MHA react to the Dekuverse

By Godslayer2468

130K 1.2K 8.8K

Class 1-A, 1-B, The LOV, Inko, Bakugo parents, Todoroki family , and some pros with most of the teacher in UA... More

Prologue (Welcome)
Teacher Deku
The Green Phantom (Vigilante Deku)
The Underground (Underground Fighter Deku)
The one made from Heroes (Villain Deku)
The Break
Your Best Friend (Pyrokinesis Deku)
Daddy Izuku (Future Father Izuku)
The Middle Faction (Yakuza Izuku)
Babysitting (It's Over, isn't it.)
The Break (Part 2)
Thank You/Anniversary
Vote for a new MHA Story
The Black Sheep (??? Deku)
The 'Big 3' (Telekinesis Deku)
...... (Curse Midoriya)

The Midoriya Triplet's (Quirkless Deku)

2.3K 22 269
By Godslayer2468

Howdy, Howdy HOLYYYY CRAPPPP I FINALLY FINISH THIS!!! FUCKING HELL!!!! Yeah, I never forgot or left just took so LONG! And there so much shit I will have to bring up or wanted to bring up but had to plan it out correctly. But yes, you all are seeing this right; I got a chapter out for this fic! 

It's been ten thousands years!! I have lay dormant who dare distrub my-Oh right I this chapter....

Alright I'll be honest this FUCKING LONG!!!! Like I legit think it takes the cake for the longest chapter I have ever done! Why? Well combine with the fact this was verse is a story I have in the work in the background and want to do when in the far future. For the 5 to 7 of you who actually read my story fic idea's you will know a bit about this verse.

Plus....there is some stuff I had to talk about in this chapter that come's with 'siblings' in the Midoriya side of things that WILL be somewhat talk about in this chapter. Along with another part of things which I'll be honest didn't think would happen. A few people on the discord server I'm on knows what I'm talking about.

So y'all welcome that I didn't half-ass this chapter I better hear shit that I don't care for these fic's and I don't put effort into them!

I also want thank you all who has been patients with this fic; given it was one of the first few fic's that had many of you finding this page and the reason many of you stick around. I'm sorry I couldn't do one of the goals I had for this fic and update this fic once to two times a month a year. I know I give people shit and understand I have a IRL life. With other work...but...

I do care a lot for these fic and want give you all something enjoyable to read; I know you all can't see me and can't tell if I mean this or not. But as the author of this fic, thank you and I'm sorry. 

I won't take anymore y'all time because you all have a LOT to read! 



Kaminari: "So does anyone know what happened to Slayer and them?"

Everyone looked around and didn't see Slayer, Nagant, or Death-sensei.

Jiro: "It has been a while; they said they would move on but something came up and they just well...left...."

Momo: "Well time is at a pause so who knows we all have been in here?"

Sero: "We should do a bet for how long it's been since the last time they were in here?"

Iida: "I would be against doing something as simple as that...but given who has been showing us things. I have no objections. I'll say a month."

Toru: "No way it's been that way?! It's got to be at least 2 weeks at most!"

Tsu: "I don't it would that less; how it was sounding it seem like a wild? So I'll say 2 months and 2 weeks."

Mina: "I'm going to go for 2 months and 3 weeks with 2 days."

Tokoyami: "I'll say 3 months with 1 day."

Uraraka: "You got anything Deku-kun? You want to take a guess?"

Izuku: "Umm...I don't know? It's hard to get a read on Slayer sometimes so it would be difficult to say with how he is. There are a lot of factors that can get involved in this."

Shoto: "If anyone will know it will be you?"

Izuku: "T-Todoroki NO!"

Shoto: "I mean come on you two are really close. Both super smart, both have nearly fluffy hair just his straight, both love quirks and have books about power. And both can be scary when you need to be. And you both have adopted daughters? The only thing that is missing is you dating several ladies...which if these verses if anything to go off...that not too far off."

Izuku: "T-Todoroki! Slayer and I have nothing in common really! There a lot difference between-"

Iida: "Now I think I do remember Miss Nagant talking about how she sees the similarities."

Izuku: "Where is Slayer when you need him!"

Tsu: "But do you have a number for how long you think they've been gone?"

Izuku: "Well if I had to guess, putting everything we know and Slayer have told us. I'll say....4 months, 4 days with begin around 126 days if I'm doing my math correctly."

Midnight: "Wow that's pretty good I wonder if you're right young Midoriya."

Izuku: "I doubt it if I agree somewhat that it's possible that Slayer and I could be related in another universe out there."

Everyone begins to make small talk while they wait; as they wait, they begin to hear something colliding with something. Everyone stops to listen in. There was a pause...they heard it again....and then was getting later. Everyone was confused as they looked around to look for that noise.

Izuku: "DUCK!" Izuku pulled the Dekusquad down to avoid a Slayer rushing in who was dragging Nagant and Death-Sensei, who was holding on to him.

Slayer: "I'M KILL 'EM!!! HE'S DEAD!!"

Nagant: "Babe no! We can't do it here! Not yet! Calm down!!"

Slayer: "HE'S A DEAD MAN!! DEAD!!"

Izuku and them all stood up as they saw Slayer, whose hand was mere inches from Bakugou's face, who had to back up to his parents to avoid getting grabbed.


Death-Sensei: "Even I know that's bullshit you would do more then one hit!"


Bakugou: "What the hell is wrong with you!?! You been gone for a while and you come in here and-"


Mina: "I'm so confused. What is going on? Slayer isn't this man unless something happens while he's gone?"

Sero: "Whatever it was; I most def afraid for Bakugou life. I mean I really do think he's going to kill him."

Nagant: "Babe think...if you kill can't mess with you." Slayers stay silent. "And you can't bash him anymore. Didn't you want him to suffer a bit longer? Can you hold out just a while longer?" Slayer pout.

Nagant: "Look if you don't lay a finger on him....*sigh* I can't believe I'm about to say this.... I'll...squish you....with my...thighs." She looked off to the side, blushing.

Slayer: " drive a hard bargain....alright you cuck bag you lucky my sexy lady safe you. But don't think I'm not done trying murder you."

Bakugou: "What the hell is wrong with you!?! You come in here raising hell for what!?! I've literally done nothing!!"

Slayer: "Oh the version of you in here haven't! But the MAIN VERSION YOU! I have reached the point where I want you to be a dead MAN!!"

Bakugou: "You've been wanting me dead man."

Slayer: "Partly but I wanted to give you a thin PIECE A THIN PIECE of a chance!! BUT NO! I've reached the point now! I just want you; as a dead man!"

Bakugou: "You can't get man about something that you should have seen coming!?! How is that on me!?!"

Slayer took a deep breath and snapped his finger, putting noise-canceling headphones on Eri and Kota.


Slayer kept going for a bit longer with the entire cast jaw on the ground as he did not take a breath and cursed out and used every ungrateful word he could think of from the dictionary.

Slayer: "NEVER SHOULD'VE LEFT THE CONCEPT BOARD BASTARD!!" Slayer calmed down the energy flowing off him as he caught his breath.

Everyone blinked and did know what to say to this.

Izuku: " better Slayer."

Slayer: "Later I a while. Anyway...sorry I'm late and it's been a while a lot of things have come up in the last few months since I've been here."

Tsu: "*Ribbit* it's alright we were making bet's for how long it's been since you last been here and everything."

Momo: "And with how time doesn't move around us we just threw different days and time out."

Nagant: "Oh that's nice."

Toru: "So we're curious how long it's been? Come on, we want to know who won!!?"

Slayer: "Well if I look into my memory for a bit; it's been 4 months, 4 days so around 126 days if my math is correct."

Everyone was silent.....

Slayer: " everything? Who was the closest?"

Everyone turned towards Izuku Midoriya, whose hands were covered with his face as he was internally screaming. The three adults were confused before they slowly realized what that meant.

Slayer: "Little green....little green please tell me....tell me you didn't!"

Jiro: "Oh he hit right on the mark and the exact numbers of days too!" Some of the class were trying to hold in their laugh!

Slayer covered his face with Death-sensei and Nagant, and both started laughing, with Nagant patting her man's back.

Death-Sensei: "You know others and I will never let you hear the end of this."

Slayer & Izuku: "We are NOT LONG LOST BROTHER!!!?!??" Izuku and Slayer's heads snap at each other, cover their faces with both hands, and groan.

Nagant: *trying to hold back a laugh* "I don' two seem to bounce off each other too well."

Slayer: *groan*

Inko: "I'm starting to feel like these two maybe were long lost brothers and my memory was wiped and mister Slayer was taken...crap did I get drunk one night and not remember?" She rubs her head.

Slayer & Izuku: "Can you NOT, best mom/mom!!" The two look at each other again.

Shoto: "Everything's coming together...soon."

Izuku: "Can we move on to the next verse PLEASE!!!"

Slayer: "Yes!" Slayer snaps his finger.

Verse Found: The Midoriya triplets

Slayer: "Oh got damn it." He facepalm.

Death-sensei: "You are really just digging that hole deeper and deeper for yourself aren't you."

Slayer: "I swear 'D' gets a kick out messing with me more then I mess with characters out in different verses."

(A/N: I won't lie....I do....)

We open up with, "Not all men are created equal. We learnt this at a very young age. 80% of the world has some sort of amazing superpower, while the other 20% are... less fortunate."

Izuku: "Ah...this line...." Izuku gets a little sad as he remembers those words...

Iida: "Do you know it from somewhere, Midoriya?"

Momo: "Is it from some book you might have read? Or did someone tell you that?"

Kendo: "Yeah clearly it something someone shouldn't say to themselves if you tell us we can-"

Izuku: "It's the same words...I told myself when I learn....I was quirkless...."

A few students: ""

Izuku: "Heh, it's ok. Learning more about other versions of myself and seeing how they doesn't make me feel any less as I used to be about myself. I would say it helps me learn more about myself. As it sometimes hurts seeing what could have been different for me. I'm taking Slayer's words to heart and learning what it means to be a better version of myself." Izuku didn't look sad anymore; in fact, he had a certain aura that made many around him smile.

Slayer: *sips tea* 'You know I'll let him and them have their moment. You know now I think about it; I've been playing very nice this session.... let's ruin that. I need to remind people just who I am. I will probably have people trying to kill me after the next verse. But it's more fun. Some people might think I'm going soft. And I can't be having that.'

Today was the day we were supposed to discover our quirks.Me Isuke Midoriya, Izumi Midoriya, and Izuku Midoriya. We were all born the same day, triplets to be more acute. We were always together, having each other's back. We promise each become the greatest heroes. Better than All Might. But we got an unlucky reminder that not everyone is lucky.

Mitsuki: "Well you look at that it seems you gave birth to triplets in this world this time Inko. Man they all got that green hair and nice genes."

Inko: "I'm happy to see that. I just hope we all can stick together as a family...I already know the result of what is going to happen." She looked down, a little sad.

Masaru: "Inko...."

Inko: "No, no, it's ok. I'm taking this in stride. I know I can't help but blame myself for what happened. I wish nothing but the best for Izuku. I know deep down I could have done better and supported my son's dream from the jump. It shouldn't have taken me so long. But I'm happy for him, and will give him my support... it's only right for a mother to worry about her child right." She smiled at the Bakugou's, who nearly tear up with Mitsuki hugging Inko tightly, making Inko blush at her friend.

Izuku smiles at his mom, happy at least Auntie Mitsuki and Uncle Masaru are still friendly with his mom. That's what matters to him. He never wanted to ruin that, no matter what.

Slayer: "I'm glad you're trying and there for your son. That all a child would want for their support their dreams. And frankly you had a legit reason why you worried."

Inko: "You do? You don't think I was being a foolish mother and not supporting my son's dream to be a hero? I mean every kid dreams to be a hero. Even if he didn't have a quirk I should have done something I feel like..."

Izuku: "Mom...."

Slayer: "Well, if you want to speak to a mother figure who knows a bit how you could possibly feel." *points to Nagant, who waves* "But if you want my honest take. You try your best, and it's completely normal, to be honest."

Inko: "I...really...are you sure you're not saying this to be nice?"

Slayer: "Miss Inko one thing I think you all know about me I will not sugarcoat something and tell you all how I feel about certain things. For god sake I want a child to die, case in point." He pointed his open hand to Katsuki. "I will tell you straight up; for one you already were clearly taking care of little green with your 'husband' overseas doing work. So there is already that with just the two of you. And you clearly are much older then what at the time a little child could understand. I don't know which era specifically you grew up in."

All-Might: "What do you mean?"

Slayer: "I mean pre AFO defeat or post AFO first defeat to you. Depending what period Inko grew up in will often explain a lot of my future points. For one if my math correct she is close to your age All-Might meaning she at least saw some of the down right bad sh** of the society came with. With how high the crime rate was before All-Might showed up it can already pre set seeds of worries for anyone as they get older. As peaceful times come around but not completely gone but more at a stand still and more manageable of course some doubt will slowly fade; but they're still there in secret in a dark part of your mind waiting to pounce to show it ugly rear head again."

Slayer: "As the tide of villainess died down with All-Might around you felt yeah safe. But once you have a child a new perspective appears in your head. You no longer just worried about your significant other, you're now worried about this bundle of joy you brought in this world. If you're a good parent you want the best for your child and also the path that will have the least bumps in the road."

Slayer: "Now this can have different effects depending on who you ask and how you raise your child but for this we'll keep it simple and stay in your world. With the fact how hero works come with there will always be a part that is dangerous and risks their lives no matter what. But you still hear different stories about heroes risking their lives and losing it. Ok so what? That heroic congrats you save the person but guess what? You didn't realize people you impacted or who love you, or raise you, who are still in this world; would feel the effect of your sacrifice. What's heroic about throwing your life away."

Kota looked down as he remembered the exact feeling of losing both his parents, and he treated Izuku and Mandalay afterward...he once hated all the words and sense...hero. Now it's different, but he knows the feeling...that lingering pain never left him.

Slayer: "Now, with the added fact your child is basically a defenseless person with nothing unique going for him; after all..." Slayer closes his eyes briefly before opening them halfway and looking at specific people. "A quirkless person is born with no role in this society."

Two specific people's eyes widen with that statement, knowing they heard it once before.

Slayer: "Throwing a mere person no less your own child, your flesh in blood, this person you brought into this world out in the world of hero and villain where the chances of your death is significantly likely to happen. What do you think could happen with how high the injury rate is when it comes to that line of work!?! It isn't hard to see why you would be worried. And then Izuku didn't make it any easier with all the baggage he carried. What it's like for most of the time you end up in the hospital bed or some type of nursing bed because you're reckless and have no care for your life."

Izuku looks away and rubs the back of his neck, wincing, remembering all the times he ended up in the Recovery girl's office or a hospital bed. So yeah, it makes sense to what Slayer was saying.

Slayer: "And with him being quirkless and the possible behind the door with your husband and you with how things were going with a quirkless son wasn't easy. I can't speak for that man if he cares or didn't. That's how others like me to decide. But it didn't make the stress you felt later along with Izuku slowly losing part of himself."

Slayer: "As an adult we have more lets say the real lens of the world; we sometimes try to hide it kids; and other times we try to show it to them. Through whatever lens those kids become custom as they grow up they change the lens they were in the world. And putting on the wrong lens too soon or too late can cause much more damage than any parent wants for their child."

Slayer: "You had every right to be worried and wanting to protect your child with how you could only think and imagine how the world views him. He was a defincent from the rest of the world. No use, broken, and all around no help. If anything he would need more saving than any other civilians in the society."

Slayer: "Throwing a quirkless child out there with no skills, no training, and limited resources is sending a swordsman with a dull broken blade out to fight against a horde of foes who has no care for his life. They have no care for that person who is in their way for either them trying to survive or having no care for human life."

Slayer: "All it would take would be an unfortunate run in with people like Muscular or Moonfish and well...there goes your only flesh in blood parent wants to outlive their child."

Many adults understood Slayer's words; they never wanted to let the students before them. They would rather sacrifice their lives to let their future happen. They know it's not easy in this line of work, something Aizawa wanted them to understand, which he did...but he went about it partly the wrong way.

Slayer: "Even my creator given his line of work; a day never goes by with his parents worried about him. And he's a full grown adult. It's just a parent's job to worry about their child and there's nothing wrong with that."

Slayer: "Even someone like myself; as strong as my kids are I still worried about them. They mean the world to me along with my ladies. So it's only right."

Slayer: "So Inko don't blame yourself for feeling that selfish feeling of worrying about your child; it's nothing. Why yes you made mistakes and you weren't perfect by any means. But the mere fact you were there for your son even just began around him, it at least did something for him. It gave him a small light." Inko gave a small smile.

Slayer: "Now for now let's get back to the verse because there is some stuff we are going to talk about when it comes to Izuku having as siblings while also being quirkless. Something that has to be talked about."

"Guys come on! Let's hurry!!!" said Izuku. "We're coming jeez, little bro." said the older brother Izuke. "How can you not be excited? We finally get to know what our quirks are!!! OOOOH I hope it's like mom! I want to have telekinesis!" said the little sister Izumi. Isuke begins to laugh. "You always did say mom was your favorite hero." He rubs the back of his head.

"How can she not be! She currently ranks in the Top 20 in only a matter of time before she is number 2!!!"

Izuku: "My mom is a hero in this verse as well!!" His eyes lit up. "Cool."

Slayer: "Yep, it's a thing most other overseers like to do...actually now I think about it....... it's not normal unless it comes to I said...orb at place."

Momo: "What do you mean by that?"

Slayer: "Well remember back in the Underground verse I said most verses are large bubbles basically combinations from pieces of others mini type thing or what in my worlds we call tags. For example the tag quirkless deku, or b**** Inko."

Izuku: *power up OFA* "Who's calling my mom a B word?" He had a darker look in his eyes.

Slayer: "Oh you are in for a ruin awakening later; I won't get into now given I want to wait for a specific part to talk about it. But let's just say outside people looking in my line of work and where my creator from have this issue of making...your mom....a terrible human being."

All-Might: "What?!?!"

Izuku: "B-But...why!?! My mom hasn't done anything wrong, she is a great and amazing person! She was my hero for so long! She didn't-"

Slayer: "It is because in my world and creator's world people fear many things or I should say hate many things. And one such thing is an unconditional love that has no drama, they hate you and certain friends together."

Uraraka: "Why do I get the feeling it's not who I think it is?"

Slayer: "We will get to those types of people this is not the setting or verse for it. But another thing they hate is a happy family. A family that doesn't seem to fight or have issues with each other. A loving mother who wants to protect and love her only son who was outcast by the rest of the world. How dare that mother love her kid or in this case kids. One should only love the child that shows the most promise, not both children equally and try to give both kids a loving home and support something called kids need."

Slayer: "A mother should forget about her child that clearly doesn't need more attention and extra effort and play victim when the times come when all the truth is revealed. A mother who doesn't remember who owns flesh and blood for years and acts like they don't exist along...with the father. The concept of love, compassion, and familyhood. Means nothing to these others' overseers' these half-breed cheap clones care for nothing about those around them."

Slayer: "They seek nothing but attention and praise from other forms of sheeps with no real use of more than two powers of their brain-cell. These 'overseers' are what I deem them. They shouldn't even consider having this nickname given to them. They are nothing more than a toxic waste that believes they have skill because of all the sheep around them."

Slayer: "These fakes, these clones, these people are considered talented overseers and are praised for their worlds/verses they make but that is far from the truth. They are nothing more than leeches leaning off the other good talented people before them. They cannot fathom the concept of skills, studying, or getting better. They are what is stale. To them our line of work is nothing but a simple byproduct of them doing something and spitting on those who put their blood, sweat, and tears into simple lines of creation such as these. They believe they have talent. Which is far from the truth. These overseers have tarnished the concept that what was once beautiful is now nothing more but a corpse of

bones and they continue to dance on the decay carcass over and over again."

Slayer: "The very concept of skill to them is nothing. Talented? Pft, don't make me laugh. To them, talent is something these fakes don't have. They use the talents of others and crown them with a mist and kingdom of people who praise them and see them as nothing more than hard working and people who deserve all the love and attention they get. But in reality these people know they are not skilled, they have no talents, no real point at putting effort and why should they when you have sheep praising you and happy for your work."

Slayer: "Why put in the attempt to make something beautiful in this corner of the world we live in. When you don't have to work hard and get by. It has been working; clearly it will continue to work."

Izuku: "How can someone...keep this up? Does anyone try to stop them!?! Do no one try to give them a chat."

Slayer: "Pretty rich coming you little green when you also never try to once truly call Mister c***bag for his shit." Izuku looked down. "And people have tried but why would I listen to a group of black sheeps the ones who have reached a hand out and ask them to explain their dumb and hypocritical logic or reasoning. But just like that, fool others there." Points to Bakugou. "I've been getting praise for years from these other simple minded clowns. Why would I listen to a random group of lesser people to me? They didn't put in the amount of work I put in, they didn't gain all this attention and praise from people, I'm much older, wiser, and have gained my crown fair and square. It completely utter disgust me."

Slayer: "In the world of my creator we have been having an issue with artists having an all out battle against Ai-art. While it have it ok uses. Now we have lazy people who have been chirping for years saying it's too hard, they don't have talent, they can't do it. But the moment an easier way to cut corners and get a dose of attention and love comes around they take it; and that is the same crap these so-called overseers do. There is nothing more than an AI-user over and over wanting views and clicks. They act like they have the best stuff, the greatest creativity believing they don't deserve to be called out with their shit."

Slayer: "It's the same pile of shit, spit out over and over saying it fresh and unique. But the sheeps around them don't care, no. All they care for is getting something to sink their teeth into. Something to hold them over and believe what is put out is good. But if they actually realized an ounce! Just an ounce! Of brain power it wouldn't be hard to see the utter pile of shit they consider good is far, far from good."

Slayer: "Do you know why I said these people fear nice and good things; because they hate others on other people/character happiness. We Humans are greedy, destructive, and selfish at our core. We hate seeing people have something we don't have; something we yearn for. Why would I support you when I want to bring you down? Why do you get to have something that I wasn't afford!?! Why? How? It's not fair?! You shouldn't have this! If I can't have it, NEITHER CAN YOU!!"

Slayer: So instead of letting you be happy or good, I want to make you suffer; I'll make you understand something I call pain. I'll take away that so-called lovely family; I'll make sure they're something underlined there. I'll make you believe you are worthless. I have power! It makes me feel GOOD! And because I control your fate, I can toy with you and make you a 'better' version of yourself. The much cooler and stronger version. After all, the saying goes....misery loves company."

Slayer: "FOR GOD-SAKE in my creator world; people try to take a simple happy family fast food commercial and make it out to be something bad and horror behind the scene!?!"

Slayer: "Most humans don't care. They think being edgy and dark and suffering is cool; not understanding the first thing believing about suffering. Not understanding what comes with it. They believe the mass, why would I want to stick out!?! If people like this!? Why not do this!? Why not do what a ton of foolish dogs think and do. They are already not using their brain; I can be giving my own crown with the lack of a sorry excuse of a waste of talent they have on something."

Slayer: "Look at me, as simple I look to you all. I can control your fate, I can twist your words, I can make you WHO I believe you should be. Better or for worse. There is no conquescene for what I do, there is no one to tell me I'm wrong, hell people like it. So why not make your life hell, why be creative, why do anything worthwhile that is an art, that could be fun, to take something and make a beautiful world; when I can make the most boring, piece of stale damn bread, and it's clearly got others to love what I do? Why change? I'm god, and I will use my power how I like."

Slayer: "Beautiful world that was once praised for its creative and unique take on concepts that deserve all the love and praise. Having one of my favorite troupes in it. The overseer who made this troupe and took it far; all their effort, their time, their long nights up, their loss of sleep, all their planning, and for it to pay off. They have every right to feel proud of what they put out. I have no right to criticize something that I can see that had a lot of effort. Even with things I don't like, it deserves all the love it still gets to this day."

Slayer: "But now it has spawned little leeches that absorb everything good about it and twist it, making it once a beautiful work of art; no nothing more than a pile of heaping trash!" Slayer closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them with a tad look of guilt, pain, and sadness in his eyes. "It's that right; Izuku yagi creators."

All-Might, Nana, Izuku, and Inko slowly lose the color in their face; they didn't hear that right...the thing that turned out wrong! Is...Is them?! Izuku....he couldn't believe it....he can't believe it?! No...All-Might and his mom.... mistreat, he can't believe it! HE WON'T BELIEVE IT!! More than anyone else...they love him. T-That can't be true....Slayer has to pull his leg!!?! That's not right!?!

Even when he was a villain!?! Slayer showed him a verse where his mom and even a sister still care for him!!? There is a whole library of All-Might, someone he views as his dad....getting with his mom! His #1 and #2 people in the world are getting together, and if he were quirkless, he would get treated like crap!?! No, no, no, no, that can't be true!?!

All-Might himself was quirkless; he would understand a bit how Izuku was feeling?!?! His mom did so much for him!?! She tried for what they had when it was just the two of them!?! How....this can't be!?!

Izuku curled up into a ball, trying to wrap his head around this?! Why....why would All-Might and his mom....treat any version of him that way? He would then feel arms around him. He would look and see it was his mom.

Izuku: "*sniff*"

Inko: "Izuku listen to me, and listen to me well. I don't know much about other versions of me. But hear me well! I am your mother! And you are my baby boy! I will always love you! I understand your confusion and hurt right now!? But understand that those versions of us are not real versions of us! They are not you! They are not me!?!"

Izuku: "But m-mom S-Slayer said they slightly apart of us, me-meaning-"

Inko: "No buts Izuku, it also like he said they are fake. I would never attempt to stop loving you. I understand it hurts being quirkless and I couldn't do anything when you need me most. I will always have that regret. But even when you were quirkless and was my little All-Might I never and I will continue to love you! Listen to Slayer when he say these people do not know the real you; they don't know the first thing about you!?! About us!?!"

Inko: "It's painful watching that villain version of you; it still shows a side of you that you still care for me and in that verse your sister. If you don't want to believe me, then believe the one person who has criticized all of us, the person who has shown to be fair to all of us. He never call us perfect, but he didn't call us fu** up. He understands better than many of these people."

Inko: "Please Izuku don't stop thinking in these verses we see I will never stop loving you. Even if everyone turns against you I will always love you. Do you understand?" Both of the Midoriya have tears in their eyes as they hug. Many allow them to have their moment.

Once both calm down, The dekusquad, wanting Deku to get his attention and love, slides over and lets Inko sit next to Izuku.

While the two apologize to Slayer about what happened, which he didn't mind, he understood why. All-Might wanted to know more about these 'yagi' verses...why? How could they do that to him? He understood he wasn't perfect. He caused a lot of the problems today in this society. But to say he would do something terrible to young Midoriya...was....was his he couldn't be a hero without a quirk comment; hit people to the core? He must have a talk with Slayer in the break when it comes to this.

"Number 2? Why not Number 1?" Asked Inko, as she had a smile on her face when she asked this. "That simple Mom that All Might! No one is going to get past Him! Except for us!!!" She twirls and points to herself and her brother. "But don't worry, we still love you when we get past you!"

Inko: "Well at least as well in this verse just like in that villain verse; if I had a daughter she would seem to be with her brother a lot."

Slayer: "It start that way in those 'verses' before it all go to sh**."

Inko: *slightly pissed off look* "I'm seriously already disliking these so-called 'yagi' verses."

Slayer: "I can't say all 'yagi' verses are all bad for now. Given I have talked to a few other overseers who made those verses and understand the crap with it. Later on I will explain more about many of the issues with them. Because I know you're going have a lot to say about those others 'Inko' and I can tell it won't be pretty."

Inko: "Yes, and I have a few select words."

Inko smiles, "Thank you, sweetie. But, I'm sure you three will get powerful quirks." Izumi smiled. "Thanks, mom, LET'S HURRY!"

"Hey big bro what you want your quirk to be!? I hope I can fly just like All Might! Wait super strength!!! No breath fire!!!!" said Izuku. "It doesn't matter to long as all three of us are happy I don't mind what quirk I get." said Izuke.

Mina: "Well we know they are all very supportive of each other and I'm liking the older brother; he seems the most calm and chill of the three of us getting a quirk."

Tsu: "He seems like he would be a good older brother."

Slayer: *sips tea*

Shinso: "You know whenever you sip tea; it's not a good thing."

Slayer: "Whattt? No."

Nagant: "Dear...."

Slayer: "Let me have my fun, but like I told Inko that's how it started. The siblings always start out on the right foot loving and caring for each other, before it goes down the drain in a matter of seconds."

Uraraka: "How fast can you fuck up a happy family in a stupid way?!"

Slayer: "You have no idea. You would think after the first few attempts something would click but in the end NOTHING the same pile of horse sh** over and over again like a child that was never trained correctly. Heh, I wouldn't be surprised if most of these people are children hiding in an adult body. But to be honest that would be an insult to even the smart kids."

They all soon hop in the car. All three siblings were talking about what quirk they would get. It brought a smile to Izuke's face to see them like this. He wants to do everything in his power to protect their smile. Many little kids always dream of being the greatest hero, which is his dream, but he's always had a backup dream.

To protect his family and always have them smile. If Izuke had to give up his spot to his sibling to be number 1. He would in a heartbeat. This is a little unbelievable coming from a five-year-old, but he was always told to dream big by their mom.

Kendo: "It looks like Izuku isn't just the main focus of this verse for once. It seems we are seeing more from the older brother POV."

Tsu: "I mean for a 5 year old he is pretty mature but I have to give credit to him for the simple fact; his main dream is for his Izuku-chan and Izumi both to be happy more than anything else. That is truly a good older brother."

Inko: "All I hope they all close and never give up no matter what."

Izuku: "Given you as their mom I'm sure things will turn out good. After all, they have a super mom." Izuku smiles at his mother, who smiles back.

Slayer: "And you don't have to worried best mom; I made enjoy doing fu** up sh** but I made a sole promise to NEVER EVER make what we call a 'yagi' verse. Because I do; that means several things; it's a clone, I have been taken hostage, or I'm retiring from being an overseer; and even then it will be the VERY LAST THING I do. And also...."

Nagant: "I would put a bullet right through your head with no hesitation."

Slayer: "That too; my ladies would literally try to murder me."

Death: "And I'll come from the top rope and help!"

Slayer: "So yeah; everyone with me understands how I work and feel about those verses. Unlike a later verse we will get to and talk about that I'm in charge of and working on. It was more proving a point."

Izuku: "Then why don't you make one of these 'yagi' verses to prove a point."

Slayer: "Little green, the hate I have for these verses have reached the point I don't attempt to go look for diamonds in the rough anymore. Early in my overseer time I didn't mind as much; they seemed like they had potential. But when I keep saying the same issue over and over and over AGAIN! When it does it becomes numb and you can't just stand it."

Slayer: "It is just like fast-food places; while some fast food places you can eat at a few times; many of them you can't eat every single day. It makes you tired, you just don't have the stomach for it besides it not being healthy for you. At some point you're going to get sick of it and want to eat something else. To be honest that is not a good comparison."

Slayer: "If I had to say it's that one dumb classmate who keeps trying to be funny and isn't funny or smart. Keep using the same crap or stories on you to make him seem either cool, funny, smart or some shit. And anyone with a functioning brain can tell you how stupid it is. At some point you just give up when you see so much of the dumb crap over and over and over again."

Slayer: "I'm not one of these overseer who have the energy to make a better and more interesting yagi fic; because to be honest with how many bad 'yagi' verses there are out there; they basically gave people a blueprint of a simple what the fu** not to do it! I'll tell you all later so you all can make your own thoughts on these."

Slayer: "But to put it simple it wouldn't be hard to make an interesting 'yagi' verse from start to finish. At least for the betrayal Deku verses I was able to come up with something from most of it to make it unique. The 'yagi' verse would just boil down to follow the stupid broken checklist and don't do that and follow a simple path. Not much to do to get off the beaten path."

Uraraka: "I'm sorry Betrayal what now!?!"

Slayer: "Moving on! We gotta get back to watching the verse. Man, I'm going for a record today for the most drawn out breaks between each part. Heh, wonder who I pissed off this time and wonder will they speak up. Can't wait to see."

Inko Midoriya, the number #19 hero, Psychic Hero Magnetic, Their mom's quirk is Polarity. Many people didn't think her quirk was strong, but she also knew some hand-to-hand combat, which quickly raised her up in the world.

The kid's dad, Hisashi Midoriya, isn't as known as mom but breathes fire. It has been said their dad can rival Endeavour flames. How true that is, little Izuke doesn't know. They get to the quirk doctor. Watching two siblings still bouncing up and down and can't wait to hear the news. Izuke has a grin on his face watching them.

Bubble girl: "I have to say Miss Midoriya your kids really do love each other and are close to and have to say it... they're all so cute!!!"

Inko: "Thank you. I'm glad their older brother cares greatly about Izuku and his sister. That all a mother can hope for is for their kids." Inko smiled over to Bubble girls and the other heroes sitting together.

Edgeshot: "What's the scary part we have to realize; that is that this verse is under Slayer control meaning it is a lot deeper then we know and as simple as we think. And if Midoriya is anything go off with him having two more siblings just think what they can do with all three combined."

Many heroes lost color in their faces, thinking about the mindset of all three Midoriya siblings combined and the damage they could do. While a few people, along with a particular overload rat, were laughing in their heads.

Mitsuki: "I like to add that these three smiles combined could power a whole power plant alone." All the ladies nodded their heads, agreeing with Mitsuki Bakugou.

Doctor, "Ah, Miss Midoriya, it's good to see you." "It's good to see you too doctor, I hope everything is going well." said Inko, walking into the Doctor's office with her three kids after their check-up. "Yes, but I clearly know why you're here. These three little green beans are here to find out what their quirks are, am I right?" "That is correct so I was hoping you would tell us."

"Very well miss Midoriya. I will tell you this, it's good and bad news." Once he said that, Izuke's heart sank a bit. He didn't know why, but he got a bad feeling about this. Unknowest to me, while he was in his thoughts, things began to float around them.

"Ah, I see that is a good place to start your first born son...he is a very rare young man." They all raise an eyebrow at this. "What do you mean by that?" "Well if you look around he is using his quirk right now."

They all looked around and saw things floating around them.

"We first thought his quirk was similar to yours but upon further depth we come to find out your son can do so much more than just lift metal. In fact he found he was letting out Psychic power now. He is a full out esper!"

Momo: "Ah so so like Izuku of the last verse but this time instead of Izuku having it; it's his older brother."

Slayer: "Bingo."

NO WAY!! Izuke's eyes pop open. He was smiling and not noticing everyone in the room began to float. "Uhhh sweetie..." "Huh?" Izuke looked up and saw everyone was floating. "OH I'm sorry mom!" He tries to think of a way to bring everyone down. Everyone came crashing down. Inko thankfully landed on her feet and caught both my siblings.

Inko let out a sigh of relief she didn't realize she was holding.

"*Phew* That was close." "Mom, I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing?!" "It's ok, sweetie; you have a very powerful quirk. We work on it."

She put down Izuke's siblings, patted Izuke's head, and did one of her 1000 suns smiles that always brings a smile to Izuke's face. "You will make a great hero someday."

All the adults: "Awwwww."

Ryukyu: "I understand why Slayer calls her best mom now."

Mt. Lady: "And also that darn sun smile and where it's come from no wonder that child has it. Green beans get it from his mother."

Gang Orca: "All-Might I see why you said you found Izuku mother attractive sending her now and her attribute you have good taste." All-Might split his drink.

While Nana and Gran Torino both laugh.

The Doctor was getting up off the floor.

"I'm sorry about that doc. Are you ok?" Izuke asked, a little worried he might have hurt the Doctor. "I'm fine, young man, and I should also state your quirk comes from your emotions, I notice. You have a very powerful quirk that could rival some of the strongest out there at your current age."

Izuke thought he had to be in check of his emotions, huh? What would happen if he lost control? Could...Could he hurt everyone around him? His train of thought was cut off by my younger sister.

Fat Gum: "I can already think a few moments that little Izuke has his quirk go out of control. And given this is Slayer....oooh boy."

Slayer: "What? I'm sure it will go wonderful."

Uraraka: "What do you call it? Cap?"

Slayer: "H-Hey!?!"

Tetsutetsu: "Alright calling it now, the brother has at least made an attempt to throw Bakugou out the window or at least a wall more than 5 times."

Setsuna: "5? Pft, that's being generous. At least one a day, at least!"

Bakugou: "Pft makes you think the brother and I don't get along-"

Izuku: "Um-Kac-I mean don't forget who's in charge here and well...we kind of know I'm quirkless in this...verse. So..."

Katsuki went silent as he blinked several times, looking over and Deku...son of a BITCH!

Slayer: "There are very few verses that I have under me that paint you in a good light. After that one verse I said don't get used to it because it is very far in-between. *sips tea*."

Bakugou: "Will we ever be on decent terms."

Slayer: "Don't know? When is your due date with us in the underworld?"

Bakugou: *growl* "I'm going to prove that things can be different and you are just really ignorant to the fact that things and people can change."

Slayer: "Oh no, I don't think you can change. I know you can. There is no doubt about that. It's just how you go about it. And you change? Pft, no. You see; people say they can change, but is that really true? Take out this world where there are quirks. If people decided to want to fly, would they grow wings? I don't think so. You don't change yourself. You change how you do things. You have to make your own way. You have to create a way to fly, even while you stay the same."

Slayer: "Deep down to your core you're still an arrogant self pride egoist. Why did it take you so long to apologize to Midoriya? Why did it take something to happen to All-Might for you to look in the mirror? Why did it take you not getting what you want and things never somewhat going your way for you to start really changing? You want to act like the big man, but like I stated in the past you made that fight with you and Izuku the second time all about you. The problem is no one and not even Izuku truly ask and point out your sh**."

Slayer: "Izuku himself believed he knew you were a jerk but didn't want to ruin your dream and always look up to you. But when the one person you look up to has put a narrative around you for so long and no one comes around to challenge it for YEARS! It is hard to say you really change or on equal footing. While you two could work together it takes Izuku to basically take a backseat and let you try to take center stage."

Slayer: "You have to make it clear things you need to do it; no one else. While I'll have to give you credit when it comes to giving Izuku a slight motivation of that whole win to save, save to win. Which is true; but it also means one thing which I point out is to prove something else out; you don't save you lose and all I gotta do is take certain people out."

Slayer: "While you both throw yourself in danger and risky situations with little plan of your own life; at least Izuku we know why and he doesn't care because of a mindset that was never and still isn't correct. The first war proved that. With was hard headedness. And it takes you getting your butt kicked. And I mean more then once. Do I have to bring up; All-Might ass kicking; or any of the future events I know. You don't change your I need to be involved someway aka; the self absorbed I want to be involved in this situation something you shouldn't be involved in."

Slayer: "It proves my earlier statement of you don't change; you change how you do things. Sure it could be off as adapting but can come off hard headedness it just depends on the person you ask."

Slayer: "It's like I don't give you props when you deserve it, but much of your action comes from your characterization I just don't like. So to your question, will ever get along outside you not having a fucking quirk and kissing the ground you work on....when you're dead!" As he got upset, Slayer laughed while Bakugou looked down and gritted his teeth. He needs to find a way to counter Slayer and get back...he can't let him downplay him....not all the damn time.

Slayer: "Awww are you in your feelings, little baby?"

Bakugou: "Shut-"

Slayer: "It's the same crap you've been doing to Izuku for the last ten years." Bakuogu's eyes widen while his face drops. "I'm not one of these people who will accept the crap that happens because it was getting off lucky. And I don't deal with that type of luck. I deal with hard, cold truths and facts. And something called karma, and that is something you will get as long this goes on. Oh, of course there will be moments and verses I'll ease up, but when I don't you will get everything that's coming at you."

"That's so COOL!! Big Bro! Big Bro!! I hope I have a quirk like yours!!!" said Izumi; she didn't notice that she was letting fire out of her mouth.

"Ummm, Izumi...I think your breath is a little too hot there."

"Huh?" She looked down and saw a little bit of fire. HOLY CRAP!! I can breathe FIRE!!!" She yelled that last part and a gulf of fire came out of her mouth. We all had to jump back some from not trying to get our butt lit up. She was super happy. The doctor was sweating a bit.

Izuku: "So sis in this verse got dad quirk that's pretty cool. I wonder what type of things she is able to do now with it. Since now I think about it there aren't a lot of firebase user quirk."

Burnin: "Oh yeah, she would fit right in! If she were in this verse, we would definitely have to send her an internship. Right, boss." She smiles at Endeavor, who lets out a hmph.

"Yes, that's the next thing it seems your daughter has taken after her father. She is able to breathe fire but not only that it seems to have another quirk." When the doctor said this, all of them were utterly surprised by this. All the Midoriya's "OTHER QUIRK!!!"

Izuku: "She got another quirk!?!"

Inko: "That I wasn't expecting?"

Shoto: "Well it seems like another dual quirk user in this verse. Wonder what it is?"

Iida: "Could it be something similar to their mother? Since it would be based on both parents' quirks?"

Izuku: "Maybe but is it hard to say; after-all she hasn't shown any sign of telekinesis or pulling or pushing objects. And with Slayer at the helm it is hard to get a good read of what her quirk can be."

Slayer: "I don't why you all think; I'm hard to read when it comes to quirk. I just study under another man and learn different aspects of quirks that would work. Instead putting any quirk in this world and calling it a day. Quirks aren't as easy as some people make it out to be. And to be fair their a tier list when it comes to quirk and power. Most people try to make quirks that equal or close terms of power to those of OFA and AFO which shouldn't be the case to be honest. But, I'm not here to bash on people who have information on quirks and study on quirks and stuff. I don't call myself the quirk god or anything when I understand the fundamentals of quirks in this world."

Slayer: "After-all if the overseer can have fun making the verse I have no say in what is right and wrong with the quirks they pick on to migrate over. Because it also will be hypocritical of me as well."

Izuku: "You know the more we get to be around you, the more I can say yeah you're harsh when it comes to your words but if I had to put a set of words for would be...hmmm...." Izuku thought for a minute. "Hard, but fair. I think that fits you more than anything."

Slayer: "E-Eh!?!"

Uraraka: "Yeah, when you think about it; he often times when he criticizes someone or something; you often also don't take yourself out of the picture and even call yourself out."

Iida: "True, I have to agree. You seem to also have a good understanding about different pieces about you and others around you. It would be one thing if you never correct yourself or always take out your feelings but you have made it clear this is all your takes and while I might not agree with everything you speak. I can say you have some reason with your takes."

Tsu: "Can we add; that your not really a je** well to some of us, *ribbit*. I'll say yeah you give reasoning and aren't bland with it. And you're really out right saying some of the stuff we believe or do is wrong. You just have a strong reason against it. So I would say I'm not completely against having you as an overseer showing us."

A few students smiled at Slayer; his face got red, and he was out, stunned for words. he looked over at his girlfriend Nagant and his sensei Death, who both gave him a smirk.

Shoto: "Embarrassed by compliments, good with quirks, short....yep it's all coming together."

Izuku & Slayer: "Todoroki we are NOT BROTHERS!!"

Uraraka: *sips tea*

"Yes, it seems she has two dragons-like chains she can call upon." "Cool..." Right then, two green-like scaly dragons appeared out of her back. She is awe-struck by the two. "They can't be detached from her so for now, we are led to believe this is a dragon-like chain." Twin dragon chain and breathing fire. She then raised her fist in the air. "I'm going to be the next #1!! Looks like I got a head start on you two." She had a shit-eating grin on her face. Izuke just had sweat coming down his forehead, just like his mom. Izuku then begins to get super excited.

Izuku: "Oooooh boy. Here we go."

"DOCTOR! DOCTOR! Tell me what my quirk is. What's mine?" The doctor's face got a little sweaty. When Izuke saw he was still silent, that ominous feeling returned to the little older brother of the hit him: he mentioned something about bad news...but Izuke couldn't believe what he heard next, along with the rest of the family. "Ummm, you see about that young man I mentioned earlier about the bad news that it you little on is quirkless." Once he said that. Izuku world came crumbling apart. He dropped the All-might action figure he was holding.

Izuku got sad; even after years of coming to terms with how he was once quirkless, hearing it doesn't get easier. That status will always haunt Izuku even as he gets older.... he guesses he hasn't genuinely gotten past it. He then felt a hand on his shoulder and saw his mother smiling at him. He then felt Uraraka, Tsu, Iida, and Shoto. Izuku adopted a smile and realized he had been blessed after many years. Things are different now.

"Excuse me, doc... I'm sorry, but what did you just say?" "You see, most kids with quirk aren't double-jointed, but your son here." He pulled out an X-ray. "He is double-jointed. I'm sorry to say, but he quirkless he should give up on being a hero."

Slayer: "Kind of say; that also kind of bull to be honest."

Melissa: "What do you mean?"

Slayer: "More on the fact; the amount of less quirkless people people from my POV have seen. Not counting you two; we literally only know one more who I think was a villain."

(A/N: I did not see the third movie).

Slayer: "For a world that states their less than 20% of the populations is supposed not to have a quirk. That freaking number is MUCH lower than it actually is. The fact we don't see even one more quirkless classmate of yours! NOT ONE! If it really is 20% then we should have at least seen 1-4 more quirkless or at least heard about it."

Slayer: "For some 20% might not be that high; but in the modern society you live in, it should be way more apparent. If we were told like 5% it's rare nowadays!?! But 20% is still a high percentage for that time frame. Not seeing one more or even news about it. I feel like it's kind of crap; to be honest this is more a personal taste but I'm kind of upset there was never a quirkless I guess what I would call arc."

Izuku: "Eh?"

Slayer: "Or a discrimination that thing. Little green you are the main pillar of this world; you will inspire a ton of future generations more than you think in your world and in my creator world. And for not a single quirkless or discrimination arc to happen...mannn it feels like a missed opportunity. But that's just my take."

Izuku: "I mean...actually...." When Izuku thinks about why he hasn't talked with any of the other quirkless people...and now he thinks about after Melissa...why hasn't he run into other quirkless people? Was...was there something behind it?

AFO: "I would like to add that some of you would think I had something to do with that; while yes I did take some quirkless but if you notice many of the Noumu did have quirks and many of the quirkless people we took some survived and some didn't but. But they were easier to dispose of."

Many of the heroes glare at AFO; why aren't they surprised?

AFO: "But I will say we stop targeting them when they have no use; I will admit it was an oversight on my part when it came to them. Society wants them; that so-called society you all built and protected. You made quirkless useless why wouldn't I take advantage of it."

The OFA user wanted to rush over and deck AFO in the face.

AFO: "Aww don't be like that; Nana you already was a failure when it came to your family and didn't really do a very good job with it. All-Might you help build this society you can say you help cause that stigma quirkless people were really useless; not acknowledging your own flaws and weakness and forgetting how your previous sensei put it; forgetting your roots." AFO crackle laugh. Izuku, Nana, and All-Might could be seen powering up OFA.

AFO: "But I will admit I fail more ways then I realized here; for one I should saw have came in and grab Izuku Midoriya myself; if I would have known how much a golden opportunity he was I would have grab him watching these verses not only open you all eyes it open mine. I will sadly have to admit my defeated here as crappy it is."

AFO: "But Izuku Midoriya you can't blame me either; you never saw a way to ask or do any digging on the quirkless as well. It's like you gain such a powerful quirk and forgot partly your own root. I have to say I guess apples don't fall from the tree, does it ALL-MIGHT!!" AFO started to laugh.

All-Might couldn't take it anymore, and with whatever strength he could muster, power-up OFA was about to rush over before some dark tentacle hands grabbed him and wouldn't let him go; and since he couldn't hold that form, the power went back into his skinny physique. He saw and saw it was Slayer with his hand out.

Slayer: "Now, now let's calm down. You can get mad at AFO all you want; but I only allow certain people to get attacked if they deserve it." Given a quick look over at Bakugou. "But he has some truth to him. We know you understand what it partly feels to be quirkless, maybe not the level Izuku has felt but you knew something about it feel. The fact you didn't try anything or set something up or bring awareness you can't blame people like AFO for taking advantage of it."

Slayer: "Him and I stigma job is to make you heroes job as uncomfortable as possible and hit you where it hurts. So you can say another failure on hero society for not trying to do something about it. You have no one to blame for yourself."

Many heroes got discouraged; it's good that Slayer isn't in their world.

Death: "Had to play the role of a villain, didn't you?"

Slayer: "Hey, I told them I'm unbiased as shit to certain things; it was the truth. You can't get mad for the heroes should have done something about, and they didn't when it is used as a weakness. You can't blame people for taking advantage of it; you better cover all your weaknesses as best you can because those who truly have a tactical brain are going to find those holes."

Izuku hasn't said anything and looks down to the ground and mutters something. "Quirkless..."

Izuke couldn't believe it. He and his sister look at each other, and Izuke grips his fist. His little brother is quirkless. No! This isn't fair!! Why did they get to decide who can be a hero? Telling his little brother he can't be a hero just because he is quirkless.

Izuke wanted to be angry, but their mom got up and bowed to the doctor before anything happened, thanking him. She then told them to come along. As they were leaving, Izuke looked back at the doctor as he turned around in his chair. Izuke could have sworn I saw a smile on his face. Why...?

Shigaraki: "Wait, the doctor was the annoying All-Might wanna-be person who checked up on him?"

AFO: "Yes he did. Heheh, let's just say he was the one who told me about certain kids."

Izuku: " possible I could have had a quirk?"

Slayer: "I'm going hop in here." They look at Slayer. "That we don't know. It has been rumored or theorized by those in my creator world; you could have, and he took it. But at this point in where the main verse of you all are at, we never know if you had an actual quirk. Like I said the multiverse is vast; there are verses out there where you do, you don't, you're a villain, or a regular guy. It all depends; you might actually have or could have had a quirk. But from what he knows, you getting OFA is the true route." Slayer teleports over to Izuku and fist-bumps his chest.

Slayer: "Take pride in the current you and what happened to you; yes you are one of the lucky ones but that doesn't take away anything. Your heart is what defines the hero you are...alright little green." Slayer gave him a soft smile.

Izuku was nearly brought to tears before he sucked them up and nodded his head; the two smiled, and they then heard drinks being sipped next to him. They turned their heads and saw all the dekusquad looking at them with a stoic look on their face and drinking their juice.

Slayer: "Don't."

Izuku: "You all-"

Shoto: "Supportive."

Tsu: "Find the right thing to say to cheer him up."

Ida: "Have fluffy hair, and the same height."

Uraraka: "And both have adopted daughters, and get easily flustered?"

Slayer & Izuku: "Nooo-"

Dekusquad: "Brothers."

Slayer & Izuku: "SON OF A-"

In the car on the way home, it was quiet. They haven't said anything. Deep down, they were happy they got quirks, but Izuku, the little brother, did not get one. They didn't know what to say that wouldn't come out as rude. They finally got home, and when they got in, it was still silent for a bit before Izuku was the first to break the silence. "How...a-about we have our favorite....Katsudon."

"Y-You sure little bro?" asked Izuke. "Y-Yeah, we all did s-say w-when we found out what o-o-our quirk is, we would c-celebrate." "B-But big bro..."

Izumi didn't know what to say....she had a sad look in her eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm ok. Just because I'm....quirkless doesn't mean we should not celebrate you two getting your quirks." Iuzku put on the best smile he could muster. They all smiled at this and agreed and began to fix dinner. It was an eerie silence at the dinner table with them all not saying anything; they didn't know what to say!?!

Many of the characters in the theater didn't know what to say either........this hurts. Was this how it was like for Izuku and Inko for the last couple of years....silences dinner, unable to speak for the simple fact Izuku was quirkless.

Even the Bakugou felt the guilt and pain ... They thought it was hard for Inko to raise Izuku...but if this was just a day for her when it came to Izuku...then she deserves much more credit than she ever deserved.

Once dinner was finished, Izuku pushed off the chair and made his way to his room; the rest of the family could only watch as Izuku slowly made his way up the stairs. After a bit, they all find themselves outside the room with Izumi pushing the door open and her brother Izuke beside her. They saw their little brother watching the All-Might saving people again, a video they had seen a dozen times by now.

"B-Big brother...." "Hey...Izuke...Izumi..." Izuku turned the chair, and they saw he was pointing to the video, mainly All-Might. "C-Can...I...I be a hero like All-Might." Izumi and Izuke's lips quivered; they didn't know what to say?! They knew their little brother could....but how? A quirkless hero? Has there ever been one?! Where do they start? How are they supposed to make their brother one?

Izuku and Inko watch closely, waiting to see how things will unfold. They know things will be different, but how? Just how different?

They didn't know what to say before Izuke and Izumi could speak and apologize to their little brother. Their mother walks past them and hugs Izuku tightly, and Izuku himself, he couldn't. But as soon as the hug happened, Inko broke it and looked at her son in the face; Izuku was expecting a look of pity, sadness, and sympathy, but what Izuku saw was...a smile.

Inko put her hands on her son's face; "Izuku my son, one of my pride and joy. I will tell you right here and right can be a hero." She smiles with tears in the corner of her eyes.

This brought a smile to Inko's face; a version of her did the right thing. She supports her son's dream—the words Izuku need to hear more than anything else.

A glow in Izuku's eye appeared; "But." They all look at her. "I know you can be a great hero; you will have those who will doubt you, you will have those who will do everything they can to put you down and determine to prove you cannot be a hero, you will have those trying to pit everyone against you. But, know you have not just me, but your two siblings, who are rooting and will help you." Inko moved to the side and showed Izuku to his two siblings, who were smiling.

"I need you to understand things won't be easy, and you will have to work twice, not four times as hard as others, even your siblings. But if you don't give up and keep pushing forward. You, too, can be a hero!!" Izuku's eyes lit up, and Inko gave him one of her motherly smiles. "You can have this family All-might more than you know." Izuku had tears coming down his face, not because of sadness or his mother stopping him from his dream but because of how much his mother's words touched him and how much she was rooting for him. With Izuke and Izumi joining in, they would be there for their brother no matter what.

In the theater, they saw Inko and Izuku hugging; hearing those words... meant the world to them. Bakugou was the Izuku version of a mini All-Might, but mainly more than anyone else in the world; the two of them were each other All-Might. The person that inspires them and the world for the other.

For Izuku, his mother was always the most important person in his life; nothing would take that away. His mother made so much for him and did everything in her power to support him with what she could. He always felt guilty for letting his mother suffer because of his selflessness in his eyes, but seeing her always still love him with all her heart and play with him, never once judge him or belittle him that he was nothing without her. Loving him when no one else did; that's all Izuku could ask for. That is what anyone who was an outcast could ask for a mother/parent love.

For Inko, it meant so much that some other version of her supported her son's dream. She knows she should have said those words Izuku wanted to hear. It's a regret she can never take back. Her only son, her flesh and blood, the person that meant the world; the world they had in that apartment meant so much to her, and all those memories she made with him... meant everything to her. All she wanted was for her little boy to be happy. Nothing more; what type of parent wouldn't want that? Their child feels loved and protective when they come home.

That's all Inko wanted Izuku to feel and understand.

The two meant everything to each other, and they were what All-Might was to the world; they were each other in that little apartment.

Everyone let them have their moment, and many heroes smiled; many villains said nothing; in fact, many looked over with that kept him going. It wasn't All-Might or some unknown force that made Izuku a great hero for was the one person no one could replace for Izuku: his mother.

Slayer: "And that is what I hate about these 'yagi' verses do to you both." Inko and the others look at Slayer, confused.

Izuku: "What?"

Slayer: "Alright, it's time that can get conformable because you all are going to hear my thoughts on some of these uncreative and lassy overseers that get way too much love and about the sheeps that follow them." Slayer sat over the edge of the stage in front of them.

Slayer: "To start like I just mentioned the first problem they handle with you all is they get rid of the love and care you have for your son."

Inko: "I'm sorry....what did you say." Inko's voice sounded cold. She did not like the sound of that.

Slayer: "Yep, the first thing for some reason many nearly I say 97% of them do is make completely forget about your son. Like he doesn't exist. Like in this verse you always have twins; sometimes triplet but it is rare. The basic is you have twins; but not only get with All-Might."

Izuku: "I...hmmm...I don't know how to feel about that."

Shoto: "FU**ING CALL IT!"

Izuku: "Now is not the time Todoroki!"

Slayer: "Anyway; yes your father and mother are Inko Midoriya and Toshinori Yagi; now that wouldn't be an issue and the concept itself sounds interesting. I mean the two people you look up to as role models who wouldn't want them as parents." Izuku rubs the back of his head with a blush. "But that is where nearly all the good things end." Slayer's voice got a little more colder.

Slayer: "One remember how I said you always have twins." inko nodded. "Well one little thing nearly 68% of them overlook or do they make her close to

All-Might and I mean and look and rarely say she is your actual twin."

Izuku: "So more like Step-siblings?"

Slayer: "Yes, and Mineta..." Mineta got a chill down his spine. "You'll know this next part very well....a certain trend that is well known when it comes to Step-siblings."

Mineta: *face color lost* "No....they don't."

Slayer: "Yep."

Izuku: "I'm confused."

Inko: "I will tell you when you get OLDER!!" Inko's face goes red because she might have realized what Slayer could be referring to.

Izuku: "Eh?!? M-Mom do you-"

Inko: "Izuku....sweetie, you will learn in the future, okay." Inko smiled at Izuku, a smile he knew not to piss off his mom, and his lips went shut!

Slayer: "More on that later; but yes they give you a twin and it starts out you suppose to think like in this verse. You go to the quirk doctor to learn while she has a quirk you on the other hand does not."

Inko: "Do I at least tell Izuku it's going be okay? Or be there for him?"

Slayer: "......."

All-Might: "Surely I would cheer up young Midoriya; he's my son now. Why wouldn't I?" It was quite....then....

Slayer.... starts to starts light-hearted before becoming more distant, distorted, colder, and one of less emotion. Eri and Kota get scared as they huddle up with their guardian.

Slayer: "That's cute you believe you both act like good parents." Inko and All-Might's eyes widened. ", no. In fact, the dumb and idiotic thing they do is make you both neglect Izuku for YEARS!! To the point a child learns how to nurse himself back to health, cook, clean, and all those things. While in the same household."

Inko: "That...doesn't make sense...I would know my own son is in the house?! I never forgot about him even before he met All-Might?! W-Why I forget about him now!? A mother should love both her children!?! There isn't no reason I forget about my SON!"

Slayer: "What did I bring up earlier; what did I say these other overseers hate?"

Inko: "....a happy"

Slayer: "Bingo. For the next ten years you forget all about Izuku, and don't pay him any attention to the point you don't know he exists. Oh how about the fact many of these 'yagi' verses if i had to, so nearly over 50% of them make you a hero and somehow you hide that fact."

Bakugou: "Fucking HOW?! How do you hide the fact that both of you are top heroes!?! All-Might- I mean Mister Yagi is the number #1 hero! It wouldn't be hard to put two and two together when seeing him!?! And plus Why would he hide that from his family?! Unless he was around I don't see All-Might hiding the fact to De-Izuku he is All-Might?!!"

Slayer: "Wow you actually said something smart; congrats." Bakugou groaned. "But you right, does it fit; All-Might character that he would hide it from the people he fell in love with and care But when these overseers don't know the concept of logic really is. In fact, I guess I should also mention they also give you a twin as well, Katsuki." The Bakugou's eyes widened in surprise.

Mitsuki: "I...also have twins?"

Slayer: "Yep, surprise. And given Izuku is quirkless can guess what that means."

Pixie-Bob: "OH COME ON! The sister as well!?!"

Slayer: "Not just Katsuki sister...hey Shoto." Todoroki looks at Slayer. "How would you feel having a twin as well?"

Shoto: "I mean I wouldn't be against....but knowing how dad work....."

Slayer: "Oh I should have mentioned that you also have a twin sister and you are friends with them."

Rei: "Alright hold up!!" They turn to look at Rei, who stands up with Slayer's eyes still closed and a smile on his face. "Now, I know Shoto, yes things were tough for him and I didn't help with that; but for him to also have a twin sister as well!?!

And I know how young Midoriya is and how much he meant to my son; with a sister, it could help, but I don't like this way with that smile. We've been around you long enough to know....that isn't a good smile." Rei's face looked disgruntled.

Everyone turned back to Slayer, who looked down and started chuckling as he brought his finger to his lips to contain a bit of his laugh.

Slayer: "You right....and you can guess and your sister also bully Izuku." Shoto shot up from his seat and looked pissed, and his fist was balled. He was glaring up at Slayer.

Shoto: "I would never bully Midoriya."

Slayer: "hehehe, clearly to mean you would if you knew him prior to UA and you went to the same school as him."

Bakugou: "Wait, wait, wait. Let me get that right; I have a twin sister..." Slayer nodded. "Inko also has twins?" "Slayer nodded. "And even half-half has a twin sister?!"

Slayer: "Correct!"

Bakugou: "And we go to that damn shitty Middle school?"

Slayer: "Uh huh..."

Bakugou: *take a minute to think* "How the fu** does any of that make sense!?!" Some over their lips to contain their laugh. "No, like screw the logic behind the fact THREE families have twins!?! And we all know each other!?! But the logic we all go to that sh*** a** middle school!?! I'm sorry but if All-Might the #1 hero, Inko who is also a hero in these verses!?! And as well let's not forget #2 hero!?! Why the hell would they go to that school?!?!"

Slayer: "The fact you even piece that together and see it makes no sense is the best part."

Shoto: "Why the he**, would I bully Midoriya!?! If anything I would try to defend him?! Midoriya would understand things about me and help me!?! Even my sister if my dead beat of-"

Slayer: "Oh, I guess I can bring that up in these verses. Endeavor is a decent man, and Rei and him aren't separated." They heard a crash and looked at the villain's side with Dabi.

Dabi: "THAT HAVE TO BE THE MOST BULL**** THING I EVER HEARD!!!" Many people were shocked to see Dabi saying something except the league. "You want me to believe that for some ungodly reason the #1 hero?!! Is a piece of sh** to one of his kids!?! While the flaming fu**tard is a good ONE!?! Get sorry *** excuse of LOAD OF **** OUT HERE!?!"

Slayer: "You think I'm playing, oh and can I remind and your siblings keep the burn mark."

Rei: "Wait...what? H-How...if..."

Natsuo: "Your saying my damn pops actually have a good family while the #1 doesn't. But somehow we gain siblings and both of them still end with the burn mark on their face?"

Slayer: "Yep."

Toga: "Yep, I can already tell these people are mentally stupid."

Twice: "I'm smarter than him!/Ugh, they're dumber than me!?!"

AFO: "I...*tch*, I can't even wrap my head around the fact all three big families have twins, somehow the #1 hero neglects his family like certain other OFA users."

Nana: "Can it, potato head."

AFO: "HEH! But the #2 is one of the funniest, prideful, foolish heroes who has a good family. Oh the humor in this!"

Slayer: "Oh it gets much worse."

Toga: "Oh dear god."

Dabi: "What other dumb shit can you make up?! Three families close to each other around the same age is already a super rare chance!?!"

Mr. Compress: "You have a better chance to win the lottery with the odds of all that happening."

Slayer: "Oh did I forget to mention they know all the heroes at UA."

Midnight: "No, no, no, no! You're telling me!?! We know All-might and Endeavor?! We know their family, we know about the twins!?! We know Izuku was quirkless....and we do nothing?!!?"

Slayer: "I like to add; in many of them you all have at least seen them in a few birthdays, maybe not all of them but let's say even just out of 5 of the ten years the chances you never find out about what's wrong with Izuku is surprising. Or you know asking about both and realizing something up? It's not Nezu isn't around and All-Might doesn't talk to you all."

Miruko: "Holy he** this is really getting worse and worse by the second I get there isn't much logic holy fuck."

Aizawa: "The fact is we don't do anything. Doesn't make it any better once we do learn!?! We didn't follow up with the problem child once. It should be alarming, not one of us!?!"

Slayer: "As much crap I want to give you; yeah you have a point. It is never how none of you bring up or ask about both twins in conversation. I haven't even learned how you all learn about the truth in some of these verses."

Gran Torino: "I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack."

Slayer: "Oh you will. You see in a few of them the run down goes from start to finish; you go to the quirk doctor, learn Izuku doesn't have a quirk, but the sister Izumi does. Izuku is sad you don't do anything about it. Go home and All-Might celebrating just for Izumi and forget about Izuku completely. The next day Iuzku and his sister Izumi go meet up with the Bakugou twins and Shoto twins at the park."

Slayer: "Where they come up with the 'genius' idea to bully Izuku to make him not a hero."

Uraraka: "The fu**"

Slayer: "Oh best girl don't worry it gets better."

Dabi: "That's a lie."

Slayer: "You know it!"

Slayer: "After that; let the 8-10 years of bullsh** begin. You all start neglecting Izuku, not paying attention to him, he gets bullied left and right by the twins of all three families. And then randomly one day let's just start with the 10 year rule."

Momo: "10 year rule?"

Slayer: "Oh I'll explain. You see we get the infamous Bakugou line." Many of the people who were bullied growl at Bakugou. "After that the sludge incident still happened. And the whole saving Bakugou somewhat still happens in a few. But mainly what happen is Izuku is walking home and he catches his sister and his dad that they learn the #1 All-Might wants to pass his quirk to Izumi not Izuku because he is lazy and not heroic like."

Nana: "I...I...what!?!"

Slayer: "Oh it doesn't end there!"

Ryukyu: "I'm feeling sick to my stomach."

Hawk: "Same."

Slayer: "After that Izuku decided to run away; to wear to god knows where! And suddenly out of the magic of our power Inko checks a memory book! And this is where she realized all of a sudden Izuku isn't in them!!? Shocker."

Inko: "....." Inko wanted to rip something in two.

Slayer: "Or my favorite way they learn some of you come visit them on their birthday and suddenly Izuku isn't around and when they see and check Izuku room seeing dried blood and all. The fact it went this long and no one noticed is already an alarming feeling. But it's weird that not once no one notices Izuku was injured or you know something was up? But all certain on this birthday they suddenly realized something was up."

Nezu: "Well at least we know so-"

Slayer: "Oh before I forget they all still go to UA by the way." Nezu cracks his cup of tea.

Nezu: "Ah I...see. Well um mister Slayer do you have something stronger because I'm going need it."

Slayer: "No problem, sensei." Death teleports over to Nezu and hands him a bag of Storm family tea. "Oh but let me get to the real good part; so remember how I said Izumi is usually more close to All-Might then Inko." They nodded their heads.

Slayer: "Well in some verses we learn that Inko was married to someone else prior or with someone else before All-Might."

Izuku: "HUH!?!"

Inko: "But wait, isn't Izumi and Izuku the same age?"

Slayer: "Yes, sometimes Izuku is maybe a few months older."

Inko: "I...huh?!?! That makes no sense!?! If we go by that logic at most the moment I have Izuku, I end up with All-Might and only a few months later I have another child!?! Do I know All-Might prior to all of this or anything? Like a date? Was my old 'husband' or boyfriend a bad one?"

Slayer: "nope."

Inko: "Did we agree to break up?"

Slayer: "Most of the time it's never explained; either he leaves or doesn't say how."

Inko: "I....HUH!?! Then how do I end up with izumi so soon after Izuku if I was with another man before I end up with All-Might? Love doesn't work that way?! Even if my old 'boyfriend' or 'husband' or whatever he was together. By the time; let say we separated the fact and ended up with All-Might so soon; no dates? No time to rekindle our friendship or anything? We go right into um....having a daughter."

Slayer: "That was basically it, but most of the time your 'boyfriend' or old husband never confirmed what the heck you two were. And I guess he oversea or something while he is dating you and you both just...stop."

Inko: "And I never call him to bring up his own child!?! Do people think I would not call the father of my child at least once!?!"

Slayer: "Nope!" Slayer smiles. Inko rubs her temple with both hands. This already doesn't sound very good.

She knew she wondered if there was any lousy version out there, but lord, she didn't think she would just outright neglect her son!?! While still having another child!?!

Slayer: "But let's say you don't get with someone prior and the two our fully All-Might son and everything. Not much has changed, the only difference is; Izuku will find someone to take him instead sometimes to a whole other country."

Izuku: "That doesn't sound to bad, so I guess I start a new life sadly I don't-"

Slayer: "You still come back to UA sometimes it's a college."

Izuku: "I...HUH!?! Why?!?!"

Slayer: "Because for most the only hero school on the god forsaken planted is freaking UA."

Nezu: "They do know there are other hero schools in the world? Why subject him to come back to his home regions if he was having a happy life in his new home? Wouldn't it be smart to let him stay in that country he was taken to let him a happy life. Yes, it hurts we mess up but there no reason to have comeback to a place that didn't treat him right?"

Slayer: "See that would be reasonable but here the sad part we have no drama, no way for Izuku or how I say no-longer Izuku this OOC person put his sister and them back in their place. He needs to show them what they miss and mess up. While they all try to gain him back to let him come back to him."

Momo: "I....huh??! But wouldn't they give up and accept that Izuku wants nothing to do with them?!!?"

Slayer: "Nope because you all have nothing chick that has vagina and gets wet from Izuku doing things that don't even make sense."

Momo: "I'm sorry what?"

Slayer: "More on that LATER. But, back to a point I nearly miss the ten year rule. You see, it depends if UA is a university or still a high school. But what I mean by the ten years rules; in one of the cheapest and blandest things some of these 'yagi' verses do whenever Izuku runs away is suddenly he magically enters a dream-like state or learns people living in his head from other worlds."

Izuku: "Other worlds?"

Slayer: "Or more accurately your the reincarnation of much stronger people that are NO WHERE CLOSE or reasonable to be in you all world. No make it simple like after finally learning the truth about your family; and suddenly through a powerful feeling of emotions you learn you are the reincarnation of me."

Izuku: "I mean that sounds pretty cool; I guess I will slowly learn more about your power through my time as I go to UA? Even though I shouldn't have awakened you and it took....all it took for me to learn the truth. But how it sounds nothing really changed from those ten years except I learned the basic stuff my mom taught me outside wound patching."

Slayer: "Or I could teach you in your head, stop time to the point you learn nearly basically everything in matter of minutes on the outside but time has pass in your head nearly something that would take months to years to master."

Izuku: "I...huh?!?!"

Photo: "So he became a prodigy?"

Slayer: "Yep."

Uraraka: "Overnight?"

Slayer: "In the short term, yes."

Izuku: "I...huh?! But what about me earning and working hard for all my skills? What about me developing different skills and techniques from watching my classmates? What happened to my drive? Didn't I cleaned the beach in ten months?! What happened to all of that?"

Slayer: "From my memory you still clean the beach just cause really it's where you meet mainly one or two of the ladies you end up dating."

Izuku: "So I'm not doing it to help myself?"

Slayer: "Depends how you want to look at it. I think these overseers just have you do it just cause even though you are already literally stronger then All-Might."

Izuku & All-Might: "What?!"

Slayer: "Oh yeah 9/10 of the time if we follow the ten years rules, or even if you leave Japan and come back you are usually the strongest person in Japan and it's not even close most of the time."

Izuku: "How....How am I stronger than All-Might?!? He's the #1 hero in the country!?! It...I....I shouldn't even be close."

AFO: "And now I gotta say what you all call it....cap. Do you know how much a pain in the a** it was to fight that big bumbling oaf and now you're telling me without the power of OFA or even my quirk he can rival that of quite possibly the strongest quirk in verse? That shouldn't even be possible."

Slayer: "I like to make note that the #1 quirk in american in your world even how destructive it is; still doesn't even come close to a max power All-Might. But nope this next skill set Izuku gains is basically making him the strongest you all world. Remember I did say the power he gains isn't even a quirk so like how do you even defeat a power that has no downside or no sacrifice part to it."

Slayer: "As much crap I give to mister cuntbag at least his quirk has a backlash and that hasn't been changed. Even as powerful as Shoto's quirks, both sides still have it downside. These powers have none."

AFO: "Ah, now I see why you say he's the strongest. You're right it's out of the realm of what a quirk is."

Slayer: "When making quirk, yes you can bend the rules a bit; but if you want to quirk to fit the world make sure it goes to several check points before adding it. And if it doesn't work well make sure the world evolves around it so the world doesn't become well stangnite."

Izuku: "Does anyone else learn these skills?"

Slayer: "Nope."

Uraraka: "Does anyone else show to be a reincarnation of these people from 'others' world."

Slayer: "Nope."

Momo: "Does anyone able to challenge Midoriya?"

Slayer: "Pft, not really anyone, it's more whenever they wants to nerf Izuku and even then it's only a decent fight before they say screw it and Izuku wipe out something even stronger. Now I think that's probably why they don't make past a certain point before restarting back at the beginning because they can't think of anything really creative and have to go back to the beginning because they only watch so much of the main verse and refuse to do their homework."

AFO: "These verses sound like they lack a lot of things."

Slayer: "Oh we haven't even gotten my favorite part."

Dabi: "Oh my god!! It gets worse."

Slayer: "There are a slew of problems; but one of the big issues that happen in most of them from my knowledge is well let's talk about Izuku and his love life." The villain groans, except Toga. "Man, where do I begin with this one? Look I'll admit I'm not the best when it comes to love myself but I can point out how flaw these love feel for one. Half the time half you ladies aren't your own character you see Izuku and instantly fall in love with him. Just him doing the simple shit, which can work...if you knew the guy."

Momo: "I... I'm getting a bad feeling about this."

Slayer: "Oh big time! Half the time he often gets with one of two people, you all remember the father verse the chick I use there."

Momo: "If I'm not mistaken Stella was it?"

Slayer: "Yep, you see for some reason, most 'yagi' verses or the person who loves them. Have a serious love boner for Stella and more than me when it comes to two of my lovely ladies Nagant and Neo. But at least I try to make it fit well....this one...they are so bland! And it doesn't help someone else in this room follow the same fate."

Mina: "Who?"

Slayer: "Sadly you all have had this fate happen to you except for one of you who gets treated like she nothing but a bi***." Many of the females raise their eyebrows. "But the main one who has the worst fate is Momo." Momo's face perks up.

Slayer: "You are nothing more than a pretty young lady who has her looks going for her; that flint to Izuku because he is cute and sexy. He is this alpha male who can do no wrong and you always agree with what he said; screw having your own character, screw you have your own story arc. Screw trying to help him with any past issue that got already over and old wounds don't open up. Oh that happened in the past few years GONE!"

Slayer: "Forget anything that drives the story on character interaction that could be interesting. Screw people by bonding or talking. Not all you all can think about is Izuku or hell let me rephrase that SOMEONE WHO ISN'T EVEN IZUKU!!" Many of the people in the theater were taken aback.

Slayer: "Izuku, pft don't make me laugh. Sorry little green but you don't even exist anymore. In fact; all you there is for is to be replaced once the ten year event crap happens. Izuku no longer exists. In fact you can say you basically die once you run away. But they dare try to keep all the traits you have while also keeping all the past crap that happens in. Knowing you're not even the same character."

Slayer: "These verses have no care; for you hell any of you!! Oh, how can I forget what they love to do to you, Uraraka." Uraraka's head perks up. "To them, they see you as nothing more but a gold digger, a sl**, a cu**, a bi*** everything you are against they see you as that. You don't love Izuku or whoever the fu**ing piece of sh** replacing him is. You see him for his money, but that's it."

Uraraka: "W-What?!?" The dekusquad stood up and got in front of her, and they weren't happy.

Tsu: "Who speaks ill will of Ochako-san she isn't anything like that!?! They don't know how hard it is to get Uraraka to get her to buy things for herself. She would rather send her entire paycheck to her family than save any for herself!"

Ida: "That's right Uraraka is one of the kindest people and wants to help her family!"

Shoto: "She did more than any of us have with Midoriya-san and even went as far to be kind to him, and even went out her way to help heroes and more! She is much smarter than most!"

Izuku: "Uraraka is a good person! She is more smart, kind, and talented than she ever believed! She cares about her parents over herself and wants to see them live a peaceful, stressful life! She wants to see her family on vacation out of the country and let them retire! She was the reason the name Deku means something! She is the reason why I'm even in UA, and she is the reason I can also consider myself another great hero and awesome person. She worked hard for many things; she saw her weakness outside of being a rescue hero and gained skills outside of that! If these people can't see what a unique and fantastic person Uraraka-san is, they HAVE NO right to even call themselves real overseers for us!"

Uraraka couldn't believe it....Deku and them....they didn't need to say this. She....tears begin to form in her eyes before she starts to cry. Before anything else happens, Izuku and they turn around and hug her. Uraraka's cheek got red, but Tsu and the others joined soon after.

Izuku: "Don't think any of these things Slayer is telling us what these other people are saying about you is true. It's far from the truth!"

Uraraka: "B-But...Slayer even say these are part of u-"

Izuku: "Wrong!" Uraraka was taken aback by Izuku raising his voice. He looked her dead in the eyes. "Uraraka-san, you are more than someone who cares for someone's money and looks. If that was the truth, you wouldn't be my friends; if that was the truth, you wouldn't try so hard against Bakugou. If that was true you wouldn't have tried so hard to save Nighteye, and if any of that was true, you wouldn't have tried to become a hero and risk your life every day. You aren't any of these nasty things people say about you. You are a beautiful, amazing person anyone would want to have around them or date. You care for your family, and it's something that's admirable and has driven me to be a better hero. You make me a better hero than you know." Izuku gave her a soft smile.

Uraraka: "Deku-kun..." Uraraka sniffed a bit before hugging him. Izuku hugged back. No one said anything.

Once the hug was over to smile and look at each other, they heard a cough and saw Slayer with a phone and a smirk he had pointed at them. The two people in question looked at each other and saw how close they were, and then looked up and saw how close they were to the point their nose was touching.

Izuku and Uraraka got super red and quickly separated from Mina and Toru. They were both very giddy about what they saw and were planning to have fun teasing Uraraka when they go on break.

Shoto and Ida put their hands on Izuku's shoulder and gave him a thumbs up, while Tsu gave one to Uraraka. Both become a stuttering mess, with Inko smiling at her son and uttering the words; I approve.

Izuku: "M-M-M-MOM!?!" Uraraka fell back, nearly passing out.

Slayer: "I guess I will wrap up this little BS crap with the 'Yagi' with two more bad points for some reason. For one I should close up the sister thing...izuku hope you don't mind the 'sisterly' love as well."

Izuku: "I mean if the sister wants to try to rebuild our broken relationship I'm sure we can solve something and come to a middle ground I'm sure." He thought, but then Slayer sighed and said oh, you poor incident soul. Slayer snapped his finger.

Izuku's eyes widen....hands drop....and his face turns a bit.....then he grasps...he lost all color in his face....and his eyes look horror. He looked up at Slayer in shock, and his mouth kept opening and closing like he was trying to ask something. Slayer only nodded.

Izuku: "Uh....uh....uh...."

Uraraka: "Deku-kun...are you alright?"

Izuku: "Is it too late to turn back the clock and return to a point where I didn't know anything?" The dekusquad does a spit take.

Pony: "What did he l-learn?"

Kendo: "Things you will learn in the FUTURE!!!"

Slayer: "And for my final negative point is what they do poor little Eri."

Eri: "Eh?" Izuku powers up OFA, with Aizawa activating his quirk. The dekusquad also prepares their quirk, and the Big three use it.

Izuku: "What did they do to Eri?" Izuku has activated father mode.

Slayer: "Eri, I'm so sorry. For some ungodly reason you are using nothing more than a chick magnet for your role model and a spoiled little child who wants to spend his money like your so rich nose snot child that doesn't know anything about baggage. They don't make you cute; they make you into...I...I don't even know the right word for you."

Eri: "But...Uraraka tells me money doesn't always buy you happiness? It's nice to have it...but why spend so much...I would want to just spend most of my time with Deku and them. I don't need money."

Slayer: "And that is very good hearted of you; but these versions of you don't think that. After getting save; all they have you is a child who doesn't try to get over her trauma and grow with her quirk and there to spend Izuku millions of dollars just because you're a child when a child coming from a background like you wouldn't go that route. But I shouldn't be surprised that these 'yagi' verses overseers clearly didn't have good parents growing up."

Death: "Ouch."

Slayer: "I shouldn't be surprised by a group of people who can't read more than two lines of dialogue and their brains turn into mesh and couldn't get a simple high school diploma."

Slayer: "I shouldn't be surprised by a group of people who want to come off as cool and never get out of that phase of their life. I wish I was in a popular phase and seek attention and can't let go of the past and grow up. I can't be surprised from a group of sheeps who think being edgy is cool and never pick up a really good book or try to learn English literature past an elementary school level.

Why am I not surprised by a group of overseers who were given a gift and wasted their under-developed talent on them instead of those who need it and could never build the confidence to write because of past issues."

Slayer: "I shouldn't be surprised by a group of dogs who were never trained probably and think they're intelligent but in all actually a laughing stock to all those they try to prove their better then. Never wanted to be the outcast well damn didn't do a good job at when you left one group of the population to laugh at your idea's only to be chastise by another group and now are get mock by others because people with actual skilled can point all your talentless flaws and lack of reading comprehension to the point more people want you all to fail then support you."

Slayer: "Why am I not surprised by a bunch of leeches who can't try to take off unique and creativity sucks off those who with actual talents and ruins everything they touches and try to act like they are on the same level as those of the world god, or those Overseer who actually put effort. Pft, don't make me laugh. These have second knock off, don't care for this form of talent or effort. No, they saw it as a quick way to seek glory, attention, praise, and love, without falling in love with their own work."

Slayer: "That's why these maggots do it; they don't know what any of that is; so they resort to cheap, pathetic, and quick ways to gain it. They take shortcuts, they don't believe in hard work and earning their share, if there is a way to top and it's quick so be it. And not their fault, not fully. They get some of the blame. But no I blame the thousands of sheeps that follow them off that cliff. They don't try to teach themselves all they see is a quick verse that clearly was put together by cheap wood, knock off brand, and shaky foundations. They don't care; they see a quick meal and grab it not realizing the meal is undercooked and not healthy for them. They don't see it; why would they; they don't see us overseers as people. Heh, no they see us as machines and people for their drug for these verses."

Slayer: "Overseers can have issues behind the scenes, but to them if we're not doing the very thing we brought them to us for, then why would they care for the work we drop....... Why would I wait for this timely season, well done, work of art, love of creation, and the thing the person behind it put their sweat, tears, and effort into.......When I have this quick meal that is alright and that feeds me more on a regular basis. Then why would I care about that other dish? It took too long. Not understanding what goes behind the scene."

Slayer: *eyes drop half open* "Overseers... we're slaves to our own work and creation. The moment we pick up the skill-set and drop the thing out in the open for others like us to consume, we have no choice but to work ourselves to the bone and fall victim to the very thing we fell in love with."

Slayer: "We create things because we had a passion for it; we love the atmosphere and feeling it gives us. It is like any other creator out there. But the moment that first supporter comes we fall victim to them. We are the king and queens to our own kingdom, with many people who agree with our rule and support the kingdom. They may not live there but they are here for what we do; and we are their provider; we create things we like but try to say we do things the way and we see would work. But the moment more and more people come into the kingdom demand things or bring things up good, bad, in-between. It makes us question many things."

Slayer: "Should I do this? Should I change this now? Did I mess up? What could have I done better? It didn't get the reaction people wanted? People didn't like this...." Slayer dips lower as his hair covers his eyes, and his voice becomes distant.

Slayer: "Many of us try to fight off these doubters and leeches, those people who believe they are real kings and queens. The person they provide for the kingdom. They see themselves as the worker, 'we view a beautiful kingdom, we are the ones who help you build this place; cater to me, no me, that doesn't fit my version do this....'. The moment we open our kingdom....we invite vultures to it."

Slayer: "We try to plague these people out, they don't see what we're trying to do...but the cracks they made to the kingdom are still there. We try to ignore it or fix those cracks ourselves. Can't let the foundation shake or break; already forgetting what it's like and what we build the ground work on."

Slayer: "You have those come in and leech off the kingdom, take bits of pieces of the kingdom to make their own; they come in and shake hands with thanking you for your work; not because it is a nice home but you already lay the seeds for them. You did all the heavy lifting for them; now they shall make this kingdom their home."

Slayer: "Going somewhere doing the same things you're doing and copying your very work with ease bringing in more people to their kingdom and acting all high and proud with the crown of their own; all while living off the riches from you. A more humane version....of steal from the rich give to the poor. Heh, more like a twist take on the richer get richer and poorer gets poorer. And when you can provide for them anymore...they sneak into another kingdom stealing and 'borrowing' pieces from these other kingdoms acting like this was there..."

Slayer: "And they don't care; they view it as their benefits from being the real worker for you. We let them in and they were the one who got the word out for our kingdom. They did it; not us working on it. So WE owe them. They owe us nothing."

Slayer: "Them and many others with barbed wire smile....they smile at us as they hum, and sing words behind their words of swords, draggers, and spike chains; saying 'I'm only trying to make you better by giving back hand compliments'. While also nitpicking moments out that don't work in their own eyes."

Slayer: "They grab pieces they want to fit in your puzzle put in; thinking it works better than what you feel. Some pieces work for it while there to lay a trap and landmine waiting for you to slip up. They leave acting like we're at fault and we fail everyone, not just them, but ourselves. 'How dare we speak out to the people who offer their gratitude to this lushish and beautiful land. We helped build this; all you did was sit in the throne and do the bare minimum. Why should we stay and continue a foolish 'greedy' and 'outspoken' king or queen.......You work for us; the people.'"

Slayer: "We become slaves to it; and as more people slowly start to leave and start giving what they think and the view of our kingdoms drop; we start working ourselves tirelessly, we lose the care for the work we do and become......burn out from it. Forcing us to leave our kingdom behind and starting up a new one. Only to repeat the cycle over and over again."

Slayer: "Overseer aren't people....we dawn a crown and provide for others in our own unique way....and in the weighs us down and effect us....we try to avoid the negatively that we have go look for to get a better understanding of the world out there....and try not to let it affect us....but no matter what happen like some toxic sticky substances in the air it stick to us...we keep pushing, and pushing, and pushing to say we doesn't affect us....but soon after a spilling enough toxic waste around us we have to go through and getting pelted with stones....we all give up and move on....we not humans to these people...we are not kings or queen a crown may of nothing but paper they cloak with riches, glory, praise, love people want that is there to lure us in and have us working as labor worker under them...."

Slayer: "It's like they always said....oh how heavy the head that wears the crown...."

Slayer's head dipped as he looked at the red carpet of the theater, speaking more a cold, emotionless stone, not yelling, not raising his voice; throughout the entire moment, his voice was the same tone. It sounds like...he nearly gave up himself and was speaking....from experience.

Many in the theater didn't know what to do. Some wanted to say something to Slayer but didn't know what to say. They then saw Kaina get up and walk up to the edge of the stage Slayer was sitting on. Slayer looked up, and slowly, she wrapped her arms around him and brought him in for a hug. Slayer's eyes widened in surprise. Kaina had a soft smile on her face.

Nagant: "That kingdom might lose people and gain people on a regular basis; even as it grows or shrinks you have sometimes gained something that's more important than anything...." She pulls away a bit and makes Slayer look at her. "You gain a queen of your own to rule next to you; heh well....multiple queens in your case." Slayer's eyes slightly widen with a light going around the underside of his pupils.

Nagant: "A kingdom has its rightful heir to it; even those who deem themselves as greedy kings. It takes effort from both ends to rule one. You might bear the weight of it; and when it comes to much to bear there will be those who help lift that weight off you; to make you remember why you do the things you do. Everyone needs a supporting cast one way or another. So even if you become shaky you will have those who stay and support it and will help the king build that kingdom and make it instead something you always empire." She smiled at him.

Slayer didn't say anything, but he kissed Kaina, which also surprised her, making many of the students blush and surprised by the kiss before he broke it and hugged her tightly.

Kaina helped Slayer off the stage before carrying him back to the seats they were sitting in. Death-sensei stood up and took the center front.

Death: "So wrap this little talk up you all had; to be blunt the 'yagi' verses are nothing more than vultures and leeches attacking a once in my student own words a once beautiful kingdom. A kingdom that had questionable building stuff; but one we believe should not be taken away from the effort of the person who built that kingdom away from! They put in the effort behind those clones who desecrate that person's work."

Izuku: "What does the person think of...well...what came out of what they created?"

Death: "We never got a chance to talk to the person who made the yagi verse a big thing. It started out as a simple villain verse version of you; created a moment that the person themselves I think was unaware what they created. It shouldn't be taken away from them and they should not harbor the blame for what spawn from that verse/kingdom. No one should have their work they put countless hours into shit on. To those who do; we have no sympathy watching their verse fall and crumble in the near distant future."

Uraraka: "Jeez, it's like we went through so much of something and we still haven't even finished the verse."

Slayer: "Oh people are going to be pissed at me once they get through this!"

We fast forward to the sports festival, not just the sports festival but to the final round.

Awase: "Holy crap such a massive time jump!?!"

Ojiro: "No kidding, and to be honest it kind of strange to be here of all places."

Jiro: "What do you mean?"

Ojiro: "I mean when you think about a lot of the verses happen very early on in or we skip much further ahead and start there. For us to start near the beginning and now to go this far ahead is.... it's kind of jarring."

Shoji: "To be fair this isn't the first real massive jump; the one of note I can think of was in the villain verse as well when we go from him telling the villains his past to the USJ attack."

Shinso: "Let's not forget we did a jump as well with going far in the future seeing him as an adult twice."

Momo: "If I had to guess what Ojiro you mean by the big jump since we know a lot of things had to happen prior to all of this; the twins going through school with Bakugou. With getting into UA and all the stuff with Aizawa-sensei, even the USJ. And that's not even counting the first two rounds prior to this."

Tsu: "And don't forget in this world; Midoriya-chan's mother is a hero as well."

Ojiro: "I guess it's just me. You all bring up a point and everything."

"Hello folks, we are in the final ROUND of the first year sports festival. After many intense fights with the many students we are down to the last two students!!! And these two students are actually related!"

"Give it up for the kid whose mind led him to victory on defeating serval strong opponents such as his sister, #2 hero son, and even his vice class rep! Izuke Midoriya!!" The older brother of the Midoriya triplets walks up on the stage, holding his fist in the air as the crowd cheers.

Uraraka: "Ah the brother made it huh? That's pretty cool. And he also defeated Todoroki."

Shoto: "I wonder if he was the one who got me to use my fire side."

Izuku: "Most likely and it sounds like Momo you actually got much further then before! That's awesome to hear." Izuku smiles at Momo, making her blush and cheer on the inside.

She... did better than her original performance at the Sports festival. That made her so happy!

Bakugou: "Guess that means I'm dealing with the older brother this time instead of half-and-half." They all heard a HA from the other end.

Tsu: "Well the lie detector determines that is a lie."

Bakugou: "Then who else make sense for him-"

"And his opponent, the ultimate underdog story, the one who has beaten all odds to even get into UA, defeating the Gen ed class star Shinso, the class B rep karate masters, and his former rival and classmates and second place in the entrance exam, Katsuki Bakugou. Give it up for; Izuku Midoriya!!!"

Bakugou: *eyes widen* "Ugh...uh....ugh..."

Slayer: "Please go on and say it. Keep acting like you're going to get a true moment to shine with me. Please any shining moment you get will slowly be overshadowed by someone else. I think it's clear as day any good moments you get will slowly be destroyed by me using reason and the hard card truth. I told you; I'm not done making suffer until you're with me and Death-sensei in the underworld. So keep trying." Slayer gave him a devilish smile.

Bakugou can only curse deep in his head if he ever catches a small break.

Izuku pumps his fist in the air with some of the crowd cheering; he smiles at his brother, who smiles back at him. The two have been waiting for this for a very long time. In the Class 1-A section. "Well, I guess it was only right these two get here, man, the Midoriya family is way more stronger than I thought." Said Kirishima. "Yeah, no kidding I mean Izuke makes sense he did get first in the exam and been able to counter everyone he's going against. I mean look at how he did against Shoto." said Jiro. "Can we talk about no one but Uraraka had Izuku actually getting here; you would think him getting into the third semi finals would have been enough but we still doubted him." Said Sero.

"I try to warn you all! Deku-kun isn't a pushover!" Uraraka pumps her fist in the air; happy Izuku got this far. "I mean now we get to see your boyfriend take on Mei boyfriend; can't wait for one of them to ultimately kiss in front of everyone. Wonder who's got to do it between my silly twin brothers."

said Izumi, popping a piece of popcorn in her mouth.

Uraraka's face burst super red, and she became a stuttering mess. "Izumi, you can't say that about your classmates, look what you did with Uraraka!" said Ida, chopping his arm at the female triplet of the Midoriya. Uraraka would have nearly floated away if it wasn't for tsu tongue holding her around the waist.

"Hey, come at me when it's the truth. For all we know my little brother and Miss space lover could have been sucking each other face off before the finals. She did go check on him." Izumi gave Uraraka a cheeky smile. "Care to tell me why my brother took so long to come out of the room? I wonder what you two talk about."

"I-Izumi!!" Uraraka remembers what happened before she passed out from the blood rushing to her head. Making Izumi laugh, she high-fived Mina, with some other classmates shaking their heads.

Mina: "Oh yeah if the sister was here she and I would get along swimmingly!"

Mina and Toru cheer, knowing they have another member in the shipping group.

Death: "Well we know one way your little brother is going out death by cuteness and teasing."

Slayer: "A fine death, by the way how is he-" They look over at Izuku, whose face is covered, screaming internally with his mother smiling at him and asking him questions.

Uraraka isn't doing any better with her trying to repeat they're friends, they're friends, they're friends. And failing miserably!!!

Nagant: "You're enjoying this way too much aren't you."

Slayer: "Yeah, heh! Don't worry, I'm still coming up with a way for Izuku to get with ALL of the ladies. It's a lot harder than it sounds given there are so many of them."

Nagant: "You got your work cut for you."

Slayer: "Yes, I do."

"Well little bro it seems we are finally here." Izuke said with a smile on his face. "Yeah, sad sis couldn't be here for a three bout but one day we will have our three way bout. For now let's settle this between you and me big bro."

"Right we going give mom a match she never forget; after-all we owe a lot to her and dad." The two brothers look at the stands where their mom is sitting, seeing her smiling at the two of them, proud of her kids and all three of her kids for making it to the tournament round.

Izuke and Izuku both got in a stance; Izuke with his right foot forward, right palm open up his opposite feet back, having him sideways with a green aura appearing around him. Izuku is getting a more basic fighter stance with both his arms up to guard him, with his right foot up, ready to strike. The two were silent; nothing more needed to be said.

Everyone was silent, waiting in anticipation; many heroes or civilians watching held their breath. Midnight looked back and forth between the two, and once she could tell the two were waiting for the sound for her to give the go-ahead. And then... "Begin!"

Izuke wasted no time picking up several chucks from the arena and flinging them at Izuku, who gatling-kicks a few of the rocks thrown at him but quickly had to dodge a telekinesis missile coming at him. Izuke kept his distance as he kept rocks floating around him while firing energy balls of telekinesis at his brother.

Izuku is forced to hop on rock after rock, held up by his older brother's quirk. He lands on one and looks down at his brother, who focuses on him and knows how Izuku works. Izuku begins to think of a plan; he isn't given much time to think as he sees a rock coming from both sides of him. Izuku is forced to launch off the rock as he dodges the attack.

As he falls, esper green snakes are traveling up into the air coming for Izuku; he sees this as he quickly begins to spin, and right as one of the beams is about to touch him, Izuku kicks the air hard enough, sending him away just in time. But a rock stopped him midair, knocking the wind out of him.

Having no time to recover, Izuku sees the green beams coming at him; he grabs the top of the rock and flips behind it, having it take most of the blast as the rock begins to crack. Izuku kicks off it, getting behind another stone in the air.

Izuke watches his brother closely at every move, waiting to see how his brother will react, knowing he can't let his guard down against Izuku. Izuke would be forced to use another chunk of the arena to block the pieces that he kicked from Izuku—making debris fly past Izuke with Izuku hopping and bouncing around from piece to kicking them down, avoiding the esper beams that Izuke had moving around, trying to catch him.

As Izuke slowly began to get more small pieces of debris in his face, his sight and view of his brother Izuku was becoming more challenging for him to see. Having a feeling what his brother was aiming for he had a gut feeling his brother was aiming for a few seconds that he couldn't see him, and that is when Izuku will strike.

Izuke wouldn't be that easy; he would keep his brother at a distance, knowing he would struggle against Izuku in close-quarter combat...or so he's led to believe.

Many people watching were on the edge of their seats. It's been a while since they last saw a fight. The last time for real was that Villain deku verse, and it was more of a one-sided beatdown. This time, it's Izuku who is trying to win.

Both our intelligent and analytic fighters, given not only their brothers but also how Izuke clearly understands how he had to deal with a quirkless Izuku and even feel how Izuku is trying to get close.

They felt this was a more even playing field for Izuku, matching someone who knew and had almost the same skill set. Of course, there are differences, given that one has a quirk and the other doesn't, but they are virtually the same analytically.

Izuke does a force shockwave to stop all the rubble around him, and he lets up his telekinesis power, allowing all the debris to fall; he looks around, hoping to see a bit of green or something falling with the rubble to catch his brother and throw him out the ring. As it comes crashing down, Izuke can't seem to find him. Where is Izuku? And then he gets a feeling...someone behind him! Izuke eyes widened as he quickly tilted his head back to dodge a kick from Izuku while also cloaking his hand in his quirk, trying to hit Izuku, but he was off the ground, his body falling backward and his foot going upwards.

Izuku quickly put his hand on the ground and spun, trying to catch Izuke lacking only for Izuke to block the kick and warp his arm around Izuku's leg and throw him about to fire telekinesis energy at him to grab him, only for Izuku to flip himself with his hand and quickly forcing all his momentum forward front converting into the air over to Izuke and slamming his foot down, making Izuke dodge the kick.

Izuke went for a punch that hit Izuku in the square in the chest, but Izuku grabbed his arm and twisted his body, able to wrap his legs around his brother and flip him over and slamming his foot right in the brother's stomach, knocking the wind out of him.

A few students, many from class 1-A, got up and cheered.

A green glow appeared around both of them as Izuke had his brother, and he floated both before lifting Izuku and slamming him into the ground.

The people in the theater wince at that.

Izuke picked up his brother and did a few spins and flings, heading for the outside of the arena. Still, Izuku wasn't going that easy as he slammed his feet into the ground, forcing him to stop having to grit his teeth from the force that his leg felt begin slam into the ground and stopping all his momentum. The green glow off him makes Izuke make a tch sound; he claps his hands together and summons a few vortexes, firing disks of esper energy at Izuku.

He saw them coming and looked surprised, quickly punching the ground to crack it a bit. Izuku is seen jumping out and doing his best to avoid the disc thrown at him as he hops, flips, and runs around while his brother continues to throw the disc at him.

'Just keep moving! Izuke will slow down! Don't stop laying on the pressure!' Izuku would start kicking a few of the chucks from the earlier moment of the fight at Izuke, forcing him to cloak his body in his aura and start punching them and cracking them. As many block his vision from his brother Izuku, Izuku continues to circle him and close the distance, making it hard for Izuke to notice.

Izuku soon gets close enough when he kicks the rocks at him; he can go behind it and get close. Once he gets close enough, Izuku goes for an uppercut, one Izuke doesn't see coming. As it hit Izuke right in the stomach, making him lose focus on his power, Izuku got ready to go for the right hook only to be denied as he got punched as well from down below to his chin, seeing his head flying back a bit, Izuke went for his punch.

Once Izuku stumbled back a bit, Izuke delivered a few open-palm strikes at Izuku's body; pushing him back, Izuke did a double fist-like punch square at Izuku's chest area, forcing a shockwave to happen throughout Izuku body. Izuku gasped as his pupils nearly became white.

Many people in the theater: "Deku-kun/Greenie/Little rabbit!/Midoriya/daddy/father/Izuku-kun/Midorbro!"

Izuku stops himself by punching the ground; Izuke looks surprised and doesn't react fast enough as Izuku delivers a diagonal punch.

People in the theater: "Yeah!!!"

Izuke planted his feet and gathered enough energy from his quirk to swing a giant fist; Izuku gained enough consciousness and put up a + cross guard on his left to block some of the punches. As Izuku rolled, he flipped himself off the ground and regained a bit of his feeling, sliding to a stop. Everyone in the stands is utterly stunned. Not even Present Mic or Eraserhead knew what to say.

The crowd erupted into cheers as students began to talk about what was going down, and even some of the teachers, the two students/the two brothers did not comment on the crowd; they were solely focused on each other.

Both of them knew this meant a lot to the other; for Izuku, he had many people he looked up to. None more above Izuku's family; his mom and dad training him, allowing him to stand on this stage now and keep pushing forward; his siblings always rooting for him and always supporting him, wanting to prove everyone around them wrong; all-might the person who took Izuku under his wing the freaking #1 hero himself! Izuku owes a lot to them, and he plans to make the world know who he is. Quirkless doesn't mean you, too, can't be a hero!

For Izuke, seeing his little brother come so far made him proud to call Izuku his brother. For him to never change to be that sweet, hard-working, and driven person, Izuke always sees him as it could make a grown man cry. After all the years of people trying to outcast Izuku and even Izumi for the simple fact, they stuck with Izuku and never gave up on him. Try to get their mom to abandon him, give him up for adoption, and neglect him, for him to FINALLY even beat one of the people who has tormented him for years in Katsuki Bakugou.

It was finally time for Izuku to have fun and his path to be a fantastic hero Izuke knew he could be. But! It doesn't mean Izuke will make it easy; he's still his older brother. Just like Izuku, he, too, is working hard to show those who have supported him that as many people call him a prodigy, it doesn't mean he didn't work. He is here to show he has many skill sets to his name and prove that the Midoriya aren't to be messed with. And he's still the older brother; he can't let his little brother get a big head so quickly.

Izuku stood up and rolled his right shoulder since it got stiff and got in the same fighting stance. Izuke got in the same fighting stance he got in earlier and allowed his quirk to flow around him, but it was becoming sharper around him as Izuke started to concentrate.

'Only a few hits....a few hits...' Izuke wiped his lip and saw blood from the corner of his lip. 'It only took Izuku a few hits to get me like this and make me wary. He knows my quirk all too well and can break my concentration on it. If I continue to try to fight the way I want to fight Izuku will just outlast me and do mini hit and run tactics. And he will start getting me in his territory close range...where by the time we stop boxing for real...I would lose and wouldn't have my quirk amplifying me. Meaning Izuku would win....'

Izuke looks down as he starts moving a foot forward slowly. 'Meaning at some point if I really want to win and sell myself, I have to get close...I still have a few tricks up my sleeves no-one about because you little bro...and I'll thank you afterward but as your big bro. Sorry but....' Izuke moved closer.

On the other end with Izuku, 'Big bro is strong. If it wasn't for All-Might and Mom's extra training they had me do before this festival, I would have lost.

Big brother would have been able to throw me out of the ring if I hadn't pressured him the way I did. I want to thank you, big bro Izuke; if you hadn't been around me all my life, I would fear your quirk and how to defeat it...but just like Katsuki, you've been someone I've been watching, and just like him...someone I have been wanting to defeat. Not because I need to but out of respect." Izuku has been inching closer as well.

'Sorry big bro...but...'

Soon, both of them were mere inches away from each other as they stood there looking at each other with a proud smile of being able to be called each They dawn a serious look and then-

'I WIN!!' Both fire their fist, countering the other fists as a shockwave from it throws both of their punches back; the two quickly react again and begin throwing punches and kicking at each other, countering the other strikes and blows. At one point, Izuku goes for a high right kick to the temple, which Izuke block and deliver a palm strike to Izuku's chest again, making him grasp again.

But Izuku gritted his teeth as he firmly planted his foot in the ground, launching off it and kneeing Izuke right in the chin, sending his head flying back. Izuku wasn't going to let his brother rest. He quickly turned and grabbed his brother's shoulder, getting behind him and planting his feet on Izuke's back, kicking him away.

Izuke rolls a bit as he swipes his arm, firing off psychic-like needles at Izuku, who begins running to dodge them and is forced to block a high punch, followed up by a low kick, then having to eat a gut punch from knocking the wind out of Izuku once again. Izuke grabs his brother's face as he leans forward and then hits him to the ground; as he goes for a foot stomp, Izuku rolls to dodge.

Izuku does a breakdance-like getting up, kicking Izuke in the face and staggering him. Izuku goes in for a left punch, which Izuke grabs and goes for an open palm chin strike; Izuku knocks away, allowing him to dodge, going for the knee to the liver. Izuke turns his left hand, able to stop it, but hurting the angle, his waist delivers an elbow to his brother.

Izuku stumbles, but on his second stumble backward, plants his foot and head-butts Izuke, dazing him more than Izuku was staggered. Izuku goes on his hand and does a hand walk-like kick, forcing Izuke to block the kicks; Izuke grabs his brother's feet, turning and slamming him on the ground.

Izuku coughed as he landed on his chest and bounced off, making his like a knife form, cloaking it in darker psychic energy, making a short, longer blade on the end of it for Izuke, going for a stab at Izuku, who rolled on his back and crossed his arm to stop it.

As Izuke tries to push the psychic-like blade to stab Izuku and fight it off, he is slowly overpowered by his older brother. Izuku reacted quickly and spun on his back, tripping his brother off his feet, surprising Izuke. Izuku, while balancing mainly on the one hand, Gatling-kick Izuke in the chest and delivered one last powerful kick that caused Izuke to spit out Silva as Izuku got up and jumped back.

Seeing his brother daze gives Izuku a moment to rush in and go for a powerful left hook. 'This is my chance! Big bro is dazed! I can win this!'

What Izuku didn't know was three tiny little telekinesis energy balls that were forming behind him. 'Explode.' The small esper balls explored hitting Izuku in the back; the first explored around the left shoulder, then the right shoulder, and slightly above the middle. "Ah-" Izuke steps in to deliver a nasty short uppercut to Izuku's chin, making his leg wobble, and his other hand slashes past his brother with the psychic blade on it. Izuku coughs as he staggers, trying to stay on his feet.

The audience in the stands and those watching back in the theater gasped.

Izuku punches the ground again, surprising everyone at the kid's toughness; he looks back and smiles at his brother even as he seems beaten a bit. Izuke had a soft smile, getting back in his stance. Izuku wobbles as he gets in a new stance—where he opens up, his left fist and foot pivot towards Izuke.

He wastes no time charging in and going for punches, trying to land with Izuke slowly, clearly getting the upper hand of countering and landing quick open-palm strikes on Izuku. But Izuku isn't backing down, and thanks to his tenacity, he is starting to get a few hits on his own. Even with Izuke blocking them, he could feel the weight and power behind them. He was leaving like a sting on him, making him hesitant to block or counter.

'I can still win! It's not over! I'll be a great hero! I'll make everyone remember and never forget the upcoming hero Izuku Midoriya!' Izuke goes for a high block, seeing it coming based on reaction and instinct. But that's Izuku wanting to show it was an open palm, making it seem he went for a punch, but instead, he twerked his body and tightened his right fist. 'I have been delaying and less using my right side mainly on saving this hit. A technique mom and All-Might show me. First suck in as much as possible, to make the muscle in your body get as tight as possible for as much power; keep it close. Twist your whole body into it, and clench! Twist your fist and put everything you HAVE INTO IT!!'

There was some wind picking up and force behind Izuku's punch. It began to close into Izuke's rib; if this hit, it would be game over for Izuke!

People in the theater: "GOOOOO!


The punch got close, 'WITH THIS I'll WIN!' *Clang!* *Clang!* *Clang!* Something....felt off.....

'Huh?....What was that sound?' "Sorry, little bro." Izuke slams his fist onto Izuku's shoulder, hearing something crack.

Students in the audience watch in shock.

He follows up with a ten-hit combo-like attack, hitting Izuku from the top of the shoulder to the lower left or right side of his pelvis. After that, Izuke lined his fist up and squared up Izuku's chest; time felt slow down as Izuke took a deep breath; he fired off a powerful Esper wave blast that went through Izuku. Making Izuku cough blood, and his eyes go pure white.

The impact force sent Izuku flying back into the wall out of the arena!

EVERYONE IS STUNNED! And everyone is at a loss for words; Midnight turned to look at Izuke as he stood up as usual. He then raises his right side up, with his left arm pulling up his shirt, showing most of his abs;

A few ladies in the stands went wild, gawking at the site. Along with some of the female students, even Mei has short circuits.

But mainly, what was shown was the right side of his body, cloaked in an emerald shade-like color with a green aura pulsing off it. "I had a feeling you would try something in this match; I knew your right side has been your dominant side this entire time I grew up with you. You did a similar thing against Bakugou last round."

"I was mainly focusing on using my quirk to amplify my body to allow me to go toe-to-toe to you even though you are psychically stronger than me; I was slowly making it an extra layer defense that would allow me to take one of your hits...still...." Looking down, there are a few cracks in the emerald layer. "You had some serious power behind that punch." Izuke pulls his shirt down.

"I knew I would have to risk fighting you at close range; and I knew I could lose little brother; but as you know we are training to be heroes...we have to take a few gambles." As Izuke turns to walk away, we see blood dripping down Izuke's nose as he wipes it away.

With Present Mic yelling the winner of the final round and the winner of the sports festival!! The screen fades to black.

Slayer stood up and stretched;

Slayer: "Man this one was a long one now-" He looked at many with a defeated look. "OH come on!"

Uraraka: "Deku-kun lost...but that fight was so good..."

Kendo: "I was rooting for....Izuku....but man the brother won fair and square...."

Yui: "....hax...."

Slayer: "Wow, I really made you all really want Izuku to win everything. Look, I get it, but I don't fully believe in too much with plot armor at some point that sh** going to run out. So best mom how are you fee-" They see Inko on the ground with her soul floating out of her body.

Slayer: "NO BEST MOM!! Izuku, we need to." He sees Izuku, also out cold, begin to be grabbed tightly by all the ladies around him, holding him tight throughout the fight. And now izuku was out cold.

Slayer: "Son of a-" Death-sensei is laughing his butt off at Slayer and them.

End of chapter


And that's the chapter!! (Word type: 24, 880) (*dead*)

Told you all it was a LOT! I was not playing!! 

As you can see I mainly talk about the FUCKING STUPID YAGI VERSES! Yeah, like I have made clear in other people comment section I fucking hate these verse/stories so much. And to this day I don't fuck with them! All they're all bad? No. Given their are some people who use to write them...but they admit they were meh and bad.

And before some of you ask...don't! I'm not doing it. I'm not going into the yagi realm and making a fic of it. I'm sure some of you want my take on that given the little bit I have shown with the Betrayal tag so far. I have made it clear if I ever make a yagi verse; I'm most def leaving wattpad and everything. 

It also didn't help I got a little real in the middle of that at some point so there was that...that was literally the spur of the moment doing this chapter. It wasn't pre-plan anything. Which is funny because most of the stuff you all see in these verse...are spur of the moment. Mainly many of the 'real' talk or 'break' characters moments.

Don't forget I still had the verse it's self to do; I wasn't cut that short and have you all get a half-ass verse where the chapter is me talking out my ass that just wouldn't be right. So that also went into why this chapter was so damn long as well! And given it's was a fight base chapter this chapter became even longer. Oh course in the actual story with I get to this point in the fic it will a bit different but I had to make it fit in a reaction base fic so I had to condense it. Hopefully it still turn out good.

And with that verse down....I think it time for me to take off the gloves for the dekuverse. I been on a leech for these verse I think people would believe I'm soft and I can't do something that good...whelp next verse I get to take off the collar and have fun. It going be a real test for me I'll say that. What is it? Can't say you all have to wait and see. 

I will hopefully have it done before the end of next month;...I fucking hope.

But other then that, I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

If you all wants to stay update with my fic, and what I'm working on join, Rev discord I'm mainly active on there. Here is the link:

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Other then that, tell me what you like about this chapter? What you dislike? What you excited to see next? Etc.

Until next time everyone later and thanks for reading.

My Hero Academia is own by Kohei Horikoshi.

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