the new kid

By thisismydesignfr

27.7K 638 1.5K

There's a new student called Finney Blake, who started to get bullied as soon as he joined the school. He go... More

info !!
chapter 1. - I still remember that day.
chapter 2. - Diary and the mall, and...the boy?
chapter 3. - "Better watch your pretty mouth, Blake."
chapter 4. - Lunch. (part 1./2.)
chapter 4. - (End Of School) Lunch. (part 2./2.)
chapter 5. - God, it's finally over.
chapter 6. - Getting to know Bruce better. (part 1./2.)
chapter 6. - Getting to know Bruce better. (part 2./2.)
chapter 7. - Our little secret. (part 1./2.)
chapter 7. - Our little secret. (part 2./2.)
silly little rinney headcanons ??
chapter 8. - "You should."
chapter 9. - Support. (part 1./2.)
chapter 9./10. - Support..or not? (part 2./2.)
chapter 11. - 'What? He's pretty cute.'
cryijg soobbing thronwing upd
i always come back 😈💯
chapter 12. - Finn. (part 1./2.)
chapter 12. - Robin. (part 2./2.)

chapter 13. - The unknown duo.

501 14 10
By thisismydesignfr


Vance's POV ~

After i dropped Robin off, i decided to call Bruce, just in case.

Poor dude sounded heartbroken, i felt pretty bad.

That shitbrain blake kid that i almost ran over with my car doesn't even deserve bruce anyways.

Bruce should have somebody that actually cares about him and would protect him with their life.

Maybe that person could be me.

I mean-


The hell i'm on? I know i'm not straight, but i'm definitely not this fucking gay.

Still, i could treat bruce a lot better.

I dial his number and put the call on speaker.

After a few rings, he finally picks up.

"Hey, you wanted something?" Bruce says.

"Oh, no.. no, i'm just checking in, y'know- i mean..fuck." I sigh.

"I wanted to ask, maybe wanna go out or something..with me." Shit, i never knew that asking out would be this hard.

"Sure, of course!" 

"Alright, cool."

"So, do we meet at my house?" He asks.

"That works." I say and bite into my lip.

"See ya then."

"Bye." I say and hang up.

Oh my god.

I have to wear something nice.


I pull up with my car to his house and wait for him.

After a few minutes, he walks out of the door.

He locks the door and runs to my car.

As he gets in, he looks at me and smiles.

"Hey, you looking pretty dressed." He says.

"Well, what you'd think? That i should have came here looking naked?" I say.

Why the fuck did i just say that.

Bruce giggles.

"Shut up, i just meant it as a compliment." Bruce says and chuckled.

"Yea, yea i know." I smirk.

That was close.


I pull up to a pretty random cafe that i've never been in before.

We get out of the car and go inside.

"Damn, this looks like a shithole." I say.

"Nah, it's fine." Bruce disagrees.

"So, do what you wanna order anyway?" Bruce asks.

"Eh, maybe like an iced coffee."

"Boooring." Bruce says and rolls his eyes.

After we both ordered the things we wanted, we sat down at the table.

"Bro, what even is a fucking 'macha' or whatever." I ask and bite into a donut.

"It's a fucking good drink, if you don't know what it is, u got no taste for real." Bruce says and chuckles.


We sat and ate, and drank.

And talked.

While bruce was talking about something that i couldn't really keep up with, i heard someone that sounded familiar.

"Sitting next to Bruce." I know that voice.

I turn around and spot robin and finney.

Bruce noticed that i was looking away somewhere, so he stopped talking and looked at that direction too.

"Oh." All he whispers.

505 words

Yup a rlly short chapter im sorrry 😭😭

I promise that the next one will be longer 

srry if theres any mistakes 😘

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