The Omnitrix Wielder: Arsenal...

By Logan2465

23K 611 273

This story would be what would happen if Ben existed in the Justice League animated series. (I take no credit... More

Bio/Info (Updated)
S1 Ep 1: Secret Origins Part 1
S1 Ep 2: Secret Origins Part 2
S1 Ep 3: Secret Origins Part 3
S1, Ep 4: In Blackest Night Part 1
S1, Ep 5: In Blackest Night Part 2
An Unexpected Friend
S1, Ep 7: The Enemy Below Part 2
The Origin
S1, Ep 8: Paradise Lost Part 1
S1, Ep 9: Paradise Lost Part 2
S1, Ep 10: War World Part 1
S1, Ep 11: War World Part 2
S1, Ep 12: The Brave and the Bold Part 1

S1, Ep 6: The Enemy Below Part 1

1.3K 40 16
By Logan2465

We start off in the middle of an ocean, where a storm is raging. Deep down, below the surface, is a submarine. On the side, the submarine's name is the "USS DEFIANT".

Inside the sub, one of the men aboard sees something on the radar.

M. Sailor: "Sir. Unidentified craft approaching. Baring 010."

Captain: "At this depth?" He turns to another soldier. "Establish radio contact."

A female sailor attempts to do so, but is unable to.

F. Sailor: "I've tried all frequencies. No response."

M. Sailor: "Whatever it is, it's big and closing fast."

Captain: "Evasive maneuvers. Planes down, 20 degrees."

Two other sailors comply and they pull the submarine down. However, this doesn't help as the unknown water craft is still following them.

M. Sailor: "Still closing, sir! It's going to-!"

The submarine is hit, and the lights flicker with the electrical work failing as sparks fly around. The submarine is shook up, nearly knocking the Admiral down. The lights suddenly turn off, with the lights turning red.

Admiral: "Damage report."

F. Sailor: "Starboard runners out!"

M. Sailor: "Captain, the hostile craft is turning! It's making another run!"

The Admiral grabs onto a radio and starts speaking into it.

Admiral: "Prepare torpedo tubes!"

On the radar, the unknown craft gets really close.

M. Sailor: "There's no time!"

The unknown ship goes over the submarine, scraping the top of it. This tears a hole in the submarine and water starts leaking in. The female sailo attempts to make a distress call.

F. Sailor: "This is USS DEFIANT!" She flinches from some works. "We are under attack and have sustained heavy damage! We are going down! Repeat: We are going down!"

As the submarine descends deeper into the ocean, the unknown ship approaches the sinking submarine.

Inside the unknown ship, several oddly dressed men are working. One of them is observing the sinking submarine before turning to a man in a large chair, who is obscured by a shadow.

(General Brak, with all the soldiers dressed like this.)

General Brak: "The surface dweller's ship has been disabled."

???: "Good."

He moves his head out of the shadow, revealing himself to be Aquaman.

Aquaman: "Let it sink."


A few minutes after the submarine went down, the Javelin is seen descending down towards the ocean. Inside are Superman, Green Lantern, who is piloting, Wonder Woman, and Ripjaws.

Green Lantern: "USS DEFIANT, this is the Justice League responding. Help is on the way."

The Javelin hits the water and descends down. It starts heading towards the site of the crash.

Ripjaws: "Nothing like an aquatic rescue." He stretches his arms. "It's been a while since I've done one, so it'll be some good practice."

As he stretches, Wonder Woman checks a screen in front of her, showing the location of the submarine.

Wonder Woman: "I've locked onto their distress beacon. We're getting close."

Ripjaws and Superman move forward and stand next to Green Lantern and Wonder Woman.

Superman: "We're not the only ones." He points at the enemy ship. "We've got company."

Ripjaws: "And something tells me they aren't friendly."

The Javelin approaches the enemy ship, a turret starts firing at them.

Green Lantern: "Not for long."

Green Lantern evades the shots and starts flying off, with the enemy ship close behind. Green Lantern pilots into a ravine, with the enemy ship shooting at them from above.

Green Lantern flies under a rock formation in the shape of an arch, just above the ravine. The enemy ship attempts to follow, but, instead, they crash and the ship is incapacitated. Green Lantern looks back at his handiwork with a smirk.

Green Lantern: "Lost em."

Green Lantern looks back forward, and two more of the same ships are in front of the Javelin.

Ripjaws: "You just had to jinx us, huh?"

Green Lantern pilots the Javelin to evade the attacks from the enemy ships as Superman and Wonder Woman grab breathing masks.

Superman: "Those sailors won't have a prayer if we continue to play cat and mouse."

Ripjaws: "I agree. We'll last a better chance out there."

The heroes exit the Javelin as a shot from one of the turrets hits it, which causes a massive explosion. From the smoke, the four heroes emerge in a green bubble, before Green Lantern undoes the bubble.

The enemy ships continue to shoot at the heroes, who each split off to fight on their own.

Wonder Woman deflects the shots of one of the turrets, with Ripjaws blindsiding the turret, destroying and ripping it apart.

Green Lantern uses his ring to shoot through the other ship, before cutting it in half vertically.

Wonder Woman gets on top of the cut ship with Ripjaws, and Superman goes over to the other one.

Superman: "Push!"

Superman, Wonder Woman, and Ripjaws push the two ships against each other, causing their crews to escape as the ships crash down.

The heroes gather back up and swim away just before the ships explode, but are stopped by Aquaman and his forces. Several ships, and soldiers on hover vehicles wielding spears.

Aquaman: "Halt!" He floats down on his hover vehicle. "You have violated the sovereign borders of Atlantis." He points his trident at them. "Leave at once, or you will be destroyed."

Superman: "We apologize for the intrusion." He gestures to the crashes submarine. "We were responding to a call for help."

Aquaman looks over at the submarine, before looking back at the heroes.

Aquaman: "They should have stayed on the surface where they belong."

Wonder Woman: "Please! The people on board will drown!"

Ripjaws: "Not everyone can breathe underwater, y'know."

Aquaman raises an eyebrow before responding.

Aquaman: "Take the crew. But the vessel stays."

Green Lantern: "No way!" He shoves past Superman and Ripjaws. "That's a nuclear sub. If you think we're going to just walk away and leave it-."

Aquaman: "What makes you think you have a choice?"

Green Lanterns entire eyes glow green and he tries to approach Aquaman, but Superman stops him.

Superman: "He's right. Time's running out."

Green Lantern's eyes return to normal, and he goes to save the men and women in the submarine.


The heroes are currently gathering the sailors in the submarine, with Aquaman and his fleet watching.

Green Lantern has formed a giant bubble, with rescued crew members inside. Connected to the bubble is a direct path into the sun, with all of the water outside of the bubble and the path.

Wonder Woman, Superman, and Big Chill are carrying two people each out of the empty sub into the bubble.

Big Chill: "That's the last of them." He sets the two people he was carrying down. "Bring us up, GL."

Green Lantern flies up, the bubble following. Aquaman watches, before turning to General Brak.

Aquaman: "Escort them to the surface."

Brak crosses his arms and bows, before driving off on his hover vehicle with a small group of other soldiers.

Back above the water, Green Lantern and the bubble emerges from the water. Out also comes the Javelin, being piloted by Wonder Woman.
Individually, Big Chill and Superman emerge from the water, with the latter taking off his breathing mask.

Green Lantern and Wonder Woman fly off, leaving Big Chill and Superman alone with Aquaman and his fleet, who have emerged above the water. The two fly down in front of Aquaman, rain pouring down and thunder clapping.

Superman: "Y'know, all of this could've been avoided."

Big Chill: "After all, if we knew about your borders, we wouldn't have disrespected them."

Aquaman: "Really? How?"

Superman: "Come and air your grievances to the World Assembly. Negotiate for peace."

Aquaman: "You would have me crawl to them like some beggar?"

Big Chill: "That is not what we meant." He crosses his arms. "Just go to the World Assembly and talk to them."

Superman: "And stand before them like a king."

Superman flies off, with Big Chill flying off and about to transform, before Aquaman stops him.

Aquaman: "Wait." Big Chill turns his attention to him. "One moment, you're a creature of the land. And another, a creature of the sky. What exactly are you?"

Big Chill thinks on this for a moment before answering.

Big Chill: "I'm human. These forms I take are mere transformations." He pauses for a moment. "But that doesn't matter."

Aquaman: "What do you mean?"

Big Chill: "It doesn't matter that I'm human. It doesn't matter that you're Atlantean. Both of us have a similarities." He floats down slowly. "We both live on this planet, and we both would do anything in our power to keep the people we care about safe." He stops in front of Aquaman. "So, how different does that really make the two of us?"

Aquaman doesn't answer, and Big Chill takes this as his cue to leave, transforming into Jetray and flying off. As he leaves, Aquaman ponders on what he and Superman said.


Location: Atlantis

Down in the underwater city of Atlantis, in the castle, Aquaman, now out of his armor, is sitting in his throne while listening to General Brak.

Around the throne room, several soldiers are standing guard.

To his right is his brother, Orm.

To Aquaman's left is his wife, Mera.

General Brak: "I say the surface dwellers are barbarians. They sail their weapons across our seas and pollute our ocean with their garbage. There is only one way to ensure Atlantis's safety, and my troops are ready to take action."

Aquaman: "What sort of action?"

General Brak: "We have the technology to wipe them off the face of the Earth." He holds his fist up and takes a step forward. "Just give the order."

Aquaman: "General Brak, I decide policy here. Not you."

General Brak: "How much longer must we endure these affronts?" He takes a few steps up the stairs leading to Aquaman's throne. "Surely you realize that now is the best time to-."

Orm: "Hold your tongue, Brak!" He approaches Brak. "Your king has spoken!"

General Brak backs down and bows.

General Brak: "Forgive me, Lord Orm."

Aquaman looks over at Mera, who is holding a baby in her arms. His look softens for a moment, before going sharp again and turning to Brak.

Aquaman: "General Brak, I will consider your counsel." He stands up. "But this is a most serious matter. I must give it more thought."

Aquaman walks off, Orm and Brak both bowing as he leaves. Mera follows Aquaman into the next room.

As they leave, Brak and Orm each walk away, a look of slight anger on each of their faces.


In the other room, Aquaman is holding his baby boy, who is pulling on his hair. Mera watches with a tender smile.

Aquaman: "He has quite a grip."

Mera: "Takes after his father."

The baby's eyes shut, and he yawns, with Aquaman wrapping him up in a blanket before setting the baby down in a crib.

Both Aquaman and Mera look down at their child, with the former thinking of what Superman and Arsenal said.

Aquaman: "Look at him. So peaceful. So innocent." He pauses for a moment. "Mera, what kind of future am I making for our child?"

Aquaman walks away from the crib, with Mera getting in front of him, before resting her hands on his chest.

Mera: "Whatever you decide, I'm sure it will be the right choice."

Aquaman cups Mera's face with his hands.

Aquaman: "Will it?"

Mera grabs Aquaman's hands and holds them with her own.

Mera: "Your hands are strong and noble." She kisses Aquaman for a few seconds before separating. "I would gladly place my faith in them."

Mera walks off, with Aquaman alone with his thoughts and son.


In the Watchtower, Superman is on the phone with the Admiral.

Superman: "I understand your concerns, admiral. But lives were at stake. There was nothing else we could do."

Green Lantern, Chromastone, and Wonder Woman are discussing the situation with Aquaman.

Green Lantern: "The admiral was right. We shouldn't have left the sub down there. Now they're in the hands of that madman."

Chromastone: "That's exaggerating it a bit."

Wonder Woman: "Besides, Aquaman is no madman. He's a king. He only wants to preserve and protect his people."

Green Lantern: "And who's going to protect us from him?"

Green Lantern walks off angrily, with Chromastone following shortly after.


Back at the site of the crashes submarine, it's being guarded by several ships as well as fleets of soldiers on hover vehicles.

In the distance, Green Lantern and Arsenal, now in Ampfibian form, are hiding below a rock arch.

Green Lantern: "Okay, why did you follow me?"

Ampfibian: "I figured you would do something stupid. So I figured I may as well help you."

Green Lantern grunts as a ship flies overhead. The two then swim up to the side of the ship and cling on. The ship goes over the soldiers and to the submarine, where the two heroes get off and go down to look.

The two sneak past two other guards, before going under the submarine and entering through a hole at the bottom. Green Lantern uses his ring as a flashlight as he and Ampfibian search the submarine.

Inside, the torpedoes are missing from their racks. They also find holding unit attached to the wall with a label above it saying "CAUTION: RADIOACTIVE". Said holding unit is wide open and empty. Green Lantern and Ampfibian share a glance before swimming off.


On a beach, a couple of surfers are wading their way through the water. They eventually notice a man, Aquaman, walking through the water and towards the beach.

Surfer: "Woah. When did that guy come from?"

Aquaman reaches the beach and he continues his walk through the city. He reaches a cross walk, where he shoves past someone.

Pedestrian: "Hey, watch it!"

Aquaman steps onto the cross walk, where several cars have to stop suddenly in order to not hit him.

Man: "Out of the road, meathead!"

In response, Aquaman hits the hood of the man's vehicle, sending the back end into the air. Aquaman removes his fist, which makes the man's car go back down.

At that moment, a police cruiser zips over to Aquaman, and the officer gets out to confront Aquaman.

Officer: "Not so fast, buddy." He stops Aquaman with his hand. "Where do you think you're going?"

Aquaman grabs the collar of the officer's shirt and lifts him up.

Aquaman: "Where is the World Assembly?"


Back at the Watchtower, Green Lantern is furious.

Green Lantern: "I knew we couldn't trust that fish man!" He approaches Wonder Woman and J'onn, as does Ampfibian. "The sub's been stripped, and the plutonium is gone!"

Ampfibian: "Will you calm down? We're not certain it was Aquaman."

Green Lantern: "Who else could've had access?"

Ampfibian: "It wasn't really that hard to sneak past their guards. Maybe a rouge Atlantean, or a supervillain taking advantage of the situation."

Wonder Woman: "Arsenal is right. There are numerous of likely reasons why the weapons and plutonium are gone."

Green Lantern: "Regardless, we need to get to Atlantis and get some straight answers."

Superman: "If it's Aquaman you want, he's not in Atlantis."

The four heroes gather around a large screen, where Snapper Carr is reporting something.

Snapper Carr: "According to eyewitness reports, Aquaman then forced his way past the guards and into a closed session of the World Assembly."

Ampfibian: "I guess he's taking our words to heart, Supes."

Superman nods as the heroes continue to listen to the report.

Snapper Carr: "But as to why he's here, or what he wants, we'll have to wait for further developments."


At the World Assembly, Aquaman is standing on the stage near the podium, where a senator is standing. The representatives of the various countries are in outrage, and are yelling a lot.

Announcer: "Order, order please!"

The representatives sit down and stay quiet, but the France representative remains standing.

France Rep: "First you sink a nuclear sub, and now you threaten us to make peace! Who gave you the right?"

Aquaman: "I am the born ruler of Atlantis."

France Rep: "A country we do not even recognize."

Aquaman: "These are my final terms. Refuse them at your own risk."

Announcer: "But your demands are outrageous! They would compromise our entire world defense and economy!"

Aquaman: "Your problem, not mine."

The representatives are outraged, and they start shouting again. This angers Aquaman, but he is interrupted before he could do anything.

Superman: "Aquaman, wait!"

He, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, J'onn and Heatblast fly in and land on the stage.

Aquaman: "I offered them a chance for peace, and this is their answer."

Superman: "Please. These things take time."

Heatblast: "We appreciate the effort, but you need to be patient."

Aquaman: "I've run out of patience."

He goes to leave, but Wonder Woman stands in his way.

Wonder Woman: "Wait!"

Aquaman stares at her, before shoving her aside, with Green Lantern catching her before she could fall.

Green Lantern: "A real Prince Charming."

Heatblast: "Aquaman, wait!"

Heatblast quickly follows Aquaman as he heads outside.

Heatblast: "All I am saying is that you need to be more patient. And you can't make ridiculous demands and force us to follow them, because that isn't peace."

Aquaman: "What else am I supposed to do?" His tone sounds somewhat desperate. "How can I guarantee peace without threatening them?"

Heatblast stays silent for a moment before responding.

Heatblast: "I'm guessing you really thought about what I said to you. But it wasn't what I said about us living on the same planet." He squints his eyes. "It was the part about protecting the people we care about, right?"

Aquaman stays silent as the two make it outside, where they are swarmed by reporters.

Aquaman: "Move aside."

Aquaman pushes past the reporters, with Heatblast walking next to him.

Little do the two know, someone on top of a building adjacent to them has a rocket launcher, aimed directly at Aquaman. He is wearing a green goat, a red winter hat, and beige pants.

Heatblast: "Look, how about we talk about it over some food? I know this great place just down the street." He notices the man just after he shoots the rocket, and he attempts to get in front of Aquaman. "LOOK OUT!"

The rocket hits both Heatblast and Aquaman, engulfing them both in fire. The reporters run from the blaze as Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and J'onn make it outside.

Superman: "No."

As the smoke dissipates, we see Heatblast helping Aquaman to his feet, who seems to be on the verge of blacking out.

Heatblast: "Come on. Stay with me, big guy."


Back down at Atlantis, Orm and General Brak watch a news report from Snapper Carr. It shows footage of the attack, as well as footage of the Justice League taking him to a hospital.

Snapper Carr: "And following the explosion, members of the Justice League rushed Aquaman to Metropolis Medical Center. There are still no offical reports on his condition, but his injuries appear to be critical, possibly fatal."

Orm enters the room, wearing his brother's armor and wielding his trident.

Orm: "We cannot allow this treacherous attack to go unpunished!"

General Brak and his men stand stunned for a moment, before Brak starts walking up to Orm.

General Brak: "With all due respect, Lord Orm, you're in no position to give that order." He stops a couple feet away from Orm. "The King-."

Orm: "The king may be dead, and the prince is still an infant."

General Brak: "But even so, the law of succession must be obeyed-."

Orm: "The prince will become king when he comes of age." He walks next to Brak. "But in the meantime, this outrage must be avenged."

Mera: "Orm?" Everyone turns their attention to her, who has just entered the room. "Did you hear?"

Orm walks over to her, placing his hand on her shoulder.

Orm: "Oh, my poor Mera." He pulls Mera into a one-armed hug. "All of Atlantis mourns your loss."

Mera pulls away from Orm's hug.

Mera: "You speak as though he'll never return."

Orm: "I pray he will, but who knows what those surface dwellers are doing to him."


Location: Metropolis Medical Center

Inside the hospital, Aquaman is hooked up to a heartbeat monitor. One of the three doctors in the room places an oxygen mask on him.

M. Doctor: "We got a line in yet? I need it, stat."

F. Doctor: "Negative." She holds up a syringe, it's needle bent. "His skin is tougher than a rhino's."

Another doctor places a bag of some kind of liquid and places it on an IV Pole. The male doctor looks over at the heartbeat monitor.

M. Doctor: "His vitals are falling." He looks back at Aquaman. "This is hopeless."

The doctor takes off his gloves and properly disposes of them. He then heads into the waiting room, where the heroes are waiting. Ben is currently in his Feedback form.

Wonder Woman: "How bad is it?"

M. Doctor: "Hard to tell." He pulls down his mask. "His physiology is not like ours. It's unlike anything I've ever seen."

Superman: "But can you help him?"

Feedback: "There has to be something you can do."

M. Doctor: "I don't know."

Batman: "Then maybe I can."

Everyone turns to see Batman emerging from a dark corner in the room.

Feedback: "Have you been standing there the entire time?"


Aquaman is rushed into a room by two doctors, with Superman and Feedback following. They usher Aquaman into a room where Batman is waiting next to a large cylinder tube full of water.

The doctors stop next to the tube, and then Superman picks up Aquaman, with the doctor placing electrodes onto his chest. Superman then flies over the tube and places Aquaman into it.

The doctor goes over to the heart beat monitor and turns it on. It shows a healthy heartbeat, and the beeping is stable.

M. Doctor: "His vitals, they're stabilizing."

Batman walks over to the doctor and hands him a clipboard.

Batman: "Maintain Saline at 3.5%."

M. Doctor: "How could you possibly guess that?"

Batman: "He's a fish out of water, doctor." The two look at Aquaman. "Salt water."


A couple of hours later, the entrance of the hospital is currently swarmed by the media. Up in Aquaman's hospital room, the heroes wait for him to awaken. Green Lantern is currently watching what's going on outside.

Suddenly, the Omnitrix starts beeping. Feedback taps the Omnitrix, and a ringing cellphone materializes into his hand. He sees the Caller ID and it's Sophie.

Feedback: "Sorry. Gotta take this." He moves to a corner of the room before answering. "Hey. How's your day been?"

Sophie: {Pretty good so far. That training you're having me do is pretty exhausting.}

Feedback: "Well, of course it's tiring. It needs to be, otherwise you won't get stronger."

Sophie: {Yeah, yeah. I know.} She pauses for a moment. {Oh yeah! That android version of me you made is working very well.}

Feedback: "That's good. And its behavior?"

Sophie: {Angsty and nasty, just as you set it. But why were those the go-to emotions for it?}

Feedback: "So one would try to adopt the robo-you."

Sophie: {Oooh, that makes sense.}

There's a long pause between the two.

Feedback: "Hey, I got a question to ask you."

Sophie: {Yeah? What is it?}

Feedback: "Are you sure you're fine with not getting adopted by someone at some point?"

Sophie: {Yeah, I'm fine with it. Besides, the last two foster homes I went two were horrible. So my trust in anyone, other than you and the other employees at the Orphanage, is gone.}

Feedback: "Well, I'm glad you trust me."

Sophie: {Of course I do. You trusted me with such a massive secret, so it's only reasonable for me to trust you.} There's a short silence, and Sophie clears her throat. {A-Anyway, I should let you go now. I don't want to waste too much of your time.}

Feedback: "It's fine. It was nice talking to you. I'll see you later, okay?"

Sophie: {Yeah. See you later. Bye.}

Feedback: "Bye."

Feedback hangs up, putting his phone back in the Omnitrix, leaving him with his thoughts for a few moments.

Feedback: 'When will she be ready for all of this? Will she ever be ready?' He shakes his head slightly. 'No. She will be ready at some point. It only matters when. But..." He looks down at his hand. 'Without any powers, she'll be at a great disadvantage. How can I, in good conscience, let her fight crime without any powers?'

Feedback sighs as he rubs his eye.

Superman: "He's coming around."

Green Lantern and Feedback stop what they are doing and go over to the tube holding Aquaman.

Green Lantern: "Good. Now maybe we can get some answers." He starts banging on the side of the tube, waking up Aquaman. "What did you do to the plutonium?"

Aquaman swims to the top of the tube and hops out, landing in front of Green Lantern.

Aquaman: "Plutonium?"

Green Lantern: "From the submarine. You stole it."

Aquaman: "My orders were to leave that vessel where it lay."

Green Lantern: "And you expect us to believe that?"

Aquaman: "Believe what you want." He pulls the electrodes off of him. "Someone tried to kill me. I need to find out who."

Aquaman walks past Green Lantern and heads towards the window.

Batman: "Wait." He goes up behind Aquaman. "I can help you, but you're going to have to trust me."

Aquaman turns around and gives Batman a curious look.


Timeskip: Later That Night

Snapper Carr: "Here at Metropolis Medical Center, we've just received word that Aquaman is about to be moved. Hospital sources say he's going to an unnamed marine research facility for further treatment."

Wonder Woman and Feedback land on a building across from the hospital. They look to their left and see Batman and Superman on an adjacent building. Batman is watching through some binoculars.

Wonder Woman: "I hope this plan of yours works, Batman."

Batman: "Just keep your eyes open."

Superman: "Here he comes."

Two doctors exit the hospital, pushing Aquaman on a stretcher through the media.

In an alleyway, the man that shot a rocket at Aquaman pulls himself and a duffle bag out of a manhole. He runs over to a spot behind a news paper stand, which is right across from the hospital.

As Aquaman is about to be loaded into an Ambulance, the man pulls a rocket launcher from the duffle bag. He looks around then news paper stand and aims the rocket launcher at Aquaman.

This however, doesn't go unnoticed by Wonder Woman and Feedback, who are on the building behind him. Feedback puts his finger to his ear, activating his comms.

Feedback: "He's right in front of us."

Batman: "I see him."

Batman pulls his binoculars from his eyes, before quickly grabbing a Batarang and throwing it at the man's rocket launcher. This knocks the launcher to aim at the ground, and the rocket releases. The rocker skids across the ground, before exploding against the ambulance.

The explosions causes the media to panic, with eveyone reeling back and some having fallen over. Superman chases the would-be assassin, Batman and Feedback go over to the hospital, and Wonder Woman stays in her spot.

The man runs back to the manhole, and puts the cover back on. Superman goes over to the manhole and tries taking the cover off, but he's electrocuted and knocked back. This is because of an electrifying device the man planted underneath the manhole cover.

Over with Batman, he swings over to the entrance of the hospital, landing behind Aquaman, where he can be seen helping two doctors up off the ground. Feedback can also be seen helping some people of their feet.

Batman: "You okay?"

Aquaman turns around and morphs into J'onn.

J'onn: "Perfectly."


Back in the sewer, the man shakes off his clothes, revealing himself as Deadshot, as he runs over to a motorcycle.

Just above him, Batman, J'onn, and Feedback find Superman unconscious. As Batman and Feedback check on Superman, J'onn phases through the floor and into the sewer below.

Once in the sewer, Deadshot drives his motorcycle through a still intangible J'onn. As Deadshot drives off, J'onn puts his finger to his ear.

J'onn: "Diana, he's heading to you."

In response, Wonder Woman jumps off of the building she was on and smashes into the ground. This causes the sewer to start collapsing around Deadshot, who is able to out-speed the rubble.

Up ahead, Wonder Woman pulls open a sewer grate and lands in front of Deadshot. Noticing her, Deadshot drifts to a stop a few feet away.

Wonder Woman: "End of the road."

Deadshot: "I'll take a detour."

He shoots a rocket, from his arm gun, at the sewer ceiling above Wonder Woman. This causes it to fall on top of her. Deadshot turns around and starts going back back a different way just before Wonder Woman pulled herself out of the rubble.


Back with the real Aquaman, he and Green Lantern are alone in a room, likely still in the hospital.

Aquaman stands up and approaches Green Lantern, who is standing with his arms crossed right in front of the door.

Aquaman: "What's taking so long? I must return to Atlantis."

Green Lantern: "Sit tight, your highness. We'll let you know when it's safe to leave."

Aquaman begrudgingly turns around, before whipping back and punching Green Lantern across the face. This knocks him to the floor, and renders him unconscious.

Aquaman: "You presume too much."


Back at the sewer, Deadshot is still racing through. Little does he know is that Batman is waiting for him, with a little surprise.

Once Batman heard Deadshot approaching, he grapples up to the ceiling. Deadshot drives past Batman, hitting the spikes balls he left, which causes his bike to tumble. Eventually, Deadshot falls off of his bike and it hits a wall, exploding and starting a fire.

In pain, Deadshot tries to get up. This is when Batman falls down and starts approaching him.

Batman: "Don't move."

Deadshot turns around and throws a something, that Batman moves out of the way of. However, it turns out to be a smoke bomb, and Batman is engulfed in smoke as Deadshot runs down one of the tunnels.

Deadshot eventually reaches another manhole, one that is right under his green van. He opens the manhole and enters his van through a secret entrance at the bottom. The van is filled with all sorts of weapons, but he walks straight up to the driver's seat and starts it before driving off.

Though, as Deadshot's luck would have it, Feedback happened to see this from the top of a building.

Feedback: "No way that's a coincidence." He presses his earpiece. "I think I found him."

He presses the Omnitrix, transforming into XLR8, before giving chase to Deadshot. Said individual sees XLR8 in his rear-view mirror, and he starts swerving through traffic, occasionally scraping against other vehicles.

Deadshot suddenly swerves left, nearly causing a collision. XLR8 goes up to Deadshot's window and breaks it.

XLR8: "That was an illegal left, by the way!"

Deadshot jerks the wheel left, attempting to hit XLR8, but he's too quick and moves over to the other window, also breaking it.

XLR8: "You may also want to get your tires checked out!"

XLR8 suddenly stops, leaving Deadshot confused. Then suddenly, each of his tires falls off, making the van skid across the pavement. The van even flips on it's side, skidding some more before it stopped. A small explosion erupts from the vehicle as well, setting it on fire.

XLR8 approaches the vehicle, before tapping the Omnitrix and transforming into Four Arms. He rips open the diver side door, grabbing a shaken up Deadshot by his shirt, before pulling him away from the burning vehicle.

Deadshot: "Okay, okay." He holds his hands up. "I give up."

Four Arms pulls Deadshot up, pulling him off the ground.

Four Arms: "Why did you try to kill Aquaman?"

Deadshot: "Gee. Why would a hired gun try to shoot somebody?" He says sarcastically. "Maybe it's because somebody paid me to?"

Wonder Woman: "Who?"

Deadshot and Four Arms look over to see Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, and J'onn standing in front of them.

Deadshot: "Oh, come on babe. You know I can't tell you that. Professional ethics." He looks Wonder Woman up and down, chuckling a bit. "But then again, if you make it worth my while."

Batman suddenly grabs Deadshot by the shoulder, pulling him out of Four Arms's grip.

Batman: "I'll take it from here."

Batman pushes Deadshot away as the other heroes watch.

Four Arms: "I don't think he liked that."

Wonder Woman: "Liked what?"

Four Arms: "Him looking at you the way he was."

Wonder Woman is a bit confused, but holds off on her question for now.

Deadshot: "You can't scare me, Batman."

Batman turns Deadshot around, making the two face each other, before grabbing on the top of his shirt.

Batman: "Let me give you one word of advice."

Batman can be heard whispering something to Deadshot, and whatever he said scares him.

Deadshot: "Okay. I'll tell, I'll tell."

Wonder Woman: "What did he say?"

Superman: "You don't want to know."

Four Arms: "That just makes me want to know more."

Batman pushes Deadshot back to the other heroes, all of them watching him intently.

Batman: "Who hired you?"

Deadshot: "I don't know." He turns around to face Batman. "I don't ask questions."

Batman: "Not good enough." He takes a few steps closer to Deadshot. "How were you paid?"

Deadshot: "In gold." He points to the back of his van, where a bunch fell out. "See?"

Four Arms approaches the gold and grabs a coin.

Four Arms: "Are these Spanish Dabloons?"

Wonder Woman: "Where would they get coins like this?"

Batman: "Only one possible place."

J'onn: "Atlantis."

Superman: "We need to warn Aquaman."

Green Lantern: "Too late." He lands in front of them. "That royal pain in the ass is already gone. I couldn't stop him."

Four Arms: "I knew one of us should have stayed with you."

Wonder Woman: "Hera, help him."


Back at Atlantis, Orm has gathered General Brak and his men into the throne room. Orm hits the floor with the end of his brother's trident a couple of times to get everyone's attention.

Orm: "My friends, now is the time for action." He holds the trident up. "Now is the time for mighty Atlantis to rise up and strike terror into the hearts of it's enemies. Are you with me?"

The soldiers erupt into loud cheers, which is interrupted when Aquaman slams open the door.

Aquaman: "Orm!" He walks over to Orm, clearly mad. "What is treason is this?"

Orm: "No treason, brother." Aquaman stops at the base of the stairs below Orm. "I thought you were-."

Aquaman: "Dead?! That's no reason to plunge Atlantis into a foolhardy war! I left specific orders!"

Orm: "I'm only doing what you never had the courage to do."

Aquaman: "Enough! I will hear no more." He points at Orm. "Arrest the traitor!"

The soldiers stand still, not responding to Aquaman's order. Orm smirks in delight.

Orm: "You heard him."

Four of the soldiers point their spears at Aquaman, two at his stomach, and two at his back. This leaves Aquaman confused and angry.

Aquaman: "What?"

Orm: "You are the traitor." He points at Aquaman. "You abandoned your people, sold them out to the surface dwellers." He holds his arms out. "Look around, brother. I'm in charge now."

Aquaman looks at his brother in rage at his treachery.

To be Continued.

That's the end of the chapter. See you in the next one!

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