The School for Good and Evil...

By SRSInkFeather

22.3K 909 184

Once upon a time, before Sophie and Agatha, two students changed the school forever. Friends in Gavaldon, the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: Epilogue

Chapter 13

636 31 7
By SRSInkFeather

The time had come for the Trial by Tale participants to be revealed. Everyone filed into the Theater of Tales that morning, unable to keep from talking. Even the Nevers were a buzz. Whoever won the Trial would get five extra first place rankings, putting them at the top. That also made them class captains.

Garth sat on the edge of the pew, hoping Lilac would see him and sit across from him. He had seen her the last couple days, but they had never talked about the trial. He was dreading this day for the fact that he was doing the best in Surviving Fairytales. And so was she.

Lilac walked all the way down toward him, unsure about the announcements as well. She knew how well he was doing and people couldn't stop complimenting her. The answer was right in front of her, but she didn't want to admit it. The trial would be a defining moment. Whether she was right about Garth or not.

"Hey," she whispered. Garth glanced at her, finding worried eyes. He could only agree with her. The wolves weren't in the way, so he nudged her foot with his. A hand would be too easy to see. Lilac returned the nudge and they smiled at each other.

The noise died down as Pollux, beside Castor on their body, howled. The fifteen group leaders for Surviving Fairytales stood behind them.

"To win a Trial by Tale," Pollux announced, "is one of the greatest honors at the School for Good and Evil. Once a year, we send the best Evers and Nevers into the Blue Forest for one night to see who lasts until dawn. In order to win, a student must survive, not only the School Master's death traps, but the opposite side's attacks. The last Ever or Never in the forest at dawn is proclaimed the winner and is given five additional first-place rankings." Garth glanced at Lilac, hoping that she would be ok in the Trial.

"A week from today," Pollux continued, "each Forest Group will be sending their top Ever and top Never into the Trial. Before the announcements though, it feels appropriate to review the rules." As Pollux talked, Lilac rubbed her hands nervously. This review was only for suspense. Which was having a serious effect on her nerves. She needed to know now if she was in the Trial or not. If Garth was in the Trial or not. If Stephan was in the Trial or not. If... There was a long list.

Garth nudged her again, noticing her heaving chest and dazed eyes. She turned to him as Pollux started talking about a tie and how the ranks would be split. He gave her a smile, but it wasn't too reassuring. His own mind was running through the possible combinations of participants.

"For the rest of the week, all classes will be dedicated to preparing these fifteen Evers and fifteen Nevers for their night in the Blue Forest," Pollux continued. "In-class challenges are restricted to these competitors only. Those who have the worst scores will enter first while those with the best will enter the forest considerably later. Note that this is a tremendous advantage. The less time you spend in the Trial by Tale, the greater the chance you will come out alive."

Garth's smile disappeared at hearing this while Lilac turned chalk-white. Garth had the urge to wrap his arms around Lilac in order to protect her from...anything. Lilac wanted Garth to fail terribly so he wouldn't be in the Trial. Maybe that Never with the eyepatch would get in. Pollux looked at all the shocked faces and realized what he had suggested.

"Students, students," he cooed nervously. "Don't take my words seriously. No one dies in the Trial by Tale. It is quite silly if you truly think about it."

Castor coughed, "What about that-"

"The competition is very safe," Pollux snarled, silencing Castor. Garth caught on though. Someone had died. His heart pounded. Lilac couldn't compete in the Trial by Tale. He prayed that Edward or someone else in their group would have the top score. "Now," Pollux continued, "each of the competitors will have a flag of surrender. If you feel like you are in mortal danger, drop it to the ground and you will be taken from the forest intact and very much alive." He glared at Castor for that final part. "I will give the floor to the Forest Group leaders now, who will announce this year's Trial by Tale competitors."

Garth felt something brush his hand. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lilac dare to get as close to the edge as possible. And dare to hold his hand. She was reaching, but the distance was too far for a covert hold. Garth scooted over slightly and grabbed her fingers, her loose grip telling him that she was there and that she was alive.

One by one, Forest Group leaders came up. The lily nymph for Group 12 announced that Stephan and Kergy were in the challenge. Group 9's lily nymph stated that Raffuel of Evil was competing along with a prince. A princess from Amanda's group was going in instead of her, Edward taking a silent breath. Group 5's leader came up and told the crowd that Richard was going into the Trial. The prince jumped up with an ecstatic shout and sat back down with flushed cheeks.

Finally, Yuba came up to the front. Garth's chest hurt from his pounding heart. Lilac couldn't breath. The only thing that was keeping them conscious was the fact that they had to know. And the, now secure, grip they had on each other's hands.

"From Group 3," he boomed, "Lilac will represent Good." Garth felt light-headed, like someone had punched him in the gut. The world was void of air. Lilac held his hand tighter, waiting to hear the next name. "And Garth will represent Evil."

Everything came back full force. Garth was alert and ready. Lilac was in the Trial and so was he. He would rather her not be in it at all, but at least he could do something. Protect her at all costs. No matter how "safe" the Trial was, he wasn't taking a chance with her life. She wasn't dying that night. He wasn't able to save his sister, but he could save her.

* * *

Classes went just as Pollux had said that day. Kergy was the only one in Garth's classes that he really knew. Everyone else was a stranger and, therefore, a danger to Lilac. Especially Raffuel, a Never with jet black hair and eyes. He practically radiated hate. But he wasn't as good as Garth at being a Never.

Lilac was now spending more time with the Lynchester brothers than ever. Richard was at a loss for words, pleased he kept his princess out of the Trial, but terrified for himself. Stephan was just a prince, telling of how he would protect her from the Nevers. Lilac was getting top scores, the princes close behind.

The next two days followed this same pattern. Garth, Kergy, and Jerald were coming back from dinner of day three in preparation.

"So," Garth outlined, "once we are both in the forest, we start picking off competitors. From both sides." Kergy nodded, glancing at a pacing Never with green hair.

"Yeah," he agreed. "I'm not liking our 'friends' this year." The crack of a whip caught Garth's ear. When it cracked again, a scream followed. Garth turned toward the foyer where it was emanating from.

"Garth," Jerald said cautiously as he started to jog toward the commotion. Garth reached the foyer first and got a front row seat to a beating. A wolf was lashing out with his leather whip, a kid on the other end. The Never was screaming every time the whip hit his chest, tearing his tunic and biting his skin. Garth looked on, eyes wide.

"Garth," Kergy said, pulling on his arm. "We should go." He didn't move. Garth saw the slightest smile on the wolf. Almost like his father's cruel expression. Suddenly, the boy's screams sounded like his own.

Impulse took over. Garth launched forward, Kergy hitting the ground. As the whip fell to make another strike, Garth grabbed it and pulled. The handle wrenched out of the wolf's claws. Garth gripped it and started whipping the wolf, his suit immediately tearing to expose fur. Garth kept going, the wolf howling in pain. Kergy was shouting, Nevers were staring, but he didn't care.

"How does it feel, pooch!" he shouted as he took a slight break. The wolf was moaning, blood gushing from his chest. He stared up at Garth and the gravity of what he was doing hit him. The wolf's black eyes were filled with fear. Garth glanced at his hands, the whip he held. He dropped it, stepping back. He turned around to the boy, equal fear in his peer's eyes. His eyes darted around the crowd, Nevers aghast. The wolf at his feet howled and another answered.

"Garth! Run!" Kergy shouted. He obeyed and ran straight through the doors out of Evil. He kept running, trying to find a way out. Wolves at the perimeter spotted him and took up the chase. Garth jumped and dived into the inky bay. He started to swim to nowhere, just far away.

In the Blue Forest, Vicky and Scar were sleeping side by side. Scar's ears perked up when he heard the guard's howls and he shot up. Vicky felt his tension and got up as he ran toward the edge of the briars and started to dig.

Scar, she said nervously. What's wrong?

Garth is in trouble, he answered, not stopping. Vicky walked over to him. I have to help him. He looked up at her with almost pitiful red eyes. You understand. Right? Vicky nudged him with a smile.

Absolutely. I'll come too.

Absolutely not, Scar replied, going back to digging. He crawled through the hole to the other side and poked his head back through to look at her. It sounds like he is headed toward the Endless Woods. Such a place is dangerous. And I'd rather you not get hurt. Without another word, Scar pulled his head out and filled the hole, keeping her from following. Or so he thought.

Vicky crawled through the briars silently as Scar ran toward the gates. She crawled out and made a run toward Good. Lilac had to know.

"Ok," Isabella plotted. "During the Trial, Amanda will try and attract Edward's attention. Everyone will be camping out, so it will work great." Amanda frowned, rubbing her shoulders. Lilac flipped through pages in her spell book for outfits, finding herself on a breakthrough for the mogrification issue.

Something scratched at the door. Lilac! The Ever looked up from her book and turned toward the door. The noise had been muffled, but was still very clear. She got up and opened it. Vicky raced in, tugging at her skirt.

Vicky, what's wrong? Lilac chattered to her friend. Vicky's eyes were wild as chitters and chatters spilled out.

It's Garth! He did something in Evil and now the wolves are after him! Scar heard them and went to help him! THEY'RE GOING INTO THE ENDLESS WOODS! Lilac didn't hesitate. She ran out the door and charged down the crystal steps. She knew nothing about the Endless Woods or what she was getting herself into, but she knew none of it could be good for Garth.

Garth lay on hard ground, dazed. He couldn't remember anything. A wolf's howl of recognition did the trick though. He shot up and bolted forward, trying to get as far away from the gates as possible. Wait...gates?

He whirled around and saw golden gates, flanked by the swans. It read across the metal plate, "TRESPASSERS WILL BE KILLED." His surroundings were dark, twisted and deformed trees all around. The Endless Woods.

You don't belong. Garth ran, away from the gates, away from the School for Good and Evil. Away from Lilac, away from his friends, away from anyone. He didn't belong. He hurt, he killed. Other people weren't safe around him. So the only way to stop the killing, to stop the deaths, was to run from it all.

He dodged trees and jumped thorny brush. He stumbled on twisted vines and roots. He kept running. The farther, the better. As he ran, he didn't make note of his surroundings. Or the thorny vines that seemed to slither toward him.

Like a whip, a vine wrapped around his leg and pulled him down. He sat up and tore the vine off him. Instantly, two new ones came out of nowhere and grabbed his wrists. He was yanked back into a tree, the vines pulling his arms back around the trunk. He shouted in agony as more vines tied him to the tree, their thorns digging into his skin. He tried to move, but there were too many vines and thorns holding him down.

Out of nowhere, a wolf bit into the multiple vines and snapped them. He continued up the tree, freeing Garth's hand. Garth tore the other vines and pulled himself off the trunk. He fell to his knees, noting the blood trickling from multiple wounds. He glanced at the wolf and saw red eyes and a familiar scar.

"Thanks, Scar," he breathed gratefully. The wolf stood proudly, a sort of smile forming on his furry muzzle. The celebration was short lived. A vine snagged Scar, his yelp of surprise a battle cry for the living vines. Garth grabbed them and ripped them in half.

"Let's get out of here!" Scar ran back into the trees and Garth followed, weaving between the furious thorns and blackened tendrils. Scar stopped for only a moment to avoid a fresh batch of vines, but it was enough time for at least fifteen to grab his legs and body. Garth tried to reach him, but a dozen other vines were wrapping him in a cocoon of pain.

"Help!" he screamed, not caring who came. He'd be glad to see even Stephan. "Somebody, HELP!" Scar howled dramatically, the sound ringing in Garth's ears. He twisted and turned, writhed and wrestled. Nothing worked. The vines were like Kergy's dumb snake, cutting off oxygen and making him light-headed.

A flash of red sped past, his foggy vision unable to make it out. Something soft brushed his cheek, but all he saw was pink. Oh no. The tendrils loosened, allowing Garth to gasp for breath. He looked up into Lilac's green eyes.

"Are you ok?" He grabbed her shoulders in a panic.

"No! You have to get out of here!" Garth stared into her frightened eyes and glanced at his bloody hands. The incident with the wolf slapped him in the face. Garth let go and backed away. "You have to get away from me," he said. He shied away from Vicky's presence by his side.

"Garth," Lilac replied cautiously as she stood up. "I'm here to help you. You don't have to be scared." He glared at her.

"I'm not scared for me! I'm scared of me! The wolves are after me cause I whipped one of their own mercilessly! I kill people!" He turned away from her, looking for trouble. "I don't belong. It's best I stay away from people." Garth stared into her eyes as he finished, "It's best I stay away from you." She looked as if she was dead, her body still and hard. Garth felt tears coming to his eyes, but he held them back.

"Garth," she finally said, taking a step toward him. He backed up into a tree. "You'd never hurt me," she continued. She took his shaking hand and got close to his chest. Garth tried to slide away, not wanting to hurt her. She held him there, her other arm wrapping around his back and her head resting against his chest. He was choking on air, unable to tell her to get away.

"You're my best friend, Garth. No matter what, I'd trust you with my life," she whispered. Garth's heart stopped. He blinked, but this was all reality. She was up against him, she had said that. And there was a thorny vine behind her, ready to strike.

"Move!" he shouted as he shoved her to the ground. The thorns of the vine dug into bark instead of flesh. Garth shot up, pulled Lilac up to her feet, and dragged her by the hand as he ran. She followed behind closely, gripping his hand with white knuckles. Scar and Vicky ran on either side of them, guarding the left and right. Lilac caught a hint of gold in the corner of her eye.

"There! The gates!" she yelled. Garth turned as she ran toward it. A spiky tendril shot out of the ground in front of her. Garth charged in front of her and the vine bit into his bloody forearm.

"Go! Get out of here!" he yelled as another tendril snaked around his leg. He tore the vine that had gotten his arm, but another came back around.


"GO!" Lilac ran, Vicky on her heels. Garth assumed she had gotten the same order from Scar, who was fighting off the carnivorous plants.

Lilac ran, keeping her eyes on the gates. Deja vu hit her like a wave as the dead forest reminded her of home. The golden gates were like the torches of the villagers, a beacon in the middle of the night. The only difference between the two events was that she was now running away from Garth and toward safety. She stopped and whirled around, unable to see Garth from this distance.

"We have to go back," she told Vicky, ready to run back when a vine wrapped around her wrist. She pulled on it, unable to break it like Garth could. Another tendril slithered up her leg and tied itself around her other leg. She screamed as thorns tore into her skin and more vines wrapped themselves around her. Vicky had gotten one or two, but the majority was after her.

Hang on, Lilac! Vicky chittered, tearing the last vine around her leg. Lilac fell, inside a cocoon of thorns and ashen plants. Vicky bit into one and tore it, moving onto the next immediately.

Vicky, save yourself! Lilac chattered to the fox, trying to free her hands. Get help! Or go save Garth and Scar! Forget about me! The fox didn't stop to talk, trying to keep up with the increasing number of tendrils. She'd snap one and two more would snake around Lilac's body. She kept going, not noticing the black vines just behind her.

VICKY, LOOK OUT! Lilac's cry was too late. The vines snagged Vicky's tail and dragged her back, wrapping around her body. She yelped as the vines started to wrap around her face. She closed her eyes as they came over her ears.

"VICKY!" Lilac screamed in English, the pain of thorns subsiding as the fox was encompassed in the tendrils. She couldn't free herself, no matter how much she tried. The vines started to go up her face. This was her death. She had too many things to say, too many people to say goodbye to. She couldn't die now.

The flash of metal caught her tearful eyes. The vines were loose in an instant. She looked down the length of her body and saw the obvious cause for this miracle. A sword. She glanced up and saw Stephan, his blond hair swaying in the slight breeze.

"Let us leave this place, my princess," he said quickly, taking her arm and lifting her up. He wrapped his arm around her hip and started to run toward the gates. Her arms were around his shoulder, her sights on Vicky's coffin.

"Vicky," she whined, tears spilling out of her eyes. She pressed her face against Stephan's shoulder as he continued forward, fighting off the tendrils of death. She heard the gates swing open and felt Stephan slow. She looked up as the gates closed behind them. Stephan held her a foot away, checking to see if she was ok. His blue shirt was torn in several places, blood drenching his arms.

"What were you thinking," he scolded gently, "going in there without help. Or even going in there." Everything came back to Lilac immediately. She tried to escape Stephan's strong grip, but it was pointless.

"I have to help Garth!" she wailed. "He's still in there!" Stephan lifted her in his arms, her feet off the soft grass.

"No, you have to go back to the castle. One less Never is good news." Lilac's eyes widened.

"How could you say that!" she squealed, escaping his grip. She started to run toward the gates, but Stephan grabbed her wrist. She stared at him with pleading eyes. "Stephan-"

"You're bleeding," he interrupted. She gave him a questioning glance before looking down at herself. Her arms were torn up, her skirt in tatters. Her legs were the worst off, blood cascading from deep cuts. She lost her breath, the amount of blood making her dizzy. Her legs went limp and she fainted into the prince's arm.

He lifted her up and started to walk toward Good when he heard the thump of paws. He turned around as the gates were forced open by the Never and the Never's wolf ran through, panting. Garth ran through next, carrying an unconscious fox in his arms. Blood caked both of the animals' fur coats. The gates closed as Garth put the fox down beside the wolf, who started to lick her wounds and nuzzle her motionless body. He looked up at the prince and saw Lilac in his arms.

"Lilac," Garth breathed, taking a step near them. "Is she ok?" Stephan held her protectively, stepping back.

"Stay away, Never," he warned with devil eyes. Garth held up his hands and stepped back.

"Is she ok?" he asked again. Stephan scowled.

"If you truly care about her safety, you would stay away from her." Garth didn't move, listening to every word he said. "The Evil hurt the Good," the prince stated, nodding at Lilac and the wolf and fox. Garth turned to Scar, the wolf frantic as Vicky still didn't move. Garth closed his eyes, trying to hold back tears.

"I always knew this would happen," he muttered. The corners of Stephan's lips turned up slightly.

"Stay away from Lilac," he threatened, "or I will take action." The howl of wolves echoed in the night air. Lilac started to awaken when Stephan walked away. Nevers gathered near the edge of the bay while wolves charged for Garth. Scar picked up Vicky in his mouth carefully and dragged her back to the Blue Forest.

"Garth," Lilac whispered as the wolves grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged him back to Evil. He didn't resist. Lilac was too weak to chase after him, closing her eyes as she leaned against Stephan's chest.

* * *

The wolves took Garth to the doom room, where a beast lived for the only purpose of punishing students. However, all the wolves wanted a shot at him. Now they had Garth, tunic off, chained to the wall so his back faced them. They each took turns punishing him however they wanted for hurting their own. One used a leather whip, another used a barbed wire. A couple turned him around and lashed their whips against his chest.

Garth, however, couldn't feel a thing. Years of being whipped made him numb to the pain. But despite this resilience, Garth was in pain. No matter what he did, no matter what he decided, he always hurt Lilac. She could've died in the Endless Woods because of him. The only friend he ever had and he could be her demise. This fact ate away at him as each wolf added their own mark.

After a time, the wolves let him go, carried him up the stairs of Vice, and tossed him into his room. Kergy and Jerald were there and rushed to his side. But Garth didn't need help getting up. He stood in order to walk toward his bed and sat down. His expression was downcast, his whole body red from the continuous bleeding.

"Garth, we heard," Kergy said carefully. Garth didn't say a word. "Lilac wasn't at school today either. She's still recovering from her wounds." Garth stared at the floor absently, Kergy's words barely phasing him. "Isabella and Amanda said she was asking about you. To see if you're ok."

"I'm fine," was all he said. Kergy and Jerald glanced at each other. "I'm fine." Kergy nodded and his roommates lay down, but none of them got sleep. Garth left the room that night to find a spell book to stop the bleeding.

That morning he went to class, wearing his mangled trousers and leaving his chest bare. Nevers shied away, his dark, disheartening gaze spelling death. His wounds weren't severe, but Lady Lesso suggested he didn't put a tunic over them. So they healed and the Evers knew what they had to face in the Trial.

Lunch had the same effect. Evergirls took one look at him and either ran to hide behind a prince or fainted. Everboys glanced at him and caught their breath, seeing the scars and bruises that would cripple a man. But he still walked. He walked as far from everyone as he could get. But he could still hear the murmurs.

"Garth!" He turned to see Lilac running toward him, a new pink pinafore with a short cape to keep her shoulders warm. And hide her own scratches and bruises. "Garth, are you-"

"I'm fine," he answered, continuing to walk. She stepped in front of him.

"Are you-"

"Yes. I'm sure." He weaved around her and kept walking, willing her to stay away. Instead, she grabbed his hand.

"Garth." He stared into her eyes, trying to express his want to get away. She only stared back with desperate eyes. "Garth, don't avoid me. Please."

He let go of her hand and replied, "Avoiding people is the only way they don't die. Goodbye, Lilac." He continued to walk, hiding his watering eyes from his peers. Lilac stood there, helpless and confused. Stephan whisked her away, like any good prince would. Garth hid in the trees and let his tears go, unable to hold them back.

Whereas these two had been doing the best in the challenges, their ranks slowly descended. Lilac was in the lows, unable to cope with Garth's words and his avoidance. Garth stayed in the mid-regions, going back and forth in his moods as the Trial neared. But he had a goal, plain and simple. Let Stephan be the prince he was and stay as far from Lilac as physically possible.

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