Hai Shi Shan Meng

بواسطة SkyWrites102

64 2 0

What happened to Haneul and Alex? Is there life after their passing? This story is a Forelsket Outtake where... المزيد

The Start of us.
Through Night and Day.
Life in training.
Hello Philippines, Mabuhay!
Iloilo Trip with Alex.
Love, it grows.
Five Days.
The End of Me.
Visiting Earth.
The baby is okay.
A year in the in between.
Third Birthday in the in between.
Miyawaki Sakura and Matsui Jurina.
Break Free Miss Miyawaki.
Freedom is a choice.
Fast Forward.

Happy Birthday.

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بواسطة SkyWrites102

Haneul's POV:

Today was Lexie's Birthday. Roughly five months since I left Korea, 3 months since she was raped by her high school classmate. The guy who was half Korean and half American like her, Daesun was a smug boy who I hated and warned her about, but she still met him and hanged out with him more often prior to her rape. Until she stopped meeting him and receiving his calls. She switched numbers recently and though I feel she doesn't want to go and see me, she still flew to Malpensa and I am now waiting for her at the airport. I got her a bouquet of her favorite flowers, Orienpet Lilies. It was hard to grow in Italy, so when I found a flower shop that specializes in growing hard to find varieties of flowers in Milan, I knew I just had to try to get her a bouquet like I always did. She doesn't like getting bouquets but she adores Orienpet Lilies. It was one of my mistakes I learned from the very first time I have gotten her a bouquet of winter flowers randomly picked to mean 'Fiery Love' she hated that bouquet to say the least and when I gave her another one for Valentine's Day, this time with the Orienpet Lilies because I saw her room's wall decorated with a mural of Orienpet Lilies, it was like I struck gold. The smile she gave me was the most beautiful smile I have ever seen on her. Her eyes dazzled and captivated me permanently. Oh to behold a sight of her lovely ocean eyes, she got her Father's eyes of blue, some days hazel blue, it was lovely how her eyes changes colors per season, hazel blue on summer and spring and on winters the coldest ocean blue eyes. She was supposed to get out of the Baggage Carousel in five minutes. So, I waited for her upfront. Few people ever come to the Airport to pick up their loved ones from the Airport, something that only happens in the Philippines, despite the people being off limits on entrances inside the airport. Unlike in any other parts of the world, where we could go in and out of the Airports, the Philippines was a different story altogether. Probably because of emotional parting that happens in the airport, Filipinos are Family oriented people. It wasn't uncommon either to have Family go to another country in search of a 'better' life. My Appa was one of those who didn't need a better life but either way went to Italy for the love of the cuisine. He wanted to be in Italy and live his Dolce Vita life, far away from the daily stresses of the Philippines. I was privileged to hold three passports, One for Italian, South Korean and the Philippines. When I am travelling around Europe for quick escapes and vacation, I always brought my Italian Passport with me, when I am travelling through other parts of Asia, I always brought along my South Korean Passport and when I am travelling to the Philippines, I brought my Philippine Passport. I realized then that having a Philippine Passport wasn't something to be proud of, because of how my fellow countrymen behave in other countries, The Filipino People were known to the World as Domestic Helpers, notorious for getting in undetected and staying over the expired limits of their tourist visas. Which was why, Appa and Eomma allowed me to get all three passports, they also allowed me to choose which citizenship to keep, which I decided to keep all three. Eventually, Alex emerged from the baggage carousel with her big luggage, she walked slowly as she looked for me. I was already on my way to her when she looked my way. A languid smile crossed her face, she looks terrible than the last time I have seen her. Her eyes fills up with tears at once as she ran full speed towards me, I opened my arms wide and ran towards her. 

I hugged her tight as she sobs into my arms, I enveloped her into a warm embrace. Full of regrets for leaving her alone, for everything that happened to her without me by her side. I rubbed her back as she sobbed into my arms. In my mind, if I stayed in Korea, none of this would have happened to her. She wouldn't hang out as much as she did over the last five months. She would have never thought of going out and drinking with them. I kissed the top of her head as she sobbed into my arms, a quiet reassurance that I would still love her come what may. She sobbed like a child losing something. I know that I would always love her, I would always come through for her. But in her mind, I already forsaken her and all of this happened simply because I left her. It would take two more years for me to make good on this promise. She stops sobbing eventually and just stood hugging me for a while, before she looks up to me and slightly pulling away from the hug I was giving her. 

"I missed you so much, Haneul." I heard her say.

"Nado, I missed you so much too. My love still grows fonder for you, it's a constant." I replied to her as I wiped her tears away.

As sincere as I was letting her know about my growing feelings for her, she manages to frown at me.

"Even if I am already a slut?" She asked me bravely.

"Alex! My love, what happened shouldn't define you, no one wanted for that to happen. Please believe me I will always love you." I replied to her admonishing her thoughts. 

She hugs me a little more tighter and lingered into the hug, ceasing to let go.

"Ti amo fin quando il sole non si spegnerà e ti amo più di ieri. I will never get tired of loving you, Alexandra Christianna Schneider. Kang Se Ri." I replied to her with a pause.

Which means, I love her until the sun dies and I will love her more than I have yesterday. It was true, not even if she was raped or if she was a slut or any degenerative word you can use to define her, my love will only keep growing for her as we grow old. Her rape does not define who she was to me, who she could be for me and what she can provide for me. Loving her meant I will no matter if she thought less of herself, I understood she was doubting my love for her, but I was proud of being irrevocably in love with her. 

"I will love you until the sun dies and I would still love you more than I have yesterday. I had all of you first and that's what matters. Trust me, please." I followed up to her.

It was met with another squeeze from her and subsequently staying at ease. 

"I love you until the sun dies too, probably the last person I will ever love in this lifetime." She replied. 

I pulled away effectively and handed her the bouquet of Orienpet Lilies that I had for her. 

"Let's get you home, so you can rest and recuperate your energy, I have the rest of your stay planned." I replied to her. 

She looks at the bouquet and this time a genuine smile quickly appeared on her face.

"These are lovely. Thank you, Jagiya." She replied to me as I took her luggage and her carry on bag.

"Anything you wanted to eat first before we travel back to Milan?" I asked her as we walked past a few shops.

"Mcdonald's, please." She replied.

There was a Mcdonald's nearby and I pulled her luggage towards the restaurant and sat her at a table.

"Stay here. I'll get your orders." I replied to her and placed a quick kiss on her lips and wiped her tear stained cheeks with both of my thumbs.

She smiles at me and nodded. 

I ordered a Large Double Cheeseburger Meal for her. It was only €5.50 including a large fries and drink. I also got her Three Nutella Muffins for €7.50 for dessert. I knew Alex couldn't have a meal without a sweet ending to it. No matter if we were in a Fast Food Chain or a Restaurant, she just got to have something sweet at the end of every meal. Nutella Muffins were the highlight of an Italian Mcdonald's Menu, it oozes with Nutella after biting into it, it was delicious. I knew she loved Nutella, this was her request from Eomma whenever we would meet her during her visits in Korea or the Philippines. Eomma of course didn't forget Alex's Nutella, she brought her three 1 Kilo jars of Nutella, the biggest ones from Italy. She also got several other products from the Nutella brand such as Nutella B-ready, Nutella Cookies and Nutella and Go snacks. Alex was grateful to Eomma for always getting her these things and as a payback, she gives Eomma lots of bread from a shop at Myeongdong that my Eomma likes. She would travel to Myeongdong same day as our meeting with Eomma to get her freshly baked bread. Eomma was fond of Alex and she approved of our relationship. My family loved Alex and they approve of our relationship. It was her Eomma and Appa who I think tolerated our relationship at best. Alex was always the type to do and say whatever she likes and to hell with the world as she says so herself. Her parents were supportive of her and her eccentric way of dressing and treating both of her parents. Alex was tightly knit and seemingly friends with both parents, she calls them simply Mom and Dad, she was audacious with telling them straight up if she didn't appreciate what they do for her, as any parent would be, they could be overly protective of Alex, her Eomma especially, because of what her Eomma went through. She barely remembers a thing about her Father, it was only her Mother and her Younger Brother she remembers. Dayeon Eomma was incessant to find her Birth Mother and her Brother. Alex's goal was to debut so anyone who sees her could maybe tell she resembled a person from their life and perhaps that person was her Oehaelmoni or her Uncle. That was the plan she had, why she strives hard with making the cut for debuting team. She dances and sings quite well, someday her Eomma will find her Oehaelmoni, they will even come to meet her posthumously. Kwangbae was the one who will find her Oehaelmoni and orchestrate the meeting of the families. Though it was too late, at least Dayeon Eomma will get to spend the rest of her life with her birth family. Soon her orders were ready and I took them in a take away bag. Alex liked her fries soggy, it was one of our common things, so I closed the bag that had the fries to trap the heat and moisture and make the fries soggy. We walked to my car, a hand me down Hatchback Citroen C3. Most of the cars in Italy was either a hatchback or a sports car of some sort. Parking was scarce around Milan and there are only days where we can park curbside and on a specific day, you need to move your car elsewhere or get your car bulldozed by the street cleaners. Appa and Eomma lived in a Flat with two bedrooms, a kitchen and living room. The building was pretty old and this meant no parking spaces were available unless you were filthy rich that you can afford to buy a flat with a parking space. Newer buildings had those parking spots underneath the building, otherwise, you park curbside. There was a system to how one should park, the smaller hatchback you have, the easier it is to squeeze in between a car and a small curb. I grew up squeezing into difficult parallel parking spots, so it was easy for me to park my car somewhere nearby. Alex got into the car as soon as I opened the door for her, it was beginning to be freezing cold. I then placed her luggage at the back of my car and climbed into the driver's seat. I started the car and turned on the heating. It was 5 Degrees Celsius out today, the temperature will continue to drop in the upcoming days, possibility of snow was also around the corner at this time of the year. Milan though will not get much snow like in Seoul, but there was still a possibility to snow. If you wanted to see snow, you must go to the Alps of Italy or stick around in January as there were higher chances of snowfall during January. But still the weather was colder in Milan than any other part of Italy. Florence and Rome for example, was a little warmer, you'd only need a pull over sweatshirt to survive in Rome but make no mistake forgetting your padded jacket for when you come back to Milan, it would be colder than Rome. Alex was dressed in appropriate winter clothes. She was used to this having lived in Oklahoma and Gangnam all her life, she also likes to camp around the Nature Parks in Oklahoma or anywhere in the United States. She was beginning to unfold the bag which contained the Fries and her Cheeseburger. She smiled to herself once she finds the fries were already soggy because of the cold weather. She first had a fry and left the fry hanging in her mouth as she gave me a fry from the bag, feeding the fry towards my mouth. I took a bite of the fry as I maneuvered my way out of the parking space I had at the airport. The drive home would take us 45 minutes at most, so I drove moderately as the roads were slippery because of the rain we had this morning, it was already ten in the morning when Alex arrived at Malpensa Airport. My Peripheral vision saw her eat a couple more fries before taking out the Double Cheeseburger. Double Cheeseburgers in Italy were like Double Quarter Pounders in Asia, they were big and hefty. She takes a bite on her burger and offers the next bite to me. I took a bite while still driving carefully. 

Soon, we got to my place at Condominio Via Le Beatrice D'Este 27, it was near University of Milan, where I go to college. I was on leave and the teachers expected me to turn in my assignments and self study quizzes and tests online. Which was perfect for my upcoming travels with Alex. I parked in between two cars and a small curb. Alex was freaking out when I maneuvered my car a little recklessly to her liking as I squeezed into the parallel parking space.

"Yah! Haneul! Please be careful! Oh my god, are you trying to get us killed?" She says mid-bite of the fries she had left.

"Aniyo, I'm parking the car." I replied to her as I completed the last turn to parallel park my car.

I eased it in steadily to shut her up finally. I hated how she would freak out whenever I was parallel parking into a tight space. Even in Korea, she would always scold me for giving her a heart attack at my style of parking.

"Are you sure we're going to fit into this tiny space?" She asked yet again.

As I eased into the space perfectly.

"Sure, look. We've finally parked the car." I told her.

"You gotta stop with your badass parking style! I'm not impressed with that! You could've hit either of these two cars!" She goes on to a sermon.

"But I didn't hit any of them." I replied to her as I unbuckled myself.

"Aniyo! What if you did? Do you even have insurance?" She asked me.

I smiled at how she was being all tensed about the parking I did.

"Jagiya, this is how Italians park their cars, there's no space in the building for these cars, so we really have to squeeze in between these two cars and this tiny curb. And yes, I do have insurance." I replied to her relaxed as I gathered my phone, wallet and keys. 

I opened my door and alighted the car to open her door, she alights my car and I opened the back of my car to get her luggage out and her carry on bag. She watched me sulkily as I easily got her luggage out and her carry on bag. I smiled at her as I placed a quick kiss on her pouty lips. 

"Irog, stop pouting, we got home unscathed and unharmed." I told her softly after placing a kiss on her lips.

"Fucking don't give me a heart attack next time!" She berated me and slapped my arm. 

Causing a giggle out of me, she's back to her old self.

"Neh, now let's go. My parents are waiting for you, Irog. Let's celebrate your birthday week happily, promise me?" I told her.

"Neh. I will cebrate my birthday week happily, because I am with you and your parents. Thank you so mucb, jagiya for reminding me I am loved." She replied to me with a genuine smile.

I held her hand as I entered the password to the gate and once the gate opened, I let her pass through first before following her. Then I scanned my keycard at the door to open it and pulled the door for her. She passes through first and I followed her. The lobby staff smiled at us and greeted us.

"Buongiorno, Skylar!" One of the Lobby Staff greeted me with a smile on his face.

His name is Pietro Mancini, one of the nicest Front Desk Officer of the Apartment Building we live in. I smiled back to him and greeted him back.

"Buongiorno, Pietro. Questo è il mio amore, Alexandra." I introduced Alex.

Buongiorno which equates to Good Day or Good Morning and I introduced Alex as my love.

"Che bella! Hello, Alexandra, my name is Pietro. Front Desk Officer of this building. Have a great stay and welcome to Milan!" Pietro greeted Alex.

"Hi, Pietro. Nice to meet you. I'll enjoy my stay, thank you." Alex greeted him back.

"Bene! Bene! I won't hold you two up, have a lovely day, Alexandra and Skylar." Pietro replied.

We walked to the elevator and I punched number four upon entering the elevator. Alex stood beside me quietly as she held the bouquet in her arms.

"One thousand won for your thoughts?" I asked her.

"I'm grateful to be here with you, Haneul. To be at your birth place, the land where you lived all your life. I want to see the places you grew up in, your old school, the places you frequented and much more." She replied happily.

"I will take you to the places where little Haneul had been, I'll take you to the places I went to after school, we will eat a lot of good food, have espressos at a cafe, have bread and gelato. I promise to make your stay worthwhile." I replied to her as I pulled her in for a side hug.

Soon we reached our floor and I opened our door which was immediately across the elevator door. Holding the door for Alex to pass through. Alex passes through to find the Living Room decorated with Balloons and Streamers, Appa and Eomma exclaimed.

"Happy Birthday, Alex!" Papa and Eomma greeted her as soon as she stepped inside our house.

They had cake already lit with candles. Lexie looked at Eomma and Papa teary eyed. She hugs Eomma first then Papa. She whispers into their ears and eventually pulled away. She clasped her hands together and closed her eyes to wish for her Birthday before blowing the candles on her cake. She smiles a lovely smile at both of my parents. Both parents handed her a gift.

"Eomma, Papa. You shouldn't have. Thank you." She replied to both my parents.

"Nonsense! Gelpren ka ng anak ko, dahil sayo mas naging matatag ang anak namin, dahil sayo nagkakaroon na ng direksyon si Skylar." Papa replied to her.

Which meant this was nonsense because she was my girlfriend that because of Alex I became a stronger person and that because of Alex I was beginning to figure out my life's direction. He was right, it took me two years to finally prioritize what I truly love and that is taking photos of my loved ones. That being a celebrity journalist, is my life's real calling and while Music and Performance comes in close second, my camera gear gifted by my kids and Alex is where I found my element. I have been using the gear they gifted me at the university to take good photos, I managed to bag some high grades because of the lucky gear I got from them. They served as my amulet in college. Alex smiles at Papa and replied.

"I support Skylar in everything she wanted to do, Papa. She was the one who figured herself out. I am just grateful to be part of her life currently." Alex replied to Papa.

"Let's go and eat! Alex, Eomma cooked Miyeokguk for you." I cut into the conversation and stirred Alex into the dining area and kitchen.

Papa and Eomma followed us as I sat Alex into the dining table that fitted four. Eomma got into the pot that had the Miyeokguk simmering for a long time. She turns the stove off and got a bowl of Miyeokguk for Alex. Eomma served Alex's Miyeokguk, filled with seaweeds and Beef, Alex's favorite meat. It was mostly Beef if you'd ask me but I wasn't complaining, Alex deserved the best things in the world and if that meant Beef and a couple of seaweeds, who am I to stop her from having a good birthday celebration? She smiled at Eomma and thanked her for her Seaweed Soup which was mostly Beef. Array of Korean, American and Italian Dishes were at the table, Papa worked hard to cook Alex a feast today. I sat with Alex and scooped some of the Korean Banchan she liked like Kimchi, Braised Baby Potatoes and other greens, I also got her a slab of steak from the Butcher. The finest cut of Meat that Papa helped me pick out, for the life of me, Beef looked all the same to me, no matter what cut it was, it was that, it's Beef. I loved to eat Seafood such as Crustaceans, Oysters, Mussels and Fish except for Milkfish because I can't do Milkfish, it has almost killed me when I was five when the fishbone got into my throat and my Dad's cousin wasn't paying attention to me, she was busy watching a Noon time Filipino show called Eat Bulaga, for about a minute or two I honestly thought I would die. I can't make any sound and my breathing became hard. It was bonkers, I tell anyone who knew me not to get me a Milkfish, I can eat anything but not Milkfish. Up until today, even the boneless dried milkfish scared me, but I wasn't deterred easily, I still bought and cooked a Daing na Bangus to help me conquer the fear. I was never one to back down when it came to food, I will keep trying it in my own terms. Even serving the Daing na Bangus to our kids back in training, Minjoo was willing to learn how to eat fishes of every kind and she learned from me the easiest way to debone a fish. I miss my life back in Korea and back in training. Our kids made my life easier, the three kids were always a joy to feed, no one was a brat unlike Jo Yuri who loves being a brat by answering me back and calling me Unnie. Nonetheless, she and Chaewon were still my kids with Alex.

After Alex's Birthday Brunch, we decided not to rest to combat jetlag but instead I took her on a tour of Milan. The world's Fashion Capital. We went around the city, showing her some noteworthy spots such as Churches, Castles and Museums. Today was her Birthday and I am glad that we got to spend it this year still together and growing more fond and in love with each other.


Hey, I just want to say thank you for reading this supplemental story. This is the final story about Forelsket Series and as is, I wanted to remind everyone to please support the people I mentioned on this story whether you like their group or not or the person as a solo, please ensure to support them and to give them a boost of strength with your kind words. We must remember that all the artists have worked hard on their own paths and some are having a hard time currently whether they let us know or not, so please be careful with your words. Words aren't just words when it reaches their eyes or ears, it could make or break their spirits. So please be mindful of your words and avoid pitting them against each other. There's no one greater or lovelier in a Family, everyone of them matters and as their fans, we are here to support them individually. Use your words kindly. Thank you. Always spread light and love whenever possible!

- Sky

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