Ghost X Reader

By krj1226

403K 7.3K 8K

Ghost of COD and female reader based on Modern warfare storylines characters included from COD Ghost, Roach... More

Red Rabbit
Run Rabbit Run
Catching Feelings
New recruit
My Shadow
Put em up
Druken Confession
Permanent Battle Buddy
Just an asset
Save me
His Confession
Plot Twist
Silly me
Old friends
In his arms.
The End

Rescue mission

11K 202 111
By krj1226

"I wouldn't be asking for help if we didn't need it." Alisa was practically begging us for help.

Some of the rebels and their families were found and taken hostage. She needed more man power to take them back.

"You have our help." Price didn't hesitate.

Alisa had been providing supplies, weapons and information to us.

"Thank you!" Alisa hugged Price. Price patted her back and chuckled.

With that we geared up for our rescue mission.

"Y/n are you sure you can handle this?" Price asked for the millionth time.

"I'm good, I handled the last deployment just fine." We loaded into Alisa's vehicles.

"He's just worried about you. We all are." Soap sat beside me

"Well stop, I'm okay." Every time they ask if I'm okay it seems like I get further and further away from being okay.

"Let her be." Ghost placed a hand on my shoulder. "She's got this."

I smiled a little at his reassurance. Ever since I came back it's like we've become good friends. I wish I could be more but I know he's long moved on.

The vehicle fell silent and soon we arrived under the cover of darkness.

"You two take out those guards." Price's orders came through the com.

Ghost and I quickly snipped the guards with ease.

"Let's move." Alisa took the lead and we covered as we stormed the holding cells.

Once we had everyone we began making our way out.

"Y/N! Get down!" Ghost yelled to me as a hostile came from behind.

I was a little too slow as a bullet grazed my side, taking a small chuck out of me.

"Shit!" I covered my wound firing at the hostile till he was down.

"Price she's hit!" Ghost ran to my side, his eyes full of worry as he looked over my injury.

"It's just a scratch." I pushed him forward. "Keep moving."

We pushed forward, slowly growing lighthead from blood loss.

We arrived back to vehicles, Soap had to practically drag my body into the vehicle.

"Let's take a look at you." One of Alisa's medics cut the cloth around the wound. "Not too bad, definitely needs stitches."

I groaned. Those always hurt in the field.

Soon I was stitched up and back at our safe house.

"I own you one." Alisa placed a hand on Ghost's arm. "Especially you."

Jealous reared it's head and I rolled my eyes.

Just cause he saved you from a bullet doesn't mean he likes you!

"Don't mention it." Ghost made no reaction to her touch.

"And you." She turned to me. "Heal up okay? I'm going to leave My medic with you for the night, just in case."

"Why don't you all stay? It's too dangerous out there right now." Price offered.

With that us and bunch of Alisa men crammed into the safe house.

"You need to rest." Soap stood blocking my way as I tried to leave the safe house.

"I need air. It's smells in here!" I pretend to Gag. "Please? You can come with me."

"Fine." Soap and made our way outside, I froze when I heard Ghost and Alisa talking.

"Shush." I pulled Soap into the shadows shushing him.

"She's a good person." Alisa came into view.

"Yeah, I know that."

Who are they talking about?

"Tends to get herself into trouble." Alisa sighed. "As seen today."

"She does. Tried to take me on the first day we met." Ghost chuckled.

Are they talking about me??

"Look, don't go breaking her heart got it?" Alisa turned to Ghost.

"I won't." Ghost paused for moment, turning to our hiding place. "Whose there?"

I shoved Soap out, hoping to throw them off me.

"Just me!" Soap put his hands up. "Just getting some air."

"Uh-huh." Ghost continued to stare into the dark where I was hiding.

"Yep." Soap was making it way too obvious he was lying.

"Y/n you're ass is supposed to be resting." Ghost pulled me out of my hiding spot.

"Damnit." I huffed. I wanted to know what they were talking about and what Alisa ment by don't hurt her. "I'm just getting air! It's stuffy in there!"

"Speaking of that, I think we should head out before sunrises fully." Alisa began gathering her men as Ghost forced me inside. "If you need our help, you got it."

"We'll let you know." Price nodded goodbye as they left.

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