A Quetz with Trolls

By Galaxy-the-Beast

6.1K 276 19

Calibri, or Cali, is a brave and protective woman that loves music, but she never sings unless in private. On... More

Murder Victim
Few Months Later
Bunker Taken and Saved Princess
Camp and Bergens
Make Over
True Colors
About Calibri
Feathered Messege
Just Sing
Relaxing Day
About Wren
Dreams of the Past
Interrupted Wedding
Sick Quetz
Quetz's Reunion
Final Rescue

Skate Date and Caught

300 14 0
By Galaxy-the-Beast

The trolls were obviously hiding in Bridget's new hair as she walked around town. Calibri was in there too, staying with Branch so he didn't have to suffer alone. 

Soon, they stopped at a bib shop to see the king trying on bibs. 

"Oh, he's so beautiful." Poppy gave her some encouragement. "And so are you." 

"He'll know I'm just a scullery maid. I gotta get out of here." Calibri then helped Bridget. "No, he won't. We'll tell you what to say and do, okay? We're right here, honey." 

"Now, go get him." Bridget went inside and Poppy told her to call the king Phat.

"I think you look phat." The king seemed angry at that as he turned to Bridget. "What?" 

"Ph, phat. Then strike that pose." Poppy whispered to Bridget. "Ph, phat." Bridget then posed and it seemed the king was in love. 

"Hot lunch. Total honesty, from a total babe." He took her hand. "And who might you be?" 

Calibri was the first to say anything before the trolls came up with something crazy. "Camila." 

Bridget heard Calibri loud and clear as she told the king her fake name. "My name is Camila." 

Gristle seemed to have bought it as he bowed to Bridget. "Well, my lady Camila. Would you care to join me at Captain Starfunkle's Roller Rink and Arcade?" 

 Poppy took over for Calibri. "Yes, you'd be delighted." The bergen copied her, but the king took Bridget's hand and the next thing they knew they were in a booth at the rink. 

"When are you gonna ask him about Creek?" Branch had a point. "Well we gotta warm him up first. Do you know anything about romance?" 

"Of course. I'm passionate about it." Calibri rolled her eyes at his sarcasm. "Really?" 

"Poppy, he's being sarcastic. Now focus." The date was going well until Bridget was supposed to compliment Gristle. 

But soon the moment was saved by Branch, as he brought out some unexpected vulnerability. 

"Your eyes. They're like two pools, so deep, I might never come up for air. And your smile, even the sun itself turns jealous and refuses to come out from behind the clouds, knowing it can't shine half as bright." 

Gristle sat back down. "I kinda do have a nice smile, don't I?"  

Branch looked at Calibri. "Yes, you do." 

Calibri blushed a bit and smiled back as Poppy fangirled silently. The two soon looked away and refocused on the date. 

"I can't believe I'm about to say this..." The group watched Bridget in slight shock. "Guys, she's going rouge." 

"But being here with you today makes me realize that true happiness is possible." 

This made Calibri smile at the bergen. "Woah." 

Gristle seemed to agree. "It is! True happiness is a lot closer than you think. Its right here." He showed Bridget the clip on his cape. It was a jewel. 

"That's pretty I guess." Gristle opened the clip. "What about now?" 

Once the clip was open, a troll came out of it. It was Creek. 


"I knew he was still alive." 

Everyone celebrated as silently as they could, but Calibri as she glared at Creek. She felt something was off, he was in Gristle's mouth, he had to be alive for some reason. 

But soon the woman's thinking was stopped by Branch, who placed a hand on her shoulder. 

"Calibri, are you ok?" Calibri shook her head and blinked at Branch. "I don't know. Why would they keep Creek alive?" 

She stood on all fours and got her wings ready as the wig started to break apart a bit. "I'm going to find out. I'll find you all as soon as I can." 

With that Calibri took off as Gristle was spinning, flying to the castle to get answers. 

Calibri got in through a window as she watched the guards, sticking to what dark places she could hide in. She soon got to the kitchen and spied on the chef bergen. 

"We'll find those other trolls. That Creek was certain he could bring them out if we kept him alive." 

The feathered woman snarled and went to fly off to warn the others when something grabbed her tail. Calibri growled and grew to her normal size before using her wings to slap the person away. 

It was one of the guards. More came and Calibri fought them off as the chef left with the cage. 

But it turns out the fight wasn't enough as Calibri was chained down and snarling ferally at all the guards. 

The guards left as the chef came back with caged trolls. The chained woman shrunk and flew into the chef's face, but she was grabbed and thrown in the cage too. 

"Cali! Are you okay?" Poppy and Branch were the first ones to check on the woman. "I'm fine." 

"Sorry, but I can't have you all leaving before tomorrow's dinner. A dinner to which you are all invited. And when I mean all, I mean every troll in Troll Village." 

Calibri hissed as her feathers stood up like a cat's would.

"You'll never find them! Not where they're hiding!" Poppy was right. 

"Oh, you're right. I couldn't find them. But I could with someone they know, someone they trust. Someone, like this guy." The chef pulled Creek out of her fanny pack. 


Branch looked to Calibri as saw how she was acting, before figuring it out. "He's selling us out!" He then started to use his hair to choke Creek. 

Poppy stopped him as Calibri wasn't. "Branch, wait! I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation! At least give him a chance!" 

"Thank you, Poppy...I'm selling you out." It was Poppy that started to choke him this time. 

Branch smirked as the other trolls pulled Poppy away from Creek, but Calibri had her arms up and celebrating. "Whooo!" 

Poppy did let go and shook the bars. "You better explain yourself, Creek!" 

"As I was about to except my fate, I had what I can only describe as...a Spiritual Awakening." 

Calibri growled and her wings flared a bit. 

"No, Creek. Please don't do this." Creek came closer to the cage. "Believe me. I wish there was some, me not getting eaten way." 

Chef was sharpening her knife. "But there isn't." 

"And now I have to live with this for the rest of my life. At least you get to die with a clear conscience." He came closer and placed his hand on Poppy's cheek. "So, in a way. You could say...I'm doing this for you." 

Creek then reached into Poppy's hair and pulled out her cowbell, booping her nose with the stick. But he was pulled into the bars by a hand. 

The hand around his wrist was Calibri's, her eyes weren't their normal warm, chocolate brown. They were yellow as she stared at the purple troll with so much murder in her eyes. 

"Let every force of nature punish you for your crime against your tribe. And they have mercy, if I don't get to you first." 

She let Creek go and backed up into the darker part of the cage, her now yellow eyes glowing. 

Calibri was scary when mad. 

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