chapter 9./10. - Support..or not? (part 2./2.)

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heeeeyyy 🤩🤩 (angst a little???)

Finney's POV ~

Bruce walked into the room i was in after Robin left.

"So, uhm.. Robin is gone now." He said and blushed.

"Yeah, i know." I said.

"C'mon.. you know he's a fucking player, i could be way better for you than him."

I stayed silence for a moment.

I knew bruce liked me and i liked him too, but something was telling me to not go this far.

"Please, we could just start slow and then maybe when we are ready, we could date." He said and placed his hand on top of mine.

I finally looked at him.

I need to say 'no, we cannot be anything more than friends, even if we both like eachother.'

"Look, i know how you like me and all, and want to date me, be my boyfriend, but..","i need to figure out the thing what happened yesterday."

"If Robin really didn't meant to do what he did yesterday, then i can move on and maybe do something about us." I said.

Bruce seemed to get upset or annoyed by what i just said, but then his face relaxed a bit after a moment and he just sighed.

"Well, if you say so." He spoke.

"I really don't want you to be mad at me, it's just the thing that confused me this morning a-and how i find out i've had almost slept with my bully, and-"

"Just shut up about Robin and how you almost slept with him, it makes me sick just thinking about it." He cut me off.

"Well, shit.","It's not like it's your problem or something?","What if the same happened to you, but with Vance, huh?" I said and backed away a little.

"You're sick, Finn.","I don't know what you see in him or what you'd want with him.","Just ignore it, it's not like he's interested in you anyway." Bruce said.

'It's not like he's interested in you anyway.'

That hurt.

And i don't know why.

I felt myself get cold and feel like i'm about so run away, and then sob in a corner.

"I thought you were.. better t-than this, you said you were!","You're a jerk just like him." My voice cracked and i started to feel my eyes water. (SO SORRY FOR THE STUTTERING 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🙏🏼🙏🏼)

"Fuck, no.. just please don't cry, okay?","I didn't mean to hurt you or anythi-"

I cut him off my standing up and walking out of the room.

"Finn!" I hear him shout.

But i just run out of his house and run on the streets, where somebody almost drove me over and then walked out of the car, but i was fast and ran away quickly.


Robin's POV ~

(While Finn n Bruce still 'argued')

"Dude, i'm so glad you picked me up." I said.

"Yea, no problems at all.","What happened in the house anyway?" Vance asked.

"It's kinda a long story, but i'll tell you later." I said and relaxed more into the seat.

"Uh huh, is it gonna also explain.. why you don't have shoes on?" He asked.

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