Oleh _xarielleprongs

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" 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧, 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦. " - 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬... Lebih Banyak

𝐀ct one


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Oleh _xarielleprongs

POTIONS CLASS WAS probably Melanie's least favourite class. Not because of the subject, but because of the teacher.

Professor Snape's class was horrible. In any way he could, he would scold her or make fun of her mistakes.

If there was a teacher alive in Hogwarts that she hated after Professor Lockhart it was Professor Snape. 100 precent.

The thoughts distracted Melanie from Snape's explanation on what need to be done.

Ryan gave her a little nudge in the arm.

Melanie shook from her thoughts. "What?"

"You zoned out. Are you okay?" Ryan explained.

"Yeah, fine. Fill me in. What do we need to do?" Melanie asked just when a Ravenclaw girl with brown hair stormed out the class.

"Why did she left?" Melanie asked Ryan.

"I don't know, maybe she fought with Snape or something. I didn't pay attention" Ryan said.

Melanie turned her head over to Tessa and Madison's table, it was next to her and Ryan' table.

"Tess" Melanie whispered to Tessa because she was the closest to her.

Tessa raised a brow.

"Why this Ravenclaw girl left the class just like that?" Melanie asked her.

"She snapped at Snape, didn't you heard?" Tessa answered. "Said some nasty words."

"Didn't paid attention. Good for her though, someone had put this gross hair git finally in his place" Melanie told her.

"Miss Potter" Professor Snape cleared his throat.

"Yes?" Melanie snapped her head into his direction.

"Do you want to share with the class the subject over the discussion you and miss Atellwood were talking about?" Snape said, referring to Tessa.

"Nope" Melanie said and heard a gasp coming from two Ravenclaw girls.

"Detention, Miss Potter" Snape said.

"For what!?" Melanie said, raising her eyebrows.

"For talking back at me" Snape said, face staying stern.

"But you asked me a question? You said the words 'do you'. I answered and said no. What am I doing wrong that I have to get a detention?" Melanie felt her ears turning red from anger.

"You don't want to join Miss Antela and get out of my class, get three detention this week and 15 points from your house. Perhaps..... you'd like that, Miss Potter?"

"Urgh" Meanie groaned in her chair. "Bloody hell" she said under her breath.

"5 points from Hufflepuff!" Snape decided.

"What?!" This time it came from Ryan.

"Miss Butler, do not get involved" Snape snapped at Ryan.

"Excuse you, but I only said what. How am I getting involved?" Ryan stood up, grabbing the table from anger.

"Give your mother my blessing, Miss Butler" Snape said in a rather cold voice, giving Ryan an icy knowing look from his eyes.

Ryan sat down in her chair. "Why don't you write her yourself" She muttered.

Snape heard but said nothing. Ryan knew he heard in clear hearing what she said.

"Ahm" Snape cleared his throat. "Open your books in page 726, class."

But Melanie was no longer paying attention. She was angry. Angry at Snape. Angry about her not controlling her mouth sometimes. Angry about everything.

She missed her family. That started to grow on her and she really waited to go back home.

She wanted a comfort hug from her father and to discuss about life with her mother.

She also missed Joy, her house elf. She missed her cooking and how much fun it is to talk to her.

By the time the class ended she and Ryan exited the class as fast as they could. Both of their minds weren't focused in place.

She saw a Slytherin boy running towards her direction.

Melanie raised her eyebrows, confused.

The boy slowed his run and walked up to her and Ryan. He looked like he was on his third year.

"Melanie Potter?" He asked.

"Yes..." Melanie said.

"And are you Ryan Butler?" He turned his head towards Ryan, a Slytherin green scarf on his neck.

"The one and the only" Ryan answered.

"Professor Sprouts is looking for the both of you. She said to meet her in her office" They boy said.

"Why?" Melanie asked.

"I don't know. She's not the head of my house. I don't know her businesses" The Slytherin boy said.

"No need to be rude about it" Melanie snapped.

"I wasn't" The boy said.

"You were" Ryan piped in.

"Whatever. Go meet her. Bye" The Slytherin boy turned his back at them and walked away.

"Weird" Ryan let out a breath as her and Melanie made their way to the office.


Melanie knocked on the door of the office.

"Come in!" She heard.

Ryan took the handle and let the door open.

"Ladies" Professor Sprout nod her head, mentioning to sit down in the chairs.

Melanie and Ryan sat quietly.

"How are you doing?" Sprout asked. "Heard about you two little detention in potions today" she said to Melanie.

"Im good" Ryan said.

"I'm fine. Yeah, I did get a detention... but Professor I swear to Merlin I didn't do anything. I promise! You know Snape. I'm sure I'm not the only student who can't stand him!" Melanie said.

Professor Sprout sighed. "You're right, you're not the only student who came to report this 'can't stand Snape' thing. But you still got a detention. Which isn't good for your report. But that's a thing we need to discuss me and you Miss Potter."

"And, I don't want you to think that I'm insulting you - because I'm not. You got a sharp mouth Miss Potter. It's a flex that you can stand up for yourself and you should be proud of it" She added. "But you also need to know when to keep it closed. Not always it's good to say the last word."

"Alright" Melanie sighed knowingly, Professor Sprout is right, she does kind of have a big mouth.

"Ahm" Professor Sprout cleared his throat. "Anyway, let's get to the point. We're doing a list of students who stay for the holidays and students whose going home or any other places" she begun. "What is on your mind? Do you stay or do you leave?"

Ryan and Melanie switched looks.

Melanie shrugged. "Leave. I'm going back home."

Ryan played with her fingers anxiously, head down. Professor Sprout noticed. "And you, Ryan?" She asked softly.

Ryan lifted her head up at her name begin brought up and not 'Miss Butler'. "What?"

"Do you stay or do you leave?"

"I'm leaving. I , uh, I'm going to my house with my siblings" Ryan answered.

Professor Sprout nodded. "Both of your siblings are in Ravenclaw, right?"

"Yes" Ryan nodded.

"I teach both of them. Great students they are" Sprout smiled.

"I guess" Ryan shrugged.

"Miss Potter, do you mind leaving me and Ryan alone for a few minutes? You can wait by the chairs outside" Professor Sprout asked Melanie.

Melanie raised a brow but nodded, sending a smile to Ryan who smiled back at her with a tired one.

Melanie closed the door after herself, sitting on one of the comfortable chairs, playing with one of the threads that got unraveled from her bag.

She knew something was up with Ryan but she couldn't figure out what. She wanted to ask multiple questions but didn't want to be rude or to point out a sensitive topic. She's waiting till Ryan will find the trust in herself and tell her what's wrong.

"Why are you here?" She heard a familiar voice asking. "What trouble did you got yourself into?"

She raised her head and met the familiar eyes of Samuel Campbell.

"Campbell" She said, her eyes lighting up. "What made you walk towards the Hufflepuff tower?"

"Why not?" Sam shrugged, sitting next to Melanie in one of the chairs.

Melanie raised a brow. "Um, what are you doing?"


"Who said you can sit next to me?" Melanie snapped.

"Hey, don't be rude! You said at your birthday that we're friends, right?" Sam said.

Melanie sighed. "Sorry, you're right. Just a long day."

Melanie watched Sam's eyes turning something she didn't saw before, it looked like pity, like he's sad for her.

"Wanna talk about it?" Sam leaned on his chair with hands in his pockets.

"It's no biggie. Just got a detention and Professor Sprout got some sense into me" Melanie sighed.

"About what?" Sam asked

"Well I guess I got a big mouth, I just need to shut up sometimes" Melanie said.

"Well it's not that you got a big mouth, it's that you have a self-confidence and respect for yourself, you don't allow others to speak to you in an unpleasant way" Sam said his point of view.

"You know, for a first year, you got some manners taking style" Melanie said.

Sam let out a laugh. "Yeah you already told me when we were at that one night detention."

"Well that's because you do! You even speak better than my dad! Who thought you to speak like that?" Melanie asked.

"Back at home I had to speak with a lot of manners" Sam shrugged.

"Why?" Melanie asked.

"My mouth is locked" Sam answered.

Melanie groaned in annoyance. "Sure. Don't say anything. I'll just ask Tiana."

Sam snickered. "Sure, Potter. I'm sure she's gonna give you an answer. Go ahead."

Melanie gave him an annoyance look.

"Back at you. You know what helped me so far we're here in Hogwarts, when I need to talk to someone?" Sam asked rhetorically.

"You talk to someone..?" Melanie joked.

"I go to the astronomy tower" Sam said. "The stars help me think."

"Help you think?" Melanie asked.

"Try it. And then say thank you to me" Sam told her.

It was just when Ryan opened the door, her look is unable to read.

"Sup Ryan" Sam waved at Ryan.

"Sam? What are you doing here?" Ryan asked, giving Melanie a confused look who shrugged in response.

"Well Potter was sitting alone so I had to give her some company. She looked alone."

"That's because I was alone, idiot! Literally sitting alone next to the head of the Hufflepuffs office. You yourself thought I got into trouble" Melanie rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah, why are you exactly sitting next to Professor Sprout's office?" Sam asked.
"And what are you coming from there?" he asked Ryan.

"She was asking if we're leaving or staying for Christmas" Melanie explained.

"Yep" Ryan agreed.

"And?" Sam asked.

"Both leaving" Melanie answered. "You?"

"Same. Me and Ti are going back home" Sam said.

Melanie let out a snort. "Yeah, go home and speak more manners. Let's see after the break if you speak like Dumbledore."

Sam rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Huh?" Ryan asked.

"Never mind. See ya!" Sam said and walked away.

"What was that about?" Ryan asked Melanie. Both of them made their way to their dorm.

"An inside joke I guess? What did Sprout told you?" Melanie asked.

"Nothing important. Just where I live and stuff like that. Turns out they didn't got my new address or something" Ryan said quickly.

Melanie narrowed her eyes but said nothing. "I'm so ready for Christmas" she sighed.

"Yeah" Ryan said, letting out a breath.

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