chapter 2. - Diary and the mall, and...the boy?

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Finney's POV ~


Dear, diary.

This is the first time i write in a diary and it already sounds girly, but so anyways.

Only one more week left till i join a new school.

I feel really nervous.

I think that i will not fit in. And everyone will bully me.

I'm always "the bully's vitcim". Well that's atleast what my father called me. He never really cared about me getting bullied. All what he told me was - "Get yourself together, you're a man! You can fight back." I couldn't fight back at all.

It was even more embarrassing when my little sister could somehow protect herself. Of course i didn't want her to get bullied. How could i want? I was proud that she can protect herself when i'm not around!

I had never really thought of somebody who would deserve to be bullied. Cause i probably have my mother's heart.

Caring, sweet, never mean, lovely.


She was the best mother for me.

We had so much in common.

I looked so much like her. And still do.

Maybe that's why my father hated me so much.

The way how i looked made him "miss" her.

He definetly never missed her.


(Still Finney's POV) ~

I closed the diary and quickly hid it under my pillow, cause someone was knocking on the door.

"Finney! Me and Gwenny are going shopping at the mall for some clothes. Do you wanna come with us?" Grandma said.

"Uhhh.. sure?" I answered, getting out of bed.

Before i left my room, i made sure my diary really was under the pillow.

Then i finally left my room and went downstairs.

Why would i even want to hide it? There's only me, Gwen and grandma.

Actually reason why i hide my diary, is because of Gwen.

If she finds it, she'll tease me till the day i get married.

It's really, really, really, and really fucking a.n.n.o.y.i.n.g.

And still, i love her the way she is, even if she sometimes could be a little jerk.

I walked past Gwen, until she grabbed me by the arm and turned me around.

"Are you coming?" She asked.

"Yeah." I replied with a little smile.

"Good. You will help me with holding bags." She smirked and just walked away to put on shoes.

"Fucker!" I yelled, but not so loud. If i did yell too loud, she would think that i got seriously mad at her.

"Sorry." Was all she said before she walked out of the door.


After he put on his shoes, got into car and blah blah blah, he finally arrived at the mall.

the new kid Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora