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POTIONS CLASS WAS probably Melanie's least favourite class

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POTIONS CLASS WAS probably Melanie's least favourite class. Not because of the subject, but because of the teacher.

Professor Snape's class was horrible. In any way he could, he would scold her or make fun of her mistakes.

If there was a teacher alive in Hogwarts that she hated after Professor Lockhart it was Professor Snape. 100 precent.

The thoughts distracted Melanie from Snape's explanation on what need to be done.

Ryan gave her a little nudge in the arm.

Melanie shook from her thoughts. "What?"

"You zoned out. Are you okay?" Ryan explained.

"Yeah, fine. Fill me in. What do we need to do?" Melanie asked just when a Ravenclaw girl with brown hair stormed out the class.

"Why did she left?" Melanie asked Ryan.

"I don't know, maybe she fought with Snape or something. I didn't pay attention" Ryan said.

Melanie turned her head over to Tessa and Madison's table, it was next to her and Ryan' table.

"Tess" Melanie whispered to Tessa because she was the closest to her.

Tessa raised a brow.

"Why this Ravenclaw girl left the class just like that?" Melanie asked her.

"She snapped at Snape, didn't you heard?" Tessa answered. "Said some nasty words."

"Didn't paid attention. Good for her though, someone had put this gross hair git finally in his place" Melanie told her.

"Miss Potter" Professor Snape cleared his throat.

"Yes?" Melanie snapped her head into his direction.

"Do you want to share with the class the subject over the discussion you and miss Atellwood were talking about?" Snape said, referring to Tessa.

"Nope" Melanie said and heard a gasp coming from two Ravenclaw girls.

"Detention, Miss Potter" Snape said.

"For what!?" Melanie said, raising her eyebrows.

"For talking back at me" Snape said, face staying stern.

"But you asked me a question? You said the words 'do you'. I answered and said no. What am I doing wrong that I have to get a detention?" Melanie felt her ears turning red from anger.

MAY I ASK? ༄ GOLDEN TRIO ERAWhere stories live. Discover now