A new beginning // Ninjago Dr...

Por BlizzardPlays

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A new beginning is a story with Y/n and B/n meeting Arin and Sora Being with new ninja is awesome, but being... Mais

The Merge: Part 1
The Merge: Part 2
Crossroad Carnival
Beyond Madness
Writers of Destiny
Return to Imperium
Mindless beasts
I will be the danger
The calm inside
The Temple of the dragon cores
Gangs of the Sea
Wyldly Inappropriate
The Last Djinn
They call it Doom.
Land of lost things
The Administration
Absolute Power
We are all dragons: Part 1
We are all dragons: part 2
The power within
What the mech?
The mech master
A pain in the Mech!
The Blood Moon
Shattered Dreams
Beyond the Phantasm Cave

The Battle of the Second Monastery

316 6 12
Por BlizzardPlays

Dragons Rising: Season 1, Episode 10

Word count: 3,4K (wow I did a lot of typing)

Warning: nothing I guess

(In the Imperium Palace, Dr. LaRow and Jordana hold Arin and Sora at gunpoint.)

Dr. LaRow: Ugh. Such as waste, Ana. You were the brightest student I'd ever seen.

(Jordana grunts and looks displeased.)

Arin: (Confused) Ana? Uh, you've got your wires crossed, scientist lady. That's Sora.

Dr. LaRow: We named the dragon Sora.

Sora: (To Arin) My birth name was Ana.

Arin: Oh. Now I'm embarrassed.

Dr. LaRow: Hm. Maybe you don't know your friend as well as you thought. (She sees Riyu bump the cage.) Oh, you won't get your elemental spark through the impenetrable walls of that cage. I know you get your energy off that dragon. Seems you and I aren't that different, both using these beasts for power.

Sora: No. You drain them! You hurt them! Riyu shares his power. His choice.

Dr. LaRow: You use that dragon when you need him, just as I use mine. Maybe you learned more in my lab than you realized. But not enough to know how to pick the winning side. (She activates her communicator and shows them the battle outside. Sora gasps.) That's right. I'm going to make you two watch as your friends — (Suddenly, the ground quakes.)

Jordana: What's happening, Doctor?

Dr. LaRow: I ... I don't know.

Sora: Another MergeQuake?

Arin: Feels different. Maybe it's ... hope.

(They watch as the Monastery of Imperium rises from the ground.)

Kai, Nya, Christina, Zane, Y/N and B/N (onscreen): Ninja never quit!

Sora: Hello, hope. Welcome to the party.

(She and Arin tackle the scientists.)


(Outside the palace, Lloyd approaches the other six ninja.)

Lloyd: Kai? Nya? Christina? Y/N? B/N? Zane? How'd any of you get here?

Nya: If I had any idea, I'd tell you.

Zane: Do not ask me. I was only activated moments ago.

Beatrix: What are you waiting for? Get them!

(Ras kicks a Claw Hunter off their Photac Beast. They charge forward.)

B/N: Uh, didn't you come here to stop the Photacs? 'Cause now there's a lot more!

Christina: What that?

Y/N: Some kind of beast that Sora made out of hard light, but maybe she can explain more about it!

Lloyd: Yeah, quick update. Fight the beasts, help the dragons. Oh, and the wild kid is on our side.

Y/N: What wild kid? (She and Kai sees Wyldfyre shooting Heat at one of the Photacs.)

Kai: Is she doing Fire? Uh, she can't do Fire. Fire's my thing!

(They try to attack.)

Christina: Whoa, these beasts are tough.

Lloyd: What is that thing?

Zane: When I interfaced with it, it self-identified as the "Monastery of Imperium". It shares similarities with our own Monastery of Spinjitzu.

Nya: Any tips you're not sharing on how to bust these things up?

Lloyd: You can't. They're indestructible.

Christina: Oh. That's an important detail. You were gonna mention that when?

Lloyd: We're buying time. Sora and Arin still have a plan, I think.

Y/N: You think!? Where the heck are they!?

Lloyd: I don't know, their coms are down, but I hope that Arin and Sora have a plan.


(The battle continues. Wyldfyre creates a Heat wall to block the Photac Beasts. Kai uses his Fire to attack.)

Wyldfyre: Not bad, Fire! But don't worry. I'll give you some pointers later.

Kai: What? (To Lloyd) There can't be two Elemental Masters of Fire at the same time. It's impossible! Also, it's rude.

Christina: Oh yeah? Do you remember that one time when Morro was a ghost and he had the same wind powers as me?

Kai: Oh right, I guess I forgot.

Lloyd: I can't make sense of it either, which is pretty much how everything's been going for me lately.

Zane: (He creates an ice wall around them.) I have calculated our odds of winning this battle.

Kai: Oh, fun. I'm guessing they're pretty solid.

Zane: Retreat is our only option.

Lloyd: Retreat to where? We're trapped in the middle of Imperium.

Zane: The second monastery. Its fortified walls will keep the Photacs out. At least temporarily.

Wyldfyre: No retreat! No surrender!

Kai: The impossible kid's right. We're in this fight, so let's fight.

Lloyd: I still can't raise Arin and Sora on the comms, and our only hope is to give them time for their plan. Barricading ourselves in the monastery could buy us that time.

Wyldfyre: Fine. Let's do your cowardly plan. (She roars.) Dragons, attack! Dragons, go!

(She leads the dragons into the monastery.)

B/N: (He and Lloyd sees Y/N running in a different direction) Y/N where are you going?

Y/N: I'm going to find Arin and Sora, just go in the second monastery!

Lloyd: Be careful Y/N.

(Y/N runs away while the others goes to the second monastery)

Rapton: Oh, no you don't. (He fires a missile, but Nya closes the door in time.)

Ras: You can't hide from us, ninja! Even in there!

Dr. LaRow: Lord Ras! Lord Ras! I ... I come bearing bad news. Uh, the prisoners we had? Not exactly imprisoned anymore.

Ras: Free? All you had to do was babysit them! (He has about to leave but sees Y/N running to Imperium Palace.) That life ninja girl kid is about to help out the other kids! (He leaves and follows Y/N to the Imperium Palace.)

(Y/N was still running to the Imperium Palace trying to signal Arin and Sora)

Y/N: Arin! Sora! Come in! (She sees Ras chasing after her) Oh for the love of the first Spinjitzu master not him! Come on Y/N think what would a fast and sneaky ninja do? (Y/N recalls when she and B/N were running somewhere safe before the merge, she ran into a vent for a shortcut and climbs through it and finds her way in the imperium palace before Ras did) Arin? Sora? Riyu? where are you guys? (She hears fighting in a room and runs in the room and sees Arin, Sora and Riyu, In the room, Arin and Sora hide from Jordana's attacks while Y/N waits for her to attack.)

Arin: Remember the obstacle course? The dodges Lloyd taught us?

Sora: How could I forget? We practiced that for, like, infinity hours.

(The two run towards Jordana, dodging her blasts.)

Jordana: You won't be able to forget me now, Ana!

Y/N: Ana!? (Arin sees Y/N)

Arin: Y/N? What are you doing in here?

Y/N: I'll explain later! (She jumps down to help fight)

Jordana: Another one? Really?!

(Jordana swings her laser sword at them, but they use it to break Arin and Sora's handcuffs.) Oh, come on!

Sora: (She takes the sword and Y/N wraps Jordana with vines.) Seriously, I still don't remember her.

Arin: Let's get Riyu!

Y/N: Oh crap, He followed me in here, I'm sorry guys.

Ras: (He lands before them.) You'll go no further.

Arin: (To Y/N) It's okay Y/N let's stop him.

(Jordana leaves the palace still tied up with vines)


(Outside, the Imperium forces are unable to get into the monastery.)

Beatrix: I gave you those beasts for a reason. Those doors will crumble under their indestructible force.

Rapton: I like the way you think, Empress. If we line up in alternating —

Beatrix: Just smash the doors, Rapton!

Rapton: Charge!

(The Photac Beasts ram at the doors as the ninja watch from inside.)

Lloyd: Sora? Arin? Hello? Guys? Arin and Sora's comms are still down.

Nya: Wait, where's Y/N?

Lloyd: She's outside looking for them.

B/N: Try reaching to Y/N.

Lloyd: let me try, Y/N? are you in?

Y/N (In her comm): Lloyd? Yes, I'm here, good news: I found Arin, Sora and Riyu, we're at the Imperium palace. Bad news: that tiger guy followed me in, don't worry we'll find our way in the Imperium monastery.

Christina: I hope they will find another way in.

Nya: Or worse.

Wyldfyre: I didn't like running away anyway.

Kai: Hard agree.

(He and Wyldfyre share a fiery high five.)

Lloyd: We could fight the Empress all day, but these dragons can't get caught in the crossfire. We need Sora to shut down those Photacs.

Nya: (She looks at the portal they came from.) Or ... we get the dragons out of here. That portal is how Kai, Christina, B/N, Y/N and I came here. If we could activate it again, we could send all these dragons somewhere safe.

B/N: Would that work?

Zane: This gate appears to be linked to our monastery. But it is designed for smaller transports. Based on its power readings, it could not handle the transfer of this many dragons.

Lloyd: Can we increase the power of that portal gate?

Zane: It would need to be an extraordinarily large increase.

Christina: We're right outside the palace. I bet there's something in there that could power the gate up.

Zane: (He scans the area.) I do detect a tremendous energy source. It is not in the palace. It is beneath us. I have never seen such a singular reserve of energy.

Lloyd: It's probably a giant battery that runs this whole kingdom.

Kai: Whatever you're gonna do, do it now. These things are gonna break through any minute.

Lloyd: If this weird version of a monastery is anything like our home, then under these floor plates ... (He starts hopping across the floor.) Should be an old obstacle — ah! (He screams as he falls down a flight of hidden stairs.) Don't worry, I'm fine! And I found a way out! Come on, Zane!

Zane: B/N, you want to come with me?

B/N: Oh, count me in, I'm curious what's down there. (B/N teleports to the bottom of the stairs)

Zane: I have questions.

Nya: It's a long story.


(Ras faces Arin, Sora and Y/N in the palace.)

Ras: Give up, and we will spare your lives. The alternative is, I will crush the life out of all of you. Either way, that dragon will belong to me.

Sora: Never!

(Ras attacks, but Arin, Sora and Y/N dodge his blows.)

Arin: Someone's got anger issues!

Sora: (She leaps onto Riyu's cage.) Up here, ugly! (She gets Ras's attention, and Y/N trips him from behind with her vines.)

Y/N: I can't believe you looked.

Arin: Did we win? Did that stop him?

Y/N: I don't think so.

Sora: As impressive as that was, I don't think all his strength is in his right knee.


(Lloyd B/N and Zane run through the vents and see an orange light.)

B/N: You think that some kind of exit or power source somewhere?

Zane: There may be one if we can.

Lloyd: That's gotta be the power source up there.

B/N: Looks like it.

Zane: Affirmative.

(They enter to find a giant glowing sphere.)

Lloyd: What is that?


(In the palace, Arin, Sora and Y/N taunt Ras.)

Ras: You are nothing but feeble gnats!

Arin: "Feeble gnats"? As opposed to those really strong gnats, I guess?

Sora: (She laughs.) Nice, Arin.

Y/N: Agreed. (She high fives with Arin)

Ras: You cannot comprehend the enormity of my plans! You are insignificant. (He strikes Arin with his hammer and renders him unconscious.)

Sora: Arin, no! (She tries to attack Ras, but is sent flying into a control panel.)

Y/N: Sora! (She tries to use her powers on Ras, but Ras dodges all her vines and uses them to attacks Y/N and throws her at Sora)

Ras: You all should have taken the first option.

Y/N: There's no way we're going to beat him like last time.

Sora: I can say the same thing.


(Lloyd, Zane and B/N examine the sphere.)

B/N: What the heck is this place?

Lloyd: This place ... I feel strange.

Zane: This sphere itself is not the energy source. But my scans indicate the immense power is inside of it.

Lloyd: Is that ... a dragon?

B/N: I'm not so sure, it's so huge!

Zane: If it is, it is larger than any dragon previously recorded. These machines are how they are attempting to drain this dragon's power.

Lloyd: I thought we freed all the dragons. I had no idea Imperium imprisoned something like this. We have to get this dragon free!

Zane: If we do, I am uncertain how we will get it and the other dragons out of Imperium. We do not have the power source we need.

B/N: We're ninja. We'll find a way. This dragon is coming with us. Let's see if we can unlock this thing.

(They approach the sphere on a hovering platform.)

Source Dragon: Do not free me!

B/N: You can talk?

Zane: The Dragon appears to be speaking telepathically.

Lloyd: Yeah, some of them do that. You both will get used to it. (To the Source Dragon) You're imprisoned! We can help you!

Source Dragon: The capture of a Source Dragon is not a simple process. In their act of confining me, the Imperium has threatened the very fabric of existence. The realm world has tentatively stabilized since my capture. To free me now, at this moment, could destabilize it once again and result in total destruction.

B/N: But we can't just leave you here.

Source Dragon: Can you not comprehend the damage that would do to your world?

Zane: He appears determined not to be free.

Lloyd: Yeah, I'm getting that feeling too. And without a power source, we can't get the other dragons out of Imperium either.

Source Dragon: As an Elemental Master human/oni/dragon hybrid, you have contained and transferred dragon power before.

B/N: (To a confused Zane) You've missed a lot, but Lloyd you never told us that you're a human/oni/dragon hybrid.

Lloyd: I guess I didn't tell you that yet. (To the Source Dragon) How do you know that?

Source Dragon: I am a Source Dragon.

B/N: Yeah, sorry, we, uh, haven't heard of you before.

Source Dragon: I have enough power in a single claw to shatter Imperium into pieces. But, mystically imprisoned, I can do no such thing.

B/N: One dragon can shatter one place? wow another one I cannot beat in one go.

Source Dragon: However, Elemental hybrid, I can give you power to act as my conduit.

Lloyd: Like I did with the Matriarch Dragon? Then I could power up the portal and free the others!

Source Dragon: But taking my power is dangerous. Your life may change forever.

Lloyd: If it will save those dragons, that's a risk I'm willing to take.

Source Dragon: And that is exactly why you are capable of being a conduit. Approach the sphere.

(Lloyd reaches out and touches the sphere. His eyes glow, and he finds himself sucked through a vortex into a mystical land with symbols in the sky. Then he falls and lands in a desert, a massive ninja graveyard before him. Finally, a giant Source Dragon blasts him with energy.)


(In the palace, Ras faces Sora and Y/N.)

Ras: You both didn't really think you had a chance, did you?

Sora: You didn't really pay attention to where you punched me and threw Y/N to, did you?

(She reveals that she and Y/N had freed Riyu with the control panel. Riyu powers Sora up, and she traps Ras with the bent cage.)

Y/N: Always great to see you, Ras. (Y/N makes a tree branch and grows it around a pillar around Ras) Just to make sure.

(She, Y/N and Riyu approach Arin, who wakes up. He sees Ras in the pile of metal and a big tree branch.)

Arin: Wow. girls, I have questions.

Y/N: We'll tell you later.

Sora: Come on, we got work to do. (They head outside.)


(In the monastery, the ninja waits anxiously.)

Nya: Any time, Lloyd, B/N and Zane.

Kai: We've faced worse, Nya. Uh, maybe not.

(Behind them, Lloyd bursts through the ground, glowing green with Energy.)

Wyldfyre: Could he always do that?

Kai: Not that I'm aware of.

Christina: Kai's right this looks new to all of us.

(Without a word, Lloyd powers the portal, and the dragons escape through it. He then collapses. Christina flies up with her powers to catch him and brings her and Lloyd down safely. Just then, Rapton bursts through the doors.)

Rapton: Where are they? Where are the dragons?

Kai: Dragons? I don't see any dragons. Huh, you must have the wrong place.

Rapton: We will crush you! Claws of Imperium, tear this ninja apart — whoa!

(The Photac Beasts begin to glitch.)

Nya: What the?

B/N: what's happening?

Beatrix: (She gasps.) My Photacs! My beautiful Photacs!

(Sora arrives and destroys the Photacs. The beasts vanish.)

Rapton: (He tumbles down the stairs.) Oh, not the face! (Sora steps on him.) Ugh, my back!

B/N: Sis! Are you okay?

Y/N: I'm fine don't worry, what happened here?

Arin: Where are all the dragons?

Nya: They went that way, where we should be going right now! (They turn and run to the portal.)

Rapton: No one escapes from Rapton! (He slams into the door.) Ugh. At least no one saw that.

Beatrix: No one? The dragons are gone. The ninja have insulted me. And I am surrounded by nothing but incompetence! (She strikes the ground, and boulders fall near Rapton.)

Rapton: Oh no.


(Some time later, back in the Monastery of Spinjitzu, Lloyd awakes in his room.)

Lloyd: What? Where ... back in the monastery? Our monastery? How long was I out?

(He heads out to the courtyard to find Sora, Y/N and Riyu.)

Sora: Lloyd! You're awake!

Lloyd: And Sora, you're training ... on your own?

Sora: Uh, yeah. Uh, look, I still don't know if these are my powers or Riyu's, but I realize now I have a responsibility to use them. Not sure where this is gonna take me, but I'm excited to find out.

Lloyd: Where's everyone else?

Y/N: Probably in the new dragon stables.

Lloyd: New dragon stables?

Sora: You sleep for days, a lot changes. Some of the freed dragons want to stay here.

Y/N: Even that fire child, who may or may not have burned up Master Wu's old carpet. (She gestures towards a burnt carpet.)

Nya: Look who decided to rejoin the living! Welcome back.

Christina: We were so worried about you we're so glad your okay.

Kai: We got a lot to catch up on. Uh, you hovered, and your eyes were all white and — and you had powers like I've never seen! Zane and B/N told us what happened, but really, what happened?

Lloyd: I'm still trying to figure it out myself. I saw things. Visions. And they weren't all good. (He and Y/N notices Arin looking glum.) But could you hold on a second? Y/N are you about to talk to him?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm kind of concerned about him.

(Lloyd and Y/N walked to Arin concerned)

Lloyd: (To Arin) Hey, Arin. You okay?

Arin: I'm fine. Glad to see you're awake Lloyd.

Y/N: You don't seem fine, tell us it's okay.

Arin: I knew when all this started, it was probably temporary, 'cause the other ninja were gone.

Lloyd: What was temporary?

Arin: Training, learning, me, Sora, B/N and you Y/N, becoming ninja. I get it. If you have all of them, you don't need me anymore.

Y/N: Arin, you could be a better ninja than any of us. You taught yourself Spinjitzu. You have the potential to be the greatest ninja that's ever existed. This really isn't about training, is it? True I have elemental powers along with B/N and Sora, but still, you're still a better ninja than us.

Arin: Y/N, we both lost our families in the Merge. I guess I've been trying to find a new family ever since.

Lloyd: And you have, Arin. You, Sora, Riyu, B/N, Y/N and Wyldfyre. One thing I know about family is that it's just like being a ninja. There's always room to grow. (He gives Arin his old hood.)

Arin: Thanks guys I needed that.

Y/N: Just tell us if you need anything.


Another Chapter finally done, sorry for not posting on Wattpad, my computer was kind of crappy, but I got it done, part 2 of season 1 will be here soon.

If there are any mistakes, please tell me and I'll fix them.

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