood flying off. It was Plorth, his pudgy nose and beady eyes hard to forget. So that meant the other was Zonk, his roommate and "master."

Garth felt Lilac tense. He turned to look at her. She was pressed against his chest, staring at what was transpiring. He kept his arm around her waist as a reassurance. He wasn't going to let anything happen to her.

"Answer my question, and lets see if we get a different reply," Zonk said, dropping the boy. Plorth coughed and wheezed, trying to find air. He stood up slowly, facing his accomplice.

"It won't matter. Dawn is about an hour or two from now." Zonk clenched his teeth. "I'd love to tell you who's still here," Plorth continued, "but it could be anyone. Raffuel is a good fighter and hunter. Kergy is a vampire. Garth is..." Plorth didn't finish the thought, shuddering.

Garth's shoulders sunk. Everyone had started to look at him like a monster ever since the wolf incident. Kergy and Jerald were the only ones who understood why he reacted. Everyone else was just afraid. Except Lilac, now leaning against his chest.

"I still need to know who," Zonk snarled. Garth stood up off the tree and gently pushed Lilac off him. She silently disagreed, but he gave her a look. This time, she had to listen and stay there. Garth found his red handkerchief in the pocket of his pants and handed it to her. He snuck across the tree line a few feet away from her and stepped on a branch.

"Who's there?" Zonk yelled in his direction, his finger glowing bright orange. Garth stepped out with his hands up.

"You guys still here?" he asked innocently, as if he hadn't been there. Zonk lowered his finger and pulled off his hood, a sly smile spread across his grey face.

"Garth. You're still here?" Garth put down his arms and smiled.

"Yeah. Wasn't easy though." He showed off his wound while saying, "Got a shot from a prince earlier. Tricked a princess into thinking I was a random critter. Got a serious shock from Richele." He crossed his arms with a smirk. "Didn't stop me, though." Zonk smiled.

"Obviously. Say, have you seen any Evers? Plorth seems convinced that there are two still in here." Garth's eyes darted to the sky, pretending to recollect his adventures.

"Remember seeing Stephan not too long ago," he answered. "Saw Lilac a little while ago, but she couldn't be the other Ever." Zonk raised an eyebrow.

"That princess friend of yours?" Garth gave him a death glare, pure darkness on his face.

"She's hardly my friend. I got rid of her myself." Plorth shrank under his stare, hiding in his cloak. Zonk just cocked his head.

"How?" Garth put his hands on his hips, keeping his glare straight and deadly.

"She's naive. Thought I was still her best buddy. So I kept her around long enough for her to treat my wound. When her usefulness expired, I did away with her. Tied her up and left her in the woods for some creature or Never." Zonk's eyes widened. Since everyone had found out they were friends, the school's expectations for their relationship had been set pretty high.

Lilac watched on with equally wide eyes. She never knew he could fake like that. Play the part and fool the world. What shocked her most was that she could see past it and get to the truth. Maybe it was because he let her in on the secrets. But she felt like she could see it in his eyes, the way they glittered when he was up to mischief or were dull when something was on his mind.

"You fiend!" On the other end of the clearing, Stephan appeared. His appearance was that of a storybook prince, minus his gritted teeth and deathly look. His sword was drawn, ready for a challenge. Plorth's finger glowed and a large hunting knife materialized in his hand. Zonk's finger shimmered and a long black whip curled around his hand.

"Give it a whirl, Never," he said, tossing the whip to Garth. He caught it with shaky hands. Stephan charged and Plorth blocked with the knife. They went back and forth for a time before Stephan grabbed the red handkerchief on his belt and stomped on it. Plorth disappeared, the red sparks highlighting his rage.

"Where is the princess!" he shouted, ready to take a swing at Zonk. Garth took the whip's handle and snapped it at the prince. His sword clattered to the ground. Zonk grabbed the Ever's handkerchief and dropped it to the ground. Stephan vanished in the middle of a charge, silver fireworks lighting the sky. Which was starting to grow brighter.

"Dawn already?" Garth asked. Zonk charged after him and reached into his pocket. His face fell as he found Garth didn't have his flag. But Garth had his. "Bad move." He dropped the flag and Zonk vaporized with a shocked look in his eyes.

"We won!" Lilac jumped out of the woods and ran to him. "We won, Garth!" she shrieked, wrapping her arms around his neck. Garth hugged her back, holding her tightly.

The dark began to be replaced by light as the sun rose. Everyone on the outside of the gates listened as the wolf howled, ending the Trial. Edward and Jerald had stayed by the gates, just staring at the leader board. Only two names were still lit. Lilac and Garth. Kergy had joined them when he had gotten out hours ago.

"Move!" Stephan shouted as he returned and the wolf ended the Trial. He stared at the two names with pure fury and rage. "That sinister Never! He left Lilac unprotected!" Edward, Jerald, and Kergy stared at him with awkward looks.

"Are you talking about Garth?" Kergy asked. Stephan whirled around to him.

"Of course I am!" Jerald laughed, snorting every once in a while without a care in the world.

"Garth wouldn't leave her alone! Where've you been!" he snorted, falling over and rolling on the ground.

"I heard him say so myself!" Stephan insisted. Sparks flew into the air above the forest. By the gates, Garth and Lilac appeared side by side. He looked around.

"See," Lilac twittered. "Much faster than walking." Garth rolled his eyes. Stephan's jaw dropped to the ground with no return. He was speechless, seeing Garth and Lilac together again.

"You can't be serious!" Zonk squealed, staring at the pair. "You tricked me!" Garth shrugged.

"What can I say? I'm good." Plorth and another Never had to grab Zonk before he launched out at Garth. Kergy smiled.

"A Never and an Ever, winning together. Who knew?" Edward remarked, winking at Garth. Garth smirked with a wink back at him. Yeah, who knew?

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