Quetz's Reunion

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Bruce and Calibri got acquainted a bit, to be honest the two seemed to get along in terms of big families and how crazy they can be. But something made Cali sit up when she was supposed to be resting. 

By now her condition worsened, nearly all her feathers were grey and any move she made caused a few to fall. Branch and Poppy were so worried for her. 

"Cali, you need to rest. Your condition is getting worse!" Right now, Branch was scolding her for not laying down. "I know, Branch, I know. But something is telling me to stay awake." 

Fog soon rolled in as the sun started to set, and a loud noise startled Rhonda. It sounded like the roars that Calibri would use. 

"What the heck?!" John took the wheel as something barreled into the vehicle. "What is out there right now?!" 

Calibri stood up and went towards the door, opening it. Her boyfriend and best friend tried to stop her. "Calibri, stop! Wait!" 

"Find Clay and get to Mount Ragous. I'll catch up, I promise. I love you both, mi hermana, mi amor." The woman jumped out a shakily flew as she crashed herself into whatever was coming to hit Rhonda again. 

The two bodies rolled a bit before they crashed into the dirt. Calibri stood; a bit wobbly but she hissed at the one in front of her. But her eyes then widened in shock. 

It was a male quetz. His feathers seemed based off a blue macaw, but his face was middle aged and familiar. But as he got up, he cracked his back and stretched his wings, the dog tags around his neck told his name. Pedro Pájaro. 

"It can't be." Calibri watched as the older male squinted his eyes before reaching into his pocket and put glasses on. "Calibri?" 

The woman teared up and smiled. "Hola, papá." 

The feathered man rushed forward and pulled Calibri into a hug. The two embracing after so many years of separation. "My little girl, all grown up."

"Oh, Papá. I missed you and Mamá so much." The father and daughter separated, and it was now that Pedro noticed his daughter's state. "Calibri, what happened? Your feathers, and you're so cold." 

Calibri shook her head and took a breath. "I don't know. But Mamá, she's in danger. Velvet and Veneer have her and they have also been draining the life force out of my boyfriend's brother." 

"Wait, what?" Pedro looked out to the distance before picking up his daughter and flying off somewhere. He flew until they reached a hidden village in the trees. "All the Quetz's found a smaller size helps to hide, so we can shrink and grow." 

Quetz's of all colors, shapes, sizes all saw what was going on and a small group flew over to see them too. 

"It can't be! Cali?!" 

"Mi hermanos! Hermanas! Tia Mary!" They all group hugged her and lead the flight to one of the tree houses. Two Quetz's were there and took Calibri so they could see to her condition. 

"When did this start happening?" One of the healers asked her as the other ushered the family out of the hut. "About a few days ago. My feathers have been falling out and turning grey, and I feel cold all the time." 

Calibri looked around the hut for a bit before looking to a lit fire pit in the center of the hut. She stood and walked towards the flames, as if in a trance and held out one of her hands. She got closer and closer until she stuck her hand into the fire. 

The flames traveled up her body and engulfed her, burning her grey feathers off and turning them to ash. But soon the fire died down and stopped. 

The woman stood up, her new feathers were red, gold, and orange. Her wings looked sharper and built for faster speeds and longer flights than her originals. Her body felt stronger, and her claws were sharper as her tail flicked with curiosity. 

Calibri felt like new. She wasn't cold, she wasn't shivering, and her feathers didn't fall out at all. 

"Dios mio. You're the next Fénix Quetz!" The now fiery woman walked out of the hut and her family jumped up when they saw her. 

Her eyes opened to show they were a brilliant yellow. The same yellow they would shine when she was angry, looks like now we know why. "Your mother would be so proud of you, mi hija." 

"Let's gather everyone willing to go and save our mother!" Calibri flared her wings and her family cheered as they took off. "Yeah!" 

The now phoenix Quetz leapt off her perch and flew towards the center of the village. She stopped at the largest hut, flowers decorated the outside and the door was a curtain of large leaves. 

Calibri went inside and looked around to see an alter to Quetzalcoatl. She lit an incense and kneeled as she meditated and paid her respects. But in her meditative trance, her eyes opened to see a large feathered and winged snake. 

Standing with him was another female Quetz. She looked motherly and had the same feathers the younger looking Quetz did. 

"Hola, Calibri. It's nice to finally meet the next Fénix, I am the first to have that honor." 

The new phoenix stood and bowed her head in respect before standing back up. "Why me? I'm just plain old Calibri." 

Quetzalcoatl smiled and lowered himself to meet her doubtful gaze. "Because of your drive to protect those you care for. You went to warn Wren, you showed kindness to someone when they needed it most, you even helped your mate through his loss and grief." 

Calibri smiled and folded her wings in a relaxed way. "I didn't even think of that. But I can't lead the Quetz's. I have more family now." 

The first phoenix placed a warm hand on the younger woman's shoulder. "We know. And you can stay with them if you wish. I didn't lead, being the Fénix is like a title and an honor that you earn. And I say you've earned it." 

The new phoenix closed her eyes and said, "Thank you." 

A hand on her shoulder brought Calibri out of her trance, it was her father. "We're ready when you are." 

Calibri stood and left the hut to see many Quetz's ready to take flight and save Mariana. "A small team will infiltrate Velvet and Veneer's dressing room and free my mother! The rest of you will help me with the two perras! Human sizes while we're there! For Mariana!  

"For Mariana!" With that the feathered people took off as they followed Calibri's lead. 

Now for the rescue. 

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