Chaos - Loki x Fem!Reader

By lucywhitee

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After both Y/N and Loki take the tesseract, they're both arrest by the TVA for Crimes Against the Sacred Time... More

Agent Mobius
End of file
Distraction attempt
The Variant
Love is hate
Love is a Dagger
something like care
Time Cell
He Who Remains
Two choices
In Every Timeline, Multiverse, Till the end of Time.
Appearing through time.
Close Call
Brad Wolfe
Too Late
Chicago 1893
Victor Timely
An awful ride.
A Plan of Action.
Deja VĂș
Time To Be Brave
Back To The Beginning
Don't Stab Your Boyfriend.
'Queen Of Asgard'
We're All Selfish
It's About Who
This Is It...
A Break That Lasts Centuries
Doomed To Failure
The Hard Thing To Do, Is The Thing That Has To Be Done.
Alone In The End
Finding Your Path
A Familiar Timeline
The New Finale
Final A/N - The End

What Were You Made For?

1.4K 66 10
By lucywhitee

You all walked in one by one, facing the smug looking man as he spun around to face you all.
"Oh, welcome back! Why don't you go ahead and take this Time Collar off and start treating me like somebody who outranks you?" He remarks.

"We don't work here" Loki replies, gesturing to the two of you. Loki and you stood in the middle, side by side, directly facing him.
"Oh, that's a good point. You should stop talking" Brad smiles.

"Hey, what were you doing down there on the Sacred Timeline?" Mobius asks, getting the interrogation started.
"Making movies" Brad replies.
"Don't waste our time, X-5" B-15 sighs.

"It's Brad. Bradley" he corrects her.
"Right, Brad. Let's cut to the chase, shall we?" You say as Loki takes the TemPad out, handing it to you. "What did you do to this TemPad?"

Brad awkwardly turns to Mobius, who gestures for him to answer your question. He sighs.
"It blocks your trackers" he answers.
"No it doesn't" Loki responds instantly.
"Yeah, no shit."

"What is it designed for, X-5?" B-15 asks.
"It's Brad. And under whose authority are you holding me here? Looking around this room, I do not see anyone ranking high to make that call."
"I don't need approval to detain a hunter that abandoned his post" B-15 responds.

"Oh, that's good," he whispers. "But weren't you the one blabbering on and on about how we all had lives on the timeline? Well, I went down and got my life. What exactly are you mad at me about?" He asks her.

"There are lives at stake" Loki tells him, deadpanning. Brad turns slowly to him, tilting his head slightly.
"There are lives at stake?" He asks, making Loki nod. You began to grow nervous, looking at Mobius who didn't dare to look back at you.

"Oh you've got some nerve" Brad sighs. "'There are lives at stake'. Everyone here knows what you're doing, you know? You're just trying to make up for all the terrible, awful shit you've done in your life, you pathetic little man," Brad says. Loki breathes in sharply, making you glance at him.

You could tell instantly he was irritated already and probably moments away from snapping. You turn to Mobius, who was looking at you this time and knew instantly what you were saying.
"Okay, that's enough" Mobius stops Brad.

"No, Mobius, it's... it's riveting" Loki smirks, turning back to Brad. "Keep going."
You look back at Brad, wanting more than anything to find out a way to make him not talk. You knew he was going to push Loki over the edge.

"See, everything you, Y/N and Sylvie have ever done to try to help, had only ever made it worse."
"Is that right?" Loki challenges him.

"See, I've read your file. It's you. You're the problem. Every time we've ever found a you. Problem is, you think you're special, but you're not. It doesn't matter what outfit you put on, play dress up, or what little lies you tell your friends or even the lies you tell yourself. At the end of the day, you just make everything worse. For Mobius. For B-15. For Y/N," he pauses, smiling for a moment. "For your mother."

You turn to Loki instantly, seeing his head raise challengingly. You reach your hand, gently brushing your hand against his for a split second to try and reassure him.

"That's what you do," Brad carries on. "You just make everything worse. You lose. You're a loser."
"Loki" you try to say, seeing the way Loki breathed out to try and release some of his anger. Brad carried on anyway.
"Stop trying to be a hero, man. You're a villain. And you're good at it. Do that."

Loki lets out a dark, chilling chuckle, shaking his head before looking up at Brad. "Thank you Brad," he mocks. "Very much. I really am touched. You know, you're right. I have done some terrible, awful things. Yeah, maybe that is who I am, he knows" he gestures to Mobius.

He then looks directly at you. "She definitely knows" he says, looking back at Brad. "It's the real me," he claps. "A loser. Always have been. Always will be. And perhaps I've been.. holding something back!"

"Loki" Mobius warns but Loki ignores him, starting his slow journey towards Brad.
"Perhaps I've just been biding my time. Perhaps I've just been waiting for a moment like this, so I can do terrible, awful things to you."

You watch the scene before you, glancing at Mobius before back at them.
"So lets try this one more time," Loki whispers, leaning in to Brad. "Where is Sylvie?"

"You're all way too obsessed with her" Brad whispers back, turning to Mobius. "He needs therapy. I can recommend someone."
You roll your eyes, walking over quickly and grabbing Loki by the shoulders to pull him back. "I think we've had enough of that little talk" you say, looking Loki dead in the eyes. He looked back, still clearly very annoyed.

"Control your little pet, Y/N. Maybe he's the only thing you can control in your life."

You stop in your tracks, Loki's gaze suddenly changing as a grin spreads across your face. You turn around, shaking your head with a laugh.
"Mobius was right" you say, walking towards him. "You really do like to get under people's skin. You really are a... what did you call him?" You ask Mobius. "An Asshole? We don't use that type of language on Asgard you see."

"I'm so hurt" Brad remarks sarcastically to Mobius before turning back to you. "I find it hard to believe you didn't know the word 'asshole' since you swear just as much as me anyway."
"I've spent too much time with Tony Stark back on midgard" you answer simply, slowly kneeling down to his height on the chair.

"You're an actor, right?" You ask, earning a scoff from him.
"I am. I'm famous, Brad Wolfe."
"Right. Well, I'm not quite sure if you're aware but every single actor is eventually... forgotten."

His look on you changes a bit, making you smirk. You continue.

"This bit of fame you're enjoying now will probably only last maybe 5 years if you're lucky. I mean, for me that's probably 2 weeks. Eventually, people won't care about 'Zaniac' anymore. People will forget who the famous Brad Wolfe is. They'll be talking about the next best thing. Trust me, Brad, it won't be you."

"Y/N" you hear Loki's warning behind you.
"You should listen to your boyfriend" Brad says. You ignore them both.

"I find it so amusing that you're so desperate to get back to your limited glory when one day, you'll just be like everyone else. One day, you'll walk the street and nobody will recognise you. One day, people won't say 'I love Brad Wolfe', they'll ask who he is. Because, Brad, one day your movie will die" you pause, tilting your head. "And poor little Brad Wolfe will die with it."

There was a moment of silence. The tension in the room had raised quite high, but you didn't take your eyes off of Brad. Eventually, Brad breaks the silence.

"What did Mobius tell you that you were made to do when you first got here?" He asks you.
"It was a while ago, I don't quite remember" you say but Brad chuckles.
"I think you're lying. I think you remember very well. You were made to change your boyfriend over there."

You shrug, smiling. "Guess he was right. Pity though, I hate being wrong."
"No, he was wrong" he says, confusing you. "You weren't born to change him. You weren't born for anything good. I don't know what everyone's told you, Y/N, but let me tell you the truth. You were made to inflict pain amongst your loved one. Everywhere you go, people die."

You take in a sharp breath, standing to appear taller than him. You didn't say anything, sort of interested to see how it would play out. Brad grinned.

"I know you've watched your file, Y/N, so you've seen it. Everywhere you go, people get hurt. Everywhere you go, people die. What were you doing on the Sacred Timeline while your boyfriend was being choked to death by that mad titan, hm?"

That one hit you, making your face drop for a split moment.
"You know what you are, Y/N? Afraid. You know deep down inside you're not good enough for Loki. You know deep down inside that it's only a matter of time before you hurt this one too. Before you hurt all of us. Because it's what you do best."

Loki was staring at you from behind, praying that you weren't seriously taking in any of his lies. He grew nervous, debating taking you away before things escalated.

"You hurt people. You kill people. It's how it was with your father, you remember that? How about your mother?" He asks, raising his voice. "Eventually, it'll be the same for everyone in this room. It's inevitable. You know it, deep down inside, when you died on that Sacred Timeline it was better for everyone!"

There was another moment of silence, which you quickly broke.
"Are you done?" You ask, your voice clearly shaking. Brad shrugs.
"Guess I am."
"Good" you spit.

You grab him by his hair, forcefully dragging him over to the wall and slamming his face into it before throwing his across the room. Brad groaned on the floor as you went to walk over but Loki quickly grabbed you to stop you.

"Jeg skal drepe deg!" (I'll kill you!) you screamed as Loki was pulling you gently back towards the door. Mobius was helping Brad up, forcing him back into his seat.
"Y/N, stop" Loki whispered.

"I told you" Brad yelled over. "You only ever make shit worse!"
You turn quickly in your heels, going to run back which Loki quickly stopped. "Get off me Loki!" You yell. "I'm going to kill him!"

After a moment, you walk over to the wall and run your hands through your hair in frustration. Loki stayed beside you, letting you take a moment to calm down.

"That got a little tense" Mobius says to Brad. "I've got one for you, knock knock."
"Who's there?" Brad sighs.
"Brad who?"

"That's showbiz" Mobius laughs. "And I don't want that to happen to you. So, play along with us, answer our questions and we'll get you back there so they don't forget about you. How's that sound?"

"You would do that?" Brad asks.
"I will" Mobius nods. You and Loki were watching from the other side of the room.
"You promise?" Brad asks him.
"I promise."

"You seeing this?" Brad turns to B-15, laughing. "Mobius, you could be an actor!"
"I'm not an actor, I'm an analyst. But thank you."

"You're not an analyst. I'm not a hunter. None of this is real! I mean, who even are you on the timeline, do you know?"
"Doesn't matter" Mobius shrugs, shaking his head.

"I think it does matter because none of this is real. The TVA is not your real home. Mobius isn't even your real name."
"Well, it's what I answer to" he says.

"Do you have any idea what kind of life you might have left behind? Who might be waiting for you back there? I mean, do you care? You know they took us! You know they took our lives, and you're still here. I mean, it's kind of weird man. You need to wake up."

"I'm awake" Mobius warns him.

"No you're asleep. You need to wake up, Mobius. Until you do, you're nothing!" He yells. You and Loki watch, sensing the tension suddenly rising.

"She's nothing" he points at B-15 before turning to you and Loki. "I don't even know where to start with those two, but you're nothing here! And until you wake up, you're a nowhere man. You're-"

Brad is suddenly cut off as Mobius punching his across the face. Loki springs into action, making sure you don't move from where you are before running down towards Mobius, who was yelling.

"You're a silly little man!" Mobius screams as Loki takes him away. Loki opens the door, sending Mobius and you out of the room while Brad mocks you all from behind.

A/N - I found this scene so sad omg 😭

Also, on my first ever chapter I didn't say my usual 'hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading. Bye <3' LIKE?! IT FEELS LIKE AGES AGO I PUBLISHED THE FIRST CHAPTER AND I DIDNT EVEN SAY MY EVERY-CHAPTER-LINE OMG.

This is all I said:

Hope you enjoyed!
Thanks for reading.

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