Relaxing Day

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Calibri woke up and stretched. She was starting the day by going out for some coffee with Branch. 

"So, you think they'll have mint this time?" Branch shrugged and the two ordered and sat at one of the tables in the cafe. 

"I'm just surprised no one was singing this morning. They all must still be tired from what happened." Calibri nodded in agreement as she ate a muffin. 

"Yeah, maybe. It's nice having a quiet morning." 

All the pop trolls were calm and trying to destress in their own ways. Some were lounging near a lake, some were scrapbooking, and some were just hanging out with friends. 

"I guess it's a relax day today." 

Calibri smiled and finished her breakfast and Branch finished soon after. "Wanna take a flight? You know without having to save anyone this time?" 

"Sure, but go easy on the take off this time." Branch still didn't forgive the woman for their first take off. 

The Quetz raised her hands in surrender. "Alright, alright." 

She kneeled down and let Branch onto her back, before gently taking off this time. The pair weaved through the branches and leaves before breaking through the canopy. 

Calibri bent one of her wings and turned to go towards a fruit tree, picking two fruits as she flew and handing one to Branch. 

"How'd you do that?" 

"Practice, babe, practice." The woman then dived down and once they were below the canopy the troll and the Quetz saw something. It was Poppy and Barb, and they were having a picnic. 

The two females paused as Calibri flew past them with a screaming Branch on her back. 

"Was that Cali with Branch on her back?" Poppy pointed in the direction the two went. 

Barb on the other hand was more chill as she drank some soda. "Nah, must've been your imagination, Popcorn." 

With Calibri and Branch the two were now at the feathered woman's hollow. Both of them laughing as they discussed what they both saw the two other trolls doing. 

"You think they were on a date?" 

"Probably, but please don't go so fast on reentry. I nearly fell off." 

Calibri's tail flicked and she chuckled. "Then why are you laughing?" 

Branch sat down on the bed, sinking a little since it was the same bed Calibri woke up in when she was in Vibe City. Queen Essence and King Quincy gave it to her after one of their visits to Troll Village. 

"Adrenalin, I think." Calibri then sat down next to Branch, making the troll bounce up before falling into her side. 

Branch blushed but he snuggled into her feathered arm as she wrapped her wing around him. 

"Wanna take a nap after lunch?" Calibri got up and went to her cabinet pulling out some ramen packs. 

"Okay, so, what's that?" Branch pointed to the packs as the woman prepared the instant noodles in her kitchenet. "It's ramen. I showed some of the trolls how to make it and it's been a hit." 

Calibri then got the noodles in two bowls and gave one to her boyfriend. "Try it." 

Branch ate some of the noodles and then scarfed the rest of the bowl down. It was that good, and Calibri had to tell him to slow down before he choked. 

"It's really good!" 

"Told you." 

After cleaning the dishes, Calibri stretched and curled up on her bed. She used her tail to pull Branch into her wings and nuzzled his face. 

The troll was flustered, but he cuddled into the woman's warmth none the less. Her feathers were soft and fluffy as they stuck up in their sleep mode. It was like her feathers knew she was about to go to sleep. 

"Goodnight, Cali." 

"Buenos noches, Branch."  

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